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*jerque, v. t. [JERGUE.] jerquer, s. [JERGUER.]

jĕr-reēd, jer-rid, s. [JEREED.]

jĕr-rý, s. [A contemptuous abbreviation of Jeremiah, originating probably after the Restoration, in ridicule of the Puritans, among whom the use of Old Testament names was common; cf. Jeremiad. The use of the term in the building trade, it is said, arose in Liverpool, England, when the northern suburb was being built, shortly after the passing of the Deerhouse Act, in 1820.] [JERRY SHOP.]


jěs -sa-mine, s. [JASMINE.]

*jes -sa-my, s. [A corrupt. of jessamine (q. v.).] A fop, from the fops' habit of wearing sprigs of jessamine in their button-holes.

jess-ant, a. [A corrupt. of issuant (q. v.).] Her.: A term used to express the shooting forth or springing up of vegetables. jessant-de-lis, s.

Her.: A term applied to the head of a leopard, having a fleur-de-lis passing through it.

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shaking with laughter, thus jestingly Boyse; Wine the Cure for Love. tjěst-word, s. [Eng. jest, and word.] A person or thing made the object of jest or ridicule; a laughing-stock, a butt.

"The jest-word of a mocking band."- Whittier, Jeş-u-āte, s. [Eng. Jesu (8); -ate; Fr. Jésuate. pronounced the name of Jesus.

of the lowest kind, the materials employed being of jerry-builder, s. A speculative builder of houses branched with many sconces, hanging down in the So called from the frequency with which the order the commonest description.

jerry-built, adj. Unsubstantially built; constructed hastily and of bad materials.

"Two lumps of plaster fall from the roof of the jerry built palace; then the curse begins to work."-Pall Mall Gazette.

jerry-shop, s. A beerhouse, so called on account

Jěs -sě, s. [See def.] A large brass candlestick, middle of a church or choir: so called from its resemblance to the genealogical-tree of Jesse, the father of David, a picture of which used to be hung up in churches. The idea of representing Our Lord's genealogy under the semblance of a vine arose probably from the passage in Isaiah xi. 1. Jesse-window, s.

Church Hist. (pl.): A name ultimately given to a monastic order, which, when first founded in 1368, was called Apostolic Clerks (q. v.).

of its inferiority to a fully-licensed house. [TOM ing represent a genealogical-tree of Jesse. There is tury ran through the three stages which tend to

AND-JERRY.] (Eng.)

jĕr'-ry-măn-der, v. t. [GERRYMANDER.]

jer -şey, s. [From the island of that name.]

1. Fine yarn wool.

2. Combed wool; the finest wool separated from the rest.

3. A close-fitting woolen shirt worn in rowing, &c. (GUERNSEY.]

Jersey-livelong, s.

Bot.: Gnaphalium luteo-album. Jersey-pine, s.

Bot.: Pinus inops.

Jersey star-thistle, s.

Bot.: Centaurea aspera or isnardi, a rare plant, found in Guernsey rather than in Jersey. Jersey-thistle, s.

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Chem.: C14H10O12 2H2O. An acid extracted from white hellebore by Weppen, in 1872. It requires 100 parts of water for solution at the ordinary temperature, and a little less of boiling alcohol. It is decidedly acid, and forms crystallizable salts, containing four equivalents of metal.

jer-vin, jer vine, s. [Sp. jerr(a) = the poison of Veratrum album; -in, -ine (Chem.).] Chem.: C30H46N2O3 2H2O. An alkaloid discovered by E. Simon in the root of white hellebore (Veratrum album), in which it exists together with veratrine. To obtain it, the alcoholic extract of the powdered root is mixed with dilute hydrochloric acid, and sodium carbonate added. The resulting precipitate is separated by filtration, dissolved in alcohol, decolorized with charcoal, and the alcohol removed by distillation. The solid residue obtained is a mixture of jervine and veratrine; the latter being uncrystallizable, may be entirely removed by submitting it to pressure; or the residue may be treated with dilute sulphuric acid, which takes up the veratrine sulphate, and leaves the jervine sulphate. When pure, it is colorless, odorless, and tasteless, insoluble in water, readily soluble in alcohol, and sparingly so in ammonia. Its most characteristic reaction is said to be with strong sulphuric acid, which colors it first yellow, then green. With acids it yields salts which are all very soluble.

jess, s. [A corrupt. of O. Fr. jects, or gects, from jecter; Lat. jacto- to throw.]

1. A short strap of leather with which hawks were tied by the leg, and to which the leash was attached. "The pomp and flutter of brave falconry, The bells, the jesses, and bright scarlet hood." Longfellow: Student's Tale.

2. A ribbon hanging down from a garland or crown in falconry.

Arch.: A window of which the tracery and glaza famous one at Dorchester, in Oxfordshire, Eng


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3. A joke: something ludicrous said or done to great bravery in the army, though he was not above provoke mirth.

"Too bitter is thy jest."

Shakesp.: Love's Labor's Lost, iv. 3. 4. The object of laughter or mirth; a laughingstock. "The earnest of each was the jest of the other."-Macaulay: Hist. Eng., ch. iii.

*5. A masque; a masquerade.

6. The contrary to earnest or seriousness. "'Tis no jest that I do hate thee."

Shakesp.: Midsummer Night's Dream, iii. 2. ¶ In jest: As a jest or joke; not seriously or in


*jest-monger, s. A jester, a joker; one fond of or given to jesting.

jěst, v. i. & t. [JEST, 8.]

A. Intransitive:

Jeş -u-it, s. [Eng. Jesu (s); suff. -it; Fr. Jésuite.] 1. Ch. Hist. (pl.): The Society of Jesus, the most celebrated ecclesiastical order of modern times. The great religious revolution of the sixteenth cenoccur in revolutions in general. First there was a moderate departure from the previously existing state of things; then the Anabaptists burst loose from control, and went into extravagances and excesses. [ANABAPTISTS.] Reaction thien became inin Don Inigo Lopez de Recalde, generally known evitable, and if a suitable leader should arise was bound to become powerful. That leader was found from the castle of Loyola where he was born, in 1491, as Ignatius Loyola. He became an officer of the ordinary military vices. Dreadfully wounded in 1521 while defending Pampeluna against the French, and long confined in consequence to a sick bed, he saw the vanity of the world, and, renouncing it, resolved in future on a devotedly religious life. When, on his recovery, he was at the University of Paris, he made converts of two fellow students who lodged with him, one a youth of aristocratic descent, Francis Xavier, afterward the Apostle of the Indies. In 1534 he and they, with four others, seven in all, formed a kind of religious society, the members of which preached through the country. On August 15 of that year they took vows of chastity, absolute poverty, devotion to the care of Christians, and to the conversion of infidels. This was the germ of the Jesuit order. Loyola, like most other Spaniards of aristocratic descent, was devotedly attached to the old order of things, rudely shaken by the Reformation. A soldier, he bethought him of an army in which inferiors should

1. To joke; to utter jests; to provoke mirth by give implicit obedience to their superiors. A genludicrous actions or words; to make game.

"He must observe their mood on whom he jests." Shakesp.: Twelfth Night, iii. 1. *2. To play a part in a masque or masquerade. 3. To make light, to laugh.

