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i-so-chi -lus, s. [Pref. iso-, and Gr. cheilos=a lip; cf. Gr. isocheilos, isocheiles-level with the lip or edge.]

Bot.: The typical genus of the family Isochilida (q. v.). The species are from South America. i-so-chi-mal, i-so chei -mal, a. [Eng., &c., isocheim; -al.] Marking equal winters. [ISOCHIMENAL.]

isochimal-lines, s. pl. [IsoCHIMENAL-LINES.] i-so-chi-men-al, i-so-chi ́-mon-al, i-so-chei'mồn ạ1, a. [Eng., &c., isochimen(e) (q. v.); -al.] Meteor.: (See etym. and compound.) isochimenal-lines, s. pl.


Meteor. Lines drawn on the globe over places in which the winter temperature is the same. i-so-chi-men-ě, i-so-chei -men-ě, s. [Prefix iso-, and Gr. cheimon = a storm, winter.] An isocheim (q. v.). I-so-chō-lès-ter-in, s. [Eng. iso(meric), and Chem.: C2H4O, occurs, together with cholesterin, in the grease of sheep's wool, and may be separated by saponifying the fat, heating the mixture of cholesterin and isocholesterin thus obtained with benzoic acid, whereby they are converted into benzoic ethers, and crystallizing these compounds from common ether, the cholesteryl benzoate separating in thick, tabular crystals, the isocholesteryl benzoate in slender needles, and from the latter the isocholesterin may be obtained by heating with alcoholic potash. It melts at 137-138", and does not give any color with chloroform and sulphuric acid. In all other respects it resembles cholesterin.


i-so-di-a-băt -ic, a. [Pref. iso-, and Gr. diabatikos=able to pass through; diabainō to pass over: dia through, and baino to walk.] Thermodynamics (of a substance): Receiving or giving out equal quantities of heat.

isodiabatic-lines, isodiabatic-curves, s. pl. Physics: Two lines on a diagram, the one exhibiting the law of variation of the pressure and density of a fluid during the lowering of its temperature; the other during its rise. These two lines are isodiabatic if the quantity of heat given out by the fluid during a certain stage of the lowering of the temperature is the same as that given out during the corresponding stage of its rise.


isogeothermic-lines, s. pl.

Geog. & Meteor.: A term introduced by Kupffer for lines drawn on a globe or map across those places in which the mean temperature of the soil is the same.

i-so-gŏn'-ic, a.

[Greek isogonios=equiangular: pref. iso-, and gonia=an angle.] Magnetism: (See etym. and compound.) isogonic-lines, s. pl.

Magnetism: Lines connecting those places on the earth's surface at which the declination of the magnetic needle is the same. The first chart of the kind was constructed by Halley, in 1700; a more recent one was made by Capt. Evans, for the year

1861. (Ganot.)

i-so-di-gly-col-, pref. [Eng. iso(meric); pref. 1857. It is published in the Brit. Assoc. Report for di- two, and glycol.] (See the compound.) isodiglycol-ethylenic-acid, s.

Chem. C6H1006. An acid isomeric with diglycol ethylenic acid, prepared by heating to 100, in a strong vessel, a solution of milk-sugar and bromine, and neutralizing the product with moist oxide of silver. On decomposing the filtered solution by means of sulphydric acid, evaporating at a gentle heat and saturating with cadmium carbonate, cadmium isodiglycol-ethylenate crystallizes out in granular groups of monoclinic needles. It is soluble in water and in alcohol, and from the latter it is precipitated by ether in flocks. The aqueous solution gives no precipitate with neutral or basic acetate of lead. It melts at 98, and at a higher temperature chars, giving off the odor of burnt sugar. Ammonium isodiglycol-ethylenate crystal. lizes in large transparent crystals, soluble in water, but insoluble in alcohol. The calcium salt crystallizes in large shining plates. The barium, strontium, and silver salts are gelatinous and easily i-so-chrō-măt-ic, a. [Pref. iso-, and Eng. chro- decomposed. The sodium salt, CH9NaO6 2H2O, matic (q. v.).] Of the same color. forms tufts of prisms, which give off half their isochromatic-lines, s. pl. water at 100°.

Optics: Colored rings appearing when a pencil of polarized light is transmitted along the axis of a crystal, as of mica or niter, and, after passing through a plate of tourmaline, finally reaches the


i-soch-ron-al, a. [ISOCHRONOUS.] isochronal-line, s.

Physics: A line down which a heavy body descends with uniform velocity.

i-soch-ron-al-lý, adv. [Eng, isochronal; lỵ.] In an isochronal manner; so as to be isochronal. *1 ́-so-chrōne, a. [ISOCHRONOUS.] The same as ISOCHRONOUS (q. v.

i-so-chron-ic, a. [ISOCHRONOUS.] i-soch -rôn-işm, s. [Eng. isochron(ous); -ism.] The state or quality of being isochronous. i-soch -rôn-on, s. [Gr. isochronos equal in age or time: pref. iso-, and Gr. chronos-time.] Hor.: A clock designed to keep perfectly accurate time.

i-soch -ron-oŭs, -soch -rôn-al, î-so-chron'Ic, a. [Gr. isochronos equal in age or time: pref, 180-equal; Gr.chronos-time, and suff. -ous, -al, -ic Hor. (of two pendulums): Performing their beats

in the same time.

i-soch-rous, i-so-chrō -ŭs, a. [Pref. iso-, and Gr. chroia, chroa, chrōs= color.] Having a uniform color throughout.

i-so-cli-nal, i-so-cli-nic, a. [Pref. iso-equal, and Gr. klinō to make to bend.]

Magnetism: Having the same inclination or dip. isoclinal-lines, isoclinic-lines, s. pl. Magnetism: Lines connecting places in which the dipping-needle makes equal angles i-co-cro-ton'-ic, a. [Eng. isomeric), and crotonic.] (See the compound.) isocrotonic-acid, s. Chem.: [CROTONIC-ACID.]

i so-cry-mal, a. [Eng., &c., isocrym(e); suffix -al.] Of, belonging to, or constituting an isocryme. i-so-cryme', s. [Prefix iso-=equal, and Greek krymos=frost.] Physic. Geog. & Meteor.: The cold-water line, having a mean temperature of 68° F.; the cold limit of

coral-making polypes.


i-so-cy-clús, s. [Pref. iso-, and Greek kyklos circle.] Zool.: An animal composed of a succession of equal rings. (Owen: Comp. Anat. Inv. Animals. Gloss.)

i-soc--mēne, s. [Eng. iso(meric), and cymene.] Chem.: CH(CH3) CH: (CH3)2. A colorless liquid formed by the action of sodium on an ethereal solution of methylic iodide and parabrom-cumene. It boils at 217, and has a specific gravity 13014 at


boil, boy; pout, jowl; cat,


i-so-di-mor-phism, s. [Pref. iso-, and Eng. dimorphism (q.v.).] Crystallog.: Isomorphism between the two forms of a dimorphous substance.

I-so-di-mor'-phoŭs, a. [Pref. iso-, and Eng. dimorphous (q. v.).

Crystallog. Having the quality of isodimorphism (q. v.).

i-sō-di-năph-thyl, s. [Eng. iso(meric); pref. di- two, and naphthylene).]

Chem.: C20H1=C10H7 C10H7. Obtained by passing the vapor of naphthalene through a red-hot fluorescence, and melts at 187. tube. It crystallizes in white plates, having a slight

i-sod -o mon, i-sod -o-mům, subst. [Gr. isos equal, and domos a building.]

Greek Arch.: A method of building walls, in which the thickness and length of the stones forming the courses were uniform, but the stones were so laid that the vertical joints of each course were directly over the middle of the stones forming the course below.

