For turning my poor charge to his direction. And these his two renownèd friends, my lord, Would make one thirst and strive to be retained In such a great degree of amity. SCENE IV. Enter Mycetes, with his Crown in his hand, offering to hide it. Myc. Accursed be he that first invented war! Tech. With duty and with amity we They knew not, ah they knew not, simple yield Our utmost service to the fair Cosroe. men, How those were hit by pelting cannon shot, Cos. Which I esteem as portion of my Stand staggering like a quivering aspen crown. leaf Fearing the force of Boreas' boisterous blasts. Therefore in policy I think it good Thou break'st the law of arms, unless thou kneel And cry me "mercy, noble king." Tamb. Are you the witty king of Persia? Myc. Aye, marry am I: have you any suit to me? Tamb. I would entreat you speak but three wise words. Myc. So I can when I see my time. me! Myc. Aye, didst thou ever see a fairer? Myc. No; I mean I let you keep it. Tamb. Well; I mean you shall have it again. Here; take it for awhile: I lend it thee, 'Till I may see thee hemmed with armèd men; Then shalt thou see me pull it from thy head! Thou art no match for mighty Tamburlaine. [Exit Tamb. Myc. O gods! Is this Tamburlaine the To follow me to fair Persepolis. I marvel much he stole it not away. runs out. SCENE V. Enter Cosroe, Tamburlaine, Theridamas, Crown Course Then will I march to all those Indian mires, Tamb. Hold thee, Cosroe! wear two im- And ride in triumph through Persepolis. Think thee invested now as royally, Cos. So do I, thrice-renowned man at arms, And none shall keep the crown but Tambur- Thee do I make my regent of Persia, I vow my service to your majesty, Cos. Thanks, good Meander: then Cosroe And govern Persia in her former pomp! From one that knew not what a king should To one that can command what 'longs thereto. And sought your state all honour it deserved, Cos. I will not thank thee, sweet Ortygius; camp leave to thee and to Theridamas, [All go out but Tamb., Tech., Ther., Tamb. "And ride in triumph through Is it not brave to be a king, Techelles? Is it not passing brave to be a king, Usum. To be a king is half to be a god. Whose virtues carry with it life and death; the prize, Such power attractive shines in princes' eyes! en thou for Parthia; they for Scythia and In love of honour and defence of right, Media; d, if I prosper, all shall be as sure if the Turk, the Pope, Afric, and Greece, ne creeping to us with their crowns apiece. Tech. Then shall we send to this triumphing king, 1 bid him battle for his novel crown? Isum. Nay, quickly then, before his room be hot. "amb. "Twill prove a pretty jest, in faith, my friends. her. A jest to charge on twenty thousand men! dge the purchase more important far. "amb. Judge by thyself, Theridamas, not me; presently Techelles here shall haste bid him battle ere he pass too far, I lose more labour than the gain will quit. n shalt thou see this Scythian Tamburlaine, xe but a jest to win the Persian crown. helles, take a thousand horse with thee, I bid him turn him back to war with us, it only made him king to make us sport. will not steal upon him cowardly, give him warning and more warriors. te, thee, Techelles, we will follow thee. at saith Theridamas? her. Go on for me. SCENE VI. [Exeunt. ter Cosroe, Meander, Ortygius, Menaphon, with other Soldiers. os. What means this devilish shepherd to aspire h such a giantly presumption Er angry seeds at his conception; Be armed against the hate of such a foe, Whether from earth, or hell, or heaven, he grow. Cos. Nobly resolved, my good Ortygius; And since we all have sucked one whole. some air, And with the same proportion of elements empery. Resolve, my lords and loving soldiers, now To save your king and country from decay. Then strike up, drum; and all the stars that make The loathsome circle of my dated life, Direct my weapon to his barbarous heart, That thus opposeth him against the gods, And scorns the powers that govern Persia! [Exeunt. Martial music. SCENE VII. Alarums.-A battle; enter Cosroe, wounded, Theridamas, Tamburlaine, Techelles, Usumcasane, with others. Cos. Barbarous and bloody Tamburlaine, Thus to deprive me of my crown and life! Treacherous and false Theridamas, Even at the morning of my happy state, Scarce being seated in my royal throne, To work my downfall and untimely end! An uncouth pain torments my grieved soul, And death arrests the organ of my voice, Who, entering at the breach thy sword hath made, Sacks every vein and artier of my heart.Bloody and insatiate Tamburlaine ! Tamb. The thirst of reign and sweetness of a crown That caused the eldest son of heavenly Ops, To thrust his doting father from his chair, And place himself in the empyreal heaven, Moved me to manage