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mět-a-thër-i-ạn, a. & 8. [METATHERIA.] A. As adj.: Belonging to or possessing the char acteristics of Huxley's mammalian group Metatheria (q. v.).

"There is no known marsupial which has not far more widely departed from the Metatherian type.”—Proc. Zool, Soc., 1880, p. 657.

B. As subst.: Any individual of the group Metatheria (q. v.).

mě-tǎth-ě-sis, s. [Lat., from Gr. metathesis, from meta, denoting change, and thesis a placing; tithemi to place; Fr. métathèse.]

1. Gram. The transposition of the letters of a word: as, A. S. waps=wasp; ascian, acsian=ask; brid bird, &c.

2. Surg. An operation by which a morbific agent is removed from one place to another, where it may produce less disturbance; as, for instance, when a calculus in the urethra is pushed back into the bladder.

mět-a-thět -ic, mět -a-thět -Ic-al, a. [METATHESIS.] Pertaining to metathesis; formed by metathesis.

mět-a-thō-rǎç'-ic, a. [METATHORAX.] Entom.: Relating to or of the metathorax. mět-a-thör -ǎx, s. [Pref. meta-, and Gr. thōrax the breast.]

Entom.: The hindmost of the three rings or segments of which the thorax of an insect is composed. mět -a-tôme, s. [Gr. meta=beyond, after, and tome a cutting; temno to cut.]

Arch. The space between two dentils. mět-a-volt -îne, s. [Prof. meta-: English, &c., volta (ite), and suff. -ine (Min.)} Min.:

sulphur-yellow mineral occurring in aggregates of hexagonal scales at Madeni Zakh, Persia. Dichroic. Hardness, 25; specific gravity, 2:53; composition: Sulphuric acid, 46'90: sesquiox ide of iron, 21:20; protoxide of iron, 292; potash, 9-87; soda, 4'65: water, 14:58. Much of the mineral called Misy belongs to this species.

mě-tā -yer, s. & a. [Fr., from Low Lat. medietarius, from medietas the state of being in the middle; medius=the middle.]

A. As subst.: A cultivator who cultivates the soil under an engagement with his landlord, not paying a fixed rent, either in money or in kind, but a certain proportion, generally one-half, of the produce, the landlord furnishing the whole or part of the stock, tools, &c.

B. As adj.: A term applied to the system of landcultivation described in A.

mě-tăx-ite, s. [Greek metara =silk; suff. -ite (Min.); Ger. metaxit.]

Min. A variety of serpentine, included by Dana with the variety Picrolite (q. v.); color, greenishwhite, with weak and silky luster. Found at Schwarzenberg, Saxony.

mě-tăx-o-ite, s. [Gr. metaxa=silk; suff. -oite (Min); Ger. metaxoit.]

Min.: A greenish-blue to nearly white variety of chonicrite (q. v.). Specific gravity, 258-2-61. The oxygen ratio for bases, silica and water, is 5:6:3. Found near Lupikko, Finland. Named mataxoite from its nearness to metaxite.

mět-a-zō'-a, s. pl. [METAZOON.]

mět-a-zō-ic, a. [Eng. metazo(on); -ic.] Belonging to or characteristic of Prof. Huxley's division Metazoa. [METAZOON.]

"What distinguishes the metazoic aggregate is that its component blastomeres remain united into one morphological whole."-Huxley: Anat. Invert. Animals, P. 47.

mět-a-zō -ŏn, s. [Pref. meta-, and Gr. zōon=an animal.]

[blocks in formation]


The sponges are the lowest of the Metazoa, under which designation the Vertebrata are included, and those Invertebrata possessing a notochord and having the trunk divided into segments in the adult state. (Huxley: Anat. Invert. Animals.) *mēte (1), *meate, v. t. & i. [A. S. metan, gemetan to measure; cogn. with Dut. meten; Icel. meta-to tax, to value; Sw. mäta to measure; Goth. mitan; Ger. messen; from the same root as medo to rule; metron a measure; English mode, Lat. modus a measure; metior to measure; Gr. moderate, &c.]

A. Transitive:


contains the medulla oblongata, the fourth ventricle, and the auditory nerve. Both the metencephalon and the epencephalon develop from the posterior primary vesicle.

*mět-en-sō-ma-tō-sis, s. [Gr. meta, denoting change, and ensomatosis-an embodying, from em for en in, and soma (genit. somatos) = a body.] The transference of the elements of one body into another body, and their conversion into its substance, as by decomposition and assimilation.

mě tě or, s. [Fr. météore, from Gr. meteoros= raised above the earth, soaring in the air; meteoron a meteor, from meta-among; eöra anything sus

1. To measure; to ascertain the measurement, di- pended; aeiro-to lift; Sp. meteoro; Ital. meteora.] mensions, or capacity of.

"His grace must mete the lives of others, Turning past evils to advantages."

Shakesp.: Henry IV., Pt. II., iv. 4.

2. To distribute by measure. "For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again."—Luke vi. 38. 3. To be the exact measure or equivalent of; to define exactly.

B. Intrans.: To measure with the eye; to aim. "Let the mark have a prick on't to mete at."-Shakesp.: Love's Labor's Lost, iv. 1.

*mete-rod, meet-rodde, s. A measuring rod or pole.

cubytes longe and a spanne."-Ezekiel xl. (1551.) "The meet-rodde that he hadde in his hande, was syxe *měte (2), v. t. [MEET, v.]

1. Literally: A luminous body appearing for a few moments in the sky, and then disappearing, exploding or descending to the earth; a shooting star. On any clear night an occasional meteor may be seen, but the most brilliant displays are confined to particular dates. A very notable one is on Nov. 13 or 14. In 1864, Prof. H. A. Newton, of Yale Collength of the meteoric cycle, the annual period, and lege, predicted a display in 1836, and determined the the probable orbit round the sun of the November stream. The display which came on Nov. 13, 1866, was splendid. It was seen all over Europe, at the Cape of Good Hope, and elsewhere. About eight thousand meteors were counted at Greenwich, and it is supposed that another thousand may have escaped observation. They came from a radiant point 149° 12' of right ascension, and 23' 1 of north declination, between Gamma and Epsilon Leonis, just north of the bright star Regulus. On an average,

*mēte (3), *met-en, v. t. [A. S. mátan.] To each meteor was visible about three seconds, and dream.

"Meten a swevene."-Piers Plowman, prol. 11. *mête (1), s. [MEAT, 8.] *mete-borde, s. An eating or dining-table. měte (2), s. [A. S. met, mat; cogn. with. Icel. mjót; 0. H. Ger. mez; Ger. mass a measure; O. Fr. mette a boundary, from Lat. meta=goal. A measure, a boundary, a limit. (Generally used in the plural.) [METE (1), v.] "[They] demanded that the frontier should be set out by metes and bounds."-Macaulay: Hist. Eng., ch. xv.ii. *mēte, a. [MEET, a.]

mēte'-corn, s. [Eng. mete (1). v.; and corn.] Feud. Law: A measure or portion of corn given by a lord to customary tenants as a reward and encouragement for labor and faithful service. *měte -gǎv-el, s. [Mid. Eng. mete=meat, and gavel a tribute, a tax.] A tribute, tax, or rent paid in food.

*mete-les, a. [Mid. Eng. mete=meat; -les--less.] Without food.

*meteles, *met-els, s. [A. S. mátan to dream.] A dream.

