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States. Active duty for such purposes shall be deemed to begin on the date of acceptance for such duty following compliance with the order to report for active duty and shall terminate when relieved or discharged from such duty. Members of the Regular Army Reserve may be ordered to active duty only in case of emergency declared by the President and when so ordered shall be furnished transportation and subsistence allowances at Government expense from their homes within the continental limits of the United States or its possessions to points where ordered to report for active duty. In addition, if found qualified and accepted for active duty following such order they shall receive a sum at the rate of $3 per month for each month they have been enlisted in the Regular Army Reserve but not to exceed $150. While on active duty they shall have the same status and receive only the same pay and allowances provided by law for enlisted men of the active Regular Army of like grade and length of service. In computing length of service for pay purposes, time spent on active duty will be counted. Within six months after the termination of an emergency declared by the President, they shall be placed in an inactive status or discharged, whichever is appropriate.

Members of the Regular Army Reserve shall be subject to military law only from the date they are required to obey an order to report for active duty.


SEC. 37a. RESERVE OFFICERS ON (b) Section 37a of the National DeACTIVE DUTY.-To the extent provided fense Act of 1916, as amended, is for from time to time by appropriations amended by inserting a period after the for this specific purpose, the President words "and length of active service" may order reserve officers to active and deleting the rest of said section. duty at any time and for any period: but except in time of a national emergency expressly declared by Congress, no reserve officer shall be employed on active duty for more than fifteen days in any calendar year without his own consent. When on active duty he shall receive the same pay and allowances as an officer of the Regular Army of the same grade and length of active service, and mileage from his home to his first station and from his last station to his home, but shall not be entitled to retirement or retired pav.

SEC. 38. OFFICERS, NATIONAL GUARD OF THE UNITED STATES. -All persons appointed officers in the National Guard of the United States are reserve officers and shall be commissioned in the Army of the United States. Such appoint- his last station to his home". ments in grades below that of brigadier general shall be made by the President alone, and general officers by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.

(c) Section 38 of the National Defense Act of 1916, as amended, is amended by deleting the following words therefrom: "and mileage from his home to his first station and from



Officers in the National Guard of the United States shall be appointed for the period during which they are federally recognized in the same grade and branch in the National Guard: Provided, That an appointment in force at the outbreak of war shall continue in force until six months after its termination: And provided further, That such officer shall be entitled to be relieved from active Federal service within six months after its termination if he makes application therefor.

In time of peace the President may order to active duty, with their consent, officers of the National Guard of the United States for the purposes set forth in sections 5 and 81 of this Act. When on such active duty an officer of the National Guard of the United States shall receive the same pay and allowances as an officer of the Regular Army of the same grade and length of active service and mileage from his home to his first station and from his last station to his home, but shall not be entitled to retirement or retired pay: Provided, That such officers ordered to such active duty shall be paid out of the funds appropriated for the pay of the National Guard.

Officers of the National Guard of the United States, while not on active duty, shall not, by reason solely of their appointments, oaths, commissions, or status as such, or any duties or functions performed or pay or allowance received as such, be held or deemed to be officers or employees of the United States, or persons holding any office of trust or profit or discharging any official function under or in connection with any department of the Government of the United States.

The Act of February 18, 1946 (60 Stat. 20)


The dependents and household effects of such civilian and naval personnel of the Naval Establishment (without regard to rank or grade) on duty at locations outside the continental limits of the United States, or in Alaska, as may be determined upon by the Secretary of the Navy, may prior or subsequent to the issuance of orders for the relief of such personnel from their stations, or subsequent to the discharge or release of such personnel from active service, be moved (including packing and unpacking of household effects) from such locations outside the continental limits of the United States, or in Alaska, to such

SEC. 526. That part of title III of the Act of February 18, 1946 (60 Stat. 20; 37 USC 112c), which authorizes transportation of dependents and household effects of civilian and naval personnel of the Naval Establishment stationed outside continental United States is amended by deleting therefrom all reference to Naval personnel.



locations as may be designated by such personnel, or dependents concerned, by the use of either Government or commercial means of transportation, and later from such locations to the duty station to which such personnel may be ordered, and current appropriations of the Navy Establishment available for travel and transportation may be used for this purpose. In lieu of transportation in kind authorized for dependents, the Secretary of the Navy may authorize payment in money of amounts equal to the commercial transportation costs (including taxes if paid) for the whole or such part of the travel for which transportation in kind is not furnished when such travel shall have been completed.

