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Berzelius. It occurs in small quantity in the animal organism, especially in the gastric juice, and, under certain circumstances, is formed in the fermentation of some sugars.

adding to a solution of grape sugar a small quanIt is readily prepared by tity of powdered old cheese, mixed with sour milk, and allowing the mixture to stand for eight or ten days at a temperature of 40° to 45. It may also be prepared synthetically by mixing ethylidene oxide or acetic aldehyde with hydrocyanic acid, and treating the resulting product with hydrochloric acid, the ethylidene hydrate cyanide first formed being converted into lactic acid even at the ordinary temperature. It is a colorless, inodorous liquid of syrupy consistence, possessing an intensely sour taste. It is soluble in all proportions in water and alcohol, slightly soluble in ether. Its specific gravity is 1215 at 20, and it does not solidify even at 24. When boiled with nitric acid, it is converted into oxalic acid, while hydrocyanic acid reduces it to propionic acid. Lactic acid forms salts by the replacement of hydroxylic hydrogen by metals. The neutral alkali salts are deliquescent, soluble in alcohol. Sodic lactate, CH3CH(OH)COONa, crystallizes in fine, hair-like crystals. Calcic lactate, (CHCH(OH)COO)¿Ca*5H2O, crystallizes in small, thin needles, soluble in water and alcohol. Zincic lactate, CHZnO6,3H2O, is the most characteristic salt of lactic acid. It crystallizes in colorless, monoclinic prisms, slightly soluble in cold water, very soluble in boiling water, but insoluble in alcohol.

lactic-anhydride, s. [LACTYL-LACTATE.] lactic-ethers, s. pl.

Chem.: Lactic acid is capable of forming three different ethers containing the same monatomic alcohol-radical-viz., ethylic lactate, monethylic lactate, and diethylic lactate, the first two being isomeric. Ethylic lactate, CH3CH·(OH)·CO•O°C2H5, is formed by heating to 170°, in a sealed tube, a mixture of lactic acid and alcohol. It is a colorless liquid of peculiar odor, and boils at 186°. Water, alcohol, and ether dissolve it in all proportions, but it is difficult to obtain it in the crystalline form. Monethylic lactate is a colorless liquid, boiling at 150. It is soluble in water, alcohol, and ether. Diethylic lactate, C;H1403, produced by the action of ethylate of sodium on chloropropionate of ethyl, is a transparent, mobile liquid of an agreeable odor, insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol and ether. It boils at 1565, and has a specific gravity

of 0-9203 at 0°.

lactic-ferment, s.

Chem. A minute organism which, under the microscope, is seen to consist of small elliptical cells, generally detached, but sometimes occurring in chains of two or three. It is developed in milk, when it is allowed to stand for some time, and is the cause of the milk becoming sour, the sugar of the milk changing into lactic acid. It is also developed when cheese is added to a solution of sugar, and kept at a temperature of 35° to 40°.

lactic-fermentation, s.


lǎc-tide, s. [Eng. lact(ic), and (anhydr)ide.] Chem.: CH.04. The second ethereal anhydride of lactic acid, obtained by heating lactic acid or lactyl lactate for a long time at a temperature of 150 in a retort through which a stream of air is drawn. It crystallizes in colorless rhombic tables of dazzling whiteness, insoluble in water and cold alcohol, but soluble in boiling alcohol. It melts at 1245, and distills unchanged at 255°. Ammonia converts it into lactamide.

lǎc-tid -ic, a. [Eng. lactid(e); -ic.] lactidic-acid, dilactic-acid, subst. LACTATE.]


lac-tif-er-ous, a. [Lat. lac (genit. lactis)= milk, and fero to bear, to produce, to carry; Fr. lactifère: Sp. lactifero; Ital. lattifero.] 1. Bearing or conveying milk or a milk-like juice. 2. Producing a milky or thick white-colored juice, as a plant.

lǎc-tif-ic, *lǎc-tif-ic-al, a. [Lat. lac (genit. lactis)=milk, and facio to make.] Producing, yielding, or causing milk. [Lat. lac (genit. lactis)=milk, lặc-ti-fuge, s. and fugo to put to flight, to drive out.] A medicine which diminishes the secretion of milk in

the breast.

lǎc-ti-mide, s. [Eng. lact(ic), and imide.] Chem. CHC2H2NO, Lactoxylimide. Obtained by heating alanine in a stream of hydrochloric acid gas. It crystallizes in colorless needles, melting at 275°, and is readily soluble in water and alcohol. lac-tine, lặc -tin, s. [Eng. lact(ic); -ine, -in.] [MILK-SUGAR.]

lac-to-, pref. [Lat. lac (genit. lactis) = milk.] A prefix denoting the presence of or connection with milk.


lacto-albumin, s. The albumin present in milk, analogous to serum albumen.


lǎc-tu-cär -I-ŭm, subst. [Mod. Lat., from Lat. lactuca a lettuce.]

lacto-butyrometer, s. An apparatus for ascer-
lar sample of milk.
taining the quantity of buttery matter in a particu- garden lettuce, obtained by incision from the leaves

lacto-densimeter, s. An apparatus for ascertaining the density of milk, in order to discover if it has been mixed with water. lacto-glucose, s.

Chem.: The brown viscid juice of the common and flowering stems, and dried in the air. It is a mixture of various substances, including lactucone, lactucin, lactucic acid, mannite, albumin, &c. Luctucarium is hypnotic, antispasmodic, and sedative, and has been recommended in cases in which opium is inadmissible, particularly for children. It has matism, diarrhea, and asthma, in doses of two to five grains.

of milk sugar.
Chem.: According to Fudakowski, a constituent been administered with advantage in chronic rheu-

lacto-phosphates, s. pl.