*mete-ly, a. [Mid. Eng. mete=mcet, a; -ly.] Fit, proportionate.

mět-ěm-pir-ic, mět-ěm-pir'-I-çist, s. [METEMPIRICAL.] One who believes in or supports metempirical or transcendental philosophy. mět-ěm-pir-ic-al, a. [Gr. meta=beyond, and empeiria=experience.] Metaph.: Transcendental, beyond the limits of experience.

mět-ĕm-pir'-I-çism, s. [Eng. metempiric; -ism.] Metaph.: A system of philosophy based on a priori reasoning; transcendentalism.

*mě-temp-sy-chōşe (or p silent), v. t. [METEMPSYCHOSIS.] To translate or transfer from one body to another; as the soul.

"The souls of usurers after their death Lucian affirms to be metempsychosed, or translated into the bodies of asses."-Peacham: On Blazoning.

mě těmp-sy-cho-sis (or p silent), s. [Gr. me tempsychosis, from metempsychoo to transfer the soul from one body to another: meta, denoting change; em for en=in, and psyche=the soul.] [TRANSMIGRATION.]

*mě těmp-sy-chō-size (or p silent), v. t. [Eng. metempsychosis); -ize.] To cause the soul to change from one body to another.

"Metempsychosized into a frog."-Southey: The Doctor;

ch. ccxii.

2. Pl.: The second and higher division of the animal kingdom, the first and lower being Protozoa. [PROTOZOON.] The whole of the metazoa may be regarded as modifications of one actual or ideal primitive type, which is a sac with a double cellular wall, inclosing a central cavity, and open at one end. This is what is sometimes termed a gastrea. The first change which takes place in the development of the embryo from the impregnated ovum is the division of the ovum, and the simplest form of division results in the formation of a spheroidal mass of blastomeres. The morula thus formed generally acquires a central cavity, and becomes a hollow vesicle, the wall of which is the blastoderm, the cells of which give rise to the histological elements of the adult body. Sexual reproduction always occurs, and very generally the male element has the form of filiform spermatozoa. bổìl, boy; pout, jowl; cat, cell, chorus,

beyond, and emptosis a falling upon; em for en= mět emp-to-sis (or p silent), s. [Greek meta= in, on, and ptosis=a falling; pipto-to fall.] Chron.: The solar equation necessary to prevent the new moon from happening a day too late, or the suppression of the bissextile once in 134 years. The opposite to this is the proemptosis, or the addition of a day every 330 years, and another every 2,400 years. [PROEMPTOSIS.] mět-en-çěph-a-lon, s. [Pref. met-, and Gr. engkephalon=the brain.] Anat.: A term introduced by Quain for the afterbrain (the nachhirn of German embryologists). It

drew a cord of silver radiance from twenty to forty degrees in length. In Nov., 1867 and 1868, considerable star showers were seen in the United States. Similar displays have been seen in November of the years 902, 931, 934. 1002, 1101, 1202, 1336, 1533, 1602, 1698, 1799, 1832, and 1833. That of Nov. 12, 1799, was one of the finest. It was seen by Humboldt and Bonpland at Cumana, in South America. Prof. Adams places the more magnificent displays at intervals of thirty-three and a quarter years apart, and, if his theory be correct, the next will be due in 1899. It is believed that a ring of meteors revolves round the sun, portions of it very thickly studded with them, while at others they are only sparsely scattered. Every year the earth's orbit cuts through the ring, though only at intervals of about thirtythree years through the part where they are most crowded. The meteors themselves are of iron, which, striking the atmosphere of the approaching earth with planetary velocity, ignite and go to dust. Leverrier considers that in A. D. 127 the attraction ent orbit. Heis and Alexander Herschel recognize of the planet Uranus brought them into their presabout a hundred other meteor systems; hence it has been found needful to distinguish them by names. The Nevember meteors coming from the constellation Leo are called Leonids. The next in importance appear about August 10, and come from the constellation Perseus. They are therefore named Perseids. Of old they were called the Tears of St. Lawrence. They appear generally much earlier

in the evening than the Leonids. In 1866 Prof. Alexander Herschel, son of Sir John Herschel, study. ing the August meteors with a spectroscope, found some of them to consist in large measure of sodium vapor, and to be nothing else but soda flames." There are also Lyrids, Geminids, Orionids, Draconids, Aquariads, Andromedes, &c. Prof. Schiaparelli, of Milan, has shown that the orbits of particular comets often wonderfully coincide with those of meteoric rings. A small comet, called Temple's, invisible to the naked eye, coincides with the orbit of the November meteors, and a large one, 1862 with that of the Perseids. called Tuttle's comet, visible to the naked eye in

The following is the generally accepted classification of meteors:

1. Telescopic Meteors, only rendered visible to the naked

eye by the aid of telescopes.

2. Shooting-stars, visible to the naked eye, and com

parable to the different apparent magnitudes of the fixed

stars in brightness.

3. Bolides and Fireballs, or very luminous meteors, com.

parable in brilliancy to the planets Jupiter and Venus, and to the different phases of the moon, and sometimes even rivaling the sun by appearing with much splendor in broad daylight, the term bolides being usually applied to the smaller, and fireballs to the larger kinds.

4. Detonating or "Areolitic" Meteors, fireballs which produce an audible explosion, like a distant cannon, a peal of thunder, or an earthquake shock, by their concuslast (as "forked" lightning often does from distant and sion with the air, and which differ accordingly from the unfrequently reverberates from fireballs of the largest "sheet" lightning) only by the thunder-clap that not and brightest class; or, finally, as

5. Stonefalls and Ironjalls (the latter very rare occurrences), or the falls of meteorites, either singly or in a shower, it may be of many thousands of fragments, from a fireball, which, especially if seen in the daytime, when these occurrences are usually observed, is almost always a large meteor of the last-named description. (Brit. Assoc. Report (1878), p. 371.)


sin, aş; expect, Xenophon, exist. ph shus. -ble, -dle, &c.

chin, bench; go, gem; thin, this;


2. Fig. Anything which transiently or momentarily dazzles, allures, or strikes with wonder.

"The meteor of conquest allured me too far." Byron: Napoleon's Farewell.

meteor-cloud, meteoric-cloud, s. An expanse of space thickly studded with meteors or meteoric particles.

meteor-current, s. The current or stream of meteors moving together in the same orbit. meteor-like, adv. Like a meteor.

"Though bent on earth thine evil eye,
As meteor-like thou glidest by."
Byron: Giaour.

meteor-powder, s. [METEOR-STEEL.] meteor-ring, meteoric-ring, s. The orbit of a system of meteors.

meteor-shower, meteoric-shower, s. Showers of meteors when the earth in her orbit intersects that of a meteoric-ring. [METEOR.]

meteor-spectroscope, subst. A spectroscope specially adapted for observing meteors.

meteor-steel, s. An alloyed steel which has a wavy appearance, resembling Damascus steel. An alloy of zinc, 80; nickel, 16; silver, 4=100, is placed in a black-lead crucible, covered with charcoal, and melted. It is rendered friable by pouring it into cold water, is reduced to powder, called meteor-powder, and is added to steel in a crucible. meteor-streak, s. A streak of light which various meteors leave behind them for a few seconds after they have vanished.

meteor-stream, s. [METEOR-CURRENT.] meteor-system, meteoric-system, s. A countless number of meteors moving together in a stream though each is independently following out its own elliptic orbit.

meteor-track, s. The track of a meteor in the sky. It is probably from an ascertainable radiant point, or, at least, radiant region (q. v.).

me-tě-or-ic, a. [Eng. meteor; -ic.]

