Abbildungen der Seite


lib-er-ate, v. t. [Lat. liberatus, pa, par. of libero to set free; liber=free; Fr. libérer; Ital. liberare.] To set free; to release from restraint or confine ment; to set at liberty; to free, to deliver. lib-er-a-tion, s. [Lat. liberatio, from liberatus, pa. par. of libero; Fr. libération; Ital. liberazione; Sp. liberacion.]

1. The act of liberating or setting free from restraint, confinement, &c.; a setting at liberty; freeing.

2. The state of being liberated or set free. lib-er-a-tor, s. [Lat., from liberatus, pa. par. of libero.] One who liberates or frees; a deliverer. †lib-er-a-tor-ỹ, a. [Eng.liberator; -.] Tending to liberate or set free.

Lib'-er-a-trix, s. [The fem. form of Lat. libera


Astron.: [ASTEROID, 125.]

Li-bër-I-an, a. [For etym. see definition.] Be longing to, found in, or in any way connected with Liberia, an independent republic of Western Africa, settled by free negroes from the United States in 1822.

Liberian-hippopotamus, s. Zool.: Hippopotamus minor, a small species described by Dr. S. G. Morton (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadel., Feb., 1844), from the notes of Dr. Goheen, colonial physician at Monrovia, and from two crania which that gentleman sent to America. In 1850 (ib., 1850, pp. 231-39) Dr. Morton proposed to call it H. liberiensis, the name by which it is now generally known, though" it was proposed to make a new genus of it under the name of Choropsis." (Van Hoeven.) It has but two incisors in the lower jaw; the posterior molars are only partially protruded, and rise obliquely like those of the ele phant and mastodon. It varies in weight from four hundred to seven hundred pounds.

lib-ĕr-ō-, pref. [Lat. libero to set free.] (For def. see etym.)

tlibero-motor, adj. Letting out or liberating nerve force. (H.Spencer.)

lib-er-tär-1-an, a. & s. [Eng. libert(y); -arian.] A. As adj.: Pertaining to liberty or freewill, inculcating the doctrine that the human will is free as opposed to the teaching that it is impelled by

necessity to a certain course of action.

B. As subst. One who accepts the doctrine that human will is free. [FREE-WILL, NECESSITY.] lib-er-tär-I-an-işm, s [English libertarian; ism.] The doctrines or principles of libertarians. li-ber'-ti-çide, s. [Latin libert (as) = liberty; i connective; cædo (in comp. cido) = to kill.] 1. The act of destroying liberty.

2. One who destroys liberty. (Shelley: Adonais, vi.)

*lib'-er-tin-age (age as Iġ), 8. [Eng. libertin(e); -age.] Excessive freedom of opinions or conduct; license.

lightly of the Christian faith."-Warburton: Sermons, "A growing libertinage, which disposed them to think

vol. ix., ser. 13.

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"Though a libertine, he won the hearts of the Puritans." -Macaulay: Hist. Eng., vol. i., ch. ii.

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B. As adjective:

*1. Freethinking, latitudinarian.
2. Loose, licentious, profligate, lewd, debauched,
dissolute; as, a libertine life.

lib'-er-tin-işm, s. [Eng. libertin(e); -ism.]
*1. The quality or state of being a freedman.
*2. Irreligiousness, freethought; looseness of mo-
"Even modest heathens would hiss this libertinism off
the stage."-Bp. Hall: Cases of Conscience, Dec. 4, ch. ii. .
3. Loose, licentious, or dissolute conduct; profli-
gacy, licentiousness, lewdness, grossness, debauch-


lib -er-ty, *lib-er-te, *lib-er-tee, s. [French liberté, from Lat. libertatem, accus. of libertas liberty: liber-free; Ital. libertà; Port. liberdade; Sp. libertad.]

I. Ordinary Language:

1. The quality or state of being free; exemption from restraint; freedom; power of acting according to one's will.

"And methought while she liberty sung,
'Twas liberty only to hear."

Cowper: Morning Dream.

2. The power of an agent to do or to leave undone any particular action, according to the determination of his mind or judgment; freedom of will; freedom from constraint in will or volition. (Locke: Essay, bk. ii., ch. xxi., § 8.)

3. Permission granted, as by a superior to an inferior, to do any act, which the latter might not do without such permission; leave, license.

4. Privileges or immunities enjoyed by prescription or by grant; franchise.

5. A place or district within which certain priv ileges, immunities, or franchises are enjoyed. "The bells of all the parishes of the city and liberties were ringing."-Macaulay: Hist. Eng., ch. viii.

6. Permission to go or move about within certain limits, as in a place of confinement; a certain degree of freedom of movement.

7. The limits within which freedom of movement is allowed; as, the liberties of a prison.

8. Conduct, behavior, or speech on the part of one person toward another, such as is not warranted by their relative positions in society, rank, age, &c.; a slight breach of decorum or courtesy. "The nonjurors

ventured to take unusual liberties."-Macaulay: Hist. Eng., ch. xxi.

9. Freedom or exemption from occupation or gaged; as, Are you at liberty? engagements; leisure; the state of being disen*10. Licentiousness, libertinism.

"Lust and liberty

Creep in the minds and marrows of our youth." Shakesp.: Timon of Athens, iv. 1. II. Manège: A curve or arch in that part of the bit placed in the mouth of a horse, to afford room for the tongue of the animal.

T (1) At liberty: Disengaged; not occupied. (2) Cap of liberty: A cap or hat worn as a symbol of liberty, as in ancient times manumitted slaves wore the Phrygian cap as a token of their having been set free. In modern days a red cap worn by French revolutionists.

(3) Civil liberty: A state of freedom or liberty, abridged only by the restrictions and regulations established under the form of laws for the protection and interests of the nation, society, or state. It is a state of exemption from the arbitrary will of others, secured by established laws, by which each member is protected against injury on the part of others.

(4) Liberty of the press:

(a) Ord. Lang.: The free right and power to pub4. One free from restraint; one who is unconfined. lish whatever one pleases, subject only to punish"When he speaks, ment for abuse of that freedom by publishing The air, a charter'd libertine, is still." anything mischievous, hurtful, or libelous, to the Shakesp.: Henry V., i. 1. public or to individuals. 5. A freeman of a corporate town or city. II. Technically: 1. Church Hist.: A Flemish sect of Antinomians, who called themselves "Spirituals." They passed into France, where they were patronized by Margaret of Navarre, sister of Francis I. They held that, as God was the author of all human actions, no human action could be evil; that religion consisted in union with God by contemplation, and that any one who had attained to this could act as he pleased. Calvin wrote strongly against them. (Blunt.)

(b) Hist.: After the Reformation, the crown as sumed the right, which the church had previously exercised, of prohibiting the printing of all works but such as should be first seen and allowed. The newspaper press, originating in the reign of James I., was subjected to the royal licenser, and, though the fall of the Star Chamber, in 1641, augured well for the liberty of the press, parliament did not affect a spirit of toleration, and Milton, in his Areopagitica, branded the suppression of truth by the licenser as the slaying of an immortality rather than a life.


