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Ir-rě-mū'-nĕr-a-ble, a. [Pref. ir-=in- (2), and Eng. remunerable (q. v.).] Not remunerable; in capable of being remunerated or rewarded. Ir-re-nowned, a. [Pref. ir-in- (2), and Eng. renowned (q. v.).] Not renowned; not celebrated, unrenowned.

ir rep a ra bil-i-ty, s. [Eng. irreparable; -ity.] The state or quality of being irreparable; incapacity or impossibility of repair or recovery.

Ir-rep-a-ra-ble, a. [Fr., from Lat. irreparabilis that cannot be repaired or restored: ir-=in-= not, and reparo to repair (q. v.); Sp. irreparable; Ital. irreparabile.]

1. Incapable of being repaired or remedied; irremediable; incurable.

"Run into the most irreparable and pernicious disor

ders."-Derham: Astro-Theology, bk. vi., ch. i., p. 139. 2. Incapable of being recovered or regained; irretrievable.

"War hath determined us, and foiled with loss Irreparable." Milton: P. L., ii. 331. Ir-rep -a ra ble-ness, s. [English irreparable; ness.] The quality or state of being irreparable. ir-rěp-a-ra-blỹ, adv. [Eng. irreparab(le); -ly.] In an irreparable manner; incurably; irretrievably; beyond recovery or remedy.

"We find such adventures to have sometimes befallen artists irreparably."-Boyle: Works, i. 334.

Ir-re peal-a bil-1 tỷ, s. [Eng. irrepealable; ity.] The quality or state of being irrepealable. Ir-re-peal-a-ble, a. [Pref. ir--in- (2), and Eng. repealable (q. v.).]. Not repealable; incapable of being legally repealed; irrevocable.

"Such are the confidents that ingage their irrepealable

assents."-Glanvill Vanity of Dogmatizing, ch. xxiii.

Ir-re-peal-a-ble-ness, s. [Eng. irrepealable; ness. The quality or state of being irrepealable; irrepealability.

Ir-re-peal-a-blỹ, adv. [Eng. irrepealable); -ly.] So as not to admit or be capable of repeal. Ir-rě pěnt -ançe, s. [Pref. ir-=in- (2), and Eng. repentance (q. v.).] Want of repentance or penitence; impenitence.

"There are some dispositions blameworthy in men, as unchangeableness and irrepentance."-Bp. Hail: Select Thoughts, § 47.

Ir-re-plāçe -a-ble, a. [Pref. ir--in (2), and Eng. replaceable (q. v.).] That cannot be replaced.

"That reserve which is necessary whenever general use of such incomparable and irreplaceable gems of art is advocated."-Atheneum.

Ir-rě-plěv -i-a-ble, a. [Pref. ir-in- (2), and Eng. repleviable (q. v.).]

Law: Incapable of being replevied.

Ir-rě-plěv -iş-a-ble, a. [Pref. ir-in- (2), and Eng. replevisable (q. v.).]

Law: The same as IRREPLEVIABLE (q. v.). ír-rěp-rě-hĕn'-si-ble, a. [Fr., from Lat. irreprehensibilis, from ir-=in-=not, and reprehensibilis =reprehensible (q. v.).] Not reprehensible; free or exempt from blame; blameless.

"Tis irreprehensible in physicians to cure their patient of one disease, by casting him into another less desperate."-Glanvill: Vanity of Dogmatizing, ch. xxii.

ir-rěp-rě hěn si-ble-ness, s. [Eng. irreprehensible; -ness.] The quality or state of being irrep


ir rep rě hĕn-si-bly, adv. [Eng. irreprehensib(le); -ly.] In an irreprehensible manner; so as not to incur blame.

ir-rĕp-re-şĕnt-a-ble, a. [Pref. ir-=in- (2), and Eng. representable (q. v.).] Not representable; incapable of being represented.

"God's irrepresentable nature doth hold against making images of God.”—Stillingfleet.

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Ir-re-press-1-ble, a. [Pref. ir-=in- (2), and Eng. repressible (q. v.).] Not repressible; incapable of being repressed, restrained, or kept under control. Ir-re-press-i-blỹ, adv. [Eng. irrepressib(le); -ly. In an irrepressible manner or degree. ir-re-proach-a-ble, a. [Pref. ir--in- (2), and Eng, reproachable (q. v.).] Not reproachable; not deserving of or calling for reproach or blame; free from reproach or blame; blameless, upright, inno



Ir-rě-proach-a-blỹ, adv. [English irreproachab(le); -ly.] In an irreproachable manner; in a manner beyond reproach or blame; blamelessly; faultlessly.

"From this time, says the monk, the bear lived irreproachably."-Addison: Switzerland. Ir-rě-prôv-a-ble, a. [Fr.] Not deserving or calling for reproof or censure; blameless, unblamable, irreproachable.

and this irreprovable, but also that there is direct evi"Not only all other ways are dangerous and unpassable, dence enough to prove it solid and rational.”—Glanvill: Preexistence of Souls, ch. v.

Ir-re-prôv-a-ble-ness, s. [Eng. irreprovable; -ness.] The quality or state of being irreprovable; freedom from blame, censure, or reproof; blame


Ir-rě-prôv-a-bly, adv. [Eng. irreprovab(le); -ly.] In an irreprovable or irreproachable manner. fir-rĕp-ti-tious, a. [Lat. irrepto, freq. from irrepo to creep in: ir-in-into, and repo-to creep.] Crept in; secretly or privately introduced; surreptitious.

Ir-rep'-u-ta-ble, a. [Pref. ir--in- (2), and Eng. reputable (q. v.).] Not reputable; disreputable. "It's very irreputable for a young woman to gad about to men's lodgings."-Female Tatler, No. 4. Ir-rĕě-sil -i-ent, a. [Pref. ir-=in- (2), and Eng. resilient (q.v.).] Not resilient.

Ir-re-şist-ançe, s. [Pref. ir--in- (2), and Eng, resistance (q. v.).] Forbearance to resist; nonresistance; passive submission or obedience. fir-re-şist-i-bil'-I-ty, s. [Eng. irresistible; -ity.] The quality or state of being irresistible.

osity and irresistibility!"-Lewis: Statius, bk. x. (Note.) "In what bold colors has the Poet drawn his impetuIr-re-şist -I-ble, a. [Pref. ir-in-=(2), and Eng. resisted; incapable of being successfully resisted or resistible (q. v.).] No resistible; that cannot be withstood; superior to opposition or resistance.

"But James supposed that the primate was struck dumb by the irresistible force of reason."-Macaulay: Hist. Eng., ch. vi.

Ir-re-şist -i-ble-ness, s. [English irresistible; -ness.] The quality or state of being irresistible. "For the remoteness, violence, irresistibleness of the blow, are the enemies of the church described by the spear and dart.". "-Bp. Hall: Defeat of Cruelty.

Ir-re-şist -I-bly, adv. [Eng. irresistib(le); -ly.] In an irresistible manner; in a manner or degree not admitting of resistance.

"For irresistibly their power presides In all events, and good and ifl divides." Wilkie: Epigoniad, bk. vii. *Ir-re-şist-less, a. [Pref. ir-in- (intens.), and Eng. resistless (q. v.).] Resistless; incapable of being resisted or withstood; irresistible.

"When beauty in distress appears, An irresistless charm it bears." Yalden: In Allusion to Horace, bk. ii., ode 4. *Ir-reş-o-lu-ble, a. [Pref. ir-=in- (2), and Eng. resoluble (q. v.).],

1. Incapable of being resolved or dissolved; incapable of resolution into parts; indissoluble. "I know it may be here alleged, that the productions of chemical analyses are simple bodies, and upon that account irresoluble."-Boyle: "Works, iv. 74.

2. Incapable of being released or relieved, as from guilt.

"The second is in the irresoluble condition of our souls

after a known sin committed."-Bp. Hall: Cases of Con.

science, dec. 3, case 9.

ir-reş -o-lu-ble-ness, s. [English irresoluble; ness.] The quality or state of being irresoluble; resistance to separation of parts. "Quersetanus has this confession of the irresolubleness of diamonds."-Boyle: Works, i. 514.

ir-rĕş ô-lûte, a. [Pref. ir-in- (2), and English resolute (q. v.).] Not resolute; not firm or constant in purpose; not decided or determined; wavering, hesitating, vacillating, undecided.

