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*man-mender, s. A ludicrous or contemptuous name for a physician or surgeon.

"Whither go all these men-menders, these physicians?" *man-mercer, subst. A woolen draper; one who deals by retail in clothes, &c., for male attire. (Eng.)

Beaum. & Flet.: Monsieur Thomas, ii. 1.

man-midwife, s. A man who practices obstet rics; an accoucheur. (Byron: Vision of Judgment, lxxvii.)

*man-milliner, s. A male maker of millinery; hence, one who busies himself with trifling or effeminate occupations or embellishments.

"An empty-pated fellow, and as conceited as a man-milliner."-Theodore Hook: All in the Wrong, ch. ii.

*man-minded, a. Having the mind or qualities of a man.

*man-monster, s. A monster in the service of any person.

"My man-monster hath drowned his tongue in sack."Shakesp.: Tempest, iii. 2.

*man-mountain, s. A man of gigantic proportions; a giant. (Swift: Gulliver; Lilliput.)

man-of-war, 8. An armed ship; a ship of war. [IRONCLAD, CRUISER.]

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Man-of-war bird: [FRIGATE-BIRD.] Man-of-war's man: A seaman belonging to a ship of war.

man-of-straw, s. A man of no substance, influence, weight, or means; one put forward as a puppet or decoy.

[blocks in formation]

man-rope, s.

Naut.: A rope suspended by stanchions on each side of a gangway, and used in ascending or descending a ship's side, hatchways, &c.

man-shaped, a. Having the external conformation more or less closely resembling that of man. Man-shaped apes:

Zool.: A popular name for the Anthropoid Apes. [ANTHROPOID.]

"In the great order of the Primates, after man, stand the man-shaped, or anthropomorphous apes."-Prof. Duncan, in Cassell's Nat. Hist., i. 6.

man-tiger, s.

Anthrop.: A person credited with having the power of assuming the shape of a tiger at will. The belief that certain individuals have such power is common in India, and the Khonds say that a mankilling tiger is either an incarnation of the Earthgoddess, or a transformed man. [LYCANTHROPY.]

"It is thus with the Lavas of Birma, supposed to be the broken-down remains of a cultured race, and dreaded as man-tigers."-Tylor: Prim. Cult. (1873), i. 113.

man-trap, s. An engine or contrivance for catching trespassers.

man-worship, s. Undue reverence, respect, or adulation paid to a man; extreme obsequiousness. mãn, v.t. [MAN, 8.]

1. To furnish with men; to supply with a sufficient force or complement of men, as for management, service, defense, &c.

2. To furnish or provide with a man or servant. "I was never manned with an agate till now."-Shakesp.: Henry IV., Pt. II., i. 2.

*3. To act or play the husband to.

"Do you think I could man a hussy yet?"-The Coalman's Courtship to the Creel-wife's Daughter, p. 4. *4. To accustom to man; to tame, as a hawk. "Another way I have to man my haggard, To make her come, and know her keeper's call." Shakesp.: Taming of the Shrew, iv. 1. 5. To fortify, to strengthen; to supply with strength for action.

"He mann'd himself with dauntless air." Scott: Lady of the Lake, iv. 10. *6. To brave; to bear or face like a man.

"I must man it out."-Dryden: All for Love, ii. To man the yards: Naut.: To send a sufficient number of men upon the yards to reef or furl the sails; also to range men in a standing position along the tops of the yards, as a mark of respect to some person, or on some memorable occasion.

*măn-a-ble, a. [Eng. man, s.; -able.] Of age for marriage or a husband; of a marriageable age. "That's woman's ripe age; as full as thou art At one and twenty; she's manable, is she not?" Beaum. & Flet.: Maid of the Mill, ii. 1.


mặn -a-cle, *măn -I-cle, *man-y-cle, s. [Fr. manicle, from Lat. manicula, dimin. of manica=a a manacle, from manus=the long sleeve hand; Ital. manetta; Sp. maniota.] Handcuffs for criminals. The two pieces of metal are hinged together, the upper portion of which is curved so as to fit the wrist, and the lower portion is straight, except at a point near its outer end, where it is (The word is seldom used except in slightly bent. the plural.)

"Knock off his manacles; bring your prisoner to the king."-Shakesp.: Cymbeline, v. 4.

măn'-a-cle, v.t. [MANACLE]

1. Lit.: To put manacles or handcuffs on, in order to confine the hands; to shackle, to handcuff, to fetter the limbs. "We'll bait thy bears to death, And manacle the bearward in their chains." Shakesp.: Henry VI., Pt. II., v. 1.

