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for such as lie turned up on the table, striving thereby to make pairs-royal, sequences, or flushes, and so on round again, till all have refused to change, or are satisfied; but every person once standing cannot change again that deal. Finally, the hands are all shown, and the possessor of the highest pair-royal, &c. or the eldest hand, if there be more than one of the same value, takes the sum agreed upon out of the pool, and the person having the worst hand, puts one fish, or counter, therein, called Going up. The player whose three are first gone off, has the liberty of purchasing one more, called Buying a horse, for a sum as agreed, usually onethird of the original stake, to be put into the pool. Af ter that, every player, whose fish are all gone, sits by till the game be concluded, which finishes by the person who continues the longest on the board, thereby gaining the pool, or final sweep.


THE game of Pam-loo may be played by four, fivé, six, or seven persons. Five or six is the best number. If there be less than five, a loo will seldom happen, and If more than six, the pack will frequently be insufficient. A complete pack is used, and the cards rank the same as in Whist, except the knave of clubs, which is called Pam.

Explanation of Terms.

Pam, is the knave of clubs, and ranks above every other card in the pack. It is subject to no laws, but may be played on any suit, at any time, even though you have in your hand the suit which is led. When led, it always commands trumps, but when trumps are led, you are not obliged to play it, even if you have no trump. If you hold pam, you cannot be looed. If pam is turned for the trump card, clubs are trumps.

Pool The pool consists of the fish or counters, which are paid for the deals, and of the sums forfeited by those who were looed the preceding hand.

Flush is five cards, all of one suit.
Pam flush is four flush cards and pam.
Blaze is five face or court cards.

Pam blaze is four blaze cards and pam.

The person holding the best flush or blaze outwins all the money in the pool; and each other person that stood is looed, unless he has either pam, a flush, or a blaze. They rank in the following order: 1st, a pamflush, or pam-blaze;-2d, a flush of trumps;-3d, any other flush-4th, a blaze;—and if there be two or more equal flushes or blazes out, the eldest is the best.

Loo. The loo is the sum put up by any one that is Jooed, and is either limited or unlimited;-when unlimited, a person is loped for the whole amount of the

pool;-if limited, he is looed for no more than a certain sum, previously agreed upon, generally about five times the deal; but he is never looed for more than the pool.

Pam be civil is said by any one holding the ace and king of trumps, when he leads or plays either of them; in which case, as it is impossible that he should be looed, the person holding pam will not play it on either of them. If the ace has been played, in a previous trick, a person holding the king and queen has the same privilege. The person, however, that holds pam, has a right to play it in the above case if he pleases; but it would, generally, be very bad play.

To play for the good, or for the good of the loo, is to play in such a manner as to loo as many as possible, without any regard to making tricks. This should always be done when you are safe: and for this purpose, you ought generally to lead a trump.

To be safe, is when you have won a trick, or are sure of winning one.

Winner's lift is said, to prevent the last player from wasting a good card, by taking a trick from one who is already safe; or it is said by one who has already taken a trick, when he leads or plays a card which is the second best in, in order to prevent the person who may hold the best card, from playing it on that trick; as by reserving this best card, some other person may be looed.

A revoke is when a person, who has suit, does not play it.

A sure card is one, that is sure of taking a trick. A must. To have a must, is a method of playing the game, in which it is a rule, that whenever there is only the deal to be played for, every person is obliged to stand in order to make a loo for the next hand. often as this happens, it is a must.

Description of the Game.

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The game of Pam-loo is played with the assistance of counters. One of the party, who is called the cashier, delivers to each player a certain number of fish or counters, which the cashier is obliged, at the end of the game, to redeem, at the same value at which they were

delivered. Two kinds of counters are sufficient, of which the larger may be considered as equal to five of the smaller, or their value.

The cards are cut by each player for the deal; and the person who cuts the lowest card is to deal first. In cutting, the ace is lowest. After the first deal, each per

son deals in turn, as in Whist.

The dealer having paid five fish for his deal, the cards are shuffled by every one who chooses, the dealer naving a right to shuffle them last; the pack is then cut by the person at the dealer's right hand. The dealer then distributes five cards to each person, beginning on his left hand; as many at a time as he pleases, provided they be dealt equally; usually two cards the first round, and three the second. He then turns the trump from the top of the pack, and places it face upwards, upon the table. The trump card belongs to the dealer, which makes his number six.

The dealer must now ask each person round the board, beginning at his left hand, if he stands. If he does, he says yes, or signifies it by knocking on the table. If he does not stand, he throws up his cards into the middle of the table. Having asked round the board, the dealer declares whether he stands himself, or not. He then asks the first person that stood, on his left, how many cards he calls, who immediately discards as many from his hand as he pleases, and receives an equal number from off the top of the pack.

When all that stand have discarded, and received their several calls, the dealer, if he stood, takes up his five cards, with the trump, (which he may now mix with his others.) and discarding as many as he pleases, takes an equal number from the pack. Having six cards, he must next throw away the least valuable one in his hand, which will reduce it to the proper number.

If there is a flush or a blaze, it must not be shown; and the best takes the poo!. All the others, that stood, are looed; unless any one holds pam, or another flush or blaze, the loos (if there be any) and the deal being put into the pool, the game is continued by a new deal. Five fish are paid by the dealer at every deal.

If no one have a flush or blaze, the elder hand leads a card, to which the rest are obliged to follow suit, it they have it; otherwise they may trump. The best

card wins the trick; and the winner leads again; and so ou, till the five tricks are played.

If any person win neither of the five tricks, he is looed. Those who win the tricks divide the money played for, which is divided into five equal parts, and each trick takes a dividend. The loos and deal being then paid as before, the game is continued by a new deal.

Another method of playing is, never to divide the pool, unless some one is looed. This keeps a loo always on the table.

Another method of playing is, to pay six fish for every deal, one of which and a proportion of the loos, is put into a separate box; and the fish contained in this box gradually accumulate, till some one has a pam-flush, which entitles him to the whole.

Laws of the Game.-Of Dealing.

Each person at the table has a right to shuffle the cards, but it is usual for the elder hand only, and the dealer after.

The dealer has a right to shuffle them last.

In cutting, two cards at least must be cut.

It is the dealer's duty to see that each person pays his loo, before he turns the trump; as he is responsible to the company for all that may be deficient.

If the dealer permit any one to deal for him, to give out cards, or to assort his hand, and any error be committed, the dealer is accountable, as if he had made the error himself.

The cards must be dealt regularly round, beginning on the left hand of the dealer, and an equal number at a time to each person.

As often as the dealer makes a misdeal, it is at his option either to pass the deal, or to pay and deal again. If a misdeal be discovered before the trump is turned, it is no deal.

If a card is faced in the pack, or be turned up in dealing, unless it be a trump card, it is no deal.

If there are too many or too few cards, it is no deal. No one may take up, or look at his cards till the trump is turned: when this is the case, the dealer. if he should

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