"Weak and irresolute is man."

Cowper: Human Frailty.

Ir-reş -o-lûte-ly, adv. [English irresolute; -ly.] In an irresolute, hesitating, or wavering manner;

"His intentions were irreproachable.”—Beattie: On with hesitation. Truth, pt. iii., ch. iii.

For the difference between irreproachable and blameless, see BLAMELESS.

Ir-rě prōach-a-ble-ness, s. [Eng. irreproachable; -ness.] The quality or state of being irreproachable.

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"Between the incompatible objects on which his heart was set, he, for a time, went irresolutely to and fro." Macaulay: Hist. Eng., ch. iv.


ir-rĕş-o-lû-tion, s. [Pref. ir-in- (2), and Eng. resolution (q. v.).] Want of resolution or firmness of purpose; want of decision; indecision; hesitation; fluctuation or wavering of the mind.

"He had by his irresolution forfeited the favor of William."-Macaulay: Hist. Eng., ch. xvii.

ir-rè golv-a-bil-1 tỷ, 8. [Eng. irresolvable; -ity.] The quality or state of being irresolvable. Ir-re-şŏlv-a-ble, a. [Pref. ir--in- (2), and Eng. resolvable (q. v.).] Incapable of being resolved. Ir-re-şŏlv-a-ble-ness, s. [Eng. irresolvable; -ness.] The quality or state of being irresolvable; irresolvability.

*Ir-re-şolved, a. [Pref. ir--in- (2), and Eng. resolved (q. v.).] Not resolved, not settled in opinion, undetermined.

"While a person is irresolved, he suffers all the force of temptation to call upon him."—Stillingfleet: Sermons, vol. iv., ser. 11.

*ir-re golv-ed-lý, ade. [Eng, irresolved; -lu Without settled opinion; hesitatingly, doubtfully. "Divers of my friends have thought it strange to hear me speak so irresolvedly."-Boyle: Works, iii. 198. ir-res-pěct-Ive, a. [Pref. ir-=in- (2), and Eng. respective (q. v.).]

1. Not respective or having regard to circumstances or conditions: regardless of circumstances; not making distinction or difference.

"The execution of that decree

is equally freeand irrespective."-South: Sermons, vol. viii., ser. xiii. *2. Not respectful, not showing respect. "Irreverend and irrespective behavior." — Sir G. C. Lewis. (Annandale.)

Irrespective of is used prepositionally in the sense of not having regard or respect to; leaving other reasons. out of account; as, Irrespective of that, there are

Ir-res-pect'-Ive-ly, adv. [Eng. irrespective; ly.] Without regard to circumstances or condi


ir-rĕs-pir-a-ble, *Ir-res-pïr'-a-ble, a. [Pref. ir-in- (2), and Eng. respirable (q. v.).] Not respirable; not fit for respiration.

ir-rě-spons-i-bil'-I-tỷ, s. [Prefix ir-in- (2), and Eng. responsibility (q.v.).] Want of responsibility; freedom from responsibility.

Ir-rě spons-I-ble, adj. [Prefix ir-=in- (2), and Eng, responsible (q.v.).]

1. Not responsible; not answerable; not liable to be called to account.

2. Not trustworthy; not to be relied on or trusted. Ir-re-spons-I-bly, adv. [Eng. irresponsib(le); -ly.] In an irresponsible manner; so as not to be responsible.

ir-rě-spons'-ive, a. [Pref. ir--in- (2), and Eng. responsive (q.v.).] Not responsive.

ir rě strain-a-ble, adj. [Pref. ir-=in- (2), and English restrainable (q. v.). That cannot be restrained; incapable of restraint.

"Irrestrainable, irresistible, or unalterable."-Prynne: Treachery and Disloyalty, p. 91.

Ir-re-sus-çit-a-ble, a. [Pref. ir-=in- (2), and Eng. resuscitable (q.v.).] Incapable of being resuscitated or revived.


ir-re-sus-çit-a-bly, adv. [English irresuscit ab(le); -ly.] So as not to be capable of resuscitaIr-rě-těn-tive, a. [Prefix ir-=in- (2), and Eng. retentive (q.v.).] Not retentive; not apt to retain; as, an irretentive memory. ir-re-traçe-a-ble, a. [Pref. ir-=in- (2), and Not retraceable; incaEng. retraceable (q. v.).] pable of being retraced.

ir-re-triev -a-ble, a. [Pref. ir--in- (2), and Eng, retrievable (q. v.).] Not retrievable; that cannot be retrieved, recovered, or remedied; irrecoverable, irreparable.


"Unaffected with irretrievable losses."-Rambler, No.

Ir-rě-triev ́-a-ble-ness, s. [Eng. irretrievable; -ness.] The quality or state of being irretrievable. Ir-rě triēv-a-bly, adv. [Eng. irretrievab(le); -ly. In an irretrievable manner; irreparably; irrevocably.

"The danger they were in of being irretrievably lost.” -Sharp: Sermons, vol. v. (Pref.)

Ir-rě-turn-a-ble, a. [Pref. ir-in- (2), and Eng. returnable (q. v.).] Incapable of returning or of being recalled; not to be returned.

"Forth irreturnable flieth the spoken word." ir-reş olûte ness, s. [Eng. irresolute; -ness.] Mirror for Magistrates, p. 429. The quality or state of being irresolute; want of ir-rě-veal-a-ble, a. [Pref. ir-=in- (2), and Eng. firmness of purpose; hesitation, irresolution. revealable (q. v.).] That cannot be revealed. father; wē, wět, here, camel, her, thêre; pine, pit, sïre, sir,

marîne; gō, pot,


Ir-re-veal'-a-bly, adv. [Eng. irrevealab(le); -ly.] So as not to be revealable.

Ir-rev-er-ençe, s. [Fr., from Lat. irreverentia, from irreverens irreverent (q. v.); Sp. irreverencia.]

1. The quality or state of being irreverent; want of reverence or veneration; want of a due regard or respect for the character, position, or authority of a superior; irreverent conduct or actions.

"That is the natural language, the true signification and import of all irreverence."-South: Sermons, vol. ii.,

ser. 3.

2. The quality or state of being disregarded or treated with disrespect.

"The irreverence and scorn the judges were justly in." -Clarendon: Civil War.

*Ir-rev-ĕr-end, a. [Pref. ir--in- (2), and Eng. reverend (q. v.).] Irreverent.

"If any man use immodest speech or irreverend gesture."-Strype: Life of Abp. Grindal, App. bk. ii.

Ir-rev-er-ent, a. [Fr., from Lat. irreverens, from ir--in--not, and reverens, pr. par. of revereor to revere (q. v.); Sp. & Ital. irreverente.]

1. Wanting in reverence or respect toward the Supreme Being, or any superior; having no veneration; disrespectful.

"Witness the irreverent son

Of him who built the ark.”

Milton: P. L., xii. 101.

2. Proceeding from or characterized by irrever. ence; expressive of or displaying a want of reverence or respect.

"Dishonoring the grace by irreverent cavils at the dispensation."-Warburton: Divine Legation, bk. ii., § 4. Ir-rev-er-ent-ly, adv. [Eng. irreverent; -ly.] In an irreverent manner; without due regard or respect.

"To speak irreverently of God, or to scoff at religion." -South: Sermons, vol. viii., ser. 1.

Ir-re-vers -I-ble, a. [Pref. ir-in- (2), and Eng. reversible (q. v.).)

1. Not reversible; incapable of being reversed or turned the opposite way.

2. Incapable of being recalled, repealed, or annulled; irrevocable.

"This rejection of the Jews, as it is not universal, so neither is it final and irreversible."-Jortin: Remarks on Eccl. Hist.

Ir-rě-vērs -I-ble-ness, s. [Eng. irreversible; -ness.] The quality or state of being irreversible. Ir-re-vers-i-blỹ, adv. [Eng. irreversib(le); -ly In an irreversible manner; so as to be irreversible; irrevocably.

"Many myriads of solifidians have stumbled, and fallen irreversibly."-Hammond: Works, i. 462. Ir-rev-o-ca-bil-i-ty, s. [Eng. irrevocable; -ity.] The quality or state of being irrevocable.