I-sō-dül-çite, s. [Eng. iso(meric), and dulcite.] obtained by boiling quercitrin with dilute mineral, Chem.: C6H12O5H2O. An isomeride of mannitan, acids. It is in the form of large transparent crystals, which are very soluble in water and melt at 107, with loss of their water of crystallization. 1-số-dỹ-năm-ic, a. [Pref. iso-, and Eng. dynamic (q. v.).]

Magnetism, &c.: Having equal force or power; of equal size.

[blocks in formation]

in power: pref. iso-; Gr. dynamis=power, might, strength, and Eng. suff. -ous.]

It consists of

Bot.: The same as ISOBRIOUS (q. v.). i-sō-ět -ēş, s. [Lat. isoetes; Gr. isoetés, as adj. =equal in years; as subst. an evergreen plant: pref. iso- (q. v.), and Gr. etos=a year.] Bot.: Quillwort; a genus of Lycopodiace, formerly placed under Marsileace. aquatic or terrestrial plants, with long subulate or filiform, often tubular leaves, sheathing at the base; capsules sessile in the axils of the leaves, traversed by transverse threads, those of the outer leaves containing globose macrospores, and those of the inner oblong trigonous microspores, the crustaceous integument of the latter marked with three radiating lines. Known species six or eight, chiefly from the North temperate or from the warm regions.

i-so-ge-o-therm, s. [Prefix iso-; Gr. ge=the earth or land, and therme heat.] An isogeothermic line (q. v.).

i-so-ge-o-ther'-mal, i-so-gě-o-ther'-mic, a. [Eng., &c. isogeotherm; -al, -ci.] (See etym. and compound.)

çell, chorus, çhin, bench; go, gem; thin, this; -sion = shun; -tion, -şion

i-so-graph'-ic, a. [Pref. iso-, and Gr. grapho=to write.] Of or pertaining to isography.

i-sog -ră-phy, s. [Pref. iso, and Gr. grapho-to write. The copy or imitation of another's handwriting.

and Gr. gyros a circle.] i-sō-gyr'-oŭs (yr as ïr), adj. [Pref. iso-=equal,

Bot.: Forming a complete spire.

i-sō-hěp'-tāne, s. [English iso(meric), and hep


Chem.: CH3CH2CH2 CH2 CH<CH3. Obtained as ethyl-isoamyl, by decomposing a mixture of equal parts of ethyl- and amyl-iodide, by means of sodium. It is an oily liquid, boiling at 90 3, and having a Chlorine acts upon specific gravity of 0.6969 at 0°. it in diffused daylight, a mixture of the primary and secondary chlorides being formed, which cannot be separated by fractional distillation. i-sō-hex -āne, s. [Eng. iso(meric), and hexane.] CH3 Chem.: CH3CH2CH2 CH<CH Prepared first by Wurtz, by acting on a mixture of ethyl-iodide and isobutyl-iodide with sodium. It was named by him, ethyl-butyl. Isohexane is a mobile liquid, boiling at 62, and having a specific gravity of 0°7011 at 0°. Its vapor density is 3053.

i-sō-hỹ-dro-, pref. [Eng. iso(meric), and hydro(gen).]

isohydro-benzoin, s.

Chem.: C14H4O2. A crystalline compound formed by the action of sodium amalgam on an alcoholic solution of benzaldehyde. It crystallizes from water in efflorescent, long, shining, four-sided prisms, from alcohol in anhydrous monoclinic prisms. It melts at 119'5° and differs from hydro-benzoin in not being converted into benzoin when heated with strong nitric acid.

i-so-hỹ -ě-tōse, a. [Pref. iso-, and Gr. hyetos= rain.]

Physic. Geog. & Meteor.: (See etym. and comp.) isohyetose-lines, s. pl.

Physic. Geog. & Meteor.: Lines passing over those places on a globe or map where the annual rainfall is the same.

ble of being isolated. I-sol-a-ble, a. [Eng. isolate); -able.] Capa

I-sol-āte, v. t. [Ital. isolato, from isola, Latin insula an island; Fr. isoler.]

self or itself; to place in a detached situation; to 1. Ord. Lang.: To place or set in a place by one's insulate; to disassociate from others.

2. Elect.: The same as INSULATE (q. v.). i-sol-ā-těd, pa. par. & a. [ISOLATE, INSULATED.]

1. Ord. Lang. Separated or detached from others; placed or standing by one's self or itself.

"The policy, however, applied generally to them was to reduce them to isolated units."-Lewis: Cred. Early Roman Hist. (1855), ii. 426.

2. Elect.: [INSULATED.] I-sol-à-těd-lỹ, adv. [Eng. isolated; -ly.] In an isolated manner.

i-sol-a-tion, s. [ISOLATE, v.] The act of isolating; the state of being isolated.

i-so-le-pis, s. [Prof. iso-, and Gr. lepis=a scale, rind, or husk. Named from the equal glumes. Bot. A genus of Cyperaceae, tribe Scirpeæ. About a hundred species are known, mostly from temperate climates.

i-sol-o-goùs, a. [Pref. iso-, and Gr. logos=proportion.] Bearing the same proportion; proportionate.

isologous-series, s.

Chem.: Applied to any series of compounds in which the terms differ, proportionately, in one or more of their elements, thus: C3H8 C3H6 C3H4 C3H2 Propane. Propene. Propine. Propone. is an isologous-series, in which the successive terms differ by H2.

sin, aş; expect, Xenophon, exist. ph = f.


1'-so-mer, s. [ISOMERIDE.] 1-so-měr -ic, 1-so-měr -I-cal, a. [Gr. isomeres =having an equal share of anything: pref. iso-, and Gr. meros a part, a share.]

Chem.: Pertaining to isomerism. 1-som -ĕr-ide, i'-so-mer, s. (ic); -ide.] Chem.: An isomeric body. 1-som-ĕr-işm, s. [Gr. isomerēs, and Eng. suff. ism.] [ISOMERIC.]




crystal of potassium alum in a solution of chrome- size. The legs, which are seven pairs, are almost alum, the crystal will continue to increase with of the same length. They are fitted for walking, perfect regularity from the deposition of the latter swimming, or adhering as parasites. The posterior salt. "Bodies having apparently an exactly simi- (abdominal) appendages are converted into leaflar constitution are not necessarily isomorphous, like respiratory apparatus. The heart is near the but are rather divisible into two or more groups, of tail. Prof. Milne-Edwards divides the Isopoda into [Eng., &c., isomer which the respective members are isomorphous; on three sub-orders or sections, the Cursorial, Natathe other hand, the possession of an equal number tory, and Sedentary Isopods. The Cursorial section of atoms is not essential to isomorphism, for two includes the families Oniscidae, Asellidae, and Idoatoms of one element are not unfrequently isomor- theid; the Natatory two, Sphæromida and Cymophous with one atom of another element; and thoide; and the Sedentary one, Bopyride. The sometimes a molecular group is isomorphous in its common wood-louse is a well-known example of combinations with an elementary atom-NH, with Isopoda. K, for example. There are also numerous examples 2. Palæont.: The Isopoda are believed to extend of bodies crystallizing in the same form, but with- from the Devonian times till now. out exhibiting any similarity of chemical constitui-so-pod-I-form, a. [Mod. Lat. isopod(a); i tion." Isomorphous bodies are generally arranged according to the crystallographic systems. connective, and Lat. forma form, shape.] elements belong to the monometric system, with Entom. (of a larva): Shaped like an isopod. the exception of arsenic, antimony, and bismuth, i-sop -o-dous, a. [Mod. Lat. isopod (a); Eng. which belong to the hexagonal. The protoxides, suff. -ous.] the proto-chlorides, bromides, and iodides, and the proto-sulphides are also monometric. The carbonates belong partly to the trimetric, and partly to the hexagonal, the nitrates to the hexagonal and the monometric, and the alums to the monoclinic systems. When the same body is found to crystallize in two different forms, it is said to be dimorphous. [CRYSTALLOGRAPHY, CRYSTALS.] Gr. aner (genit, andros) = a man, a stamen.] i-so-năn'-dra, s. [Pref. iso-, n euphonic, and an evergreen tree, growing in Tennaserim, yields a Bot.: A genus of Sapotacere. Isonandria obovata, gutta-percha itself. (Watt: Economic Products of kind of gutta-percha, and Isonandra gutta the India, i. 1.)