"He jests at scars that never felt a wound." Shakesp.: Romeo and Juliet, ii. 2.

*B. Transitive:

1. To utter in jest; to say jestingly. 2. To make a jest or joke on; to make game of. One jests in order to make others laugh; one jokes in order to please one's self. The jest is directed at the object; the joke is practiced with the person or on the person. One attempts to make a thing laughable or ridiculous by jesting about it, or treating it in a jesting manner; one attempts to excite good humor in others, or indulge it in one's self, by joking with them. To make game of is applicable only to persons; to make a sport of, or sport with, is applied to objects in general. (Crabb: Eng. Synon.) *jěst-ee, s. [Eng. jest; -ee.] A person on whom a jest is made; a butt. "The jester and jestee."-Sterne: Tristram Shandy, i. 55. Jěst-er, *gest-our, s. [Eng. jest; -er.] *1. A professional story-teller.

2. One who jests or jokes; a merry fellow. 3. A buffoon; a person retained by persons of high rank to make sport for them and their friends. The jester wore a motley or particolored dress, with a cap or head-dress furnished with bells and asses'


"Dressed in the motley garb that jesters wear." Longfellow: Sicilian's Tale, i. jěst -ful, a. [Eng. jest; -full).] Full of jests or jokes; given to jesting or joking.

jěst-ing, pr. par., a. & s. [JEST, v.]

A. As pr. par.: (See the verb.)

B. As adj.: Fit for joking; to be jested about. "He will find that these are no jesting matters."— Macaulay Hist. Eng., ch. xv.

C. As subst.: The act or practice of joking; a jest. *jesting-beam, s. A beam introduced into a building for appearance, not for use.

eral should command, and should have none above him but the Pope, to whom he should give loyal support. Paul III. issued a bull in 1540 sanctioning the establishment of the order with certain restrictions, swept away three years later. In 1542 Loyola was chosen general of the order, and afterward resided generally at Rome. His followers went every where giving special attention to the education of youth, the instruction of adults by preaching, the defense of Catholicism against heretics and unbe lievers, and the conversion of the heathen and Mohammedans. His order spread with great rapidity, and at the death of Loyola on July 31, 1556, consisted of above 1,000 persons, with 100 houses divided into twelve provinces. The Jesuits rendered great service to the Papacy, but ultimately became unpopular with the civil government in most Roman Catholic countries. The people thought them crafty. [See the derivative words which follow.] In September, 1759, an order was given for the expulsion of the Jesuits from Portugal and Brazil. In 1764 the order was suppressed in France, and its property confiscated. On March 31, 1767, similar destruction overtook it in Spain, and soon after in Spanish America, and next, after 1768, in the Two Sicilies and Parma, till at length on July 21, 1773, the Pope issued a bull suppressing the order altogether. Austria and the other Roman Catholic states obeyed the decree. In August, 1814, Pope Pius VII. reestablished it. In June, 1817, the Jesuits were expelled from Russia, and the British Roman Catholic Emancipation Act, 10 Geo. IV. c. 7, passed in 1829, left them under some disabilities, which have since been removed. Upon being expelled from France, many of them sought an asylum in England and this country, successfully claiming that religious liberty which is considered the right of all religious organizations.

2. Fig.: A sly, crafty, intrigueing person. Jesuits'-bark, s.

Pharm., &c.: Cinchona bark, so called because its virtues were first made known by the Jesuit missionaries.

father; wē, wět, here, camel, her, thêre;

fate, făt, färe, amidst, what, fâll,

Jesuits'-drops, s. pl.

Pharm.: Friar's balsam (q. v.).
Jesuits'-nut, s.

Bot.: The nut of Trapa natans. [TRAPA.]

pine, plt, sïre, sir,

marîne; gō, pot,


Jesuits'-powder, s.

Pharm.: Powdered cinchona bark.
Jesuits' tea, s.

Bol.: Ilex paraguensis.

*jčş ́-u-It, v. t. & i. [From Jesuit, s. (q. v.).]
A. Trans.: To make a Jesuit of.

B. Intrans.: To act on Jesuitical principles.
Jeş -u-It-ěd, pa. par. & adj. [JESUIT, v. t. & l.]
As pa. par.: (See the verb.)

B. As adj.: Rendered like or conformable to the principles of the Jesuits.

esse. -it-ess, s.

[Eng. Jesuit; ess; Fr. Jésuit

Church Hist.: A member of an order of nuns established with rules similar to those obtaining among the Jesuits. It was abolished by Urban VIII. in 1630.

jēş-u-it-ic, jĕş-u-it-ic-al, a. [Eng., &c. Jesuit; -ic, -ical; Fr. Jésuitique.]

1. Literally:

(1) Of or belonging to the Jesuits or their method of procedure.

(2) Belonging to Jesus College, Oxford, England. (Smollett: Humphrey Clinker.)

2. Figuratively:

(1) Using polite speech to gain personal ends. (2) Making subtle distinctions to avoid the legit imate force of an argument.

(3) Cunning, crafty, deceitful. jĕş-u-it-ic-al-lỹ, adv. [English, &c., jesuitic;


1. (Of procedure): In a jesuitical manner; cunningly, craftily.

2. (Of argumentation): Disingenuously.

"To reason more jesuitically than the Jesuits themselves."-Macaulay: Hist. Eng., ch. xiv.

jĕş -u-it-ish, a. [Eng. Jesuit; -ish.] Somewhat Jesuitical (q. v.).

Jĕş ́-u-It-işm, s. [Eng. Jesuit; -ism; Fr. Jésuitisme.]

1. Lit.: The principles, acts, or practices of the Jesuits.

2. Fig.: Disingenuousness, craft, deceit ; insidious pretenses to gain personal ends.

*Jĕş-u-it-ŏc'-ra-çy, s. [Eng. Jesuit; o connective, and Gr. krateö to rule, to govern.]

1. The form of government, secret or avowed, in which the Jesuits rule over the community.

"The charming result of a century of Jesuitocracy."— C. Kingsley: Yeast, ch. v.

2. The whole body of the Jesuits in a country or in the world viewed as thus ruling. Jěş ́-u-It-rỳ, s. [Eng. Jesuit; ry.] The same as JESUITISM (q. v.).

Jé-sŭs, s. [Lat. Jesus, Iesus, Iesu, Josue: Greek Iesous, from Heb. Yeshua, a contr. form of Yehoshua =Joshua, from Yehovah Jehovah, and Yeshuah= (1) salvation, help, (2) safety, (3) victory. Gesenius believes Joshua to mean, "whose help is Jehovah" or it may be from the verb Yasha, to save, and Jehovah Savior, or simply Savior. (Def.)]

