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happen to misdeal, has a right to deal again, without paying.

If the dealer, instead of turning the trump, puts it face downwards upon his own cards, he loses his deal.

Whoever deals out of his turn, or twice successively, and recollects himself before he looks at his cards, may compel the proper person to deal.

No one can claim his right to deal after he has seen his cards.

Of Standing, Discarding, Calling, &c.

Any person having signified, in answer to the dealer, that he does or does not stand, he cannot afterward alter his say, without the consent of the rest.

And if all should throw up to the dealer, and he, not observing that no one stands, should throw up also, he cannot af terward correct himself; but the money must lie, to be played for in the next deal.

It is the duty of the dealer to see that each person discards the same number that he calls for.

If any person takes in his cards, without having put out the discard, it is a misdeal.

No person can discard twice; and the discard cannot be changed, after being put out: he cannot alter his call, or make a different discard.

No person, in throwing up, discarding, or in any other way, has a right to face or show any of the ards.

No one can, at any time, look over any cards, either of the pack, or of those which have been discarded.

If a card be faced in answering a call, any one that stands, has a right to call for a new deal, except he, by whose fault the card was faced; and if the dealer was in fault, he must pay or pass the deal.

The dealer should leave his trump card upon the table, till it is his turn to call: after which no one has a right to ask what the trump card was; though he may ask what are trumps.

If, at the end of the game, there should be an error in the discard, there must be a new deal, and the dealer must pay, or pass it; because it is his duty to see that each discard is correct.

Of Playing.

The elder hand must not lead till the discard is com plete; and should he have played, he is permitted, if nobody has played to his card, to take up the same, and play another.

No one should play out of his turn; and any card so played cannot be taken up again.

Á card once shown in playing, must be played, provided it does not cause a revoke.

If any one is sure of winning every remaining trick, he may show his cards; but he is then liable to have them called.

A person may at any time examine all his own tricks, but not those of any other, except the last trick that was played.

No one, during the play, may declare how many or what trumps are out or in, or what cards have been played.

If any one call Pam be civil, when he has no right to do it, that trick may be afterward played over again, and pam be put upon the ace or king so played.

Of Partnership.

There can be no partnership between any two or more persons at the table.


1. There are 16 blaze cards in the pack, and 36 which

are not.

2. There are 13 flush cards of clubs, and 39 which

are not.

3. There are 14 flush cards of spades, hearts, and diamonds, and 38 which are not: because pam is a flush card to any suit.


If you hold 4 blaze cards, and call 1 for a blazs (if the trump is not a blaze card) it is 34 to 12, or about ?

to 1, that you do not obtain it. But if the trump is a blaze card, it is 35 to 11, or about 3 to 1 against you.

If you hold 4 blaze cards, as above, and being dealer, call 2, for a blaze, it is, in the first instance, 34 to 24, or about 3 to 2, against you; and in the second instance, 35 to 22, or about 5 to 3 against you.

If you hold 4 flush cards of clubs, and call 1 for a flush, (if the trump card is not of the suit you want) it is 37 to 9, or about 5 to 1, that you do not obtain it. But if the trump is of the the suit you want, it is 38 to 8, or about 5 to 1, against you.

If you hold 4 flush cards of clubs, as above, and being dealer, call 2 for a flush, it is, in the first instance, 37 to 18, or about 2 to 1, against you; and in the second instance, 38 to 16, or about 5 to 2, against you.

If you hold 4 flush cards, of spades, hearts, or diamonds, and call 1 for a flush, (if the trump card is not of the suit you want) it is 36 to 10, or about 7 to 2, that you do not obtain it. But if the trump is of the suit you want, it is 37 to 9, or about 4 to 1, against you.

If you hold 4 flush cards, of spades, hearts, or diamonds, as above, and being dealer, call 2 for a flush, it is, in the first instance, 36 to 20, or about 5 to 3, against you; and in the second instance, 37 to 18, or about 2 to 1, against you.