2. Fig.: To restrain or confine in any way; to fetter.

măn-age (age as Ig), v. t. & i. [MANAGE, s.]
A. Transitive:

1. To have under direction; to direct, to guide, to conduct, to carry on, to administer, to handle, to


"Tell the nations, in no vulgar strain,
What wars I manage, and what wreaths I gain."
Prior: Henry and Emma.

2. To have under control; to be able to guide or direct.

"His dragoons had still to learn how to manage their horses."-Macaulay: Hist. Eng., ch. xiv.

3. To treat; to put to use.

4. To wield; to have under command; to understand the use of.

5. To train in the manege, as a horse; to train generally. *6. To contrive, to effect, to treat of.

"Mark how the genius of a Virgil has managed a war after a Homer."-Mickle: Dissertation on the Lusiad, &c. *7. To make subservient.

8. To husband; to treat or use with caution or sparingly.

9. To treat with caution or address; to use cautiously or wisely.

B. Intransitive:

1. To carry on, control, or direct affairs. "Leave them to manage for thee, and to grant What their unerring wisdom sees thee want." Dryden: Juvenal, sat. x.

2. To contrive.

*măn-age (age as Ig), s. [French manège=the training or management of a horse, from Sp. maneggio a managing, a handling, a riding school, from mano-the hand; Lat. manus; Ital. maneg giare to manage.]

1. The treatment, training, or management of a horse.

"They are fair with their feeding, they are taught their manage, and to that end riders dearly hired."Shakesp.: As You Like It, i. 1.

2. Conduct, management, direction, administration.

"Lorenzo, I commit into your hands
The husbandry and manage of my house."
Shakesp.: Merchant of Venice, iii. 4.

3. Treatment.

"Now for the rebels, which stand out in Ireland; Expedient manage must be made, my liege." Shakesp.: Richard II., i. 4. măn-age-a-bil-1-ty (age as Ig), s. [Eng. manageable; ity.] The quality or state of being manageable; tractability.

măn-age-a-ble (age as Ig), a. [Eng. manage;


1. Capable of being managed; easy to be turned or directed toward, or used for its proper purpose. 2. Capable of being easily managed, governed, or turned; tractable, docile; as, a manageable child. 3. Easily made subservient to one's views or designs.

măn-age-a-ble-ness (age as Ig), s. [English manageable; -ness.] The quality or state of being manageable; tractableness, docility. măn-age-a-bly (age as Ig), adv. [Eng. manageab(le); -ly.] In a manageable manner or de*man-age-less (age as Ig), a. [Eng. manage; -less.] Incapable of being managed,


măn-age-ment (age as Ig), s. [Eng. manage;


1. The act of managing, carrying on, guiding, directing, or conducting; conduct, administration, direction.

măn'-a-ca, s. [Brazilian Portuguese.] "The affairs of men and the management of this sublunary world."-Horsley: Sermons, vol. i., ser. 11. Bot.: Franciscea uniflora. [FRANCISCEA.] chin, bench; go, gem; thin, this; boll, boy; pout, jowl; cat, çell, chorus, shan. -tion. -tian = = zhun. -tious, -tion, -sion shăn; -gion -cian,


*2. A negotiation; a treaty, dealing, or transac tion.

"He had great managements with ecclesiasticks; in the

view of being advanced to the pontificate."-Addison: On Italy.

3. Those who manage, carry on, direct, or conduct any matter, business, undertaking, institution, &c.; the body of managers or directors collectively. 4. Cunning, art, artifice; skill or prudence; contrivance; skillful conduct.

măn-ag-er (ag as ig), s. [Eng. manag(e); -er] 1. One who has the management, conduct, or direction of any matter, business, undertaking, institution, &c.; a director, a conductor, specif., of a theater.

"Mr. Walpole was one of the managers on this occa sion."-Burke: Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs. 2. One who manages or conducts business with frugality and economy; a thrifty person; a good economist. 3. A contriver, a schemer.

"An artful manager, that crept between His friend and shame." Pope: Ep. to Satires, i. măn-a-gër-i-al, a. [Eng. manager; -ial.] Of or pertaining to a manager or management. măn-ag-er-y (ag as Ig), s. [O. Fr. menagerie.] 1. Management, conduct, direction, administration.

"None were punished for the ill managery and conduct of the expedition."-Baker: Charles I. (an. 1625). 2. Manner of using.

"The ready managery of their weapons."-Decay of Piety.

3. Economy, frugality, husbandry.

"The court of Rome has, in other instances, so well attested its good managery, that it is not credible crowns are conferred gratis."-Decay of Piety. 4. Moral conduct.

mãn-ag-Ing (ag as 1g), pr. par., a & 8 [MANAGE, v.]

