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Britain could be benefited."

This reasoning, it is presumed, cannot be maintained: it evidently arises from a mistaken view of the subject the commerce of Great Britain, as compared with it in time of peace, having greatly increased in the last war, before the system of suspension was acted upon.


From 1785 to 1790 the imports were and the exports

From 1792 to 1796 the imports were

and the exports





And in the wars of 1742 and 1756 the trade of the country likewise increased to a very great extent, and, as before mentioned, it has generally done so in periods of war, with the exception of the American war, which is to be attributed to the peculiarly disastrous circumstances attending it.

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It is also observed, " if, as Lord Sheffield professed to deem necessary to our salvation as a commercial and naval nation, Britain had rigidly adhered to the navigation system of the 17th century, the consequence would have been that we should have had much less than half the commerce and revenue to meet the arduous contest in which we were engaged." To show how unwarranted this statement is, as applicable to the commerce of the country, it is only necessary to refer to the following comparison of foreign and British ships employed; which must convince even those persons who believe there exists a necessity of permitting, in time of war, the employment of neutral ships, in the trade of Great Britain, in breach of the navigation laws, that it is an erroneous conclusion, and cannot be maintained. It has already been stated, the revenue did not profit in the most trifling degree by the employment of neutral carriers, except in the articles to and from the countries of the enemy. The home consumption was not increased by neutral vessels being employed in the trade to neutral nations; and the statute of the 36 Geo. 3. c. 76, which extended generally the provisions of the Dutch property acts, having passed in May 1796, it could not of course have had any extensive effect, indeed it is so admitted, until after 1799.


STATEMENT of Foreign and British Ships, which entered inwards, with their repeated voyages in the following years: viz.



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1,794,000 peace.

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The other observations in support of the new system are equally incorrect for instance, "this immense rise in our trade, and financial resources, while our shipping interest was promoted more than ever; our mercantile sailors more numerous than ever; affords the strongest proofs of the wisdom of that change of laws which accommodates itself to circumstances. Can that be unwise policy which has so much increased private and public wealth, the grand objects of political economy; and under which our chief bulwark of strength has become powerful beyond all example?" Surely the employment of neutral ships in the trade to countries, where British ships could have gone, cannot tend to increase British ships, or British seamen, or countervail the loss of freight to the Shipping Interest: under these circumstances, it is apparent the new system has not produced those advantages which its advocates anticipated and have been so desirous to prove and establish; but on the contrary, the most serious evils have resulted from their adoption, which, in the course of these observations, it is presumed will be most clearly shewn, although it is stated" that the number and tonnage of British ships employed since the acts in question have not been diminished, but greatly increased." appears, that,

In 1796 the tonnage of British ships employed in the
trade of Great Britain (exclusive of coasters,) was
That in the succeeding year, 1797, it decreased to
And in 1801, the British tonnage em-
ployed, only amounted to

From which should be deducted, to
make a comparison, the increase of
British shipping in the trade of the
British colonies and the captured
islands, in the interval between 1797
and 1801; because the trade to those
colonies could not have been affected
by the suspending acts, which are so
highly commended by the advocates
of the new system, as the act of the
37th Geo. 3. c. 3. which passed in
1797 extended the privileges of Bri-
tish ships to those vessels which were
taken, and belonged to the captured
islands; and which, of course, ex-

[blocks in formation]

Tons 1,378,000

It however

Tons. 1,474,000 1,121,000

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Tons 220,000

Decrease in the employment of British shipping, under the suspending system, between 1796 and 1801, at the close of the last war

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'See the Parliamentary Papers for these years.

To be Continued.




The Jesuits,











THE restitution of the Order of Jesuits took place on the 7th August, 1814, by a Bull of the present Pope, which is well worth consulting. It sets forth the duty of the Pope to employ all his power to relieve the spiritual wants of the Catholic world' recites the revival of the Order in Russia, in 1801, on the prayer of the Emperor Paul, and in Sicily, in 1804, on that of King Ferdinand-it then states that the Pope would deem himself guil'ty of a great crime towards God, if, amidst the dangers of the • Christian republic; he should neglect to employ the aids which the ⚫ special providence of God had put in his power, and if, placed ⚫ in the bark of St. Peter and tossed by continual storms, he should • refuse to employ the vigorous and experienced rowers who volun'teer their services.' It then declares that the Pope in virtue of 'the plenitude of Apostolic power, and with perpetual validity, • had decreed that the concessions made to the Jesuits in Russia • and Sicily should extend to all his ecclesiastical states, and to all ⚫ other states.' All necessary powers are then granted to the present General of the Society in order that the • freely receive all who desire to be, or shall be, admitted into the ‹ Order; and power is granted to the members to apply themselves <to the education of youth-to direct colleges and seminaries-to • hear confessions, to preach, and administer the sacraments;' the several colleges, houses, and members of the Order and all who shall join it are then taken under the protection of the Holy See, which reserves the power of prescribing and directing all ‹ that may be necessary to consolidate the Society more and more; 'to render it stronger; and to purge it of abuses SHOULD THEY 'EVER CREEP IN.' The Society and all its members are then recommended strongly to temporal Princes and Lords, to Arch

said states may

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