law also forbade the issuance of any visas until regulations were promulgated. On Labor Day, 1948, prior to the issuance of the regulations on October 6, the Chairman of the Commission left for Germany to set up an administrative structure to start operations. The first ship of displaced persons sailed on October 21, 1948. This might be compared with the program under the President's directive of 1945. There, with no requirement of regulations, with no restrictive legislation, with no new limitations upon the selection of displaced persons, with no new administration required by law, no one arrived in the United States for approximately 5 months. The Commission is not satisfied with the progress thus far made under the act, and is striving in every way consistent with the law to speed up arrivals. But the Commission is administering a law which, by its very provisions, slows down operations. In fact, it is only by the most strenuous activity on the part of the Commission's very limited staff, and by a liberality of interpretation justified by the basic intention of the law, that the Commission has been able to accomplish as much as it has. B. Results. Since January 1949 an acceleration of admissions of displaced persons is clearly noticeable, as shown by the following figures: According to a press release issued by the Washington office of the IRO on May 2, 1948, the twenty-thousandth displaced person to arrive in this country under the 1948 act was a 5-year-old Lithuanian girl, by the name of Janina Vaitkevicius, admitted at the port of New York, N. Y., on May 4, 1948, almost exactly 10 months after the enactment of the law. The IRO press release went on to say that the parents of the twenty-thousandth displaced person to arrive in this country under the 1948 act were brought to Germany as slave laborers in 1943 with their son who is now 13. Janina and her 7-month old brother, Petras, were born in Germany. The family was destined to Valley City, N. Dak., where Mr. Vaitkevicius will be employed as a farmer. By May 12, 1949, the United States Army Transport General Omar Bundy docking at New Orleans, La., with 844 persons aboard brought the total number of displaced persons admitted into the United States under the 1948 act to 24,249. As to assurance required by the act, the Commission reports that as of April 18, 1948, assurances for 80,886 families, or an estimated 159,000 persons, were validated and sent to Europe. The assurances are now reaching the Commission at an average rate covering 5,000 families, or some 9,650 persons, each week. The Commission is of the opinion that the demand in the United States for displaced persons is so great as to indicate that resettlement opportunities for the total of 205,000 authorized under the present law will soon have been made available, probably by August 1949. According to information submitted further by the Commission, the list of 28 organized State Commissions and Committees for resettlement of displaced persons in the United States as of May 10, 1949, is as follows: ORGANIZED STATE COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES FOR RESETTLEMENT OF DISPLACED PERSONS AS OF MAY 10, 1949 California: Rev. Clifford H. Jope, chairman, California Advisory Committee on Resettlement of Displaced Persons, 599 Duboce Avenue, San Francisco, Calif. Colorado: Mr. Bernard E. Teets, chairman, Colorado Committee on the Resettlement of Displaced Persons, 486 State Capitol Annex, Denver, Colo. Connecticut: Mr. Donald Sammis, chairman, Connecticut Committee on Displaced Persons, 581 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Conn. Illinois: Mr. Chauncey McCormick, chairman, 410 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Send communications to Mr. James I. Holicky, secretary, Illinois Displaced Persons Commission, Room 414, Merchandise Mart, Chicago 54, Ill. Indiana: Mrs. Wayne Kimmel, chairman. Send correspondence to Mr. P. E. Middleton, secretary, Indiana State Advisory Committee on Displaced Persons, care of Indiana Economic Council, 610 Board of Trade Building, Indianapolis 4, Ind. Iowa: Mr. Melvin D. Synhorst, chairman, Iowa Displaced Persons Committee, Secretary of State, Des Moines, Iowa. Kansas: Gov. Frank Carlson (committee of four appointed; chairman not designated. Communications should be addressed to Governor until notification of chairman). Kentucky: Mr. L. P. Jones, State resettlement director, care of Division of Employment Service, Department of Economic Security, Frankfort, Ky. Maine: Mr. Everett F. Greaton, executive secretary, Maine Development Commission, Statehouse, Augusta, Maine. Massachusetts: Mr. Walter H. Bieringer, chairman, Massachusetts Displaced Persons Commission, care of Plymouth Rubber Co., Inc., Canton, Mass. Maryland: Judge William F. Laukaitis, chairman, Maryland State Committee for the Resettlement of Displaced Persons, 2035 O'Sullivan Building, Baltimore 2, Md. Minnesota: Dr. T. F. Gullixson, chairman, Minnesota Displaced Persons Commission, 117 University Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. Address all communications to: Mr. John W. Poor, administrative secretary. Michigan: Miss Florence G. Cassidy, secretary, Michigan Commission on Displaced Persons, 51 West Warren Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Mississippi: Mr. Ransom E. Aldrich, chairman, Mississippi Committee on Displaced Persons, State Capitol, Jackson 115, Miss. Nebraska: Address all communications to Mr. James S. Pittenger, Administrative Assistant to the Governor, Executive Office, Lincoln, Nebr. New Hampshire: Mrs. Abby L. Wilder, Employment Service Director, acting chairman, displaced persons department, the Bureau of Labor, 32 South Main Street, Concord, N. H. New York: Mr. Edward Corsi, chairman, New York State Committee on Displaced Persons, room 1516, 270 Broadway, New York 7, N. Y. Send communications or Mr. Leon Climenko, secretary (same address). North Carolina: Mr. L. Y. Ballentine, chairman, North Carolina Commission on Displaced Persons, State commissioner of agriculture, Raleigh, N. C. Oklahoma: Mr. Roy A. Dillon, director, Oklahoma Merit System, 2028 Northwest Twenty-first Street, Oklahoma City, Okla. Oregon: Mr. F. L. Ballard, general chairman, Oregon State Committee for Displaced Persons, Oregon State College, Corvallis, Oreg. Pennsylvania: Dr. Clyde A. Lynch, chairman, also president, Lebanon Valley College, Annville, Pa. Send communications to Mr. Frank K. Boal, secretary, Pennsylvania Commission on Displaced Persons, 305 South Office Building, State Capitol, Harrisburg, Pa. Rhode Island: Rev. Frederick P. Taft, chairman, Rhode Island Displaced Persons Committee, 322 Benefit Street, Providence, R. I. South Dakota: Mr. Jay L. Roney, chairman, South Dakota Committee on Resettlement of Displaced Persons, in care of Department of Social Security, Pierre, S. Dak. Texas: Mr. M. B. Morgan, chairman, Texas Displaced Persons Committee, in care of Bureau of Labor Statistics, Capitol Station, Austin, Tex. Vermont: Mr. Arthur Packard, chairman, Vermont Displaced Persons Committee, Vermont Employment Service, Montpelier, Vt. Send all communications to Mrs. Martha Buttrick, Vermont Displaced Persons Committee, in care of Vermont Unemployment Compensation Commission, Montpelier, Vt. Virginia: Mr. L. M. Walker, Jr., chairman, Virginia Displaced Persons Committee, in care of the Department of Agriculture and Immigration, Richmond 19, Va. Send all correspondence to Mr. Maurice B. Howe, secretary (same address). Wisconsin: Prof. George W. Hill, chairman, Wisconsin Committee on Resettlement of Displaced Persons, 315 South Carroll Street, Madison, Wis. Wyoming: Mr. George Knutson, chairman, Wyoming State Committee on Displaced Persons, in care of Agricultural Statistics Office, Cheyenne, Wyo. In addition to new public agencies created for the purpose, traditional voluntary agencies of the United States play a most significant part in bringing about a solution to the problem of Europe's displaced persons. The Commission reports on the work done by American voluntary agencies as follows: Shortly after the liberation of the displaced persons by the advancing allied armies, the American voluntary agencies started programs in the established camps and assembly centers. These programs took the form of supplementary feeding, specialized medical programs, care of orphan children, training and retraining in the trades and vocations, and morale services. Later these agencies assisted in reuniting families and established a search service so that people in the United States could learn the whereabouts of their relatives. Assistance was also given by them to displaced persons who could be repatriated to their former homelands. When it became clear that not all the displaced persons could return with complete safety to their former homelands, these same agencies established programs for the resettlement of these unfortunates in other countries. Before the passage of the act, the voluntary agencies participated in the development of resettlement programs in other countries, primarily in South America. In the spring of 1948, the voluntary agencies undertook surveys throughout a great many of the States to determine the availability of housing and suitable employment which might be used for the resettlement of displaced persons. Consequently, these agencies were able to secure a backlog of thousands of home and employment opportunities before the passage of legislation to permit the entry of displace persons in the United States. This backlog was of considerable assistance to the Commission in getting under way a program for the resettlement of displaced persons in the United States. A high degree of national coverage is given through the combined effort of the voluntary agencies. Some are organized on a State basis, some on a regional basis, and some along church lines with dioceses in the 48 States. They are represented by well-organized local counterparts in the form of committees or councils. These agencies present assurances on behalf of families and individuals to the Commission covering housing employment, assurance against public charge, and additional assurance that suitable arrangements will be made for the reception at ports of entry together with the onward movement to points of destination and the necessary follow-up work to assist their orderly resettlement. The State, regional, or diocesan committees of the agencies secure the required assurances on housing and employment and are responsible for the continuing activities in their areas. These voluntary agencies have qualified American personnel working in the displaced persons camps and assembly centers of Germany, Austira, and Italy. This personnel assists the Commission staff in those countries by nominating individuals and families to match assurances submitted by their respective organizations in the United States, and from which the Commission's staff makes selections. They are also developing programs for teaching the English language and other courses which will assist the immigrant in becoming a good American. The voluntary agencies recognized by the Commission for the purpose of sponsoring the entry of displaced persons into the United States are: Church World Service, Inc., 214 East Twenty-first Street, New York 10, N. Y. Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society, 425 Lafayette Street, New York 3, N. Y. International Rescue and Relief Committee, 103 Park Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. Mennonite Central Committee, Akron, Pa. National Lutheran Council, 231 Madison Avenue, New York 16, N. Y. National American Federation of International Institutes, 11 West Forty-second Street, New York 18, N. Y. United Service for New Americans, Inc., 15 Park Row, New York 7, N. Y. United Ukrainian American Relief Committee, Inc., 45 DeLong Building, Thirteenth and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia 7, Pa. U. S. Committee for the Care of European Children, Inc., 215 Fourth Avenue, New York, N. Y. War Relief Services, National Catholic Welfare Conference, 350 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, N. Y. American Friends Service Committee, 20 South Twelfth Street, Philadelphia 7, Pa. Unitarian Service Committee, 9 Park Street, Boston 8, Mass. American National Committee to Aid Homeless Armenians, United Nations Theatre Building, 262 O'Farrell Street, San Francisco 2, Calif. Additional assets in planning for the orderly integration of the immigrants to our community life are found in the traditional private welfare agencies of the country. The National Social Welfare Assembly, in which practically all of these agencies hold membership has formed a national committee to assist in the resettlement of displaced persons. These agencies are prepared to offer a variety of necessary services after the immigrant arrives in the local community. These services are the same as those extended to any American family requiring them. The assistance that can be extended through these long-existing and experienced agencies will be of great value in carrying out a complete and practical resettlement program. In order to facilitate the movement of immigrants from ports of entry in the United States to points of ultimate destination throughout the country, the Commission has established port and pier committees made up of representatives of the voluntary agencies which sponsor the displaced persons, the public and private welfare agencies of the port cities, and the Travelers Aid Society. The principle has been established of moving the immigrants from the ports of entry to their destinations the day they disembark. This requires advance planning by the port and pier committees for each boat scheduled to arrive at the respective ports. The Commission provides a nominal roll for each incoming ship in advance of its arrival. This nominal roll contains all the pertinent information on each passenger, including name, age, sex, occupation, the sponsor, and point of destination in the United States. With this information, it is possible for the port and pier committees to arrange for transportation with the carriers in advance, without disrupting normal passenger service. It is estimated that a ratio of 1 agency worker to each 10 arriving immigrants must be maintained in order to insure orderly and prompt movement from the port cities. Work on the pier consists of providing interpreter services, arranging for someone to meet the immigrant, distributing transportation tickets, moving of immigrants and their baggage from the pier to the transportation depots, notifying sponsors by telegram of travel arrangements, and other related functions. The American Red Cross, through its chapters, provides special pier service, consisting of warm meals for the immigrants while they are awaiting customs clearance or completion of transportation arrangements, special facilities for the care of children, and first-aid service. The Travelers Aid Society arranges for the transportation from port of entry, of individuals and families who are not sponsored or otherwise serviced by the voluntary agencies; this service will be an increasingly important function as greater numbers of immigrants arrive. The committee commends the efforts and activities of the civic agencies and individuals cooperating in this phase of the work. Without them, the successful operation of the program would not have been possible. Visas issued and quotas mortgaged under Public Law 774, 80th Cong. Total visas... 29, 551 29, 266 285 It is estimated that there were more than 8,000,000 refugees and displaced persons in western Europe on VE-day. The western Allied armies repatriated to their countries of origin over 7,000,000. For the most part they were western Europeans-French, Belgian, Dutch, etc.-who were sent to Germany as forced laborers, prisoners of war, and concentration-camp victims of the Nazis. Another group of displaced persons, mostly eastern Europeans (Poles, Ukrainians, Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Hungarians, Rumanians, Yugoslavs, etc.) constitute people, who, in the majority refuse to be repatriated and to live under the Communist-dominated regimes of their respective countries. Since 1946 and until recently, despite resettlement and repatriation of a certain number of them, the size of this group has not varied greatly in total numbers as racial, religious, and political persecution increased in their native lands and people continued to flee from oppression in the search of a safe haven. Despite this situation, a substantial but diminishing number of Poles and Yugoslavs, and a small number of others, have gone back to eastern Europe in 1946, 1947, and early in 1948. But, according to the International Refugee Organization statistical reports submitted to the committee, repatriation of displaced persons for the last 20 months has not exceeded 65,000 of which over 35,000 persons returned to Poland. At the same time, however, new applications for assistance have been received by the International Refugee Organization in Italy and the western zones of Germany and Austria at a rate averaging 12,000 per month. This figure includes births in camps, recently arrived refugees from behind the iron curtain and a small number of persons readmitted to camps who had been temporarily self-supporting. Thus, despite the fact that resettlement of unrepatriable displaced persons has reached within the last 2 years the half-million mark, the Department of State reported the following number of displaced persons residing in the geographical areas covered by the 1948 act and legislation amendatory thereto, as of April 1, 1949: |