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1. Scrip. Hist.: Joshua (Acts vii. 45; Heb. iv. 8). 2. Scrip. Hist. & Theol.: The name miraculously given to the first-born son of the Virgin Mary conceived by the Holy Ghost. An angel who appeared to Joseph, Mary's betrothed lover, directed that that son on his birth should be called Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins." Some persons suppose that when Christ is superadded, Jesus is analogous to whatnow would be called the Christian name, while Christ is the surname. view is erroneous. The only personal name is Jesus, and Christ is the designation of office or mission, indicating that the being who bore it claimed to be the Messiah promised to the fathers. [CHRIST, MESSIAH.] Nearly all the Churches of the world, the Unitarian one being the chief exception, recog nize a divine and a human nature in Christ, regarding him with respect to the former as the Second Person of the Trinity and the Son of God; with regard to the latter, as the perfect type of humanity, the only sinless man that has lived on earth. [For details regarding his birth at Bethlehem, the Hight of Joseph and Mary, taking him with them into Egypt, the return to Palestine, the boyhood and early manhood spent at Nazareth, his itinerant ministry-believed, chiefly on chronological data supplied in St. John's Gospel, to have lasted about three years, see the Four Gospels. For the significancy of his death, see ATONEMENT. For his resurrection and ascension, see these words.] The birth of the Savior is generally believed to have been in B. C. 4, the commencement of his ministry A. D. 26, and his crucifixion A. D. 29.

Society of Jesus: [JESUIT.]

jět (1), jett, *get, s. [Fr., O. Fr. ject, gect; Ital. getto, getto d'acqua.] [JET, v.]


1. Ordinary Language:

1. The act of throwing or shooting out; a sudden rush or shooting out of water.

2. A spout or tube for the discharge of water. (Pope: Dunciad, ii. 177.)

3. That which shoots or issues out; as, a jet of

4. Drift, scope, meaning, as of an argument.
II. Technically:

1. Foundry: A tube or channel for passing melted
metal into a mold.

2. Print.: The sprue of a type, which is broken
from it when the type is cold.
jet-ant, s.

Entom.: Formica fuliginosa, a British species, which makes out of masticated wood-dust a nest of cardboard, which it manufactures in the stumps of trees.

jet-pump, s. A pump stated to have been originally contrived to empty the pits of submerged water-wheels. It acts by the pressure of a column of air passing through an annular throat; or, conversely, an annular jet around a central orifice. It has since been used in oil-wells.

jět (2), *geat, s.

town in Asi nor. Greek gagatēs, from Gagas, a Min.: A black and compact variety of lignite (q. v.), hard, light, and capable of being turned into articles for personal ornament; takes a good polish.

jet-black, a. As black or jet of the deepest black color.

"His locks upon his forehead twine:
Jet-black, save where some touch of gray
Has ta'en the youthful hue away.'
Scott: Lord of the Isles, iv. 22.

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jet d'eau, jette d'eau, s. [JETTEAU.] jět, jette, v. i. & t. [O. Fr. jetter, jecter, getter to cast or fling; Lat. jacto, frequent. of jacio-to throw.]

A. Intransitive:

1. To cast or fling about; to shoot out; to jut out. *2. To ect insolently.

"Think you not how dangerous It is to jet upon a prince's right?"

Shakesp.: Titus Andronicus, il. 1 B. Trans.: To shoot out, to emit, to spout out. jět -ĕr-ŭs, s. [Etym. doubtful.] Bot.: A morbid yellowness of parts which nor mally are green; vegetable jaundice. jet-sam, jet-son, jět -ti-son, s. [O. Fr. jetter to throw; Eng., &c., suff. -sum together.] [FLOTSAM.]

1. The act of throwing goods, cargo, &c., overboard in order to lighten a ship in a storm, and thus pre

servo her.

"Jetsam is where goods are cast into the sea, and there sink and remain under water."-Blackstone: Comment., bk. i., ch. 8.

2. Tho goods, cargo, &c., thus thrown overboard. fjět -teau (eau as ō), *jět-tō, s. [For Fr. jet d'eau a spout of water, a fountain.] [JET (1), 8.] A fountain; a jet or spout of water.

jět-teě (2), s. The fiber of Marsdenia tenacissima, a small climbing plant of the natural order Asclepiadaces, of which the Rajmahal mountaineers make bowstrings, remarkable for their great elasticity, the presence of caoutchouc. (Annandale.) which they are supposed to owe in some measure to jět-ter, s. [Eng. jet, v; -er.] struts about; a fop.


Jět -tỷ, *jět'-teě, s. [O. Fr. jettée, properly the fem. of the pa. par. of jetter to throw.

1. Arch. The part of a building which jets or juts over beyond the ground plan. 2. Hydraulic Enginering: (1) A construction

of wood, rubble-stone, or masonry projecting into the sea, and serving as a wharf or pier for landing and shipping, or as a mole to protect a harbor.

"The friendly harbour, that shoots far out into the main its moles and jettees to receive us."-Burke: On the Economical Keform.

(2) A structure round the piled foundation of a bridge pier.

jět-ty-hĕad, s. [Eng. jetty, and head.] The projecting part at the head or end of a wharf. *jea, s. [Fr.] A game; a play.

jeu de mōts, (ts silent), phr. [Fr.] A play on words; a pun.

jeu d'esprit (t silent), phr. [Fr.] A witticism. Jew, *Jewe (ew as a), s. [O. Fr. Juis (pl.); Mod. Fr. Juif (sing.); Prov. juzien, jusien; Sp. judio; Ioudaios, from Lat. Judæa; Gr. Ioudaia=Judæa; Port. judeo: Ital. giudeo, from Lat. judous; Gr. Semitic race

1. Ord. Lang., Ethnol., & Hist.: and people, chiefly from the tribe of Judah. The ten tribes carried into captivity to Assyria are not dividuals probably did so. Both Judæa and Galilee reported ever to have returned in mass, though intivity by the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin. were, therefore, peopled after the Babylonish capThe latter was small, and therefore Judah gave name first to Judæa, the Roman province, and then to the Jewish people.

Heb. Yehudah Judah. (See def.).

2. Colloq.: A mean, grasping fellow; a usurer. Jew-baiting, 8. A contemptuous appellation for the fanatical persecution of the Jews, practiced even to the present date by intolerant mobs and Russia and even of Germany. their fanatical or calculating leaders in parts of jew-bush, s. [JEWBUSH.] jews'-apple, s. [MAD-APPLE.] jew's-ear, s.

Bot.: A tough but gelatinous fungus, Hirneola (exidia) auricula juda, which grows on elder and elm trees, and was formerly used as an ingredient in gargles.

jew's-eye, jewess'-eye, s. A popular simile for anything extremely valuable. The extortions to which the Jews were subject in the Middle Ages, and the cruel mutilations to which they were exposed if they refused to pay the sums demanded of them, probably gave rise to this expression. Collier notes that in the older editions this expression is whether Shakespeare did not mean that Launcelot printed "Jewes eye," and says it may be a question to be pronounced as a di-syllable." The corrected should merely repeat the phrase, leaving Jewes folio (1632), alters the expression to:

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1. Music: A simple musical instrument held between the lips, the sound coming from the vibrawhich is set in motion by being twitched with the forefinger. The sound is increased in intensity by tions of a tongue of metal, bent at a right angle, One who jets or the breath, and altered in pitch by the shape of the cavity of the mouth, which acts as a reflector. This name some derive from jeu, play, from the fact of jēt-ti-ness, s. [Eng.jetty; -ness.] The quality its being a toy; but more probably it is a derisive allusion to the harp of David.

or state of being jetty; blackness.

jēt -ting, pr. par., a., & s. [JET, v.]

2. Naut.: The shackle by which a cable is bent to Jews'-harp shackle:

A. & B. As pr. par. & particip. adj.: (See the the anchor-ring.


*C. As subst: The act of strutting about.
jetting-out, 8.

