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nar-cot -lc, *nar-cot'-ick, *nar-cot-ike, a. & s. [Fr. narcotique stupefying, from Gr. narkotikos benumbing, from narkoo-to benumb; narkaō=to become numb, from narke-numbness, torpor; Ital. & Sp. narcotico.]


*näre s. [Latin naris-the nostril.] A nose, a nostril.

"There is a Machiavelian plot, Though every nare olfact it not." Butler: Hudibras, i. 1. nă-rēş'-I-a, s. [Named after Capt. (afterward 1. Lit.: Having the properties or qualities of a Sir) George Nares, R. N., Commander of the Chalnarcotic; producing torpor or coma. lenger Expedition.]

A. As adjective:

[blocks in formation]

Chem. An acid said to be formed by boiling nar cotine with potash. It appears to differ from narcotine only by the elements of water.

nar-cot-ic-al, adj. [Eng. narcotic; -al.] The same as NARCOTIC (q. v.).

"Medicines which they call narcotical, that is to say, such as benowme and dead the disease."-Harmar: Trans. of Beza (1587), p. 421.

nar-cot-ic-al-ly, adv. [Eng. narcotical; -ly.] In a narcotic manner; after the manner of a narcotic.

"As those things do, that pass for narcotically cold."Whitelock: Manners of England, p. 222.

nar-cot-ic-al-ness, s. [Eng. narcotical; -ness.] The quality of being narcotic; narcotic qualities or properties.

nar cot -ic-ness, s. [Eng. narcotic; -ness.] The same as NARCOTICALNESS (q. v.).

nar-cot-ike, a. & s. [NARCOTIC.] nar-co-tine, s. [Eng. narcotic; -ine.] Chemistry: C22H23NO7. One of the alkaloids of opium, and the first base extracted from that substance, discovered by Derosne in 1803. It forms lustrous rhombic prisms, which melt at 170°, and decompose at 220°. Insoluble in water and alkalies, but soluble in alcohol and ether. It is less poisonous than morphine, and its salts are very unstable. nar-co-tin-ic, a. [Eng. narcotin(e); -ic.] Pertaining to or obtained from narcotine.

nar -cot-işm, s. [Eng. narcot(ic); -ism.] Med. The same as NARCOSIS (q. v.). nar'-cot ize, v. t. [Eng. narcotic); -ize.] To bring or place under the influence of a narcotic; to put in a condition of stupor.

nard, nard -ŭs, s. [Lat. nardus, from Gr. nardos, from Pers. nard, from Sansc. nalada the Indian Spikenard, from nal to smell; Fr. nard.] 1. A plant; the same as SPIKENARD (q. v.). "About the cedarn alleys fling

Nard and cassia's balmy smells."
Milton: Comus, 991.

2. An ointment or unguent prepared from spikenard.

"The good, syncere, and true nard is known by the lightnes, red color, sweet smell, and the taste especially." -P. Holland: Pliny, bk. xii., ch. xii.

¶ Common Nard, Nardus stricta.
fnard, v. t. [NARD, 8.] To anoint with nard.
"She took the body of my past delight

Narded and swathed and balmed it for herself." Tennyson: Lover's Tale, i. nar'-dine, a. [Lat. nardinus; Ital. & Sp. nardino.] Of or pertaining to nard; having the quali ties of or resembling nard.

nar-doô', s. [Native Australian name.]

Bot.: Marsilea macropus, hirsuta, or salvatrix, the spores and spore-cases of which are made into bread by the Australian aborigines.

nar-dos-mi-a, s. [Gr. nardos=nard, and osmē


Bot.: A genus of Composites, sub-tribe Petasitem. Nardosmia fragrans is sometimes found as an escape in shrubberies.

nar-dos-ta-chys, 8. [Greek nardos=nard, and stachys a spike.]

Bot.: A genus of Valerianaceae, natives of Nepaul. [SPIKENARD.]

nar-dus, subst. [Lat., from Gr. nardos=nard (q. v.).]

Bot. Mat-weed; a genus of grasses, tribe Rotboelleæ. fate, făt, färe, amidst,

Zool.: A genus of Bryozoa, sub-order Cheilostomata. Naresia cyathus was dredged in 1,500 fathoms off the Island of St. Vincent in the Challenger Expedition.

nar'-ghi-lě, nar-gi-lě, nar'-gl-lěh, nar-gl11, s. [Pers. & Turk.] A kind of tobacco-pipe or smoking-apparatus used in Turkey, Persia, &c., having a long stem which passes the smoke through


nar-gil, s. [Native name.] The name given to the cocoa-nut tree in Southern India. när-i-al, a. [Lat. naris=a nostril.] Of or pertaining to the nostrils.

"The entry to the narial passage, or respiratory mouth as it may be called."-Prof. Owen, in Nature, vol. xxiv., P. 499. när-I-form, a. [Lat. naris the nostril, and forma form, shape.] Nose-shaped; shaped like the nose. när-ine, a. [Lat. naris the nostril.] Of or pertaining to the nostrils.

*năr -ra-ble, a. [Lat. narrabilis, from narro= to narrate (q. v.).] Capable of being told or narrated.

nar-rāte', v. t. & i. [Lat. narratus, pa. par. of narro to relate, to tell; from narus, gnarus know. ing, acquainted; Ital. narrare; Sp. narrar; Fr. narrer.]

A. Trans.: To tell, to relate; to recite or rehearse as a story; to describe or relate in speech or writ ing. "When I have least to narrate-to speak in the Scottish phrase-I am most diverting."-Richardson: Clarissa, iv. 223.

B. Intrans.: To relate, to tell, to recite.

Though, as implied in the quotation from Richardson given above, this word was for a long time considered a Scotticism, Dr. Fitzedward Hall (Modern English, p. 121) has shown that it was recognized as English at least as early as 1668 by Bishop Lloyd.

năr-ra-tion, s. [Fr., from Lat. narrationem, accus. of narratio=a telling, a tale; from narratus, pa. par. of narro to narrate (q. v.); Sp. narracion; Ital. narrazione.]

[blocks in formation]

"Grounded upon vain and fabulous narrations."—Holinshed: Descript. of Britaine, ch. v.

II. Rhet.: That part of a discourse which simply narrates or recites the time, manner, or conse quences of an action or event, or simply states the facts connected with the subject from which the conclusions are to be drawn.

năr -ra-tive, a. & s. [Fr. narratif, from Latin narratus, pa. par. of narro to narrate (q. v.); Ital. & Sp. narrativo.]

A. As adjective:

1. Pertaining or relating to narration; as, narrative skill.

2. Of the nature of a narration, account, or relation.

"Mr. Stanley has given to his work a narrative form Quart. Review, 1873, p. 237. which renders it easy and pleasant reading."-Brit.

3. Inclined or given to the relation of stories; fond of story-telling, garrulous.

"Wise through time, and narrative with age." Pope Homer's Iliad, iii. 200. B. As substantive:

1. A relation, account, description, or narration of an event or series of events; a tale, a story, a history.

"Mr. Froude's regular narrative begins only at the close of the seventeenth century."-Brit. Quart. Review, 1873, p. 508.

narration of events; as, He is very clever in nar2. A particular kind of composition suited for the rative.

