" Il est plus aisé d'être sage pour les autres, que pour soi-même." LA ROCHEFOUCAULD. Printed by A. and R. Spottiswoode, New-Street-Square ; And sold by J. PORTER, Successor to the late T. ВЕСКЕТ, in Pall Mall. M,DCCC,XXII, TABLE OF THE ८ TITLES, AUTHORS' NAMES, &c. of the Publications reviewed in this Volume. N. B. For REMARKABLE PASSAGES in the Criticisms and For the Names, also, of the Authors of new Dissertations, or other curious Papers, published in the MEMOIRS and TRANSACTIONS of the Scientific Academies at Home or on the Continent, and also for the Titles of those Dissertations, &c., of which Accounts are given in the Review, - see the Index, printed at the End of each Volume. |