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fmol-11-tious,_a. [Latin molli(8)=luxurious, with English suff. -tious.] Luxurious, inviting to repose.

"Mollitious alcoves gilt Superb as Byzant domes that devils built." Browning: Sordello, iii. mol-11-tüde, s. [Latin mollitudo, from mollis soft.] Softness, weakness, effeminacy. mol-lu-gin -ě-æ, s. pl. [Mod. Latin mollugo, genit. mollugin(is); Lat. fem. pl. adj. suff. -ec.] Bot.: A tribe of Caryophyllaceae. The sepals, which are nearly or quite distinct, alternate with the stamens when both are the same in number. mŏl-lū -go, s. [Lat.=Galium mollugo.] Bot.: The typical genus of the tribe Mollugine (q. v.). It consists of inconspicuous plants with dichotomous stems, verticillate leaves, and cymes of small flowers. Found in the warmer parts of both hemispheres. According to Dr. Dymok, the species are bitter and expel bile. The dried plant of Mollugo hirta is prescribed in Sind in cases of


mol-lusc, mŏl'-lŭsk, s. [MOLLUSCA.] Zool.: An animal of the class Mollusca. mol-lus -ca, s. pl. [Neut. pl. of Lat. molluscus= soft, from mollis=soft.]

[ocr errors]

1. Zool.: According to Linnæus, an order of Vermes, distinct from Testacea, which immediately follows it. He placed under it a miscellaneous assemblage of genera which he described as naked, not included in a shell, furnished with limbs. They were: Actinia, Ascidia, Limax, Holothuria, Sepia, Aphrodita, Nereis, &c. (Systema Natura (ed. 1767), i. 1,072.) Cuvier made the Mollusca one of the four great "divisions or sub-kingdoms of the Animal Kingdom, of equal rank with the Vertebrata, the Articulata, and the Radiata. He subdivides it into six classes: Cephalopoda, Pteropoda, Gasteropoda, Acephala, Brachiopoda, and Cirrhopoda (Animal Kingdom (ed. Griffith), i. 61, xii. 4-5.) Except that the last class has now been merged in Crustacea, and placed with the Articulata or Annulosa, the essential features of Cuvier's arrangement have still been preserved. In 1843 Prof. Owen arranged the Mollusca in an Acephalous division, containing the orders Tunicata, Brachiopoda, and Lamellibranchia, and an Encephalous division, with the orders Pteropoda, Gasteropoda, and Cephalopoda. (Compar. Anat. Invert. Animals (ed. 1843), p. 269.) Mr. S. P. Woodward recognized six classes: Ce phalopoda, Gasteropoda, Pteropoda, Brachiopoda, Conchifera, and Tunicata. (Manual of the Mollusca (ed. 1851), 6-8.) Prof. Huxley separates from the already limited class Mollusca a class Molluscoida (q. v.). (Introd. to Classif, of Animals (ed. 1869), p. 82.) Dr. Henry Woodward defines the Mollusca as animals with a soft body, without segments, naked or covered with a shell of one or two valves composed of carbonate of lime secreted by a fold of the skin-the mantle. They have a brain-mass, and foot and mantle ganglia. Some have an internal hard shell or cartilage. The symmetry of the body is bilateral. Example, the cuttle-fish, the snail, the oyster, &c. He makes Tunicata and the Molluscoida an "intermediate group," and divides the sub-kingdom into four classes: Cephalopoda, Gasteropoda, Pteropoda, and Conchifera. (Cassell's Nat. Hist., V. 153-4.) Many thousand recent Mollusca are known, distributed throughout every climate and nearly every part of the world.

2. Palæont.: The shells of the Mollusca being all but indestructible, and easy of identification, afford us a reliable means for ascertaining the relative age of strata. As some, moreover, inhabit fresh water, others the land, besides the large numbers which find their home in salt water, they often settle the fresh-water or marine origin of a stratum. The marine ones being distributed also in certain zones of salt water, they frequently afford materials for sounding a sea which has passed away ages ago. Next to the Protozoa, the oldest fossils known are Mollusca. They have abounded from Cambrian times till now. The longevity of molluscous species (not individuals) is much greater than that of the Mammalia. Hence, Lyell's arrangement of the tertiary formations in accordance with the relative percentage of recent and fossil species must not be extended beyond the Mollusca.

mol-lus-can, a. & s. [Mod. Lat. mollusc(a); Eng. suff. -an.]

A. As adj. Of or belonging to the class Mollusca. B. As subst.: A mollusk.

môl-lus-cold, s. & a. [MOLLUSCOIDA.] A. As substantive:

Zool.: A member of the group Molluscoida. "The connecting link between the molluscs proper and the molluscoids."-Wood: Nat. Hist., p. 663. B. As adjective:

1. Molluscons.


mol-lus-coid-a, s. pl. [Lat. mollusc(a) (q. v.), and Gr. eidos-form.

1. Zool. A primary division of Mollusca instituted by Milne Edwards, and in Professor Huxley's classification, one of the eight primary groups into which he divides the animal kingdom. He places it between the Mollusca and the Coelenterata. The mouth is provided with ciliated tentacula, disposed in a circle or in a horseshoe shape, or fringing long arms; it leads into a large or sometimes exceedingly large pharynx, and in two or three the atrial system is greatly developed. Dr. Henry Woodward says that the Molluscoida have the body, with shells placed differently to those of the The gills are more or less free or fringed with cilia, Mollusca, or have a tubular or shell-like covering. without the usual lamelle of the Mollusca, and they serve for the capture of food as well as for respiration; or there may be a crown of ciliated tentacles. It includes the Bryozoa and the Brachiopoda. These in their structures, embryonic and adult, show resemblance to those of Vermes, Mollusca, and Tunicata. Prof. Huxley divides the Molluscoida into three classes: Ascidoida, Brachiopoda, and Polyzoa. (Introd. to Class. Animals, 115, 116.) 2. Palæont.: Range from Cambrian times till


[blocks in formation]

"The highest and lowest molluscoidal animals swarmed in numbers."-Darwin: Origin of Species, ch. xi. mol-lus-cous, adj. [Eng. mollusc; -ous.] Per taining to the mollusca; having the qualities or characteristics of the mollusca. "Among the molluscous or soft-bodied animals."-Pat. terson: Zoology, p. 27.

molluscous-animals, s. pl. Zool.: The Mollusca (q. v.). mol-lŭs'-cùm, s. [Neut. sing. of Lat. molluscus


1. Ord. Lang.: A mollusc (q. v.). "May prove that man is only the evolution of a molluscum."-Hamilton: Lectures on Metaphysics, i. 72. 2. Pathol.: A skin disease consisting of one or more small tumors, from the size of a pea to that of a pigeon's egg. There is a true molluscum, which is contagious, and a false, which is non-contagious. mol-lŭsk, s. [MOLLUSC.]

mol-lus-kig -ĕr-oŭs, a. [Eng. mollusk; i connective, and Lat. gero-to bear.] Producing mollusks.

"The cavity of the molluskigerous sac.”—Huxley: Anat. Invert. Animals, ch. viii.

+mol-lusk-ite, s. [Latin mollusc(us); suff. -ite (Paleont.).]

Palæont.: Black carbonaceous animal matter, occurring in contrast with other colors in some kinds of marble.

Mŏl-ly, s. [See def.]

1. Ord. Lang.: A familiar form of the name Mary, formerly in general use. 2. Ornith. A popular name for the Fulmar (q. v.).

Molly Maguires, s. pl.

History, &c.:

1. A secret society formed in Ireland, in 1843, to intimidate bailiffs or process-servers distraining for rent, or others impounding the cattle of those who were unable or unwilling to pay rent. The members of the association were young men dressed up in female attire, and having their faces blackened.