Chem.: A term applied to those bodies which are composed of the same elements, in the same proportions, but which differ either in their physical characteristics, or in their chemical properties. They may be divided into three distinct classes: isomeric, metameric, and polymeric bodies. Isomeric bodies or isomerides are those which show analogous decompositions and changes, when heated, or when treated with reagents, but differ in physical properties. The terpenes, C10H16, constitute the chief ingredients in the essential oils of turpentine, lemon, orange, juniper, &c. They have the same composition, and resemble each other closely in their chemical actions, but they differ in odor, boiling point, and their action on polarized light. They are true isomers, in the strict sense of

the word.

Metameric bodies, or metamerides, are those which exhibit dissimilar transformations when heated, or when acted on by reagents. The molecular formula, C3H6O2, represents the three compounds, propionic acid, ethyl formate, and methyl acetate. Propionic acid, a crystalline body, is converted by potash into potassium propionate; ethyl formate, a colorless, aromatic liquid, boiling at 56, is resolved by potash into ethylic alcohol and potassium formate; while methyl acetate, a colorless, volatile liquid, is decomposed by potash into wood spirit (methylic alcohol) and an acetate. These three compounds, which are composed of the same elements in the same proportions, differ in the nature of their products when acted on by reagents, and are said to be metameric with one another. Polymeric bodies, or polymerides, contain the same elements in the same proportions, but have different molecular weights. The most striking example is exhibited by the hydrocarbons, all of which are multiples of the lowest, namely, methene, CH2, which, however, is not known in the free state. Thus we have ethylene, CH4, propylene, C3H6, butylene, C4Hs, amylene, C510, all of which possess the same percentage composition, but different molecular weights. All polymerides exhibit regular gradations of boiling points, and vapor densi


i-so-mĕr-o-mor-phism, s. [Greek isomeres, morphe form, and suff. -ism.] [ISOMERIC.] Crystallog.: Isomorphism between substances having the same atomic proportions.

i-som-er-oŭs, a. [ISOMERIC.]

Bot. (of a flower): Equal in number, having all the parts equal in number, as having five sepals, five petals, five stamens, &c.

2. Crystallog., Min., &c.: Of like composition. (Used of isomorphism between substances of the same atomic proportions.)

i-so-mět -ric, i-so-mět -ric-al, a. [Gr. isos= equal, and Eng. metric, metrical (q. v.).]

1. Ord. Lang. Equal in measure; characterized by equality of measure.

2. Crystallog.: Monometric, tessular. isometrical perspective, s. A method of perspective drawing which allows of buildings being represented with base lines at any angle of view, but without the other lines of any side of such building converging, as they do in ordinary perspective, to a vanishing point. It is generally adopted for birds'-eye views of extensive buildings, which thus combine the advantages of a ground plan and elevation.

i-so-mor-phişm, s. [Pref. iso-; Gr. morphē = form, shape, and suff. -ism.]

Min.: A general law, discovered in 1819 by Professor Mitscherlich, of Berlin, by which the variation of minerals is governed. It is that the ingredients of any single species of mineral are not absolutely fixed as to their kind and quality, but one ingredient may be replaced by an equivalent portion of some analogous ingredient. Thus in augite the lime may be in part replaced by portions of peroxide of iron, or of manganese, while the form of the crystal and the angle of the cleavage plane remains the same. These substitutions are, however, confined within certain limits. (Lyell, &c.)

i so mor phoŭs, a. [Pref. iso-, and Gr. morphe =a form, and Eng. suff. -ous.]

Chem. A term applied to certain substances, which have the same crystalline form, and are also analogous in their chemical constitution. The alums, for instance, no matter what their composition, all crystallize in octahedra, and if we place a fate, făt, färe, amidst, what,


i-so-ni-trō-phen-ic, a. [English iso(meric);
nitric); o connective, and phenic.] (See the com-
isonitrophenic-acid, s. [РHENIC-ACID.]
nomic (q.v.).] 'Of or pertaining to isonomy; equal
i-so-nom-ic, a. [Pref. iso-equal, and Eng;
in law or right.

i-son-o-mỹ, s. [Greek isonomia-distribution,
equality of rights, specially equality of rights in a
Greek democracy.] Equality of political or legal

i-so-oc-tyl-Ic, a. [Eng. iso(meric), and octylic.]
(See the compound.)

isoöctylic-acid, s. [OCTYLIC-ACID.]
1-so en-ăn-thyl-ïc, a. [Eng, iso(meric), and
nanthylic.] (See the compound.)
isocnanthylic-acid, s.

Chem.: (CH3)2°CH·CH2°CH2 CH2CO·OH. Isohep-
toic acid. An unpleasantly smelling, oily liquid,
obtained by heating a mixture of sodic ethylate
and isovalerate in carbonic oxide. It boils at 210°-
213. Its barium salt forms an amorphous mass,

while its calcium salt (C-H1302)2Ca+2H2O crystal
lizes in microscopic needles.

i-sop-a-thy, 8. [Pref. iso-, and Gr. pathe, pathos


1. The attempted cure of a disease by the virus of the same malady.

2. The idea that a diseased organ may be cured by eating the analogous organ of a healthy animal. i-so-pen-tāne, s. [English iso(meric), and pentane.] [PENTANE.]

I-so-pĕn-tēne, s. [English iso(meric), and pentene.] PENTENE.]

i-so-pěn-tyl-a-mine, s. [Eng. iso(meric); -pentyl, and amine.] '[AMYLAMINE.]

i-so-pĕr-1-mět -ric-al, a. [Eng., &c., isoperi-
metr(y); -ical.]

Geom.: Of or belonging to isoperimetry (q. v.).
1-so-per-im-ě-trỹ, s.[Pref. iso-, and Gr. peri-
metron circumference; Eng. suff. -y.]
Geom. Having equal perimeters, circumferences,
or boundaries.

i-so-phane, s. [Pref. iso--equal, and Gr. phaino
to cause to appear.]

Min.: The same as FRANKLINITE (q. v.).
I-soph-or-ous, a. [Pref. iso-=equal, and Greek
phoros bearing, carrying.]

Bot.: Transformable into something else.
I'-so-pod, i'-so-põde, a. & 8. [ISOPODA.]
A. As adj.: Having the feet equal in length;

B. As subst.: A crustacean of the order Isopoda
(q. v.).

Woodward, in Cassell's Nat. Hist., vi. 210.
"One group of Isopods, the Oniscidae."- Dr. Henry
i-sop-o-da, s. pl. [Pref. iso-, and Gr. pous (genit.
podos) = a foot.]

Zool. Having feet of equal length; of, belonging, or relating to the Isopoda (q. v.).

"Various forms which may be Isopodous."-Nicholson: Palæont. i. 389.

of civil rights, (2) a treaty between two states for a i-so-pol-I-ty, 8. [Gr. isopoliteia (1) equality reciprocity of such rights: isos equal, and politës =citizen.] Equal rights of citizenship, as conferred by the people of one city or state upon those of another.

there could exist some isopolity."-A. H. Clough: Remains, "Between America and England one would be glad if i. 213.

i-so-prēne, s. [Eng. iso(meric), and (te)rpene transposed (?).]

