regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury when serving under the Treasury Department. June 23, 1942, ch. 444 (only the proviso in the second and third paragraphs, and the entire last paragraph, under the heading "Coast Guard (Navy)" on page 389), 56 Stat. 389 Omitted * Provided, That existing limitations with respect to the detail of personnel to officers' quarters and messes ashore shall not apply to the Coast Guard Academy, the Coast Guard Yard, the New London Base, Coast Guard and merchant marine officers' training stations, and in addition, not to exceed ninetyfive in number at such stations as shall be designated by the Commandant of the Coast Guard with the approval of the Secretary of the Navy; * Provided, That existing limitations with respect to the furnishing of equipment for officers' messes ashore shall not apply to the Coast Guard Academy, the Coast Guard Yard, Coast Guard bases, and Coast Guard and merchant marine officers' training stations; The Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to prescribe per diem rates of allowance for officers of the Coast Guard as authorized for officers of the Navy and Marine Corps. Oct. 26, 1942, ch. 623, 56 Stat. 987____ T. 14 §§ 481, 465, 488, 576 That whenever the Coast Guard is operating as a part of the Navy the provisions of section 1563 of the Revised Statutes; of section 13 of the Act approved February 16, 1909 (35 Stat. 622); of the Act approved March 3, 1909, relative to discharged naval prisoners (35 Stat. 756); of the Act approved March 4, 1917, relative to advances to officers (39 Etat. 1181); of section 10 o. t Act approved March 4, 1925 (43 Stat. 1274); and of the Act approved May 22, 1928 (45 Stat. 712); shall be considered applicable to personnel of the Coast Guard. Oct. 26, 1942, ch. 628, 56 Stat. 990 T. 14 §§ 752, 823, 756 That sections 3, 202, and 207 of the Coast Guard Auxiliary and Reserve Act of 1941 (55 Stat. 11), as amended (U. S. C., Supp. I, title 14, ch. 9), which define the composition of the Coast Guard Auxiliary and of the Coast Guard Reserve, are hereby amended by changing the phrase "except the Philippine Islands", appearing therein, to the phrase "including the Philippine Islands". May 25, 1943, ch. 99, 57 Stat. 84. T. 14 §§ 185, 182 That the President of the United States is authorized, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint as ensigns in the line of the Coast Guard all cadets who in 1945 and thereafter graduate from the Coast Guard Academy: Provided, That the number of cadets appointed annually to the Coast Guard Academy in 1943 and each year thereafter shall not exceed three hundred. June 26, 1943, ch. 147 (penultimate proviso in subheading "Pay and allowances," under the heading "Coast Guard"), 57 Stat. 211. T. 14 § 478 (b) Provided further, That money accruing from commutation of rations of enlisted personnel commuted for the benefit of any mess may be paid on proper voucher to the officer in charge of such mess: June 26, 1943, ch. 147 (only the last proviso in subheading "Pay and allowances" and the proviso in subheading "General expenses, Coast Guard" under the heading "Coast Guard"), 57 Stat. 211, 212 Omitted Provided further, That existing limitations with respect to the detail of personnel to officers' quarters and messes ashore shall not apply to the Coast Guard Academy, the Coast Guard yard, Coast Guard bases, Coast Guard air stations, Coast Guard training stations, and, in addition, not to exceed one hundred in 90571-499 number at such stations as shall be designated by the Commandant of the Coast Guard with the approval of the Secretary; * * * * Provided, That existing limitations with respect to the furnishing of equipment for officers' messes ashore shall not apply to the Coast Guard Academy, the Coast Guard yard, Coast Guard bases, Coast Guard air stations, Coast Guard training stations, Coast Guard depots, messes temporarily set up on shore for officers attached to seagoing vessels, and such bachelor officers' quarters and. messes as may be specifically designated by the Secretary; Dec. 23, 1943, ch. 378, 57 Stat. 609-610___ Omitted That the Coast Guard Auxiliary and Reserve Act of 1941, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: Strike out section 402 and substitute therefor the following: "SEC. 402. Members of the Women's Reserve may be commissioned or enlisted in such appropriate ranks and ratings, not above the rank of captain, corresponding to those of the Regular Coast Guard, as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, or by the Secretary of the Navy while the Coast Guard is operating as a part of the Navy: Provided, That there shall not be more than one officer in the grade of captain: Provided further, That military authority of officers commissioned under the provisions of this title may be exercised over women of the Reserve only and is limited to the administration of the Women's Reserve." Strike out section 406, and renumber sections 407 and 408 as 406 and 407, respectively. June 22, 1944, ch. 269 (only the penultimate proviso in subheading "Pay and allowances," under the heading "Coast Guard"), 58 Stat. 316. T. 14 § 478 (b) * Provided further, That money