A. As pr. par.: (See the verb.)
B. As adjective:

1. Conducting, guiding, controlling, or administering. 2. Economical, frugal, contriving, planning. "Vir Frugi signified, at one and the same time, a sober and managing man, an honest man, and a man of substance."-Goldsmith: The Bee, No. 5.

C. As subst.: The same as MANAGEMENT (q. v.). "And let the goodness of the managing Rase out the blot of foul attaining quite." Daniel: Civil Wars, iv. mắn-a-kin, s. [Old Dut. manneken, a dimin. from man; Fr. mannequin; Ger. mannchen.] 1. Ord. Lang.: A little man, a dwarf, a manikin (q. v.).

"This is a dear manakin to you, Sir Tobey."-Shakesp.: Twelfth Night, iii. 2.

2. Ornith.: Pipride, a family of Mesomyodi, containing some sixty species; closely allied to the Tyrants. They are all of small size, somewhat shy in their habits, and are found in the wooded portions of South America.

măn-a-tee','măn-a-t^, *măn-a-tin, s. [Etym. doubtful. Agassiz says from the native name; McNicoll adopts the etym. given in the extract, as does Prof. Flower in Encyc. Brit. (ed. 9th), xv. 456.] Zool.: Any individual of the genus Manatus (q.v.), more particularly M. australis (americanus), first discovered by the early Spanish colonists. Dr. Haslan

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considered as constitutinga single species. Desmarest separated the African Manatee from its American congener, on account of cranial differ called it M. senegalensis. Manatees are found in ences, not, however, of great importance, and the creeks, lagoons, and estuaries of some of the West India islands, on the American coast, from Florida as far as 20 S., in the great rivers of Brazil, on the coast of Africa from 16° N. to 10° S., and in Lake Tchad. They are slow and inactive, and quite inoffensive; they browse on aquatic, preferably fluviatile, plants in shallow water. Their numbers are rapidly diminishing, as they are hunted for the sake of their skin, the oil they yield, and their flesh.

sin, ag; expect, Xenophon, exist. ph = f. bel, del. -ble, -dle, &c. -sious shus. -cious,



ma-nǎt-I-dæ, subst. pl. [Mod. Lat. manat (us); Lat. fem. pl. adj. suff. -idee.]

Zool.: Sea cows; the single family of Illiger's Sirenia, the Herbivorous Cetacea of F. Cuvier. The Manatida, however, differ from Whales in many important particulars. The fan.ily contains three genera: Halicore, Manatus, and the recently extinct Rhytina.

*măn-2-tin, s. [MANATEE.]

*ma-na-tion, s. [Lat. manatio, from mano = to flow out.] The act of issuing or flowing out of something else.

măn-a-tūs, subst. [Mod. Lat., from manatee (q. v.).]

1. Zool. The typical genus of the family Manatidæ (q. v.). Body pisciform, ending in a shovel-like tail with rounded edges; no traces of hind limbs, either externally or internally; no dorsal fin. The fore limbs are flattened paddles, without traces of fingers, but with three diminutive flat nails near their extremities. The upper tip is tumid, cleft into two lobes, which are divaricated to receive food, and contracted to seize it and convey it into the mouth. Eyes and ear-orifice minute. Skin gray, wrinkled, covered with delicate hairs; upper and under-lip setigerous. Two, if not three, species are known. They feed solely on aquatic vegetation. [MANATEE.]

2. Palæont.: (See extract.) "Extinct species of Manatus have been found in the Post-pliocene deposits of Eastern North America from Maryland to Florida."-Wallace: Geog. Distrib. of Animals, ii. 210.

măn ́-a-wą, subst. [Maori.] The green aromatic resin of Avicennia tomentosa, eaten by the New Zealanders.

măn-bōte, s. [A. S. man, and bote.] Feudal Law: Compensation paid for the killing of a man; espec., compensation paid to a lord for the killing of his man or vassal.

[blocks in formation]

măn-chê (2), s. [Native name.]

Naut.: An East Indian boat used on the Malabar coast. It has masts raking forward and a flat bottom.


A. As adj.: Belonging to or found in Manchooria.
B. As subst.: The same as MANCHOO (q. v.).
Manchurian-crane, s.

Ornith.: Grus viridirostris. It is a favorite bird
among the Chinese, and a considerable number of
them are kept in captivity at Pekin. It is one of
the commonest subjects chosen by Chinese artists,
and their studies of it are extremely vigorous.
Manchurian sub-region, s.