Arch. The projection of a corbel or molding beyond the general surface.

jět -ti-son, s. [JETSAM.] To lighten a jět-ti-son, v. t. [JETTISON, v.] vessel in a storm by throwing overboard some of the cargo.

"After having jettisoned a large quantity of her cargo." London Daily Telegraph.

*jět-tôn, s. [Fr.] A piece of brass or other metal stamped and used as a counter in games of


*yết-tỹ, v. . [JETTY,8.] To jut.

jět -ty, *jet-tie, a. [Eng. jet (2) s.; -y.] Made or resembling jet; black as jet.

"Among the Moors, the jettiest black are deemed The beatifull'st." Drayton: Polyolbion, s. 26.

chin, bench; go, gem; thin, this; boil, boy; pout, jowl; cat, çell, chorus, -tion, -sion shăn; = zhăn. -tious, -cious, -gion -tion, -cian, -tianshan.


Naut.: A clevis and pin whereby the chain cable is bent to the anchor. Jews'-mallow, s.

Botany: Corchorus capsularis, a tiliaceous plant cultivated by the Jews in Palestine, Egypt, &c. Jews'-manna, s.

Bot.: Alhagi maurorum. jews'-pitch, s. A kind of asphalt. It has been used by artists as a brown pigment, but it hardene imperfectly. (Weale.)

jews'-stone, 8. [JEWSTONE.]
Jews'-trump, 8. [JEWS'-HARP.]

jew, v. t. To haggle over a price; to attempt to beat down the value of.

Jew'-bush (ew as û), s. [Eng. Jew, and bush.] Bot.: A euphorbiaceous plant, Pedilanthus padifolius. Its root is emetic; it is used in syphilis and amenorrhoea.

sin, ag; expect, Xenophon, exist. ph = f. -sious shǎs. -ble, -dle, &c. = bel, del.


Jew -ěl (ew as ), *jow-el, *jew-ell, *ju-el, Ju-elle, s. [O. Fr. joiel, joel, jouel; Fr. joyau, a dimin. from joie joy, pleasure; Sp. joyel; Ital. giojello a jewel, dimin. of gioja=joy, a jewel.]

I. Ordinary Language:

1. Literally:

(1) A precious stone; a gem.

"Jewels too, stones, rich and precious stones." Shakesp.: Merchant of Venice, ii. 8. (2) A personal ornament, consisting to a greater or less extent of precious stones.

"Here, wear this jewel for me, 'tis my picture." Shakesp.: Twelfth Night, iii. 4. 2. Fig. Anything of very great value or excellence; anything very dear. (Frequently used as a term of endearment.)

"Most sweet jewel."

Shakesp.: Merchant of Venice, ii. 3. II. Watchmaking: A crystal or precious stone forming a bearing for the pivot of an arbor. jewel-block, 8.

Naut.: A block at the yard-arm of a ship, for the halyard of a studding-sail yard to pass through. jewel-case, jewel-casket, s. A case or casket in which jewels are kept.

"Pompeius the Great met with the jewel-casket of King Mithridates."-P. Holland: Pliny, bk. xxxvii., ch. i. *jewel-house, *jewel-office, s. The place where the royal jewels are deposited. (Shakesp.: Henry VIII., iv. 1.)


jew-ish-ness (ew as û), s. [Eng. Jewish; -ness.]
The quality or state of being Jewish; the manners
or customs of the Jews; Jewish nature.

jew-rein-ow-ite (ew as û), s. Named by Nor-
denskiöld after Jewreinow; suff. ite. (Min.).]
Min.: Occurs in pale-brown to colorless crystals
with specific gravity 3:39, at Frugard, Finland.
It is a variety of idocrase or Vesuvianite (q. v.),
which contains little or no magnesia. (Dana.)
jew-ry (ew as û), *jew-er-ie, s. [O. Fr. Juierie;
Fr. Juiverie.]

1. The land of the Jews; Judæa.

"Art thou Daniel whom my father brought out of Jewry"-Daniel v. 13.

2. A district or quarter of a city inhabited by Jews.

jew-stōne (ew as u), s. [Eng. Jew, and stone.] 1. Geol.: A local name for a black basalt found on the Clee Hills, Shropshire. The first element is derived from (1) Deus god, from its volcanic origin; (2) Wel. du black; or (3) it may be called jewstone from its resemblance to touchstone, and the fact that the Jews were formerly the only dealers in the precious metals. (Eng.)

2. Palæont. A popular name for the spine of a species of Echinus.

jěz -ě-bel, s. [From Izebel, the name of the wicked wife of Ahab, king of Israel.] A wicked, daring, or vicious woman.

Jěz -I-dîş, s. pl. [YEZIDIS.] jheel, s. [Hind.] A large pool or pond of water jewel-like, a. Bright or sparkling as a jewel. filled with rank vegetation. (Anglo-Indian.) (Shakesp.: Pericles, v. 3.)

*jewel-proof, a. Not to be bribed by the offer of jewels. (Beaum. & Flet.: Loyal Subject, iii. 3.) jewel-setter, s.

Watchmaking: A circular steel cutter having a concave end with a circumferential angular edge, that slightly exceeds in circumference the bezel into which the jewel is to be fitted, and by which a circular burr of metal is pushed down upon the jewel.

jewel-weed, 8.

jha -rǎl, s. [Native name.]

Jibe, v. t. [GIBE.]


jib-lět, s. [GIBLET.]

jiblet-check, jiblet-cheek, 8. [GIBLET-CHEEK.} jick-a-jog, jíg ́-jŏg, s. [A reduplication of jig or jog.] A shake, a push, a jog.

jif-fy, 8. [Etym. doubtful.] A moment, an instant. (Colloquial.)

jig, s. [O. French gige, gigue=(1) a sort of wind instrument; (2) a kind of dance; from M. H. Ger. gige; Ger. geige-a fiddle; Ital. giga=a fiddle; Sp. giga a lively tune or dance.]

I. Ordinary Language:

1. In the same sense as II. 1.
*2. A kind of ballad in rhyme.
3. A trick, a prank.
II. Technically:

1. Music:

(1) A lively dance which may be performed by one or more dancers. It is popular among many nations, is distinguished by various titles, and has a certain amount of difference in the steps according to the habits and customs of the people by whom it is adopted. With some it is a sober, steady, jog-trot sort of a country-dance; with others it is a wild, savage exercise, without point or meaning. With some it is made a means of displaying the agility of with others it is a terpsichorean drama for two perthe lower limbs of a combined company of dancers; formers, in which all the emotions excited by love are represented by gestures and monosyllabic cries. in works produced toward the latter part of the (2) As a movement in a suite," the jig is found seventeenth century, and onward to the time of Haydn. At first the phrases were short, and of no

Zool.: A long, coarse-haired goat which inhabits more variety than was needed for the purposes of
the high mountains of India.
jib, s. [JIE, v.]

1. Naut.: A large triangular sail set on a stay, forward of the fore stay-sail, between the fore-top mast-head and jib-boom in large vessels. It occupies a position between the mast-head and bowsprit in cutters, schooners, and small craft, and does not necessarily run on a stay. Jibs are known by various names, according to position, &c., as inner-jib, jib, jib-of-jibs, &c. A jib-topsail or balloon-jib extends toward the topmast head, and in cutter yachts is sometimes a very large sail.