1. Lit. Pertaining to a meteor or meteors; con

sisting of meteors; resembling or partaking of the nature or properties of a meteor; as, a meteoric 2. Fig.: Slashing or appearing bright and illustrious for a brief time; transiently or irregularly



meteoric-astronomy, s. The branch of astronomy which treats of meteors.

meteoric-date, meteoric-epoch, s. A date or an epoch in any year when meteors may be expected. The chief are, Jan. 1, 2, April 19-21, Aug. 5-12 (and especially 10th), Nov. 12-15, and Dec. 11-13. meteoric-iron, s. Iron coming to the earth from a meteoric-ring.

meteoric-paper, s. Sheets or layers of interwoven conferva, diatoms, infusoria, &c., found on the surface of rocks after an inundation. They sometimes fall from the air, and were at one time thought to be of meteoric origin. Now it is considered that they have been caught up from the ground by small whirlwinds, and then allowed again to fall. Akin to Natural Flannel. (Griffith & Henfrey.) [FLANNEL.]

meteoric-shower, s. [METEOR-SHOWER.] meteoric-stones, s. pl. [AËROLITE, METEORITE.] mē-tě or -ic-al, a. [Eng. meteoric; -al.] The same as METEORIC (q. v.).

"I see a resemblance of that meteorical light which appears in moorish places, that seems fire, but is nothing but a flimsy glittering exhalation."-Bp. Hall: Soliloquy


mē -tě-õr-işm, s. [Eng. meteor; -ism.] Med.: Tho same as TYMPANITIS (q. v.). mē-tě-or-ite, s. [Eng. meteor; -ite; Fr. météorite. A meteoric stone, a compound of earthy and metallic matter which has fallen to the earth; a meteorolite. [METEOR, 5.]

mē -tě-or-ize, v. i. [Gr. meteōrizō=to raise to a height; meteoros raised in the air; Fr. se météoriser.] To take the form of a meteor; to ascend in vapor like a meteor.

mē-tě-or-o-graph, s. [METEOROGRAPHY.] An apparatus for registering meteorological phenomena. It was invented by an Italian, Father Secchi of Rome, who obtained a prize for it at the Paris International Exhibition of 1867.

mě-tě-or-o-graph -ic, a. [English meteorograph(y); -ic.] Pertaining or relating to meteorography.

mē-tě-or-og-ra-phy, s. [Greek meteoron = a meteor, and grapho to write.] Meteorology; the registration of meteorological phenomena. mē-tě-or-бid, a. & s. [Eng. meteor, and Gr. eidos form, appearance.]

fate, făt, färe, midst, what, fall,


A. As adj.: Having the form or appearance of a


B. As substantive:

1. Gen.: Any moving body in the sky which has the form or appearance of a meteor.

2. Spec. (pl.): Used by Schiaparelli for particles of a nebular mass or cloud destined ultimately to become a meteoric-ring revolving round the sun. (Brit. Assoc. Rep. (1871), p. 45.)

mē-tě-õr-o-līte, s. [Gr. meteōros=raised in the air, and lithos=a stone.] The same as METEORITE (q. v.).

mē-tě-or-o-log-Ic, mê-tě-õr-ô-log'-ic-al, adj. [Eng. meteorolog(y); -ic, -ical; Fr. météorologique.] Pertaining or relating to the atmosphere and its phenomena; pertaining to the science of meteorol. ogy; used in meteorology; as, meteorological instruments, meteorological observations, &c.

meteorological-tables or register, s. A register or account of the state of the atmosphere in regard to temperature, dryness, moisture, weight, winds, &c., as ascertained by various meteorological instruments, such as the barometer, thermometer, anemometer, hygrometer, &c.

mē-tě-or-ŏl-o-gist, s. [English meteorolog(y); ist; Fr. météorologiste; Sp. meteorologista.] One who studies or is versed in meteorology.

"The meteorologists observe, that among the four elements which are the ingredients of all sublunary creatures, there is a notable correspondency."-Howel: Vocal


mē-tě-õr-ŏl'-Ỗ-ġỷ, s. [Greek meteorologia, from meteoron a meteor, and logos a discourse, a treat ise; Fr. météorologie; Ital. & Sp. meteorologia.] observes, registers, classifios, and compares the Phys. Science: That branch of science which various and varying phenomena of our atmosphere. It remarks, at the same time, the connection of those phenomena with heavenly bodies, and with the solid and liquid materials of the earth, in reference to their reciprocal and combined influence in determining the character of different climates, and with the view of learning the meteoric history of ing the laws of atmospheric change and the plan of every region of our globe, of ultimately investigatmeteoric action; the theory, in fact, of meteorologfitness of the various portions of the earth's surface ical phenomena, on which depends essentially the for the production of different vegetable and other substances, and for the support of animal life.

"In sundry animals we deny not a kind of natural meteorology, or innate presentation both of wind and weather."-Browne: Vulgar Errors, bk. iii., ch. x. *mē-tě-or-o-măn-çỹ, s. [Gr. meteorona metion among the Romans by meteoric phenomena, teor, and manteia=prophecy, divination.] Divinaas by thunder and lightning.

mē-tě-or-ŏm'-ě-têr, s. [Eng. meteor; o connect. and meter.]

Teleg.: An apparatus for receiving, at a local station, transmitting to a central station, by telegraph wires, and there recording the direction and velocity of the wind, condition of the barometer and thermometer, and amount of rainfall. mē-tě-or-o-scope, s.

[Gr. meteoros=raised in the air, and skopeo to see, to observe.] An instrument used for taking angles, and making measurements of the heavenly bodies.

"With astrolabe and meteoroscope." Albumazar, ii. 5. mē-tě-or-os-co-py, s. [Eng. meteoroscop(e); The taking of observations with the meteoroscope (q. v.).


*mě-tē -õr-oŭs, a. [Eng. meteor; -ous.] Haying the nature of a meteor; resembling a meteor. "The cherubim descended, on the ground Gliding meteorous, as evening mist." Milton: P. L., xii. 629. mēt er (1), *meet -er, s. [Eng. mete (1), v. ; -er.] One who or that which metes or measures; a measurer; a measuring instrument or apparatus. When used simply, it is equivalent to a gas-meter (q. v.), but it generally occurs in composition; as, landmeter, coal-meter, water-meter, gas-meter.

"But the aulnager, the weigher, the meeter of grants, will not suffer us to acquiesce in the judgment of the prince.""-Burke: Letter to a Noble Lord.

mē-ter (2), mē-tre (tre as ter), *mee-ter, s. ure, meter. From the same root as mete (1), v.] [Fr. mètre, from Lat. metrum; Gr. metron a meas1. Pros.: The rhythmical arrangement of syllables into verses, stanzas, strophes, &c.; rhythm, verse. "Rhyme being but the invention of a barbarons age, to set off wretched matter and lame meter."Milton: P. L. (Pref.)


the distance from the equator to the north pole, as ascertained by the actual measurement of an arcof the meridian.

"A metre is=109362311 yards or 39 370,432 inches, the standard metre being taken as correct at 0 C., and the standard yard as correct at 16% C."-Everett: C. G. S. System of Units.

(1) A foot, as a subdivision of a bar or measure; 3. Mus.: A term used with various significations: (2) the relation between two feet having the same subdivisions of time-units, but in a different order of succession; (3) the proper grouping of a number of consecutive feet.

meter-candle, s. A unit of illuminating power; the light given by one standard candle at a distance of one meter.

metre-seven, s. A method recommended for writing 107 metres. (See extract.)

"The approximate length of a quadrant of one of the earth's meridians is a metre-seven or a centimetre-nine." -Report Brit. Assoc. (1873), p. 224.

[METER, S.] To write in meter or verse. *mē -ter, *mē -tre (tre as ter), *mi-tre, v. t. mēt-er-age (age as ig), s.