(5) Liberty-pole: A flag-staff surrounded with the symbols of liberty.

(6) Moral liberty: That liberty of choice which is essential to moral responsibility. [FREE-WILL.] (7) Natural liberty: A state of exemption from the restraint or control of others, and the institu tions of civil life. The power to act or do as one pleases, subject only to the laws of nature.

(8) Political liberty: The liberty or freedom of a nation; exemption of a nation from any unjust abridgment of its rights and independence by another nation.

(9) Religious liberty: The free right to hold what opinions one pleases in religious matters, and to worship the Deity according to the dictates of conscience, free from external control.

(10) Statue of Liberty (Bedloe's Island, N. Y. Harbor): On October 28, 1886, after more than twelve years of preparation, the colossal statue of Liberty given by the people of France to the United States was dedicated and unveiled in New York harbor. The statue was the conception of M. Bartholdi, who designed it for the Franco-American Union in 1874. It was built by popular subscriptions of the people of France, and required over five years for its completion. It was mounted in Paris in October, 1881. The American pedestal for the statue was not commenced until April, 1883, and was finally finished in 1886. It was built by a popular subscription under the auspices of the New York World. The statue was immediately erected upon an iron framework bolted firmly to the stone pedestal. The statue itself is of bronze. Some of its dimensions are given as follows:

Water-level to top of pedestal...
Statue proper to top of torch..

Total height from water-level..
Heel to top of head..
Length of hand.
Circumference at second joint.
Size of finger-nail...

Head from chin to cranium.
Head-thickness from ear to ear..
Distance between the eyes.....
Length of nose...

Right arm, length.

Right arm, greatest thickness.
Thickness of waist.
Width of mouth..
Tablet, length.

Tablet, width

Tablet, thickness.

Ft. In.

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The statue weighs 450,000 pounds, or 225 tons. The bronze alone weighs 200,000 pounds. Forty persons can stand comfortably in the head, and the torch will hold twelve people. The total number of steps in the temporary staircase which leads from the base of the foundation to the top of the torch is 403; from the ground to the top of the pedestal 195 steps. The number of steps in the statue from the pedestal to the head is 154, and the ladder leading up through the extended right arm to the torch has 54 rounds. The cost of the statue is estimated at $250,000; the cost of the pedestal and the erection of the statue, $350,000; total cost of the work, completed and in place, $600,000.

It is believed to be surpassed in size by but two existing statues in the world-those at Bamian, in Central Asia, which are both rude stone images carved from the rocks and standing where they were carved. Their origin is unknown, but they are believed to be works of great antiquity. There are five colossal statues at Bamian. The largest is said to be 173 feet high from the heel to the top of the head, and the second 120 feet high. The Colossus of Rhodes was said to have been about 105 feet high. That of Nero is said by Suetonius to have been 120 feet high. The statue of St. Charles Borromeo, which is still standing on the Lake of Geneva, is 66 feet high, and is mounted on a pedestal measur ing 46 feet. The celebrated statue of Jupiter carved by Phidias is said to have been 60 feet in height.

The words liberty and freedom are often used interchangeably. Properly speaking, however, lib erty hints at previous restraint: freedom does not; hence, a slave is set at liberty, not at freedom, while a rude man expresses his sentiments, not with too much liberty, but with too much freedom. 11-běth'-en-ite, s. [Named after the locality where first observed, Libethen; suff. -ite (Min.); Ger. Libethenit.]

Min.: An orthorhombic (Schrauf says monoclinic or "pseudo-orthorhombic ") mineral, occurring mostly in crystals, rarely globular or compact. Hardness, 4; specific gravity, 3'6-88; luster, resinous; color and streak, olive-green, the former usually dark. Fracture, subconchoidal. Composition: Phosphoric acid, 297; oxide of copper, 665; water, 38; which corresponds to the formula (4CuO PO+ HO. Principal localities are Libethen, Hungary, and Cornwall.

fate, făt, färe, amidst, what, fâll, father; wē, wět, here, camel, hêr, thêre; pine, pit,

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11-bid-In-Ist, s. [Lat. libido (genit. libidinis); Eng. sutf. -ist.] One given to lust or lewdness. 11-bid-in-Ŏs'-it-y, s. [Eng. libidinous; -ity.] The quality or state of being libidinous; lewdness. 11-bid-in-oùs, a. [Fr. libidineux; from Lat. libidinosus; from libido (genit. libidinis); Sp. & Ital. libidinoso.] Characterized by lewdness or wantonness; lewd, lustful, wanton; lascivious, unchaste, lecherous.

fll-bid -in-oŭs-ly, adv. [Eng. libidinous; -ly.] In a libidinous, lewd, or lustful manner; lewdly, lasciviously, lustfully, wantonly. †li-bid ́-in-oŭs-ness, s. [Eng. libidinous; -ness.] The quality or state of being libidinous; lewdness, lustfulness, lasciviousness.

lib-ken, *lib-kin, s. [Probably from A. S. lib. ban to live, and ken (2) s. (q. v.)] A low house or lodging.

li-bo-çē ́-drus, s. [Gr. libas, libos=a tear, and kedros a cedar.]

Bot.: A genus of Coniferæ. Libocedrus doniana is the Kawa of New Zealand. Its beautifully-grained and heavy wood would be well adapted for picture frames. (Loudon.)

li-bra, s. [Lat.=a balance. So named because when the sun enters Libra the days and nights are equal like the scales of a balance.]

Astron.: The Balance.

(1) One of the twelve ancient zodiacal constellaions. It is surrounded by the constellations Scorpio, Ophiuchus, Virgo, Centaurus, and Lupus. It contains no stars of the first magnitude.

(2) The seventh sign of the Zodiac. Owing to the precession of the equinoxes it now contains the constellation Virgo. The sun enters it about Sept. 23. *li-bral, a. [Lat. libralis, from libra=a pound weight.] Of a pound weight; weighing a pound. li-brär-1-an, s. [Lat. librarius = (s.) a transcriber of books; (a.) of or pertaining to books: liber a book; Fr.libraire; Sp. librero, Ital. librajo = a bookseller.]

*1. One who transcribes or copies books.

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*library-keeper, s. A librarian.
"A library-keeper, who is likewise to be an apothecary,
druggist, and keeper of instruments, engines, &c."-Cow-
ley: Advancement of Experimental Philosophy.
li-brate, v. t. & i. [Lat. libratus, pa. par. of
libro to balance; libra=a balance.]

A. Trans.: To balance, to poise, to hold in equi-

B. Intrans.: To be in equipoise; to move as a

li-bra-tion, s. [Lat. libratio, from libratus, pa.
par. of libro to balance; libra a balance; French
libration; Sp. libracion; Ital. librazione.]
I. Ordinary Language:

1. The act of balancing, or placing or holding in 2. One who has charge of a library; the keeper of equipoise. (H. More: Immortality of the Soul, a library or collection of books. bk. ii., ch. x.)