Bot.: A popular name for the genus Impatiens outer-jib, standing-jib, flying-jib, spindle-jib, storm(q. v.).

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jewelers'-gold, s. An alloy of 25 per cent. of copper with 75 per cent. of gold.

jewelers'-putty, s. Ignited and finely levigated oxide of tin, used by jewelers for polishing hard objects. (Ogilvie.)

jewelers' -red, s. [CROCUS, 5.]

jewel-ler- (ew as û), s. [JEWELRY.] jewel-ing (ew as û), s. [Eng.jewel; -ing.] 1. The act of providing or furnishing with a jewel or jewels.

2. Mach.: The extended arm of a crane; or that spar of a derrick which is stepped at the bottom and connected by tackle at the top to the vertical post. The post is maintained vertical by guys, and the tackle affords a means for adjusting the inclination of the jib, the fall being carried from the top of the post to a small crab on the ground, distinct from the larger crab which operates the hoisting-tackle. The jib of a derrick is stepped, and is adjustable in inclination. The jib of a crane is fast to the frame and rotates horizontally with it, or is sometimes vertically, for height; always horizon-. journaled to the frame and is adjustable thereon, tally for sweep.

jib-boom, s.

Naut.: A movable spar running out beyond the bowsprit, for the purpose of affording a base to the jib in large vessels, and to the flying-jib in schoon

ers and smaller craft.

jib-door, s. A door made flush with the wall on

2. Jewelry. *jew-el-ly (ew as û), a. [Eng. jewel; -y.] Like both sides. a jewel; brilliant.

"The jewelly star of life."--De Quincey: Star of Life, § 19. jew-el-ry, jew-el-ler- (ew as û), s. [Eng. jewel; -ry; O. Fr. joyaulerie.]

1. Jowels in general.

2. The art or trade of a jeweler. *jewerie, s. [JEWRY.]

Jew-ess (ew as û), s. [Eng. Jew; -ess.] A female Jew.

*jewise, juwise, s. [Norm. Fr. juise, from Lat. judicium = judgment; judex (genit. judicis) = a judge.] Judgment, punishment.

"The king commanded his constable anon
Up peine of hanging and of high jewise."
Chaucer: C. T., v. 5,215.
Jewish (ew as ), a. [Eng, Jew; -ish.] Of or
pertaining to the Jews or Hebrews; like a Jew;

Jewish-disabilities, s. pl.
Law: [JEW, 2.]
Jewish-era, s.

Chron. An era which dates from the Creation, which is fixed 3760 years and three months prior to the Christian. The present year (1894) is the year 5654-15 of the Jewish Calendar.

jew-Ish-ly (ew as û) adv. [Eng. Jewish; -ly.] In the manner of a Jew; like a Jew.

fate, făt, färe, amidst,

what, fâll,

jib-frame, s.

Steam-eng. The upright frame at the sides of a marine-engine, connecting the cylinder, condenser, and the framing.

jib-halyard, s. [HALYARD.]

jib-headed, a. (See the compound.)

the dance, for the jig was occasionally one of the figures of the country dance. But laterit was made the vehicle for display in harpsichord playing, and was lengthened and elaborated and became the origin of the last movement of the sonata. It was written in 2, 1. 2, 8, 2, 2, and 1 time; the peculiarity of the rhythm of triplets was nearly always preserved, if not insisted upon.

2. Mach.: A handy tool. The name is applied to various devices, and in many trades small and simple machines are called jigs.

3. Sports: A trolling bait, consisting of a bright spoon and an attached hook. A ball of light metal on a hook.

The jig's up: The work is over; everything is finished. (Colloq.)

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2. To cheat, to impose upon, to delude.
II. Technically:

1. Min.: To dress ore in a jigger. [JIGGER.]
2. Felting: To harden and condense a felted fab-
ric by repeated quick blows from rods, or by a
platen or platens having a rapid vibratory motion.
jig-brow, s. [JINNY-ROAD.]

jig-saw, subst. A vertically-reciprocating saw, moved by a vibrating lever or crank-rod. The saw is arranged between two sliding head-blocks, to the upper one of which is attached an index to mark the bevel, a vernier plate being fixed to the circular iron-banded timber to which the blocks are secured by braces. It is moved by a segment of a cog-wheel under the carriage, gearing and working into pin

Jib-headed topsail: A triangular fore-and-aft top. ions, and by a pulley-band over a drum." sail, having no gaff.

jib-iron, s.

Naut. The traveler of the jib. An iron hoop,
fixed to the jib and sliding on the boom.
jib-sheet, s. [SHEET.]
jib-stay, s.

Steam-eng. A portion of the stay-frame of a
marine steam-engine. [JIB-FRAME.]

jib (1), jibe (1), *gybe, v. t. [Dan. gibbe=to jib;
cogn, with Dut. gijpen to turn suddenly.],
Naut.: To shift, as a fore-and-aft sail, from one
side of the vessel to the other, as the wind changes.
"In changing tacks, they have only occasion to shift or
jib round the sail."--Cook: Third Voyage, bk. ii., ch. iii.
jlb (2), v. i. [O. Fr. giber to struggle with the
hands and feet; regiber (Fr. regimber) to kick;
Mid. Eng. regibben.] To move restively sideways
or backward, as a horse.

jib-ber, s. [Eng. jib (2), v.; -er.] A horse given
to jibbing; a horse that jibs.

jig-ger (1), s. [Eng. jig, v.; -er.]

I. Ordinary Language:

1. One who or that which jigs.

2. A fiddlestick.

II. Technically:

1. Billiards: A rest for a cue, when the player cannot reach to the ball. (Eng.)

2. Brewing: A kind of pump used in brewing. 3. Coopering: A drawing-knife, with a hollowingblade.

4. Felting: A machine for felting fiber by an intermittent rolling action upon the material, which lies upon a table, and is kept warm and wet.

5. Leather: A machine for graining morocco fitted in a frame suspended from the ceiling, and leather, consisting of grooved boxwood rollers, swung backward and forward like a pendulum.

6. Mining: A riddle or sieve shaken vertically in water, to separate the contained ore into strata, according to weight and consequent richness. The sieve commonly consists of a hoop with handles,

father; wē, wět, here, camel, her, thêre; pine, plt, sïre, sir, marîne; gō, pot, müte, cub, cüre, unite, cür, rûle, fall; trỹ, Sýrian. æ, œ= ē;


and a bottom of sheet-brass, finely perforated. It is used by striking it squarely upon the water, and giving it a semi-rotation simultaneously, to sort the pulverized ore according to gravity. The lighter portions are scraped from the top, and the lower stratum removed for smelting or further concentration.

7. Nautical:

(1) A double and single block tackle, used for such jobs as holding on to the cable, abaft the capstan. as the cable is heaved in. Also used in hauling home the topsail sheet and other similar work. (2) Asmall tackle attached to the bight of another rope, to increase the purchase.

(3) A supplementary sail rigged on a mast and boom, from the stern of a cutter or other vessel. (4) A sinall mast erected on the stern of a yawl (5) A yawl.