Ir-rev-o-ca-ble, *Ir-rev-o-ka-ble, adj. [Fr., from Lat. revocabilis, from ir-in--not, and revocabilis=revocable (q. v.); Sp. irrevocable; Ital. irrevocabile.] Not revocable; incapable of being revoked or recalled; that cannot be reversed, repealed, or annulled; irreversible, unalterable.

"Wrathful Jove's irrevocable doom, Transfers the Trojan state to Grecian hands." Dryden: Virgil's Eneid, ii. 439. Ir-rev-o-ca-ble-ness, s. [English irrevocable; -ness.] The quality or state of being irrevocable. Ir-rev-oc-a-bly, adv. [Eng. irrevocable); -ly.] In an irrevocable manner; in a manner not admitting of repeal or recall; beyond recall.

"I pledge my word, irrevocably past.” Byron: Nisus and Euryalus. *Ir-rev-o-ka-ble, a. [IRREVOCABLE.] *Ir-rev-o-lu-ble, a. [Pref. ir-=in- (2), and Eng. revoluble (q. v.).] That cannot roll or turn round; not revolving; having no rotatory motion. "Progressing the dateless and irrevoluble circle of eternity [they] shall clasp inseparable hands."-Milton: On the Reform, in England, bk. ii.

Ir-rhě-tor'-ic-al, a. [Pref. ir-=in- (2), and Eng. rhetorical (q. v.).] Not rhetorical; unpersuasive. Ir-ri-gāte, v. t. [Latin irrigatus, pa. par. of irrigo to moisten, to irrigate: in-on, upon, and rigo to moisten; Ital. irrigare.]

1. To water, to wet; to fill with a fluid or liquid. "We say that bloud, coming to a part to irrigate it, is at length transmuted into the nature of that part."-Digby: Of Bodies, ch. xxiv.

2. To moisten.

"Their frying blood compels to irrigate

Their dry-furred tongues."

J. Philips: Cider, bk. ii.


I. Ord. Lang.: In the same sense as II. 1.
II. Technically:

1. Agric. The act of watering land by causing a stream to flow and spread over it.

"This way of irrigation may by a cheap and easy mechanical contrivance be very much improved." -Boyle: Works, iii. 447.

Millions of acres of land in the Western States have been reclaimed and fitted for cultivation by means of irrigation, and there exists a United States statute fixing a price of 25 cents per acre on all lands so reclaimed, provided record of entry of them, under the "Desert Lands Act," is made at the nearest United States land office.

2. Med. The art or operation of making water trickle over an inflamed wound or other portion of the body morbidly affected.

*Ir-rig-u-ous, a. [Latin irriguus=irrigating, from irrigo to irrigate; Ital. irriguo.] 1. Watery, watered.

"The flow'ry lap Of some irriguous valley spread her store." Milton: P. L., iv. 255. 2. Penetrating gently, as water into the earth. "Rash Elpenor thought To exhale his surfeit by irriguous sleep." Philips: Cider, bk. ii. *Ir-riş-1-ble, a. [Pref. ir-=in- (2), and Eng. risible (q.v.).] Not risible; not capable of laughter. Ir-ri-şion, s. [Fr., from Lat. irrisionem, acc. of irrisio=a laughing at, from irrisus, pa. par. of irrideo to laugh at: in--at, and rideo to laugh; Sp. irrision; Ital. irrisione.] The act of laughing at or mocking another; mockery, derision.

"Then he againe, by way of irrision, Ye say very true indeed."-P. Holland: Suetonius, p. 212. Ir-rit-a-bil-1-tỷ, s. [Fr. irritabilité, from Lat. irritabilitatem, acc. of irritabilitas, from irritabilis

irritable (q. v.); Sp. irritabilidad; Ital. irritabilità.]

I. Ord. Lang. The quality or state of being irritable or easily provoked or irritated; susceptibility to irritation; petulance.

"During some hours his gloomy irritability kept his servants, his courtiers, even his priests, in terror."Macaulay: Hist. Eng., ch. xxi.

II. Technically:

1. Anat. (of a muscle): Vital contractibility, the the application of a stimulus. It varies in duration property of visibly contracting, even after death, on according to the muscle irritated. The right auricle has been found irritable for sixteen and a half hours after death. A voluntary muscle has been found irritable twenty-four hours after death. The great physiologist Albert Von Haller directed much attention to the subject of irritability.

2. Bot.: Excitability of an extreme character, in which an organ exhibits movements different from those commonly met with in plants. Its known causes are three-atmospheric pressure, spontaneous motion, and the contact of other bodies. Thus plants sleep, the compound leaves, where such exist, folding together; so also the sensitive plant shrinks from touch.

3. Pathol. (of any organ): Morbid excitement or excitability, often with pain. Thus there may be irritability of the bladder.

Ir-rit-a-ble, a. [Fr., from Lat. irritabilis, from irrito to irritate (q. v.); Sp. irritable; Ital. irritabile.]

1. Ordinary Language:


Ir-rit-ant (1), a. & s. [Fr., from Lat. irritans (genit. irritantis), pr. par. of irrito-to provoke, to enrage, stimulate, incite, or excite.]

A. As adj.: Exciting irritation; producing excite ment; causing pain, heat, or tension by mechanical injuries, chemical action. &c.

B. As substantive:

1. Pharmacy:

(1) Sing. That which produces irritation or excitement of any muscle, nerve, or other organ or part of the body.

(2) Pl.: Garrod makes Irritants the first order of his second division, that of external remedies. He includes under it three groups-(1) Rubefacients, (2) Epispastics, Vesicants, or Blistering Agents, and (3) Pustulants.

2. Toxicology: An irritant poison (q.v.).

Pure irritant: A poison producing inflamma. tion without corrosive action on the tissues. irritant-poison, 8.

Toxicol.: A poison which produces inflammation with or without corrosive action on the tissues, as arsenic, mercury, or other mineral poisons. Ir-rit-ant (2), a. [Lat. irritans, pr. par. of irrito to invalidate: in--not, and ratus=ratified, valid.] Rendering null and void; invalidating. irritant-clause, s.

Scots Law: A clause in a deed declaring null and void certain specified acts if they are done by the party holding under the deed. It is supplemented by the resolutivo clause.

Ir-ri-tāte (1), v. t. & i. [Lat. irritatus, pa. par. of irrito to irritate.] A. Transitive:

I. Ordinary Language:

1. To excite, to stir up, to inflame. "Dydde with vncleane motions or countynances irritate the myndes of the dauncers."-Sir 1. Elyot: The Governor, bk. i., ch. xix.

2. To excite heat, redness, and inflammation in; to inflame, to fret; as, to irritate a sore.

3. To excite anger or displeasure in; to vex, to annoy, to exasperate.

"The persecution which the separatists had under.. gone had been severe enough to irritate, but not severe enough to destroy."-Macaulay: Hist. Eng., ch. i.

4. To give greater force or energy to; to increase; to heighten."

burn more fiercely."-Bacon. "Air, if very cold, irritateth the flame, and maketh it

5. To excite, to heat, to stimulate.

"Cold maketh the spirits vigorous, and irritateth them."--Bucon.

II. Technically:

1. Physiol. To excite irritation in; to excite the irritability of. [IRRITABILITY.]

2. Pathol.: To cause morbid excitement in. B. Intrans.: To excite, to heat, to inflame. "Music too is tempered by the law; Still to her plan subservient melts in notes, Which cool and soothe, not irritate and warm." Glover: Leonidas, bk. ii. *Ir-ri-tāte (2), v. t. [Lat. irritatus, pa. par. of irrito to invalidate; ir-in-=not, and ratus-rati fied, valid.] To invalidate; to make of none effect; to render null and void.

*Ir-ri-tāte, adj. [IRRITATE (1), v.] Excited, heightened, inflamed."

1. Easily irritated or exasperated; petulant, fret- violent and irritute."-Bacon: Nat. Hist.

"When they are collected, the heat becometh more


"His irritable and imperious nature was constantly impelling him to quarrel with both."-Macaulay: Hist. Eng., ch. xvii.

2. Susceptible of being worked into a heat or painfulness; as, an irritable sore.

II. Technically:

1. Anatomy:

(1) Gen.: Čapable of being acted upon with effect by stimuli.

