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13. Diana. 14. Mars. 15. Venus. 16. Cupid. 17. Mercury. 18. Vulcan



They have been divided into philosophical and his-
torical myths, myths of observation, nature-myths,
(2) Spec.: A philosophical myth. The evolving
of an imaginary fact from an idea, to be distin-
guished from a legend, which is the evolving of an
idea from a fact. When the Romans of the Augus-
tan times, out of the idea how their polity arose,
created the narrative of Eneas, his misfortunes,
his wanderings, and his settlement in Italy, they
framed a myth; when real historic facts become
embellished by fiction, they are legendary.
2. Figuratively:

(1) Any statement partly or wholly fabulous.
(2) A euphemism for a falsehood.

(3) A person or thing which does not exist; as, He is a myth.

myth -ic, myth -Ic-al, a. [Eng. myth; -ic, -ical; Fr. mythique.]

1. Lit.. Of or belonging to myths in the literal


*2. Fig. Of or belonging to fabulous narrations or falsehoods.

myth -Ic-al-1, adv. [Eng. mythical; ly.] In a mythical manner; by means of myths or mythical fables.

myth 1-cō-, pref. [MYTHIC.] (For definition see compound.)

mythico-historical, adj. Partly mythical and partly historical; partaking of the nature both of myth and of history.

*myth-o-clas-tic, a. [Gr. mythos=a fable, and klastes a breaker; klao-to break.] Destroying faith in myths and legends.

"In this mythoclastic age."-Spectator, Oct. 15, 1881. my-thog -ra-pher, subst. [Gr. mythos=a fable, a myth, and grapho to write.] One who writes myths; one who narrates myths, fables, or legends. "The statues of Mars and Venus had been copied from Fulgentius, Boccacio's favorite mythographer."-Warton: Hist. Eng. Poetry, vol. i. (Addenda.)

my-thol'-o-ger, s. [Gr. mythologos-dealing in fables.] [MYTHOLOGY.] The same as MYTHOLOGIST

(q. v.).

myth-o-lô-gí-an, s. [Eng. mythology; -an.] A mythologist.

myth-o-log-ic-al, *myth-o-lŏġ -Ic, a. [Greek mythologikos, from mythologia=mythology (q. v.).] Pertaining or relating to mythology; containing or of the nature of a myth; fabulous, mythical, legendary.

"And taught at schools much mythologic stuff, But sound religion sparingly enough." Cowper: Tirocinium, 197. myth-o-log-Ic-al-lỹ, adv. [Eng. mythological; -ly. In a mythological manner; according to mythology; by the use of myths.

"An essay ..

philosophically, mythologically, and emblematically offered."-Wood: Athene Oxon., vol. ii.;

Basset Jones.

my-thol-o-gist, subst. [Eng. mytholog(y); -ist.] One who is versed in mythology; one who writes or discourses on mythology.

my- thol-o-gize, v. i. [Eng. mytholog(y); -ize.] To relate or discourse on mythology or fabulous history. (Saturday Review, November 10, 1883, p. 607.)

myth-o-logue, s. [MYTHOLOGY.] A myth or fable invented for a purpose.

"May we not consider his history of the Fall as an ex

cellent mythologue !"-Geddes: Trans. Bible (Prof.).
my-thol -o-gy, s. [Fr. mythologie, from Latin
mythologia; Gr. mythologia, from mythos a fable,
and logos a word, a discourse; lego to tell.]

1. Gen. The science of myths or legends; that branch of science which investigates the meaning of myths, and the relationship between the myths of different countries or peoples; a treatise on myths.

"Parts of mythology are religious, parts of mythology are historical, parts of mythology are poetical, but mythology as a whole is neither religion nor history, nor philosophy, nor poetry. It comprehends all these together under that peculiar form of expression which is natural and intelligible at a certain stage, or at certain recurring stages in the development of thought and speech, but which, after becoming traditional, becomes frequently unnatural and unintelligible."-Max Müller: Science of Religion, pp. 252, 253.

2. Spec.: A system of myths or fables in which are embodied the beliefs of a people concerning their origin, deities, heroes, &c.

"What we call a religion differs from mythology in the same way as a civilized state does from a savage tribe."Sayoe: Comparative Philology (1874), p. 290.