Chem.: CH. A volatile hydrocarbon, polymeric with caoutchin, produced by the dry distillation of caoutchouc and gutta-perclia. It is an oily liquid, and possessing a naptha-like odor. It boils at 37 has a specific gravity of 0.6823 at 20°. It is an a white amorphous mass, having the composition, unstable compound, decomposing, by keeping, into C10H16O.

i-so-pro-pl-on-āte, s. [Eng. iso(meric), and propionate.] [PROPIONIC-ACID.] i-so-prō-pi-on-ic, a. propionic.] [PROPIONIC-ACID.]

[Eng. iso(meric), and

I ́-so-prop'-yl, s. [Eng. iso (meric), and propyl.] [PROPYL.]

isopropyl-carbinol, s. [BUTYL-ALCOHOL.] i-sō-pur-pür-ic, a. [Eng. iso(meric), and purpuric.] (See the compound.)

isopurpuric-acid, s. [PURPURIC-ACID.]

i-sō-pyre (yr as ïr), s. [Pref. iso-, here=like, and Gr. pur=fire.]

Min. An opaque to sub-translucent, slightly magnetic, brittle mineral; in color grayish or velvet-black, occasionally spotted with red; in luster vitreous; its hardness 6-65; specific gravity, 29–3. Composition: Silica, 4709; alumina, 1391; sesquioxide of iron, 2007; lime, 1543; and protoxide of copper, 194.

i-sos-çe-lēş, a. [Lat., from Gr. isoskelēs=having equal legs or sides; isos equal, and skelos=a leg: Fr. isocèle.]

equal; as, an isosceles triangle.
Geom. Having two legs or sides only that are

seismal (q. v.).] Relating to equal earthquake
I-so-seiş -mal, a. [Pref. iso-equal, and Eng.


isoseismal-lines, s. pl.

Geol. (pl.): Lines on a map or globe resting where earthquake action is equal.

i-so-spon -dy-11, s. pl. [Prefix iso-, and Greek spondylos a vertebra.f

Ichthy.: A sub-order of Teleocephali. It consists of soft-rayed fishes, with the head naked, an adipose fin or abdominal sutures often present; dentition and habitat various. Families: Stomiatida


(the Stomiatoids), Scopelida (the Scopelids),
Synodontidae (the Synodonts), Percopside (Trout
Perches), Salmonidae (Salmon), Clupeid
rings), Hyodontidae (Mooneyes), Engraulidæ (An-
chovies), Albulidae (Lady Fishes), Dussumierid
(Round Herrings), and Elopida (Jew Fishes). (Jor-
dan: Vertebrates; Northern United States, 1876.)
i-so spör-ous, a. [Pref. iso-=equal, and Gr.
sporos, spora a seed.]

Bot. (of Cryptogams): Having spores all of one
size. The prothallium developed from them grows
for a considerable time independently of the spore,
and bearing both male organs (antheridia) and fe-
male ones (archegonia). It contains the orders Fili-
ces, Equisetace, and Ophioglossaces. (Thomé.)
i-so-stěm -on-oŭs, a. [Pref. iso-; Gr. stëmon=
warp; Lat. stamen (q. v.), and Eng. suff. -ous. ]
Bot.: Having the stamens equal in number to the
petals. (De Candolle.)

Zool. An order of Crustaceans, division Thoraci-
poda, legion Edriophthalmia. The body is com-
posed of seven segments, as a rule nearly equal in
father; wē, wět, here, camel, her, thêre; pine, pit, sïre, sir,

marîne; gō, pot,

[blocks in formation]


Iş -ră-ěl, s. [Heb. Israel; Gr. Israèl=fighter or soldier of God (Gesenius), from (Sarah)=(1) to intervene, (2) to be a leader, prefect, or prince, (3) to fight.]

1. The name divinely given to Jacob during the scene at Peniel or Penuel as a memorial that, as a prince, he had power with God and with men and had prevailed (Gen. xxxii. 28).

2. The Jewish people; a contraction for Children of Israel or House of Israel. (Hosea xi. 1.) A religious sect which appeared for the first returns it is called The New and Latter House of Israel.

1-so-ther-al, a. [English, &c., isother(e); -al.] time in England in 1883; in the Registrar-General's (See etym. and def.)

[blocks in formation]

i-so-there, s. [Pref. iso-=equal, and Gr. theros = summer.]

Physic. Geog. & Meteor.: An isotheral line (q. v.). î -so-therm, s. [Pref. iso-, and Greek thermē= heat.]

Physic. Geog. & Meteor.: An isothermal line. i-so-ther -mal, a. [Pref. iso-=equal, and therme =heat.]

Physic. Geog. & Meteor.: Of or belonging to zones or divisions of the land, ocean, or atmosphere, which have an equal degree of mean annual warmth. (Lyell.)

[blocks in formation]

i-sŏt -om-a, 8. [Pref. iso-=equal (q. v.), and Gr. tome a cutting.]

Bot.: A genus of Lobeliace, tribe Lobelem. Isotoma longiflora, a West Indian species, is very poisonous, both to horses and men. It is an overpotent cathartic.

i-sō-ton -ic, a. [Gr. (isos)=equal, and tonos tone. ]

1. Ord. Lang.: Indicating or having equal tones. 2. Mus. Applied to a system of music in which each concord is alike tempered, and in which there are twelve equal semitones.

i-sō-tri-mor-phism, s. [Eng. isotrimorph (ous);


Crystallog.: Isomorphism between the three forms of two trimorphous substances.

i-so-tri-mor-phous, a. [Pref. iso-; Gr. trimor. phos = triple: pref. tri-, from tris = three, and morphe form.]

Crystallog.: Presenting the phenomenon of isotrimorphism (q. v.).

I-so-tropic, i-so-trop'-oŭs, a. [Pref. iso equal, and Gr. trope, or tropos=a turn.] (For def. see compound.)

isotropic-substances, s. pl.

Optics, &c.: Substances singly refracting. (Rutley: Study of Rocks, 2d ed. (p. 76.) (Opposed to anisotropous doubly refracting.)

i-sôu-vit-ic, a. [Eng. iso(meric), and uvitic.] (See the compound.)

isouvitic-acid, s.

Chem.: CaH,O4=C6H3(CH3) (CO'OH)2. A dibasic aromatic acid produced from gamboge by fusion with potassic hydrate, pyrotartaric acid and acetic acid being formed at the same time. It crystallizes in short rhombic prisms, which are very soluble in boiling water and melt at 160°.

i-sō-va-lër -lc, a. [Eng. iso(meric), and valeric (q. v.).] (See the compound.)

isovaleric-acid, s. [VALERIC ACID.] i-so-va-ler -уl-ene, s. [Eng. iso(meric), and valerylene.]

Chem.: CH= (CH3)2C°C•CH2. A liquid hydrocarbon, formed from brom-isoamylene by the action of alkalies. It possesses the odor of garlic, and boils between 42 and 45°. When treated with bromine it yields two liquid compounds, a dibromide, CHsBr2, boiling at 170°, and a tetra-bromide, CH Br4, which cannot be distilled unchanged. Is-pa-han -ée, a. & s. [Sce def.]

A. As adj.: Pertaining or relating to Ispahan, in Persia. B. As subst.: A native or inhabitant of Ispahan.

bổìl, boy; pout, jowl; cat,


Kingdom of Israel:

beginning with Jeroboam and ending with the Script. Hist. The kingdom of the Ten Tribes, Assyrian Captivity.

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İş-ra-el-It-ic, a. [Eng., &c., Israelit(e); ic.] Of or belonging to the Israelites; Hebrew, Jewish. İş-ra-el-it-ish, a. [Eng., &c., Israelit(e); -ish.] Nearly the same as Israelitic, but a less respectful İş-ra-el-it-işm, s. [Eng. Israelit(e); -ism; Fr. Israélitisme.] The same as JUDAISM (q. v.). is-su-a-ble (su as shû), a. [ Eng. issu(e); -able.] 1. That may or can be issued; capable of being


2. Pertaining to an issue or issues; admitting of issue being taken upon it; containing an issue or issues; as, an issuable plea.

joined. 3. Admitting or allowing of issue being taken or

issuable-plea, s.


