Admired I am of those that hate me most. Though some speak openly against my books, Yet they will read me, and thereby attain most sure When like the Draco's they were writ in blood. Hence comes it that a strong built citadel Commands much more than letters can import ; Which maxim had [but] Phalaris observed, Let me be envied and not pitièd ! Which money was not got without my As for those Samnites, and the men of Uz That bought my Spanish oils, and wines of Greece, Fie; what a trouble 'tis to count this trash. Here have I purst their paltry silverlings. Well fare the Arabians, who so richly pay The things they traffic for with wedge of gold, Tell that which may maintain him all his Whereof a man may easily in a day life. The needy groom that never fingered groat, Would make a miracle of thus much coin: But he whose steel-barred coffers are And all his lifetime hath been tired, crammed full, Wearying his fingers' ends with telling it, And for a pound to sweat himself to death. Would in his age be loth to labour so, Give me the merchants of the Indian mines, That trade in metal of the purest mould; The wealthy Moor, that in the eastern rocks Without controul can pick his riches up, And in his house heap pearl like pebble stones, Receive them free, and sell them by the weight; Bags of fiery opals, sapphires, amethysts, This is the ware wherein consists my wealth; Their means of traffic from the vulgar trade, Ha! to the east? yes: see how stand the vanes ? East and by south: why then I hope my ships I sent for Egypt and the bordering isles Loaden with spice and silks, now under sail, Enter a Merchant. Merch. Barabas, thy ships are safe, Riding in Malta Road: and all the merchants With other merchandise are safe arrived, And have sent me to know whether yourself Bar. The ships are safe thou say'st, and Bar. Why then go bid them come ashore, And twenty waggons to bring up the ware. more Than many merchants of the town are worth, And therefore far exceeds my credit, sir. Tush! who amongst 'em knows not Barabas? Bar. So then, there's somewhat come. irrah, which of my ships art thou master of? Merch. Of the Speranza, sir. Bar. And saw'st thou not Mine argosy at Alexandria? [Exit. Bar. Thus trowls our fortune in by land and sea, And thus are we on every side enriched : And herein was old Abram's happiness : To drive their substance with successful Who hateth me but for my happiness? Thou could'st not come from Egypt, or by Or who is honoured now but for his wealth? Caire But at the entry there into the sea, But this we heard some of our seamen say, Trust such a crazèd vessel, and so far. But go, go thou thy ways, discharge thy nd bid my factor bring his loading in. nd yet I wonder at this argosy. Enter a second Merchant. 2 Merch. Thine argosy from Alexandria, Know Barabas doth ride in Malta Road, Laden with riches, and exceeding store of Persian silks, of gold, and orient pearl. Bar. How chance you came not with those other ships That sailed by Egypt? 2 Merch. Sir, we saw 'em not. Rather had I a Jew be hated thus, There's Kirriah Jairim, the great Jew of Obed in Bairseth, Nones in Portugal, That thirst so much for principality. Bar. Belike they coasted round by Candy As Agamemnon did his Iphigene : bout their oils, or other businesses. And all I have is hers. But who comes here? Or let 'em war, so we be conquerors: Nay, let 'em combat, conquer, and kill all ! So they spare me, my daughter, and my wealth. [Aside. 1 Jew. Were it for confirmation of a league, They would not come in warlike manner thus. 2 Jew. I fear their coming will afflict us all. Bar. Fond men! what dream you of their multitudes, What need they treat of peace that are in league? The Turks and those of Malta are in league. Tut, tut, there's some other matter in't. 1 Jew. Why, Barabas, they come for peace or war. Bar. Haply for neither, but to along pass Towards Venice by the Adriatic Sea; With whom they have attempted many times, But never could effect their stratagem. 3 Jew. And very wisely said. It may be so. 2 Jew. But there's a meeting in the senate-house, And all the Jews in Malta must be there. Bar. Hum; all the Jews in Malta must be there? Aye, like enough, why then let every man Provide him, and be there for fashion-sake. If any thing shall there concern our state Assure yourselves I'll look unto-myself. [Aside. 