"These Molly Maguires were generally stout active young men, dressed up in women's clothes, with faces blackened or otherwise disguised; sometimes they wore crape over their countenances, sometimes they smeared themselves in the most fantastic manner with burnt cork about their eyes, mouth, and cheeks. In this state they used suddenly to surprise the unfortunate grippers, keep ers, or process-servers, and either duck them in bog-holes, or beat them in the most unmerciful manner, so that the Molly Maguires became the terror of all our officials." Trench: Realities of Irish Life, ch. vi.

2. A similar society formed in 1877 in the mining districts of Pennsylvania. The members sought to effect their purpose by intimidation, carried in some cases to murder. Several were brought to justice and executed.

mol-ly-cod-dle, s. [From Molly, a female name and coddle (q. v.).] An effeminate person. (Slang.) "Such a thin-legged silly fellow as his uncle Pellet-a mollycoddle, in fact."-George Eliot: Mill on the Floss, ch. ix.

Mô-loch, *Mô-lěcho, Mil-cốm, Măl-chạm, 8. "Molluscoid animals feel the jar of those rapid undula- [Gr. Moloch, from Heb. Molech, in the Old Testations."-H. Spencer: Psychology, ch. iv., p. 311.

2. Belonging to the molluscoida.

fate, făt, färe, amidst, what, fall,

ment, except in 1 Kings xi. 7, with ha="the" prefixed the king; cf. melek=king.]


1. Ordinary Language:

1. Lit.: In the same sense as II. 1.

2. Fig.: Some dread or irresistible influence or passion, at the shrine of which everything would bə sacrificed.

II. Technically:

Ammonites (1 Kings xi. 7). The commonest spell1. Compar. Relig.: The distinctive idol of the ing of the word is Molech (Lev. xx. 2, 3, Jer. Xxii. 35). Amos has Moloch (v. 26). To show that Moloch and Milcom are the same, cf. 1 Kings xi. 5,7. The Malcham of Zeph. 1,5 much resembles Milcom: in Hebrew it means their king." Perhaps it means Molech in 2 Sam. xii. 30, and Jer. had a connection with the planet Saturn (the Chiun xlix. 1, 3. Molech was the Ammonite fire-god. He (?) of Amos v. 26). Though the offering of children to Moloch was forbidden in the Mosaic law (Lev. xx. 2, 3), it was introduced not later than the reign of Solomon. Its special seat during the Hebrew monarchy was in the Valley of Hinnom. [GEHENNA in the fire, and left there till they were consumed TOPHET. Probably at first the children were placed (Lev. xx. 2, 3; Jer. vii. 21); then after humanity, perhaps at the instance of the mothers, began to assert itself over cruel superstition, the children were passed hastily through the fire, so as to give xxxiii.35). [NEEDFIRE.] them at least some hope of life (Lev. xviii. 21; Jer.

2. Zool.: A genus of Lizards, family Agamidae. It contains but one species, Moloch horridus, from Australia. It is about six inches in length, armed on the head, body, limbs, and tail, with spines of large size, whence its popular name, Thorn-devil.

Mỏ-16-kăn (pl. Mô-lô-ka-ni), s. [Russ. moloko milk.] Milk-drinker; one of a sect in Russia who observe the laws of Moses regarding meat, forbid the use of images or the sign of the cross, and consider all wars unlawful. They derive their name from the quantity of milk-food eaten by them.

mo-lō'-pēş, s. pl. [Gr. mõlõps (genit, mõlōpos)= the mark of a stripe, a weal.] Pathol.: Petechiae (q. v.).

mo-los -sī, s. pl. [MOLOSSUS.]

reception of three genera of Emballonuridae: MolosZool.: A group formed by Dr. Dobson, "for the Soc., 1876, pp. 76-735.) sus, Nyctinomus, and Cheiromeles." (Proc. Zool.

mo-los-si-næ, s. pl. [Mod. Lat. moloss(us); Lat. fem. pl. adj. suff.-inc.]

Zool.: A sub-family of Emballonuride. It contains two groups: Molossi and Mystacine.

mo-los-sus, s. [Gr. Molossos-belonging to Molossia, a district of Epirus, celebrated for producing a kind of wolf-dog used by shepherds.]

1. Gr. & Lat. Prosody: A foot of three long syllables.

2. Zool.: The typical genus of the group Molossi. Ears close, or united at base of inner margin; tragus very short; extremity of muzzle broad, ob tuse or obliquely truncated; lips smooth, or with very indistinct vertical wrinkles; back of toes cov ered with long curved hair. Range, tropical and sub-tropical regions of America. Dr. Dobson enumerates nine species.

mol-o-thrus, s. [Etym. doubtful; Agassiz gives Gr. mōlos = toil, and throus-a confused noise; McNicoll gives mole in to transplant. Cabanis suggests that molothrus is a mistake; and that Gr. molobros=a glutton, was intended by Swainson.]

Ornith.: A genus of Icteride, with species ranging from La Plata to the Northern United States. Bill short and stout, lateral toes nearly equal, claws rather small; tail nearly even; wings long, pointed. As far as is known, they make no nest, but deposit their eggs in the nests of other (usually smaller) birds. The best known species is Molothrus pecoris, popularly known as the Cow-bird or Cow Blackbird, from their keeping about that animal, and finding, either from her parasitic insects or her droppings, opportunities for food." The male has the neck, head, and anterior half of the breast light chocolate brown; rest of the body black, with me tallic luster. The female is light olivaceous brown all over. Bill and feet black in both sexes. (Baird, Brewer, & Ridgway.)

*mōlt, pret. & pa. par. of v. [MELT.] *mult-a-ble, a. [Eng molt; -able.] Capable of being melted; meltable.

of melted metal. mölten, pa. par. or a. [MELT.] Melted; made

"And he made a molten sea, ten cubits from the one brim to the other."-1 Kings vii. 23.

mol-tō, adv. [Ital.]

Music: Much, very; as, molto adagio, very slow; molto allegro, very quick; molto sostenuto, much sustained.

Mo-luc-ca, s. [See def.]

Geog. (pl.): An alternative name for the Spice Islands in the Asiatic Archipelago.

father; we, wět, here, camel, her, thêre;

pine, pit, sïre, sir, marîne; gỗ, pot, ∞, œē; ey=



Molucca-balm, s.

Bot.: Molucella, a genus of Labiata.

Molucca-bat, s.


Zool. Harpyia cephalotes, the Harpy Bat. was called the Molucca bat by Pennant and Shaw. it is found in the islands of Celebes and Amboyna. mol-va, s. [Etym. doubtful.]

Ichthy. A genus of Gadidae, erected for the reception of the Ling, Molva vulgaris, otherwise Lota molva. It differs from Lota in having several teeth in the lower jaw and on the vomer.

mo-ly, s. [Lat., from Gr. moly, from mōlyō to mitigate.]

1. A fabulous plant, to which were ascribed magic properties. It had a black root and a white blossom, and was given by Hermes to Ulysses to counteract the spells of Circe.

"Black was the root, but milky white the flower;
Moly the name, to mortals hard to find."


mo-lýb-do-me-nite s. [Greek molybdos-lead; mene the moon, and suff. -ite (Min.).]

Min.: A mineral occurring in very thin and fragile lamella. Crystallization, orthorhombic (?). Composition: A selenate of lead. Found with chalcomenite and cobaltomenite in the Cerro de Cacheuta, southeast of Mendoza, Argentine Republic.

mō -ly-şite, s. [Gr. molysis = a stain; German molysit.]

Min.: A mineral forming brownish-red to yellow encrustations on the lavas of Vesuvius. Composition: Chlorine, 65'5; iron, 34.5= 100, corresponding with the formula FeCl3.

*mōme, s. [Old Fr. mome, momme, from Latin momus; Gr. Momos=the god of raillery or mockery.] 1. A clown, a buffoon.

2. A stupid, a dull fellow; a blockhead. "Mome, malthorse, capon, coxcomb, idiot, patch." Shakesp.: Comedy of Errors, iii. 1. mo-měnt, s. [Fr., from Latin momentum (for movimentum) = a movement, an instant, moving Dwarf Moly is Allium chamamoly; Homer's force, weight, from moveo to move; Ital. & Sp. momento.] Moly is A. magicum.

