Abbildungen der Seite


To EDGE away, to decline gradually from the fhore, or from the line of the courfe which the fhip formerly fteered.


FALL, the loofe end of a tackle, or that part upon which the people pull, or hoit, to produce the defired effect.

To FILL, to brace the fails in fuch a manner as that the wind, entering their cavities from behind, dilates them fo as to advance the fhip in her course.

FISH, is a long piece of oak, convex on one fide, and concave on the other. It is used to faften upon the outfide of the lower mafts, as an additional fecurity, to ftrengthen them, when it becomes neceffary to carry an extraordinary preffure of fail. The fishes are' alfo employed for the fame purpose on any yard, which happens to be sprung or fractured.

FLAW, a fudden breeze, or guft of wind.
FLOOR, the bottom of a ship.

FOOT of a fail, lower edge or bottom.

FOOT-ROPE, the rope to which the foot of a fail is


FORE, all that part of a fhip's frame and machinery which lies near the head.


GAFF, a fort of boom, or pole, ufed to extend the upper edge of the mizen. The foremost, or inner extremity of it, is furnished with two cheeks, forming a femicircle, which inclose the after part of the maft fo as to confine the gaff clofe to its refpective mat, whilft the fail is hoifting or lowering.

GANGWAY, a narrow platform, or range of planks, laid horizontally along the upper part of a fhip's fide, from the quarter-deck to the fore-cattle, for the convenience of walking more expeditiously fore and aft, than by defcending into the waist

GANGWAY, is alfo that part of a fhip's fide, both within and without, by which the paffengers enter and depart. It is for this purpose provided with a fufficient number of steps, or cleats, nailed upon the hip's fide, nearly as low as the furface of the water; and fometimes furnished with a railed accommodation-ladder, whose lower end projects from the ship's fide, being fecured in this pofition by iron braces, fo as to render the afcent and defcent convenient.

GRAPPLING, a fmall anchor, fitted with four or five flukes, or claws, commonly used to ride a boat, or other finall veffe!.


GUNNEL, or GUNWALE, the upper edge of a ship's



HANDING the fails, rolling them up close to the yard or mast to which they belong.

HAMMACOES, the fame with hammoc.

To HAUL, an expreffion peculiar to feamen, implying to pull a fingle rope, without the affiftance of blocks, or other mechanical powers.

To HAUL the wind, to direct the ship's courfe nearer to that point of the compafs from which the wind arifes. HAWSER, a large rope which holds the middle degree between the cable and tow-line.

HEAVING-fort, is the drawing so much of the cable into the fhip, by means of the capftern or windlafs, as that, by advancing, fhe will be almoft perpendicularly above the anchor, and in a proper fituation to fet fail.

HEAVING-taught, the act of heaving about the capftern, till the rope applied thereto becomes ftreight, and ready for action.

To HEEL, to ftoop or incline to either fide.
HUMMOCK, a little hill.


JERKED, cured with falt.

JIB, or GIE, JIB-BOOм, a boom run out from the extremity of the bowfprit, parallel to its length, and ferving to extend the bottom of the jib, and the stay of the fore-top-gallant-maft,


KEDGE, a fmall anchor, used to keep a fhip fteady whilft fhe rides in a harbour or river.

Falfe KEEL, a strong thick piece of timber, bolted to the main keel, to preferve its lower fide.

KNEE, a crooked piece of timber, having two branches or arms, and generally used to connect the beams of a ship with her fides or timbers.

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LARBOARD, the left fide of a fhip when the eye of a fpectator is directed forward.

LASHING, a piece of rope employed to faften or fecure any moveable body in a fhip, or about her mafts, fails, or rigging, alfo the act of faftening or fecuring any thing by means of the rope ufed for this purpofe.

LOG, a machine ufed to meafure the fhip's head-way, or the rate of her velocity as fhe advances through the fea. It is compofed of a reel and line, to which is fixed a small piece of wood, forming the quadrant of a circle. The

[blocks in formation]

term log, however, is more particularly applied to the latter. The log is generally about a quarter of an inch thick, and five or fix inches from the angular point to the circumference. It is balanced by a thin plate of lead, nailed upon the arch, so as to fwim perpendicularly in the water, with about two-thirds impreffed under the furface. The line is faftened to the log by means of two legs, one of which paffes through a hole at the corner, and is knotted on the oppofite fide; whilft the other leg is attached to the arch by a pin, fixed in another hole, fo as to draw out occafionally. By thefe legs the log is hung in equilibrio, and the line, which is united to it, is divided into certain fpaces, which are in proportion to an equal number of geographical miles, as a half minute or quarter minute is to an hour of time.