¶ Narrative of a deed:

Scots Law: That part of a deed which describes the grantor and the grantee, and recites the cause of granting.


năr-ra-tive-lý, adv. [Eng, narrative; -ly.] By way of relation; in manner of a narrative.

nǎr-rå -tor, s. [Lat., from narratus, pa. par. of narro to narrate (q.v.); Fr. narrateur; Ital. narratore; Sp. narrador.] One who narrates or relates an event or series of events or transactions; a teller, a relater.

năr -ra-tōr-ỷ, a. [Eng. narrat(e); -ory.] Of the nature or character of a narrative; consisting of narrative; narrating or relating events.

nǎr'-row, *nar-ewe, *nar-ow, *nar-owe, *narrowe, *narwe, a., adv. & s. [A. S. nearu, nearo= narrow; nearwe narrowly; cogn. with O. S. naru narrow; narawo narrowly; Dut. naauw; O. Dut. nauw narrow, close. There is no connection with near.]

A. As adjective:

1. Of little breadth; not wide; not broad; having little width from side to side.

2. Of small or little extent; circumscribed, limited.

"The Jews were but a small nation, and confined to a narrow compass in the world.”—Wilkins. 3. Limited in duration; short.

4. Limited as to means; straitened; as, He is in very narrow circumstances. 5. Near, close; within a small distance; hence, barely sufficient to avoid danger, defeat, evil, or


[blocks in formation]

1. Narrowly, closely; within a very short distance. [He] miss'd so narrow, that he cut the cord Which fasten'd by the foot the flitting bird.” Dryden: Virgil's Eneid, v. 675.

2. Closely, strictly, vigilantly. "Jalous he was, and held hire narwe in cage, For she was wild and yonge, and he was old." Chaucer: C. T., 3,225.

C. As subst. (generally in the plural): A narrow passage between one sea and another, or between one lake and another; a narrow pass through a mountain; a strait; a contracted or narrowed part of a river or navigable channel.


"Near this island there lay on one side the jaws of a dangerous narrow."-Gladstone: Studies on Homer, iii. narrow-billed, a. Having a narrow bill Narrow-billed Plant-cutter: Ornith.: Phytotoma angustirostris. [PHYTOTOMA.] narrow-bordered, a. Having a narrow border. Narrow-bordered Bee Hawk-moth:

Entom.: Sesia bombyliformis. It has transparent wings, their margins with dense opaque scales. The wings with black or green, yellowish-gray, or brown markings, the body greenish and yellowish, with two black belts. Expansion of wings, 1% to 1% inch. Woolen cloth under 52 inches

narrow-cloth, s.

in width. narrow-fabric loom, s. A loom adapted specifically for weaving ribbons, tapes, bindings. &c. narrow-gauge, s. & a. Railway Engineering:

A. As subst.: A gauge of or less than 4 feet 814 inches in width between the rails, which is the usual distance between the wheels of locomotives and

railway-cars. The narrowest in actual operation, only two feet, is the Portmadoc and Festiniog Railway in North Wales, through a very difficult coun try. This was originally designed as a tramway for the transportation of slate, stone, and other minerals to the sea, but has since been used for passenger and freight traffic.

B. As adj.: Laid down with a narrow-gauge. narrow-minded, a. Having narrow or confined views or sentiments; illiberal, bigoted.

"An honest and pious, though narrow-minded man.”— Macaulay: Hist. Eng., ch. iv. narrow-mindedness, s. The quality or state of being narrow-minded.

narrow-muzzled, a. Having a narrow muzzle. Narrow-muzzled Seal:

Zool.: Stenorhyncus leptonyx. father; wē, wět, here, camel, her, thêre; pine, pit, sïre, sîr,

what, fâll,

marîne; gō, pot,

narrow-sea, s.


1. Gen.: A sea running between coasts not far apart.

2. Spec.: The English Channel. (Wharton.) narrow-sighted, a. Short-sighted, close-sighted. narrow-souled, a. Having a close, niggardly disposition; illiberal; devoid of generosity; narrow-minded.

năr -row, v. t. & i. [NARROW, a.] A. Transitive:

1. To make narrow or narrower; to diminish with respect to breadth or width.

"Without in the wall of the house, he made narrowed rests round about."-1 Kings vi. 6. (1551.)

2. To contract in sentiment or views.
"Who, born for the universe, narrow'd his mind,
And to party gave up what was meant for mankind."

Goldsmith: Retaliation.

3. To confine, to limit, to restrict. "Society in despotic governments is narrowed according to the degree of rigor which the ruling tyrant exercises over his subjects."-Observer, No. 21.

Sometimes used reflexively; as, The inquiry narrowed itself to one point.


2. Architecture:


(1) A division in the early Christian churches in which the catechisms were said, and to which penitents were admitted; it was near the entrance, and separated from the rest of the church by a railing or screen.

(2) An ante-temple or vestibule without the


(3) A porch with a lean-to roof attached to modern churches, and either extending the whole breadth of the church or along the breadth of the


*narwe, a. & adv. [NARROW, a.]

nar-whal, nar'-wal, nar-whale, s. [Dan. & Sw.narhval; Icel. náhvalra narwhal; Ger. narwall; Fr. narval.]

Zool.: A Cetacean, called also the Sea-unicorn, the Monodon monoceros. The name sea-unicorn is given because the male has a horn six, seven, or even ten feet long, one of the teeth in the upper jaw extraordinarily prolong ed. It is the left tusk which makes the horn, the right being rarely developed. The tusk is spirally furrowed, and is of ivory, like the tusk of an elephant. When preserved in the cabinets of our forefathers, it was supposed to come from the mythic unicorn of antiquity. [UNICORN.] The length of the Narwhal varies from fifteen to twenty or twenty-two feet, the head being one fourth năr-row-er, 8. [Eng. narrow, v.; -er.] One who of the whole, and the horn one-half. It is in its element amid the snow and ice of the eightieth parallel of north latitude. It feeds on the mollusca, and yields an oil more valuable than that of the

1. Ord. Lang.: To become narrow or narrower; to be contracted, confined, or limited.

*2. Manège: A horse is said to narrow when he does not take ground enough, and does not bear far enough out to the one hand or to the other.

năr'-row-ed, pa. par. & a. [NARROW.]

1. Ord. Lang.: (See the verb.)

2. Bot.: Tapering.

or that which narrows or contracts.

nǎr'-row-ing, pr. par., a. & 8. [NARROW, v.] A. & B. As pr. par. & particip. adj.: (See the verb.)

C. As substantive:

I. Ord. Lang.: The act of making narrow or contracting; the state of becoming narrow or contracted.

II. Knitting: That part of a stocking which is narrowed in knitting.

năr-row-ly, *nar-ow-lye, adv. [Eng. narrow;


1. In a narrow manner; with little breadth or

width; with small distance from side to side. 2. Contractedly; without extent or width.

3. Closely, accurately, carefully, vigilantly, at tentively.

"So in our streets sly beggars narrowly
Watch motions of the giver's hand or eye."
Donne: Letters to Mr. T. W.

4. Avariciously, sparingly, covetously.

common whale.

*nas. [See definitions.]