(6) A weighted line with several hooks, set back to back, dropped suddenly into the water, and suddenly jerked upward to catch fish.

8. Pottery:

(1) A horizontal table carrying a revolving mold, on which earthen vessels are shaped; a potter's wheel; a throwing wheel.

(2) A templet or former which is used in shaping the interior of a crucible or other vessel when the clay is upon the wheel.

9. Print.: A contrivance used by compositors to keep copy in position, and to mark the lines they are setting.

jigger-knife, s.

A drawing-knife with a blade bent at one end and curved at the other, used by wheelwrights.

jig-ger (2), s. [See def.] A corruption of chigie, or chigoe (q. v.).

jig-gered, a. [Eng, jigger; ed.] Suffering from the burrowing of the jigger or chigoe (q. v.).`

This word is often used as an imprecation. Davies (Supp. Gloss), says "the expression arose from the suffering caused by the chigoe insect in the West Indies." An alternative etymol., suggested by the common use of the word in the mining districts, is from JIGGER (1), II. 6.

jig-ging, pr. par., a. & s. [JIG, v.]

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jim-měr, s. [GIMBAL.]

jim'-my, s. A cant term for a short crowbar used by burglars in breaking open doors, &c. [JEMMY.] jimp, v. i. [JUMP.] To jump. jimp, a. & adv. [GIMP.]

A. As adj.: Neat, spruce, handsome. B. As adv.: Barely, scarcely, simply. jimp'-ly, adv. [English jimp, a.; -ly.] Barely, scarcely, hardly.

jimps, s. pl. [Etym. doubtful; cf. jimp, a.] Easy stays. (Scotch.)

jimp'-, a. & adv. [Eng. jimp, a.; -ly.] A. As adj.: Neat, jimp.

B. As adv.: Neatly, tightly.

jim-son, s. [A corruption of Jamestown.]

Bot.: An American name for Datura stramonium. This name was given to the plant because it is said that the early English settlers at Jamestown, Va., mistaking it for an edible vegetable, partook largely of it, many of them being, in consequence, disabled, and a few dying.

jin, jinn, s... [Arab. jinni=one of the genii; pl. jinn the genii.] Mohammedan Mythol.: One of a race of genii said to have had for their male progenitor Jan, and A. & B. As pr. par. & particip. adj.: (See the for their female one Marija. They differ from man in their nature, their form and their speech. They are spirits residing in the lowest firmament, and C. As subst.: The act or process of dressing ores have the power of rendering themselves visible to in a jigger. man in any form they please. The bodies they assume are material, but not grosser than the essence of fire and smoke. The extent of their knowledge is unknown. Their character is good.


jigging-machine, s. [JIGGER (1), II. 6.] *jig -gish, a. [Eng. jig; -ish.]

1. Of or pertaining to a jig; resembling or fitted for a jig.

2. Playful, frisky.

jiggle, v. i. [Eng. jig, s.; frequent, suff. -le.] To wriggle or skip about.

jiggling, a. [JIGGLE.] Wriggling about; frisk


"jig-gum-bob, *jig-gam-bŏb, 8. [Cf. THINGUMBOB. A knick-knack, a trinket, a play.

jig-jog, s. & a. [A reduplication of jog (q. v.).] A. As subst.: A jogging, jolting motion.

B. As adj.: Having the motion described supra. "jig-māk-ĕr, *jigge-mak-er, s. [Eng. jig, and maker.]

1. A writer or composer of jigs. 2. A ballad-maker.

jig-pin, s. [Eng. jig, and pin.]

Min.: A pin used to hold the turn-beams and prevent them from turning.

ji-hǎd, jě-hăd, s. [Arabic.] A holy war proclaimed by the Mussulmans against Christians. The Sheeahs do not now consider it legitimate to do this. The Soonees reserve the measure for great emergencies. Fanatics attempted to set one on foot in India in 1877. Sheik ul Islam, at Constantinople, proclaimed one against the Russians about 1877. jill (1), s. [GILL.] A giddy or flirting girl. jill-flirt, 8. A giddy or wanton girl; a jilt. Jill (2), 8. [GILL.] A metal cup.

jil-let, s. [Eng. jill; -et.] A jilt, a giddy girl. jilt, s. [A contract. of jillet.]

1. A coquette; a woman who capriciously or wantonly allows her lover to indulge hopeɛ, and then deceives him; a flirt.

2. A term of contempt for a woman. jllt, v. t. & i. [JILT, 8.]

A. Trons.: To trick and deceive a man by flat tering his love with hopes, and then casting him off for another.

B. Intrans. To play the jilt; to lead on, and after cast off a lover.

jim crack, 8. [GIMCRACK.]

boll, boy; pout, jowl; cat,
shan. -tion,

chorus, -sion = shun;

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"From sermons with sixteen heads down to jingling street ballads."-Macaulay: Hist. Eng., ch. xv. 3. To make rhymes, possibly doggerel. "Whene'er my Muse does on me glance,

I jingle at her." Burns: To John Lapraik. B. Trans.: To cause to sound with a tinkling metallic noise; to tinkle.

jin-gle, *gin'-gle, s. [JINGLE, v.]

1. A tinkling metallic sound, as of coins, a chain, &c. 2. That which jingles or gives out a tinkling sound; a child's rattle.

3. A correspondence of sound in rhymes, especially when the verses have little or no real merit. 4. Verse of an ordinary, indifferent, or homely nature; doggerel.

5. A covered two-wheeled car. (Ireland.) C. (Pl.) A popular name for St. Anthony's fire. Jin'-gler, *gin -glĕr, s. [Eng. jingl(e); -er.] One who or that which jingles.

jin-gling, pr. par., a. & s. [JINGLE, v.]


war of 1877-8. In this sense derived directly from
the refrain of a song, then popular at music-halls,
of which the two first lines ran as follows:
"We don't want to fight, but by Jingo if we do,
We've got the ships, we've got the men, we've got the
money too."

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one who advo

Hence, one clamorous for war;
cates a spirited" foreign policy.
"He is a more pernicious kind of Jingo than his prede-
cessors."-London Graphic.

3. An imaginary idol, worshiped by the party described under 2.

B. As adj.: Relating or pertaining to the Jingoes; as, a jingo policy.

Jin-gō-işm, s.

[Eng. jingo; -ism.] The views and procedure of the Jingoes.

"In the days when Jingoism had to be combated and overcome."-Pall Mall Gazette.

*jlik, v. t. & i. [Etym. doubtful.]

A. Trans.: To cheat, to impose upon.

B. Intrans.: To elude a person by an active movement; to dodge.

jink, s. [JINK, v.] A quick elusory turn.

(1) To jink in: To enter a place suddenly. (2) High-jinks: [HIGH-JINKS.]

jink-er, s. [Eng. jink, v.; -er.] One who turns quickly; a gay, sprightly girl; a wag.

"That day ye was a jinker noble."

jinn, s. [JIN.]

Burns: Auld Farmer's Salutation.

jinn eě (pl. jinn), s. [Arab., Hind., &c. that which is internal or unseen.] [JIN.]

jin-ny, s [A corrupt. of gin=engine. For def. see etym. and compound.] jinny-road, s.