[blocks in formation]

(e) In lieu of transportation authorized by subsection 3 (b), 3 (c), 4 (a), 4 (b), and 4 (c) of this Act for dependents, the Secretary of the Army may authorize the payment in money of amounts equal to such commercial transportation costs for the whole or such part of travel for which transportation in kind is not furnished, when such travel shall have been completed: Provided, That the provisions of this subsection shall be applicable to travel performed by dependents on and after the respective effective dates of the aforementioned subsections.

SEC. 527. (a) Subsection (e) of section 4 of the Act of June 5, 1942 (56 Stat. 314) as added by section 4 of the Act of February 12, 1946 (60 Stat. 5; 50 App. USC 764 (e)), is amended by deleting therefrom the reference to section 4 (a), 4 (b), and 4 (c).

SEC. 5. That any funds available for (b) Section 5 of the Act of June 5, the transportation of baggage, house- 1942 (56 Stat. 316; 50 App. USC 765), hold effects and goods, shall be available is amended by deleting therefrom all for the transportation, packing, crating, reference to military personnel. and unpacking of such baggage, household effects and goods, in the manner and under such conditions of service of military and civilian personnel as the Secretary of the Army may prescribe and designate by regulations.

[blocks in formation]



master General", of the Act of May 27, 1908 (35 Stat. 418; 39 USC 134), as amended, is amended by deleting the last sentence thereof.

SEC. 528. Paragraph 23, heading Enlisted men of the United States "Office of the Fourth Assistant PostNavy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard may, upon selection by the Secretary of the Navy in the case of the Navy or Marine Corps, and by the Secretary of the Treasury in the case of the Coast Guard, be designated by the Post Office Department as "Navy mail clerks" and "assistant Navy mail clerks" and as "Coast Guard mail clerks" and "assistant Coast Guard mail clerks", who shall be authorized to receive and open all 90785-49-5



pouches and sacks of mail addressed to naval and Coast Guard vessels, as the case may be, to make proper delivery of such mail, to receive matter for transmission in the mails, to receipt for registered matter (keeping an accurate record thereof), to keep and have for sale, an adequate supply of postage stamps, to make up and dispatch mails, and other postal duties as may be authorized by the Postmaster General, all in accordance with such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the commanding officer of the vessel or of the squadron to which the vessel is attached. Such enlisted men may also be designated as Navy mail clerks and assistant Navy mail clerks and as Coast Guard mail clerks and assistant Coast Guard mail clerks with expeditionary forces on shore or for duty at stations and shore establishments under the Navy Department and the Treasury Department, respectively, where the services of such mail clerks and assistant mail clerks are necessary. Each mail clerk and assistant mail clerk shall take the oath of office prescribed for employees of the Postal Service and shall be amenable in all respects to naval and Coast Guard discipline, as the case may be, except that, as to their duties as such clerks, the commanding officers of the vessels upon which they are stationed shall require them to be governed by the postal laws and regulations of the United States. Whenever necessity arises therefor any assistant mail clerk may be required by the commanding officer of the vessel upon which he is stationed or of the squadron to which said vessel is attached to perform the duties of mail clerk. They shall receive as compensation for such services from the Navy Department or from the Treasury Department, as the case may be, in addition to that paid them of the grade to which they are assigned, such sum in the case of mail clerks not to exceed $500 per annum, and in that of assistant mail clerks not to exceed $300 per annum, as may be determined and allowed by the Navy Department and by the Treasury Department, respectively.