Pope: Homer's Odyssey, x. 365.

2. Wild Garlic, Allium moly.

mo-lýb-dāte, s. [Eng. molybd(ic); -ate.]

Chem.: A salt of molybdic acid.

molybdate of iron, s.

Min.: A mixture of molybdite with limonite

(q. v.).

molybdate of lead, s.

Min.: The same as WULFENITE (q. v.). mo-lýb'-děn-a, s. [MOLYBDENUM.]

mô-lýb ́-děn-ite, s. [Eng. Molybdenum; suff. -ite (Min.).]

Min.: A soft mineral found mostly in foliated masses, or as aggregates of minute scales, rarely in tabular, hexagonal crystals. Crystallization, yet uncertain; hardness, 1-15; specific gravity, 44-48; luster, metallic; color, lead-gray, opaque; lamina, flexible, sectile; leaves a gray trace on paper. Composition: Sulphur, 410; molybdenum, 590=100, corresponding with the formula MoS. Found dis. tributed through crystalline rocks, sometimes in considerable amount. Called also Molybdenumsulphide.

mo-lýb-dě-năm, s. [Lat. molybdena; Greek molybduina-galena (q. v.), from Lat. molybdus; Gr. molybdos, and molybdis lead.

Chem.: A metallic, hexad element, discovered by Hjelm in 1782; symbol, Mo; atomic weight, 955; molecular weight, unknown; specific gravity 86. It is of rare occurrence, but is found in combination, with sulphur as molybdenite, MoS2; with oxygen in molybdenum ocher, MoO3; and as lead molybdate, MoOPbO, in wulfenite. The metal is obtained by heating molybdic anhydride, or one of the chlorides, to redness in a current of hydrogen. It is a silver-white, brittle, almost infusible metal, permanent in air at ordinary temperatures, but when heated it oxidizes, and is ultimately converted into molybdic anhydride. It is not attacked by dilute hydrochloric or sulphuric acids, but is readily dissolved in aqua-regia, or in hot concentrated sulphuric acid. Molybdenum forms with oxygen the following oxides: Hypomolybdous oxide, MoO; dimolybdous trioxide, MoO3; molybdous oxide, MoO2, and molybdic anhydride, MoO3, all of rela tively slight importance. It forms four chlorides, MoCl2, MoCl, MoCl, and MoC; and three sulphides, MoS, MOS3, and MoS4, the last two being acid sulphides, and forming sulphur salts.

molybdenum-oxide, s. [MOLYBDITE.] molybdenum-sulphide, s. [MOLYBDENITE.] mo-lýb-dic, mo-lýb-dous, a. [English molybd(enum); -ic, -ous.] Pertaining to or derived from molybdenum.

molybdic-acid, s.

Chem.: MOOOH2. It separates as a white crystalline powder, when hydrochloric or nitric acid is added to a solution of a molybdate. It is insoluble in water, but soluble in an excess of an acid, and is used, in combination with ammonia and nitric acid, in testing for minute quantities of phosphoric acid.

molybdic-ocher, s. [MOLYBDITE.] molybdic-silver, s.

Min.: The same as WEHRLITE (q. v.). mo-lýb-dîne, s. [MOLYBDITE.] mo-lyb-dite, mo-lýb dîne, s. [Eng. molybd(enum); suff. -ite, -ine (Min.); Ger. molybdit.]

Min.: An orthorhombic mineral occurring in groups of capillary crystals, or as an earthy encrustation. Hardness, 1-2; specific gravity, 449-450; color, straw-yellow. Composition: Oxygen, 34:29; molybdenum, 6571=100, corresponding with the formula Mo03. Also formed in crystals artificially. Called also Molybdenum-oxide and Molybdic-ocher. boil, boy; pout, jowl; cat, cell, -cian, -tian shan. -tion,

I. Ordinary Language:

*1. Momentum; impulsive power or weight. "Touch with lightest moment of impulse His free-will." Milton: P. L., x. 45.

2. Consequence, importance, weight, value, influence, consideration.

"Matters of great moment." Shakesp.: Richard III., iii. 7. 3. An essential element; an important factor. 4. The smallest portion of time; an instant. "So soon swift the her lost ground regain'd, One length, one moment, had the race obtain'd." Pope: Homer's Iliad, xxiii. 606. II. Technically:


mō'-ment-ar-1-ness, subst. [Eng. momentary; -ness.] The quality or state of being momentary; brief duration.

mō'-ment-ar-y, adj. [Lat. momentarius, from momentum a moment (q. v.).] Lasting only for a moment; done or past in a moment.

"The fit is momentary." Shakesp.: Macbeth, iii. 4. mō-ment-ly, adv. [Eng. moment; -ly.] From moment to moment; every moment; momentarily. "I hear ye momently above, beneath, Crash with a frequent conflict."

Byron: Manfred, i. 2. mō-měnt-oŭs, adj. [Latin momentosus, from momentum a moment (q. v.).] Of moment; of weight or consequence; weighty, important.

"A momentous question which admitted of no delay."Macaulay: Hist. Eng., ch. xi.

mō-měnt-oŭs-ly, adv. [Eng. momentous; -ly.] In a momentous degree; weightily; with great weight, consequence, or importance.

mō-měnt-ous-ness, s. [Eng. momentous;-ness.] The quality or state of being momentous; importance, weight, moment.

mō-měnt'-ům, s. [Latin for movimentum, from

moveo=to move.

I. Ordinary Language:

1. An impulse, an impetus.

"That momentum of ignorance, rashness, presumption, and lust of plunder which nothing has been able to resist."-Burke: On the French Revolution.

2. A constituent or essential element.

II. Mech. The force possessed by matter in motion; the product of the mass by the velocity of a body. Thus a ball of four pounds weight moving

*1. Math. An increment or decrement; an infini- uniformly at the rate of eighteen feet in a second tesimal change in a variable quantity. 2. Mechanics:

The movement of a force is:

(1) With respect to a point: The product of the force into the distance of its point from its line of action.

(2) With respect to a line: The product of the component of the force which is perpendicular to the line, into the shortest distance between the line and the direction of this component.

(3) With respect to a plane: The product of the force into the perpendicular distance of its point of application from the plane.

(1) Moment of a couple: The product of either of the forces into the perpendicular between them. (2) Moment of inertia: The sum of the products of the mass of each particle of a rotating body into the square of its distance from the axis of rotation. (3) Statical moment: The moment of equilibrium between opposite forces.

(4) Virtual moment of a force: The product of the intensity of the force into the virtual velocity of its point of application.

(5) Moment of a magnet: The product of the strength of either of its poles by the distance between them. Or more rigorously, a quantity which, when multiplied by the intensity of a uniform field gives the couple which the magnet experiences when held with its axis perpendicular to the line of force in this field.

(6) Moment of momentum: [MOMENTUM, T.] *mō mẹnt, v. t. [MOMENT, 8.] To arrange to a moment.

"All accidents are minuted and momented by Divine Providence."-Fuller: Worthies, ii. 334.

mō-měnt -al, a. [Eng. moment: -al.]

would have double the momentum that one of three pounds weight moving at the rate of twelve feet per second would possess, for 4 X 18 is 72, and 3X12-36, or half as much. The force of percusstrikes an object, is the same in amount as the sion, that is, the force with which a moving body momentum of the former.


"If L stands for length, T for time, and M for mass, their momentum is T "-Everett: C. G. S. System of Units (1875), ch. i., p. 5.

Angular momentum: The product of moment of inertia by angular velocity, or the product of momentum by length. If M stands for mass, L for length, and T for time, their angular momentum is ML2 Called also Moment of Momentum. (Everett: C. G. S. System of Units (1875), ch. i., p. 6.)


mō-mi-er, 8. [Fr., from 0. Fr. momer = to mumm, to mask one's self.] A name given in contempt or ridicule by the French and Swiss Calvinists, in 1818, to certain persons, chiefly Swiss, who seceded from their communion.