Chem.: The pharmaceutical name for a mixture of lactic acid and calcium phosphate. lacto-protein, s.

Chem.: An albuminous substance said to exist in milk.

lǎc-tom-ě-ter, s. [Latin lac (genit. lactis) milk, and Eng. meter (q. v.).] Called also a galactometer. A species of hydrometer, graduated to show the comparative specific gravity and consequent value of different samples of milk. The instrument is a good evidence of the specific gravity of milk, and the specific gravity is a probable, but not positive, evidence of quality. Taken in connection with the per-cent, glass, which measures the per cent. of cream that rises, it is nearly a positive indicator of pure and watered milk. One form of the lactometer for ascertaining the amount of cream in milk consists of a tube with a funnel mouth for convenience in charging it, and having the upper portion graduated. The tube is about a foot in length, and, being filled, the cream is allowed to rise, when its richness is determined by the number of graduated spaces occupied by the cream.

lǎc-tōne, s. [Eng. lact(ic), and (ket)one.] Chem.: CHO. Produced, together with lactide, by the dry distillation of lactic acid. It is a volatile liquid, possessing an aromatic odor, and boiling at 92°.

lǎc-ton-ic, a. [Eng., &c., lacton(e); -ic.] Chem. Of or belonging to lactone. lactonic-acid, s.

Chem. CH(OH)3COOH. A monobasic acid, obtained by the oxidation of arabin and milk sugar. It is a deliquescent crystalline mass, melting at 100. It takes up two equivalents of metal from basic hydrates, but only one from carbonates. *lăc-tor-y, a. [Lat. lac (genit. lactis) Eng. adj. suff. -ory.] Lactiferous; lactary.

lǎc-to scope, s. [Lat. lac (genit. lactis)=milk, and Gr. skopeo to see, to observe.] An instrument, invented by Donne of Paris, for assisting in deter mining the quality of milk by ascertaining its relative opacity.

lǎc-tōse, s. [Eng. lact (ic), and (gluc)ose.]

Chem.: C6H12O6. A sugar, isomeric with dextrose, formed from milk sugar by treatment with ferments or dilute acids. It crystallizes in leafy and warty crystals, soluble in water, sparingly soluble in cold alcohol, and crystallizing more readily than ordinary glucose. It has a greater dextro-rotary power than dextrose, and reduces alkaline cupric salts to cuprous oxide. It resembles dextrose in most of its reactions, but is distinguished from it by giving no compound with sodic chloride, and by yielding lactonic and mucic acids instead of saccharic acid when oxidized by nitric acid. Lactose is the first aldehyde of dulcite. lac-tox-yl, s. [Eng. lac(tic), and ox(al)yl.] (See the compound.)

lactoxyl-urea, s.

Chem. C4H6N2O2 2H2O., Lactyl urea. A compound, isomeric with methyl hydantoin, prepared by decomposing a mixture of aldehyde ammonia, hydrochloric acid, and extracting the brown prodpotassic cyanide, and potassic pseudo-cyanate with uct with ether alcohol. It forms transparent rhombic prisins, which, when anhydrous, melt at 145°. imide.] [LACTIMIDE.] lǎc-tox-1-1-mide, s. [Eng., &c., lactoxyl, and

the milky juice of the plant when cut.] lac-tu-ca, s. [Lat., from lac-milk, referring to tuce. The involucre is imbricated, cylindrical, Bot.: Lettuce, the typical genus of the tribe Lacfew-flowered, its scales with a membranous margin. Florets all ligulate, pappus pilose, filiform; the achenes much compressed, with a long beak. About fifty species are known. Found in the temperate parts of the northern hemisphere and in South Africa. Four are British: Lactuca virosa, the Lettuce; L. saligna, the Least Lettuce; and L. mu Strong-scented Lettuce: L. scariola, the Prickly ralis, the Ivy-leaved Lettuce. L. sativa, or L. scariola, var. sativa, is the Garden-lettuce. The seeds yield a clear, transparent sweet oil. It yields the narcotic drug, lactucarium.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Chem.: An acid obtained by triturating lactucarium with dilute sulphuric acid, and extracting by means of alcohol of 84 per cent. It is a light yellow, crystalline mass, soluble in water and alcohol. Its aqueous solution is colored wine-red by alkalies, and it reduces alkaline cupric salts to cuprous oxide.

lǎc-tü -çin, s. [Lat. lactuc(a); Eng. suff. -in.] Chem.: C2H28O8. The active principle of lactucarium, found in the juice of several species of letcolor; slightly soluble in cold water and in ether, tuce. It crystallizes in rhombic tables of yellowish moderately soluble in alcohol and in acetic acid. Its solutions are not precipitated by any reagent.

lǎc-tu-cōne, subst. [Lat. lactuc(a); Eng. suff.


Chem. C40H66O3. A colorless, insipid substance, extracted from lactucarium by boiling alcohol. It crystallizes in mammillated crystals, insoluble in water, but very soluble in alcohol, ether, and oils, both fixed and volatile. It melts at 150, and on being distilled yields acetic acid in large quantity. lǎc-tu-co-pic-rin, s. [Eng. lactuc(in); o connective, and picrin.]