(2) Spec. (of muscles): Capable of contracting under the influence of stimuli. [IRRITABILITY, 11. 1.] 2. Bot.: Capable of being excited to motion under the influence of certain stimuli.

Ir-rit-a-ble-ness, s. [Eng. irritable; -ness.] The quality or state of being irritable; irritability, Ir-rit-a-bly, adv. [Eng. irritab(le); -ly.] In an irritable manner; with irritation.

ir-rit-an-ç (1), s. [Eng. irritant (1); -cy.]

3. To water, as land, by causing a stream to flow The quality or state of being irritant or irritating. and spread over it.

ir-ri-ga-tion, s. [Lat. irrigatio, from irrigatus, pa. par. of irrigo=to irrigate (q. v.) ; Fr. irrigation; Ital. irrigazione.]

boil, boy; pout, jowl; cat,

Ir-rit-an-ç (2), s. [Eng. irritan(t) (2); -cy.] Scots Law: The quality or state of being irritant or of no force or effect; the state of being null and void.

çell, chorus, chin, bench; go,

ir-ri tā -tion, s. [Fr., from Lat. irritationem, accus. of irritatio, from irritatus, pa. par. of irrito = to irritate (1); Sp. irritacion; Ital. irritazione.] I. Ordinary Language:

1. The act of irritating, provoking, exasperating, or vexing.

2. The state of being irritated; anger, vexation, annoyance, exasperation.

3. The act of exciting heat or inflammation. of the stomach, bowels, and other parts will, by that irri "It will often happen, that the fibres or motive organs tation, be brought to contract themselves vigorously."Boyle: Works, v. 212.

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gem; thin, this;



Ir-ri-ta-tive, a. [Eng. irritat(e); -ive.]

1. Serving or tending to irritate or excite. 2. Accompanied with or produced by increased action or irritation; as, an irritative fever.

*ir-ri-tā tōr-y, a. [Eng. irritat(e); -ory.] Irritating; causing irritation.

"By reason either of some passion or of some irritatory and troublesome humor in his behavior."-Hale; Rem. Erring Christians.

*ir-rite', v. t. [Fr. irriter, from Lat. irrito-to irritate (1). To irritate, to exasperate, to influence, to provoke. "Irriting and provoking men unto anger."-Grafton: Edw. V. (an. 1).

ir-rör-āte, v. t. [Latin irroratus, pa. par. of irroro, from ir--in--on, upon, and roro to distill dew; ros (genit. roris) = dew.] To moisten with dew; to bedew.

*Ir-rör-a-tion, subst. [IRRORATE.] The act of bedewing; the state of being bedewed.

Ir-ru-bric-al, a. [Pref. ir-in- (2), and Eng rubrical (q. v.).] Not rubrical; not according to the rubric.

*Ir-rû-gāte, v. t. [Latin irrugatus, pa. par. of irrugo: in (intens.), and rugo to wrinkle.] To


Ir-rupt -ěd, adj. [Latin irruptus, pa. par. of irrumpo to break into: in--in, into, and rumpo= to break.] Broken violently and with great force.

Ir-ruption, 8. [Fr., from Latin irruptionem, accus. of irruptio, from irruptus, pa. par. of irrumpo; Sp. irrupcion; Ital. irruzione.]

1. A breaking in; a bursting in; an attack.

"With terrible irruption bursting o'er The marble cliffs." Falconer: Shipwreck, iii. 2. A sudden invasion or incursionin to a country; an inroad.

fir-rupt -ive, a. [Lat. irrupt(us), pa. par. of irrumpo; Eng. adj. suff. -ive.] Rushing or bursting in or upon.

Ir-ving-ites, s. pl. [For etym. see def.] Ecclesiol. & Ch. Hist.: The followers of the Rev. Edward Irving, who was born at Annan, Scotland, on August 15, 1792; in 1819 became assistant to the celebrated Dr. Chalmers, in St. John's Church, Glasgow; in July, 1823, was chosen pastor of a small Scottish Presbyterian congregation in London, and attracting thither crowds of eminent people, had built for him a fine church in Regent Square, to which he removed in 1829. On October 16, 1831, the gift of speaking in unknown tongues was alleged to have been bestowed upon some people, most of them females, in his congregation, the same phenomenon having arisen on a limited scale before in Glasgow. Irving believed that the miracle recorded in Acts ii. 4-11 had occurred again, and that Pentecostal times had returned. The more sober minded of his flock and his ministerial brethren thought differently, and were strongly influenced by the consideration that no human being of any national ity recognized the new tongue as his own. Irving's views regarding the human nature of Christ were also deemed erroneous. On May 3, 1832, it was decided that Mr. Irving was unfit to retain the pastorate of Regent Square Church, and on March 15, 1833, the Presbytery of Annan, which had licensed him as a preacher, deposed him from the ministry. He died December 8, 1834. His followers are often popularly termed Irvingites, but the official designation of the denomination which he founded is the Holy Apostolic Church. They use a liturgy framed in 1842 and enlarged in 1853. They have an altar on which candles are lit, and they burn in cense (q. v.). As church officers they have apostles, angels, prophets, &c.

Is, v. [See def.] The third person sing., pres. indic. of the substantive verb to be. It represents the Sansc. asti, Goth. ist, Lat. est, Gr. esti. Is-, pref. [Iso-.]

iş-a-běl, s. [From Isabelle. Generally referred to Isabelle of Austria, daughter of Philip II. of Spain, and wife of Archduke Albert of Austria, who, in A. D. 1601, made a vow not to change her linen until her husband had taken Ostend, which he was besieging. The town, however, held out till A. D. 1604, by which time her linen had assumed a dingy hue.] A pale brownish-yellow color, dull yellow with a mixture of gray and red.

isabel-bear, s. [ISABELLINE-BEAR.] isabel-color, isabella-color, s. The same as ISABEL (q. v.). iş-a-běl'-line, a. [Modern Latin isabellinus.] [ISABEL.]

isabelline-bear, s.

[ocr errors]

Zool.: Ursus isabellinus, a lighter variety of the Syrian bear. It is of a yellowish-brown color, but the hue varies according to the season of the year.

fate, făt, färe, amidst, what, fâll,


It is found in the Himalaya Mountains, and feeds chiefly on vegetables. Called also the Indian White Bear.

is-ǎb-nor -mal, s. [Pref. is-, and Eng. abnormal (q; v.).] Meteor. (pl.): Deviations from mean tempera


tis-a-del-phous, a. [Pref. is-; Gr. adelphos=a brother, and Eng. suff. -ous.] Bot. (of a diadelphous flower): Having the two "brotherhoods" or bundles of stamens equal. tīs -a-gōge, tis-a-gogue, s. [Gr. eisagögë=(1) (Gen.) a bringing in; (2) (Law) a bringing of cases into court; (3) (Rhet.) an introduction, an elementary treatise. [ISAGOGICS.]

Rhet., Theol., &c.: An introduction to the study of a department of thought.

is-a-gog ́-ic, I-să-goġ -ic-al, a. [Lat. isagogicus; Gr. eisagogikos = introductory; eisagōgé an introduction: eis into, and agoge a leading; ago = to lead.]

Theol., Rhet., &c.: Introductory. (J. A. Alexander.)

is-a-gog -Ics, s. [ISAGOGIC.]

investigations regarding the sacred books, &c., Theol., &c.: Introduction (q. v.); the preliminary before reaching hermeneutics and exegesis. I ́-să-gồn, s. [Gr. isos equal, and gōnia=an angle; Fr. isagone.]

Math.: A figure whose angles are equal. Ï-sā -I-ah, Īs-a-iah (i as y), s. [Heb. Yesha. yahu the salvation of Jehovah, i. e., the salvation effected by Jehovah; Gr. Hesaias.]