"It probably contained some illuminated MSS., as the librarian had the keeping of the colors too."-Walpole: Anecdotes of Painting, vol. i., ch. i.

li-brär-1-an-ship, s. [Eng. librarian; -ship.] The office, post, or position of a librarian.

li-bra-rỷ, *li-brai-rie, *li-bra-rie, s. [French librairie, from Lat. librarium, neut. sing. of librarius pertaining to books: liber a book; orig. the bark of a tree, that being the earliest writing material; Sp. & Ital libreria; Port. livraria.] 1. A collection of books, whether belonging to a private person, an institution, or the nation. "Bale, the antiquary, makes mention of a merchant that bought two noble libraries about these times for forty shillings."-Strype: Mem. Henry VIII. (an. 1545). 2. A room or set of rooms set apart for a collection of books, manuscripts, &c. (P. Holland: Pliny, bk. xxxv., ch. ii.)

It is stated that there was a library in the Memnonium at Thebes in the fourteenth century B. C. Layard and his successors disentombed libra ries, or their equivalents, collections of inscribed cylinders, from the sites of old Assyrian palaces. Kirjath-sepher, the old name of Debir, means the "City of Book(s)" (Judges i.11). Pisistratus founded a public library at Athens about 540 B. C. Strabo says that the first private library was that of Aristotle, B. C. 334. Ptolemy I. (Soter) founded the celebrated Alexandrian Library in the Serapeum about 298 B. C.; it was partially destroyed by fire in the Egyptian contest carried on by Julius Caesar, B. C. 47. It is said to have been burned by the Caliph Omar, A. D. 640. A fine library of 200.000 volumes, collected by Attalus I., King of Pergamos, about 197 B. C., came into the possession of the Romans on the death of Attalus III., B. C. 133, he having nominated them heirs to his kingdom. Of modern libraries that of the British Museum, with about 1,300,000 volumes, accessible on easy conditions to every student above twenty-one years old, stands preeminent. Other fine British libraries are the Bodleian Library at Oxford, the libraries of the other universities, the London Library, the Advocates' Library in Edinburgh, &c. The most noted Continental library is that of the Vatican in Rome. The largest French library is the Bibliotheque National in Paris, founded by Louis XIV. It contains 1,400,000 volumes, 300,000 pamphlets, 175,000 manuscripts, 300,000 maps and charts, and 150,000 coins and medals. The collection of engravings exceeds 1,300,000, contained in some 10,000 volumes. LARGE LIBRARIES IN THE UNITED STATES. Place. Name. Augusta, Me.. State Library. Athenæum.. Boston, Mass...


boll, boy; pout, jowl; cat, çell,

2. The state of being balanced or in equipoise.
"Their pinions still
In loose librations stretched, to trust the void
Trembling refuse."
Thomson: Spring, 743.

II. Astron. A real or apparent motion of a
proaching a state of rest. (Used especially of the
heavenly body like that of a balance when ap-
moon.) [] (Boyle: Works, iv. 98.)

1. Libration in latitude:


Astron. (of the moon): A small variation in the
precise part of the mon presented to us.
moon always presents the same hemisphere to us,
but as her axis varies from the plane of her orbit by
an angle of 1 30 10-8, her two poles lean alternately
to and from the earth. When the north pole leans
toward the earth we see a little more of the region
surrounding it; when turned away we see less; this
variation constitutes the libration in latitude.
2. Libration in longitude:

ferent times in the amount of the eastern or western
Astron. (of the moon): A slight variation at dif-
edge of the moon seen. This arises from the fact
that the angular velocity of the moon on her axis is
not quite the same as that of her angular velocity
in her orbit. This was first discovered by Hevelius

in 1647.

3. Diurnal libration, Parallactic vibration:
aspect of the moon, arising from the fact that,
Astron. (of the moon): A slight variation in the
owing to the diurnal motion of the earth, we view
the moon at its rising or setting, in different circum-
stances, according to the latitude of the earth at
the spot where the observer stands.
view at the moon's rising and setting, on the upper
It brings into
limb, or whenever the moon has parallax, a little
more than a hemisphere.

li-bra-tor-y, a. [Eng. librat(e); -ory.] Bal-
ancing; balanced; moving like a balance; oscillat-

"Maraldi discovers the libratory motion of the nodes of Jupiter's second satellite."-Chambers: Astronomy, P. 772.

11-brět tist, s. [Eng. librett (o); -ist.] One who
Writes a libretto; one who composes words for an
opera, oratorio, &c.

li brět tō, s. [Ital. a little book; dimin. of libro
a book.]


1. A book containing the words of an opera, oratorio, or similar musical work.

*11-cär-I-a, s. [Native name.]

Bot.: An old doubtful genus of Lauraceae, now made a synonym of Dicypellium. Licaria guianensis is the Bois de Rose (Rosewood of Guiana). liçe, s. pl. [LOUSE.]

*lice-bane, subst. "A plant." (Johnson.) Not identified.

Beggars' lice:

Bot.: A popular name for Cynoglossum morisoni. li'-çen-sa-ble, a. [Eng. licens(e); -able.] That may or can be licensed or legally permitted.

li-çense, li-çençe, *li-cens, *ly-cence, subst. [Fr. licence, from Lat. licentia=power or freedom to act; licens, pr. par. of licet it is allowed or allowable; Sp. licensia; Ital. licenzia.]

1. Authority, leave, or permission to do or forbear any act; liberty, freedom.

"When he had geuen hym lycence, Paule stode on the steppes, and beckened with his hande to the people."— Acts xxi. (1551.)

2. Leave or permission granted by the proper authority to do any act, or to carry on any business or profession; as, a license to preach, a license to authority; as, to take out a license for a dog. sell intoxicating drinks.

3. A document containing such permission or

4. Excess of liberty; exorbitant or undue freedom; abuse of freedom or liberty; licentiousness. (Milton: Sonnet xi.)

5. In art, poetry, music, &c., applied to that deviation from the ordinary rules or mode of treatment enforced by a particular school, or adopted as the result of peculiar education; the liberty taken by an artist in deviating from the strict rules of his

art. (Irving: Goldsmith, ch. xxviii.)

li-çense, li-çençe, v. t. [LICENSE, 8.]

1. To give authority, leave, or permission to do any act or carry on any business, profession, &c.; to authorize by a legal grant of permission; to give a license to.

#2. To dismiss; to send or put away.
11-çensed, pa. par. or a. [LICENSE, v.]

1. Having a license; permitted by authority.
"The reasons of your licencet pamphlet are good."-
Milton: Colasterion, p. 349.