In running for pam, if you call 6 cards, it is 46 to 6, or about 8 to 1, that you do not obtain it; if you call 5, it is 46 to 5, or about 8 to 1, against you: if you call 4, it is 46 to 4, or about 12 to 1 against vou; and

so on.

Of Flushes and Blazes.

From the preceding calculations, it appears that the chance of obtaining a blaze, in calling one or two cards, is greater than that of obtaining a flush, in the propor tion of about 4 to 3. This alone would render it safer to stand on four blaze, than on four flush cards. But there are other considerations, which make the running for a blaze, in preference to a flush, advisable. In the first place, if you are elder hand, the chance is greatly in favour of your calling a trump; so that unless your four flush cards are trumps, there is no probability of your obtaining a flush: but the elder hand is as likely

⚫ to call a blaze card. In the second place, a flush is generally composed of low cards. And in the last place, a flush contains only one suit; and, there fore, if you miss of a flush, you have barely the chance of taking a trick in that one suit only; but a blaze is generally composed of high cards in each suit, and, therefore, in running for a blaze, if you should not obtain it, you have nevertheless a great chance of getting safe on one of your four blaze cards.


General Remarks.

The game of Pam-loo differs from other games generally played at cards, in one material point; which is, that any person, after examining his hand, may play it or not as he pleases. If he throws up, he neither wins nor loses; if he plays, he must calculate either to win or to lose. From this peculiarity in the game, a coolness and command of temper is of the utmost importance. It is of less consequence to know how to play the cards well, than it is to know when to stand, and when to throw up.

You cannot be too often reminded to be cautious of standing on a doubtful or indifferent hand. There is very little dependence to be placed on the cards which you may call in; and you had better throw up too often than run imprudent risks. It is in this that the great art of winning consists. A person of a warth and impetuous temper seldom wins, let him know the rules of the game ever so well. If he has been fortunate in standing on a bad hand, he is too confident of future success;-if he has been unfortunate, he runs greater risks, with the foolish hope that his luck will turn; or he becomes petulant, and stands on a worthless hand, merely from illhumour. Both extremes should be avoided with the utmost caution. A person who has the command of his temper, and is governed solely by judgment and prudence; who is not too much elated by good fortune, nor too much depressed by bad, possesses a great advantage. He must have an uncommon run of bad luck, if he does not come off winner, even in the company of much better players.

No invariable rules can be given when to stand, or when to throw up. Reference must always be had to the state of the loo. For example, if the loo be limited to twenty fish, and there are five times that amount in the pool, a person will then stand, when he would not if there were only twenty fish in the pool; because he is sure of losing no more than twenty, and he has the chance of winning a hundred; and if he takes only one trick, he wins as much as he risks.

In order to know when to stand or not, it is very necessary to keep the run of the cards; and he who does it, possesses an important advantage over those who do, not.

Of keeping the Run of the Cards.

In this game, so little time is taken in playing a hand, and the deal goes so briskly round, that the cards are seldom shuffled so as materially to alter the situation they were in when packed. A person, therefore, who observes how they were played; what tricks one person took, and of what cards, those tricks consisted; in what manner they were collected, and in what orde they were packed together; what suit was trumps, anc whether many were out or not; whether they were al played together, or much scattered; what particula cards were played on or near the high trumps; whether one person took all the tricks at trumps or not, and how those tricks were packed; on what cards pam was played and lasty, in what manner the cards were shuffled and cut;-if possessing this knowledge, the same suit should be trumps the next deal, he can tell with tolerable accuracy from the trump card, what cards lie at or near the top of the pack. From the same observations, he will be able to form a correct judgment by the cards in his own hand, respecting the cards which others hold; and in like manner, from the cards which he calls in, he may calculate what cards others have called. From this information he will not only be governed in standing and calling, but will know in what manner to play his hand.

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