1. The act of measuring. 2. The measurement itself.

[Eng. meter (1);

3. The price paid for measurement. mēt -ĕr-er, s.

[Eng. meter (2); -er.] One who Writes in meter; a poet.

mēte'-stick, s. [Eng. mete (1), v., and stick.] Naut.: A stick fixed on a board at right angles, to measure the height of the hold of a ship, and to level the ballast.

and wand.] A measuring rod, staff, or pole. měte -wand, *met-wand, s. [Eng. mete (1), v.,

"Now the same is called a yard, or a metwand, &c."— Stow: Henry I. (an. 1102).

*mēte -yard, s. [Eng. mete (1), v., and yard.] A yard, staff, or rod used for measuring.

"Take thou the bill, give me thy meteyard, and spare not me."-Shakesp.: Taming of the Shrew, iv. 3.

měth-a-cryl'-Ic, adj. [English meth(yl), and acrylic.] Derived from or contained in acrylicacid.

methacrylic-acid, s.

Chem. C4H6O2. An acid isomeric with crotonic acid, obtained in the form of its ethylic salt by the action of phosphorus trichloride on the ethylic salt of hydroxy-isobutyric acid. The free acid is a colorless oil, solid at 0°, having an odor of pyrogallic acid, and a strong acid reaction. Its salts are very unstable.

měth -al, s. [Eng. methyl ether), and alcohol).] [MYRISTIC-ALCOHOL.]

měth-ane, s. [Eng. methyl); -ane.] [MARSH


mě-thěg'-lin, s. [Wel. meddyglyn=mead; lit.= mead-liquor, from mead-mead, and llyn=liquor.] The same as MEAD (q. v.).

"O'er our parch'd tongue the rich metheglin glides." Gay: To a Lady, Ep. i. měth -ēne, s. [Eng. methyl); -ene.] Chemistry: CH2. Methylene, a diatomic radical unknown in the free state. It forms ethers analogous to ethylene, but the series is much less complete. (See compounds.)

[blocks in formation]

Chem.: CH22. Prepared by heating iodoform for several hours with hydriodic acid. It is a colorless, sweet-smelling oil, which boils at 182, and crystallizes in the cold in brilliant leaves, which melt at 6. Its specific gravity is 3:345.

methene-dimethylate, s.

Chem.: CH2(OCH3)2 Methylal. Formal. A product obtained by heating methylic alcohol with binoxide of manganese and sulphuric acid. It is a colorless liquid, boiling at 42, and having a specific gravity of 855. It dissolves in three parts of water, and in all proportions in ether and alcohol.

2. Measure (as metre): The French standard measure of length, being the ten-millionth part of father; wě, wět, here, camel, her, thêre; pine, pit, sïre, sîr, marîne; gō, pot,


methene-diphenyl, s. Chem.: C13H12•. It is obtained by the action of sulphuric acid on benzolic alcohol. It crystallizes in needles, which melt at 26° and boil at 261. It has the smell of oranges.

methene disulphonic-acid, s. Chemistry: CH (SO2OH)2. Methionic acid. It is readily obtained by heating acetamide with Nordhausen sulphuric acid. It crystallizes in long deliquescent needles. methene-oxide, s. [FORMALdehyde, MethYLALDEHYDE.] měth-ide, s. compound.)

[Eng. methyl); -ide.] (See the

methide-aluminic, s. Chem.: AIC;H9=AI (CH3)3. A compound obtained by heating mercuric methide with aluminum in a sealed tube. It is a colorless mobile liquid, which congeals at 0° and boils at 130°. It takes fire on exposure to the air, and is decomposed by water with explosive violence.

methide-boric, s. [METHYLIC-BORIDE.]

me thinks, imp. v. [A. S. me thyncedh, from me, dative of the personal pronoun I, and thyncan (impers. v.) to seem.] [THINK.] It seems to me; it appears to me; I think, meseems. (Only used in poetry or elevated writing.)

"Verily, methinks

Wisdom is ofttimes nearer when we stoop." Wordsworth: Excursion, bk. iii. měth-I-on-Ic, a. [Eng. me(thyl); Gr. theion= sulphur, and Eng. suff. -ic.] (See the compound.) methionic-acid, s. [ METHENE-DISULPHONIC

[blocks in formation]

1. Logic: A logical or scientific arrangement or mode of procedure; the art of disposing or arranging well a series of thoughts either for the elucidation or discovery of truth, or for the proof of a truth already known.

"Method, which is usually described as the fourth part of Logic, is rather a complete practical Logic. Method is rather a power or spirit of the intellect, pervading all that it does, than its tangible product. Hence we put in the place of rules for Method as a part of Logic, an Applied Logic, which shows under what conditions in the several regions of inquiry the three acts of thought may be safely performed, and how far rules can avail to direct the mind in the use of them to profitable or beautiful resul.s."-Thomson: Laws of Thought (Introd.), § 44.

2. Nat. Science: A principle or system of classification. Used specially in connection with two systems of botanical classifications-the Artificial, or Linnæan Method, and the Natural Method of Classification.

mě thod-ic-al, *mě-thod -ic, a. [Fr. méthodique, from méthode method.] 1. Characterized by or exhibiting method; proceeding or based on a systematic and orderly disposition and arrangement; systematic, orderly. 2. Acting on method or a systematic mode of procedure.

mě-thod -Ic-al-ly, adv. [Eng. methodical; -ly.] In a methodical manner; according to method; systematically.

"Let it be taught them systematically and method. ically."-Porteus: Sermons, vol. i., ser. 9. mě-thod -ics, s. [METHODIC.] The science of method.

Měth -od-Işm, s. [Eng. method; -ism.] Church Hist. & Eccles.: One of the leading religious systems of English-speaking races. A religious society existed at Oxford in the year 1727, among the members of which were John and Charles Wesley and George Whitefield, young men studying for orders. They and their associates were half-derisively called the "Godly," or the "Sacramentarian Club" (because they went through a mocking crowd to communicate at St. Mary's), and, finally, Methodists, from the methodical way in which they performed their religious duties. The first Methodist meeting-house was built in Bristol, England, in

boil, boy; pout, jowl; cat, çell,



1740; later the Foundry in Moorfields, London, hired for a term of years, was fitted up as a preaching house. In 1744 the first conference was held; it was attended by six persons, all clergymen. At the conference held at Leeds in 1755, the separation between itinerant and local preachers was made broader; the former were to be supported by the contributions of the societies; the latter to support themselves by their ordinary callings, preaching during hours of leisure. By 1767 there were thirtytwo of the former and some hundreds of the latter; in 1791 the former numbered 312.

Charles Wesley, who had rendered the Method1sts, and the English Churches generally, great service by his hymns, died in 1788, and John, at the age of nearly eighty-eight, on March 2, 179!.

In this country the Methodists have a numerous membership, being, next to the Roman Catholics, the most extensive religious denomination. They have a membership (according to the census of 1890) of about four and a half millions, and are divided into sixteen sects. The government of the churches is generally Episcopal, although some of the bodies adhere to the primitive method of control. The two dominant bodies are the Methodist Episcopal Church and the Methodist Episcopal Church South, which formerly composed but one connec tion, but in 1844 divided on the question of slavery. [DISRUPTION.] The ministry is itinerant, the term of incumbency being limited, and the appointments made by the bishops and their councils (composed of presiding elders or sub-bi-hops). In doctrinal points they coincide with the Wesleyan Church, with but few minor differences, and may properly be regarded as an integral part of the great body of Wesleyans.