accruing from commutation of rations of enlisted personnel commuted for the benefit of any mess may be paid on proper voucher to the officer in charge of such mess: June 22, 1944, ch. 269 (only the last proviso in subheading "Pay and allowances" and the proviso in subheading "General expenses, Coast Guard' under the heading "Coast Guard"), 58 Stat. 316, 317 Omitted Provided further, That existing limitations with respect to the detail of personnel to officers' quarters and messes ashore shall not apply to the Coast Guard Academy, the Coast Guard yard, Coast Guard bases, Coast Guard air stations, Coast Guard training stations, and, in addition, not to exceed one hundred in number at such stations as shall be designated by the Commandant of the Coast Guard with the approval of the Secretary; * * * Provided, That existing limitations with respect to the furnishing of equipment for officers' messes ashore shall not apply to the Coast Guard Academy, the Coast Guard yard, Coast Guard bases, Coast Guard air stations, Coast Guard training stations, Coast Guard depots, messes temporarily set up on shore for officers attached to seagoing vessels, and such bachelor officers' quarters and messes as may be specifically designated by the Secretary; Sept. 30, 1944, ch. 449, § 1, 58 Stat. 756.... T. 14 § 760 That section 212 (55 Stat. 12), as amended by the Act of November 23, 1942 (56 Stat. 1021; 14 U. S. C., Supp. III, 312), of the Coast Guard Auxiliary and Reserve Act of 1941, as amended, is further amended to read as follows: SEC. 212. (a) In case of physical injury or death resulting from physical injury "(1) to any temporary member of the Reserve when incurred after February 19, 1941, in line of duty as a member of the Reserve, while on active duty or engaged in authorized travel to or from such duty; or (2) to any member of the Auxiliary not on active duty as a member of the military or naval forces, when incurred after February 19, 1941, while on Coast Guard patrol pursuant to the request of competent Coast Guard authority, and which would have been incurred in line of duty in the active service had he been a member of the Reserve acting under competent orders; the provisions of the Act entitled 'An Act to provide compensation for employees of the United States suffering injuries while in the performance of their duties, and for other purposes', approved September 7, 1916 (5 U. S. C., ch. 15), as amended, subject to the other subsections of this section, shall apply, and such Act shall be administered by the United States Employees' Compensation Commission (hereinafter called the Commission) in the same manner and to the same extent as if such person were a civil employee of the United States and were injured while in the performance of his duty: Provided, That for benefit computation, regardless of pay or pay status, such person shall be deemed to have had monthly pay of $150. "(b) This section shall not apply in any case coming within the purview of the workmen's compensation law of any State, Territory, or other jurisdiction because of a concurrent employment status of such member; and where such member or dependent should be entitled to a benefit under this section and also to any concurrent benefit from the United States on account of the same disability or death, such member or dependent shall elect which benefit he shall receive. "(c) Whenever a claim is filed with the Commission for benefits because of an alleged injury or death within the purview of this section, the Commission shall notify the Commandant and he or his designee shall investigate the facts surrounding such alleged injury and make certification with respect thereto, including certification as to such injured or deceased person's membership in the Reserve or Auxiliary and his military status, and whether the injury or death occurred in line of duty or while on Coast Guard patrol pursuant to request of competent Coast Guard authority. Such certifications shall not excuse the making of such reports as are required by such Act of September 7, 1916. (d) Notice of injury and any claim for benefits on account of disability or death within the purview of this section which occurred prior to the enactment of this amendment, may be received as timely filed, if filed within one year from the date of the approval of this amendatory Act. "(e) In case of physical injury incurred, or sickness or disease contracted (1) by any temporary member of the Reserve while performing active Coast Guard service or (2) by any member of the Auxiliary not a regular or temporary member of the Reserve, while performing active Coast Guard patrol service pursuant to request of competent Coast Guard authority, such person shall be entitled to receive the same hospital treatment as is afforded members of the Regular Coast Guard." Sept. 30, 1944, ch. 449, § 2, 58 Stat. 757. T. 14 § 830 Section 8, as amended by the Act of June 6, 1942 (56 Stat. 329; 14 U. S. C., Supp. III, 267), of the Coast Guard Auxiliary and Reserve Act of 1941, as amended, is further amended by adding at the end thereof the following: "Appropriations of the Coast Guard shall also be available for the payment for constructive or