2. Tolerated, allowed.

"What from our master's interests thus we draw, Is but a licensed theft that 'scapes the law." Pope: Homer's Iliad, xxiv. 534. having a spirit license, as distinguished from a licensed-house, s. A public-house; a house beerhouse. (Eng.)

licensed-victualer, s. The keeper of a publichouse, inn, &c., holding a license to sell spirits, wines, beer, &c. (Eng.)

li-çens-ee, s. [Eng. licens(e); -ee.] One to whom a license is granted; the holder of a license. li-çens-er, *li'-çenç-er, 8. [Eng. licens(e); er. One who grants license, leave, or authority; one legally authorized to grant licenses.

li-çens-ing, pr. par. or particip. adj. [LICENSE, v.] Giving license; allowing or indorsing. tli-çen-sure (s as sh), s. [Eng. licens(e); -ure.) The act of licensing.

lī-çen'-ti-ate (ti as shi), li-cen-ti-at, s. & a. [Low Latin licentiatus, pa. par. of licentio=to license, from Latin licentia-license (q. v.); Ital.

2. The words of an opera, oratorio, &c.
li-bri-form, a. [Latin liber (genit. libri), and licenziato; Sp. licenciado.]
1827 forma shape.] (See the compounds.)


1807 1852 1826

libriform-cells, s. pl.

Bot.: Cells like those existing in liber (q. v.).

chorus, chin, bench; go, gem; thin, this;

A. As substantive:

1. One who has license or authority to follow any particular art, business, or profession.

sin, aş; expect, Xenophon, exist. ph = f.


2. On the continent of Europe a degree at the Universities between the baccalaureate and the doctorate, which must be taken by a candidate for the latter; also the person who has taken such degree. (Ayliffe: Parergon.)

*3. One who uses his freedom to excess; an abuser of liberty; one who behaves in a licentious manner or with too great freedom.

"What is this but to profess ourselves not libertines, but licentiates of disorder?"-Bp. Hall: Sermons; Christian Liberty Laid Forth.

*B. As adj.: Licentious, free. (Hall: Satires, I. iv. 29.)

Licentiate of Theology: A title granted only by King's College, London, and the University of Durham. It is not a degree, but a status, and implies any fair theological attainments.

*li-çen -ti-âte (ti as shi), v. t. To permit, to authorize; to give a grant or license to; to encourage by license. (L'Estrange.)


*li-çen-ti-a-tion (ti as shi), s. v.] The act of licentiating or licensing. li-çen -tious, a. [Fr. licencieux, from Lat. licentiosus full of license, from licentia-license; Sp. licencioso; Ital. licenzioso.].

1. Passing due bounds or limits; using too much license or freedom; excessive. (Spenser: F. Q., V. v. 25.)

2. Breaking through all restraint; uncontrollable. (Roscommon, in Todd.) 3. Unrestrained by law, morality, or religious feelings; dissolute, profligate, loose, wanton, sensual, immoral.

"Too many, Lord, abuse thy grace,
In this licentious day."

Cowper: Olney Hymns, lx.

li-çen'-tious-ly, adv. [Eng. licentious; ly.] In a licentious manner; without restraint; dissolutely, wantonly.

li-çen -tious-ness, s. [Eng. licentious; -ness.] The quality or state of being licentious; want of restraint; license, dissoluteness, profligacy.

"[He] had notoriously tolerated among his soldiers a licentiousness, not only shocking to humanity, but also incompatible with discipline."-Macaulay: Hist. Eng.,

ch. xii.

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lich-gate, s.

[blocks in formation]

The Cup-lichen, or Cup-moss, is Cenomyce li-chĕn-ŏl'-ð-gist, s. [Eng. lichenolog(y), and pyridata; the Dog-lichen, Peltidea canina; the suff ist.] One versed in or practicing lichenology. Horsehair or Treehair-lichen, Cornicularia jubata; Lungwort-lichen, Sticta pulmonaria; Stone-lichen, leichen a lichen, and logos=a discourse.]. A treatli-chĕn-ŏl -ô-ġỷ, líçh-ẹn-õl ́ -ð-ġỷ, subst. (Gr. Parmelia parietina; the Written-lichen, Opegraphaise on lichens; that branch of botany which deals scripta. with the description and classification of lichens. li-chen-ous, liçh'-en-ous, a. [English lichen;

2. Pathol.: A papular inflammatory eruption of the skin. The varieties are lichen simplex, L. circumscriptus, L. gyratus, &c. *lichen-islandicus, s.

Bot., Pharm., &c.: An old name for Iceland moss (q. v.). See also Cetraria.

lichen-starch, s. [LICHENIN.] li-chĕn-ā-çe-æ, li-chen-à-çĕ-i, s. pl, [Mod. Lat. lichen; Lat. fem. pl. adj. suff. -aceæ, or masc. -acei.]

1. Botany:

(1) of the form Lichenaces: An order of plants generally made identical with the alliance Lichenales of Lindley, both, however, now being reduced to an order of Fungales. They are akin to Ascomycetous Fungi, and have, like them, either a second form of fruit (stylospores), contained in distinct cysts (pycnidia) or minute bodies variously borne which are supposed to have the power of impregnation. From fungi in general they are distinguished by deriving their nourishment not from the medium in which they grow but from the surrounding atmosphere; by their slow development and long endurance; and by their producing gonidia, which in certain circumstances are reproductive. Berke ley, &c., divide them into Angiocarpei, which have the fruit contracted like a Sphæria; and Gymnocarpei, which have the fruit expanded like Peziza. (2) Of the form Lichenacei: The name given by Nylander not to the whole Lichen order, or alliwhich are not gelatirous. He divides it into (1) ance, but to a section of it, containing species Epiconoidei, in which the spores ultimately dust the shields, as Calicium; (2) Cladonioidei, having a stem-shaped thallus; (3) Ramalodei, having a shrubby thallus, as Usnei; (4) Phyllodei, having a leafy thallus, as Parmelia; (5) Placodei, having a crustaceous thallus, as Lecidea; and (6) Pyrenodei, having a capsule-like fruit. (Berkeley, &c.) [LICHENALES.]

2. Palæont.: Lichens first appear in the Miocene. li-chĕn-ā -lēş, s. pl. [Mod. Lat. lichen; Lat. fem. pl. adj. suff. -ales.]

Bot.: An alliance of Thallogens established by Lindley. It consists of cellular flowerless plants, nourished through their whole surface by the medium in which they vegetate, living in air, propagated by spores usually inclosed in asci, and always having green gonidia in their thallus. They are perennial plants, often spreading over the surface of the earth or rocks or trees in dry places in the form of a lobed and foliaceous, or hard and crustaceous, or leprous thallus.

1. A churchyard gate with a porch, under which
a bier may be rested while the introductory portion
of the burial service is being read; a corpse-gate.
11-chened, lich-ened, a. [Eng. lichen; -ed.]
2. The path by which a corpse is borne to the Relating to lichens; covered or colored with lichen.
church. (Prov.)

lich-owl, litch-owl, s.

Folk-lore: The screech-owl, probably Strix flammea. White owls also often scream horribly as they fly along; from this screaming probably arose the common people's imaginary species of screech-owl, which they superstitiously think attends the windows of dying persons. From the earliest ages the owl has been regarded as uncanny. Ovid speaks of it as announcing coming evil; and in Virgil (En. iv. 462, 463) the owl is one of the evil omens that betoken the sad fate of Dido. Shakespeare, especially in Macbeth, makes use of the common superstition again and again. Waterton gives an amusing account of the protection he extended to owls, and the countless woes which his faithful housekeeper declared would inevitably follow such rash


"The shrieking litch-owl that doth never cry, But boding death." Drayton: The Owl. #lich-stone, s. The stone in the lich-gate (q. v.), on which the bier or coffin was rested.