*mōm'-Ish, a. [Eng. mom (e); -ish.] Foolish. "Discovered lyes to momish mouthes." Verses prefixed to Googe's Eglogs. mo-mor'-di-cą, s. [From Lat. mordeo (perf. momordi) to bite, because the seeds look as if bitten.]

Bot. A genus of Cucurbitaceae, tribe Cucurbites. The leaves are lobed or compound, the flowers white or yellow, monoecious or dioecious. Males with three stamens and zigzag anthers, two of them two-celled, the third one-celled. Fruit fleshy, prickly, or warty. Found in the hotter parts of

1. Lasting only for a moment; momentary; very both hemispheres. Momordica charantia has a


"Not one momental minute doth she swerve." Breton: Sir P. Sidney's Ourania. (1606.) 2. Momentous. *mo-měnt-al-lỷ, adv. [Eng. momental; ly.] For a moment; momentarily.

"Air but momentally remaining in our bodies, hath no gar Errors.

Proportionable space for its conversion."-Browne: Vulmō-men-tā -ně-oŭs, *mō-měn'-tāne, mōmẹn-tan-y, adj. [Latin momentaneus, from momentum a moment; Fr. momentanée.] Lasting

but a moment; momentary.

"Howe short and momentane the pleasure of this filthie

flesh is."-Stow: The Mercians (an. 749). *mō-ment-an-i-ness, *mō-ment-an-i-nesse, subst. [Eng. momentany; -ness.] Momentariness "Howe doth the momentaninesse of this misery add to the misery."-Bishop Hall: Character of Man.

chorus, shun; -sion =

*mō-men-tan-y, a. [MOMENTANEOUS.] mō-ment-ar-i-ly, adv. [Eng. momentary; -ly.] 1. For a moment; so as to last only a moment. 2. Every moment; from moment to moment.

bright orange-yellow fruit, one to six inches long. It is cultivated throughout India. Two varieties of it are known in Bengal. After being washed in hot water to diminish its bitterness, it is eaten by the Hindus in their curries. It is used in India internally as a laxative, and as an ointment for sores; the juice as a mild purgative for children; the astringent root in hæmorrhoids. The fruit and leaves are used as an anthelmintic, also in piles, leprosy, and jaundice. The former is tonic, stomachic, and given in diseases of the spleen and liver. M. dioica grows wild in India, where the young and tender fruit is eaten by the natives with the tuberous roots of the female plant. The root is used also to stop bleeding from piles, and in bowel complaints. Ainslie says that when mixed with cocoanut, pepper, and red sandal-wood and applied in the form of a liniment it relieves headache. M. cochinchinensis is eaten. The fruit of M. balsamina has a smooth orange or yellow fruit, one to four inches long. Pickled or steeped in oil, it is a vulnerary. M. elaterum, called also Ecbalium agreste, is the Squirting Cucumber (q. v.). M. operculata is a drastic purgative. The fruit of M. monadelpha, called also Coccinia indica, is eaten by the natives of India in their curries.

, aş; expect, Xenophon, exist. ph = f. &c. -ble, -dle, bel, del.


mo-mor-di-çine, s. [Mod. Lat. momordic(a); suff. -ine (Chem.).] Chem.: The same as ELATERIN (q. v.). (Garrod.)

mō-mot, s. [MOTMOT.] mo-mot-i-dæ, s. pl. [Mod. Lat. momot (us); Lat. fem. pl. adj. suff. -ida.]

Ornith. Motmots; a family of fissirostral picarian birds, ranging from Mexico to Paraguay, and to the west coast of Ecuador, but having their headquarters in Central America. Six genera are known. mo-mō -tus, s. [Latinized from motmot (q. v.).] Ornith.: Motmot, the typical genus of the family Momotide (q. v.). Ten species are known, ranging from Mexico to Brazil and Bolivia, one species extending to Tobago, and one to Western Ecuador. The general plumage is green, and most of the spe; cies have the strange habit of denuding the central mō -mus, 8. [Gr. mōmos=(1) ridicule, (2) see def.] 1. Gr. Myth. Ridicule personified; the critic god, the son of Night. (Hesiod: Theog., 21.) He blamed Vulcan for not having placed a window in the human breast.

rectrices of the web with their beaks.


*2. Ord. Lang.: One who carps at everything;
querulous person
Momus' lattice: An imaginary window in the
human breast that the thoughts might be seen.
"Were Momus' lattice in our breasts,

My soul might brook to open it more widely
Than thine."
Byron: Werner, iii. 1.

mon-, mon-ō-, pref. [Gr. monos alone, sole.] A common prefix in words derived from the Greek, and signifying unity or singleness.

mō-na, s. [Sp. & Ital.=an old woman.] Zool. Cercopithecus mona, a monkey from Senegal. It is remarkable for its brilliant coloration; the head being olive-yellow, with a black stripe on the forehead; yellowish whiskers and a purple face. The back is chestnut-brown, and there is a white spot on each side near the root of the tail, which is black. (Mivart.)

mon-a-căn -thus, s. (Pref. mon-, and Gr. akantha a spine.] Ichthy. A genus of plectognathous fishes, family Sclerodermati, group Balistina. There is only one dental spine, and the rough scales are so small as to give the skin a velvety appearance. Adult males of some species have minute spines arranged in rows on each side of the tail, or the spines of the scales developed into bristles. Common in the Atlantic. Fifty species are known.

mon-ǎç ́-ě-tin, s. [Pref. mon-, and Eng. acetin.] Chem.: CH(OH)2(O'C2H ̧O), Glyceryl dihydrate acetate. A colorless, oily liquid obtained by heating glycerine with glacial acetic acid for some time, to a temperature of 100°. It is miscible with a small quantity of water, but is decomposed by a large quantity.

mon-a-chal, a. [Eccles. Lat. monachalis, from monachus a monk (q. v.); Fr. & Sp. monacal; Ital. monacale. Pertaining or relating to monks or monastic life; monastic.

mon-a-chişm, s. [Fr. monachisme, from Eccles. Lat. monachus a monk.] The system of monastic life; monkery, monkishness.

"What labor is to be endured turning over volumes of rubbish in the rest, Florence of Worcester, Huntingdon, Simeon of Durham, Hoveden, Matthew of Westminster, and many others of obscurer note, with all their monachisms, is a penance to think."-Milton: Hist. Eng., bk. iv.

The ultimate fact on which monachism rests is that many people are born with a tendency to contemplation rather than to active exertion, and, if pious, consider that they will be more free from temptation to sin by retiring from the ordinary world. Hot climates tend to strengthen these feel ings, and monachism has flourished more luxuriantly in Asia, Africa, and Southern Europe, than in the colder north.

(1) Ethnic Monachism: The most gigantic development of monachism the world has ever seen was that of Buddhism (q. v.), and it was the earliest in point of date. The Jain system is also monastic. Brahmanism possessed it to a less, but still to a considerable extent. Of the Hindu Triad the worship of Brahma scarcely exists; connected with that of Vishnu and Siva there are many monastic orders or sects. Of the former, Dr. Horace Hayman Wilson enumerates nineteen, and of the latter eleven, with fourteen others, some sub-divided (Works (1862), i. 12). Curiously enough, most of them arose about the same dates as the leading religious orders of Christendom were instituted, as if Oriental and Western minds advanced equally, or some cause had operated simultaneously both in the East and the West.

(2) Jewish Monachism: The Nazarites were an ascetic sect temporarily under vows, but not bound to celibacy, which is nowhere enjoined even on fate, făt, färe, amidst, what, fall,

[blocks in formation]

of the different monads are of different degree of clearness. God is the primitive mond, the primary substance; all other monads are its fulgurations. God has none but adequate ideas. Every soul is a monad. Plants and minerals are, as it were, sleeping monads with unconscious in animals they take the form of sensation and memory; ideas. In plants these ideas are formative vital forces; in human souls they disclose themselves in consciousness, reason; they approach, though they do not attain, the clearness of the adequate ideas possessed by God."-Hist. Pantheism, ii. 207, 208.