Chem. An uncrystallizable substance, which remains in the mother-liquors of the preparation of lactucin by Ludwig and Kromayer's process, after the greater part of that substance has been precipitated by basic acetate of lead. When freed from admixed lactucin and lactucone by ether, it forms a brown, amorphous, very bitter mass, having a faint acid reaction; soluble in water and alcohol. It contains 526 per cent. carbon, 6'8 hydrogen, 366 oxygen, agreeing nearly with the formula C22H32010, and is therefore produced from lactucin by assumption of water and oxygen.

lǎc-tù měn, 8. [Mod. Lat., from lac=milk, with reference to the white color of the pustules.] Path. The milk-scab which affects children at the breast.

lac-tu-răm-ic, a. [Eng. lact(yl); ur(ea); am(monia); and suff. -ic.] (See etym. and compound.) lacturamic-acid, s.

gous with hydantoic acid, obtained by treating Chem.: C4H9N2O3. A monobasic acid, homoloalanine salts with potassic isocyanate, or by heating lactyl urea with baric hydrate and decomposing the resulting baric salt with sulphuric acid. It crystallizes in small rhombic prisms, which melt at 155. When heated with hydrochloric acid it splits up into alanine hydrochloride, ammonic chloride, and carbonic anhydride. It yields crystalline salts.

lac -tyl, s. [Eng. lact (ic), and (all)yl.] (See the compounds.)

lactyl-chloride, s.

Chloride of

chloropropionyl. A colorless liquid, obtained, toChem.: C3H,OC12 = C3H4CIO CI. a mixture of well-dried calcium lactate with twice gether with phosphorus oxychloride, by heating its weight of phosphorus pentachloride. It is also produced by the direct combination of ethylene and oxychloride of carbon. It boils at 150°, but is partially decomposed at a higher temperature. Water gradually dissolves it, forming hydrochloric and chloropropionic acids. With absolute alcohol chloride of ethyl, and chloropropionate of ethyl a violent reaction takes place, hydrochloric acid, being produced.

lactyl-guanidine, s.

Chem.: C4H9N3O2. Alacreatine. A crystalline compound, isomeric with creatine, formed from alanine and cyanamide. It requires twelve times its weight of water at 15° for solution, and resem bles glycocyamine and creatine in its reactions. lactyl-lactate, s.

Chem.: C6H100. The first ethereal anhydride of lactic acid, obtained by heating lactic acid to a temperature of 104. It is a yellow amorphous sin, aş; expect, Xenophon, exist. ph = f.


mass, insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol and ether. On boiling with water, it is re-converted into lactic acid.

lạ-cũ -nạ (pl. lạ-cũ-n), 8. [Lat.=a hollow, a depression.]

I. Ordinary Language:

1. A small opening; a small pit or depression. 2. A small blank space; a gap, a hiatus. II. Technically:

1. Anatomy (pl.):

(1) Human: Open spaces, prolonged into canaliculi or delicate tubes finer than the smallest capillary vessels, occurring in bone. The lacuna have an average length of 15 of an inch, and are about half as wide and a third as thick. They contain a minute granular substance found by Prof. Goodsir to be a germinal spot of nutritive center.

(2) Comp.: Spaces left among the tissues in some of the lower animals, and serving in place of vessels for the circulation of the fluids of the body. (Darwin: Origin of Species, Gloss.)

2. Botany:

(1) Sing.: Link's name for an air-cell in a plant. (2) Pl.: Small hollows or pits upon the under surface of the thallus in a lichen.

3. Zool.: A genus of Littorinida. Sixteen recent species are known and one fossil, the former from Norway, Britain, Spain, &c., the latter from the Scottish glacial beds.

la-cu-nal, a. [Eng. lacun(a); -al.] Pertaining to or containing lacunæ.

la-cu-nar, s. & a. [Latin, from lacuna (q. v.).] A. As substantive: Architecture:

1. A term applied to the panels in a ceiling, which are produced by a series of sunken compartments, originating in the rafters which supported an upper story, and were exposed to the eye, leaving sunk spaces (lacuna) between the intersections as they crossed each other, and which were afterward retained as a means of breaking the unsightly flatness of a ceiling. The edges of these panels were decorated with carved and gilt ornaments, and the centers filled in with decorative painting.

2. The ceiling or under surface of the member of an order, of the corona of a cornice, or of the part of the architrave between the capitals of columns, and generally any ceiling having sunk or hollowed compartments without spaces or bands between the panels; a laquear having bands between the panels. (Gwilt.)

B. As adj.: Pertaining to or containing lacuna or lacunars; having open spaces at intervals. lăc-u-när-i-a, s. pl. [LACUNAR, 8.] *lă-cũne', s. [LACUNA.] A gap. lǎc-u-nětte', s. [Fr., dimin. from Lat. lacuna= a ditch, a gap.1

Fort.: A small fosse or ditch. la-cu-nose, a. [Lat. lacunosus full of holes.] Bot.: Covered with little pits or depressions, as Helvellia crispa.

la-cu-nō-sō-, pref. [LACUNOSE.] lacunoso-rugose, a.

Bot.: Having broad, deep, irregular wrinkles, like the shell of the walnut or the stone of the peach. lạ-cũ-nožs, lạ-cũ-nôse, a. [Latin lacunosus, from lacuna a ditch, a gap.]

#1. Ord. Lang.: Marked by or having pits or depressions; furrowed, pitted.

2. Bot.: Covered with little pits or depressions, as Helvellia crispa.

la-cus-tral, là-cus'-trine, a. [Latin lacus a lake.] Of or pertaining to a lake.

lacustrine - deposits, sedimentary-deposits, 8. pl. Geol.: Strata deposited in existing lakes or in those which, from whatever cause, have now become dry land.

lacustrine-dwellings, s. pl. [LAKE-DWELL


lǎc-work, s. [Eng. lac, and work.] Ornamentation by means of lacquer work, besprinkled with gold, silver, &c.

lăd, ladde, s. [Wel. llawd a youth; Ir. lath= a youth, a champion (from luth-nimble active); cf. Gaelic laidir strong; luth=strength; Gothic lauths, in the compound jugga-lauths=a lad.] 1. A youth, a young man, a stripling. "There is a lad here which hath five barley-loaves and

two small fishes."-John vi. 9.