1. A contraction for ne has has not.

2. A contraction for ne was-was not.

na -şal, a. & s. [French nasal, from Low Latin
nasalis, from nasus the nose; Ital. nasale.]
A. As adjective:

1. Of or pertaining to the nose.

2. Pronounced or uttered through the nose, or through the nose and mouth simultaneously; as,

a nasal sound, a nasal accent.

B. As substantive:

1. Ord. Lang.: An elementary sound pronounced or uttered through the nose, or through the nose and mouth simultaneously.

II. Technically:


na-şal-I-za-tion, s. [Eng. nasaliz(e); -ation.] 1. The act, process, or habit of nasalizing or uttering with a nasal sound.

2. The act of nasalizing by the insertion of a nasal.

before the last letter of the same is common in Aryan languages."-Notes and Queries.

"The nasalization of a root by the insertion of m or n

nā -şal-ize, v. t. & i. [Eng. nasal; -ize.] A. Transitive:

1. To make nasal, to render nasal, as the sound of a letter.

2. To insert a nasal letter (especially n) in. "Schmidt thinks it may mark only a nasalising of the root-vowel."-Peile: Introd. to Greek and Latin Etym. (ed. 1875), p. 217.

*B. Intrans.: To speak or pronounce with a nasal accent; to speak through the nose.

nā -gal-ly, adv. [Eng. nasal; -ly.] In a nasal manner, through the nose.

năs-cal, nas-cale, s. [Fr., from Low Lat. nascale; Ital. nascale.]

Surg.: A pessary of wool or cotton impregnated with a medicament for introduction into the vagina. nǎs'-çen-çy, s. [Lat. nascentia, from nascens, pr. par. of nascor to be born.] The beginning, origin, rise, or production.

"The nascency or generation of things."-H. More. năs-çent, a. [Lat. nascens, pr. par. of nascor to be born, to arise.]

1. Ord. Lang.: Beginning to exist or to grow; Springing up, coming into being, growing. ment at the moment of its liberation from a com 2. Chem.: The term applied to the state of an elepound, and which is characterized by abnormal chemical activity. nascent-organs, s. pl.

Biol.: Organs not yet fully developed, and which in their present state are useful to their possessor, and will become more so. Nascent-organs differ from rudimentary organs, which are useless.

nãşe-ber-ry, neēş'-ber-ry, niş'-ber-ry, s. [A corrupt. of Lat. mespilus-a medlar, through Sp. nispero.] Bot.: Achras sapota. [ACHRAS, SAPODILLA.] naseberry-bat, s.

jamaicense, and the Spectacled stenoderm, S. per-
Zoology: The Jamaican stenoderm, Stenoderma
spicillatum, frugivorous bats, showing great par-
tiality for the fruit of the naseberry.

naseberry bully-tree. s.
Bot.: Achras sideroxylon

nag'-ě-us, s. [Lat. nasus. the nose.]

1. Ichthy.: A genus of Acronuridae. Twelve species them extending to the eastward of the Sandwich

1. Ancient Arm.: A defence for the upper part of are known from the tropical Indo-Pacific, none of

5. Within a little; nearly; by a little; only just, the face, or more properly for the nose; a nose Islands. In their mode of life these fishes resemble


"All on board narrowly escaped death by drowning." Grant, in Cassell's Tech. Educator, pt. xi., p. 326.

năr'-row-ness, s. [Eng. narrow, a.; -ness.]

1. The quality or state of being narrow; want of breadth or wideness; smallness of distance from side to side.

"In our Gothic cathedrals, the narrowness of the arch makes it rise in height, or run out in length."-Addison: On Italy.

2. Smallness or limitation of extent or scope; confined state or extent.

"Pride is humbled, virtue rewarded, and vice pun ished; and those more amply treated than the narrowness of the drama can admit."-Dryden: Envis. (Ded.) 3. Contraction or limitation of views or sentiments; want of breadth of views; illiberality, bigotry; want of enlarged views or sentiments.

"[Men] should not reduce the world to the narrowness of their minds."-Bacon: Nat. Hist., § 290.

4. Poverty; straitened or narrow circumstances. 5. Covetousness, avarice, niggardliness, penuri


6. Closeness, nearness; as, the narrowness of an escape.

năr-the-çi-um, s. [Lat., from Gr. narthēkion= (1) a small case or casket for unguents, made out of the hollow stalk of the plant Narthex (q. v.); (2) any ointment-box.]

Bot.: Bog-Asphodel; a genus of plants belonging to the order Juncaceae (Rushes). It has a colored perianth, hairy filaments, one stigma, and a many seeded capsule, three-celled at the base.

nar-thex, s. [Lat. narthex, from Gr. narthex= a genus of umbelliferous plants, Ferula, and specially F. communis and F. meoides.] 1. Botany: The umbelliferous genus mentioned above. Narther asafoetida produces asafoetida. (FERULA.]


"The helmets are mostly of a conical shape, in addi

tion to which several have nasals projecting in front."-
Wilson: Prehistoric Annals, ii. 344.

2. Med.: A medicine operating through the nose;
an errhine.

nasal-bone, s.

the Acanthuri (q. v.). One of the most common species is Naseus unicornis, which, when adult, attains a length of about twenty-two inches, and has a horn about two inches long. (Günther,)

2. Palæont.: Extinct species have been discovered in the Eocene of Monte Bolca.

nash, s. [Etym. doubtful.] Chilly, hard, firm.

Anat.: The bone or bones forming the bridge of (Provincial Eng.) the nose.

nasal-cavities, nasal-fossæ, s. pl.

Anat.: The cavities of the nostrils, placed one on
in front and behind by the anterior and posterior
each side of a median vertical septum. They open
nostrils, and communicate by foramina with the
sinuses of the frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid, and
superior maxillary bones.
nasal-duct, 8.

Anat.: A duct about six or seven lines in length,
constituting a groove in the upper maxillary bone,
and descending to the lower part of the lower
meatus of the nose.

nasal-fossæ, 8. pl. [NASAL-CAVITIES.]
nasal-irrigator, s.

Surg.: A syringe for nasal douches.
nasal-speculum, s.

to expose the mucous membrane, and to facilitate
Surg.: An instrument for distending the nostrils
explorations and operations in cases of polypus,

tna-şa -lis, s. [Mod. Lat., from Lat. naso-a

times made a separate genus (Nasalis larvatus),
Zool.: Long-nosed or Proboscis Monkey, some-
but more usually known as Semnopithecus (or Pres-
bytis) nasalis. [KAHAU.]

nă-şǎl-1-ty, s. [Fr. nasalité, from nasal
(q. v.).] The quality of being nasal.


boll, boy; pout, jowl; cat, çell, chorus, çhin, bench; go, gem; thin, this;

nash-gab, s. Insolent language, impertinence. nag-i-cor-ni-a, subst. pl. [Mod. Lat., from Lat. nasus a nose, and cornu a horn.]

of the Perissodactyle Mammals containing the Zool.: A name occasionally given to the section Rhinocerotida.

någ-I-cor -nous, adj. [Mod. Lat. nasicorn (ia); Eng. adj. suff. -ous.] Having a horn on the nose. Muffetus."-Browne: Vulgar Errors, bk. iii., ch. xxiii. "Those four kinds of nasicornous beetles described by

naş -I-form, adj. [Latin nasus-the nose, and forma form, shape.], Having the shape or appear. ance of a nose; nose-shaped, nariform.

năş-I-ter'-na, s. [Lat. a watering-pot with a large spout.]