4. Zool.: (See extract.)

monad-radical, s.

Chem.: A compound radical which can replace one atom of hydrogen, or which requires only one equivalent of a monad element to satisfy its active atomicity.

priests under the Mosaic law. Elijah and John the
Baptist had monastic tendencies (1 Kings xvii. 3, 4,
xix. 1-9; 2 Kings i. 8; Matt. iii. 4). But genuine
Jewish monasticism, with its celibacy as well as
its asceticism and seclusion from society, seems to
have begun with the Essenes (q. v.), and to have
been continued by the Therapeute (q. v.)..
(3) Christian Monachism: In the second century
certain persons who aimed at stricter piety than
their neighbors often held converse together with-
out quite separating from society. They were
called ascetics, and were the successors of the
"No better illustration of the impossibility of drawing
Therapeutæ, who prepared the way for the rise of
any sharply defined distinction between animals and
monachism. In the third century Paul ranged plants can be found, than that which is supplied by the
through the desert of Thebais in Upper Egypt dur- history of what are termed Monads. The name of Monad
ing the Decian persecutions. He and others who has been commonly applied to minute free or fixed,
acted similarly were called Anachorets or Anchor- rounded or oval bodies, provided with one or more long
ites, or persons who retire from society, recluses, cilia, and usually provided with a nucleus and a con-
solitaries [ANCHORITE), also eremites or hermits, tractile vacuole
Some are locomotive conditions
that is, persons who live in the desert. EREMITE.] of indubitable plants; others are embryonic conditions
They frequently resided in caves. In 305 Anthony, of as indubitable animals. Yet others are embryonic
an Egyptian monk, collected many of the eremites forms of organisms which appear to be as much animals
into communities. These were called coenobites they should be regarded as animals or as plants."-
as plants; and of others it is impossible to say whether
from their living in common. In this he was largely Huxley: Anat. Invert. Animals, pp. 44, 45.
assisted by his disciple, Pachomius. The same
discipline spread through Western Asia and Eu-
rope. From among the Eremites who lived apart
from each other sprung the Sarabaites and Gyro-
vagi (Vagabond monks), disreputable races, the
Stylites, or Pillar Saints, associated forever with
the name of Simeon, who died in 451, with other
ramifications. At first all the monastic establish-
ments followed the rule of Pachomius, but in the
early part of the sixth century St. Benedict intro-
duced new regulations, and all the monastic orders
for some centuries were Benedictine. Many ordi-
nary monks becoming corrupt, the new Order of
Canons was instituted in the twelfth century, and,
as the great wealth which their communities had
acquired was believed to be one of the main causes
of that corruption, there arose, in the beginning of
the thirteenth century, different mendicant orders,
the members of which vowed poverty. [MENDI-
CANT-ORDERS.] At first all the monks were laymen;
now they consist of three classes: (1) Priests; (2)
who act as servants and laborers. Originally they
choir monks, in minor orders; and (3) laybrothers,
mately they were exempt from all authority except
were under the jurisdiction of the bishop, but ulti-
that of the Holy See. The influence of the mendi-
cant orders was on the wane at the Reformation,
and the Jesuits took their place. At that date
many monasteries in England and elsewhere were
deprived of their endowments and suppressed.
Those of France were swept away in the first Revo-
lution. Though since restored, they have not
attained their former importance. [MONASTERY,

mon-a-chus, s.
Zool. A genus of Phocida, called by F. Cuvier
Pelagius. Monachus albiventer is the Monk-seal
(q.v.). M. tropicalis, a Jamaican species, is prob-
ably distinct.

[Lat., from Gr. monachos=a

mon-ǎc-tin-ĕ1-11-dæ, s. pl. [Pref. mon-; Mod.
Lat. actinella a little ray, and Lat. fem. pl. adj.
suff. -idæ.]

Zool.: A name usually given to a sub-order of
Silicispongia, more properly called Monaxonid
(q. v.), since they are characterized by being uni-
axial, not by being one-rayed.

mon-ǎd, s. [Lat. monas (genit. monadis)=a
unit, from Gr. monas a unit, from monos-alone,
single; Sp. monada; Ital. monade.]

simple substance without parts; a primary constit-
I. Ord. Lang.: An ultimate atom or molecule; a
uent of matter.

"But that which is of more moment yet; we have the
that Pythagoras his monads, so much talked of, were
authority of Ecphantus a famous Pythagorean for this,
nothing else but corporeal atoms."-Cudworth: Intel. Sys-
tem, p. 13.

II. Technically:

1. Chem.: Univalent element. A name given to those elements which can directly unite with, or replace, one atom of hydrogen in a compound. The monad elements are hydrogen, chlorine, bromine, iodine, fluorine, lithium, sodium, potassium, ruthenium, cesium, and silver,

2. Philol.: A monosyllabic word or root; specif., a monosyllabic root of the isolating class of languages.

3. Philos.: A term first used by Giordano Bruno (circ. 1548-1600), and adopted in a slightly different sense and brought into prominence by Leibnitz (1648-1716). To avoid the Atomism of Gassendi, he conceived a number of true unities, without extension, but endowed with the depth of an internal life, thus distinguishing them from atoms. (Merz.)

*mon-a-där -I-a, s. pl. [Latin_monas, genit. monad(is); neut. pl. adj. suff. -aria.]

Zool.: De Blainville's name for the Infusoria. mon-a-děl ́-phi-ą, s. pl. [Pref. mon- (q. v.); Gr. adelphos a brother, and Lat. neut. pl. adj. suff.-ia.) Bot. The sixteenth class in Linnæus' system. The stamens constitute a single "brotherhood" or bundle, being united with a single tube. There are seven orders, Triandria, Pentandria, Heptandria, Octandria, Decandria, Dodecandria, and Polyandria (q. v.).

+mon-ǎ-děl-phi-an, a. & s. [Mod. Lat. monadelphi(a); Eug. suff. -an.]


A. As adj.: The same as MONADELPHOUS (q. v.).
B. As subst.: A plant of the Linnæan class Mona-

delphia (q. v.).

mon-a-děl-phon, s. [MONADELPHIA.]

Bot.: A column of stamens united into a tube. mon a děl ́-phoŭs, a. [Mod. Latin monadelphia); Eng. suff. -ous.]

[ocr errors]

dle; having all the stamens united into a single tube, as in the Malvacea.

Bot. Combined into one brotherhood," or bun

mon-ăd -ic, *mon-ăd -ic-al, a. [Eng. monad; -ic; -ical.] Having the nature or character of a monad.

mon-ǎd-i-dæ, mon-a-di-na, 8. pl. [Lat. monas, genit, monad (is); fem. pl. adj. suff. -ida, or neut. -ina.],

Zool.: A family of Rhizopods, order Flagellata. They were classed, under the name Monadina. by Ehrenberg, as Infusoria. There is a nucleated corpuscle, with a vacuole and an external thread-like appendage or tail-like lash. They are developed in organic infusions. Some are only inch long. mon-ǎd-I-form, a. [Lat. monas (genit. monadis) a monad, and forma=form, appearance.] Having the form or appearance of a monad. (Owen.)

mon-a-di-na, s. pl. [MONAPIDE.]

mon-ǎd-ŏl -ôð-ġỷ, s. [Fr. La Monadologie, the intended for Prince Eugene of Savoy. It was not title of a sketch written by Leibnitz in 1714, and published till 1720 (in a German translation), and the original French did not appear till 1839. Greek monas (genit. monados)=a unit, and logos=a discourse.]

Philos.: The name given to that portion of the philosophical system of Leibnitz which considers physical bodies as aggregates of particles or atoms.

