TABLE 2.-UNITED STATES CODE-Continued Showing where sections of the United States Code, 1946 edition, will be found in revised title 14-Continued TABLE 3.-LAWS OMITTED AND REPEALED Showing laws omitted from revised title 14, U. S. C., and included in the schedule of repeals [The citations in the first 2 columns give the titles and sections of the United States Code. The citations in the third column indicate the corresponding Revised Statutes or Statutes at Large. The reasons for omission and repeal are given in the fourth column] 348, 1328, 137... June 23, 1942, c. 444, § 1, 14 14 348, 1328.. 14 34a, 132a. 14 14 38. 34a, 132a 14 48. 14 508. 58 Stat. 316 and 317. June 22, 1936, c. 705, § 4, July 12, 1946, c. 569, § 1, 60 Stat. 531; July 1, 1947, c. 186, title I, § 101, 61 Stat. 227; June 19, 1948, c. 558, title I, § 101, 62 Stat. 563. Apr. 21, 1924, ch. 130, § 1, 43 stat. 105. Preceding § 51. July 15, 1941, c. 302, § 2, 14 56.. 14 14 62. 55 Stat. 597. Reasons for omission and repeal Obsolete because of the complete consolidation of the Superseded by title 14, U. S. C., 1946 ed., supp. I, § 6c, Obsolete because the basic law is no longer in effect. Obsolete because the incorporation of all personnel The basic statute is being repealed by the revision. Obsolete because the incorporation of all personnel con- The third sentence has been superseded by title 14, These sections no longer needed when the Coast Guard No longer needed; the consolidation has been com- The need for this definition is eliminated by section 7 of the act of July 11, 1941, 55 Stat. 585. The provision relating to the procurement of ordnance Superseded by title 14, U. S. C., 1946 ed., § 50b, which Superseded by the act of Jan. 28, 1915, 38 Stat. 800 which is covered by section 88 of the revision. Obsolete because there is no longer any vessel of such design; this subject matter covered by section 88 of the revision. No longer needed under present operational and disciplinary control. Obsolete no longer a practical procedure. TABLE 3.-LAWS OMITTED AND REPEALED-Continued Showing laws omitted from revised title 14, U. S. C., and included in the schedule of repeals-Continued Reasons for omission and repeal June 6, 1900, c. 791, 31 Mar. 1, 1905, c. 1293, § 2, May 4, 1882, c. 117, § 4, May 4, 1882, c. 117, § 10, 22 Stat. 58. Dec. 11, 1908, c. 1, 35 May 18, 1920, c. 190. § 8, Apr. 16, 1908, c. 145, § 7, Jan. 22, 1925, c. 87, title Jan. 12, 1923, ch. 25, § 5, Mar. 2, 1929, c. 574, § 5, June 23, 1906, c. 3520, § 5, May 26, 1938, c. 288, 52 Apr. 19, 1928, c. 381, 45 Jan. 12, 1923, c. 25, § 3, Jan. 12, 1938, c. 3, § 4, 52 Jan. 12, 1938, c. 3, §§ 5, 6, R. S. § 4741. Apr. 21, 1924, c. 130, § 3, Apr. 21, 1924, c. 130, § 5, Apr. 21, 1924, c. 130, § 7, June 6, 1940, c. 257, § 8, June 6, 1940, c. 257, § 9, Feb. 19, 1941, c. 8, title Feb. 19, 1941, c. 8, Tit. 13. Feb. 19, 1941, c. 8, title Aug. 2, 1946, c. 756, § 29, Superseded by the act of Jan. 28, 1915, 38 Stat. 800 which is covered by section 92 (a) of the revision. Obsolete because there are no longer any civilians employed as superintendents of life-saving stations. Obsolete because there are no longer any civilians employed as superintendents of life-saving stations. Superseded by title 14, U. S. C. 1946 ed., § 943 which is covered by section 489 of the revision. Obsolete because statutory authority is no longer needed for this purpose. Obsolete because there are no longer any superintendents of life-saving districts employed as such. The provisions dealing with constructors have been superseded by title 14, U. S. C. 1946 ed., § 19a which is covered by sections 223, 225, and 461 of the revision. The provision dealing with surgeons is obsolete because there are no surgeons in the Coast Guard. Superseded by title 14, U. S. C. 1946 ed., § 112. Obsolete a saving provision that has served its purpose. Obsolete because there has never been such a requirement since establishment of the Coast Guard in 1915. Superseded by title 14, U. S. C. 1946 ed., § 110. Obsolete because there are no longer any persons living who could benefit by this section. The inequity which necessitated the enactment of this section no longer exists. No longer needed in consideration of the general policy Superseded by title 14 U. S. C. 1946 ed., § 172 which is No longer needed. In time of national emergency this section is superseded by title 34 U. S. C. 1946 ed., §§ 350, 350 j (b). No longer needed. In time of national emergency this No longer needed. Establishment of the Coast Guard The basic statute has been repealed. A specific savings provision which is no longer needed in view of the provisions of section 4 of the bill to revise this title. These provisions are no longer necessary in view of the broad provisions of title 14 U. S. C. 1946 ed., § 6c. This statutory authority is no longer needed. Obsolete because of the consolidation of the Bureau of Covered by provisions for supply fund in section 650 of TABLE 3.