Ornith.: Pigmy Parrot, a genus of Camptolo. phine from New Guinea and the adjacent islands, color, green. (R. B. Sharpe.) Wallace reduces the with seven species, all of small size. Prevailing species to three.

nă-şō-, pref. [Lat. nasus the nose.] Connected with the nose.

naso-labial, a. Relating or pertaining to the nose and lip; as, the naso-labial line.

naso-malar, a. Relating or pertaining to the nose and malar bone.

T (1) Naso-malar angle: Anthrop.: An angle proposed by Prof. Flower as a means of skull-measurement. It is formed by

sin, aş; expect, Xenophon, exist. ph = f.


two horizontal lines meeting at the most depressed point of the nasal bones in the middle line, and resting on the middle of the outer margin of the orbits. In Europeans the average angle thus formed is 131°; in African Negroes, 134; in Australians, 135°. In all the true Mongolian races the average exceeds 140°.

(2) Naso-malar index:

Anthrop.: A numerical index proposed by Mr. Oldfield Thomas, to supersede the naso-malar angle described above. The index is formed by the relative lengths of (a) a line passing over the lowest part of the nasal bones, from a point on the anterior surface of one of the outer walls of the orbit to the corresponding point on the other side; and (b) a line between the same two points measured directly, and not over the nasals. The second line is taken as 100, and the index is formed by the first. [MESOPIC, PLATYOPIC, PROÖPIC.]

naso-palatal, naso-palatine, a. Relating or pertaining to the nose and palate; as, the nasopalatal aperture.

nas-sa, s. Lat. a basket with a narrow neck, for catching fish.]

Zool.: A genus of Buccinidae (q. v.). The shell resembles that of Buccinum, but is smaller. The genus is chiefly distinguished from the Whelks by having the columellar lip expanded and callous, with a tooth near the anterior canal. Nassa reticulata is common on the North Atlantic shore of Europe at low water. Known species 210, extending from low water to a depth of fifty fathoms.

World-wide in distribution.

2. Palæont.: From the Eocene onward. năs-sẽ-vi-a, năs-sâu-vi-a, s. [Named after Prince John Maurice of Nassau-Siegen.] Bot.: A genus of Nassaviem (q. v.). năg-sā-vi-ā-cě-æ, năs-sâu-vi-a-gě-2, s. p. [Mod. Lat. nassavi(a), nassauvi(a); Lat. fem. pl. adj. suff.-aceœ.]

Bot.: A tribe of Composites, sub-order Labiatiflore. The style is never tumid, the branches long, linear, truncate, fringed only at the point. It has three sub-tribes, Polyachyride, Nassavies, and Trixides.

nǎs-sa-vi-ē'-æ, s. pl. [Mod. Latin nassavi(a); Lat. fem. pl. adj. suff. -ec.]

Bot.: The typical sub-tribe of the tribe Nassaviaceæ (q. v.).

nas -ti-ly, adv. [Eng. nasty; -ly.] In a nasty manner; dirtily, filthily, foully, obscenely, grossly. "The smell of the jayl, when prisoners have been long, and close, and nastily kept."-Bacon: Nat. Hist., § 914. nas -ti-ness, s. [Eng. nasty; -ness.]

1. The quality or state of being nasty, filthy, or dirty; filth, dirt, foulness.

"To sweep the streets their task from sun to sun,
And seek the nastiness which others shun."
Jago: The Scavenger.

2. Nauseousness; disagreeableness to the taste or smell.

3. Filthiness, obscenity; grossness of ideas; ribaldry.

"A divine might have employed his pains to better purpose, than in the nastiness of Plautus and Aristophanes." -Dryden. (Todd.)

năs'-tu-ran, s. [Gr. nastos dense, compact, and Ger. uran uranium.]

Min.: The same as URANINITE (q. v.). nas-tur-ti-um (ti as shi), s. [Latin, from nasi tortium, and this from nasus and torqueo, alluding to the effect produced on the muscles of the nose by the acridity of the genus.]


1. A genus of Cruciferæ, family Arabida. Pod nearly cylindrical, with concave valves neither nerved nor keeled; seeds in a double row; calyx pat

ent. Known species about twenty.

2. The genus Tropæolum (q. v.).

nas-ty, *nas-ky, *nas-kie, a. [Of Scandinavian origin; cf. Sw. dial. naskug = nasty, dirty (said of weather); nasket = dirty, sullied; snaskig = nasty, swinelike; snuskig slovenly, nasty, from snaska= to eat like a pig; Low German nask=nasty; Norw. nask=greedy; naska to eat noisily.]


1. Dirty, filthy, foul.


5(7)" Prof. Flower reduces them to two, Nasua narica, from Mexico and Central America, and N. rufa, of South America, from Surinam to Paraguay. 2. Palæont.: Two species from the bone-caves of Brazil.

nā -sus, s. [Lat.=a nose.] [CLYPEUS, 8. 2.] *nå -sute, a. [Lat. nasutus having a large nose, keen-scented, critical; nasus-a nose.] 1. Having a quick or keen smell or scent; keenscented. "They are commonly discovered by a nasute swine purposely brought up."-Evelyn: Acetaria, § 39. 2. Critical, nice, censorious, particular; nice in discernment. "The nasuter critics of their age scent something of pride in the ecclesiastics."-Gauden: Hieraspistes, p. 303. *nā -sute-ness, s. [Eng. nasute; -ness.] The quality of being nasute; quickness or keenness of scent; nice discernment.

"All which to any man that has but a moderate nasutech. ii., § 2. ness cannot but import."-H. More: Godliness, bk. viii.,

nā -tal, *nā -tall, a. & s. [Fr. natal, from Lat. natalis=natal, presiding over birth, from natus, pa. par. of nascor-to be born; Sp. natal; Ital. natale.]

A. As adjective:


webbed feet, and the majority are fitted for swimming rather than for flight. In Huxley's classification, founded on anatomical distinctions, the Nata tores are distributed among the orders Herodiones, Anseres, Steganopodes, Gaviæ, Pygopodes, and Impennes, of the sub-class Carinatæ.

2. Palæont.: First found in the Cretaceous series. nā-ta-tör'-1-al, a. [Lat. natator a swimmer; Eng. adj. suff. -ial.] Pertaining or adapted to swimming; a term applied to such birds as live habitually upon the water; of or pertaining to the Natatores (q. v.).

natatorial-isopoda, s. pl.

Zool. A division of Isopoda, containing two families, Cymothoide and Sphæromida. natatorial-type, s.

Ornith. In Swainson's methodic arrangement, the fifth order, family, &c., of birds, to which anal ogies were sought in other classes.

năt-a-to-ri-ům, s. [Lat.] A bath large enough to admit of swimming.

nā -ta-tor-y, a. [Lat. natatorius, from natator =a swimmer.] Used or adapted for swimming; enabling to swim.

nǎtch (1), s. [O. Fr. nache, from Lat. natis=the rump; Ital. natica.] The part of an ox between the

1. Pertaining to or connected with one's birth; loins; the rump.
dating from one's birth.

"Or in the natal or the mortal hour."
Pope: Essay on Man, i. 288.