"Modern biology presents us with an illustration of the monadology, in its conception of the organism as constituted by an infinite number of cells, each cell havand death. The compound result of all these separate ing an independent life of its own-origin, development, lives is the life of the organism."-G. H. Lewees: Hist. Philos. (1880), p. 287.

mo-nâl, s. [Native name.] Ornith.: [IMPEYAN-PHEASANT.] mon-ăm-ide, s. [Pref. mon-, and Eng. amide.] bodies, derived from one molecule of ammonia, the Chemistry: A name given to organic nitrogenous hydrogen being replaced wholly or partly by acid


mon-ǎm'-Ine, s. [Pref. mon-, and Eng. amine.] Chem. A term applied to certain organic bases, derived from ammonia by the replacement of one or more atoms of hydrogen by monad positive radicals.

"Monad is the term given by Leibnitz to simple unex-
tended substance; that is a substance which has the power
of action...
All monads have ideas, but the ideas
father; wē, wět, hëre, camel, her, thêre; pine, pit, sïre, sir,

marîne; gō, pot,


+mon-ǎn'-der, s. [MONANDRIA.]

Bot. A plant belonging to the Linnæan class Monandria (q. v.).

mon-ǎn'-dri-a, s. pl. [Mod. Latin, from pref. mon-, and Gr. aner (genit, andros)=a man.]

Bot. The first class in Linnæus' system. It consists of plants with only one stamen. There are two orders, Monogynia and Digynia (q. v.).

mon-ǎn'-dri-an, a. & s. [Mod. Lat. monandria (q. v.); Eng. suff. -an.]


A. As adj.: The same as MONANDROUS (q. v.).] B. As subst.: A plant of the Linnæan class Monandria (q. v.).

mon-ǎn'-dric, a. [English monandr(y); -ic.] Belonging to or in any way connected with the practice of monandry; practicing monandry (q.v.). "Such customs as prevailed in ancient Britain, and their perpetuation after marriage had become monandric."-J. F. MacLennan: Studies in Ancient Hist., p. 272. (Note.)

mòn-ăn-droňs, adj. [Mod. Lat., &c., monan dria); Eng. suff. -ous.] Bot. Having only one stamen; of or belonging to the class Monandria (q. v.).

mon-ǎn'-dry, s. [Gr. monos-alone, single, and aner (genit. andros)=a man, a husband.]

Anthrop. That form of marriage in which one man espouses one woman. [MARRIAGE, POLYAN DRY.]

"We thus see exhibited in Sparta, at one and the same time, promiscuity in its highest polyandric form, and lingering round a growing practice of monandry."-J. F. MacLennan: Studies in Ancient History, p. 273.

mon-ǎn-thoŭs, adj. [Gr. monos alone, single, and anthos a flower. Bot.: Producing but one flower; applied to a plant or peduncle.

mon-arch, s. & a. [French monarque, from Lat. monarcha, from Gr. monarches=a monarch: monos =alone, and archo-to rule, to govern; Ital. & Sp. monarca.]

[blocks in formation]

3. One who presides; the president, patron, or presiding genius.

"Come, thou monarch of the vine,
Plumpy Bacchus, with pink eyne."
Shakesp.: Antony and Cleopatra, ii. 7.

B. As adj.: Supreme, ruling. mo-nar'-cha, s. [Gr. monarche a governess, a female ruler.]

Ornith.: A genus of Muscicapidae; twenty-eight species are known, from Australia, Tasmania, the Moluccas, Caroline, and Marquesas Islands. The plumage is brilliant; Monarcha loricata is black and white, the throat scaled with metallic blue; M. chrysomela, brilliant black and bright orange; M. telescophthalmata, the Speckled Flycatcher, is pure white and velvety black, with a broad azure fleshy ring round the eye. The last two were found in New Guinea by the naturalists of the "Coquille." mo-nar'-chal, a. [Eng. monarch; -al.] Befitting a monarch; princely, sovereign, regal. "Satan


mo-nar-chic, mo-nar-chic-al, *mo-narchick, a. [Fr. monarchique, from Gr. monarchikos, from monarchos ruling alone.]

1. Vested in a single ruler; presided over by a single governor.

"Monarchical their State,
But prudently confined, and mingled wise
Of each harmonious power."
Thomson: Liberty, iv. 695.

2. Of or pertaining to monarchy. "The monarchick, and aristocratical and popular partisans have been jointly laying their axes to the root of all government, and have in their turns proved each other absurd and inconvenient."-Burke: Vindication of Natural Society.

mo-nar-chic-al-ly, adv. [Eng. monarchical; ly.] In a monarchical manner; after the manner of a monarchy.

mon-arch-işm, s. [Eng. monarch; -ism.] The principles of monarchy; love of or preference for monarchy.

mon'-arch-Ist, s. [Eng. monarch; -ist.] An advocate or supporter of monarchism.

"I proceed to examine the next supposition of the church monarchists."-Barrow: Of the Pope's Supremacy. mon-arch-ize, v. t. & i. [Eng. monarch; -ize.] A. Trans.: To rule over as a monarch.

B. Intrans.: To act the monarch; to play the king. T. Nashe: Terrors of the Night. "A humor of monarchizing and nothing else it


mon-ar-dě-æ, s. pl. [Mod. Lat. monard(a); Lat. fem. pl. adj. suff. -ec.]

Bot.: A tribe of Labiata. It is divided into three families: Salvida, Rosmarinidæ, and Horminide. mon -ǎs, s. [Gr. monas a unit.]

Zool.: A genus of Flagellata, sub-order Pantostomata. Monas dallingeri, o inch in length, has one flagellum, flexible at first, and becoming rigid toward the base in old specimens.

mon-as-tër-i-al, a. [Lat. monasterialis, from monasterium a monastery (q. v.); Ital. monasteriale.] Of or pertaining to a monastery.

mon-as-tër-1-al-lỹ, adv. [Eng. monasterial; -ly.] Monastically. Rabelais, bk. i. (Prol.) "Many being monasterially accoutred."--Urquhart:

mon-as-ter-y, s. [Lat. monasterium, from Gr. monasterion=a minister, or monastery, from monastes-dwelling alone, from monazo to be alone; monos alone, single; Fr. monastère; Ital. monastero, monasterio; Sp. monasterio.] Comparative Religions:

1. Ethnic: For details as to the Buddhist and Jain monasteries, see the articles BUDDHIST-ARCHITECTURE, JAIN-ARCHITECTURE, also BUDDHIST and JAINISM.

2. Christian.: The ecclesiastical Latin monasterium the home of a religious community of men, was in general use in the Church for several centuries, when it was displaced by conventus=a comis."-munity (of men or women), bound by rule, and practicing the counsels of perfection. By Roman ecclesiastical writers the word monastery is usually restricted to Benedictine houses, and houses of Orders practicing some modification of the Benedictine rule; as, a Carthusian monastery, a Cistercian monastery; but a Franciscan or a Dominican convent. One of the effects of the Oxford movement in England has been the attempt of Father Ignatius (the Rev. J. L. Lyne) to found a Benedictine mon astery at Llanthony, near Abergavenny. "There is a monastery two miles off,

mon -arch-iz-ĕr, †mon'-arch-iş er, s. [Eng. monarchiz(e); -er.] An advocate of monarchical government; a monarchist. "Let the pride Of these our irreligious monarchisers Be crown'd in blood." Haywood: Rape of Lucrece, iii. *mon-ar-chō, 8. [MONARCH.] A crack-brained Englishman affecting the airs of an Italian. "A phantasm, a Monarcho, and one that makes sport." Shakesp.: Love's Labor's Lost, iv. i. mon-ar-chy, *monarche, *monarchie, subst. [Fr. monarchie, from Lat. monarchia; Gr. monar chia a kingdom; monarchos ruling alone: monos alone, and archo-to rule; Sp. monarquia; Ital. monarchia.]