Script. Hist.: One of the greatest of the Hebrew prophets. He was the son of Amos, whom some of the fathers supposed to be the prophet Amos, the names being identical in Greek; in Hebrew, however, they are different, the prophet being Amos, and Isaiah's father Amots. As in the vision recorded in Isaiah vi., the prophet is represented as being in the court which none but the descendants of Aaron might enter, he was perhaps a priest. He was born probably between B. C. 788 and 783. He married a woman to whom, as to him, prophetic gifts were given (Isa. viii. 3). One of his sons was called Shear-jashub-a remnant returns, or a remnant will return (vii. 3); another Maher-shalal-hash-baz= hasten to the spoil, quickly carry off the prey. Isaiah exerted great influence at the court of Jerusalem under Ahaz, and yet more under Hezekiah. He was contemporary with Amos, Hosea, Micah, and perhaps with Joel. Besides his prophecies, he wrote also biographies or histories of Uzziah (2 Chron. xxvi. 22), and Hezekiah (xxxii. 32). Tradition says that he was sawn asunder by order of King Manasseh, his tragic fate, it is supposed, being alluded to in Heb. xi. 37. [1]

The Prophecies of Isaiah:

Scripture Canon: The first and most important of
the prophetic books. It is headed "The vision of
Isaiah, the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning
Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah;
Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, Kings of Judah.' If
chapter vi. is chronologically the earliest of any,
and describes his first call to the prophetic office,
his utterances would commence in B. C. 758, 757, or
756. If the prophecies are arranged in the order of
time, then chapters i.-v. would belong o an earlier
period. Omitting these writings of uncertain date,
the next utterances are in the reign of Ahaz, none
apparently belonging to the sixteen
years of
Jotham's reign, He continued at least till the
fourth year of King Hezekiah, B. C. 712, a period of
44 to 46 years. This is the minimum span of his
prophecies; the maximum is much greater.
The book naturally divides itself into three parts:
(1) chapters x. to xxxv., the earlier prophecies; (2)
ch. xxxvi. to xxxix., an historic appendix or inter-
calation; and (3) ch. xl. to lxvi. the later proph-
ecies. The standpoint in this third section is that
of the Babylonian captivity, and Cyrus, who set
the two tribes free, is mentioned by name (xliv. 28,
xlv. 1). Hence Koppe (A. D. 1779-1781) supposed
a second author, a view adopted by Doderlein,
Eichhorn, Justi, Paulus De Wette, Gesenius, Ewald,
and nearly all rationalistic critics. On the other
hand Hengstenberg, Havernick, Keil, &c., have
maintained the integrity of Isaiah. Viewed as a
poetic composition the book of Isaiah exhibits
genius of a very high order. There are numerous
quotations from or references to Isaiah in the New
Testament, ch. liii. and other prophecies (vii. 14; ix.
1, 2; liii. 4; lxiii. 1-3) being considered Messianic
and applied to Jesus. Hence Jerome considered
that Isaiah should rather be called an evangelist
than a prophet, and he is frequently called the fifth

Isaiah i. 9 Rom. ix. 29; vi. 9, 10 Mat. xiii. 14, 15. Acts

xxviii. 25-27; vii. 14 Mat. i. 22, 23; viii. 14 Rom. ix. 33;
ix. 1, 2-Mat. iv. 14-16; x. 22-Rom. ix. 27, 28; xl. 3 Mat.
iii. 3, Mark i. 3; xlii. 1-3-Mat. xlii. 17-20; xliv. 25-1 Cor.
i. 19, 20; liii. 1.Rom. x. 16; liii. 4= Mat viii. 17; liii. 7-8
camel, her, thêre;
wē, wět, here,


Acts viii. 32-35; lv. 3=Acts xiii. 34; lvi. 7-Mat. xxi. 13; xi. 1-3=Luke iv. 17-21; lxv. 1, 2 Rom. x. 20-21; lxv. 17= 2. Pet. iii. 13; lxvi. 24-Mark ix. 43-48.

is-ǎl-lyl-ene, s. [Eng. is (atis); allyl, and suff.


isomeric with allylene, prepared by the electrolysis Chem.: CH2CCH2. A gaseous hydrocarbon, of potassic itaconate. It combines directly with bromine, forming a crystalline isallylene tetrabromide, CH Br CBr CH Br. It gives no precipitate with ammoniacal solutions of silver salts.

is-ăm -ic, a. [Eng., &c., is(atis); am(monia), and suff. ic.] (See the compound.) isamic-acid, s.

Chem.: CH13N3O4. Imasatic acid. Produced by the action of warm ammonia on isatine. It crystallizes in glistening rhombic plates of the color of red iodide of mercury, which are slightly soluble in boiling water, forming a bright yellow solution, but very soluble in hot alcohol and in ether. It dissolves in hydrochloric acid with a beautiful violet color, but is violently attacked by bromine, forming indelibrome C16HsBr4N3O3. By boiling with dilute acids it is decomposed into ammonia and isatine. Ammonium isamate, C16H12(NH4) N3O4, crystallizes in microscopic needles. Potassium isand may be boiled without decomposing. amate, C16H12KN304, is a very stable compound,

is-ăm -ide, s. [Eng., &c., is (atis), and amide.] Chem.: C16H14N4O3. Amasatin. A bright yellow powder produced by heating ammonium isamate till water is driven off, and washing the residue with water. It is insoluble in water and ether, but moderately soluble in boiling alcohol containing ammonia.

is-ǎp-os-tŏl-Ic, a. [Pref. is (q. v.), and Eng. apostolic. Cf. also Gr. isapostolos.]

1. (Of persons): Equal in sanctity or devotedness or in success to the apostles..

2. Of laws or customs: As binding on the Christian conscience as if they had been instituted by apostles.

i-sär-I-a, s. [From Gr. isos equal to, the same as; fem. sing. adj. suff. -aria.]

Bot.: The typical genus of the sub-order Isariacei (q. v.). It consists of filamentous molds, parasitic, some on insects, especially Hymenoptera, on dead pupa, spiders' nests, and partly upon various vegetable substances. (Berkeley.)

i-sär-I-ĕ-i (pl. i-sär-1-ā-çe-i), s. [Mod. Lat. isaria; Lat. mas, pl. adj. suff -ei, -acei.]

Bot.: A sub-order of Hyphomycetous fungi. The fertile threads are compacted, and have deciduous pulverulent spores at their free apices. British genera, Isaria, Anthina, and Ceratium.

I-sǎs-træ-a, s. [Pref. is-, and Mod. Lat. astraa (2) (q. v.).]

Paleont.: A genus of fossil Actinozoa, family Astræida. It is from the Oolite.

is-a-tăn, s. [Eng., &c., isat(is);-an.] by boiling disulphisatyde with acid ammonium Chem.: C16H12N2O3. A white compound produced sulphate. It dissolves in boiling alcohol, and deWhen strongly heated it yields a mixture of isatine posits on cooling in the form of rectangular crystals. and indine. Boiling nitric acid decomposes it, with the formation of a violet powder, somewhat resembling nitrindin.

is-a-tāte, s. [Eng., &c., isat (is): -ate (Chem.).] Chem.: A salt of isatic-acid (q. v.).

i-sǎt-ic, a. [Eng., &c., isat (is); -ic.] See the compound.

isatic-acid, s. By boiling a solution of potassium isatine, it is converted into potassic isatate, CH6N KO3, which, on the addition of plumbic acetate, gives a precipitate of plumbic isatate. When this is suspended in water, decomposed with sulphureted hydrogen, and the filtrate evaporated in vacuo, a white flocculent deposit of isatic acid or trioxindol is obtained. Ammonium isatate is capable of existing only in solution. Barium isatate, CsH6BaNO3, produced by the action of baryta water on isatine, crystallizes in scales. The silver salt, C3H6AgNO3, crystallizes in fine yellow prisms, which are very soluble in water. Isatic acid unites with bromine and chlorine forming bromisatic and chlorisatic acids.

i-sǎt-i-dæ, s. pl. [Lat. isat (is); fem. pl. adj. suff.-ido.] Bot.: A family of Brassicaceae, tribe Notorhizes. is-a-tine, subst. [Eng., &c., isati(s); -ine.] Obtained by suspending finely powdered indigo in three times its weight of boiling water, and adding gradually nitric acid of specific gravity 1:35 until the blue color has disappeared. On cooling, crude isatine is deposited, and may be purified by dissolying in potash, precipitating with hydrochloric acid, and crystallizing from alcohol. It crystallizes in the form of brilliant yellowish-red prisms, which pine, pit, sïre, sir, marîne; gỗ, pot, æ, œ = ē; ey = ā. qu = kw.

or, wöre, wolf, work, whô, son; müte, cub, cüre, unite, cũr, rûle, füll; try, Syrian.


dissolve readily in boiling water, in alcohol, and in ether. It may also be produced synthetically by the action of oxidizing agents on amido-oxindol, or by the reduction of orthonitro-phenyl glyoxalic acid in alkaline solution. Isatine does not unite with acids, but rather plays the part of an acid. It dissolves in potassic hydrate, forming a dark violetcolored solution of potassium isatine, which, on addition of argentic nitrate, gives carmine-red crystals of argentic isatine, CHINO Ag. It also yields crystalline compounds, with alkaline hydric sulphites. Boiling with concentrated nitric acid, it is converted first into nitro-salicylic acid, and finally into trinitro-phenol. When strongly heated, isatine fuses and sublimes in part unchanged.

is-a-tis, s. [Lat. isatis, from Gr. isatis a plant, Isatis tinctoria (?), producing a dark dye-wood. (Def.)]