In 1784 John Wesley had executed a deed poll in Chancery, which, reserving his rights and those of should be supplied by a permanent body of one his brother, provided that on his death his place hundred ministers, meeting at the conference, and called the Legal Hundred. They still constitute the supreme governing body of the Wesleyan Meth: odists. When it meets, it fills up by co-optation all vacancies which may have arisen during the year. The annual conference, during the consideration of spiritual questions, is composed of ministers only; but during the discussion of financial matters it consists of 240 ministers and 240 laymen.

měth -o-dist, s. & a. [Eng. method; -ist.] A. As substantive:

*I. Ordinary Language:

1. Those philosophers who adopted a certain methodical manner in their speculations.

"The finest methodists, according to Aristotle's golden rule of artificial bounds, condemn geometrical precepts in arithmetic or arithmetical precepts in geometry as irregular and abusive."-G. Harvey: Pierce's Supereroga tion, p. 117.

2. One who practices self-examination.

"All of us who have some or other tender parts of our souls, which we cannot endure should be ungently touched; every man must be his own methodist to find them out."-Jackson: Justifying Faith, bk. iv., ch. v.

3. One of a sect of ancient physicians who practiced by theory or method.

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"Themison and his old sect of methodists resolved that the laxum and strictum were the principles and originals of all diseases in the world."-Hammond: Works, vol. iv., p. 577.

II. Church Hist. & Eccles.:

*1. The name given in the seventeenth century to certain Roman Catholic controversialists, mostly French, who, in conducting disputes with Protest ants, required from them express scripture for to establish any position by argumentation, inferevery attestation they made, refusing to allow them ence, or necessary consequence. Among them were Francis Veron, a Jesuit, Bishop Barthold Nihusius, and his brother Wahlenburg.

2. A follower of Wesley or Whitefield, or one who adheres to the system of doctrine and church government called Methodism (q. v.).

B. As adj.: The same as METHODISTIC (q. v.). "Some of the elder ones who belonged to the methodist church."-Mrs. Stowe: Uncle Tom's Cabin, ch. xxvi. měth-o-dist-ic, měth-o-dist -ic-al, a. [Eng. methodist; -ic, ical.] Pertaining to method or the Methodists; resembling the Methodists; following the strictness of the Methodists. (Frequently used in contempt or irony.)

měth o-dist-ic-al-ly, adv. [Eng.methodistical; ly.] In a methodistical manner.

mě-thod-i-za-tion, subst. [Eng. methodiz(e); -ation.] The act or process of methodizing; the state of being reduced to method.

měth -od-ize, v. t. & i. [Eng. method; -ize.] A. Trans.: To reduce to method, to arrange or dispose in order; to arrange systematically.

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"The Mind


B. Intrans.: To act systematically or according to method; to follow a system or method. is disposed to generalize and methodize to excess."-Coleridge: Method, § 1. meth -od iz-er, s. [Eng. methodiz(e); -er.] One who methodizes.

měth-od-ŏl -ō-ġỷ, s. [Gr. methodos=a method, and logos a discourse, a treatise.] A discourse concerning method; the science of method or classification."

mě-thon-I-cą, subst. [Latinized from the native Malabar name.]

Bot. A genus of Liliaceae, tribe Tulipes, or, according to Dr. Wight, of Melanthaceæ. It is a synonym of Gloriosa, and Methonica superba is better known as Gloriosa superba. It is a climbing plant from India, cultivated in greenhouses as are M. grandiflora and M. virescens.

mě thought (ought as ât), pret. of v. [ME THINKS.] It seemed to me; it appeared to me; I thought.

"And one, the pensive Marmaduke, Methought, was yielding inwardly." Wordsworth: White Doe of Rylstone, ii. měth-ŏx-y-a-çět -ic, adj. [Eng. meth(yl); oxy(gen), and acetic.] Derived trom or containing methyl and oxygen.

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měth-ul-mēne, subst. [Eng. meth(yl); ulm(in), and suff. -ene.]

with methulmic acid, by the action of sodium and Chem.: CH. A substance obtained, together methylic alcohol on chloroform. It is a brown uncrystallizable body, resembling one of the ulmic compounds, and is only known in combination.

měth-ul-mic, adj. [Eng. methulm(ene); -ic.] Derived from or contained in methulmene. methulmic-acid, s.

Chem.: CH8O2. A dark-yellow uncrystallizable substance, insoluble in water, but soluble in ether. By the action of bromine it is converted into a black semi-fluid, dibromomethulmic acid, C5H6Bг2O2.

měth-yl, s. [Gr. methy=wine, and hyle=wood.] Chem.: CH3. The radical of methylic alcohol, CH3 known in combination as dimethyl, CH3.a com pound formed by heating zinc methyl and methyl iodide in scaled tubes at 150.

methyl-aldehyde, subst. [FORMALDEHYDE, METHENE-OXIDE.]

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Chem.: N(C6H5)CH3 H. Methyl-phenylamine. Ob tained by the action of aniline on iodide of methyl, and after-treatment with potash. It boils at 192°. Methyl-aniline green: [METHYL-GREEN]. methyl-anthracene, s.

Chem.: CH12. It is formed by passing the vapor of ditolyl methane through red-hot tubes filled with pumice. It forms yellow or colorless leafy crystals form, bisulphide of carbon, and benzol. melting about 200, and is only soluble in chloro

methyl-anthraquinone, s.

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state it is very soluble.

methyl-guanidine, s. [METHYL-URAMINE.] methyl-hexyl, s.

Chem.: CH16=CH3'C6H13. Methyl-caproyl. An oily liquid obtained by the electrolysis of a mixture of acetate and cenanthylate of potassium. Its vapor density is 3:426.

sin, aş; expect, Xenophon, exist. ph = f. -tious, -cious, -sious shús. -ble, -dle, &c.

chorus, chin, bench; go, gem; thin, this;


methyl-hydride, s. [MARSH-GAS.] methyl hydrobromic-ether, s. Chem.: [METHYLIC-BROMIDE.] methyl hydrochloric-ether, s. Chem.: [METHYLIC-CHLORIDE.]

methyl-nitrophenidine, s. [NITRANISIDINE.] methyl-phenylamine, s. [METHYL-ANILINE.] methyl-phosphine, s.

Chem.: P-CH3 One of the primary phosphines H2 prepared by heating in a sealed glass tube a mixture of phosphoric iodide, zinc oxide, and methylic iodide, and afterward decomposing the resulting compound with water. It is a colorless gas, which at -20°, or under a pressure of 21⁄2 atmospheres, condenses to a mobile liquid. It possesses a fearful odor, and exposed to the air often inflames spontaneously. Dimethyl phosphine, P] -(CH3)2, boils at +25; tri-methyl phosphine, P(CH3)3. at +40°. Both compounds take fire on exposure to the air. methyl-pyrocatechin, s. [GUAIACOL.] methyl succinic-acid, subst. [PYROTARTARICACID.]

methyl-uramine, s.


Chem.: C4H6N3. Methyl-guanidine. It is prepared by acting on cyanamide with the hydrochloride of methylamine. It is strongly alkaline, and forms a crystalline deliquescent mass, having an ammoniacal taste.

měth -y-lǎl, s. [Eng. methyl, and alcohol).] [METHENE-DIMETHYLATE.]

měth-yl-a-mine, s. [Eng. methyl, and amine.] Chemistry:

1. N CH3. Monomethylamine. A compound in H2 which one of the hydrogen atoms in ammonia is replaced by methyl. It can be prepared by boiling methyl isocyanate with potassic hydrate. It is a

colorless gas, which becomes liquid a few degrees

below 0°, and has somewhat the odor of putrid fish. It burns readily with a yellow flame, and is more soluble in water than any other gas. It behaves with metallic salts like ammonia. Dimethylamine (NH(CH3)2, metameric with ethylamine, boils at 8°. Trimethylamine N(CH3)3, occurs ready formed in herring pickle, from which it can be separated by distillation with potash. It dissolves in water, boils at 93°, and smells of herrings.