Comparative mythology: The comparison of the mythologies of all nations. Professor Sayce considers that it is but a branch of the science of language. Mythology, he says, is founded on words,


and the history, therefore, of words must explain
its external side, which is its most important one.
The religious instinct will explain the internal one.
The leading mythologies of classical literature are
the Greek and Latin. As the Latin was to a great
extent derived from the Greek, there is a similarity,
varied only in detail (and nomenclature in some
instances) to be noted between the two. The fol-
lowing are the names of the principal Greek deities
and their Latin equivalents:

[blocks in formation]


Cybele parents of
..Jupiter (Diovis-pater).


Athena or Athënë..




of this family are popularly known as Hag-fish, Glutinous Hags, or Borers; they are marine, and their distribution is similar to that of the Gadidæ, in the abdominal cavity of which they are fre quently found buried. They secrete an immense quantity of glutinous slime, and are considered by the fishermen as a great nuisance, as they seriously damage the fisheries where they abound."

myx-In-бid, subst. [Mod. Lat. myxine, and Gr. eidos-form.]

Ichthy. (pl.): The family Myxinidæ (q. v.). (Huxley: Introd. to Class. Anim., p. 64.)

myx-ō-gas-treş, s. pl. [Greek myxa = mucus, slime, and gaster the belly.]

Bot.: A sub-order of Fungals, order Gasteromycetes. There is a mucilaginous matrix, from which arise sac-like dehiscent peridia, emitting an often reticulated, filamentous structure, bearing spores. Proserpine. They grow on the bark of trees, on leaves, or on the ground. There are four sections: Trichiacei, Stemonitei, Physarei, and Ethalinei.





The chief Hindu gods are Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver, and Siva the destroyer, but there have been many changes in the Hindu Pantheon.


myth -o-plăşm, s. [Gr. mythos=a fable, and plasma = anything molded, a fiction; plasso to mold.] A narration of mere fable.

myth-o-po-ic, *myth-o-pō-ět -ic, a. [Greek mythopoios making legends or fables: mythos a fable, and poieo to make.] Myth-making; suggesting or giving rise to myths.

do not belong to

the earliest mythopoeic ages."-Cox: Introd. to Mythology,
"These mythical genealogies

p. 37.

+myth-o-pō-ĕ-sis, s. [Gr. mythos a myth, and
poiesis a making.] The growth of myths."
"It is in keeping with the principles of Mythopoesis
that Calypso's land should be in the midst of
the sea."-Keary: Outlines of Primitive Belief, p. 320.
(Note 3.)

my-til-1-dæ, s. pl. [Lat. mytil(us)=a sea-mus-
sel; fem. pl. adj. suff. -ide.]

1. Zool.: Mussels; a family of Conchiferous Mol-
lusks division Asiphonida; shell, ovai and equi-
valve; edges closely fitting, ligament internal,
hinge edentulous. The Mytilida are mostly marine,
and attached by a byssus. Chief genera, Mytilus,
Modiolus, Lithodomus, and Dreissena.

2. Paleont.: The family is Paleozoic, some mem-
bers being from the Lower Silurian, others from
the Coal Measures and the Permian.
my-til-ite, s. [Latin mytil(us); Eng. suff. ite

myx-o-gas-trous, a. [MYXOGASTRES.] of or pertaining to the Myxogastres (q. v.).

mỹx-b-my-çe -ta, mỹx-b-my-çẽ-tếg, s. pl. [Gr. myxa mucus, and mykes a fungus.]

Bot.: A doubtful order of Fungals. Alone among plants they have three cells, without a cell wall, in their vegetative period, and not combined into a tissue. They live on decaying animal and vegetable substances. (Thomé.)

myx-o-my-çe -toŭs, a. [MYXOMYCETE.] Of or pertaining to the Myxomycetæ (q. v.).

myx-on, s. [Lat., from Gr. myxon=a fish. Supposed by Cuvier to be either Mustela tricirrhatus or Gadus lota, the turbot.]

Ichthy.: (For def. see etym.)

myx-o-pod, s. [Greek myxa mucus, slime, and pous (genit. podos)=a foot.]