Bot.: Wood. The typical genus of the Cruciferous family Isatida (q. v.). It consists of tall, erect, annual or biennial branched herbs, with equal sepals and one-celled indehiscent pods, oblong, ovate, or orbicular, thickened in the middle, the wing or margin very broad. Species twenty-five to thirty.


i-sa-to-sul-phür-ic, a. [Eng. isat (is); o connective and Eng. sulphuric.] (See the compound.) isatosulphuric-acid, s.

Chem.: C&H NO2 SO3. Prepared by boiling indigo-carmine with sulphuric acid, and decolorizing by means of acid chromate of potassium. On adding nitrate of potassium to the hot filtered solution, potassium isatosulphate is deposited in the form of a brownish-yellow sandy powder. By dissolving this powder in hot baryta water, and decomposing the barium salt formed, with an equivalent quantity of sulphuric acid, isatosulphuric acid is obtained in the free state. It is a strong acid, separat ing even some of the mineral acids from their salts. When evaporated in vacuo, it yields a yellow, silky, crystalline mass, which does not alter on exposure to the air. It is soluble in water, slightly soluble in alcohol, but insoluble in ether and in benzene. It forms two classes of salts, monobasic and dibasic, the former of which are very stable compounds, retaining their water of crystallization till heated above 100°.

is-a-trop-ic, a. [Eng., &c., is (atis), and atropic.] (See the compound.)

isatropic-acid, s.

Chem.: An acid isomeric with cinnamic acid, obtained together with atropic acid by heating tropic acid with hydrochloric acid. It crystallizes in thin rhombic plates, which are slightly soluble in water. It melts at 200°, and is not oxidized by chromic acid.

I-sa-tyde, s. [Eng. isat (ine); suff. -yde (Chem.) (q.v.).)

Chem.: C16H12N2O4. A white crystalline powder produced by the action of nascent hydrogen, evolved from zinc and hydrochloric acid, on isatine. It is insoluble in water, but slightly soluble in boiling alcohol and ether, from which it separates, on cooling, in microscopic scales. It softens when heated, changing to a violet brown; at a higher temperature it suffers partial decomposition. Isatyde bears the same relation to isatin that indigo-white bears to indigo-blue.

*isch, v. i. [O. Fr. issir, from Lat. exeo, from ex=out, and eo to go.] To issue; to come or go out. is cha-mi-a, s. [Mod. Lat., from Gr. ischaimos =staunching blood; ischo-to hold, check, or curb, and haima=blood.]

Pathol.: This affection of the discs of the eye is caused by distension of the ophthalmic veins, as in meningitis and hydrocephalus; if extreme, the optic nerves suffer considerable destruction, and become atrophied. This condition is described by Von Graefe as "obstruction at the cavernous sinus, with concurrent action of the sclerotic ring."

Is-chi-ǎd-ic, is-chi-ad-ick, a. [Greek ischion, isr hindikos; Fr. ischiadique.]. In anatomy, an epithet applied to the crural vein; in pathology, the ischiadick passion is the gout in the hip, or the sciatica. (Harris.)

is-chi-ǎg-ra, 8. [Gr. ischion=the hip joint, and agra-hunting, catching, seizure.]

Path.: Gout situated in the hip joint; sciatica. Is-chi-al, a. [Mod. Lat. ischi (um) (q. v.); Eng. suff. -al.]

Anat. & Path.: Of or belonging to the ischium or hip joint; ischiadic, ischiatic. Is-chi-ǎl-ġi-a, s. [Gr. ischion and algos=pain.]

Path. Pain in the hip joint.

= the hip joint,

; pout, jowl; cat, çell,
= shan.


Is-chi-at-ic, a. [ISCHIADIC.]

Is-chi-ǎt-o-çêle, is-chi-o-çele, s. [Eng., &c.,
ischiati(c), and Gr. kele tumor.]
Surg. Hernia or rupture through the sacro-sciatic
ligaments; a rupture between the os sacrum and
the tuberosity of the os ischium.

is-chi-o-, pref. [Gr. ischion=the hip joint.]
Anat., &c.: Of or belonging to the hip joint.]
ischio-capsular, a.

isethionic-acid, s.


Chem.: This acid, which is isomeric with sulphovinic acid, was discovered by Magnus in 1833. It is obtained most readily by adding sulphuric anhydride to anhydrous ether, cooled by a mixture of ice and salt. The resulting thick, oily liquid is diluted with water, boiled for several hours in order to decompose the ethionic acid, and then saturated with baric carbonate. The liquid, filtered at the boiling point, yields, first crystals of baric methionate, and afterward, on further evaporation,

Anat.: Pertaining to the hip joint and capsular. baric isethionate (HO'CH2 CH2 SO2 O) 2Ba. There is an ischio-capsular ligament. ischio-cavernous, a.


Anat.: Pertaining to the hip joint and cavernous. isethionates, which can be prepared by decompos-
There is an ischio-cavernous muscle.

ischio-rectal, a.

Anat.: Pertaining to the rectum and to the hip
joint. There is an ischio-rectal fossa.
Is-chi-o'-dus, is-chy-o'-dus, s. [Greek ischys=
strength, and odous a tooth.]
Palæont.: A genus of Chimæridæ, found in the
Secondary and Tertiary deposits.

Is-chi-um, s. [Gr. ischion the hip joint.]
Anat. & Zool.: One of the bones in the pelvic
arch in vertebrated animals. It forms the posterior
and inferior part of the os innominatum, and
bounds the obturator foramen in the lower half of
its extent.

[blocks in formation]

1. Thinness of voice.
2. Stuttering.

decomposing the baric salt with sulphuric acid, and evaporating the filtrate, isethionic acid is obtained in the form of deliquescent needles. The ing the baric salt with solutions of the respective metallic sulphates, are all soluble in water, and slightly soluble in alcohol. They crystallize well, and often can be heated to 350° without decomposition. Ammonium isethionate, C2H5(NH4) SO4, crystallizes in well-defined octahedrons, which do not lose weight at 120°. Potassic isethionate, C2H5K SO4, forms rhomboidal prisms, which melt between 300 and 350°. The copper salt, CH,CuSO4, forms pale-green prisms with rhombic base; at 140° to 150° it turns white, and gives off twenty per cent. of water of crystallization.


-ish, suff. [See def.]

1. An adjectival suffix, representing A. S. -isc, ysc, Dan. -isk, Ger. -isch, Fr. -esque partaking of the nature of, as fool, foolish, Dane, Danish, &c. Suffixed to adjectives, it lessens the signification, as white, whitish somewhat white; sweet, sweetish= rather sweet.

2. As a verbal suffix it is derived from the Latin inchoative suffix -esc, as in floresco-to begin to flower or flourish, from floreo-to flourish. It is the French, and which retain the influence of that suffix in some of their tenses, as finir, finissant, Eng. finish; punir, punissant, Eng. punish, &c.

Is-chu-rět -ic, a. & s. [Lat. ischur (ia); English generaly found in verbs which have come through suff. -etic.]


A. As adj.: Having the quality of mitigating or removing ischuria.

B. As subst.: A medicine fitted to mitigate or remove ischuria.

Is-chür'-I-a, is-chu-ry, s. [Lat., from Greek ischouria: ischo-to hold or curb, and ouron-urine.] Pathol.: Suppression of urine occurs sometimes in teething, in hysteria, or some morbid conditions of the blood, and is accompanied with pain, often severe. Less complete suppression is called retention of urine, and the local sufferings are more

-sion =

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Is-chyr-o-my-1-dæ (yr as ir), s. pl. [Mod.
Lat. ischyromys (q. v.); Lat. fem. pl. adj. suff.
Palaeont.: A family of Rodentia containing only
one species of Ischyromys (q. v.).
Is-chyr-o-mys (yr as ïr), s. [Gr. ischyros=
strong, and mys a mouse.]