-LAWS OMITTED AND REPEALED-Continued Showing laws omitted from revised title 14, U. S. C., and included in the schedule of repeals-Continued 18 Stat. 127-128 June 20, 20 Stat. 164, June 18, 1878, c. 265, § 5. 20 Stat. 164, June 18, 20 Stat. 164, June 18, Feb. 26, 27 Stat. 257, July 22, 32 Stat. 484, June 28, 34 Stat. 324, June 20, 34 Stat. 996-997, Feb. 26, 35 Stat. 46, 47, Mar. 26, 35 Stat. 46, 47, Mar. 26, 35 Stat. 62, Apr. 16, 1908, 35 Stat. 62, Apr. 16, 1908, 35 Stat. 62, Apr. 16, 1908, 35 Stat. 62, Apr. 16, 1908, c. 145, § 6. 35 Stat. 62, Apr. 16, 1908, 35 Stat. 62, Apr. 16, 1908, Reasons for omission and repeal Obsolete because of the consolidation of the Bureau of Obsolete because of the consolidation of the Bureau of Obsolete because of the consolidation of the Bureau of Superseded by the provisions of Public Law 413 of the Superseded by the provisions of Public Law 413 of the Obsolete because of the consolidation of the Bureau of Obsolete because of the consolidation of the Bureau of Obsolete because of consolidation of Bureau of Marine Obsolete because of consolidation of Bureau of Light- Superseded by later pension laws. Obsolete because there are no longer any civilians Obsolete because there are no longer any civilians em- Superseded by title 5, U. S. C., 1946 ed., § 41, which is covered by section 632 of the revision. Obsolete because there are no longer any civilians employed as keepers of life-saving stations. Obsolete because there are no longer any civilians employed as superintendents of life-saving stations. Superseded by title 33, U. S. C., 1946 ed., § 716, which is contained in section 653 of the revision. Superseded by title 14, U. S. C., 1946 ed., § 10, which is contained in section 42 of the revision. Superseded by title 14, U. S. C., 1946 ed., § 19, which is covered by sections 225 and 226 of the revision. Superseded by title 37, U. S. C., 1946 ed., § 112. Superseded by title 14, U. S. C., 1946 ed., § 36, which is contained in section 651 of the revision. Superseded by title 33, U. S. C., 1946 ed., § 716, which is contained in section 653 of the revision. Obsolete because there are no longer any civilians em. ployed as superintendents of life-saving stations. Obsolete because there are no longer any civilians employed as keepers or surfmen at life-saving stations. Superseded by title 14, U. S. C., 1946 ed., § 10 which is covered by section 42 of the revision. Superseded by title 14, U. S. C., 1946 ed., § 18 which is covered by section 223 of the revision. Obsolete because the period of its possible application has expired. Obsolete because the period of its possible application has expired. The first two sentences have been superseded by title 37, U. S. C., 1946 ed., § 109 and are covered by section 461 of the revision. Superseded by title 14, U. S. C., 1946 ed., § 24, which is covered by section 223 of the revision. TABLE 3.-LAWS OMITTED AND REPEALED-Continued Showing laws omitted from revised title 14, U. S. C., and included in the schedule of repeals Continued Reasons for omission and repeal 35 Stat. 62, Apr. 16, 1908, 35 Stat. 62, Apr. 16, 1908, 35 Stat. 162, May 14, 36 Stat. 537, June 17, 36 Stat. 537, June 17, 38 Stat. 927, Mar. 3, 1915, 38 Stat. 928, Mar. 3, 1915, 39 Stat. 538, Aug. 28, 40 Stat. 608, June 20, 44 Stat. 815, July 3, 1926, 44 Stat. 817, July 3, 1926, 44 Stat. 817, July 3, 1926, 44 Stat. 1261, Feb. 28, 45 Stat. 1262, Feb. 25, 50 Stat. 260, June 15, 50 Stat. 548, July 30, 50 Stat. 667, Aug. 16, 50 Stat. 667, Aug. 16, 57 Stat. 609, Dec. 23, Superseded by title 37, U. S. C., 1946 ed., § 110 and Superseded by title 33, U. S. C., 1946 ed., § 472 which is Obsolete because of the consolidation of the Bureau of Obsolete because of the consolidation of the Bureau of Obsolete because of the consolidation of the Bureau of Superseded by title 5, U. S. C., 1946 ed., § 30b. Obsolete because of the consolidation of the Bureau of Obsolete because of the consolidation of the Bureau of Superseded by title 44 U. S. C. 1946 ed., §§ 72, 72a. Obsolete because of the consolidation of the Bureau of Obsolete because the section refers to vacancies occur- Obsolete because the grade of constructor was abolished by the act of Aug. 5, 1939, 53 Stat. 1218. Obsolete because there are no longer any civilians em ployed as surfmen in the Coast Guard. Obsolete because none of the officers affected are now Obsolete because of the consolidation of the Bureau of Obsolete because fee simple title to the land referred to The basic statute has been repealed. Obsolete because of the consolidation of the Bureau of Obsolete because the transactions have been consum- The basic statute has been repealed. |