actual total loss occurring after March 1, 1942, of any motorboat or .yacht, utilized pursuant to section 6 of this Act, where it is determined under regulations prescribed by the Commandant that responsibility for such loss rests with the Coast Guard." Sept. 30, 1944, ch. 453, § 1, 58 Stat. 759__ T. 14 § 822 That the Coast Guard Auxiliary and Reserve Act of 1941, as amended, be, and the same is, hereby further amended as follows: Section 2 of said Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "SEC. 2. It is hereby declared to be the purpose of the auxiliary to assist the Coast Guard (a) to promote safety and to effect rescues on and over the high seas and on navigable waters; (b) to promote efficiency in the operation of motorboats and yachts; (c) to foster a wider knowledge of, and better compliance with, the laws, rules, and regulations governing the operation of motorboats and yachts; and (d) to facilitate other operations of the Coast Guard.” Sept. 30, 1944, ch. 453, § 2, 58 Stat. 760.......... T. 14 § 823 Section 3 of said Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "SEC. 3. The auxiliary shall be composed of citizens of the United States and of its Territories and possessions, including the Philippine Islands, who are owners (sole or part) of motorboats, yachts, aircraft, or radio stations or who by reason of their special training or experience are deemed by the Commandant to be qualified for duty in the auxiliary, and who may be enrolled therein pursuant to regulations prescribed under the authority of this Act." Sept. 30, 1944, ch. 453, § 3, 58 Stat. 760___ T. 14 § 826 Section 6 of said Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "SEC. 6. The Coast Guard is authorized to utilize in the conduct of duties incident to the saving of life and property, including air-sea rescue operations, in the patrol of marine parades and regattas, or for any other purpose incident to the carrying out of the functions and duties of the Coast Guard which may be authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury (or by the Secretary of the Navy when the Coast Guard operates as part of the Navy), any motorboat, yacht, aircraft, or radio station placed at its disposition for any of such purposes by any member of the auxiliary, by any corporation, partnership, or association, or by any State or political subdivision thereof." Sept. 30, 1944, ch. 453, § 4, 58 Stat. 760.... T. 14 §§ 828, 829 Said Act is hereby amended by adding thereto a new section 7A and a new section 7B, to read as follows: "SEC. 7A. Any aircraft, while assigned to Coast Guard duty as herein authorized, shall be deemed to be a vessel of the United States Coast Guard within the meaning of the Act of June 15, 1936, as amended (49 Stat. 1514; U. S. C., title 14, sec. 71), and shall be deemed to be a 'public aircraft' within the meaning of the Act of June 23, 1938, as amended (52 Stat. 973; U. S. C., title 49, sec. 401 et seq.). "SEC. 7B. Any radio station, while assigned to Coast Gurad duty as herein authorized, shall be deemed to be a radio station of the United States Coast Guard and a 'Government station' within the meaning of the Act of June 19, 1934, as amended (48 Stat. 1081; U. S. C., title 47, sec. 151 and the following)." Sept. 30, 1944, ch. 453, § 5, 58 Stat. 760.......... T. 14 § 830 Section 8 of said Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "SEC. 8. Appropriations of the Coast Guard shall be available for the payment of actual necessary traveling expenses and subsistence of members of the auxiliary assigned to specific duties as herein authorized and for actual necessary expenses of operation of any motorboat, yacht, aircraft, or radio station when assigned to Coast Guard duty, but shall not be available for the payment of compensation for personal services, incident to such operation, to other than personnel of the Regular Coast Guard or Coast Guard Reserve established by title II of this Act. The term 'actual necessary expenses of operation', as used herein, shall include payment for fuel, oil, power, water, supplies, provisions, replacement or repair of equipment, repair of any damaged motorboat, yacht, aircraft, or radio station and for the constructive or actual loss of any motorboat, yacht, aircraft, or radio station where, it is determined, under applicable regulations, that responsibility for the loss or damage necessitating such replacement or repair of equipment, or for the damage or constructive or actual loss of such motorboat, yacht, aircraft, or radio station rests with the Coast Guard." Sept. 30, 1944, ch. 453, § 6, 58 Stat. 761_-_ T. 14 § 831 Section 9 of said Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "SEC. 9. No member of the auxiliary, solely by reason of such membership, shall be vested with or exercise any right, privileg, power, or duty vested in or imposed upon the personnel of the Coast Guard or the Reserve, except that any such member may, under applicable regulations, be assigned specific duties, which, after appropriate training and examination, he has been found competent to perform, to effectuate the purposes of the auxiliary. No member of the auxiliary shall be placed in charge of a