2. A fellow, a companion, a mate. (Used familiarly.)

3. A male sweetheart. (Scotch.)

*lăd, *ladde, pret. of v. [LEAD, v.]

*lăd-age (age as ig), s. [Eng. lad; -age.] Boyhood.


lăd -a-năm, *lăb-dạ năm, s. [Latin ladanum, ledanum; Gr. ledanon=a resinous juice obtained from a plant called in Latin lada, leda, or ledon, and in Gr. ledon. It is Cistus creticus [Def.] The gum is in Persian lâdan or laden.] Chem.: C20H3003; Labdanum. An odorous, resinous substance, which exudes in drops from the leaves and twigs of the Cistus creticus, a shrub

growing in the island of Candia and in Syria. It is a dark-colored, tenacious resin, somewhat moist, exhaling an odor like that of ambergris. It was formerly much used for making stimulating plasters. Genuine ladanum contains 85 per cent. of resin, 7 per cent. of wax, a volatile oil, and not more than 6 per cent. of earthy matter and hairs. It is often adulterated with black sand. Ladanum in sticks is prepared in Portugal, Spain, and the south of France by boiling the leaves and branches of Cystus ladaniferus.

ladanum-bush, s. Botany:

1. Gen.: Any ladanum-bearing cistus.

cistus. It has white flowers and is a native of Spain 2. Spec.: (1) Cistus ladaniferus, called also Gumand Portugal. (2) Cistus creticus, which grows in Candia and the Levant. It has purple flowers. (3) Cistus ledon. It is from France, and has white flowers.

lăd-der, *lad-dre, s. [A. S. hlælder; cogn, with Dut. ladder= a ladder, the rack or rails of a cart; O. H. Ger. hleitra; Ger. leiter a ladder; prob. connected with Lat. clathri bars, trellis; Gr. kleithron, klethron a bar, a bolt.]

I. Ordinary Language: 1. Literally:

(1) A frame, usually movable, having a series of steps attached to side-bars or ropes. The varieties are distinguished by their purposes, position, or by some feature of construction. A ladder differs from a flight of stairs in that the latter has treads and risers, being thus boxed in below. The ladder has merely steps. There are numerous kinds of ladders, varying in form or construction, according to the purposes for which they are intended.

(2) A notched cleat or stick in a bookcase, for supporting shelves.

2. Fig. Any means by which one ascends; any means of rising to eminence. "To the topmost round Of fortune's ladder.'

Churchill: Sermons. (Dedic.)

II. Naut.: The accommodation ladder is slung at the gangway. The forecastle and hold ladders are at these respective places; the Jacob's-ladder abaft the top-gallant masts, where there are no ratlines at the shrouds. The quarter and story ladders are for reaching or leaving the boats moored astern.

ladder-carriage, s. A kind of carriage for conveying fire-ladders. The bed-frame serves as a connection in coupling the wagon, and braces the ladder when raised. The windlass, having its bearings at the foot of the frame, extends the sliding sections of the ladder. The basket, attached by a rope to the pulley at the top of the ladder, forms a fire-escape.

ladder-shell, s.

Zool.: The Scalaria (Wentletrap). [SCALARIA.] Named from its sharp, transverse spiral ribs. ladder-way, s.

1. Mining: A foot-way shaft; the shaft of a mine, by which the workmen ascend and descend. 2. Naut.: A companion-way or scuttle-way on board ship.

ladder-work, s. Work which has to be done with the aid of a ladder, as painting, stuccowork, &c.

*lăd -děss, s. [Eng. lad; -ess.] A girl, a lass. "She is not as amiable a laddess."-Walpole: Letters, iii. 243.

lăd diě, lăd-dy, s. [English lad; dimin. suff. -ie, -y.] A'diminutive of lad.

"His leg was so tight and his cheek was so ruddy, Transported I was with my sodger laddie." Burns: Jolly Beggars. lade, v. t. & i. [The same word as LOAD, v. (q. v.) A. S. hladan=to heap together, to load, to lado out.] A. Transitive:

1. To load.

xlii. 26.

"And they laded their asses with the corn."-Genesis 2. To lift or throw out or in, as water with a ladle, bowl, &c.

"He chides the sea that sunders him from them, Saying, he'll lade it dry to have his way." Shakesp.: Henry VI., Pt. III., iii. 2 B. Intransitive:

*1. Ord. Lang.: To draw water. "She did not think it best to lade at the narrow channel."-Bishop Hall.

2. Naut.: To let in water by leakage; to leak. (Wright.)

"My ladage fair and good."-Sylvester: Vocation, 170.
fate, făt, färe, amidst, what, fâll, father; wē, wět, here,


lāde (1), s. [A. S. lád=a channel, a lode.]

*1. (See extract.)

"Lade is the mouth of a river, and is derived from the

Saxon, which signifies a purging or discharging; there being a discharge of the waters into the sea, or into some great river."-Gibson: Camden.

2. A water-course; specifically in Scotland, the canal which conveys water to a mill; a mill-race, a lead.

lāde (2), laid, s. [LOAD, 8.]

lāde -man, s. [Eng. load, and man.] 1. A person in charge of a packhorse. 2. A miller's servant employed to return to the several owners their quantities of meal when ground.

lad -ẹn, *lād ́-ěd, pa. par. or a. [LADE, v.]
A. As pa. par.: (See the verb.)
B. As adjective:

1. Lit.: Charged with a load or burden; loaded. 2. Fig.: Weighed down; burdened, oppressed. Laden in bulk:

loaded with a cargo lying loose in the hold, as corn, Naut.: A phrase used to denote that a vessel is salt, &c.

