ease, By drawing down, and drying up the rheum, The mother and the nurse of each disease. And surfeits threatening death digesteth well, Decocting all the stomach's crudities. It is tobacco which hath power to clarify The cloudy mists before dim eyes appearing, It is tobacco which hath power to rarify The thick gross humour which doth stop the hearing, The wasting hectic and the quartan fever, Which doth of physic make a mockery: The gout it cures, and helps ill breaths for ever, Whether the cause in teeth or stomach be: And though ill breaths were by it but confounded Yet that vile medicine it doth far excel, Which by Sir Thomas More hath been propounded, For this is thought a gentlemanlike smell. My customers would give me coin with thanks! I for this ware, forsooth a tale would tell; slave, There stands the constable, there stands the We call him Fame, for that the wide-mouth whore, And harkening to the song, mark not each Will eat as fast as he will utter lies; other; For Fame is said an hundred mouths to have, And he eats more than would five score suffice. Publius, student at the Common Law, Where whilst he skipping cries, "To head, to head," His satin doublet and his velvet hose, And rightly too on him this filth doth fall, Which for such filthy sports his books forsakes; Leaving old Plowden, Dyer and Brooke alone, To see old Harry Hunkes and Sacarson. IN DACUM. XLV. Dacus with some good colour and pretence, IN MARCUM. XLVI. Why dost thou, Marcus, in thy misery The heavens do owe no kindness unto Thou hast the heavens so little in thy mind: For in thy life thou never usest prayer, MEDITATIONS OF A GULL. XLVII. See yonder melancholy gentleman, Think what he thinks and tell me, if you What great affairs trouble his little wit. He thinks not of the war 'twixt France and Whether it be for Europe good or ill, AD MUSAM. XLVIII. Peace, idle Muse, have done! for it is tim To make me so well known for my ill rhyme Grew both together fresh in estimation, What fame is this that scarce lasts out a fashion? Nor whether the Empire can itself main-Only this last in credit doth remain, tain Against the Turkish power encroaching still; Nor what great town in all the Nether- The States determine to besiege this spring, That from henceforth each bastard cas Ignoto. I LOVE thee not for sacred chastity. I love thee not for thy enchanting eye, I love thee not for that my soul doth dance, Give musical and graceful utterance, 'Faith wench! I cannot court thy sprightly With the base viol placed between my thighs: Or show my love as musky courtiers do; In glory that I am thy servile ass. Yet for thy sake I will not bore mine ear, But by the chaps of hell, to do thee good, The Passionate Shepherd to his Love. [This beautiful song was first printed in 1599 in The Passionate Pilgrim as Shakspeare's, but in the following year is found in England's Helicon with the name Chr. Marlow appended to it, and followed by The Nimph's Reply to the Sheepheard, and Another of the same nature, made since. The former of these has always been assigned to Sir Walter Raleigh; but in England's Helicon both have the word Ignoto attached to them, which is equivalent to the Anon." of the present day. Marlowe's famous song should never be printed without them. I have here given, in the first instance, the version made popular by Isaak Walton, and afterwards the three sister poems copied verbatim et literatim from Mr. Collier's beautiful reprint of the old Anthology.] COME live with me, and be my love; That hills and valleys, dales and fields, And we will sit upon the rocks, And I will make thee beds of roses, A gown made of the finest wool, A belt of straw and ivy-buds Aud, if these pleasures may thee move, [Thy silver dishes for thy meat, The shepherd swains shall dance and si The Passionate Sheepheard to his Loue. COME liue with mee, and be my loue And wee will sit vpon the Rocks, By shallow Riuers, to whose falls, And I will make thee beds of Roses FINIS A gowne made of the finest wooll A belt of straw, and Iuie buds, The Sheepheards Swaines shall daunc For thy delight each May-morning, The Nimphs Reply to the Sheepheard. IF all the world and loue were young, Time driues the flocks from field to fold, And Philomell becommeth dombe, The rest complaines of cares to come. The flowers doe fade and wanton fieldes, Thy gounes, thy shooes, thy beds of Roses, In follie ripe, in reason rotten. |