Paleont.: The typical genus of the family Ischyr-
omyidae (q.v.). It is known only by a North Ameri-
can fossil rodent, Ischyromys typus, described by
Dr. Leidy from remains found by Dr. Hayden in
Miocene deposits in the "Bad Lands" of Wyoming.
It resembles the Musk Rat, but has closer affinity
to the Squirrels, and certain resemblances to the

I'şe, phr. [See def.] Scotch and Yorkshire for "I shall."

"Never fear, I'se be caution for them-I'se gie you my

personal warrandice."-Scott: Waverley, ch. lxvi.

i-ser-ine, i'-ser-ite, s. [So named from having been found near the river Iser (the "Iser rolling rapidly" of Campbell's "Hohenlinden"), and suffs. -ine, -ite (Min.) (q. v.).]

Min.: Isometric titanic iron, in the form of iron sand. Color, iron-black passing into brownishblack. Composition: Titanic acid, 13.20-57:19; sesquioxide of iron, 15-67-63:00; protoxide of iron, 17.79-31 10; magnesia, 1'94-8'62.

i-ser-ite, s. [ISERINE.]

i-ser'-ti-a, s. [Named after P. E. Isert, a Ger-
man surgeon in the Danish service at Accra.]
Bot.: The typical genus of the family Isertide
(q. v.). It consists of shrubs or small trees with
scarlet flowers, from Central America.

I-ser-ti-dæ, s. pl. [Mod. Lat. isert (a); Lat.
fem. pl. adj. suff. -ida.]

Bot.: A family of Cinchonaceae, tribe Cinchones. is-e-thi-on-Ic, a. [Eng., &c., is (atis); ethion (e), and suff. -ic.]

Ish, ische, s. [A corruption of issue (q. v.).] Issue; liberty or right of going in and out. Ish and entry:

Scots Law: A term in a charter implying a right to all ways and passages, in so far as they may be necessary to kirk and market, through the adjacent grounds of the grantor, who is by the clause laid under that burden.

Ish-ma-el-ite s. [From Ishmael, Heb. Ishmael; Sept. Ismael; suff. -ite.]

I. Literally:

1. A descendant of Ishmael (Gen. xvi. 12). 2. An Ismaelian (q. v.)

II. Fig.: One resembling Ishmael, whose hand was against every man and every man's hand against him; one at war against society.

Ish-ma-el-it ish, a. [Eng. Ishmaelit(e); -ish.] Like Ishmael; like an Ishmaelite.

I-si-ǎc, a. [Lat. Isiacus.] Of or pertaining to Isis.

Isiac-table, s. A spurious Egyptian monument, consisting of a plate of copper bearing a representation of most of the Egyptian deities with Isis in the center, said to have been found by a soldier at the siege of Rome, in 1525.

1-sid-1-næ, s. pl. [Lat. Isis (genit. Isidis), from Gr. Isis.] [Isis.

Zool. & Palæont.: A sub-family of Gorgonidae. The axis is flexible, horny, and only partly calca


Paxton derive it from Gr. isos equal, in allusion I-sid-i-um (pl. I-sid -i-a), s. [Loudon and to the small difference existing between the podetia and the substance of the frond. May it not be from Isis, Isidis, and Gr. eidos-form?]

1. A genus (?) of Crustaceous Lichens, Isidium westringii, is used in dyeing. (Lindley, &c.) 2. A corolla-like elevation of the thallus of a lichen bearing a globule at its end. (Treas. of Bot.) I'-sid-oid, a. [Lat. Isis (genit. Isidis), and Gr. eidos-form (?).]

Botany (of a lichen): Covered with isidia [ISIDIUM, 2.]

i-şin-glass, s. [Corrupted from Eng. icing, and glass, i. e., iceglass.]

I. Ordinary Language:

1. The dried swimming bladder of various species of Acipenser prepared and cut into fine shreds. It consists of a gelatinous tissue, which on boiling yields gelatine.

2. A popular name for sheets of transparent mica. II. Phar.: A solution of gelatine figures among officinal preparations.

isinglass-stone, s. [ISINGLASS, I. 2.] I-sis, s. [Lat. Isis; Gr. Isis (1) the Egyptian goddess of fecundity and sister of Osiris, (2) a planet or coral.]


1. Astron.: [ASTEROID, 42.]

2. Zool.: A genus of corals, the typical one of the sub-family Isidinæ (q. v.). The sclerobasis consists of alternate calcareous and horny segments, the former giving rise to branches. Isis hippuris is from Amboyna, I. polyantha from the American seas, and I. coralloides from those of India.

3. Palæont.: Found in the Miocene beds. İş-lam, *Ĕs-lam, İş ́-lam işm, subst. [Arab. Islam (1) the true or orthodox faith among the Mohammedans, (2) obedience to the will of God, submission, (3) the Mohammedan religion, (4) the Mohammedan church or community.] [Catafago.] A name given to Mohammedanism (q. v.).

İş -lam-işm, s. [Arab. Islam; -ism.] Mohammedanism.

İş-lam-ite, s. [Arab. Islam; ite.] A Moham

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is-land (s silent), *i-land, *i-lond, *y-land, *y-lond, s. & a. [A. S. igland, from ig=an island, and land-land; Dut. eiland; Icel. eyland; Sw. öland; Ger. eiland. The A. S. ig, ieg, eg, also appears as ea, ey in English place-names, as in Anglesey, Battersea, &c., and in Icel. ey=an island; Dan. & Sw. o; O. H. Ger. -awa, -auwa, in composition; Goth. ahwa; O. H. Ger, ahe-a stream; Lat. aqua; Eng. ait, eyot. The s in island is owing to a confusion with isle (q. v.).]

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T (1) Island of Reil:

Anat.: The central lobe within the fissure of Sylvius in the cerebrum. It is a triangular eminence, forming a sort of delta between the two divisions of the fissure.

(2) Islands of the Blest, Island of the Blest: Greek Mythol.: Imaginary islands, situated in the West, thought to be the abode of good men after death. The following passage from Cook's translation of Hesiod's Works and Days (i. 170) shows the ancient belief as to the nature of the enjoyment to be found there:

"There in the Island of the Blest they find, Where Saturn reigns, an endless calm of mind; And there the choicest fruits adorn the fields, And thrice the fertile year a harvest yields.' This passage has been amplified both by Homer (Odyss. iv. 563, sqq.) and Virgil (En. vi. 637-44). The game idea of fertility occurs in the Apocalypse (xxii. 2.), and Bernard de Morlaix, in De Contemptu Mundi, says of the Celestial Country:

"Lux erit aurea, terraque lactea, melle redundans." is-land (s silent), v. t. [ISLAND, 8.]

1. To form into an island; to cause to become or appear like an island; to surround with water. 2. To dot, as with islands.


Is-lět (s silent), s. [Eng. isle (1); dimin. suff. -et.]

1. Lit.: A little isle or island. "An islet upon the coast of Scotland, in the German sea."- Drayton: Polyolbion, s. 24. (Note.)

2. Fig.: A spot within another of a different hue, as on the wing of a butterfly, or the blossom of a plant. (Tennyson: Enid, 1,324.)

-işm, suff. & 8. [Gr. -ismos-condition, act; Lat. -ismus; Fr. -isme.]

A. As. suff.: A common suffix in English, meaning doctrine, theory, principle, system, or practice of the abstract idea of the word to which it is suffixed; as, spiritualism, monotheism, &c., also an idiom peculiar to the country named, as Gallicism, Irishism.

B. As subst.: A doctrine or theory, especially one of a pretentious or absurd character. "Compared with any of the isms current."-Carlyle: Past and Present, bk. ii., ch. xv.

Iş -ma-e-lites, Iş-mā ē ́-11-anş, s. pl. [From an Ishmael (see def.), and Eng., &c., pl. suff. -ites, -ians.] Hist.: A branch of the Shiites. Djafar Madeck, the sixth Imam from Ali, having lost his elder son Ismael, appointed his younger son Mousa to be his successor. A schism followed among the Shiites, one party contending that the Imamship should have descended to the posterity of Ismael. The Fatimide dynasty were Ismaelite, so were the Assassins (q. v.).

is-nar di-a, s. [Named after Antoine Dante Isnard, member of the Academy of Sciences.]