*lad -ied, a. [English lady; ed.] Gentle, soft, soothing, lady-like.

lád -iĕş, s. pl. [LADY.]

1. Ord. Lang.: The plural of lady (q.v.). 2. Slating: A size of slates, 15x18 inches. ladies'-eardrops, s. A fanciful name for the small flowered Fuchsia.

ladies'-man, lady's-man, s. One who devotes himself to the society of ladies; a beau.


*lad -i-fÿ, *lād ́-y-fỹ, v. t. [Eng. lady; suff. -ƒy.] To make a lady of; to give the title or position of lady to; to make ladylike.

La'-din, s. [French, Latin Latinus Latin.] A Romansch dialect spoken in parts of the Tyrol and Switzerland.

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Glass: An aperture in the side of a furnace for plate-glass, at which the cuvette for carrying the metal is introduced or is filled.

lăd-kin, s. [Eng. lad, and dimin. suff. -kin.] A little lad, a youth.

la dle, *lad-el, s. [LADE, v., A 2.] [Eng. lade to ladle out; suff. -el.]

I. Ord. Lang.: A domestic utensil, shaped like a large spoon, and having a comparatively long handle, with which liquids are lifted out or served from a vessel.

II. Technically:

1. Founding: A pan with a handle to hold molten metal. On a small scale, the bullet-ladle is a famil iar instance. The large ladle used in the foundry is called a shanks (q. v.). Ladles are protected by a thin coat or layer of loam, and every time, before being used, they are brushed over with black wasb and carefully dried.

"Some stirred the molten owre with ladles great."
Spenser: F. Q., II. vii. 36.
2. Glass: A vessel in which molten glass is car-
ried; a cuvette.

3. Hydraul.: The float-board of a mill-wheel.
4. Ordnance:

(1) An implement for removing the shot from a loaded cannon. It is a semi-cylinder of copper, beveled at the end, and attached to a staff. For use, the muzzle of the gun is slightly depressed and the ladle passed in so as to run under the shot, which is received in it; when the ladle is withdrawn, it brings the shot out with it.

(2) A cylindrical scoop of copper for loading loose powder into a cannon.

5. Pyro.: A copper scoop for filling rockets. ladle-board, s. The float-board of a mill-wheel. la dle, . t. [LADLE, s.] To lade or deal out with a ladle.

la dle-ful, s. [Eng. ladle; ful().] As much as a ladle will hold; the contents of a ladle.

camel, her, thêre; pine, pit, sïre, sir,

marîne; gō, pot,


lä-dle-wood, s. [Eng. ladle, and wood.] Bot.: A Cape name for Cassine colpoon. la-dy, la di, *la-die, *la-dye, *le-dy, *læf-di, leaf di, *lef-di, *leve di, *leve-dy, lheve-di, *laf-digh, s. & a [A. S hlafdige; O. Northumb. hlafdia; the first element is A. S. hláf=a loaf, the second is uncertain, but probably represents A. S. dogee a kneader, from the root which appears in Goth. digan, deigan to knead; cf. lcel. deigja=a dairy-maid; Eng. dey. The Icel. lafdhi-a lady, is used in a special sense to designate the Blessed Virgin; hence several derivates, such as lady-bird, lady-fern, lady's-finger, lady's-mantle, &c. In these terms the word is strictly not a compound, lady, or ladie, being the Mid. Eng. genitive case of lady; hence lady-chapel-chapel of our Lady, Lady-day day of our Lady. (Skeut, &c.)] A. As substantive:

I. Ordinary Language:

1. A woman of high rank; properly, the wife of a baron or any superior to him in rank, or the daughter of an earl, marquis, or duke. Commonly the title is also given to the wife of a knight or baronet.

"I would make thee my lady."-Shakesp.: Merry Wives of Windsor, iiì. 3.

2. A courtesy-title for any woman, especially one of good breeding, education, and position; it is the correlative of gentleman. 3. A sweetheart.

"As ladies in romance assist their knight."

Pope: Rape of the Lock, iii. 129.

4. The mistress of a house or family; a mistress. "Convey what I will set down to my lady."-Shakesp.: Twelfth Night, iv. 2.

5. Mistress; correlative of a lord; as, the lady of

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The term

1. Sing. The genus Coccinella (q. v.). lady-bird is probably a corruption of lady-bug. Called also Lady-cow, Lady-fly, &c. The Seven-spot Lady-bird is the most common species. In certain years it multiplies to an extraordinary extent. 2. Pl.: The family Coccinellida (q. v.). lady-bug, s.

Entom.: The same as LADY-BIRD.

Lady-chapel, s. A chapel dedicated to Our Lady, the Virgin Mary, frequently attached to a large church on the westward of the altar, but in churches built before 1200 the Lady-chapel was usually an independent or additional building.

lady-clock, s. The lady-bird (q. v.). lady-court, s. The court of a lady of a manor. lady-cow, s. The lady-bird (q. v.). lady-crab, 8.

Zool. The name given in the Channel Islands to Portunus puber, the Velvet Fiddler Crab, so called from its velvet coat.

Lady-day, s. The Feast of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, March 25. It is a fixed festival. The Feast of the Lady-day in Harvest, s. Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Aug. 15). lady-fern, 8.

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Ichthy.: Sillago domina.

, boy; pout, jowl; cat

. -tion

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lady's-cushion, s.

Bot.: Armeria vulgaris. lady's-fingers, s. pl.

1. Ord. Lang.: A sort of biscuit, so called from the shape.

2. Bot.: Anthyllis vulneraria.
lady's-garters, s. pl.

Bot.: Phalaris arundinacea variegata.
lady's-glove, s.