Zool. (pl.): According to Huxley, a division of the Protozoa (q. v.). [RHIZOPODA.]

"It will be convenient to distinguish those Protozoa which possess pseudopodia as Myropods."-Huxley: Anat. Invert. Animals, p. 76.

myx-op-o-da, s. pl. [MYxOPOD.]

myx-o-spon -ġi-æ, s. pl. [Gr. myxa=mucus, and sponggia a sponge.]

Zool.: An order of Spongi (q. v.), containing soft sponge in which the skeleton is absent. According to Huxley, it only contains the family Halisarcide, with the single genus Halisarca. Other authorities make it include also the family Chondrosiada.

myx-os-to-mũm, mỹ-zös-tỏ mũm, mỹ-zös to-ma, s. [Greek myxa slime, and stoma=the mouth.]

Zool. A genus of parasites infesting the Comatule. [MYZOSTOME.]

"Metschnikoff regards Myzostomum as a parasitic form of a polychaetous annelid."-Huxley: Anat. Invert. Ani

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myx-us, s. [Gr. myxa=mucus, slime.] Ichthy.: A genus of Mugilidae, differing only from the typical genus in having the teeth more distinct. mỹ-zom -ě-la, s. [Gr. myxo-to suck, and meli = honey.]

Ornith: The typical genus of the sub-family Myzomelinæ.

my-zō-mě-li-næ, s. pl. [Mod. Lat. myzomel(a); Lat. fem. pl. adj. suff. -inæ.]

Ornith. Honey-creepers; a sub-family of Meliphagidae (Honey-eaters). (Dallas.) mỹ -zd-stime, s. [MYxOSTOMUM.]

1. Zool.: True Mussel; the typical genus of the
family Mytilida (q. v.). Shell, wedge-shaped, um-
bones at end; it moors itself to piles and stones by
a strong and coarse byssus. World-wide in distri-
bution; seventy recent species have been described.
Mytilus edulis is the Common Sea Mussel (q. v.).
Horace (Sat., ii. 4, 27) (if mytilus be not a misread-
ing for mugilus), attributes purgative qualities to
it, and it is mentioned by Martial (iii. 60) as far vibratory ciliæ."-Van Beneden: Animal Parasites, p. 42.
inferior to the oyster.

2. Palæont.: Apparently came into existence in Permian times.

myx-a-mo-bæ, s. pl. [Gr. myza mucus, and Mod. Lat. amabæ.]

Zool. A name given to Myxomycete in a certain stage of development.

myx -I-ně, s. [Gr. myxinos a smooth sea-fish, a slime-fish.]

Ichthy. The typical genus of the family Myxinidæ (q. v.). There is one external branchial aperture on each side of the abdomen, leading by six ducts to six branchial sacs. Three species are known, from the North Atlantic, Japan, and the Straits of Magellan. Myxine descends to a depth of 345 fathoms, and is generally met with in the Norwegian fjords at 70 fathoms, sometimes in great abundance. (Günther.)

Zool. Any individual of the genus Myxostomum. "The myzostomes resemble trematode worms, but they have symmetrical appendages, and are covered with

THE fourteenth letter and the the eleventh consonant in English alphabet. It is a dental nasal, and is formed by placing the tip of the tongue against or close to the root of the upper teeth, and emitting a voiced sound through the nose. Its ordinary sound is that heard in not, ton, done, &c., but before gutturals, as gor k, it has a guttural nasal sound, almost equivalent to ng, as in sink, link, finger, sing, song, &c. When, however, the gutturals belong to a different syllable the n generally retains its ordinary sound, as in congratulate, engage, engine, &c. N final after m is silent, as in autumn, sin, aş; expect, Xenophon, exist. ph = f.

myx-in-1-dæ, s. pl. [Mod. Lat. myxin(e); Lat. fem. adj. suff. -ida.]