motorboat, yacht, aircraft, or radio station assigned to Coast Guard duty unless he has been specifically designated by authority of the Commandant to perform such duty. Members of the auxiliary, when assigned to specific duties as herein authorized, shall, unless otherwise limited by the Commandant, be vested with the same power and authority, in execution of such duties, as members of the regular Coast Guard assigned to similar duty. When any member of the auxiliary is assigned to such duty he may, pursuant to applicable regulations, be paid actual necessary traveling expenses, including a per diem allowance of not to exceed $6 in lieu of subsistence, while traveling and while on duty away from his home: Provided, however, That no per diem shall be paid for any period during which quarters and subsistence in kind are furnished by the Government: Provided further, That no per diem shall be paid for any period while such member is performing duty on a vessel." Sept. 30, 1944, ch. 453, § 7, 58 Stat. 761.. T. 14 § 832 Said Act is hereby further amended by adding thereto a new section 11, to read as follows: "SEC. 11. When any member of the auxiliary is physically injured or dies as a result of physical injury incurred while performing patrol duty or any other specific duty to which he has been assigned as herein authorized, such member or his beneficiary shall be entitled to the same benefits as are now or as may hereafter be provided for temporary members of the Coast Guard Reserve who suffer physical injury or death resulting from physical injury incurred in line of duty. Members of the auxiliary who contract sickness or disease while performing patrol duty or any other specific duty to which they have been assigned as herein authorized shall be entitled to the same hospital treatment as is afforded members of the Regular Coast Guard." Sept. 30, 1944, ch. 453, § 8, 58 Stat. 761- T. 14 § 893 Said Act is hereby further amended by adding thereto a new section 12, to read as follows: "SEC. 12. Members of the auxiliary shall be entitled only to such rights, privileges, and benefits as are specifically set forth in this Act for them or as may be specifically provided for them in any other law. Any law which grants rights, privileges, or benefits generally to military personnel or, among others, to personnel of the Coast Guard and the Reserve component thereof, without specifically granting such rights, privileges, or benefits to members of the auxiliary shall not be deemed applicable to members of the auxiliary." Sept. 30, 1944, ch. 453, § 9, 58 Stat. 761.____. T. 14 §§ 891, 892 Section 302 of said Act is hereby amended to read as follows: SEC. 302. The Secretary of the Treasury, when the Coast Guard is operating in the Treasury Department, and the Secretary of the Navy, when the Coast Guard operates as part of the Navy, are hereby authorized to prescribe one or more suitable distinguishing flags, pennants, or other identifying insignia to be displayed by the motorboats, yachts, aircraft, and radio stations owned by members of the auxiliary or the Reserve, one or more suitable insignia which may be worn by such members, and one or more suitable uniforms which may be worn by members of the auxiliary. Such flags, pennants, uniforms, and insignia shall be furnished by the Coast Guard at actual cost, and the proceeds received therefor shall be credited to current appropriations from which replacements are purchased. Any person who shall without proper authority, fly from any building, aircraft, motorboat, yacht, or other vessel, any flag or pennant or display any identifying insignia or wear any insignia of the auxiliary or Reserve, or wear any uniform of the auxiliary shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not exceeding $500." May 29, 1945, ch. 130 (penultimate proviso in subheading "Pay and allowances," under the heading "Coast Guard"), 59 Stat. 216. T. 14 § 478 (b) * Provided further, That money accruing from commutation of rations of enlisted personnel commuted for the benefit of any mess may be paid on proper voucher to the officer in charge of such mess: May 29, 1945, ch. 130 (only the last proviso in subheading "Pay and allowances" and the proviso in subheading "General expenses, Coast Guard" under the heading "Coast Guard"), 59 Stat. 216, 217 Omitted Provided further, That existing limitations with respect to the detail of personnel to officers' quarters and messes ashore shall not apply to the Coast Guard Academy, the Coast Guard yard, Coast Guard bases, Coast Guard air stations, Coast Guard training stations, and, in addition, not to exceed one hundred in number at such stations as shall be designated by the Commandant of the Coast Guard with the approval of the Secretary; * * * * * Provided, That existing limitations with respect to the furnishing of equipment for officers' messes ashore shall not apply to the Coast Guard Academy, the Coast Guard yard, Coast Guard bases, Coast Guard air stations, Coast Guard training stations, Coast Guard depots, messes temporarily set up on shore for officers attached to seagoing vessels, and such bachelor officers' quarters and messes as may be specifically designated by the Secretary; |