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44 1765. "bearing west from us; wee having the wind at eaft January. "north-east, wee bore away for it, it being too late "for us to goe on fhoare, we lay bye all night. The "ifland feemed very pleasant to the eye, with many "woods, I may as well fay the whole land was woods. "There being a rock lying above water to the east"ward of it, where an innumerable company of fowles,

being of the bigneffe of a small goofe, which fowles "would ftrike at our men as they were aloft: fome of "them were killed and eat: they feemed to us very "good, only tafted fomewhat fishly. I failed along "that ifland to the fouthward, and about the fouth. "weft fide of the island there feemed to me to be a "good place for fhipps to ride: I would have had the "boat out to have gone into the harbour, but the "wind blew fresh, and they would not agree to go in "with it. Sailing a little further, keeping the lead, and "having fix and twenty, and feaven and twenty fathoms "water, untill wee came to a place where wee faw the "weeds ride, having the lead againe, found but sea

ven fathoms water. Fearing danger went about "the fhipp there, were then fearfull to ftay by the "land any longer, it being all rocky ground, but the "harbour feemed to be a good place for Shipps to ride "there; in the island seeming likewise to have water

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enough, there seemed to me to be harbour for five "hundred faile of fhipps. The going in but narrow "and the north fide of the entrance shallow water "that I could fee, but I verily believe that there is "water enough for any fhipp to goe in on the fouth "fide, for there cannot be so great a lack of water, but "muft needs fcowre a channell away at the ebbe deepe "enough for shipping to goe in. I would have had "them stood upon a wind all night, but they told me "they were not come out to go upon difcovery. We "faw likewife another ifland by this that night, which "made me thinke them to be the Sibble D'wards.


"The fame night we fleered our course againe west fouth west, which was but our fouth-west, the compaffe having two and twenty degrees variation eastwardly, keeping that courfe till wee came in the lati❝tude of three and fifty degrees."


In both the printed and manufcript account, this land is faid to lie in latitude forty-feven, to be fituated to the weftward of the ship when first difcovered, to appear woody, to have an harbour where a great number of fhips might ride in fafety, and to be frequented by innumerable birds. It appears alfo, by both accounts, that the weather prevented his going on fore, and that he steered from it W. S. W. till he came into latitude fifty-three: there can therefore be little doubt but that Cowley gave the name of Pepy's Ifland after he came home, to what he really fuppofed to be the island of Sebald de Wert, for which it is not difficult to affign several reasons'; and though the fuppofition of a mistake of the figures does not appear to be well grounded, yet, there being no land in forty-feven, the evidence that what Cowley faw was Falkland's Islands, is very strong. The defcription of the country agrees in almost every particular, and even the map is of the fame general figure, with a ftreight running up the middle. The chart of Falkland's Inlands that accompanies this narrative, was laid down from the journals and drawings of captain Macbride, who was dispatched thither after my return, and circumnavigated the whole coaft the two principal Islands were probably called Falkland's Iflands by Strong, about the year 1689, as he is known to have given the name of Falkland's Sound to part of the ftreight which divides them. The Journal of this navigator is still unprinted in the British Mufæum. The first who faw these islands is fuppofed to be Captain Davies, the affociate of Cavendish, in 1592. In 1594, Sir Richard Hawkins faw land, fuppofed to be the fame, and in honour of his miftrefs, Queen Elizabeth, called them HAWKINS'S MAIDEN LAND. Long afterwards, they were seen by fome French fhips from Saint Maloes, and Frezier, probably, for that reafon, called them the Malouins, a name which has been fince adopted by the Spaniards.



Having continued in the harbour which I had called Port Egmont, till Sunday the 27th of January, we Sunday 27failed again at eight o'clock in the morning with the wind at S. S. W. but we were scarcely got out of the port before it began to blow very hard, and the weather



1765. "bearing weft from us; January. "north-east, wee bore at "for us to goe on shoare, "ifland feemed very ple "woods, I may as well f "There being a rock ly "ward of it, where an being of the bigneffe "would ftrike at our m

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good place for fhipp "boat out to have "wind blew fresh, and "with it. Sailing a lit: "having fix and twent

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1765. January.

Monday 28.

became fo thick that we could not see the rocky islands. I now most heartily wished myself again at anchor in the harbour we had quitted; but in a fhort time we had the fatisfaction to fee the weather become clear, though it continued to blow very hard the whole day. At nine the entrance of Port Egmont harbour bore E. S. E. diftant two leagues; the two low iflands to the northward E. by N. distant between three or four miles; and the rocky ifland W. N. diftant four leagues. At ten the two low iflands bore S. S. E. diftant four or five miles; and we then steered along the fhore east by the compass, and after having run about five leagues, we faw a remarkable head-land, with a rock at a little diftance from it, bearing E. S. E.

E. diftant three leagues. This head-land I called CAPE TAMAR. Having continued the fame course five leagues farther, we faw a rock about five miles from the main bearing N. E. at the distance of four or five leagues: this rock I called the EDISTONE, and then steered between it and a remarkable head-land which I called CAPE DOLPHIN, in the direction of E. N. E. five leagues farther. From Cape Tamar to Cape Dolphin, a diftance of about eight leagues, the land forms, what I thought, a deep found, and called CARLISLE SOUND, but what has fince appeared to be the northern entrance of the ftreight between the two principal islands. In the part that I fuppofed to be the bottom of the found, we faw an opening, which had the appearance of a harbour. From Cape Dolphin we fteered along the fhore E N. fixteen leagues, to a low flat cape or head-land, and then brought to. In this day's run the land, for the most part, resembled the east fide of the coaft of Patagonia, not having fo much as a fingle tree, or even a bufh, being all downs, with here and there a few of the high tufts of grafs that we had feen at Port Egmont ; and in this account I am fure I am not mistaken, for I frequently failed within two miles of the fhore; fo that if there had been a fhrub as big as a goofe-berry bufh, I fhould have seen it. During the night we had forty fathom water with rocky ground.

The next morning, at four o'clock, we made fail, the low flat cape then bearing S. E. by E. diftant five

leagues :

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