II. Technically:

1. Law: The close or result of pleadings; the point or matter depending in a suit on which two parties join and put their cause to trial; a single definite and material point which is affirmed on one side and denied on the other.

"An issue upon matter of law is called a demurrer; and it confesses the facts to be true, as stated by the opposite party; but denies that, by the law arising upon those facts, any injury is done to the plaintiff, or that the defendant has made out a legitimate excuse; according to the party which first demurs, rests or abides upon the point in question. The form of such demurrer is by averring the declaration or plea, the replication or rejoinder, to be bad in substance, that is, insufficient in law to ring is thereupon understood to pray judgment for want maintain the action or the defense; and the party demurof sufficient matter alleged. Upon a demurrer, the opposite party must aver his pleading to be good in substance, which is called a joinder in demurrer, and then the parties are at issue in point of law. Which issue, in law or demurrer, the judges of the court before which the where the fact only, and not the law, is disputed. And action is brought must determine. An issue of fact is when he that denies or traverses the fact pleaded by his antagonist has tendered the issue, the other party may immediately join issue; or if affirmative matter be set Which done, the issue is said to be joined, both parties out in the pleading, he may at once take issue thereon. having agreed to rest the fate of the cause upon the truth of the fact in question. And this issue of fact must, generany speaking, be determined by the country, that is, by jury."-Blackstone: Comment., bk. iii., ch. 21.

2. Surg.: A fontanel; an artificial ulcer made on some part of the body to promote secretion of pus. (1) At issue: In controversy; disputed; at variance; disagreeing.

and negative positions respectively upon a point in (2) To join or take issue: To take up affirmative debate or dispute.

"That issue will I ioine with him which shall suffise, for the confutacion of this booke."-Bishop Gardner: Explic., fo. 145.

issue-pea, s.

Therap.: A pea or any similar body placed inside Law: A plea upon which a plaintiff may take is an issue to maintain irritation and promote the secretion of pus. sue, and go to trial upon the merits. issuable-terms, s. pl.

Eng. Law: Hilary and Trinity, because in them issues are made up for the assize; but, for town causes, all the four terms are issuable. (Wharton.) is-su-a-bly (su as shû), adv. [Eng. issuab(le); ly.] In an issuable manner; by way of issue.

The act of issuing or giving out; as, the issuance of is -su-ançe (su as shů), s. [Eng. issu(e); -ance.] food.

is-su-ant (su as shū), a. [Eng. issu(e); -ant.] Her. Issuing or coming out. A term applied to a charge or bearing represented as issuing out of another charge or bearing. When an animal is blazoned as issuant, only the upper half is depicted.

is-sue (pron. ishů), s. [Fr., prop. fem. of issu, pa. par. of issir=to issue, to go out, from Lat. exeo, from ex-=out, and eo=to go; Ital. uscita, escita.] I. Ordinary Language:

1. The act of passing or flowing out; egress; motion out of an inclosed place; as, the issue of water from a pipe, the issue of an audience from a hall or other public building.

2. The act of sending out; delivery; publication. "English railways improved with scarcely an exception despite the issue of very disappointing traffic returns."London Daily Telegraph.

3. A means of passing or getting out; a means of exit or escape.

"Let us examine what bodies touch a movable whilst in motion, as the only means to find an issue out of this difficulty."-Digby: On Bodies.

4. A flux, as of blood.

twelve years."-Matthew, ix. 20.
"A woman which was diseased with an issue of blood

5. That which issues; that which proceeds, flows, or is issued or sent out; the whole quanity or amount issued or sent out; as, the daily issue of a

paper; the weekly issue of notes from the bank, &c.
6. Progeny, offspring; a child or children.
"The issue of the next son should have reigned."
Shakesp.: Henry VI., Pt. II., ii. 2.
7. The produce of the earth; the profits or return
from lands, tenements, or other property.
8. Result, fruit, consequence.

"Look you for any other issue?"
Shakesp.: Much Ado about Nothing, ii. 2.
9. That which proceeds from a man; action, deed.
"How the people take
The cruel issue of these bloody men."
Shakesp.: Julius Caesar, iii. 1.

10. A material point in an argument or debate, upon which the parties take affirmative and nega tive positions, and on which they base the result of the argument or debate.

chorus, chin, bench; go, gem; thin, this;

For the difference between issue and event, see EVENT. is-sue (pron. Ishû), *issew, v. i.& t. [ISSUE, 8.] A. Intransitive:

I. Ordinary Language.

1. To come, flow, or pass out; to run out, as from any inclosed place.

"I Richard's body have interred anew,
And on it have bestowed more contrite tears
Than from it issued forced drops of blood."
Shakesp.: Henry V., iv. 1.

*2. To run out or extend in lines. "Pipes made with a belly toward the lower end, and then issuing into a straight concave again.”—Bacon, 3. To go or come out; to rush out.

"The gates cast up, we issued out to play."

Surrey: Virgile; Eneis ii. 4. To proceed, as offspring or progeny; to be descended, to spring.

shalt beget, shall they take away."-2 Kings xx. 18. "Of thy sons that shall issue from thee, which thou

5. To proceed, as from a source; to arise; to be produced as an effect or result; to grow, to accrue. "This is my fault; as for the rest appealed, It issues from the rancour of a villain." Shakesp.: Richard II., i. 1.

6. To result, to turn out, to terminate, to end; as, It is doubtful how this cause will issue.

II. Law: To come to a point in fact, or law on which the parties join issue; to join issue.

B. Trans.: To send out; to deliver for use: to supply; to put into circulation.

"A writ was issued out to burn him."-Burnet: Hist. of the Reform., bk. i.

is-sue-less (issue as Ishū), a. [Eng. issue; -less.] Without issue; having no issue or offspring; want ing children,

"She matched herself with Spain, and brought King Philip hither

But issueless she died."-Drayton: Polyolbion, s. 17. is-su-er (issue as ishū), s. [Eng. issu(e); -er.] One who issues.

Isth -mi-an (or th silent), a. [Lat. Isthmius; Gr. Isthmios.]. Of or pertaining to an isthmus; specif. pertaining to the Isthmus of Corinth in Greece.

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Isth'-mus (or th silent), *ist-mus, *isthim, s. [Lat. isthmus, from Gr. isthmos.]

1. Ord. Lang. & Geog.: A narrow slip or neck of land connecting two continents together, or uniting a peninsula to a continent.

2. Anat.: The name given to various parts which more or less closely resemble an isthmus. There is an isthmus of the thyroid body, an isthmus uteri, &c. Isthmus of the fauces:

Anatomy: The constricted passage between the anterior pillars leading from the mouth to the pharynx.

Isthmus of the thyroid body or gland:

Anat.: A transverse portion of the gland uniting the two lateral lobes.

Is-ti-oph'-or-a, s. pl. [Gr. istion a web, cloth, or sheet, and phoros-bearing, carrying.]

Zool. A group or division of Insectivorous Bats having a nose-leaf; but Mr. Dobson, who has deeply studied the subject, considers the arrangement unnatural,

Is-u-rět, s. [Eng. is(omeric), and -uret (q. v.).] Chem.: Hydroxyl-methenyl-diamine. This base, which is isomeric with carbamide, is formed by the direct union of hydrocyanic acid with an alcoholic solution of hydroxylamine. It crystallizes in rhombic prisms, which are soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol, and melt at 104-105'. It has an alkaline re-action, and unites with one equivalent of acid, forming crystalline salts. On boiling the aqueous solution, it decomposes in a very complicated manner, yielding nitrogen, carbon dioxide, ammonia, guanidine, biuret, and urea.