Geog. & Zool.: An interesting and very product-
ive district, corresponding in the east to the Med-
iterranean sub-region in the West, or rather per-
haps to all western temperate Europe. Its limits
are not very well defined, but it probably includes
all Japan: the Corea and Manchuria to the Amour
river, and to the lower slopes of the Khingan and
Peling mountains.

place where it was stated to have been found,
măn -çi-nite, s. [Named by Jacquot after the
Mancino; suff. -ite (Min.). (See def.)]
Min.: Supposed by Jacquot to be a trisilicate of
zinc, but since shown to be a mixture, and not to
have been found at Mancino, Livorno, but at Cam-
piglia, Tuscany. Berthier states that the mineral
was named after the family Mancini.

*măn-çi-pāte, v.t. [Lat. mancipatus, pr. par.
of mancipo to dispose of, from manceps one who
acquires anything at an auction: manu in the
hand, and capio-to take.] To enslave, to bind, to
fetter, to tie.

*măn-çi-pā -tion, s. [MANCIPATE.] The act of
mancipating or enslaving; slavery; involuntary

măn -çi-ple, s. [O. Fr. mancipe, from Lat. man-
cipem, accus. of manceps=one who acquires any
thing at an auction. The lis inserted, as in syllable,
from Lat. syllaba, participle, from Lat. particip
ium, &c.] A steward, a purveyor; espec., the
steward or purveyor of a college or inn of court.
"Their manciple fell dangerously ill,

Bread must be had, their grist went to the mill:
This simkin moderately stole before,
Their steward sick, he robb'd them ten times more."
Betterton: Miller of Trompington.

*măn-cus, *măn-ca, s. [A. S. mancus.] The
Anglo-Saxon mark, a coin current both in silver
and gold. A gold mancus of thirty pence was equal
to about $1.87, and the silver mancus, weighing
about the fifth part of an ounce, was about equal

to 25 cents. *mănd, s. [Lat. mando to command, to direct.] A demand; a question. Geog.: A city in the southwest division of Lan- 1st pers. pl. pres. indic. of mando-to command or mãn-đã-mus, 8. [Lat. we command or direct; cashire, England.

Mãn-chěs-têr, s. [See def.]

Manchester-yellow, s.

Chem.: Naphthaline yellow, jaune d'or, Martius yellow. This dye is the calcium or sodium compound of binitro-naphthalinic acid (C10H6 (NO2)2O). It is obtained by adding sodic nitrite to a solution of hydrochlorate of naphthylamine, until all the naphthyline has been converted into diazonaphthol. Manchester-yellow imparts to wool and silk permanent yellow hues, varying from lemon-yellow to a deep golden color. It is superior to picric acid dye in not being volatilized by steam.

*mănch-ět, *mainch-et, s. & a. [Etym. doubt ful. Probably connected with Fr. manger to eat.] A. As subst.: A small loaf of fine bread. B. As adj.: Fine and white. (Said of bread or flour.)

măn-chỉ-neel, s. [Fr. mancenillier, manzanille; Ital. mancinello; Port. mancenilheira; Sp. manzanillo, from manzana=an apple, from malum Matianum, a kind of apple, which the manchineel resembles.]

Bot.: Hippomane mancinella, a euphorbiaceous tree, forty or fifty feet high, growing on the sandy coasts of the West Indian Islands, Venezuela, Panama, &c. It has ovate or elliptical shining leaves, with small, inconspicuous flowers. It is very poisonous. If a single drop of the white juice fall upon the skin it will cause a wound extremely difficult to heal. The juice of the fruit similarly burns the lips of any one who bites it. Deleterious as it is, its venomous effects have been much exaggerated by credulity. Bignonia leucoxylon is said to be an antidote to the poison.

Bestard Manchineel:

Bot.: Cameraria latifolia, one of the Apocynaceae.
Mãn choô, Mãn-chủ, Măn-tçhoô,s.
8. [Native


1. A native of Manchooria, a territory belonging to the Empire of China. 2. The language spoken by the natives of Manchooria.

Mău-chû -ri-an, Mănt-çhû -ri-an, a. & s. [MAN-400.]

fate făt, färe, amidst, what, fâll,


Law: A writ issued by a superior court and directed to some inferior tribunal, or to some corporation or person exercising public authority, commanding the performance of some specified duty. (Bouvier.)

*mănd -ant, s. [Lat. mandans, pr. par. of mando
to command, to direct.] The same as MANDATOR
(q. v.).

măn-da-rîn', s. [Port. mandarin, from Malay
mantri a counselor, a minister of state, from Sansc.
mantrin=a counselor, from mantra a holy text, a
charm, counsel, from man to think, to mind, to
know. A general name for a Chinese magistrate,
or public official, civil or military.
mandarin-duck, s.