arms against thy state. What better precedent than mighty Jove? ty. What god, or fiend, or spirit of the Warring within our breasts for regiment, earth, nonster turned to a manly shape, f what mould or mettle he be made, t star or state soever govern him, us put on our meet encountering minds; in detesting such a devilish chief, Doth teach us all to have aspiring minds: Our souls, whose facultics can comprehend The wondrous architecture of the world, And measure every wandering planet's course, Still climbing after knowledge infinite, Doth mean to soar above the highest sort. Tech. And that made us the friends of Tamburlaine, To lift our swords against the Persian king. Usum. For as when Jove did thrust old Saturn down, Neptune and Dis gained each of them a crown, So do we hope to reign in Asia, I know not how to take their tyrannies. My soul begins to take her flight to hell, For want of nourishment to feed them both, Are dry and cold; and now doth ghastly death, With greedy talons gripe my bleeding heart, And like a harpy, tires on my life. Theridamas and Tamburlaine, I die: And fearful vengeance light upon you both! [Cosroe dies.-Tamburlaine takes the crown and puts it on. Tamb. Not all the curses, which the furies Shall make me leave so rich a prize as this. All. Tamburlaine! Tamburlaine! And all the earthly potentates conspire Tamb. So now it is more surer on my Than if the gods had held a Parliament, [Exeunt. ACT THE THIRD. SCENE I. Bajazet, the Kings of Fez, Morocco, We hear the Tartars and the eastern thie Of the famous Grecian Constantinople. Nor raise our siege before the Grecians yie P K. of Fez. Renowned emperor, mighty general, What, if you sent the bassoes of your gua Baj. Hie thee, my basso, fast to Persia the earth, H A A A A I or all flesh quakes at your magnificence. Baj. True, Argier; and trembles at my looks. K. of Mor. The spring is hindered by your smothering host, or neither rain can fall upon the earth, or sun reflex his virtuous beams thereon, he ground is mantled with such multitudes. Baj. All this is true as holy Mahomet ; nd all the trees are blasted with our breaths. K. of Fez. What thinks your greatness best to be achieved à pursuit of the city's overthrow? Baj. I will the captive pioneers of Argier ut off the water that by leaden pipes uns to the city from the mountain Carnon. wo thousand horse shall forage up and down, hat no relief or succour come by land: nd all the sea my gallies countermand. hen shall our footmen lie within the trench, nd with their cannons mouthed like Orcus' gulf, Batter the walls, and we will enter in ; nd thus the Grecians shall be conquered. [Exeunt. SCENE II. Zenocrate, Agydas, Anippe, with others. Agyd. Madam Zenocrate, may I presume 'o know the cause of these unquiet fits, hat work such trouble to your wonted rest? Tis more than pity such a heavenly face hould by heart's sorrow wax so wan and pale, When your offensive rape by Tamburlaine, Which of your whole displeasures should be most) Hath seemed to be digested long ago. Zeno. Although it be digested long ago, s his exceeding favours have deserved, and might content the Queen of Heaven, as well s it hath changed my first conceived disdain, et since a farther passion feeds my thoughts With ceaseless and disconsolate conceits, Which dye my looks so lifeless as they are, nd might, if my extremes had full events, Make me the ghastly counterfeit of death. Agyd. Eternal heaven sooner be dissolved, nd all that pierceth Phoebus' silver eye, efore such hap fall to Zenocrate ! Zeno. Ah, life and soul, still hover in his breast nd leave my body senseless as the earth. r else unite you to his life and soul, hat I may live and die with Tamburlaine! Enter behind Tamburlaine, Techelles, and others. Agyd. With Tamburlaine ! Ah, fair Let not a man so vile and barbarous, He will with Tamburlaine's destruction Zeno. Leave [Agydas] to wound me with these words, And speak of Tamburlaine as he deserves. The entertainment we have had of him And might in noble minds be counted princely. Agyd. How can you fancy one that looks so fierce, Only disposed to martial stratagems? arms, Will tell how many thousand men he slew; And when you look for amorous discourse, Will rattle forth his facts of war and blood, Too harsh a subject for your dainty ears. Zeno. As looks the Sun through Nilus' flowing stream, Or when the Morning holds him in her arms, So looks my lordly love, fair Tamburlaine; Agyd. Yet be not so inconstant in your love; But let the young Arabian live in hope And gives no more than common courtesies. tain my cheeks, Fearing his love through my unworthiness.-[Tamburlaine goes to her and takes her away lovingly by the hand, looking wrathfully on Agydas, and says nothing. Exeunt all but Agydas. |