Ichthy.: A family of cyclostomatous fishes, with two genera, Myxine and Bdellostoma. The fishes

boil, boy; pout, jowl; cat, çell, chorus, chin, bench; go, gem; thin, this;


hymn, condemn, &c. When preceded by g, k, m, and p at the begining of a word, the n alone is sounded, as in gnaw, know, mnemonics, pneumatic, &c. Sis always sounded before initial n, as in snow. At the end of a word or syllable n may be followed by d, t, k (with g it forms a single sound, as stated above), 8, sh, z, or their equivalents, all of which are sounded distinctly. In the oldest English n was lost before f, th, and 8, the vowel being lengthened in consequence, as goose (=gons), Ger. gans [GANDER], tooth (=tonth), Goth. tunthus. From many adverbs and prepositions n has disappeared, as beside A. S. bisidan; before=A. S. beforan; within =A. S. withinnan. It has also been lost in other words, as ell=A. S. eln; eve=A.S. æfen; eleven= A.S.endleof; mill=A. S. mylen (miln). Nis found intrusive in several words, as in nightingale =A. S. nichtegale; messenger-Mid. Eng. messager (O. Fr. messagier); passenger=Mid. Eng. passager (O. Fr. passagier); scavenger, originally scavager. A final n has been added in a few cases, as bittern-Mid. Eng. butore, Fr. butor; marten-Mid. Eng. mearth. As a final, n has in many cases been strengthened by d or t, as in tyrant, sound, thunder, &c. N has been replaced by m in smack=A. S. snace (boat); hemp A. S. hanep; tempt Fr. tenter; vellum-Fr. velin; comfort O. Fr. confort, Lat. conforto, &c. It has become l in flannel, formerly flannen. An ini tial n is in several cases found prefixed to a word which properly begins with a vowel; this is prob ably due to the final n of mine (min) or an: thus an ewt, an ekename, mine uncle, became respectively, a newt, a nickname, my nuncle. On the other hand an initial has in many cases been dropped from the word, and become attached to the article a preceding: as, an adder, an apron, an auger, an umpire, an orange, for a nadder, a napron, a nauger, a numpire, a norange, &c.

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N. As a symbol is used:


*nā -bob-bor-y, s. [English nabob; -ery.] The class of nabobs.

"He reminds me of a nabob. Nabobbery itself."-Savage: R. Medlicott, bk. ii., ch. x.

*nā -bob-ĕss, 8. [Eng. nabob; -ess.] A female nabob; the wife of a nabob.

"There are few nabobs and nabobesses in this country." -Walpole: Letters, iii. 875. nǎc'-a-rǎt, 8. [Fr., from Sp. nacarada, from nacar-mother-of-pearl.] [NACRE.]

1. A pale red color with an orange tint.

2. Fine linen or crape dyed of a pale red color. nach-laut (ch guttural, au as ow), s.[Ger.= after-sound: nach after, and laut sound.] Philol. The second element in a diphthong, or in a diphthongal sound, as in that which a often has. [German-nightnacht-horn (ch guttural), 8.


Music: An organ stop consisting of stopped wood pipes of a moderately large scale, the tone of which is somewhat like that of a horn. nǎc-ker (1), 8. [NACRE.] *năc -ker (2), 8. [KNACKER.] na-co-dar', s. [Arab.] vessel. na-cre (cre as ker), s. [Fr., from Pers. nakar; Sp. nacar.] Mother-of-pearl (q. v.).

The captain of an Arab

"The valuable pearls of commerce are a more compact and finer kind of nacre."-Owen: Anat. Invertebrates, P. 287. nā -crĕ-oŭs, a. [Eng. nacre; -ous.]

1. Ord. Lang.: Consisting of mother-of-pearl; resembling mother-of-pearl.

2. Zool. A term applied to one of the three principal varieties of shells. Nacreous shells have a 1. As a numeral for 900, and with a dash over it peculiar luster, which is due to the minute undula(N) for 9,000.

2. In chemistry for the element nitrogen.

N. As an initial is used for North as in charts N. by E.-North by East; N. B.=New Brunswick; for Latin nota, as N. B. nota bene mark or note carefully; for notary, as N. P.=Notary Public.

TN. or M.: The most probable explanation of these is that N = Nomen, and that Nomen for one person, or Nomina for several persons, was ex pressed by N, vel NN; the double N being after ward corrupted into M. (Blunt: Annotated Common Prayer.)

na, nãe, adverb. [Scotch & Prov. Eng. for no (q. v.).] No, not. năb, s. knop, nob.]