1 Jew. I know you will; well, brethren, let us go. 2 Jew. Let's take our leaves; farewell, good Barabas, Bar. Farewell, Zaareth, farewell Temainte. [Exeunt Jews. And Barabas now search this secret out. Summon thy senses, call thy wits together: These silly men mistake the matter clean. To us, or Malta? What at our hands demand ye? Cal. The ten years' tribute that remains unpaid. Gov. Alas! my lord, the sum is over great, I hope your highness will consider us. Cal. I wish, grave governors, 'twere in my power To favour you, but 'tis my father's cause, Cal. Stand all aside, and let the Knights determine, And send to keep our galleys under sail, : Now launch our galleys back again, to sea, ta'en, And for the money send our messenger. Farewell, great Governor and brave Knights of Malta. Gov. And all good fortune wait on Caly math! [Exeunt Calymath and Bassoes. Go one and call those Jews of Malta hither: Were they not summoned to appear to-day? Off. They were, my lord, and here they come. Enter Barabas, and three Jews. ■ Knight. Have you determined what to say to them? Gov. Yes, give me leave :-and Hebrews now come near. From the Emperor of Turkey is arrived Your lordship shall do well to let them Gov. Soft, Barabas, there's more 'longs To what this ten years' tribute will amount Bar. Alas, my lord, we are no soldiers : And what's our aid against so great a prince? 1 Knight. Tut, Jew, we know thou art no soldier ; Thou art a merchant and a moneyed man, Bar. How, my lord, my money? For, to be short, 'mongst you it must be had. Gov. Then let the rich increase your portions. Bar. Are strangers with your tribute to be taxed? 2 Knight. Have strangers leave with us Then let them with us contribute. Gov. No, Jew, like infidels. For through our sufferance of your hateful Who stand accursed in the sight of heaven, Turks shall all be levied amongst the Jews, Bar. How, half his estate? I hope you Reader. Secondly, he that denies to pay All 3 Jews. Oh, my lord, we will give Bar. O earth-mettled villains, and no And will you basely thus submit yourselves Bar. No, Governor, I will be no con- Gov. Then pay thy half. Bar. Why know you what you did by this device? Half of my substance is a city's wealth. Gov. Sir, half is the penalty of our decree, Let me be used but as my brethren are. And now it cannot be recalled. Bar. Will you then steal my goods! Gov. No, Jew, we take particularly thine Live still; and if thou canst, get more. Of naught is nothing made. 1 Knight. From naught at first thou From little unto more, from more to most: "Tis not our fault, but thy inherent sin. Reader. First, the tribute money of the Preach me not out of my possessions. Some Jews are wicked, as all Christians are: For that is theft! and if you rob me thus more. I Knight. Grave Governor, listen not to his exclaims. Convert his mansion to a nunnery; Enter Officers. Now, officers, have you done? Off. Aye, my lord, we have seized upon the goods And wares of Barabas, which being valued Amount to more than all the wealth in Malta. And of the other we have seized half. Gov. Then we'll take order for the residue. Bar. Well then, my lord, say, are you satisfied? You have my goods, my money, and my wealth, My ships, my store, and all that I enjoyed; Is far fron us and our profession. Bar. Why, I esteem the injury far less To take the lives of miserable men Than be the causes of their misery. You have my wealth, the labour of my life, The comfort of mine age, my children's hope, And therefore ne'er distinguish of the wrong. Gov. Content thee, Barabas, thou hast naught but right. Gov. Come, let us in, and gather of these goods The money for this tribute of the Turk. I Knight. "Tis necessary that be looked unto: For if we break our day, we break the league, And that will prove but simple policy. [Exeunt, except the Jews. Bar. Aye, policy! that's their profession, And not simplicity, as they suggest. The plagues of Egypt, and the curse of heaven, Farth's barrenness, and all men's hatred Inflict upon them, thou great Primus Motor! And here upon my knees, striking the earth, I ban their souls to everlasting pains tress. 1 Jew. Oh yet be patient, gentle Barabas. Bar. O silly brethren, born to see this day; Why stand you thus unmoved with my laments? Why weep you not to think upon my wrongs? Why pine not I, and die in this distress? 1 few. Why, Barabas, as hardly can we brook The cruel handling of ourselves in this; You were a multitude, and I but one : 1 Jew. Yet, brother Barabas, remember Job. Bar. What tell you me of Job? I wot his wealth Was written thus: he had seven thousand sheep, Three thousand camels, and two hundred yoke Of labouring oxen, and five hundred And yet have kept enough to live upon; Bar. Your extreme right does me exceed-And henceforth wish for an eternal nigh That clouds of darkness may inclose flesh, ing wrong: But take it to you, i' the devil's name. |