LUG-SAIL, a fquare fail, hoifted occafionally on the maft of a boat, or fmall veffel, upon a yard which hangs nearly at right angles with the mast.


To MAKE the land, is to discover it from a distant fituation, in confequence of approaching it after a fea voyage. MIZEN, the aftermoft or hindmoft of the fixed fails of a ship.

MOORING, the act of confining and fecuring a fhip in a particular ftation, by chains or cables, which are either faftened to the adjacent fhore, or to anchors in the bottom. N.

NEAPED, the fituation of a fhip which is left a-ground on the height of a spring tide, fo that fhe cannot be floated off till the return of the next spring.

[blocks in formation]

OFFING, implies out at fea, or at a competent distance from the fhore, and generally out of anchor-ground.

OPEN, is expreffed of any distant object, to which the fight or paffage is not intercepted by fomething lying or coming between. Thus, to be open with any place, is to be oppofite to it; as the entry of a port, road, or haven.

OVER-HAULING, the act of opening and extending the feveral parts of a tackle, or other affemblage of ropes, communicating with blocks or dead-eyes. It is used to remove those blocks to a fufficient distance from each other, that they may be again placed in a state of action, so as to produce the effect required.


PAINTER, a rope employed to faften a boat either along-fide of the fhip to which the belongs, or to fome wharf or key.


PALM of the anchor, the fame with fluke, the broad barbed ends of the two arms at the bottom of the shank.

PARCELING, certain long narrow flips of canvas, daubed with tar, and frequently bound about a rope, in the fame manner as bandages are applied to a broken limb in furgery.

To PAY, to daub or anoint the furface of any body, in order to preferve it from the injuries of the water and weather, &c.

PORTS, the embrafures or openings in the fide of a fhip of war, wherein the artillery is ranged in battery upon the decks above and below.

HALF-PORTS, are what ftops that part of the port which when the gun is pushed out is left open.

PURCHASE, any mechanical power employed in raifing or removing heavy bodies, or in fixing or extending the fhip's rigging.

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QUARTER, that part of a fhip's fide which lies towards the ftern.

QUARTER-CLOTHS, long pieces of painted canvass, extended on the outfide of the quarter-netting, from the upper part of the gallery to the gangway.


RANGE, a fufficient length of the cable drawn up on the deck, before the anchor is caft loose from the bow, to let it fink to the bottom, without being interrupted, that the flukes may be forced the deeper into the ground, by the additional weight which the anchor acquires in finking.

REEF, a certain portion of a fail, comprehended between the top or bottom, and a row of eyelet-holes parallel thereto.


TO REEF, is to reduce the furface of the fail in tion to the increase of the wind. REEF alfo implies a chain of rocks, lying near the furface of the water.

RIGGING, a general name given to all the ropes employed to fupport the mafts, and to extend or reduce the fails, or arrange them to the difpofition of the wind.

RIGHTING, the act of reitoring a fhip to her upright pofition, after fhe has been laid on a careen. A ship is alfo faid to right at fea when the rifes, with her mafts erected, after having been preffed down on one fide by the efforts of her fails, or a heavy fquall of wind.


SCARFING, when two pieces of timber are to be joined together by the ends, if the ends are cut square, another piece is laid upon and fastened to both, and this is called icarfing. SETTING,

term log, however, is mor The log is generally abo five or fix inches from 1 rence. It is balanced b the arch, fo as to swim about two-thirds impre is faftened to the log by paffes through a hole a oppofite fide; whilft th by a pin, fixed in anotl onally. By these legs 1 the line, which is unit fpaces, which are in pr geographical miles, as a to an hour of time.

LUG-SAIL, a fqua maft of a boat, or smal nearly at right angles w

To MAKE the land, is tion, in confequence of a MIZEN, the aftermoi

a fhip.

MOORING, the act c a particular flation, by ct faftened to the adjacent f

NEAPED, the fituatio on the height of a spring ed off till the return of th

OFFING, implies out at from the fhore, and generally OPEN, is expreffed of any fight or paffage is not interce coming between. Thus, to b be oppofite to it; as the entry

OVER-HAULING, the ad the feveral parts of a tackle, or communicating with blocks or move thofe blocks to a fuffic that they may be again plac to produce the effect requi

PAINTER, a rope emp along-fide of the ship to wh wharf or key.

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