Mining: An inclined road in a coal-mine, on which loaded cars descend by gravity, and draw up empty ones.

jip-pō, s. [French jupe; cf. jupon.] A sort of waistcoat or stays for women.

jir-ble, jair-ble, v. t. [Etym. doubtful.] To spill any liquid by carelessly moving the bottle con taining it. (Scotch.) (Scott: St. Ronan's Well.)

jîrk -I-nět, s. [A dimin. of jerkin (q. v.).] A sort of boddice or substitute for stays, without whalebones, worn by females.

jō, jõe (1), s. [Etym. doubtful; referred by some to Fr. joie joy.] A sweetheart, a darling.

Jō-a-chim-ite, s. [For etym- see def.]

Ch. Hist. (pl.): The followers of Joachim, Abbot of Flora, in Calabria. They were a branch of the Fratricelli (q. v.). They were condemned by the Council of Lateran, in 1215, and by that of Arles in 1260-1261.

Joan, s. [Female proper name, from John (q. v.).] Joan silver-pin, s.

Bot.: A name for the Opium Poppy (Papaver somniferum).

Jo ăn-nite, Jo-hăn-nite, 8. [For etym. see def.]

Ch. Hist. (pl.): The followers of John Chrysostom, consecrated Archbishop of Constantinople in A. D. 398. He was deposed in 403, for his reproof of sin, and banished in 404. The sect became extinct about A. D. 438.

jō'-ar, s. [JOWAREE.]

job (1), s. & a. [O. Fr. job a mouthful.] [GOB.] A. As substantive:

1. An occasional petty piece of work of any kind, undertaken for a stated price.

"What tool is there job after job will not hack?" Moore: Sale of the Tools.

2. Anything, of greater or less importance, undertaken for a fixed sum; as, The engineer received so much for the job.

3. Any occurrence, fortunate or otherwise; as, It was a good (or bad) job for him.

4. A situation, a place of employment; as, He has got a good job. (Colloq.)

5. An undertaking, ostensibly for the benefit of the country or some public body, really for one's

A. & B. As pr. par. & particip. adj.: (See the private benefit. (Often applied to a piece of nepoverb.)

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job-lot, s. A collection of things, either miscellaneous or of the same kind, sold together, ostensibly under market value; as, a job-lot of dry-goods, a job-lot of ties.

job-master, s. One who lets out carriages or horses, contracting to keep the carriages in repair and to change the horses when required. (Eng.) job-printer, 8. A printer whose business is confined to miscellaneous work, usually of a display


job-watch, s.

Naut.: A watch with a seconds hand, used in taking observations to obviate the necessity of constantly shifting the chronometer, with which the watch has to be compared immediately before and after every observation.

job-work, s.

1. Ord. Lang.: Occasional work, as distinguished from constant employment. 2. Printing: Display or intricate work, as distinguished from straight composition.

job (2), 8. [JOB (2), v.] A sudden blow or thrust with a sharp-pointed instrument.

The word nut-jobber is used as a synonym for the nuthatch, because that bird breaks open nuts

with a blow of its bill.

Job (1), v. t. & i. [JOB (1), s.]
A. Transitive:

1. To let out in separate portions; to distribute work among contractors or masters; to sublet. 2. To let out for hire; specifically applied to horses and carriages. 3. To engage horses and carriages for hire from a job-master.

4. To buy goods, as cotton or cigars, in large quantities, often by the cargo, and distribute them to wholesale dealers; as, He jobs large quantities

every year.

B. Intransitive:

1. To work at chance work; to undertake employment of a menial or dishonorable kind.

2. To deal in scrip; to carry on the business of a broker.

3. To carry on the business of a job-master (q. v.); as, He jobs largely in the season. (Eng.)

4. To hire carriages or horses from a job-master; as, I shall job with B. (Eng.)

5. To do work, ostensibly for the benefit of others, really for one's own; hence, to perform public duties with a view to one's private advantage.

Job (2) job-byn, v. t. [Ir. & Gael. gob=a beak or bill; Wel. gwp.]

1. To strike forcefully and suddenly with a sharppointed instrument or weapon.

2. To drive in a sharp-pointed instrument or


job (3), jōbe, v. t. [Etym. uncertain. Usually given as if from the patriarch Job, in allusion to the rebukes he received from his friends, though it would seem probable, if a word with this meaning would take the form of the name of one of his were derived from the story of the patriarch, it friends. Against this view is to be urged the comparative easiness with which his name is pronounced, when compared with theirs. Cf. Notes and Queries, June 21, 1884, p. 489.] To chide sternly; to reprimand, to scold. (Eng.)

Job, s. (Heb. Iyob; Gr. Iōb=a patriarch notable for his patience.] []

The Book of Job:

Old Test. Canon: In the English version of the Bible, Job stands first in order of the poetic books of the Old Testament, but it is the third in the

Hebrew Scriptures, Psalms and Proverbs preceding it, and the Song of Solomon coming next. A prologue (ch. i. ii.) and the conclusion (ch. xlii. 7-17), are in prose. The rest is poetry, and of a very high order. In the historical prologue Job is introduced as deeply pious and exceedingly prosperous. Satan insinuates that he is pious simply because God has bribed him to be so by means of his prosary Remove the latter, and the former will depart. Instead of blessing, he will curse God to his face. To prove the falsity of this charge, Satan is allowed to strip Job of possessions and children, and to afflict him with a loathsome disease. The patriarch bows uncomplainingly to the Divine decision, while the piety of his wife breaks down in the trial. Job's three friends-Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophararrive to comfort him, and the poetry begins. Job, in despair, curses the day of his birth; Eliphaz replies, and Job makes a rejoinder. Bildad follows, and Job answers him. Zophar next speaks, and Job


again replies (ch. iii.-xiv.). Each of the three friends speaks anew, Job thrice replying (xv.-xxi.). Then follow Eliphaz and Job, and Lildad and Job, Zophar remaining silent. A fourth speaker, a young man, Elihu, dissatisfied with the reply of the elder three, feels vehemently moved to put in his word, and does so (xxxii.-xxxvii.). All the four proceed on the erroneous notion that whoever suffers more than others must have previously sinned infer that Job must have done so, Job, on his part, more grievously than they (Luke xiii. 1-5). They having long since been provoked to exclaim: Miserable comforters are ye all!" (xvi. 2). [JOB'S COMFORTER.] Jehovah then answers the patriarch out of the whirlwind, and vindicates his conduct and views, Job answering in deepest abasement (xxxviii.-xlii. 6). The comforters are censured, are enjoined to offer sacrifice, and are pardoned on the intercession of Job, to whom are born exactly the same number of children he had lost (cf. i. 2, and xlii. 13), while he is granted twice the possessions, though before he was the greatest of all the men of the earth." (Cf. i. 3 and xlii. 12.) He lives 140 years after his trial.