1. The system of government in which the su preme power is in the hands of a single person. "The first, the most ancient, most general, and most approved, was the government of one ruling by just laws, called monarchy."-Raleigh: Hist. World, bk. i., ch. ix.,

[blocks in formation]

¶ (1) Absolute monarchy: A government in which the monarch is invested with absolute or despotic


(2) Despotic monarchy: The same as Absolute monarchy.

(3) Elective monarchy: A government in which the choice of the monarch or ruler is vested in the people.

(4) Fifth monarchy men: [FIFTH.]

with monarchal pride, Conscious of highest worth, unmov'd thus spake." Milton: P. L., ii. 428. *mon'-ar-chess, s. [English monarch; -ess.] A female monarch. mo-nar-chi-al, adj. [English monarch; -ial.] to the heir by blood. Monarchical.

mo-nar-chi-an, a. & s. [Lat. monarchia; Gr.
monarchia=monarchy; Eng. suff. -an.]
A. As adjective:

1. Ord. Lang.: Of or belonging to monarchy.
2. Church Hist.: Of or belonging to the sect de-

scribed under B.

B. As substantive:

Church Hist. (pl.): The followers of Praxeas, a celebrated man and confessor who lived at Rome in

the second century. He rejected the distinction of three Persons in the Divine Essence, and according to Tertullian (Liber contra Praxeam) contended for the monarchy of God. Christ was regarded as the Son of God, to whom the Father so joined himself as to be crucified along with the Son, whence the Monarchians were called also Patripassians (q. v.).

boll, boy; pout, jowl; cat,

(5) Hereditary monarchy: A monarchy in which the sovereignty descends directly from the holder (6) Limited monarchy: [LIMITED, ¶ (3).] mon-ar-da, s. [Named after Nicolas Monardez, a physician of Seville, in the sixteenth century.] Bot.: The typical genus of the menthaceous tribe Monardeæ. The leaves of Monarda didyma, an American species, are used for tea. [OSWEGO-TEA.] Its flowers are a brilliant scarlet. Monarda fistu losa, an American herb with a sweet scent, is a febrifuge; M. punctata yields a kind of camphor. monarda-camphor, s. Monarda punctata. Chem.: C10H140. The camphor or stearoptene of which melt at 48°, and resolidify at 38. It forms shining crystals,

monarda-oil, s.

Chem.: (C10H14) 30. The essential oil of Monarda punctata. It is a yellowish-red liquid, having an odor of thyme, boiling at 224°, and easily acquiring the consistency of resin by oxidation.

çell, chorus,

chin, bench; go, gem; thin, this;

And there we will abide."

Shakesp.: Merchant of Venice, iii. 4. mo-năs'-tic, a. & s. [Gr. monastikos = living in solitude, from monastes dwelling alone; Fr. monastique; Low Lat. monasticus; Ital. & Sp. monastico.]

A. As adj. Of or pertaining to monasteries, their rules, life, or occupants; pertaining to monks or religious seclusion. "Where he at Mayniard led A strict monastic life, a saint alive and dead." Drayton: Polyolbion, s. 24. *B. As subst.: A monk, a recluse. mo-năs -tic-al, a. [Eng. monastic; -al.] The same as MONASTIC, A (q. v.).

mồ-năs-tic-al-lý, ade. [Eng, monastical;-ly.] In a monastic manner; like a monk or recluse; in seclusion.

mo-năs-tic-on, s. [Gr. monastikos = living in solitude.] A book giving an account of monasteries, convents, and other religious houses; as, Dugdale's Monasticon Anglicanum.

mon-a-tom-ic, adj. [Prefix mon-, and English atomic.] Containing one atom.

monatomic-alcohol, s.

Chem. An alcohol containing only one atom of replaceable hydrogen, in the oxatylic portion of the radical.

monatomic-element, s.

Chem. An element containing one monatomic molecule. The monatomic elements are mercury, cadmium, and zinc.

monatomic-molecule, s.

Chem.: A molecule containing one atom. mo-nâul', s. [Native name.] Ornith.: [IMPEYAN-PHEASANT.] mon-ǎx-on-i-dæ, s. pl. [Pref. mon-; Gr. arðn (genit. axonos)=an axis, and Lat. fem. pl. adj. suff. -ida.]

Zool.: A sub-order of Silicispongia, distinguished by the presence of uni-axial, and the absence of teSchmidt tractinellid and hexactinellid spicules. divides the sub-order into five families: Renierinæ, Desmacidine, Suberitidine, Chalinopsidine, and Chalinew.

mō'-na-zīte, s. [Greek monazō to be solitary; suff. -ite (Min.).]

Min.: A rare mineral, occurring only in isolated crystals. Crystallization, monoclinic. Hardness, 5-55; specific gravity, 49-526; luster, somewhat resinous; color, various shades of brown to brownish-yellow; transparent to opaque; brittle. Composition: Á phosphate of cerium and lanthanum; with sometimes thorium and didymium. Occurs in the Ilmen Mountains, Orenburg, in granite; and at various localities in the United States. Also in some gold washings.

sin, aş; expect, Xenophon, exist. ph = f.


mō-nǎz-It-бìd, s. [Eng. monazite, and Gr. eidos


Min. A mineral resembling monazite in crystallization and external characters. Hardness, 5; specific gravity, 5*281; color, brown. Composition (according to Hermann): Phosphoric acid, 1794; protoxide of cerium, 49:35; protoxide of lanthanum, 21.30; lime, 150; water, 1:36; tantalum (?), 6'27; and traces of magnesia and sesquioxide of iron. Found in the Ilmen Mountains, Orenburg.

Mon -day, *Mon-en-day, *Mone-day, s. [A. S. mónan dag the day of the moon: mónan (genit; of móna) = the moon, and dæg-day.] The second day of the week.

monde, s. [Fr.-world, from Lat. mundus.] A globe used as an ensign of royalty; a mound.

The beau monde: [BEAU-MONDE.] mō-nē-cian, mō-nē-cious, adj. [MONECIAN, MONCECIOUS.]

mon-em-bry-ar-ỷ, adj. [Greek monos alone, single, and embryon an embryo (q. v.).] Having a single embryo.

mon'-ĕr-a, s. pl. [MONERON.]

mon'-ĕr-al, a. [Mod. Lat. moner(a); Eng. adj. suff. al.] Belonging to or having the characteristics of Monera. [MONERON.]

"To give a kind of general stability to the little moneral organisms."-Prof. T. R. Jones, in Cassell's Nat. Hist., vi. 347.

mon-er-on (pl. mòn-ẽr-a),s. [MoNAS.] Biology & Zoology:

1. Any individual of Haeckel's Protistic class Monera. [2]

"This wonderful moneron lives in the deepest parts of the sea." "-Haeckel: Evolution of Man, ii. 49.

2. (Pl.): The first class of Haeckel's sub-kingdom Protista (q. v.). It is divided into three orders, Lobomonera, Rhizomonera, and Tachymonera, and he describes the individuals as "organisms without organs (Organismen ohne Organe). The entire body, in its fully-developed condition, consists merely of a small piece of structureless plasma or primitive slime (Urschleim), not differentiated into protoplasm and nucleus. Movement is effected by means of lobed, filiform, or flagellate pseudopods. Reproduction asexual. Marine and also parasitic. (E. Haeckel: Das Protistenreich, p. 86.) mon-ĕr-u-la, s. [Mod. Lat. dimin. of moneron (q. v.).]

Biol. A simple protoplasmic body in which no true nucleus is to be found.

"We shall call this simplest (non-nucleated) stage the Monerula."-Haeckel: Evolution of Man, i. 179.

mo-nē-sēş, subst. [From Gr. monos alone. So named from the solitary flowers and combined petals. (Hooker & Arnott.)]

Bot.: Formerly regarded as a genus of Ericacem. Sir Joseph Hooker reduces it to a sub-genus of Pyrola, thus defined: Flower solitary, petals slightly adherent at the base, spreading anther cells with tubular tips, stigmatic lobes long, valves of capsule free." Moneses grandiflora is now called Pyrola uniflora.

mô-nē -şi-a, subst. [A Spanish American word.] (See the compound.)