*lich-wake, *liche-wake, *lyk-wake, s. The act or practice of waking or watching by a dead body. [WAKE, 8.]

li-cha-dæ, s. pl. [Gr. lich (as) (genit. lichados); fem. pl. adj. suff. -ada.] Paleont. A family of Trilobites containing only the genus Lichas (q. v.).

li-chas 8. [Gr. lichas (genit. lichados) = (1) the space between the fore-fingers; (2) a steep, sheer cliff.]

Palaeont.: The typical genus of the family Lichade. The head is very convex; the thorax has eleven segments with grooved pleurae; the crust is tuberculated. Found in the Silurian.

li-chěn, lich-en, s. [Gr. leichen-tree-moss; a blight, a canker.]

"While gleamed each lichened oak and giant pine On the far side of swarthy Apennine." Macaulay: Pompeii. Relating to, contained, or derived from lichens li-chěn -ic, lich-en-ic, a. [Eng. lichen; -ic.] (q. v.).

lichenic-acid, s.

Chem. The same as FUMARIC-ACID (q. v.). li-chen-in, liçh'-en-in, s. [Eng. lichen; in.] Chem.: (C6H105) 10. The starch or dextrin occurring in Iceland moss and in many lichens. It is extracted by boiling water, and forms on cooling, a colorless jelly, which is colored yellow, brown, and sometimes greenish, by solution of iodine. Boiled with dilute acids, it is converted into a fermentable sugar.

li-chĕn-og-ra-pher, lich-en-og -ra-pher, 8. [Eng. lichenograph(y); -er.] The same as LICHENOGRAPHIST (q. v.).

li-chěn o graph -ic, lich-en-o-graph-ic, lichen-o-graphic-al, lich-en-o-graph -ic-al, a. [Eng. lichen; o connective, and graphic, graphical.] Pertaining or relating to lichenography.

li-chen-og-ra-phist, lich-en-og -ra-phist, s. [Eng. lichenograph (y); -ist.] One who is skilled in lichenography; one who writes descriptions of lichens.

li-chen-og-ra-phy, lich-en-og-ra-phy, subst. [Gr. leichen a lichen, and grapho to write.] That branch of science which deals with the natural history of lichens; a description of lichens.

li-chěn-oid, adj. [Gr. leichen = a lichen, and eidos form, appearence.] Having the appearance, or partaking of the nature of a lichen. li-chĕn-o-log-ic-al, lich-en-ô-log'-Ic al, adj. [Eng. lichenolog(y); -cal.] Of or pertaining to

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11-chi-na, s. [From Gr. leichen a tree-moss, a lichen.],

Bot. The typical genus of the tribe Lichinese (q. v.). The frond is cartilaginous, smooth, dichotomous, the apothecia at the end of the branches. The species were formerly regarded as seaweeds from growing on the seashore near the high-water mark.

fem. pl. adj. suff. -ec.] li-chin -ě-æ, s. pl. [Mod. Lat. lichin (a); Lat.

Bot.: A family or tribe of Angiocarpous Lichens, having a branched thallus of a gelatinous texture, very soft when wet, but cartilaginous when dry. Fructification closed, apothecia and spermagonia formed in the substance at the ends of the branches. licht, s. [LIGHT, 8.] (Scotch.) licht, a. [LIGHT, a.] (Scotch.) licht-en-stein'-I-a, s. [Named after M. Von Lichtenstein, a professor of medicine in Berlin and a celebrated botanist.]

Bot.: A genus of Umbelliferæ, family Seselinida. The Hottentots prepare an intoxicating beverage from the roots of Lichtensteinia pyrethrifolia.

licht-ly (ch guttural), licht-lie, v. t. [LICHT, adj.] To make light of, to undervalue, to despise. flesh, substance, body, and wala, wela=weal.] lich -wäle, s. [A. S. lica form, figure, shape, Bot.: Lithospermum officinale.

lich-wort, s. [A. S. lica body. and wyrt, wurt, an herb, a plant.]

Bot.: Parietaria officinalis.

liç-i-ni-næ, s. pl. [Mod. Lat. licin(us); Lat. fem. pl. adj. suff. -inœ.]

Entom.: A sub-family of Carabidae.

li-çi -nus, s. [Lat.=bent or turned upward.] Entom.: The typical genus of the sub-family Licininæ.

*liç -it, *lys-ytte, a. [Lat. licitus, from licet= it is allowed or allowable; Fr. licite; Sp. & Ital. licito.] Lawful, legal, allowed.

"And the kynge demaunded of them if it were a thynge lysytte and lawfuil to beleue."- Berners: Froissart; Cronycle, ii. 628.

*liç-I-tā -tion, s. [Lat. licitatio, from licitatus, pa. par. of licitor to bid for a thing; liceo=to put highest bidder. up to auction.] The act of exposing for sale to the

*liç -It-ly, adv. [Eng. licit; -ly.] In a licit or lawful manner; lawfully, legally."

*liç-it-ness, s. [Eng. licit; -ness.] The quality or state of being licit, lawful, or legal; lawfulness.

lick, *lick-en, *lik-ken, v. t. [A. S. liccian; cogn, with Dut. likken; Goth. laigon (in the comp. bi-laigon); Ger. lecken; Russ. lizati; Lat. lingo: Gr. leichō; Sansc. lih. From the same root come lecher, lickerish (q. v.).] 1. To pass over with the tongue; to draw or pass the tongue over.

"But with a piteous and perpetual moan, And a quick desolate cry, licking the hand Which answered not with a caress-he died." Byron: Darkness. 2. To lap up with the tongue; to take in with the tongue; as, A cat licks milk. *3. To scrape, to wipe. "Seeing her, began to lick it off with her fingers."The Whimsical Jester (1784), p. 31. pine, pit, sire, sir,

1. Bot.: A cryptogamic plant belonging to the
order Lichenacete, or the alliance Lichenales (q. v.). lichenology.
fate, făt, färe, amidst, what, fâll, father; wē, wět, here, camel, her, thêre;

marine; gō, põt,

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

6. To conquer, to beat, to master.

1. To lick into shape: To give form, system, or method to; from the once popular notion that the young of the bear are born shapeless, and are licked into shape by their dam.

2. To lick the dus':

(1) To be killed; to perish in battle.

"His enemies shall lick the dust."-Psalm 1xxii. 9. *(2) To act in a servile or abject manner. 3. To lick the spittle of: To fawn upon servilely; to court meanly. [LICKSPITTLE.]

"His heart too great, though fortune little, To lick a rascal statesman's spittle." Swift: Libel on Delany. lick-box, s. A glutton; an epicure. "Agamemnon a lick-box."-Urquhart: Rabelais, bk. ii., A greedy, miserly, covetous

ch. XIX.

lick-penny, s. fellow; a miser. *lick-platter, subst. A parasite, a lick-spittle. (Lytton: My Novel, bk. iv., ch. xxiii.) *lick-spigot, *licke-spiggot, s.