It, *hit, *hyt, pron. [A. S. hit, neut. of he (q. v.); Icel. hit, neut. of hinn; Dut. het, neut. of hij. The genitive case its is comparatively modern. It does not occur once in the Authorized Version of 1611, and is found but three times in all Shakespeare, and not once in Milton, although other writers had already begun to introduce it. In some parts of the country the rustics still employ his where educated men would use its. In Levit. xxv. 5, where the modern editions read "of its own accord," the edition of 1611 has "of it own accord." The A. S. genit. his was regularly used as the genit. of it up to the time of Shakespeare.]

1. A pronoun of the neuter gender corresponding with the masculine he and feminine she, the plural of all three being they. It is frequently classed as a demonstrative.

"Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life."-Proverbs iv. 23.

2. It is used as the nominative to impersonal verbs; as, It rains, it snows.

3. It is commonly used to introduce a sentence, preceding a verb as a nominative, but referring to a clause or distinct member of the sentence following; as, It is well known that he is dead.

4. It is frequently used to begin a sentence when a personal noun, or the name of a person, or a masculine or feminine noun follows, and it may represent any one of the three genders, or either the sing ular or the plural number; as, "It is I, be not afraid," "It is these," &c.

When a question is asked, it follows the verb; as, Who was it that betrayed Christ?

5. It is used absolutely for the state of a person or thing; as, "How is it with the general?" (Shakesp.: Coriolanus, v. 5.)

6. It is used indefinitely after intransitive verbs, frequently imparting a ludicrous meaning.

"If Abraham brought all with him, it is not probable that he meant to walk it back again for his pleasure." Raleigh.

It-a-bǎl'-11, s. [The Guiana name.] Bot.: (See etym. and compound.) itaballi-wood, s.

Bot. The wood of Vochya guianensis. It is hard but not very durable.

I-tab-ir-yte, I-tăb'-Ir-ite, s. [From Itabira, a mountain in Brazil.]

Min. & Petrol.: A micaceous variety of hematite, found in micaceous schist in North and South Carolina, &c. Called also specular schist (q. v.). (Dana.)

I-ta-col-u-mite, I-ta-col-u-mỹte, s. [From Itacolumi the Giant, the name of several Brazilian mountains.]

Petrol.: A laminated granular flexible quartz rock, with a little talc, found in Brazil, Georgia, North Carolina, the Ural Mountains, &c. It sometimes contains diamonds and gold. Ratley spells the word Itacolumite and Dana Itacolumyte. i-ta-con-ic, a. [Formed by transposition from aconitic (?).] (See the compound.)

[blocks in formation]


C3H,(OH) (CO·OH)3=OH2+C3H3(COOH)3, the lat ter further decomposing into CO and itaconic acid. C3H3(COOH)3=CO2+C3H ̧(CO·ÓH)2.-It may also be prepared by heating to 160 a mixture of citric acid and water in a sealed tube. Itaconic acid is inodorous, but has a strong acid taste. It crystallizes in rhombic prisms, soluble in 17 parts of water at 10 and melting at 161. It bears a close resemblance to citraconic acid, but differs from it in not yielding mesaconic acid' when treated with nitric acid.

it-a-ka, s. [The Guiana name of the tree.]
Bot.: (See etym. and compound.)
itaka-wood, s.

Bot. & Comm.: A kind of wood with black and brown streaks, much used in cabinet work. It comes from Macharium schomburgkii, a papilionaceous tree, tribe Dalbergiem, growing in Guiana. I-tăl -ian (i as y), a. & s. [Ital. Italiano; Lat. Italicus, from Italia-Italy; Sp. Italiano.] A. As adj.: Of or pertaining to Italy. B. As substantive:

1. A native or inhabitant of Italy.
2. The language spoken by the Italians.
Italian-beech, s.

[ocr errors]

Bot. The same as ITALIAN-OAK (q. v.). Really an oak, and in no respect a beech. Italian-iron, s. A laundress' smoothing-iron for fluting and smoothing frills; a gauffering-iron. Italian-juice, s.

abrin. There are several kinds; but that prepared Comm.: The extract of licorice prepared in Calon the estates of the Marchioness Solazzi, and known as Solazzi juice, is the best. [SPANISHJUICE.]

Italian-marble, s. [MARBLE.'
Italian-may, s.

Bot.: Spiraea filipendula.
Italian-oak, s.


i-ta-mǎl-ic, a. [Eng. ita (conic), and malic.] itamalic-acid, s.

Chem.: CHO=C3H5(OH): (COOH)2. A homologue of malic acid. On heating itaconic acid with concentrated hydrochloric acid, itamonochlor-pyrotartaric acid is formed, and this, on boiling with water or alkalies, yields itamalic acid. It crystallizes in long, deliquescent needles, which are soluble in alcohol and ether, and melt between 60° and 65. At a higher temperature, it loses a molecule of water, and is re-converted into itaconic acid. Itch, s. [A. S. gictha.] [ITCH, v.]

I. Ordinary Language:

1. Literally:

(1) In the same sense as II.

(2) A sensation of uneasiness in the skin arising from the disease or other cause. 2. Fig.: A constant teasing desire or longing for something.

"And this is what the world
Denominates an itch for writing."

Cowper: Epistle to Lady Austen. II. Path.: Scabies; a disease arising from the irritation produced by the presence in the parts affected of the itch-mite (q. v.) and its ova. The animal burrows chiefly between the fingers, on the front of the forearm, on the abdomen, and the inside of the thighs. The disease chiefly assails uncleanly people. It is very common among the natives of India and other Orientals. Where it is widely spread on the body, an ointment made from flour of sulphur and lard or vaseline, well rubbed in remedy. at night and washed off in the morning, is the best

itch-insect, s.

Zool. An inaccurate name for the itch-mite (q. v.). (Griffith & Henfrey.)

itch-mite, s.

Botany: Quercus æsculus. Called also Italian- bristles; so are the third and fourth pair of legs, beech (q. v.).

Italian-roof, s. A hip-roof.

I-tǎl-ian-āte (i as y), a. [Eng. Italian; -ate.] Italianized; made conformable to Italian customs or practices. (Marlowe.)

I-tǎl-ian-ate (i as y), v t. [English Italian; ate.] To render Italian; to make conformable to Italian customs; to Italianize.

Zool.: Sarcoptes scabiei, a small white parasitic spider, of the family Acarida, producing the disease called itch. The mouth is furnished with while the first and second pair have suckers. [ITCH.] Itch, *icchen, *iken, *yechen, *yichen, v. i. [A. S. giccan; cogn. with Dut. jenken; Ger. jucken.] 1. Lit.: To have a sensation of uneasiness in the skin which causes in the person a desire to scratch or rub the part affected.

2. Fig. To long; to desire continually; to feel a constant teasing desire.

"Though I now be old and of the peace, if I see a sword Wives of Windsor, ii. 3.

I-tăl -ian-Işm (i as y), s. [Eng. Italian; -ism.] out, my finger itches to make one."-Shakesp.: Merry
A phrase, idiom, or custom peculiar to or charac-
teristic of the Italians or the Italian language.
I-tǎl-ian-ize (i as y), v. i. & t. [Eng. Italian;


A. Intrans.: To act or speak as an Italian; to act the Italian.

B. Trans.: To render Italian; to give an Italian character to.

I-tǎl-ic, a. & s. [Lat. Italicus=Italian, from Italia Italy.]

A. As adjective:

1. Ord. Lang.: Of or pertaining to Italy or the Italians. 2. Print.: A term applied to a sloping type, commonly employed to give emphasis or to draw special attention to a particular letter, word, or sentence. It is so called from having been invented by Aldo Manuzio (Aldus Manutius), an Italian printer, born in 1447, died in 1515.