Bot.: Digitalis purpurea.

lady's-gown, s.

Scots Law: A gift made by a purchaser to the vendor's wife on her renouncing her life rent in her husband's estate.

lady's-hair, s.

Bot.: Briza media.

lady's-laces, s. pl.

Bot.: The genus Cuscuta (Dodder). lady's-looking-glass, s.

Bot.: Specularia speculum.


læ-11-a, s. [A Roman vestal virgin's name.] Bot.: The typical genus of the family Læliada (q.v.). It consists of splendid orchids from Mexico, Brazil, Cuba, &c.

læ-11-a-dæ, s. pl. [Mod. Lat. lalia, and Latin fem. pl. adj. suff. -do.]

Bot.: A family of Orchids, tribe Epidendreæ. læ-mar-gus, s. [Gr. laimargos=greedy, gluttonous.]

Ichthy.: A genus of sharks, family Spinacida. Læmargus borealis is of a blue-brown color. It is found in the polar regions, where it sometimes reaches twenty-five feet in length. It bites pieces out of Greenland whales when living and feeds on

them when dead. It also devours small fishes and læm-mer-geỹ-er, s. [LAMMERGEYER.]


læ-mo-dip-d-dạ, s. pl. [Gr. laimos=the throat: dis twice, and poda=feet, pl. of pous=a foot.]

Zool.: According to Spence Bate and J. O. Westwood, a group or sub-order of Amphipod Crustaceans, though by some regarded as an independent order. The coxal joint of all the legs is fused with the body and the tail reduced to a rudimentary condition. The species are all marine. Many are parasites; one is the Whale-louse, Cyamus ceti. The sub-order is divided into two families: Cyamide and Caprellida.

læ-tär-e, s. [Lat., imper. sing. of lætor=to rejoice.]

Eccles.: The fourth Sunday in Lent; so called because the services in the ancient Christian Church on that day began with the words, Lætare, sterilis, or Lætare, Jerusalem (Rejoice, thou barren one; or, Rejoice, Jerusalem).

læ-ti-a (t as sh), s. [Named after J. de Laet, of Antwerp.]

Bot.: A genus of Flacourtiacem, tribe Prockes. Latia apetala, a tropical American plant, secretes a balsamic resin, which becomes white in contact with the air like sandarach.

læ-ti-ti-a (ti as shi), s. [Lat.=joy.]

Astron.: An asteroid catalogued as the 39th in order.

læv-I-gate, a. [Lat. lævigatus, pa. par. of læ vigo to make smooth; levis smooth.] Bot.: Having a smooth polish; applied to seeds. læv-I-ga-tous, a. [Lat. lævigatus.]

Bot.: The same as LÆVIGATE (q. v.). læv-ō-, pref. [Lat. lov(us) = the left; o connective.]

lævo-glucose, 8.


lævo-gyrate, a. Having the property of rotating toward the left. The term is chiefly applied to the rotation of the plane of polarization produced by certain fluids and other substances, distinguish

lady's-maid, s. A female attendant upon a lady. ing the particular direction of this rotation as from lady's-mantle, ladies'-mantle, s.

Bot.: The genus Alchemilla (q. v.), and specially Alchemilla vulgaris.

[blocks in formation]

la-dy-hood, *la di-hede, s. [Eng. lady; -hood.] ship. The condition, rank, or position of a lady; lady.

la-dy-kin, s. [Eng. lady; dimin. suff. -kin.] A little lady; a title frequently given by Elizabethan writers to the Virgin Mary, being commonly contracted into lakin.

la-dy-ship, *la-di-ship, s. [Eng. lady: -ship.] The condition, rank, or position of a lady; it is used commonly as a title in speaking of or addressing a lady.

læ-laps, s. [New Lat.] A large fossil dinosaurian reptile found in the cretaceous formation of this country.

the contrary one, which is termed dextro-gyrate. lævo-gyration, s. Polarization to the left hand. lævo-racemic, a. (See the compound.)

Lavo-racemic acid: [RACEMIC-ACID.]

lævo-rotary, a. The same as LEVO-GYrate. lævo-tartaric, a. (See the compound.)

Lavo-tartaric acid:

Chem.: A compound of tartaric acid, isomerio with tartaric acid, but rotating to the left, while ordinary tartaric acid does so to an equal extent to the right.

læv -u-lin, s. [Eng. lævul(ose); -in.]

Chem. A sweet substance, resembling dextrin, extracted from the juice of tubers of the Jerusalem artichoke by repeated treatment with alcohol. It is soluble in water; does not reduce alkaline cupric salts, and is optically inactive until boiled with hydrochloric acid when it becomes strongly lævorotatory.

læv -u-los-ane, s. [Eng. lævulos(e); suff. -ane.] Chem.: CH1905. An uncrystallizable syrup ob tained by heating lævulose to 170. It may also be prepared by heating cane sugar to 160°, and keeping it at that temperature for four hours. A mixture of equal parts of lævulosane and dextro-glucose is produced, but the latter may be easily removed by fermentation. It is soluble in water and dilute spirit, but insoluble in absolute alcohol. Its solution has a dextro-rotary power (a)j=15° or (a)= 135°. When boiled with water and dilute acids, it is converted into lævulose. On oxidation it yields saccharic acid.

læv-u-lose, s. [Latin laevus=the left; l con. nective, and Eng. suff. -ose.]