A tapster, a

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lick, s. [LICK, v.] 1. The act of rubbing or drawing the tongue over anything; the act of licking.

"He came galloping home at midnight to have a lick at the honey-pot."-Dryden: Amphitryon, ii. 1.

2. A slight smear or coat, as of paint.

3. A place where salt is deposited at salt-springs, and where animals come to lick it. [KNOB-LICK, SALT-LICK.]

4. A small quantity, such as can be taken up the tongue.

5. A blow; a beating. (Slang.)

6. An exertion.


licker, 8. [Eng. lick, v.; -er.] One who licks. licker-in, s.

Carding-machine: A drum, with cards on its periphery, presented at the throat of a carding-machine, so as to catch or lick in the cotton filaments as they are presented by the passage of the lay between the feed-rollers.

lick -ĕr-ish, *lick -er-ous, *lich-er-ous, *licor-ous, *lik-er-ous, *li-quor-ish, a. [A variant of lecherous (q. v.).]

1. Nice in the choice of food; dainty.

**For al so siker as cold engendreth hayl,
A likerous mouth most han a likerous tayle."
Chaucer: C. T., 6,048.

2. Pleasing to the taste; tempting to the appetite; dainty. (Milton.)

3. Eager to swallow; greedy; having a keen relish.

4. Lecherous, lascivious, wanton.

"Licherous lif thei led, and thouht it in thar breste, Holynes did away, and the kirke gaf thei leste."

Robert de Brunne, p. 65. lick -er-ish-ly, *lick-er-ous-lỹ, *lik-erous-ly, adv. [Eng. lickerish, lickerous; -ly.] In a lickerish, dainty, or lascivious manner.

licker-ish-ness, *lick'-er-oŭs-ness,*lik-erous-ness, 8. [Eng. lickerish, lickerous; -ness.] The quality or state of being lickerish; daintiness; niceness of palate.

"A theef of venison that hath forlaft, Hislikerousness and all his olde craft." Chaucer: C. T., 1,217.

lick-in, s. [Scotch lick=to beat; -in--ing.] A


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(1) The genus Glycyrrhiza (q. v.); and specif. Glycyrrhiza glabra and G. echinata. [GLYCYRRHIZA.] (2) The root of Abrus precatorius.

2. Pharm.: [GLYCYRRHIZA. ]

Wild licorice:

licorice-root, s.


Comm.: The root of Glycyrrhiza glabra. lic-tor, s. [Lat., prob. connected with ligo=to bind, from the fasces or bundles of bound rods which he bore.] A civil officer among the Romans, who attended upon the consuls or other chief inagistrates when they appeared in public. Lictors executed the orders of the magistrate, especially where force was required, cleared the way before him, and dispersed a crowd when it impeded public business, It was the duty of the lictors to inflict corporal and capital punishment. [FASCES.]

"The lictors, at that word, tall yeomen all and strong, Each with his axe and sheaf of twigs, went down into the throng.' Macaulay: Virginia. lic-u-a-la, s. [The name of one species in the Macassar language.)

Bot. A genus of Palmace, tribe Corypher, family Sabalida. Licuala acutifla furnishes the walking-sticks called Penang lawyers. The leaves of L. peltata are used in Assam for umbrellas, and in the Andamans for thatching.

lid, led, s. [A. S. hlid; cogn. with Dut. lid=a lid; Icel. hlidh a gate, a gateway, a gap; M. H. Ger. lit, lid=a cover; A. S. hlidan; O. S. hlidan=to cover; connected with A. S. hlidh a slope, a side of a hill; Lat. clivus.]

I. Ordinary Language:

1. That which covers or shuts; a cover, cap, or shutter, as of a box, or of the objective or eye-glass of an optical instrument, or of the charging-end of a retort, or of the works or face of a watch, of a hatchway, &c.

2. The membrane which is drawn over and covers the ball of the eye; an eyelid (q. v.). II. Botany:

1. The calyx when it falls in a single piece from a flower.

2. The cover of the spore-cases of mosses. lid-closer, subst. A clamp for the covers of gasretorts, which, after charging, are closed with a luted joint to prevent escape of gas. lid-flower, s.

Bot.: Calyptranthes, a genus of Myrtaceae, tribe Myrteæ.

lid'-děd, a. [Eng. lid; ed.] Covered with a lid; hence, downcast.

"The eye still fast lidded to the ground." Keats: Birthplace of Burns. lid -less, a. [Eng. lid; -less.] Having no lid; uncovered, bare, as the eyes without eyelids; hence, sleepless, vigilant.

"To an eye like mine, A lidless watcher of the public weal." Tennyson: Princess, iv. 306. lie (1), *lye, s. TA. S. lyge, lige, from leógan=to lie; Icel. lygi, Dut. logen, leugen; Ger. lüge.] [LIE (1), v.]

1. An intentional violation of the truth; a false statement made knowingly and deliberately for the purpose of deception. "Tolure me to the baseness of a lie." Cowper: Table Talk, 86.

2. A fiction.

"The cock and fox, the fool and knave imply;
The truth is moral, though the tale a lie.
Dryden: Cock and Fox; The Moral.

3. Anything which misleads, deceives, or disappoints; anything false, hollow, and deceptive. To give the lito: [GIVE, ¶ 17.] lie (2), s. [LIE (2), v.]

I. Ordinary Language:

1. The relative positions of two or more objects with regard to each other, or to any point of the compass; as, To know the lie of the land.

2. The situation, position, or state of affairs, &c. +II. Geol.: The arrangement of strata with special reference to their dip and strike.

lie (1), *lye, *ligh-en, *li-en, v. i. [A. S. leogan (pa. t. leág, pa. par. lugen); cogn, with Dut. liegen laug, pa. par. loginn); Dan. lyve (pa. t. loj, pa. par. (pa. t. loog, pa. par. gelogen); Icel. ljúga (pa. t. löjet); Sw. juga (pa. t. lög, pa. par. ljugen); Goth. liugan (pa. t. lauh, pa. par. lugans); Ger. lügen (pa. t. log, pa. par. gelogen); Russ. Igate, luigate= to lie; loje a lie.] To tell a lie; to speak falsely with intent to deceive; to say or do anything knowingly and deliberately, with intent to deceive an


"Lord Angus, thou hast lied." Scott: Marmion, vi. 14. lie (2), *li-en, *lig-gen, *lye (pa. t. *lai, *lei, lay, pa. par. *leien, *lein, lain), v. i. [A. S. licgan (pa. t. læg, pa. par. legen); cogn, with Dut. liggen (pa. t. lag, pa. par. gelegen); Icel. liggja (pa. t. lá,

Bot. Aname for Ononis arvensis. [ONONIS, REST- pa. par. leginn); Dan. ligge (pa. t. laae, pa. par. HARROW.]

boil, boy; pout, jowl; cat,

ligget); Sw. ligga (pa. t. låg, pa. par. legud); Ger.


liegen (pa. t. lag, pa. par. gelegen); Goth. ligan (pa. t. lug, pa. par. ligans); Russ. lejate. The same root appears in Lat. lectus, and Gr. lechos a bed. position; to occupy a position lengthwise or flat 1. To rest horizontally or in a nearly horizontal upon the surface of anything.