Ornith.: Dendronessa (Aix) galericulata, a beau-
tifully plumaged species from the country north of
Pekin and the basin of the Southern Amour. It is
highly prized in China.

mandarin-orange, s.

Bot.: Citrus nobilis, a variety of Citrus auran

mãn-dạ-rin, v.t. [MANDARIN, 8.]
Dyeing: To give an orange color to silk or wool
by the action of nitric acid, which partially decom-
poses the surface of the fiber.

*măn-da-rîn ́-ěss, s. [Eng. mandarin; -ess.]
female mandarin. (Lamb.)


*măn-dạ-rôn -řc, a. [Eng. mandarin; -ic.] Of or pertaining to a mandarin; befitting a mandarin. *mãn-dạ-rôn-işm, s. [Eng, mandarin; -ism.] Government by mandarins; the spirit or character of mandarins.

mãn-dạ-tại-ý, măn-da-tôr-ỹ, s. [Fr, mandataire, from Lat, mandatum=a mandate (q. v.); Sp. & Ital. mandatorio.]

I. Ord. Lang.; A person to whom a command, charge, or mandate has been given.

II. Technically:


1. Canon Law: A person to whom the Pope has, by his prerogative, given a mandate or order for his benefice.

2. Common Law: One who is authorized, and undertakes without a recompense, to do some act for another in respect to the thing bailed to him.

măn'-dâte, s. [Fr. mandat, from Lat. mandatum =a charge, order, or command, nent. sing. of mandatus, pa. par. of mando to command; Sp. & Ital. mandato.]

I. Ord. Lang.: An order, a command, a charge, an injunction, a commission.

II. Technically:

1. Canon Law: A rescript of the Pope commanding the ordinary collator to put the person therein named in possession of the first vacant benefice in commission; abatement of goods without reward, his collation. 2. Eng. Law: A judicial charge, command, or to be carried from place to place, or to have some act performed about them.

3. Scots Law: A contract by which one person employs another to act for him in the management of his affairs, or in some particular department of them, which employment the person accepts, and agrees to act. The person giving it is called the mandant or mandator, and the person undertaking the mandatory.

măn-dā -tõr, s. [Lat., from mandatus, pa. par. of mando to command, to direct.]

I. Ord. Lang.: A director; one who gives orders or directions.

"A person is said to be a client to his advocate, but a luaster and a mandator to his proctor."-Ayliffe: Parer. gon.

II. Law:

1. A bailer of goods.

2. A person who deputes another to perform a mandate. [MANDATE, II. 3.]

măn-đạ-tor-Ỹ, a. & s. [Lat, mandatorius.] A. As adj. Containing a mandate, command, precept, or injunction; directory.


"He usurped more than a mandatory nomination of the bishop to be consecrated."-Abp. Usher: On Ordination. B. As subst.: The same as MANDATARY (q. v.). măn-děl-a-mide, s. [English mandel ic), and C&H2 CHOH Organic Chemistry: C§H7O2°NH2= CONH2. Obtained by heating to 180° in a sealed tube, a mixture of benzoic aldehyde, hydrogen cyanide, and water. It crystallizes in rhombic or hexagonal tables, soluble in water and boiling alcohol, slightly soluble in ether, and melts at 131. Heated with baryta water to 186, it is converted into barium mandelate (CHO)2Ba, which crystallizes in rhom bic tables, soluble in water.

măn-děl-āte, s. [Eng., &c., mandel(ic); -ate.] Chem.: A salt of mandelic acid.

Ammonic mandelate is a yellowish-white pow der, difficult to crystallize. Soluble in water and alcohol. Baric mandelate crystallizes in needles, slightly soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol. The copper salt is a beautiful light blue powder, which, when heated, gives off bitter almond oil.

măn-děl'-ic, a. [Ger. mandel an almond; Eng. suff. ic.] (See the compound.)

mandelic-acids, s. pl.

glycolic acid. Formobenzoic acid. An acid preChem.: CsH8O3=C6H5 CH(OH)'CO OH. Phenylpared by heating bitter almond oil with hydrochlo ric or sulphuric acids, and extracting by means of ether. It crystallizes in prisms or tables, very solu ble in water, alcohol, and ether, and melts at 115 with loss of water into a yellow oil, which on cooling solidifies to a gum. Heated above its melting point it diffuses an agreeable odor resembling white-thorn blossoms. Mandelic-acid contains the elements of bitter almond oil and formic acid. It neutralizes bases completely, and expels carbonic acid from its compounds.

