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could only conquer the half of, the remainder could be gradually liquidated, and hardly felt, through the medium of the increased consumption and commerce necessarily arising from the increase of our own numbers, and the extension of civilization, which invariably brings with it increased trade to Britain; or so much of the debt as would be useful to the country might remain permanently unliquidated, for investment for the use of widows, orphans, savings-banks, &c.

Now who can doubt the need of further colonization, or some other extensive remedy to a state of society, in which, if a farm be to let, there are perhaps twenty to fifty industrious candidates for it? Yet the parishes are so burthened, that their managers are entering the lists with these industrious candidates for useful employment, that they may place paupers upon it. Is that encouraging prudent industry, or discouraging that profligacy, which, in nine instances out of ten, has led the others to parochial aid? Yet this plan is now recommended with some influence; is it not of a piece with making

the prison more comfortable than the parish' poor-house; and the parish poor-house more comfortable than the cottage of the industrious labourer? and is it not denying the farm to a better manager, and one who has some sort of claim in the capacity of an industrious, honest, English farmer?

If our colonies are wise, they will all be very anxious to retain their allegiance to the mother-country, supported as they are by so little claim for government expenditure, and getting their produce into the grand emporium of the world at so small a duty, compared with other countries; but there is only one that seems at all inclined to cease to cling to us, that country is the Canadas, more protected by low duties, and fostered, than any other. Why, if they separated from the mother-country, and were placed, with reference to their commerce, on the same footing as foreign countries, they would instantly lose four-fifths of their commerce at least, and would have to incur greater expenses, while their means to pay them would be so reduced as to bring the wages of their labouring

population to less than one-half of its present rate, as few could afford to employ them even at that. Their stupid ingratitude is striking, and were it not for anticipated extensive colonization among them (which, by the by, would increase their strength and their wealth in a greater ratio than ever yet was witnessed) it would serve them right to cut with them at once, and instantly offer such a medium rate of duties to them, and every other country supplying the commodities they send us (on condition of a corresponding reduction on their part), as would keep up our revenue from those goods to the same total amount they are now, and treat the Canadas as we treated every other foreign power.




IF a man cheat the juvenile poor of his township or parish out of that instruction and other advantages, for which purposes, and not his own profit, funds have been left for him righteously to administer, and he keeps them for his own use; this which, if honestly appropriated, would have been a blessing to him is hereby made a tremendous curse; but is it likely that a man with his conscience even so seared, would be such an abominable fool as to wish his son to do so? no, he would hope better things for his son: drunkards like their wives and children to keep sober.

Well, now let us imagine that King George the Fourth, or George the Great, for he has more right to the title than a thousand such men as Alexander, once of Macedon, afterwards of all the civilized world, could have jointly shown a title to, if indeed a thousand such would have left alive man, woman, or child, but themselves;-now let us imagine our beloved and honourable Sovereign sending down a message to his "faithful Peers and faithful Commons," to the effect that he finds, by official reports from a committee of the lower house, that poor children, poor widows, and other English in various degrees of destitution throughout the nation, are robbed of hundreds of thousands of pounds every year, by trustees to the wills of various deceased good men and women, who hold funds left for the instruction, clothing, and feeding of the destitute young poor of specific neighbourhoods, townships, and parishes; and the lodging and support of poor, ancient, infirm, and decayed persons of various classes, particularly widows; that these funds are so abundant that not a few towns have thus a

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