Bot.: A genus of Onagracea, tribe Jussies. Isnardia palustris is called, by Joseph Hooker, Ludwigia palustris. The root of I. alternifolia is said to be emetic.

i-sō-, pref. [Gr. isos=equal to, the same as.] 1. Gen.: Equal to.

2. Bot. (of an organ): Equal in the number of its divisions or parts to another one. [ISOSTEMONOUS.] i-sō-ǎm'-y-lēne, s. [Eng. iso(meric), and amy


Chem.: A mobile, colorless oil of peculiar odor, obtained by distilling isoamylic alcohol with zinc chloride. It has a specific gravity of 663 at 0°, and boils at 35°. It is readily decomposed by an acid, even in the cold, hydrochloric acid producing isoamylic chloride, and hydriodic acid isoamylic iodide.

i-sō-a-myl-ic, a. [Eng. iso(meric); amyl, and suff. -ic.] (See the compound.) isoamylic-alcohol, s. Isobutyl carbinol. [AMYL


i-sō-ar-ca, s. [Pref. iso-=equal, and Lat. arca (q. v.).]

Paloont.: A genus of Arcade. Fourteen species are known, from the Lower Silurian to the Chalk. i-şo-bar', ti-so-bäre, s. [Pref. iso-, and Greek baros weight.]


Phys. Geog. & Meteor. (pl.): Lines connecting places which have the same mean barometric press Three modifications of them exist: those connecting places which have equal pressure in January, those which possess it in July, and those in which it exists during the whole year. The closer the isobars are the stronger the wind, the further apart the lighter the wind.

î-so-bar-ic, a. [Eng., &c., isobar; -ic.]

Phys. Geog. & Meteor.: Having equal barometric pressure; of or belonging to isobars. i-so-bar-işm, *i-so-bar-ysm, s. [Eng. isobar;


Phys. Geog. & Meteor.: Equality of barometric i-sō-băr-o-mět ́-ric, a. [Pref. iso-equal, and barometric (q. v.).]

is -land-er (s silent), s. [Eng. island; -er.] An pressure. inhabitant of an island.

"Ye islanders, bound in the ocean's chain." Drayton: Robert, Duke of Normandy. is-land-y (s silent), a. [Eng. island; -y.] Pertaining to islands; full of islands.

Isle (1) (s silent), *ile, *yle, s. [O. Fr. isle (Fr. le), from Lat. insula an island; Sp. isla; Ital. isola.] An island: chiefly used in poetry.

"In sight of Troy lies Tenedos, an isle
Renowned for wealth."

Dryden: Virgil's Eneid, ii. 27.
*Isle (2) (s silent), s. [AISLE.] A corruption of


isle (s silent), v. t. [ISLE (1), s.] To form into an island; to cause to become or be like an island;

to isolate.

"Isled in sudden seas of light." Tennyson: Fatima, 33. *isleş'-man (first s silent), s. [English isle, and man.] An islander.

"The islesmen carried at their backs The ancient Danish battle-axe." Scott: Marmion, v. 5. fate, făt, färe, amidst, what, fâll,

Phys. Geog. & Meteor.: The same as ISOBARIC (q. v.).

i-sō-bri-oŭs, a. [Pref. iso-equal, and Greek briao-to make strong, to be strong.]

Bot.: An epithet proposed by Cassini for Dicotyledons because their force of development in connection with the embryo is equal on both sides. i-sō-bū tāne, s. [Eng. iso(meric); but(yl), and suff. -ane.]

Chem. (CH3)3CH. Trimethyl-methane, or methylisopropyl, is formed by the action of zinc and hydrochloric acid on tertiary butyl iodide, or by the action of zinc on tertiary butyl alcohol in presence of water. It is a colorless gas which liquefies at 17°. i-sō bû têne, i-sō-bu-tyl-ene, s. [Eng. iso(meric); but(yl), and suff. -ene.]

Chem.: Produced by the action of alcoholic potash on isobutyl iodide, or on tertiary butyl iodide. It may also be formed by passing the vapor of isoamylic alcohol through a red-hot tube. It is an unpleasant smelling gas, which condenses on cooling with a mixture of ice and salt, to a colorless liquid, which boils at -6.


1-sō-bü'-týl, s. [English iso(meric), and butyl.] [BUTYL.]

isobutyl-alcohol, s.

Chem.: Isopropyi carbinol. [BUTYL ALCOHOL.] i-sō-bu-tyl-a-mine, s. [English isobutyl, and


Chem: CH(CH3)2CH2 NH2. Obtained by distilling potassium isobutyl sulphate with potassium cyanate, and treating the distillate, which contains isobutyl isocyanate, with potash. It has a specific gravity of 0.7357 at 15°, and boils at 67'5". i-sō-butyl-ēne, s. [Eng. iso(meric), and butylene.] [ISOBUTENE.]

I-sō-bu-tyr-a-mide, subst. [Eng. iso(meric); butyr (ic), and amide.]

Chem.; CHO NH=(CH3)2:CHCONH Prepared by heating isobutyric acid with ammonium thiocyanate. It is an agreeable, aromatic smelling, crystalline mass, soluble in water. It melts at 100", and sublimes in the form of iridescent scales. butyrates.] i-sō-bu-tyr-ateş, s. pl. [Eng. iso(meric), and

Chem. The salts of isobutyric-acid, resembling in general properties the butyrates. Calcium isobutyrate, (CH;O2)2Ca+5H2O, crystallizes in monoclinic needles, which are slightly soluble in cold, but very soluble in hot water. Silver isobutyrate, CHOAg, crystallizes from hot water in transpa rent scales. Zinc isobutyrate, (C,H,O2) Zn, crystallizes in monoclinic prisms, which are soluble in cold water, but decrease in solubility as the temperature is increased.

i-sō-bu-tyr'-Ic, a. [Eng. iso(meric), and butyric.] (See the compounds.)

isobutyric-acid, s. [BUTYRIC-ACID.] isobutyric-ether, s. [BUTYRIC-ETHER.] i-sō-bu-týr-ō, pref. [ISOBUTYRONE.] (See the compound.)

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Chemistry: C6H11N=(CH3)2°CH•CH2°CH2CN. Isomylic cyanide. An unpleasent smelling oil, obtained by the dry distillation of isoamylic potassic sulphate with potassic cyanide, or by heating amyl iodide with potassic cyanide and alcohol. It boils at 146, and has a specific gravity of 0806. Like most other nitrils, it unites with metallic chlorides to form crystalline compounds.

i-sō-ca-pro-ic, a. [English iso(meric), and caproic.] (See the compound.) isocaproic-acid, s. Chem.: [CAPROIC-ACID.]

i-so-car-dia, s. [Pref. iso-=equal, and Greek kardia=the heart.]

Zool. & Paleont.: Heart-cockle; a genus of Molluscs, family Cyprinidae. The shell is cordate and ventricose; the hinge-teeth 2-2, the laterals 1-1 in each valve. Five recent species are known, and ninety fossil, the latter from the Trias onward.

i-sō-çět-a-mide, s. [Eng.iso (meric), and (a) cet


Chem.: C15H31 NO. Obtained by heating in a sealed tube a mixture of the oil of Jatropha curcas and strong ammonia. It is a white, nacreous powder, melting at 67°, and is not attacked by strong potash.

I-so-cheim, s. [Pref. iso-, and Gr. cheima=winter-weather, cold, frost, winter.]

Physical Geog. & Meteor.: An isocheimal or isochimenal line. [ISOCHIMENAL.]

i-so-chei-mal, a. [ISOCHIMAL.] i-so-chei -men-al, i-so-chei -mon-al, a. [IsoCHIMENAL.]

i-so-cheî-men-ẽ, 8. [ISOCHIMENE.]

i-so-chi-li-dæ, s. pl. [Mod. Lat. isochil(us); Lat. fem. pl. adj. suff.-ide.] Bot.: A family of Orchids, tribe Epidendrese (q. v.).

father; wē, wět, hëre, camel, her, thêre;

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