2. Presiding over birth or nativity.
"Now nece mine, by Natall Jove's feest,
Were I a God, ye should stervo."
Chaucer: Troilus and Cresseide, iii.

*B. As subst.: [NATALS.]

* nã-ta-ll-tial, *na-ta-ll-tious, *nā-ta-11cial (ti, ci as sh), a. [Lat. natalitius, from natalis=natal (q. v.).]

1. Pertaining to one's birth or birthday; consecrated to one's nativity.

2. Occurring or happening at one's birth. na-tăl -ō-in, s. [Eng. Nat(al), and aloine.] crystallizes from hot alcohol in thin, bright yellow Chem. C34H38015. The aloin of Natal aloes. It scales, sparingly soluble in water, benzol, chloroform, and ether, and melts between 212 and 222°. of a person's birth; one's nativity. *nă -tals, s. pl. [NATAL.] The circumstances

"The blessed natals of our heavenly king." Fitzgeffroy: Blessed Birthday, p. 1.

nā -tal-ŭs, s. [Lat. natalis=natal (?).] Zool. A genus of Vespertilionidae (True Bats), from South and Central America. Three species have been described, Natalus stramineus, popularly known as the Straw-colored Bat, N. micropus, and N. lepidus. (Proc. Zool. Soc., 1880, pp. 443, 444.)

nā -tant, a. [Fr., from Lat. natans, pr. par. of na.o, frequent of no-to swim; Ital. natante; Sp. nadante.]

1. Bot.: Floating. (Used spec. of the leaves of some aquatic plants.)

2. Her.: A term applied to all kinds of fish (ex cept flying-fish and shell-fish), when represented horizontally on the field, or as if in the act of swimming. Also called naiant.

nã tăn -tēş, s. pl. [Latin nom. pl. of natans.] [NATANT.] Zool. The name given by Walcknaĕr to a section of the Araneidae, which swim in water, and there spread their filaments or nets to entrap their prey. The typical genus is Argyroneta (q. v.), popularly known as the Diving Spider.

nă-tǎn -ti-a (ti as shĩ), s. pl. [Lat. neut. pl. of natans.] [NATANT.]


*1. The name given by Illiger to an order of mammals which live in water. It included the whales, the dolphins, &c.

2. An order of Rotifera, consisting of swimming species. It is divided into two families, Polytrocha

2. Nauseous, disgusting; unpleasant to the taste and Zygotrocha. or smell

3. Obscene, filthy, gross, indecent, ribald.

4. Disagreeable, troublesome, annoying.

5. Dangerous, serious. (Eng.)

"Captain Poet

Morning Post.

had a nasty fall."-London

nasty-man, 8. [GAROTTE.] nǎs-u-a, s. [Mod. Latin, from Latin nasus = a nose.]

na -tant-ly, adv. [English natant; -ly.] In a swimming manner; like one swimming; swimmingly.

na-ta-tion, s. [Latin natatio, from nato-to swim.] The act or art of swimming.

nā-ta-tör-eş, s. pl. [Lat. nom. pl. of natator= a swimmer; nato-to swim.]

1. Ornith.: Swimmers; an order of Birds, founded by Illiger, corresponding to the Palmipedes of Cuvier. It contains four families: Brevipennatæ, Longipennatæ, Totipalmate, and Lamellirostres. The order is a natural one, and founded on characteristics all can appreciate. They are aquatic, with

natch-bone, 8. An aitch-bone, or rump-bone. nătçh (2), s. [NAUTCH.]

nǎtch-neě, s. [Native name.]

Bot.: Eleusine coracana, a cereal growing on the coast of Coromandel.

nā -tēş, s. pl. [Lat.] The buttocks.

nā-tē -şăl, a. [Lat. nates the buttocks; suff. -al.]

Zool.: Belonging or relating to the buttocks; as, the natesal protuberances of some monkeys.

fnă -the-less, *nāth -less, adv. [A. S. nátheles, from ná thy (or the) læs=not by that less, not the less.] Nevertheless; none the less; notwithstanding.

(or the) mara=not by that more, not the more.] *nā -the-möre, *näth-möre, adv. [A. S. ná thy Not or none the more; never the more. (Spenser: F. Q., I. ix. 25.)

na -ti-ca, s. [Lat. natis the rump. (Agassiz.)] 1. Zool. The typical genus of the family Naticidæ (q. v.). The shell is smooth and thick, the inner lip callous, umbilicus large, with a spiral callus. The animal frequents sandy and gravelly distributed, most abundant in the tropics. More bottoms, from low water to ninety fathoms. Widely than ninety species have been described.

abundant in all Secondary and Tertiary formations. 2. Palæont.: Said to commence in the Silurian;

na-tiç'-I-dæ, 8. pl. [Mod. Lat. natic(a); Lat. fem. pl. adj. suff. -ida.]

1. Żool.: A family of marine holostomatous Gasteropods. Shell globular, of few whorls, with a small spire; outer lip acute; inner lip often callous; of the shell. Five genera and 270 species known. foot very large; mantle-lobes hiding more or less (Wallace.)

2. Palæont.: Stated to commence in the Upper Silurian. (Nicholson.) About 300 extinct species, ranging from the Devonian to the Pliocene. (Wallace.)

nā -tion, *na-ci-on, *na-ci-oun, *na-tioun, s. [Fr. nation, from Lat. nationem, acc. of natio-a nation, a race, from natus, pa. par. of nascor=to be born; Sp. nacion; Ital. nazione.]

I. Ordinary Language:

1. A people inhabiting a certain district and united together by common political institutions. "In that fault the nation itself had been an accom

plice."-Macaulay: Hist. Eng., ch. xv.

2. An aggregation of persons belonging to the same ethnological family, and speaking the same language.

*3. A family. (Chaucer: C. T., 6,650.)

II. Scotch Univ.: A division of students for pur poses of voting according to their place of birth. This system still obtains in the Universities of Aberdeen and Glasgow.

Law of Nations: [INTERNATIONAL-LAW.] na -tion, a., 8. & adv. [An abbreviation of damnation.]

A. As adjective: Immense, enormous. (Provincial American.)

B. As subst.: A great number; a great deal. C. As adv.: Immensely, extremely, exceedingly. (Provincial American.)

1. Zool.. Coati, Coati-Mundi. A genus of Procyonida (q. v.). Dentition as in Procyon (q. v.). Body elongated, somewhat compressed; nose prolonged into a mobile snout. Tail long, non-prehensile, tapering, annulated. Wallace says, "species fate, făt, färe, amidst, what, fâll, father; wē, wět, hëre, camel, her, thêre; pine, pit, sïre, sir,

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nă -tion-al, a. [Fr., from nation=nation (q. v.); Sp. nacional; Ital. nazionale. First used at the Westminster Assembly. (Collect. Scarce Tracts (ed. Sir W. Scott), vii. 91.)]

1. Of or pertaining to a nation, as distinguished from private or individual; public, general.

"Are they utterly careless of the national character?" -London Daily Telegraph.