*mande-ment, *maunde-ment, s. [CoMMANDMENT.] A command, a commandment, a mandate. "He schewed the Erle Rogere the pape's mandement." Robert de Brunne, p. 307.

man-der, s. [MAUNDER.] mặn -děr-il, s. [MANDREL.] măn-dě-ville, s. [Prob. a corrupt. of O. French mandil, mandille.] [MANDIL.] The same as MANDILION (q. v.).

măn-di-ble, s. [From Lat, mandibula and mandibulum, from mando to chew; Fr. mandibule; Prov. & Sp. mandibula.]

"Sending their mandatory with a musqueteer to Doctor
Hammond's lodging."-Fell: Life of Hammond, p. viii.
father; wē, wět, here, camel, her, thêre; pine, pit, sïre, sir,

marîne; gō, pot,



1. Human: The inferior maxilla, or two mandibles may be said to be united in the inferior maxilla or lower jaw. (Quain.)

2. Comparative:

(1) (Among Vetebrates in general): The lower jaw answering to the maxilla inferior in man. [1.] (Huxley.)

(2) (Among Birds, pl.): The upper and lower rostra of the beak. (Huxley.)

(3) (Among Arthropoda, pl.): The upper pair of cephalic appendages used as jaws. (Huxley.) In insects the term is restricted to the upper and outer pair of jaws. (Owen.)

(4) (Among Mollusks): Used of the beak in Cephalopoda. (Nicholson.)

măn-dib‍-u-lạ (pl. măn-dib'-u-læ), s. [Lat.= a jaw.] A mandible (q. v.).

măn-dib -u-lar, o. [MANDIBULA.] Pertaining or belonging to the jaw. Thus there is a mandibu lar arch.

măn-dib-u-lā -ta, s. pl. [Neut. pl. of Mod. Lat. mandibulatus, from Lat. mandibula, mandibulum.] [MANDIBLE.]

Entom. According to Clairville, Stephens, &c., a primary division or sub-class of insects containing those which have jaws for mastication, as distinguished from those which have a suctorial mouth. [INSECT.]

măn-dib-u-late, a. & s. [MANDIBULAR.] A. As adjective:


Pliny speaks of the precautions with which it was to be plucked up (H. N., xxv. 94). Bulleine's Bulwark of Defense is a mine of quaint lore on the subject, and Browne (Vulgar Errors, bk. ii., ch. vi.) follows in his track. On being torn from the ground, the mandrake was feigned to utter groans inspiring horror (Cyril Tournour: Atheist's Tragedy, v. 1), causing madness (Shakesp.: Romeo and Juliet, iv. 3; Webster: Duchess of Malfi, ii. 5), or even death (Shakesp.: Henry IV., Pt. II., iii. 2). It was an emblem of incontinence (Shakesp.: Henry IV., Pt. II., iii. 2); soporific qualities were attributed to it (Marlowe: Jew of Malta, v. 1); it was used in magic (Nabbes: Microcosmus, iv.), and formed an ingredient in love-potions (Burton: Anat. of Melan. (ed. 1881), p. 550).

rendered in the A. V., mandrakes (Genesis xxx. 14, 2. Scrip. Heb. dhudhaim, a pl. word, correctly 15, 16; Song of Solomon vii. 13). mandrake-apple, s.

Bot. The fruit of the mandrake. It is beautiful, fragrant, and in no way poisonous.

măn-drěl, măn-dril, *mặn-der-I1, s corrupt. of Fr. mandrin=a punch, a mandrel, prob. from Gr. mandra-an inclosed space, a sheepfold, the bed in which the stone of a ring is set.]


måned, a. [Eng. man(e); -ed.] Having a mane.
maned ant-eater, s. [ANT-EATER.]
maned fruit-bat, s.

Zool.: Pteropus jubatus, a native of the Philippine islands.

*mane'-fäire, s. [O. Fr.]

Old Armor: Armor for the mane of a horse. from Ital. maneggio-management of a horse.] A ma-nêge' (ge as zh), s. [Fr. manége or manège, school for training horses and for teaching horsemanship; a riding-school; the art or science of breaking, training, and riding horses; horsemanship. [MANAGE, 8.]

break in and train a horse for riding or for gracema-nêge (ge as zh), v. t. [MANEGE, 8.] To ful performances.

ma-něh, s. [Hebrew maneh; cf. Greek mna.] [MINA.]

Weights and Measures: A weight among ancient Hebrews. Its amount cannot be precisely deter [Amined; the passage (Ezek. xlv. 12) relating to the subject being ambiguous. It may mean that there were three manehs, one of twenty shekels, one of twenty-five shekels, and one of fifteen; or it may signify that the maneh was 20+25+15-60 shekels. Gesenius thinks the former to be the more probable hypothesis.