Chem.: CH12O6. Lævo-glucose, or sucro-lævulose. A variety of sugar, isomeric with dextrose, occurring together with dextrose in honey and in the juices of sweet fruits. It is also produced, together with an equal weight of dextrose, by the


action of dilute acids, diastase, or yeast, on canesugar; or it may be obtained pure by heating inuline with dilute acids. It is a colorless, uncrystallizable syrup, or, when dried at 100°, a gummy, deliquescent mass, soluble in water, and in spirit 50 o. p., but insoluble in absolute alcohol. It closely resembles dextrose in many of its characters, but its aqueous solution is sweeter, and it is more easily altered by heat and acids. Its specific rotatory power is -98, at 15° for the D line, decreasing with rise of temperature. When powdered slaked lime is added gradually to a solution of levulose in icecold water, calcium lævulosate, C6H12O6 CaO,H2O, soluble with difficulty, is formed. By means of this reaction, lævulose can be readily freed from dextrose; the latter, on similar treatment, yielding a freely-soluble compound.

La-fayette, s. [Named in honor of the Marquis de la Fayette, a French nobleman, enlisted in behalf of this country during the Revolutionary war.] 1. The dollar fish.

2. The gody, a food fish found on our southern coasts.

La-fitte, s. [From the vineyards of the Chateau Lafitte, in the Haut-Medoc, France, where it is produced.] A kind of claret wine, characterized by its softness on the palate, and its perfume, partaking of the characteristics of violet and raspberry. laft, pret. & pa. par. [LEAVE, v.] *laft, s. [LOFT, 8.]

1. A loft.

2. A gallery in a church.

lǎg, a. & s. [Wel. lag=slack; cogn. with Gael. and Ir. lag=weak, feeble; Corn. lac (adv.) loose, lax; lacca to faint away; Lat. laxus-loose, lax: Icel. lakra to lag behind. The root is the same as that of Eng. lax and languid and Gr. lagaros slack.]

*A. As adjective:

[blocks in formation]

"I should not much like to have him lagged for forg-
ery."-Scott: St. Ronan's Well, ch. xxxi.
*3. To steal.
"Some corn away lag
In bottle and bag.'

Tusser: Husbandrie, p. 54.
II. Steam-eng.: To cover or clothe, in order to
prevent radiation of heat.

lă -gan, s. [LIGAN.]

*la gar -tō, s. [Sp., lizard.] [ALLIGATOR.] The form in which the word alligator first appeared in the English language.

"We saw in it [the Orinocco] divers sorts of strange fishes of marvelous bigness, but for lagartos it excelled." -Raleigh: Discovery of Guiana.

lǎg ĕr-stro-mi-ē ́-æ (o as e), 8. pl. [Mod. Lat. lagerströmi(a); Lat. fem. pl. adj. suff. -€œ.]

Bot.: A tribe of Lythraceae, having winged seeds. la-gět -ta, s. [From lagetto, the Jamaican name of the Lace-bark tree.]

Bot.: A genus of Daphnads. Lagetta lintearia is the Lace-bark tree (q. v.).

lǎg gard, a. & s. [Eng. lag, a.; suff. -ard, as in drunkard, &c.]

A. As adj.: Slow, sluggish, backward; wanting in energy. "To hasten and reprove

The laggard rustic."

Wordsworth: Excursion, bk. ii. B. As subst. One who lags; a slow, sluggish fel

la-ģē ́-ną, s. [Lat., from Gr. lagēnos, lagunos a low; a loiterer. flask.]

[blocks in formation]

Bot.: A genus of Cucurbitace, containing but one species, the Bottle, Club, or Trumpet-gourd (Lagenaria vulgaris). It is monoecious, with a campanulate calyx and a white corolla. It is wild in India, the Moluccas and Abyssinia. In that state it is poisonous, but when cultivated its deleterious properties disappear. Anglo-Indians boil the fruit when young and use it as vegetable marrow. Natives of India slice and eat it as a curry. The 1. Slow, sluggish, tardy; coming late or behind. young shoots and leaves are also eaten. The fruit, which is sometimes six feet long, is often used by Indian beggars as a bottle. The seeds yield an oil which is used as an application in headaches. The flesh of the fruit is deemed to be diuretic, refrigerant and antibilious. It is bitter and purgative; it is occasionally used in India as a poultice, and applied to the shaved head in delirium. It is cultivated in the warmer parts of the eastern hemisphere.

[blocks in formation]

la-gen -I-dæ, la-gen'-1-da, s. pl. [Lat. lagen(a); fem. pl. adj. suff. -idæ, -ida.]

1. Zool. A family of Perforated Foraminifera.
It consists of microscopic animals contained within
curious flask-like shells, with a neck and sometimes

with a tube continued from it into the cavity of the
shell. They are marine, living attached to fuci,

2. One who or that which lags behind or comes stones, &c. Genera, Lagena and Entoselenia.
last; the last comer.

"But to be last, the lag of all the race

Redeem yourselves and me from that disgrace."
Dryden: Virgil's Eneid, v. 256.

3. An old convict. (Australian.)
"At last he fell in with two old lags who had a deadly
grudge against the chaplain."-Reade: It's Never Too Late
To Mend, ch. lx.

II. Technically:

1. Ord. Lang.; One of the boards or staves forming the upper casing of a carding-machine. The lags of the carding-machine are clothed with cards on the under sides, and are separately removable. 2. Mach. One of the boards or staves forming the covering of a large band-drum. The lags of the drum are fastened by lag-screws to the frame of the wheel.

3. Naut.: The lag of the tide is the time that the tide-wave falls behind the mean time in the first and third quarters of the moon.

[blocks in formation]

*lag-bellied, a. Having a fat, full belly. lag-machine, s.

Wood-working: A machine for hollowing out the insides of lags or covering for wooden rolls or drums, or the cleading for jacketing cylinders or steam-pipes.

lag-screw, s. A flat-headed screw used to attach lags to band-drums.

lǎg, v. i. & t. [LAG, a.]