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The book of Job is absolutely unique in the Old Testament. The hero is not a Jew. While the name Jehovah is used, the whole history of the Mosaic law and the chosen people is ignored. The author seems well acquainted with Egypt, its crocodiles (xli.), and its pyramids (?) (ii. 14). and the desert with its ostriches (xxxix. 13-18), its wild asses (xxiv. 5, xxxix. 5-8), and its too successful, tent-living, predatory tribes (xii. 6). The language faint Arabic tinge. The view still held by most is Hebrew, with various Aramaisms, and with a commentators is that the book is very ancient, and its author probably Moses. If so, then it is intelligible why there is a resemblance between expres sions in Job and in Genesis. (Cf. Gen. ii. 23, and Job ii. 5; Gen. iv. 21, and Job xxi. 12, xxx. 31; Gen. vi. 2, and Job i. 6, &c.) Others place it about the kings; Renan says about a hundred years before time of Solomon or that of one of the succeeding the Captivity. Others make it eveu later, believing that the personification of the evil spirit is of Perview, since adopted by various Biblical critics, that sian origin (i. 6, 7, 12). The Talmud originated the may be quoted Ezek. xiv. 14, 20, and James v. 11. the book is only a parable. But against this view

Job's-comforter, s. A false friend, who takes, fortunes to one's own course of action, while preor seems to take, pleasure in atttributing one's mistending to sympathize. Of course the allusion is to the sovere rebukes administered to Job by his three comforters are ye all" (Job xvi. 2). friends, which forced him to exclaim, Miserable

*Job's-news, s. Bad news.

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*Job's-post, 8. A messenger of bad news. (Eng.) Job's-tears, s. pl.

Bot.: The hard, bony seeds of a grass, Coix lachryma. [Coix.]

mentioned in an old story, which represents the biJob's turkey-hen, s. A supposititious fowl, ped as extremely emaciated from a persistent effort to hatch out chicks from dead eggs. The expression occurs usually in the following phrase: emaciated; in dire poverty. As poor as Job's Turkey-hen: Very poor; extremely

Jōb-ā ́-tion, s. [Eng. job (3), v. (q. v.); -ation.] A severe scolding; a sharp reprimand.

of this word, as opposed to a fictive jawbation, G. Of the orthography, derivation, and meaning A. Sala (Echoes, Sept. 6, 1884), says:

"I wrote 'jobation,' because the word means a long, dreary homily or reprimand, and has reference to the tedious rebukes inflicted on the patriarch Job by his too obliging friends."

job -ber, s. [Eng. job (1), v.; -er.]

1. One who is employed occasionally; one who depends on chance work.

2. One who executes repairs; as, a watch-jobber. time; a job-master. (Eng.) 3. One who lets out horses and carriages for a

4. One who purchases goods in bulk, and is the medium of their distribution.

5. One who deals in stocks and shares; chiefly in composition, as a stock-jobber.

seeks his own ends; an intriguer who turns public C. One who, while he professes to serve others, duty to private advantage; one who undertakes dishonorable work in politics.

"Some hackneyed fobber in boroughs."-Macaulay: Essays; Hallam.

*job-ber-nowl, s. [Mid. Eng. jobarde (Fr.jobard) =a foolish fellow, and nowl, nole a head.] An intensely stupid fellow; a blockhead.

job-běr-y, s. [Eng. jobber; y.] The act or practice of jobbing, in an unfavorable sense; political corruption, unfair means used to obtain a desired end, either in public or private life.


Job ́-blåg, pr. par. or a. [JOB (1), v.)

A. As pr. par.: (See the verb.)
B. As adjective:

1. A term variously applied:

laneous work, whether as an employer or journey(1) To one who contiues himself to small miscelman; as, a jobbing carpenter.

(2) To one not in constant employment, but undertaking odd jobs; as, a jobbing gardener. end. (Chiefly of public life.) (3) To one using unfair means to gain a desired

*jōc -an-try, s. [Lat. jocans (genit. jocantis), pr. par. of jocor=to jest, to joke (q. v.).] The act or practice of jesting.

jock, 8. [JOCKEY, 8.] A popular contraction of jockey.

jockey, s. [Etym. doubtful; prob. a northern form of Jackey, a dimin. of Jack, a familiar of John (q. v.). Littré gives the first meaning of this word, which has passed into French, as "a young servant, whose chief duty is to ride as postil

ion. For another view, see extract under JOCKEYISM.]

in horse-races. 1. A man who gets a living by riding professionally 2. A horse-dealer; one whose trade it is to buy and sell horses.

from the bad reputation of horse-dealers. 3. A cheat; one given to sharp practice, probably

4. A contemptuous name for a Scotchman, from their calling Jack Jock.

connected with horse-racing. jockey-club, s. A club for regulating all matters

jock -ěy, v. t. [JOCKEY, s.]

1. To deceive in trade; to act with sharp practice to; to cheat.

2. To jostle by riding against. (Johnson.) popularly supposed to be employed by low-class 3. To make use of dishonest measures, such as are of some private measure through a legislative horse-dealers, for procuring the passage or rejection body; the English colloquial equivalent of the American kindred term to lobby.

jock-ey-işm, s. [Eng. jockey, s.; -ism.]
1. The art or practice of a jockey.
2. Horsiness.

jock -ey-ship, 8. [Eng. jockey; -ship.] races; horsemanship. 1. The art or practice of riding horses in horse

a jockey; the character or position of a jockey. 2. A jockey; one whose acts resemble those of *joc onde, a. [JocUND.]

jō cōse, a. [Latin jocosus, from jocus=a joke (q. v.).]

1. Of persons: Humorous, facetious; given to jokes or jesting.

2. Of things: Containing a joke; droll, amusing. jō cose -ly, adv. [Eng. jocose; -ly.] Jocularly, facetiously; in a jocose or humorous manner. quality of being jocose; merriment. jō cōse -ness, s. [English jocose; -ness.] The

Given at one time to jocoseness, at another to serijō-co-ser -1-oùs, a. [Eng. jocose, and serious.] ousness; partaking of the qualities of mirth and sadness; serio-comic.

*jō-cos -1-ty, s. [Eng. jocos (e); -ity.] 1. Jocularity, facetiousness, waggery. 2. A joke; a jocose act, story, or phrase. joc -tě-lěg, s. [A corruption of Jacques de Liége, a famous cutler of that Belgian city.] A large pocket-knife.

jốc -u-lạr, *jốc-u-lar-j, a. [Latin jocularis, from joculus, dimin, of jocus=a joke (q. v.).]

1. Of persons: Addicted to jesting; merry, facetious.

2. Of things: Merry, sportive, amusing; embody. ing a joke.

joc-u-lǎr'-I-ty, 8. [English jocular; -ity.] The quality of being jocular; sportiveness, merriment. joc -u-lar-ly, adv. [Eng. jocular; -ly.] In a jocular manner; sportively, jestingly. joc-u-lar-y, a. [JOCULAR.]

*joc -u-lāt ōr, s. [Lat.] A jester, a joker; a fool by profession. [JUGgler.]

*joc -u-la-tor-, a. [Latin joculatorius, from joculator a jester.] Uttered in jest; droll, merry,


joc-und, joc-onde, a. & adv. [O. Fr. joconde, from Latin jucundus = pleasant (orig. helpful); juvare to help.]

A. As adjective:

1. Blithe, cheerful; free from care or anxiety. 2. Airy, lightsome.

3. Sportive, gay, sprightly.

4. Calculated to inspire mirth.
B. As adv.: Blithely, cheerfully.
pine, plt,

fate, făt, färe, amidst, what, fâll, father; we, wět, here, camel, her, thêre;

sire, sir,

marîne; gỗ, pot,

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