[Icel. nabbi=a knot; cf. knap, knob,

[blocks in formation]

tions of the edges of alternate layers of carbonate of lime and membrane. (Nicholson.)

na-crite, s. [Fr. nacre=mother-of-pearl; suffix -ite (Min.).]


1. A talc-like mineral, found in small mammillary groups of folia, at Brand, near Freiberg, Saxony. Crystallization orthorhombic; soft; color, creamwhite; luster, pearly; composition, a hydrated silicate of alumina; closely related to, if not identical with, Kaslinite (q.v.).


2. A green muscovite (q. v.), found at Unity, *3. A name formerly used by mineralogists to designate the minute mica-like scales (of which the true nature was then uncertain) found distributed through many rocks. These are now shown to belong mostly to the mica group.

̧nā ́-dăb, s. [Pers.] The high-priest of the Per


[blocks in formation]

"I'll keep on my nab."—Farquhar: Recruiting Of simply nazir)=the point of the sky opposite the

cer, ii.

II. Technically:

1. Fire-arms: The cock of a gun-lock.

2. Locksmith.: The keeper of a door-lock.

*nab-cheat, s. A cap, a hat.

"Thus we throw up our nab-cheats, first for joy." Beaum. & Flet.: Beggar's Bush, ii. 1.

năb, v. t. [Sw. nappa; Dut. nappe to catch.] To catch suddenly or unexpectedly; to seize with a sudden grasp.

năb-a-lus, s. [Etym. unknown.]

Bot.: A genus of composites, sometimes made a synonym of Prenanthes. The roots of Nabalus albus, N. altissimus, N. virgatus, &c., are popularly called rattlesnake roots. The leaves are applied externally to the wound made by a rattlesnake's fangs, while the juice, boiled in milk, is administered by the mouth. The remedy is by no means infallible.

*năbbe, s. [See def.] A contraction for ne abbe

have not.

năb-by, s. [Etym. doubtful.] A fisherman's boat, a yawl. (Ogilvie.) na-beĕ, s. (q. v.). nă-bit, s. [Etym. doubtful.] Pulverized sugarcandy.

[Native name.] The same as BIK

nǎb-lock, s. [NIBLICK.] ná-bob, *no-bobb, s. [Hind. nawwáb, pl. of náiba vicegerent, a deputy, a nabob.] A popular name formerly much used, with a touch of contempt, for an Englishman, especially an English merchant, who had made a fortune in India, and returned to spend it in his own country, but now indiscriminately applied to any rich man.

nā -dîr, *na-dire, s. [Arab. naziru's 'samt (or zenith: nazir alike, corresponding to; as' samt= the azimuth.]

I., Literally:

1. The point of the heavens or lower hemisphere directly opposite to the zenith; the point directly under where we stand.

*2. The point of the zodiac opposite to that in which the sun is situate.

II. Fig.: The lowest point or stage; the point or time of greatest depression.

-dor-ite, subst. [From Djebel-Nador, where found; suff. -ite (Min.).] Min.: A rare mineral, found in flattened tabular, or somewhat lenticular, crystals. Crystallization, orthorhombic; hardness, 3; specific gravity 702; luster, resinous to adamantine; color, smoky brown to brownish-yellow; streak, yellow; translucent. Composition: An oxychloride of lead and antimony, the analyses of which appear to correspond to the formula SbO3PbO+PbCl. From Constantine, Algiers.

næs-um-ite, s. [From Næsum, Sweden, where found; suff. -ite (Min.).]

Min.: A chalk-white amorphous substance, consisting essentially of a silicate of alumina and lime, with 439 per cent. of water. Near Fahlunite (q. v.) in composition.

nãe-thing, 8. [NOTHING.]

*næve, *nēve, s. [Lat. novus a spot.; Fr. neve.] A nævus; a spot or blemish on the skin. [NEVUS.]

"So many spots, like naves, our Venus soil?" Dryden: Upon the Death of Lord Hastings. næ-vōse, a. [Eng. næv(e); -ose.] Spotted, freckled.


næ'-vus (pl. næ'-vi), s. [Lat.=a spot.] Physiol. A vascular tumor of connective tissue, containing blood in its sponge-like meshes. Nævi are occasionally malignant-e. g., as in the orbital region; but are found mostly in the adipose tissue. nævus-maternus, s.