* * *

SEC. 529. Section 4 of the Naval

The Naval Aviation Cadet Act of 1942 Aviation Cadet Act of 1942 (56 Stat. 737; 34 U. S. C. 850c), is hereby amended to read as follows:

(56 Stat. 737)

SEC. 4. The pay of aviation cadets "SEC. 4. Aviation cadets, while on while on active duty shall be at the active duty, shall be entitled to be paid rate of $75 per month, which pay shall at the rate of $105 per month, which include extra pay for flying. To each pay shall include extra pay for flying. aviation cadet when not subsisted at They shall be entitled to receive, in Government expense, there shall be addition, the same allowance for sub



paid, in addition, a money allowance sistence as is now or may hereafter for subsistence of $1 per day, and he be authorized for officers of the Navy, shall, while on active duty, be furnished and shall, while on active duty, be quarters, medical care, and hospitaliza- furnished quarters, medical care and tion, and shall be issued uniforms, hospitalization, and shall be issued uniclothing, and equipment at Government forms, clothing, and equipment at Govexpense. Aviation cadets while so ernment expense. When traveling serving shall not be entitled to receive under orders, aviation cadets shall be any additional pay for longevity. When entitled to receive transportation and traveling under orders, aviation cadets other necessary expenses incident to shall receive transportation and other such travel, or cash in lieu thereof, on necessary expenses incident to such the same basis and at the same rates travel, or cash in lieu thereof, as is then as are now or may hereafter be preprescribed for enlisted men of the Navy. scribed for enlisted personnel of the Navy."

The Army Aviation Cadet Act (55 Stat. 240), as amended

SEC. 4. The base pay of any aviation cadet shall be $75 per month, which pay shall include extra pay for flying risk, as provided by law. Aviation cadets shall be paid, in addition, a money allowance for subsistence of $1 per day and shall, while undergoing training, be furnished quarters, medical care, and hospitalization and shall be issued uniforms, clothing, and equipment at Government expense. No aviation cadet shall be entitled to receive

longevity pay. While traveling under orders, they shall, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Army may prescribe, receive transportation and reimbursement for necessary expenses incurred which are incident to such travel, or cash in lieu thereof. When traveling by air under competent orders, they shall receive the same allowances for traveling expenses as are now or may hereafter be authorized by law for officers of the Army. When commissioned as second lieutenants, Air Corps Reserve, pursuant to this Act, they shall be paid a uniform allowance of $150.

The Act of June 30, 1941 (55 Stat. 394), as amended.

SEC. 1. * That an enlisted man of the Regular Army or of the Philippine Scouts who has had less than twenty years of service in the military forces of the United States and who has become permanently incapacitated for active service shall be discharged: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be construed as affecting the right of an enlisted man discharged hereunder to receive such pension and other benefits as may now or hereafter be accorded by law to disabled former soldiers of the Regular Army or of the Philippine Scouts.

SEC. 530. The first five sentences of section 4 of the Army Aviation Cadet Act (55 Stat. 240; 10 U. S. C. 303, 304, 304b), as amended, are hereby further amended to read as follows: "Aviation cadets while on active duty, shall be entitled to be paid at the rate of $105 per month, which pay shall include extra pay for flying. They shall be entitled to receive, in addition, the same allowance for subsistence as is now or may hereafter be authorized for officers of the Army, and shall, while on active duty, be furnished quarters, medical care, and hospitalization, and shall be issued uniforms, clothing, and equipment at Government expense. When traveling under orders, aviation cadets shall be entitled to receive transportation and other necessary expenses incident to such travel, or cash in lieu thereof, on the same basis and at the same rates as are now or may hereafter be prescribed for enlisted personnel of the Army."

SEC. 531. The Act of June 30, 1941 (55 Stat. 394; 10 U. S. C. 656, 939, 982a), as amended, is hereby amended by deleting therefrom sections 1, 2, and 3.

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