This line is printed in italic type.
B. As substantive:
Print.: An italic letter or type.

Italic School of Philosophy; Hist. & Philos.: A term adopted by some writers to denote the Pythagorean and Eleatic systems taken together, but more properly confined to that of Pythagoras alone. The reason of the name lies in the statement that Pythagoras taught in Italy, and more particularly in the south and southwest. Italic-version, 8.

Ch. Hist. The version of the Scriptures in Latin known as Vetus Itala. It was made early in the second century, the Old Testament being translated from the LXX., not from the Hebrew. St. Jerome was dissatisfied with it, and, after trying in vain to amend it to his satisfaction, made the Latin translation, now in common use in the Roman Church, known as the Vulgate, which was approved by the Council of Trent.

I-tăl -I-çişm, s. [Eng. italic; -ism.] An Italian idiom or custom; an Italianism.

I-tăl -I-çize, v. t. [Eng. italic; -ize.] To write or print in italic type; to make emphatic or distinct by the use of italics.

Itch -wood, s. [Eng. itch, and wood (q. v.).]
Bot.: Inocarpus vitiensis.

itchy, a. [Eng. itch; y.] Affected with the itch; of the nature of the itch.

"Excess, the scrofulous and itchy plague,
That seizes first the opulent."

Cowper: Task, iv. 582. -ite, suff. [Lat. -ites; Gr. -itēs. (See def.)] I. Ordinary Language:

1. As an adjectival suffix: Of or belonging to, as Danite. 2. As a substantial suffix: One belonging to; as, an Israelite, a man belonging to the people of Israel.

II. Technically:

1. Chem.: A suffix used in chemical terms in the naming of salts. When the name of the acid terminates in -ous, the name of the salt ends in -ite, and the word thus formed is connected by of with the name of the base combined with the acid. Thus from sulphurous acid come sulphites; as, sulphite of sodium, sulphite of barium, &c.

2. Min. A mineral. Remotely it was derived from the Gr. -ites, which is an adjectival termination of or belonging to, and required lithos added, before the meaning stone was supplied. Thus pyrites is=of or on fire, and pyrites lithos, firestone, not simply pyrites, is the mineral which strikes fire, as copper or other pyrites. When the Greek word was transferred to Latin, lithos-stone, was dropped. and pyrites is used by Pliny for (1) flint, (2) a millstone, and (3) iron pyrites, sulphuret of iron. Mineralogists taking the word from Pliny's Latin, and not from Greek, now attach to -ite the signification stone or mineral.

3. Palæont. & Paleo-bot.: Fossil. Used as the English equivalent of -ites in the termination of many genera; as ammonite, the English equivalent of ammonites; belemnite, of belemnites; Nipadites, of Nipa.

4. Petrol.: Formerly ite was used also for rock, but Dana, for discrimination's sake, altered it to -yte. Some still use-ite in place of -yte.

fate, făt, färe, amidst, what, fâll, father; wē, wět, hëre, camel, her, thêre; pine, pit, sïre, sir,

marîne; gō, pot,


1-těm, adv. & s. [Lat.=likewise, also.]

A. As adv.: Likewise, also.

"Item two lips indifferent red; item two gray eyes."

Shakesp.: Twelfth Night, i. 5.

B. As substantive:


i-tin -ĕr-ar-y, s. & a. [Lat. itinerarium=an account of a journey, from *itinero= to travel; iter (gen. itineris)=a journey; Fr. itinéraire; Sp. & Ital. itinerario.]

A. As substantive:

1. A separate article or particular; a single article. the various places to be met with on any particular

"I could have looked on him without the help of admiration, though the catalogue of his endowments had been tabled by his side, and I to peruse him by items."— Shakesp.: Cymbeline, i. 5.

2. A hint, an inuendo.

"If this discourse have not concluded our weakness, I have one item more of mine."-Glanvill.

3. A paragraph of news.

i těm, v. t. [ITEM, adv.] To make a memorandum of; to note.

i-tem-ize, v. t. [Eng. item; -ize.] To specify; to state in items; as, to itemize an account.

it-er-a-ble, a. [Lat. iterabilis, from itero-to repeat; Sp. iterable.] Capable of being iterated or repeated.

"Whereby they had made their acts iterable by sober

hands."-Browne: Miscellanies, tract xi.

it-er-ançe, *It -têr-ançe, s. [Lat. iterans, pr. par. of itero to repeat.] The act of iterating or repeating; iteration.

"What needs this itterance, woman?"-Shakespeare: Othello, v. 2.

It-er-ant, a. [Lat. iterans, pr. par. of itero.] Repeating, iterating.

"Waters being near, make a current echo; but being farther off, they make an iterant echo."-Bacon: Nat. Hist.

It-ĕr-āte, v. t. [Lat. iteratus, pa. par. of itero= to repeat, from iterum=again; Fr. itérer; Span. iterar; Ital. iterare.]

1. To repeat; to utter or say over again.

1. Ord. Lang.: A book of travels; an account of
road or line.

2. Roman Ritual: A form of prayer intended for
the use of clerics when traveling, and, for their con-
venience, placed at the end of the Breviary. The
Itinerary consists of the canticle Benedictus, with
an antiphon, prayer, and two collects.
aries are not found in the older Breviaries; but
Gavantus mentions an ancient Pontifical with an

Itinerary for the use of prelates rather longer than
that at present employed. (Addis & Arnold.)
B. As adj.: Traveling; wandering or passing
from place to place; itinerant.

"It was rather an itinerary circuit of justice than a
progress."-Bacon: Henry VII.

i-tin-ĕr-āte, v. i. [Lat. *itineratum, sup. of itinero.] [ITINERANT.] To pass or go from place to place; to wander.

-i-tis, suff. [Lat. -itis; Gr. -itis.]

Path. Inflammation; as, hepatitis-inflammation of the liver; pericarditis-inflammation of the pericardium.

Its, pron. [See def.] The possessive case of the pronoun it (q. v.).

It-self, pron. [Eng. it, and self.] The neuter
pronoun corresponding to the masculine himself,
and feminine herself.

Itt -nĕr-ite, s. [Named by Gmelin after Von
Ittner, who was the first to describe the mineral.]
Min.: A variety of Haüyne. It occurs massive or
in granular dodecahedrons, is translucent, of a
ous luster. Found in Germany.
It-tri-a, s. [YTTRIA.]
It-tri-um, s. [YTTRIUM.]

"This is the very cause why we iterate the psalms dark blue, ash-gray, or smoky-gray color, and resin

oftener than any other part of Scripture."-Hooker: Eccles. Polity.

2. To do over again, or a second time; to repeat. "Having wiped and cleansed away the soot, I iterated the experiment."-Boyle: Works, iv. 552.

it-er-ate, a. [ITERATE, v.] Repeated. "The sacrament of baptisme ones likewise ministred, and neuer to be iterate."-Bp. Gardner: Explication,

fo. 149.

It ĕr-ate-ly, adv. [Eng. iterate; -ly.] By repetition or iteration.

“Iterately affecting the pourtraits of Enoch, Lazarus, Jonas, &c."-Browne: Urne Burial, ch. iii.

It er å tion, s. [Lat. iteratio, from iteratus, pa. par. of itero-to repeat; Fr. itération; Sp. iterución: Ital. iterazione.]

1. The act of iterating or repeating; repetition. "An iteration of the ones perfited sacrifice on the cross." -Bp. Gardner: Explication, fo. 149.

*2. Allegation, quotation; readiness in quotation.

"Thou hast damnable iteration, and art indeed able to corrupt a saint."-Shakesp.: Henry IV., Pt. I., i. 2.