1. Lathe: An arbor or axis on which work is temporarily placed to be turned. The arbor which revolves in the headstock of a lathe and carries the upper pulley, and also the chuck or face-plate if one be used.

2. Mach. The revolving spindle of a circular saw Entom. Having mandibles, as distinguished from or a circular cutter. As the annular bush slips a suctorial mouth. upon the mandrel, its conical face penetrates the central orifice in the saw and maintains its concentricity; an elastic packing intervenes between the bush and the end collar.

B. As substantive: Entom.: An insect of the sub-class Mandibulata (q. v.).

mãn-đib-u-lât ěd, a. [MANDIBULATE.] The same as MANDIBULATE, a. (q. v.)

mãn-dĩ bù -l-form, a. [Lat, mandibula, mandibulum a jaw, and forma=form.]

1. Zool. Having the form of a mandible. 2. Entom.: Having the lower jaws hard, horny, and like the upper jaws in form.

măn dil, s. [0. Fr. mandil, mandille, from Lat. mantellum, mantelum a table-cloth, a cloak, a mantle.] A sort of cloak or mantle.

mắn dĩl-lớn (ias y), 8. [0. Fr. mandil; Ital. mandiglione. A kind of loose garment; a soldier's


“A mandilion, that did with buttons meet,

Of purple, large, and full of folds, curl'd with a warmful nap."-Chapman: Homer's Iliad, x. măn-di-oc, măn -1-ŏc, s. [From mandioca, its name in Brazíl.]

Bot.: A euphorbiaceous plant, Manihot utilissima. [CASSAVA, MAMOUS plant,

mandioc-plant, s. [MANDIOC.] *mand-ment, s. [MANDEMENT.] măn do lin, măn-do-line, s. [Fr. mandoline, mandole, mandore, from Ital. mandola, mandora.] Music: An Italian fretted guitar, so called from its almond shape. There are several varieties, each with


different tunings. The Neapolitan, considered the most perfect, has four strings tuned like the violin, i. e., G, D, A, E. The Milanese, next in favor, has five double strings tuned G, C, A, D, E. A plectrum is used in the right hand, and the left is employed in stopping the strings. It is written on the G clef. In the Neapolitan mandolin the E strings are of catgut, the A strings of steel, the D strings of copper, and the G strings of catgut covered with copperwire. The compass is about three octaves. *măn-dom, s. [Eng. man; -dom.] The state of being a man; manhood; men collectively. (E. B. Browning.)

măn-döre, s. [Fr.]

Music: The same as MANDOLIN (q. v.). măn-drăg -òr-ạ, s. [Gr. mandragoras.] 1. Ord. Lang. A soporific potion prepared from some plant of the genus described under 2. [MANDRAKE.]

"Give me to drink mandragora."
Shakesp.: Antony and Cleopatra, i. 5.

2. Botany: A genus of Solanaceae, tribe Atropes. Mandragora officinalis is the mandrake. mẫn -drāke,8. [MANDRAGORA.]

1. Anthrop. & Folk-lore: From the rude resemblance of the bifurcated root to the human figure many superstitious notions have gathered round this plant. Columella calls it semihomo (v. 19), and

3. Forg.: A round rod of any desired diameter, used in giving an interior cylindrical form to a forging, as a nut or hollow spindle.

4. Cast: A plug around which a body of metal

or glass is cast.

mandrel-lathe, s. A lathe adapted for turning hollow work, which is clasped by a chuck on the end of the mandrel in the headstock; or for turning long work which is supported by the head and tail centers. It is the usual form of well-made lathes for metal and wood-turning.

măn-drill, s. [Fr. mandrille, from the native name. (Buffon.) Huxley thinks the English is from man, and drill=a man-like ape (Man's Place in Nature, p. 10).]

Zoology: Cynocephalus Maimon. (Mormon), an African baboon. It was well known to the ancients, and Aristotle speaks of it (H. A., 2, 11, 2) under the name of Choropithecus (Hog-ape). A full-grown male measures about five feet when erect; the hair is light olive-brown above, and silvery-white beneath. It has a small pointed yellow beard, and a tuft of hair on the top of the head, which gives the whole face a triangular appearance. Nicholson says (Zoology, p. 733) that it is "rendered probably without exception the most disgustingly hideous of living beings by the possession of large blood-red natal callosities, and of enormous cheekprotuberances striped with brilliant colors in alter nate ribs." Mandrills are insectivorous; and, in addition to their immense canine teeth, approach the Carnivora in many points of anatomical detail. *măn-du-ca-ble, a. [Fr., from Lat. manduco= to chew; Sp. manducable.] Capable of being manducated or chewed; fit for eating.

†măn -du-cāte, v. t. [Lat. manducatus, pa. par. of manduco, an extension of mando-to chew.] To chew, to masticate, to eat.