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"Therfore we usen message for Crist as if God monestith bi us, we bisechen for Crist be ghe recounceilid to God."-Wycliffe: 2 Corinthians v.

mon-e-tar-y, a. [Lat. moneta=money (q. v.); Fr. monétaire.] Of or pertaining to money; consisting of money.

monetary-convention, s. There are two groups of European nations, between whose members an agreement has been entered into for the regulation of their coinage. They are called the "Latin Monetary Convention," and the "Scandinavian Monetary Convention." The former includes France, Belgium, Italy, and Switzerland, the agreement having been made in December, 1865, in virtue of which the coinages of those countries are of the same weight and fineness. Greece subsequently joined the convention, and assimilated her drachma to the franc. Spain, Austria and Hungary, Finland, Roumania, Servia, Bulgaria, and Monaco have also coined large amounts of either or both gold and silver into money, of weight, fineness, and value, exactly proportionate to, or identical with, that of


the countries included in the convention. The "Scandinavian Monetary Convention," dates from 1873, and includes Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.

monetary-unit, s. The standard of currency; Canada, francs in France, pounds in England, &c. as, dollars in the United States, Mexico, and *moneth, s. [MONTH.]

mon-e-thyl, a. [Pref. mon-, and Eng. ethyl.] in which one atom of hydrogen is replaced by one Chem. A term applied to any organic compound molecule of ethyl.

monethyl glycol-ether, s. CH2O C2H5. Chemistry: L One of the ethylene CH2OH. ethyl ethers formed by the direct combination of ethylene oxide and ethylic alcohol. It is an agreeable-smelling liquid, boiling at 127°. mo-nē-tite, 8. [After the Island of Moneta, Greater Antilles, where found; suff. -ite (Min.).] Min.: A mineral originating in a deposit of birdguano. Crystallization, triclinic. Hardness, 35; specific gravity, 275; luster. vitreous; color, pale yellowish-white; fracture, uneven; semi-transparent. Composition: Phosphoric acid, 5220; lime, 41 18; water, 662, yielding the chemical formula 2CaO,H2O, P205. Occurs in isolated patches and irregular seams in gypsum.

mon-ět-i-za-tion, s. [Eng. monetiz(e); -ation.] The act of monetizing; the act of giving a standard value to in the coinage of a country.

mon'-ět-ize, v. t. [Lat. moneta=money; -ize.] To give a standard value to in the coinage of a country; to form into coin.

mon-ey, *mon-eie, *mon-y (pl. môn ́-eğş, mon-ies), s. [O. Fr. moneie (Fr. monnaie), from Lat. moneta a mint, money; Sp. moneda; Port. moeda; Ital. moneta.] [MINT, 8.)

1. Coin; gold, silver, or other metal stamped by public authority, and used as the medium of exchange; stamped metal which may be given or taken in exchange for goods or commodities. 2. The standard by which the value of all other commodities is measured; the medium by which they are exchanged, bearing certain marks by which it is recognized; an equivalent for commodities; a circulating medium. Bank-notes, letters of credit, bills, notes of hand, &c., all representing coin, are money, as paper money. Essentially money is a ticket or order entitling the holder to receive a quantity of any commodity or other service equal in value to the amount indicated on the face of the order. Money is mentioned as a medium of commerce in Genesis xxiii., 1860 B. C., when Abraham purchased a field as a sepulcher for Sarah. The coinage of money is ascribed to the Lydians. Moneta was the name given to their silver by the Romans, it having been coined in the temple of Juno-Moneta, 269 B. C. Money was made of different metals, and even of leather and other articles. both in ancient and modern times. It was made of pasteboard by the Hollanders so late as 1574. 3. Wealth.

"Get money: still get money, boys;
No matter by what means."

Ben Jonson: Every Man in His Humor, ii. 3. 4. A denomination or designation of value, whether

represented in the coinage or not; as, the weights and moneys of a country. 5. Money's worth. (Slang.)

(1) Ready money: Money paid at the time a transaction is made.

(2) To make money: To gain, procure, or earn wealth; to be in the way of becoming wealthy. *(3) To take eggs for money: To be easily duped. (Shakesp.: Winter's Tale, i. 2.)

Obvious compounds: Money-box, money-dealer, money-lending, &c.

money-bag, s. A bag of money; a large purse. "Compelled first to deliver their money-bags, and then to drink King James' health in brandy."-Macaulay: Hist. Eng., ch. xix.

money-bill, s.

English Law: A bill in Parliament for granting aids and supplies to the Crown. Money-bills must originate in the House of Commons, and are rarely altered in the House of Lords, except by verbal alterations, which do not affect the sense.

money-bound, a. A term applied to passengers detained on board a vessel till a remittance arrives to enable them to pay their passage-money. (Hamersley.)

money-broker, s. A dealer in money; a moneychanger.

money-changer, s. One who deals in money. "Jesus went into the temple. and overthrew the tables of the money-changers, and the seats of them that sold doves."-Mark xi. 15.


money-counts, s. pl.

Eng. Law: Certain concise forms of counts to be used in suing for a money debt arising from a simple


money-cowry, 8.

Zool., &c.: Cypræa moneta. It is a native of the Asiatic Archipelago and the Pacific Islands, specially of the Philippine and Maldive Islands, constituting the chief article of export from the latter group. They are used as currency throughout India and other parts of Southern Asia, and in Africa, spreading probably from the former to the latter continent at a remote period of antiquity. Cowries constitute part also of the Indian circulation The number given for a pice varies. Herklots stated the number at from eighty to a hundred.

money-dropper, subst. A sharper who scrapes acquaintance with a dupe by asking him about a piece of money which he pretends to have just picked up, and thus gains his confidence and companionship.

money-grubber, s. An avaricious or rapacious

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"What if you and I, Nick, should inquire how moneymatters stand between us?"-Arbuthnot: Hist. of John money-monger, s. A dealer in money; a usurer. money-mongering, s. Usury.

money-order, s. An order for a sum of money, granted at one post-office upon payment of the sum and a small commission, and payable at another on sight. *money-sack, 8. A purse. lender, a usurer. *money-scrivener, s. A money-broker, a money

money-scriveners; such fellows are like your wire-drawing "Suppose a young unexperienced man in the hands of mills, if they get hold of a man's finger, they will pull in his whole body at last."-Arbuthnot: Hist. of John Bull. money-spider, money spinner, s.

Zoöl.: A small spider, Aranea scenica, popularly supposed to prognosticate good-fortune, especially in money matters, to the person over whom it crawls.

money-taker, s. A person deputed to receive payments of money; as a door-keeper at a place of entertainment, &c., who receives the money for admission; a cash-clerk in a retail establishment. money's-worth, s.

1. Something valuable; something which will bring money.

2. The worth of a thing in money; full value. *mon -ey, v. t. [MONEY, 8.] To furnish with money.

mon-ey-age (age as iġ), s. [Eng. money; -age.} 1. Eng. History: A general land-tax levied by the first two Norman kings, to induce the king not to use his prerogative in debasing the coin.

"Moneyage was also a general land-tax of the same nature, levied by the two first Norman kings, and aboiished by the charter of Henry 1."-Hume: Hist. Eng.. App. 2.

2. The right of minting or coining money; mintage.

mon -eyed, mon'-led, a. [Eng. money; -ed.] 1. Rich in money; having money; rich, wealthy. Macaulay: Hist. Eng., ch. xxi. "The moneyed interest was almost entirely Whig."

2. Consisting of money; in the form of money; as, moneyed capital.

mon-ey ĕr, *mon-i-our, s. [Eng. money; er; Fr. monnayeur; Sp. monedero; Port. moedeiro; Ital. monetiere.] 1. A banker; one who deals in money.

2. A duly authorized coiner of money.

fate, făt, färe, amidst, what, fâll, father; wē, wět, here, camel, her, thêre; pine, pit, sïre, sir, marîne; gō, pot,

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