It ĕr-a tive, a. [Eng. iterat(e); -ive.] Iterating, repeating.

ith y phall-ic, a. & s. [Gr. ithyphallikos=of or pertaining to the ithyphallos, or phallos (membrum virile erectum), carried at the festivals of Bacchus.] A. As adj.: Lewd, lustful, obscene, indecent. B. As subst. (pl.): A lustful, obscene, or amorous

song or poem.

"I omit noticing some edifying Ithyphallics of Savagius."-Byron: Vision of Judgment. (Preface.) i-tin-ĕr-a-cÿ, s. [Eng. itinera(te); -cy.] The act or practice of itinerating.

i-tin -ĕr-an-çỷ, 8. [Eng. itineran(t); -cy.] place, especially in the discharge of official duties; 1. The act or practice of passing from place to the discharge of official duties by itinerating from place to place.

2. A body or number of persons who discharged official duties, not at one fixed place, but by passing from place to place.

i- tin-ĕr-ant, a. & s. [Lat. itinerans, pr. par. of *itinero to travel or journey from place to place; iter (gen. itineris) = a journey from, itum, sup. of eo = to go; Fr. itinérant.]

A. As adj.: Passing or moving from place to place; wandering, strolling, not stationary.

"A lone enthusiast, and among the fields,
Itinerant in this labor."

Wordsworth: Excursion, bk. i. B. As subst.: One who passes or wanders from place to place; a wanderer; a stroller; specif. an itinerant preacher, one who moved from place to place preaching.

1 tin ěrant-lý, adr. [Eng, itinerant; -1] In an itinerant, wandering, or strolling manner. boil,

- cían,

It -zi-bu, it-ze-bu, it-zi-boo, it-che-bo, subst. [Japanese.]


Numis.: A Japanese monetary unit of account.
It is a silver coin, value varying from 32 to 35 cents.
It is a thin oblong plate, with square corners.
use is now dying out, owing to the introduction into
Japan of the decimal system.

i-u-li-dæ, s. pl. [Lat. iul(us) (q. v.); fem. pl.
adj. suff. -ida.]

Zool. A family of Chilognatha (Millipedes). The
body is elongated and cylindrical, with numerous
segments, each bearing two pairs of legs. They ad-
vance with a gliding motion, and roll themselves up
when in danger. They may be seen in mossy situa-
tions or on the trunks of trees. They undergo a
metamorphosis, the larva commencing with only
six feet.

1-ũ-li dăn, s. [Lat. iulid(); Eng. suff. -an.]
Zool.: A myriapod of the family Iulidæ (q. v.).
i-u-li-form, a. [Lat. iulus (q. v.), and forma=
form, shape.]

Entom. Shaped like an iulus (q. v.). The iuli-
form larvæ or caterpillars were considered by
Swainson as the preeminently typical kind.
i-ū-lus, s. [Lat. iulis a kind of millipede; and
iulus a catkin; Gr. ioulos the first growth of the
beard, a catkin, a centipede, or a millipede.]
*1. Bot.: An ament or catkin.

2. Zool. The typical genus of the family Iulide
(v.). The body has from forty to fifty segments,
each with a pair of small legs. One of the American
species is about six inches long.

I'-va, s. [According to Fuschius, an abbreviation

resembled in smell.]
of Lat, abiga Teucrium Iva of Linnæus, which it

Bot.: The typical genus of the sub-tribe Iveæ
(q. v.).

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I-va-a-rīte, s. [From Ivaara, in Finland, where it occurs.]

Min.: A variety of Schorlomite. It is black and opaque, with an adamantine luster.

Iv-a-răn-cũ-gạ, s. [Name in some Indian lan


Bot.: An essential oil, obtained from Andropogon schananthus, an Indian grass.

ive, suff. [See def.] A common adjectival suffix in English, derived from the Latin -ivus; it gives an active force to the stem to which it is suffixed; as motive, that which moves; formative, that which forms, &c.

[blocks in formation]

i-vě æ, s. pl. [Mod. Lat. iv(a); Lat. fcm. pl.
adj. suff. -ec.]
Bot.: A sub-tribe of Composites, tribe Senecion-

[blocks in formation]


I-vied, a. [English ivy; ed.] Covered or overgrown with ivy.

"Each ivied arch and pillar lone
Pleads haughtily for glories gone!"

Byron: Giaour.
i-võr-, *i-vor-ie, *e-ver-y, s. & a. [Old Fr.

ivurie; Fr. ivoire, from Lat. eboreus made of ivory;

ebur (gen. eboris)=ivory; Ital. avorio, avolio.] A. As substantive:

I. Literally:

1. Gen.: The hard material of the teeth; enamel. [DENTINE.]

2. Spec.: The tusks of the elephant, the narwhal, &c. A tusk is simply a huge projecting tooth.)

¶ Ivory was brought from Tarshish by Solomon's ships (1 Kings x. 22). Homer often mentions it. Phidias, B. C. 400, made statues from it, plating them with gold.

II. Fig. (pl.): The teeth. (Slang.)

B. As adj.: Consisting or made of ivory; resem bling ivory.

Vegetable ivory:

Bot., &c.: The albumen of the seeds of a fine palm, Phytelephas macrocarpa, found in South America, along the banks of the river Magdalena. The ivory consists of the coagulated milk.

ivory-black, s.. A species of bone-black made by the calcination of ivory scraps, turnings, and sawdust. It is used as a pigment in the manufacture of paints and printers' ink.

ivory-nut, s. [IVORY-PALM.]
ivory-palm, s.

Bot.: Phytelephas macrocarpa. [IVORY, T.) ivory-paper, 8. A superior kind of pasteboard, with a finely prepared polished surface, used by artists.

ivory-saw, s. A thin saw stretched in a steel frame for sawing ivory from the solid. It has a blade one-fortieth of an inch thick, one inch and a half wide, and fifteen to thirty inches long. The teeth, five or six to the inch. A frame-saw with a blade made of a fine watch-spring is suitable for the purpose.

ivory-shell, s.

Zool.: The molluscous genus Eburna (q. v.). ivory-tablet, s. Small leaves of ivory, arranged in pocket-book form, for receiving memoranda. ivory-white, a.

Bot.: White, verging to yellow, with a little luster, as the flower of Convallaria majalis. (Lindley.) i-võr-y-type, s. [Eng. ivory; -type.]

Phot.: A kind of picture in which two finished photographs are taken, one light in color, made translucent by varnish, tinted on the back, and placed over a stronger picture, so as to give the effect of a photograph in natural colors. Also known as Hellenotype.

I-vy, s. [A. S. ifig; O. H. Ger. ephi, epfi, ephih, ephon N. H. Ger. ephen, eppich, from Lat. apium =parsley.] [APIUM.]


1. Hedera helix, a well-known climbing shrub, adhering to trees or to walls by aerial rootlets; the ordinary leaves are cordate, five-lobed, those of flowering branches ovate or lanceolate; flowers yellowish-green, in umbels, appearing in October and November; berry globose, black, in one variety yellow. Wild in forests, woods, among rocks, &c.; used to train over walls, houses, &c. It is a sudorific, and its berries are emetic.

"Direct the clasping ivy where to climb." Milton: P. L., ix. 217.

2. The genus Hedera (q. v.).

American Ivy is Ampelopsis hederacea; German choma; Coliseum or Kenilworth Ivy, Linaria cymIvy. Senecio mikanoides; Ground Ivy, Nepeta glebalaria; and Poison Ivy, Rhus toxicodendron. ivy-berry, s. The berry of the ivy.

ivy-gum, s. A gum obtained from old ivybushes. Covered or overgrown with

[blocks in formation]

the viscous character of some species (Paxton); cf. also Gr. ixia, ixinē=Carlína gummifera, a composite plant, not the modern ixia.]

aş; expect, Xenophon, exist. ph = f. sin, bel, del. shus. -sious = -ble, dle, &c.


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