Physiol. A mother's mark; a mark on the skin from birth, the effect, as is said, of the mother's longing for or aversion to particular objects, or of some accidental occurrence affecting her own person during pregnancy.

nǎfe, naff, naft, s. [Etym. doubtful.] A kind of tufted seabird.

năg, *nagge, s. [O. Dut. negghe, negge, from O. Dan. neyen, negen to neigh.] 1. A small horse; a horse of any kind.

"Tis like the forced gait of a shuffling nag."

Shakesp.: Henry IV., Pt. I., iii. L *2. A term of contempt for a woman of loose character.

năg, v. t. & i. [Sw. nagga to nibble, to peck; Dan. nage; Icel. naga-to gnaw (q. v.).]

A. Trans.: To find fault with constantly; to scold continually; to be continually pestering with complaints or fault-finding.

"Which describes Agnes as having 'nagged' the painter to death."-Athenæum.

B. Intrans.: To be continually finding fault or scolding.

"Forgive me for nagging; I am but a woman."-Reade: Cloister and Hearth, ch. xcvii.

na-ga, nag, a. & s. [Mahratta, &c., naga; Hind. nag.]

A. As adjective:

1. A term applied to an ancient race who invaded India about the sixth century B. C.

2. A term applied to a number of tribes living on the borders of Assam, Munnipoor, and Burmah. B. As substantive:

1. A member of one of the Naga tribes.

2. A class of mendicants in Hindustan, going naked and carrying arms.

3. In Hindu mythology, a deified serpent, spec.. the cobra (q. v.).

na-gel-flue, na -gel-fiûh, s. [Ger. nagel=a nail, and O. Ger. fluh a rock.]

Geol.: The conglomerate of the molasse in Switzerland. It has pebbles derived from the granite, studding it like nail-heads. It is sometimes six thousand, if not even eight thousand, feet thick. It is very conspicuous on the Righi, and the neighborhood of Lucerne, as well as in the Speer, near Wesen. The lower part of it, containing terrestrial plants, fluviatile shells, and the bones of extinct land quadrupeds is considered by Escher as a fresh water formation; the upper part contains marine shells. Sir Charles Lyell considered the lower part at least Miocene, and the upper part perhaps Plio


*năg'-gon, s. [NAG, s.] A familiar term for a


năg-gy, a. [Eng. nag, v.; -y.] Inclined to nag or scold.

nā -gor, s. [Native name.]

Zool. Antilope redunca. (Buffon (ed. Wood), viii. 186.)

nǎg-yǎg-ite, s. [From Nagyag, Transylvania, where first found; suff. -ite (Min.).]

Min.: A rare mineral, occurring as crystals, granular, or foliated. Crystallization, probably orthorhombic; hardness, 1-15; specific gravity, 6-85-7-2; luster, metallic, splendent, but becoming dull on exposure; streak and color blackish lead-gray; opaque, sectile, flexible. Composition: Somewhat variable, but it appears to be essentially a sulphotelluride of lead and gold, with occasionally small amounts of antimony and copper. Found, associated with gold, in Transylvania, and subsequently in the United States.

näh-lěh, s. [Arab.]

Bot. The date-palm, Phoenix dactylifera.

Na -hum, s. [Heb. Nachhum=comfort, conso lation; from nichham=to be comforted; Greek Naoum.]

from Elkosh where he was born or where he lab1. Script. Biog.: A prophet called the Elkoshite,

red; but whether it was in Galilee or in Assyria has not been determined: the time when he flourished is also uncertain. The most probable opinion is that his prophecies were spoken in the reign of Hezekiah a short time after Sennacherib's invasion. In ii. 2 there seems to be an illusion to the captivity of the Ten Tribes which took place in that reign.

2. Old Test. Canon: The seventh of the Minor Prophets: i. e., of the minor books of prophecy. The theme is "The burden of Nineveh," the utter destruction of which is predicted, the reference pine, pit, sïre, sir, marîne; gō, pot, Syrian.

fate, făt, färe, amidst, what, fâll, father; wē, wět, hëre, camel, her, thêre;

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