2. (Pl.): [METHYLAMMONIUMS.] měth 1-ăm-mõ ́-ni-ŭm, s. [Eng. methyl, and ammonium.]

Chemistry (pl.): Methylamines. Organic bases formed on the type NH, by partial or total substitution of methyl (CH3) for H. Tetramethylammonium N(CH3)4. The iodide of this base is produced by the action of iodide of methyl on trimethylamine. It is crystalline.

měth-y-late, v. t. [Eng. methyl; -ate.] To make methylated spirit.

měta -y-lāt-ěd, pa. par. or a. [METHYLATE.] methylated-spirit, s.

Chemistry: A commercial product consisting of a mixture of one volume of crude wood-spirit, of specific gravity 855, and nine volumes of spirits of wine, the latter being thus rendered so nauseous as to be unfit for use as a beverage. It is used largely in the arts as a solvent for resins, and for other purposes. měth y la -tion, s. [Eng. methyla(te); -tion.] The act of methylating.

měth-y-la-tor, s. [Eng. methylat(ion); -or.] One who makes methylated spirits.

měth -yl-ene, subst. [English methyl; -ene.] [METHENE.]

měth-y-len'-It-an, subst. [Eng. methylen(e); (mann)it(e), and suff. -an.]

Chemistry: CH1406. A saccharine substance produced by the action of strong bases on dioxymethylene. It is soluble in water and alcohol, has a slight acid reaction, and is colored yellow by alkalies. It does not ferment with yeast, has no rotatory power; but reduces an alkaline cupric solution when heated

with it.

mě-thyl-1-a, s. [Latinized from Eng. methyl (q. v.).] [METHYLAMINE.]

mě thyl-ic, adj. [Eng. methyl; -ic.] Derived from or contained in methyl (q. v.). methylic-acetate, s.

This substance

Chem.: C3H6O2 = {CoỖ (CH3). occurs ready formed in crude wood-spirit. It boils at 56, and lias a specific gravity of 956 at 0°.. methylic-alcohol, s.

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to fix organic acids, and again distilled. The first tenth part which comes over is collected apart. This contains the methylic alcohol, mixed with acetone and other bodies. The distillate is added to fused chloride of calcium, which combines with the alcohol, and the whole is evaporated on a water bath. On mixing the residue with water, the alcohol is set free, and by repeated distillation from quicklime is obtained anhydrous. It is a colorless mobile, spirituous-smelling liquid, boiling at 60, and having a specific gravity of '814 at 4°. It mixes in every proportion with water, alcohol, and ether, in the first case with diminished volume, and agrees generally with common alcohol in its solvent power and other properties.

methylic-aldehyde, s. [Methyl-Aldehyde.] methylic amido-cyanurate. subst. [METHYLICAMMELIDE.] methylic-ammelide, s.

(OCH3 Chem.: CH8N4O2=C3N3 OCH3. Methylic amidoNH2 cyanurate. Obtained from methylic cyanurate by heating with ammonia. It crystallizes in rhombic tables which melt at 212°; is slightly soluble in cold water and ether; more soluble in hot water and alcohol.

methylic-boride, s.

Chem.: B(CH3)3. Boric methide. Bormethyl. A gaseous compound, prepared by the action of zinc methyl on borate of ethyl. Under pressure, at 10°, it condenses to a mobile liquid. It has a highly pungent odor.

methylic-bromide, s. Chem.: CH3Br. Methyl-hydrobromic ether. A colorless liquid, boiling at 13, specific gravity cacodyl, forming bromide of cacodyl and bromide 1664, and vapor density 3293. It acts violently on of tetramethyl-arsenium.

methylic-carbamate, s.

Chem. NH2COO(CH3). Produced by heating urea with methylic alcohol in sealed tubes. It forms hygroscopic tables, which melt at 55° and boil at 177.

methylic-chloride, s.

Chemistry: CH Cl. Monochlormethane. Methy. hydrochloric ether. A colorless gas, prepared by heating a mixture of sodium chloride, wood-spirit, and strong sulphuric acid. It is soluble in onefourth of its volume of water, has an ethereal odor, a sweet taste, and burns with a white flame, green at the edge. Its vapor density is 1'736, and it does

not condense at 18°. methylic-cyanide, s. [ACETONITRILE.] methylic-ether, s. Chem. C2HO=0 SCH3 Methylic oxide. It is CH3 prepared by distilling a mixture of wood-spirit and four times its weight of sulphuric acid, and passing the gas formed through a solution of potash into a freezing mixture. Below -21, it is a mobile, colorless liquid, but at ordinary temperature it is an ethereal smelling gas. One volume of water disSolves thirty-five volumes of the gas.

methylic-iodide, s.

Chem.: CH3I. Obtained by distilling methylic alcohol in presence of iodine and amorphous phos. phorus. It is a colorless, sweet-smelling liquid, nearly insoluble in water. It boils at 44. methylic-mercaptan, s.

Chem.: S< CH3. Sulph-hydrate of methyl. It is

H obtained by distilling a mixture of methylic potassic sulphate with potassic sulph-hydrate. It is a mobile liquid, having a garlic odor and boiling at 20°.

methylic-oxide s. [METHYLIC-ETHER.] methylic-salicylate, s.

Chem.: C6H4(OH)CO·O(CH3). A colorless oil occurring naturally in gaultheria oil. It is formed by treating a mixture of salicylic acid, sulphuric acid, and methylic alcohol. It has an aromatic odor, boils at 224, and gives a violet color with

ferric salts.

methylic-selenide, s. [SELENMETHYL.] mě-thys -ti-çin, s. [Mod. Lat. methystic (um); suff. -in (Chem.).] Chem. A crystalline substance obtained from Kawa-root, the root of Piper methysticum. (Watts: Dict. Chem.)

ime-tic, s. [Gr. metoikos-changing one's abode, emigrating: meta=denoting change, and oikos=a house; Lat. metacus; Fr. métèce, métèque.] In ancient Greece a resident stranger in a Greek city or country; a sojourner.


has led to the conjecture that she was a Syrian metic."-Farrar: St. Paul, i. 549. (Note.)

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Lat. mixtus, pa par. of misceo to mix.] A halfmê tif, s. [Fr., from Low Lat. mixtivus, from breed, between a white and a quadroon. Me-tis, s. Gr.]

1. Astron.: [ASTEROID, 9.]

2. Myth.: The daughter of Oceanus, and the first wife of Jupiter. She was regarded as the personification of Prudence.

me-tisse (mā-tēs), s. [MESTIZO.]

1. A cross-breed between a Caucasian and an American Indian.

2. A cross-breed between a Caucasian and a quadroon; an octoroon.

mět o chě, 8. [Gr.=a sharing, from metechō= to share: pref. meta--with, and echo-to share.] Arch. The interval between the dentils in the Ionic entablature.

mět o le-ic, a. [Pref. met-, and English oleic.] Contained in or derived from oil.

metoleic-acid, s.