"When he manducates such unwholesome, such un

pleasant fruit."-Bishop Taylor: Sermons, p. 252.
†măn-du-ca -tion, s. [Latin manducatio, from
manducatus, pa. par. of manduco to chew: Fr.
manducation; Sp. manducacion; Ital. manduca
zione.] The act of chewing, masticating, or eating.

măn-du-ca-tõr-ỷ, a. [English manducat(e);
ory.] Pertaining to, fit for, or employed in chew
ing or masticating; as, manducatory organs.
mắn-dù-cùs, 8. [Lat.=a glutton.]

Greek & Roman Antiq.: A comical figure, representing a glutton or gormandizer, carried in proces

sions and comedies to create laughter.

māne, s. [Icel. mön (genit, manar, pl. manar); cogn. with Sw. & Dan. man; Dut. maan; O. Dut. mane; Ger. mähne; O. H. Ger. mana; Wel. myngen =a mane, from min=the neck.] The long hair growing on the upper part of the neck of some animals, as horses, lions, &c., and hanging down on one or both sides.

"Each wave was crested with tawny foam, Like the mane of a chestnut steed." Scott: Lay of the Last Minstrel, i. 28. mane-sheet, s. A sort of covering for the upper part of a horse's head.

boll, boy; pout, jowl; cat, çell, chorus, chin, bench; go, gem; thin, this;

mặn-ěquăn (qu as k), 8. [Fr. mannequin =a manikin (q. v.).] An artist's model made of wood or wax.

good; the first form survives in immanis = mā -nēş, s. pl. [Lat., prob. from *manis, *manus huge, immense; the second in Genita Mana=the good mother, to whom, Pliny says, the Romans used to sacrifice a puppy.]

Roman Myth. The Good Ones, a euphemistic spirits) opposed to larve and lemures (q. v.). In expression for the infernal deities (as benevolent the description of the funeral rites of Polydorus, Virgil ( Æn. iii. 62-68) has a noted passage on the ceremonies with which the Manes were worshiped. The term was also applied to shades not yet deified. The Manes might be called up by magic (ib. iv. 490), they were invoked to be present at funeral rites (v. 99), and from them came deceptive dreams (vi. 897). the Romans inscribed on their tombs "D. M." (Diis Tylor (Prim. Cult., 1872, ii. 120), mentioning that Manibus), remarks that "the occurrence of this D. M.' in Christian epitaphs is an often noticed case of religious survival.'

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manes-gods, s. pl.

Romans. [MANES.]
Comparative Religions: The Dii Manes of the

love of human blood, duly administered to it."-Herbert Spencer: Prin, of Sociol., i.

"The early Romans, ascribing to their manes-gods a

manes-worship, s.

the worship of the dead, whether of an ancestor of Anthrop.: The term adopted by Tylor to denote the particular worshiper, or of some deified hero of his race. It has a very wide range both in time and space. Herbert Spencer (Prim. Sociol., vol. i., ch. xx.) thinks it developed from the universal-or almost universal-belief in an other-self, which survived after death, and that manes-worship was the outcome of a desire and endeavor to propitiate the ghost. He brings forward evidence as to its existence among Turanians and Aryans, and notes that among the Jews the offerer of first-fruits to Jehovah was required to say that he had not "given thereof for the dead." (Deut. xxvi. 14; cf. Eccles. vii. 33; Tobit iv. 17.) Sir John Lubbock (Orig. of Civil., 1882, p. 318) says of manes-worship that it is a natural development of the dread of ghosts," and both Tylor (Prim. Cult., 1873, ii. 120) and Spencer loc. cit.) see in the cultus of saints in the Roman Church "a survival of the manes-worship of a less advanced age. [HAGIOLATRY.]

manes-worshiper, s. One who worships the spirits of the departed; one who practices manesworship (q. v.).

"The Chinese manes-worshiper may see the outer barbarians come back into sympathy with his timehonored creed."-Tylor: Prim. Cult. (1873), i. 143. A copious bibliography will be found in Lubbock and Tylor.

ma-nět -ti, s. [Etym. doubtful.] Hort.: A variety of rose, used as a dwarf stock in budding.

prefect of the botanical garden at Florence, and ma-nět -ti-a, s. [Named after Xavier Manetti, author of Regnum Vegetabile, 1756. (Paxton.)]

Bot.: A genus of Cinchonacea, family Cinchonida. It consists of climbing undershrubs from tropical America. The root of Manettia cordifolia is valued in Brazil as a medicine in dropsy and dysentery.

sin, aş; expect, Xenophon, exist. ph = f.

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