2. Attached to one's country; devoted to the in. terests of one's own nation.

"A thoroughly national and popular sovereign.”—London Daily Telegraph.

national-air, s.

Music: An air or tune characteristic of or peculiar to a particular nation or people; specifically applied to an air or tune which is adopted as that to be played on state or public occasions; as, in this country, Hail! Columbia;" in France, the "Marseillaise," and in England, "God Save the Queen" (or King). Also called a national anthem. national-anthem, s. [NATIONAL-AIR.] National Assembly, s The Legislative Assembly in France. When the nobility and clergy sum moned with the Tiers Etat to the States-General declined to sit with the commons, these, declaring, on June 17, 1789, that they represented parts of the nation, assumed the name of the National Assembly, though the name Constituent Assembly is more frequently employed.

National Bank, s. A National Bank is an association composed of not less than five natural persons, authorized to conduct a banking business under the laws of the United States and the supervision of the Comptroller of the Currency, with a capital stock of not less than $50,000, divided into shares of the par value of $100 each.

The business of a National Bank is managed by a board of directors, composed of not less than five persons, elected annually by the shareholders, each shareholder having one vote on each share of stock owned by him. The board of directors elect or appoint a president, vice-president, cashier, and other officers of the bank, and define their duties. Shareholders are individually responsible for all contracts, debts, and engagements of such association, and are liable to the par value of their stock, in addition to the amount invested therein.

The total liabilities to an association of any person, company, corporation or firm, for money borrowed, are limited to one-tenth of the capital stock actually paid in.

National Banks located in the central reserve cities of New York, Chicago, and St. Louis are required to keep on hand at all times, in lawful money twenty-five cent. of their net deposits, with the privilege of acting as reserve agent of any bank located outside of these three cities. Banks located in the reserve cities, other than the three named, are required to keep twenty-five per cent. of their net deposits on hand, not more than one-half of which may be deposited with any National Bank located in either of the three central reserve cities, and the remainder must be actually on hand in lawful money. All other banks are required to maintain a reserve fund equal to fifteen per cent. of their net deposits, not more than three-fifths of which may be kept with such banks located in the reserve cities as they may, with the approval of the Comptroller of the Currency, select. The remaining twofifths must be kept on hand in lawful money.

Every association is required to make to the Comptroller of the Currency, according to forms prescribed by him, not less than five reports each year, exhibiting in detail the resources and liabilities of the association at the close of business on any past date, specified by the Comptroller, which reports must be verified by the oath or affirmation of the president or cashier of the association, attested by at least three of the directors, and published in a newspaper published at the place or in the county where the bank is located, in the same form as it is made to the Comptroller. National Banks are also subject to examination at least once a year by a National Bank examiner, appointed by the Comptroller of the Currency, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, who is required to make a full and detailed report of the condition of the association to the Comptroller. In case an association is found to be insolvent, and for other reasons, a receiver is appointed by the Comptroller to take charge of its assets and wind up its affairs. Any association is entitled to receive from the Comptroller of the Currency, upon a deposit of interest-bearing bonds of the United States as security therefor, circulating notes, equal to ninety per cent. of the par value of the bonds so deposited, but not exceeding ninety per cent. of the current market value of such bonds if less than par, or ninety per cent. of the capital stock of the association actually paid in. Each association is required to keep on deposit with the Treasurer of the United States a sum equal to five per cent. of its circulation, to be held and used for the redemption of its notes, and any association desiring to close up its business

boll, boy; pout, jowl; cat,


and dissolve its organization may withdraw its bonds and retire its circulation by depositing with the Treasurer of the United States lawful money equal in amount to the circulation to be retired. (James H. Eckels, Comptroller of the U.S. Currency.) National Church, 8. A church which is that of a nation. Applied specially to the Churches of England and Scotland.

National Convention, s. [CONVENTION.]
national covenant, s. [COVENANT, ¶ (3).]
national debt, s. [DEBT, 8., §4.]
national guard, s.

1. In this country the National Guard consists of that portion of the militia reserve of the Nation that are enlisted in the service of the different states for a term of years, and have been armed and equipped by the general government. The method of recruiting is entirely voluntary, and the number of men enlisted and uniformed is about 125,000. These troops are ordinarily under command of the governors of their respective states, and have in erful adjunct to the civil authorities in quelling more instances than one shown themselves a powinsurrection and enforcing order. militia reserve of the Union numbers about 10,000,000, but the name National Guard is applied only to that portion of the reserve in actual enlistment. 2. In France an armed organization of the inhabitants of towns and districts for local defense. national-workshops, s. pl.

The entire


Polit. Econ. & Hist.: The English name "Ateliers nationaux," established by the French provisional government in February, 1848, and which were abolished in three months, after a sanguinary contest.

nă -tion-al-işm, s. [Eng. national; -ism.] 1. The quality or state of being national; nationality.

2. An idiom, phrase, or manner of speech peculiar to a nation; a national trait or character.

alists (q. v.). 3. The political programme of the Irish Nation

Nationalists. 4. Adherence to or support of the objects of the

nă -tion-al-ist, s. & a. [Eng. national; -ist.] A. As substantive:

[ocr errors]

I. Ord. Lang.: One devoted to his country; a patriot.

II. Technically:

1. Politics: One of that party in Ireland which desires separation, more or less complete, from Great Britain.

2. Theol.: One who holds that God's election is that of nations, not of individuals.

B. As adj.: Belonging to the party known as Nationalists. nă-tion-ǎl'-I-tỷ, s. [Fr. nationalité, from national=national (q. v.).]`

1. National character; those traits or qualities collectively which distinguish a nation. "That nationality of British love."-Howell: Letters, bk. i., § 2, let. xviii.

a nation; a nation; a race of people. 2. The people or persons collectively constituting

3. The quality of being strongly attached to one's own country and one's own countrymen; patriot


[blocks in formation]

5. Existence as a distinct nation; national unity and integrity.

their nationality."-H. S. Edwards: Polish Captivity. "Institutions calculated to ensure the preservation of nă-tion-al-i-zā -tion, s. [Eng. nationaliz(e); -ation.] The act or process of nationalizing; the act of giving in possession to the nation, as distinct from individuals.

"The nationalization of land."-London Daily Telegraph.

nă -tion-al-Ize, v. t. [Fr. nationaliser.]

1. To make national; to fit or adapt for a nation, 2. To make the property of the nation, as opposed to individuals; to transfer the ownership of to the nation.

3. To give the character, habits, customs, and institutions of a particular nation to; as, to nationalize a foreign colony.

national manner; with regard to the nation as a nă -tion-al-ly, adv. [Eng. national; -ly.] In a whole.

"Who being nationally espoused to God by covenant." -South: Sermons, vol. ii., ser. 1.


tive, from Lat. nativus natural, native, from natus nā -tive, *na-tyve, a. & s. [Fr. natif, fem. naborn, pa. par. of nascor to be born; Ital. & Sp. nativo. Native and naive are doublets.] A. As adjective:

I. Ordinary Language:

1. Having existence by birth; having an origin; born.

"Anaximander's opinion is that the gods are native, rising and vanishing again."-Cudworth: Intell. System p. 129. 2. Original; giving origin.

