The Works of Christopher Marlowe Including His TranslationsChatto & Windus, 1912 - 376 Seiten |
Im Buch
Seite 61
... master ? Wag . God in heaven knows . 2 Scho . Why dost not thou know then ... Lord bless you , preserve you , and keep you , my dear brethren . [ Exit . I Scho . O Faustus ! Then I fear that which I have long sus ... DOCTOR FAUSTUS .
... master ? Wag . God in heaven knows . 2 Scho . Why dost not thou know then ... Lord bless you , preserve you , and keep you , my dear brethren . [ Exit . I Scho . O Faustus ! Then I fear that which I have long sus ... DOCTOR FAUSTUS .
Seite 63
... master's mind . Meph . I will , Faustus . [ Exit . Faust . Had I as many ... master , will you teach me this conjuring occupa- tion ? Wag . Ay , sirrah , I'll teach thee to turn thyself to a dog , or a cat , or a ... DOCTOR FAUSTUS .
... master's mind . Meph . I will , Faustus . [ Exit . Faust . Had I as many ... master , will you teach me this conjuring occupa- tion ? Wag . Ay , sirrah , I'll teach thee to turn thyself to a dog , or a cat , or a ... DOCTOR FAUSTUS .
Seite 68
... Doctor Faustus ' conjuring books , and now we'll have such knavery as ' t passes . Enter Dick . Dick . What , Robin ... master come he'll conjure you , i ' faith . Rob . My master conjure me ! I'll tell the what ; an my master come ...
... Doctor Faustus ' conjuring books , and now we'll have such knavery as ' t passes . Enter Dick . Dick . What , Robin ... master come he'll conjure you , i ' faith . Rob . My master conjure me ! I'll tell the what ; an my master come ...
Seite 76
... Master Doctor ? Benv . Break may his heart with groans : dear Frederick , see , Thus will I end his griefs immediately . Mart . Strike with a willing hand , his head is off . [ Benvolio strikes off Faustus's false head . Benv . The ...
... Master Doctor ? Benv . Break may his heart with groans : dear Frederick , see , Thus will I end his griefs immediately . Mart . Strike with a willing hand , his head is off . [ Benvolio strikes off Faustus's false head . Benv . The ...
Seite 78
... Doctor , you cozening scab ! Master Doctor , awake and rise , and give me my money again ; for your horse is turned to a bottle of hay . Master Doctor ! [ He pulls off his leg . ] Alas ! I am un- done ! what shall I do ! I have pulled ...
... Doctor , you cozening scab ! Master Doctor , awake and rise , and give me my money again ; for your horse is turned to a bottle of hay . Master Doctor ! [ He pulls off his leg . ] Alas ! I am un- done ! what shall I do ! I have pulled ...
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Abig Abigail Æneas Anippe arms art thou Ascanius Bajazet Barabas blood Carthage cloth colours Crown 8vo cursed death devil Dido Doctor Faustus dost doth Duke of Guise Dyce earth editions ELEGIA Enter Exeunt Exit eyes fair farewell father Faustus fear fire Friar friends Gaveston give gold grace Guise hand hate hath heart heaven hell Hero and Leander honour Iarbas Itha Ithamore Jove Kent king kiss Leander leave live look lord Lucifer madam maid majesty Marlowe Master Doctor means Meph Mephistophilis mighty Mortimer never night Persian Pilia Post 8vo Prince Queen SCENE Scythian Sergestus sirrah soldiers soul speak stay sweet sword Tamb Tambur Tamburlaine Techelles tell thee Ther Theridamas thine thou art thou hast thou shalt thought thyself Turk unto Venus villain wench wilt words Zenocrate