A. Intransitive:

1. To loiter; to stay behind; to move slowly.
2. To be slow to advance; to hold or draw back.
3. To remain behind or beyond one's time.

fate, făt, färe, amidst, what, fâll,

2. Paleont.: The family exists from the Car-
boniferous rocks upward.

Ja gén-1-form, a. [Lat. lagena=a flask, a bottle,
and forma shape.]
Bot.: Having the shape or form of a Florence

la-ģē-nō-rhyn'-chus, s. [Gr. lagēnos a flask, a
flagon, and rhungchos a snout.]

Zool. A genus of Delphinidae. The beak of the
upper jaw keeled on each side, the lower jaw with
two or three small, conical, rudimentary teeth in
the middle of each side. Lagenorhynchus leuco
pleurus, the Delphinus tursio of Knox, occurs in
Orkney and the Northern Ocean generally. L.
albirostris is the White-beaked Bottlenose. It has
been taken on the coast of Norfolk, England.
lag er, s. [German=a store.] (See the com-

lager-beer, s. The ordinary beer of Germany.
lager-wine, s. Bottled wine which has been
kept some time in the cellar.

lǎg-er-stro-mi-a (o as e), s. [Named after Magnus Lagerstrom of Gothenburg.]

Bot.: The typical genus of the tribe Lagerstromie. It consists of fourteen East Indian and Chinese trees and shrubs, with splendid flowers. The calyx is cut into six lobes, the corolla has long claws, the stamens many, the fruit three or sixcelled, with numerous seeds. Lagerströmia indica, a shrub common in Indian gardens, has crumpled petals. It is from China. The flowers of L. flos reginæ, or L. regina, are in panicles, at first of a pale-rose color, but afterward deepening into a fine purple. It is a large, deciduous tree, growing in Eastern Bengal and Burmah. Its bark and leaves are considered to be purgative and hydragogue, and the seeds to be narcotic. The timber is regarded in the east of India and Burmah as the most valuable of any except teak. It is used in the East for ship and boat building, making carts, gun carriages, &c. L. lanceolata, L. microcarpa, and L. parviflora, growing in India, L. tomentosa in Burmah and

"Decrepit winter, laggard in the dance." Hughes: Ode to the Creator of the World. lǎg-gen, s. [Perhaps from lag-end last end or bottom.] The angle between the side and bottom of a wooden dish. "The laggen they hae clautet Fu' clean that day."

Burns: A Dream.

lǎg -ger, s. [Eng. lag, v.; -er.] One who lags behind; a loiterer, a laggard.

"Whether you prove a lagger in the race, Or with a vigorous ardor urge your pace." Francis: Horace, Ep. 2. To Lollius. la-ġid-I-ŭm, subst. [Gr. lagidion, dimin. from lagos=a hare. J

Zool.: A genus of Chinchillide. Lagidium pal lipes is the Pale-footed Chinchilla, and L. Cuvieri is Cuvier's Chinchilla. Both species are found in the mountainous parts of Chili, Bolivia, and Peru. lǎg -ging, pr. par., a. & s. [LAG, v.] A. As pr. par.: (See the verb.)

B. As adj.: Loitering, idling; moving slowly and unwillingly. "Thus Agelaüs rous'd the lagging band. Pope: Homer's Odyssey, xxii. 271. C. As substantive: I. Ord. Lang.: The act or state of loitering or idling. II. Technically:

to another in the centering of arches and forming 1. Carp.: Narrow planks extending from one rib the board covering upon which the courses of vous

soirs are laid.

2. Steam-eng.: The non-conducting jacket or radiation of heat; cleading, deading, sheathing, clothing of a steam-boiler or cylinder, to prevent clothing.

lagging-ly, adv. [Eng. lagging; -ly.] In a lagging, loitering manner; like a laggard; loiteringly.

lǎg-o-morph, s. [See infra.] One of the lagomorpha (q. v.).

lǎg-o-morph'-a, s. [Gr. lagōs=a hare; morphē


Zool. A group of animals containing the hare and kindred species.

lǎg-o-my-1-dæ, s. pl. [Mod. Lat. lagomy(s); Lat. fem. pl. adj. suff. -ida.]

1. Zool.: Calling Hares or Pikas, a family of Rodentia of Mr. Alston's sub-order Duplicidentata. They resemble the hares, but have only five molars in each jaw, a depressed skull, contracted frontal bones without frontal wing-like processes, complete clavicles, short ears, limbs nearly equal in length, and no apparent tail. They are akin to hares, but are smaller in size. They are found in Europe near the Volga, in Asia, and in this country.

2. Palæont.: Found from the Miocene onward. lǎg-o-mys, 8. [Gr. lagōs, (genit. lagō)=a hare, and mus=a mouse.]

1. Zool. The typical genus of the family Lagomyidae. Lagomys alpinus, the Alpine Pika, a small mammal about nine and a half inches long, is from Siberia, and L.princeps, the Rocky Mountain Pika, from six to seven inches long, is found in the Rocky Mountains, near those of California, Utah, Oregon,

and in Canada.

2. Palæont.: The genus is found in the Miocene of France and the Pliocene of Europe; also in PostTertiary cave-deposits.

la-go-nite, s. [Ital. lago a lake; n connective, and suff. -ite (Min.).]

Min.: An earthy mineral occurring as an incrustation at the lagoons of Tuscany. Color, ocherous yellow. Composition: Boracic acid, 495, sesquiox. ide of iron, 378, water, 127, corresponding to the formula, Fe2O33BO3+3HO.

father; wē, wět, here, camel, her, thêre; pine, pit, sïre, sir,

marîne; gō, pot,

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