"Get thee up; wherefore liest thou thus upon thy face?"-Joshua vii. 10.

2. To lay or place one's self in a horizontal or inclining position. (Frequently with down.) 3. To rest in an inclining position; as, To lie up against a wall.

"Lie heavy on him, earth, for he Laid many a heavy load on thee." Epitaph on Vanbrugh. 5. To be deposited in the grave; to be interred. "I will lie with my fathers, and thou shalt carry me out of Egypt, and bury me in your burying place."-Gene sis xlvii. 30.

6. To be confined to one's bod, and unable to rise through illness.

"Lies he not bedrid?"-Shakesp.: Winter's Tale, iv. 4. 7. To be at rest; to be calmed or still; not to "The wind is loud and will not lie."


Shakesp.: Pericles, iii. 1. 8. To pass the time of night; to sleep. "A stranger on that pillow lay." Shakesp.: Rape of Lucrece, 1,620. 9. To be laid up or deposited; to remain. 10. To be situated or placed; to have place, position, or direction.

"Michmethah that lieth before Shechem."-Joshua xvii. 7.

11. To be posted or encamped; to take up a position.

"My lord high constable, the English lie within fifteen hundred paces of your tents."-Shakesp.: Henry V., iii. 7. *12. To reside, to dwell.

"Does he lie at the Garter ?"-Shakesp.: Merry Wives of Windsor, ii. 1. 13. To be confined, as in prison.

"I had rather lie in prison."

Shakesp.: Henry VI., Pt. III., iii. 2. 14. To be or remain in any particular state or condition; to continue. (Followed by an adjective, participle, or clause denoting the condition; as, to lie fallow, to lie weeping, to lie at one's mercy, to lie still, &c.)

"Their business still lies out o' door." Shakesp.: Comedy of Errors, ii. 1. 15. To be contained; to be deposited. "There lies such secrets in this fardel." Shakesp.: Winter's Tale, iv. 4. 16. To depend; to be dependent; as, All our hope lies in watchfulness.

17. To be in the power; to belong to; to depend. "Dost thou endeavor, as much as in thee lies, to preserve the lives of all men ?"-Duppa: Rules for Devotion. 18. To consist.

+19. To weigh; to press afflictively.

"Thy wrath lieth hard upon me, and thou hast afflicted me with all thy waves."-Psalm lxxxviii. 7.

20. To be troublesome or tedious; to hang heavily. "I would recommend the studies of knowledge to the female world, that they may not be at a loss how to employ those hours that lie upon their hands."-Addison: Guardian.

21. To imputed, reckoned, or charged.

*22. To cost; as, It lies me in more money.

23. To be valid in a court of judicature; to be sustainable in law.

"If a man builds a house so close to mine that his roof overhangs my roof, and throws the water off his roof upon mine, this is a nuisance, for which an action will lie."-Blackstone: Comment., bk. iii., ch. 8.

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*3. To lie at: To importune, to tease.

"His mother and brother had lain at him."-Harl. Miscell., iii. 549.

4. To lie at one's door: To be attributable or chargeable to one.

+5. To lie at one's heart: To be a source or object of anxiety, care, or desire.

6. To lie at the root of anything: To be the real or true cause, foundation, or source.

7. To lie between: To be limited to; as, one's choice lies between two courses. 8. To lie by:

(1) Ordinary Language: (a) To remain, to continue; as, he has the papers lying still by him.


chorus, chin, bench; go, gem; thin, this;

sin, aş; expect, Xenophon, exist, ph = f.
-sious = shus.
-ble, -dle,


(b) To leave off; to intermit labor; to rest for a time.

"Even the billows of the sea,

Hung their heads, and then lay by."
Shakesp.: Henry VIII., iii. 1.

(2) Naut: To remain near, as one ship to another.

9. To lie down:

(1) To go to rest; to lay one's self down. "The leopard shall lie down with the kid."—Isa. xi. 6. *(2) To sink into the grave.

"His bones are full of the sin of his youth, which shall lie down with him in the dust."-Job xx. 11.

10. To lie hard or heavy: To press; to be a burden.

"This fever that has troubled me so long Lies heavy on me. O! my heart is sick." Shakesp.: King John, v. 3. *11. To lie in: To be in childbed.

"She had lain in, and her right breast had been aposte

mated."-Wiseman: Surgery.

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21. To lie to:

Naut.: To be checked or stopped in her course; as, a ship by taking in sail.

"We now ran plump into a fog, and lay to."-Lord Duf ferin: Letters from High Latitudes, p. 31.

22. To lie to one's work: To exert one's self to the utmost in the performance of one's work.

23. To lie under: To be subject to; to suffer; to be oppressed by.

"Let him lie under this report."-Shakesp.: Troilus and Cressida, ii. 3. 24. To lie with:

(1) To lodge or sleep with.

(2) To have sexual intercourse with.

"If a man lie with his daughter-in-law."- Leviticus xx. 12.

(3) To belong to; to depend on; as, It lies with you to remedy the mistake.

lie-a-bed, s. One who lies in bed to a late hour in the morning.

"You are a lazy lie-a-bed."-Foote: Mayor of Garrett, i. liebe -ner-ite, s. [Named after L. Liebener; suff. ite (Min.); Ger. liebnerit.]

Min.: A mineral found in six-sided crystals in a porphyritic felsite at Mount Viesena, Fleimsthal, Tyrol. Cleavage wanting. Hardness, 35; specific gravity, above 28; luster, greasy; color, greenishgray, no double refraction. Composition: a hydrated silicate of alumina with alkalies. Probably a pseudomorph after Nepheline (q. v.). Dana in cludes it in the Pinite group, the members of which are probably all pseudomorphs.

lie-ber-kühn, s. [After the inventor, Lieber


Optics: An annular reflector attached to the nose of the object-glass of a microscope, and serving to illuminate an object by reflecting the rays which pass around the object through the slip on the stand.

Lieberkühn's glands, s. pl.

Anat.: The name given to the minute tubular glands of the small intestine, because first accurately described by Lieberkühn. (Mayne.)

lië bër-kühn-i-an, a. [For etym. seo def.] or belonging to Lieberkühn.

fate, făt, färe, amidst, what, fâll,



lieberkühnian-glands, 8. pl. [LIeberkuehn's

GLANDS.] lie-big-ite, s. [Named by L. Smith after the Baron v. Liebig; suff. -ite (Min.).]