Chem.: An oily acid produced by the action of water on sulphotic acid. It is very slightly soluble in alcohol, easily in ether.

mě ton-ic, a. [Seo def.] Of or pertaining to Meton, an astronomer of Athens.

metonic-cycle, metonic-year, s. [CYCLE OF THE MOON.]

mět o něm -ic, mět-ô ným -ic-al, a. [Eng. metonym(y); -ic; -ical.] Of or pertaining to metonymy; used by metonymy for something else.

mět o ným -ic-al-lỹ, adv. [English metonymical; ly.) in a metonymical manner; by way of metonyiny.

mě ton-y-myỹ, *me-ton-ym-ie, s. [Lat. metonymia, from Gr. metonymia a cuange of names, the use of one word for another: meta, denoting change, and onoma a name; Fr. métonymie; Ital. & Sp. metonimia.]

Rhet. A figure of speech by which one word is put or used for another; as when the effect is substituted for the cause, the inventor for the thing invented, the material for the thing made, &c.; as when we say a man keeps a good table-i. e., food, provision, entertainment; or we read Virgil—i. „ Virgil's writings or poems, &c.

"To tropes, founded on these several relations of causs and effect, container and contained, sign and thing signified, is given the name of metonymy."-Blair: Ractorie, vol. i., lect. 14.

mět o pě, s. [Gr. meta=with, between, and ope an opening, a hole; Fr. métope; Lat., Ital. & Sp. metopa.]

Arch. The space between the triglyphs in the frieze of the Doric order.

mě-to-pí ǎs, s. [Gr. metopias having a broad or high forehead.]

Paleont.: A genus of Labyrinthodonts, family Euglypta, founded by Von Meyer on remains from upper beds of the Keuper Sandstone in Wartemberg. Remains have also been found in the Rustic of Aust Cliff, near Bristol, England.

mě top -ic, a. [Gr. metopon = the forehead; Eng. suff.-ic.] Pertaining to the forehead.

metopic-suture, s.

Anat.: The same as FRONTAL-SUTURE (q. v.). mět -o-po-măn-cỹ, s. [Gr. metopon=the coun. tenance, and manteia=divination.] Divination by looking at a person's face.

mět ō-po-scop' -ic, mět-o-pô-scop ́-I-cal, adj. [Eng, metoposcop(y); -ic; -ical.] Pertaining or relating to metoposcopy (q. v.).

mět o pos-co-pist, s. [Eng. metoposcop(s); ist.] One who is versed in metoposcopy or physi


mět o pos-co-pу, s. [Gr. metōpon the forehead, and skopeo to see, to observe; Fr. métoposcopie; Ital. & Sp. metoposcopia.] The study of physiognomy; the art or science of determining the characters of men by the countenance or features. mět -ra, s. [Gr. pl. of metron a measure.]

Phys. Science: An instrument, a combination of the thermometer, clinometer, goniometer, level, magnifying lens, measure for wire gauze, plummet, platina scales, anemometer, &c., by which the tem perature, direction, and dip of rocks, the angles of cleavage and crystallization, the level of workings, the latitude, &c., can be determined. pine, pit, sïre, sir,

Chem.: CHO, Carbinol. Pyroxylic spirit. Woodspirit. An alcohol obtained by the dry distillation of wood. The aqueous distillate is treated with lime fate, făt, färe, amidst, what, fâll, father; wě, wět, hëre, camel, her, thêre;

marîne; gō, pot,


mět -ric, mět -ríc-al, adj. [Fr. métrique, from Lat. metricus; Gr. metrikos, from metron a measure, meter; Ital. & Sp. metrico.]

1. Of or pertaining to measuring; employed in measuring.

2. Of or pertaining to meter, measure, or rhythm. "So varying still their moods, observing yet in all Their quantities, their rests, their censures metrical." Drayton: Polyolbion, s. 4.

3. Composed in or consisting of verse; rhythmical. metric-system, s. The system adopted by the French convention in 1795, in which all measures of length, area, capacity, and weight are based upon the length of a quadrant of the meridian measured between the equator and the pole. The ten-millionth part of this quadrantal arc was adopted to be the linear measuring unit, which they called “mètre," applying it equally to superficial and solid measures, taking for the unit of the former the square of the decuple, and for that of the latter the cube of the tenth part of the meter. They chose also for the measuring unit of weight the quantity of distilled water equal in bulk to the same cube at a certain temperature. They also decided that the multiples and sub-multiples of each kind of measure, whether of weight, capacity, surface, or length, shall be always taken in the decimal or decuple proportion, as the most simple, natural, and easy for calculation. The meter is the basis of calculation; from it are derived: Of area: the are, 1 square decameter; of capacity: the litre, 1 cubic decimeter; of weight: the gramme, 1 cubic centimeter of water. The names of the graduations below the unit are formed from the Latin, and above the unit are formed from the Greek.

mět -ric-al-1ỷ, adv. [Eng. metrical; -ly.] In a metrical manner.

*mě-tri -cian, *me-tri-ci-en, s. [Fr. métricien.] A writer or composer of verse; a poet, a metrist, a versifier.

*mět -ri-çīze, v. t. [English metric; -ize.] To adapt to the metric system; to express in terms of the metric system.

mět -ri-çist, s. [Eng. metric; ist.] The same as METRIST (q. v.).

mět-ri-fi-ca-tion, s. [Eng. metrifu; c connective, and suff. -ation.] The act of metrifying or composing verses.

"Should I flounder awhile without a tumble Through this metrification of Catullus." Tennyson: Hendecasyllabics.

*mět -ri-fi-ĕr, s. [Eng. metrify; -er.] One who composes verses; a versifier, a metricist. *mět -ri-fỹ, v. i. [English metre; -fy.] To com

pose verses.

mē -trist, s. [Eng. metr(e); -ist.] A writer or composer of verses; a versifier.

mě-tri-tis, s. [Gr. metra = the womb, and suff. itis, denoting inflammation.]

Pathol.: Inflammation of the parenchyma of the uterus, as distinguished from endometritis, catarrhal inflammation of its lining membrane. Other forms are Parametritis and Perimetritis.

mět -ro-chrome, s. [Gr. metron = a measure, and chroma=color. An instrument for measuring color. It consists of three hollow wedges of glass, of exactly the same angle and capacity, and accurately graduated on the edge of the same number of equal degrees. These wedges are so arranged between two screens that any portion of their tapering sides may be presented at will to an aperture through which a direct view may be had, or a ray of light thrown.

mět -rô-graph, s. [Gr. metron a measure, and graph to write.] An apparatus to be attached to a locomotive, indicating on a time paper the speed with the number and duration of the various stoppages.

mě-trol -o-gy, 8. [Gr. metron a measure, and logos a treatise, a discourse.] 1. A treatise on or account of weights and meas

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mania writing verses.

mět ro-ma-ni-ặc, a. [METROMANIA.] Suffering from metromania; mad after metrical composition.

mě-trom -ě-ter, s. [Gr. metron a measure, and Eng. meter.]

1. Surg.: An instrument for measuring the size of the womb; a hysterometer.

2. Mus.: A metronome (q. v.).

mět -rô-nõme, s. [Fr., from Gr. metron a measare, and nomos a law; Ital. metronomo.]


by clock-work, beats audibly a certain number of times in a minute; and this number may be altered by moving a sliding weight so as to give it the speed required. To bo correct, the metronome should beat seconds when set at 60.

mě-tron -ō-mỹ, s. [Eng. metronom (e); -y.] The act of measuring time in music by means of a mo


mě-trō-pĕr-1-to-ni-tis, s. [Greek mētra=the womb, and Eng. peritonitis (q. v.).] Pathol.: Pelvic peritonitis, inflammation of the peritoneum covering the uterus and its appendages. Called also Pelvi-peritonitis, Perimetrititis, &c. *mět -rô-ple, *mět -rô-põle, s. [METROPOLIS.] mě-trop -ô-lis, s. [Lat, from Gr. metropolis=a mother-state; ecclesiastically the city of a pri mate, from meter (genit. metros) a mother, and polis a city; Fr. métropole.]