"Have I now seen death? is this the way

I must return to native dust?"

Milton: P. L., xi. 464. 3. Pertaining or relating to one's birth, or the place or circumstances of one's birth.

"O native land, Ilion, and of the Goddes The mansion place!"-Surrey: Virgile; Eneis, ii. genuine; not artificial. 4. Produced by nature; natural, inborn, innate,

"The native voice of undissembled joy." Thomson: Summer, 61 5. Constituting or being the natural home. "The soul ascends Towards her native firmament of heaven." Wordsworth: Excursion, bk. iv.

*6. Hereditary; resulting from birth. "Did I put Henry from his native right?" Shakesp.: Henry VI., Pt. III., iii. 3. 7. Connected by birth; belonging to by birth (Shakesp.: As You Like It, ii. 1.) *8. Cognate, congenial, kindred.

"To join like likes And kiss like native things." Shakesp.: All's Well that Ends Well, i. 1. 9. A term applied to oysters raised in an artificia) bed. B. As substantive:

[blocks in formation]

All cause unborn, could never be the native Of our so frank donation."-Shakesp.: Coriol., iii. 1 ¶ Some editions read motive.

II. Min.: The same as ULEXITE (q. v.).

tive-amalgam Amalgam; Native-antimony-Anti¶ Native-alum=Tschermigite and Kalinite; Namony; Native-arsenic- Arsenic; Native-bismuth= Bismuth Native-copper Copper; Native-gold = Gold; Native-iridium=Iridosmine; Native-iron= Iron; Native-lead-Lead; Native-magnesia = Brucite; Native-mercury=Mercury; Native-minium= Cinnabar; Native-platinum Platinum; Native Prussian-blue = Vivianite; Native-quicksilver = Sulphur Native-tellurium Tellurium; Native-tin Mercury; Native-silver-Silver; Native-sulphur= =Tin; Native-zinc=Zinc.

native-bear, s.

Zool. A popular Australian name for Phascolarctus cinereus, the koala (q. v.).

native-carrot, 8.

Bot.: The Tasmanian name of Geranium parvitives, now an extinct race. forum, the tubers of which were eaten by the na

native-currant, s.

Bot.: The Australian name of Leucopogon richii, a shrub growing on the sea coasts of the island. The berries are small, white, and eatable. native-devil, s.

rus ursinus, the Ursine Dasyure, on account of the Zool. The popular Tasmanian name for Dasyu great havoc it commits among sheep and poultry. the gum of Guaiacum officinale. native-gum, 8. The name given in Guiana to

native-potato, 8.

sembles a strong kidney potato, but is insipid. It Bot.: Gastrodia sesamoides, the root of which re is sometimes eaten in Tasmania.

nă -tive-ly, adv. [Eng. native; -ly.]

1. In a native manner; by birth or nature; natarally.

"We wear hair which is not natively our own."—Jeremy Taylor: Artificial Handsomeness. 2. Originally.

"This goodness of God natively proceeded from His will."-Shelford: Learned Discourses, p. 184.

nă -tive-ness, 8. [Eng. nativ(e); -ness.] The quality or state of being native or produced by nature.

nă -tion-al-ness, s. [Eng. national; -ness.] The quality or state of being national; nationality. cell, chorus, chin, bench; go, gem; thin, this; sin, aş; expect, Xenophon, exist. ph = f.



nå'-tiv-ism, s. [Eng. nativ(e); -ism.] A disposition or tendency to favor those of native birth in preference to those of foreign origin.

na-tiv-l-ty, *na-tyv-y-te, s. [Fr. nativité, from Lat. nativitatem, accus. of nativitas birth; from nativus natural, native (q. v.); Sp. natividad; Ital. natività.]

I. Ordinary Language:

1. A coming into life; a being born; birth. "The natyuyte of Crist bi fleisch."-Wycliffe: Mark. (Prol.)

*2. The time, place, manner, or other circumstances attending birth.

"They say there is divinity in odd numbers, either in nativity, chance, or death."-Shakesp.: Merry Wives of Windsor, v. 1.

*3. The state or place of being produced.

"These, in their dark nativity, the deep Shall yield us."

Milton: P. L., vi. 482.

4. A picture representing the Nativity of the Savior.

II. Technically:

1. Astrol.: A horoscope; a scheme or figure of the heavens, especially of the twelve houses at the moment when a person is born.

2. Nat. Hist.: The indigenousness of a zoological or botanical species in any place.

T (1) The Nativity: Spec., the birth of Christ, Dec. 25. But there are two other festivals of the Nativity:

(a) That of the Virgin Mary, kept by the Roman Catholic Church on Sept. 8; it is said to have been instituted by Pope Sergius I., about 690, and adopted by the Eastern Christians in the twelfth century. (b) That of John the Baptist, June 24. It is believed that it was instituted A. D. 488.

(2) To cast a nativity:

Astrol.: To draw a horoscope or scheme of the heavens at the moment of a person's birth, and to calculate, according to the rules of astrology, the future influence of the predominant stars.

na-tri-çi'-næ, s. pl. [Lat. natrix, genit. natric(is); fem. pl. adj. suff. -inc.]

Zool.: A sub-family of Colubrine Snakes, widely distributed, with seven genera and fifty species. (Wallace.)

nā -tri-um, 8. [NATRON, SODIUM.]

tna-trix, s. [Lat. a water-snake, from nato= to swim.]

Zool.: The typical genus of the sub-family Natricinæ. (For characters and species see Tropidonotus.)

nā-trō-bör-ō-cǎl'-çite, s. [Eng., &c., natro(n); boro(n), and calcite.]]

Min.: The same as ULEXITE (q. v.).

na-trō-cal-çīte, s. [Eng. natro(n), and calcite.] Min.: A pseudomorph of calcite after crystals of gaylussite (q. v.); so named because the substance was supposed to contain soda. Found at Sangerhausen, Merseburg, Prussia.

năt-ro-lite, s. [Eng., &c., natro(n), and Greek lithos-stone; Ger. natrolith.]


1. A member of the Zeolite group of minerals, usually regarded as orthorhombic, but, because of its optical properties, referred by some mineralogists to the monoclinic system of crystallization. Hardness, 5-55; specific gravity, 217-225; luster, vitreous to pearly; color, white, yellowish, sometimes red; transparent to translucent. Composition: Silica, 472; alumina, 270; soda, 163; water,9'5=100, having the formula 3SiO2,Al2O3, NaO2HO. Dana makes two varieties: (1) Ordinary, consisting of, (a) groups of slender, colorless prisms, often acicular; (b) fibrous divergent or radiated masses, which frequently resemble thomsonite and pectolite (q. v.); (c) solid amygdules; and (d) compact massive: (2) Iron-natrolite, a dark-green opaque variety, in which one-fourth of the alumina is replaced by sesquioxide of iron. Bergmannite, brevicite, crocalite, fargite, galactite, lehuntite, paleo-natrolite, radiolite, and savite are referable to this species.

2. A variety of Scapolite (q. v.), found at Hessekulla, Sweden.

nã-tròn, s. [Gr. nitron=potash or soda; Lat. nitrum niter or saltpeter.]