Min.: An apple-green mineral, occurring in small mammillary concretions on uraninite (q. v.). One apparent cleavage. Hardness, 2 to 25. Luster, vitreous. Composition: Carbonic acid, 102; sesquioxide of uranium, 380; lime, 89; water, 45-2. Dissolves in dilute acids with effervescence, afford ing a yellow solution, which yields the reactions of uranium and lime. Found at Joachimsthal, Bohemia, and Adrianople, Turkey. A similar mineral from the Elias mine, Joachimsthal, gave as a mean of three analyses: Carbonic acid, 2386; protoxide of uranium, 37'11; lime, 15:56; water, 23:34. lied, s. [Ger.]

Mus.: The name for a composition of a simple character, which is complete in itself; a song. There are several kinds, but the chief are classed under the following heads: Sacred songs, or chorales; secular songs, comprising national songs, people's songs (volkslieder), drinking songs, and humorous songs.

lief, *lef, *leef, *liefe, *leif, *leave, *leefe, leve, adv. & s. [A. S. leóf, lióf: voc. leófa, pl. leófe, comp. leófra, super. leófesta; cogn. with Dut. M. H. Ger. liep; O. H. Ger. liup; Russ. lioboi= lief Icel. ljúfr; Sw. Ljuf; Goth. liubs; Ger. lieb; agreeable.]

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B. As adv. Willingly, gladly, freely; only used now in the phrase, I had as lief=I would as willingly.

"I had as lief not be, as live to be In awe of such a thing as I myself." Shakesp.: Julius Caesar, i. 2. *C. As subst.: One beloved, a sweetheart, a friend. "Her liefe lay naked in his harme." Gower: C. A., bk. ii. liegance, s. [LIGEANCE.]


liege, lege, *leige, *lige, *lyge, a. & s. [Etym. doubtful. Skeat derives it from Fr. lige loyal, from 0. H. Ger. ledic, lidic, lidig (Ger. ledig)=

free, unfettered by obligations; Low Lat. ligius.] A. As adjective:

*1. Ruling or having authority over men free from obligations to any but himself.

to tribute and due subjection, or as a lord to pro2. Bound by some feudal tenure, either as a vassal tection and just rule.

"Vassals sworn

'Gainst their liege lord had weapon borne."
Scott: Lord of the Isles, ii. 20.

3. Pertaining or relating to the tenure or bond reciprocally connecting lord and vassal. By liege homage a vassal was bound to serve his lord against all, not excepting his sovereign; or against all excepting a former lord to whom he owed like service. *B. As substantive:

1. A vassal holding a fee, by which he was bound to do certain services and duties to his lord. 2. A lord, a superior, a sovereign.

"Friedrich's no liege of his, while he delays
Getting the Pope's curse off him."

R. Browning: Sordello, v.

3. A law-abiding citizen.
liege-lord, s. A sovereign, a superior lord.
liege-poustie, s.

Scots Law: That state of health which gives a person full power to dispose, mortis causa or other wise, of his heritable property. The term is supposed to be derived from the Lat. legitima potestas, signifying the lawful power of disposing of property at pleasure. It is used in contradistinction to death-bed, a liege-poustie conveyance being one not challengeable on the head of death-bed. *liēģe-dom, s. [Eng. liege; suff. dom.] Allegiance.

"[They] proffered scepter, robe, and crown,
Liegedom and seignorie."
Scott: Bridal of Triermain, iii. 36.
[Eng. liege, and man.] A vassal,

liêge -măn, 8. a liege, a subject. It had never been thought inconsistent with the duty of a Christian to be a true liegeman to such kings."Macaulay: Hist. Eng., ch. xiv.

*lieg er, s. [LEDGER, LEGER.]
*li'-en, pa. par. of v. [LIE (2), v.]

lien, s. [Fr. = a band or tie, from Lat. ligamen, from ligo-to tie, to bind.]

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"Alien may be either particular or general; the former is where the claim of retainer is made upon the goods which the law favors. The other, or general lien, is where themselves, in respect of which the debt arises, a clain goods are retained in respect of a general balance of account, which is less favored. Thus a trainer wito has a horse given him to train, has a lien for his charges of keep and training; and in general, when the goods are delivered to a person to be improved or altered in character, this right arises; as when cloth is delivered to a tailor to convert into clothes; or corn to a miller to be returned in the shape of flour. The right may, however, be regulated by special agreement, and then its operam tion will depend upon the particular terms of the con tract; but in the absence of express contract, the law implies a lien wherever the usage of trade or the previous dealings of the parties give ground for such an implica tion. Although, as has been said, general liens are not allowed and established by usage, as in the case of atter favored by law, yet in some cases they have become neys upon the title-deeds and documents of their clients; and factors, warehousemen, and others, upon goods confided to them in the ordinary course of business; all of due to them in their several capacities."-Blackstone: whom have a lien for the amount of the general balance Comment., bk. ii., ch. 17.

lien of a covenant, s.

Law: The commencement of a covenant, containing the names of the covenanters and covenantees, and the character of the covenant, whether joint or several. (Wharton.)

11-ĕn-těr'-ic, a. [English lienter(y); -ic.] Of or pertaining to a lientery. (Grew: Musœum.) li-en-ter-y, s. [Gr. leion=smooth, and enteron an intestine; Fr. lienterie.]

Pathol.: A species of diarrhea or looseness, in which the food passes rapidly through the bowels undigested, and nearly in the same condition as it was when taken into the stomach; lubricity of the intestines. (Mayne.)

11-er, s. [English lie (2), v.; -er.] One who lies down; one who hides or conceals himself. (Now only used as in the extract.)

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lieu, s. [Fr., from Lat. locum, accus. of locus= a place.] Place, stead, room. Now only used in the phrase in lieu of instead of.

"Not being content to part with his large possessions in lieu of the treasure by Christ offered in heaven [he] was reputed deficient."-Barrow: Sermons, vol. iii., ser. 15. lieu-ten-an-çỷ, s. [Eng. lieutenant; -cy.]

1. The office, rank, or position of a lieutenant.

2. The whole body of lieutenants collectively. (Felton: On the Classics.)

3. The district under the jurisdiction of a lord lieutenant. (Eng.)

"Addresses to the King. from Norwich, from Hereford, from the Lieutenancy of London."--Baker: Charles II. (an. 1682).

T Commission of lieutenancy: Eng. Law: The same as COMMISSION OF ARRAY. lieu-těn-ant, *lef-ten-aunt, *lief-ten-aunt, s. [Fr., from Lat. locum-tenentem, accus. of locumtenens one who holds the place of another; a deputy: locus=a place; tenens, pr. par. of teneoto hold.]

I. Ord. Lang.: An officer, civil or military, who supplies the place of another temporarily during absence, illness, &c.

"And this taxinge was ye first, and executed when Syrenius was leftendunt in Siria."-Luke 2 (1551). II. Technically:

1. Mil.: A commissioned officer ranking next below a captain.

2. Naval: A commissioned officer ranking next below a Commander in the British Navy, and, relatively, with a captain in the army.

Lord-lieutenant of a county to act, in certain cases, Deputy-lieutenant: An officer appointed by the as his deputy. (Eng.)

father; wē, wět, hëre, camel, her, thêre;

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