I. Ord. Lang.: The chief town or capital of a country, state, or kingdom, as Berlin of Germany, London of Great Britain, Paris of France, New York of the United States.

"We stopped at Pavia, that was once the metropolis of a kingdom, but at present a poor town."-Addison: On


II. Technically:

1. Eccles. The seat or see of a metropolitan bishop. "The precedency in each province was assigned to the On the Pope's Bishop of the Metropolis."-Barrow: Supremacy.

2. Geog. & Biol.: A point so situated within an area through which a genus is distributed, that in whatever direction from it one goes, the species diminish.

mět-ro-pol-It-an, a. & s. [Lat. metropolitanus, from metropolis=a metropolis Fr. métropolitain; Ital. & Sp. metropolitano.]

A. As adjective:

I. Ordinary Language:

1. Of or belonging to a metropolis; residing in a metropolis.

"Groves preferred to smoke, to the eclipse That metropolitan volcanoes make." Cowper: Task, iii. 737. 2. Having the position or rank of a metropolis; as, a metropolitan city.

II. Eccles.: Having the authority of a metropol. itan; proceeding from a metropolitan.

"A bishop at that time had power in his own diocese over all other ministers there, and a metropolitan bishop sundry preeminences above other bishops."-Hooker: Ecclesiasticall Politie, bk. viii., § 8.

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A metropolitan was at first one whose episcopal functions were extended over a metropolis and the country of which it was the seat of government. That metropolis, once the chief city of an inde pendent state, might have sunk into a provincial capital-i. e., the capital of a province of the Roman Empire. When the bishops of that province met in a provincial council, the metropolitan presided. Under Constantine, the provinces over which they ruled were made as much as possible conterminous with those governed by civil rulers of corresponding rank. The leading metropolitans in the fourth century were those of Rome, Antioch, The last two developed into and Alexandria. patriarchs, and the first into the papacy. England the Archbishops of Canterbury and York are the metropolitans of their respective provinces. 3. In the Greek church the title of a dignitary intermediate between an archbishop and a patriarch. *4. A chief ruler.


"Let him your rubric and your feasts prescribe, Grand Metropolitan of all the tribe." Cowper: Progress of Error, 186. mět-ro-pol-It-an-āte, s. [Eng. metropolitan; ate.] The office or see of a metropolitan bishop. mě-trop-o-lite, s. & a. [Fr. métropolite; Lat. & Ital. metropolita; Gr. metropolitēs.]

A. As subst.: A metropolitan. B. As adj.: Metropolitan. mě-tro-pol-it-ic, mět-ro-pô-lit ́-ic-al, adj. [METROPOLIS.]

1. Ord. Lang.: Of or pertaining to a metropolis; metropolitan.

2. Eccles.: Pertaining to a metropolitan.


mē-tror-rhǎg'-I-a, s. [Gr. mētra the womb, and rhegnymi to break; cf. rhagus, rhage=a rent. Physiol. A loss of blood during the intervals of an irregular regular menstruation, or of such nature that no monthly periodicity can be detected. A frequent cause is tumors, ulceration, &c.

mět -rô-scope, s. [Gr. mētra=the womb, and skopeo to see.]

Surg. An instrument invented by M. Nauche, for listening to the sounds of the heart of the foetus in utero-gestation. The extremity was suggested by the stethoscope of Laennec, and is introduced through the vagina and applied against the neck of the uterus. It is used when the sounds and movements are imperceptible through the parietes of

the abdomen.

mē-tro-sid -ĕr-ŏs, 8. [Gr. mētra a womb, the the hardness of its wood.] heart of a tree, and sideros iron; so named from

Bot.: A genus of Myrtaceae, tribe Leptospermeæ. It consists of plants, many of which climb, while the Myrtacea of other genera are erect, Metrosid to furnish the hard, heavy, dark-brown timber from eros polymorpha, or some allied species, is supposed which the South Sea Islanders make their clubs. M. for shipbuilding. robusta and M. tomentosa are used in New Zealand

mět -ro tōme, s. [Gr. mētra the womb, and tome=a cutting.]

Surg. An instrument like a bistoury caché, which is introduced into the cavity of the uterus, where the knife is unsheathed and cuts on withdrawing. Its purpose is to divide the neck of the uterus; a hysterotome.

mě-trox-y-lŏn, s. [Gr. mētra=... the pith or heart of a tree, and xylon-wood.]

Bot.: A genus of Palms, tribe Calameæ. It is sometimes made a synonym of Sagus (q v.), but Von Martius retains the name Metroxylon, and divides the genus into two sub-genera, Sagus and Pigafetta. Metroxylon (sagus) love and M. (sagus) rumphii furnish sago (q. v.). [SAGO-PALM.]

mět -tle, s. [The same word as METAL (q. v.).] *1. Metal.

*2. Stuff, material; the substance of which a thing is composed.

"A certain critical hour, which shall more especially try what mettle his heart is made of."-South: Sermons, vol. vi., ser. 7.

*3. Quality, character.

"Shew us here

The mettle of your pasture."

Shakesp.: Henry V., iii. 1. 4. Disposition, temper, spirit, constitutional ar dor; high courage or spirit; fire.

"But hollow men, like horses hot at hand,
Make gallant show and promise of their mettle."

Shakesp.: Julius Cæsar, iv. 2.

To put a man on or to his mettle: To excite or arouse a man to do his utmost; to place a man in a position where he must use his utmost exertions.

met-tled (tled as teld), a. [Eng. mettl(e); -ed.] Full of mettle or spirit; high-spirited, fiery, ardent "A horseman darting from the crowd Spurs on his mettled courser proud." Scott: Marmion, i. 3.

mět -tle-some, a. [Eng. mettle; -some.] Full of mettle, fiery, spirited, eager.

"But their force differs from true spirit, as much as a vicious from a mettlesome horse."-Tailer, No. 61.

mět -tle-some-ly, adv. [Eng. mettlesome; -ly.] In a mettlesome manner; with mettle or high spirit. mět -tle-some-ness, s. [Eng. mettlesome; -ness.] spirit. The quality or state of being mettlesome; mettle,

mě-tu-şi-ǎst, s. (Gr. metousia=a sharing, a communicating.] One who holds the doctrine of transubstantiation.

"The metusiasts and Papists."-Rogers: Thirty-nine Articles, p. 289.

mětz-gĕr-1-a, s. [Named after John Metzger, who died in 1852.]

Bot.: The typical genus of the family Metzgerida (q. v.). The fronds are forked; the fruit springs from the under side of the midrib, and has a onecelled involucre. Metzgeria furcata is common on trees, rocks, &c. It is hairy beneath and smooth above. M. pubescens is larger, and is hairy on both


mětz-gĕr-i-dæ, s. pl. [Mod. Lat. metzger(ia); Lat. fem. pl. adj. suff. -ida.]

Bot.: A family of Jungermanniacea, sub-order Jungermanneæ.

meu, s. [MEW (4).]

mē ŭm (1), s. [Lat., from Greek meon=Meum athamanticum or M. matthioli.]

"The metropolitical church of Jerusalem."-Bp. Hors- Umbellifers, family Seselinidæ. The fruit is ellip ley: Sermons, vol. i., ser. 8.

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Bot.: Meu, Bald Money, or Spignel; a genus of tical, with five prominent, carinate, equal ribs, and sin, aş; expect, Xenophon, exist. ph = f. del. bel, -sious = shus. -ble, -dle, &c. =

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