Min.: A monoclinic soluble salt, occurring in nature only in solution or mingled with other sodium carbonates. Hardness, 1-15; specific gravity, 1423; luster, vitreous; color, white when pure; taste, alkaline. Composition: Carbonic acid, 26.7; soda, 188; water, 54-5=100. Formula, Na2CO3+ 10H 20.

natron-spodumene, s.

Min.: The same as SODA-SPODUMENE (q. v.). na-tro-sid -ĕr-ite, s. [Eng., &c. natro(n), and Gr. sideros iron.]

Min.: The same as ACHMITE (q. v.). fate, făt, färe, amidst, what, fall, work, who, son; wolf, or, wöre,


nǎtte, natt, s. [Fr., from Low Lat. natta, from Lat. matta a mat (q. v.).]

*1. Ord. Lang.: A mat.

"Item: paid for natts for the Rayles at ye Communion
table, 1s. 2d."-Ecclesfield Church-wardens' Accounts, 1640.
2. Arch. (pl.): A kind of ornamentation used in
the decoration of surfaces in the architecture of
the twelfth century. So termed from the resem-
blance of its interlacement to that of matting.
năt-ter, v. i. [Cf. Icel. knetta to grumble.] To
chatter peevishly; to nag, to find fault.

"Got the better of her nattering habit."-G. Eliot:
Adam Bede, ch. iv.

năt-ter, s. [Prob. a. corrupt. of A. S. nadre; Icel. nadhr an adder (q. v.).] (See etym. and compound.)

Light bright

natter-jack, natter-jack toad, s.
Zool.: Bufo calamita, the Rush Toad.
yellowish-brown, clouded with dull olive, a
yellow line running down the
back. The warts of the skin
are larger and the eyes more,
prominent than in the Com-2
mon Toad (Bufo vulgaris),?
but the glandular swellings
on the head are less. The
male has a cry,"glouk, glouk."
The eggs are laid in the
water. The tadpoles are ex-
tremely small; the metamor-
phosis lasts about six weeks.
parts of
Found in many
Europe and in Tibet.
năt-tered, a. [Eng. natter, v. ; -ed.] Querulous,

"She believed she grew more nattered as she grew older;
but that she was conscious of her natteredness was a new
thing."-Mrs. Gaskell: Ruth, ch. xxix.

năt-tered-ness, s. [English nattered; -ness.] Querulousness, impatience.

Năt-ter-er, s. [A German naturalist who for seventeen years made collections for the Emperor of Austria in Brazil, returning about 1840 with 1,070 species of birds which he had collected. (Swainson: Birds, p. 460.)]

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*năt-ting, s. [Mid. Eng. natt(e); -ing.] Matting; a covering with mats.

"For covering the seats with natting in the Dean's closet, Is."-Fabric Rolls of York Minster, p. 348.

năt-ty, a. [Prob. connected with neat (2), a.]
Neat, tidy, spruce.

"A higher promise for maturity than Lucy's natty com-
pleteness."-G. Eliot: Mill on the Floss, ch. vii.
năt-u-ral, *năt-u-rall, *nat-u-rel, a., adv.
& 8. [Fr. naturel, from Lat. naturalis, from natura
nature (q. v.); Sp. & Port. natural; Ital. natu-

A. As adjective:

I. Ordinary Language:

1. Pertaining to nature; produced or affected by
nature; not artificial, acquired, or assumed; given
or conferred by nature.

"The natural bravery of your isle."
Shakesp.: Cymbeline, ii. 1.

2. Forming part of nature.
"Nothing natural I ever saw so noble "
Shakesp.: Tempest, i. 2.

3. Connected or dealing with nature or the exist-
ing system of things; treating of the world of mat
ter and mind; as, natural philosophy, natural
history, natural laws.

4. In conformity with the laws of nature; regulated by or in accordance with the laws which govern events, actions, sentiments, &c.; following or coming naturally, or in the ordinary course of things.

"There is something in this more than natural."

Shakesp.: Hamlet, ii. 2.


[blocks in formation]

1. Math.: A term used in mathematics to indicate that a function is taken in, or referred to, some system, in which the base is 1. Natural numbers are those commencing at 1; each being equal to the preceding, plus 1. Natural sines, cosines, tangents, cotangents, &c., are the sines, cosines, tangents, cotangents, &c., taken in arcs, whose radii are 1. Natural, or Napierian, logarithms are those taken in a system whose modulus is 1.



(1) A term applied to the diatonic or normal scale of C. [SCALE.]

(2) Applied to an air or modulation of harmony, which moves by easy and smooth transitions, changing gradually or but little into nearly-related keys.

(3) Applied to music produced by the voice, as distinguished from instrumental music.

(4) Applied to the harmonics or over-tones given off by any vibrating body over and above its original sound.

3. Theol.: In a state of nature; unregenerate. "The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God."-1 Corinthians, iii. 14.

[blocks in formation]

1. A native; one of the original inhabitants of a place. 2. A natural quality, state, or gift; a gift of nature; a gift.

"It is with depraved man in his impure naturalls, that we must maintaine this quarrell."-Bp. Hall.: St. Paul's Combat.

3. One born without the usual powers of reason or understanding; an idot, a fool.

"That a monster should be such a natural."-Shakesp.:

Tempest, iii. 2.

II. A sign which restores a note to its place in the normal scale of C. It has the effect of sharpening a note previously flattened, or of flattening a note previously sharpened. It is an accidental; that is, it does not occur in the signature of a piece of music, unless at the sudden change of key. Its power does not extend beyond the bar in which it appears. The earliest known use of the sign is found in Bonaffino's Madrigali Concertati (1623), a work in which also bars are employed as marking the correct divisions of time.

natural-affection, s. The love which one has for his or her kindred.

natural-allegiance, s. [ALLEGIANCE, 8., II. 1.] natural-barriers, s. pl.

Physical Geog.: The name given by Buffon to mountains, deserts, seas, or climates, separating natural-born, a. Born in a country; native. natural history provinces from each other. natural-child, s.

Law: The child in fact; the child of one's body. Used specially for one born out of wedlock. natural-harmonics, s. pl.

Music: The sounds given off by any vibrating natural-history, s. body over and above its original sound; overtones.

Science: In the widest sense, and as used by the ancients, Natural History included all natural science, and had the Cosmos for its subject. In now again, its bounds are extended, and it may more recent times its range was limited to zoology; be defined as the science which deals with the earth's crust and its productions. Thus it includes Geology, Mineralogy, Paleobotany, and Paleont5. In accordance with what would naturally hap- ology, treating respectively of the inorganic world pen; reasonable; consonant with what might be and organic remains of past ages. To these sucexpected in the ordinary course of things; as, It ceed Biology, or the Science of Life, in its widest was only natural that he should think so. science. [BIOLOGY.] Popularly, Natural History 6. By nature; by natural disposition. is synonymous with zoology (q. v.), and some "A natural coward without instinct."-Shakesp.: Henry writers of authority use it in that sense. Natural History Provinces: [PROVINCE.] IV., Pt. I, ii. 4. pět, we, wět, here, camel, her, thêre; pine, pit, sire, sir, marine; gō, ∞, ∞ = ĕ; ey = å. qu= kw. cub, cüre, unite, cur, rûle, fall; try, syrian.

father; müte,

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