: Of noble blood in this declining land. Willo. And daily new exactions are devis'd; not, But basely yielded upon compromise His burdenous taxations notwithstanding, North. His noble kinsman: most degenerate king! Ross. We see the very wreck that we must suffer; North. Not so; even through the hollow eyes of death, † "And quite lost their hearts."-MALONE. * And yet we strike not,] To strike the sails, is, to contract them when there is too much wind. 9 but securely perish.] We perish with too great confidence in our security. 1 And unavoided - For unavoidable. I spy life peering; but I dare not say How near the tidings of our comfort is. Willo. Nay, let us share thy thoughts, as thou dost ours. Ross. Be confident to speak, Northumberland : We three are but thyself; and, speaking so, Thy words are but as thoughts; therefore, be bold. North. Then thus:-I have from Port le Blanc, a bay In Britanny, receiv'd intelligence, That Harry Hereford, Reignold lord Cobham, [The son of Richard earl of Arundel,] That late broke from the duke of Exeter2, His brother, archbishop late of Canterbury3, Sir Thomas Erpingham, sir John Ramston, Sir John Norberry, sir Robert Waterton, and Francis Quoint, All these, well furnish'd by the duke of Bretagne, * [The son of Richard earl of Arundel,] That late broke from the duke of Exeter, I suspect that some of these lines are transposed, as well as that the poet has made a blunder in his enumeration of persons. No copy that I have seen, will authorize me to make an alteration, though according to Holinshed, whom Shakspeare followed in great measure, more than one is necessary. STEEVENS. For the insertion of the line included within crotchets, Mr. Malone is answerable; it not being found in the old copies. 3 archbishop late of Canterbury, Thomas Arundel, archbishop of Canterbury, brother to the earl of Arundel who was beheaded in this reign, had been banished by the parliament, and afterwards deprived by the pope of his see, at the request of the king; whence he is here called, late of Canterbury. * Imp out -] As this expression frequently occurs in our author, it may not be amiss to explain the original meaning of Redeem from broking pawn the blemish'd crown, Ross. To horse, to horse! urge doubts to them that fear. Willo. Hold out my horse, and I will first be there. SCENE II. The same. A Room in the Palace. Enter Queen, BUSHY, and BAGOT. Bushy. Madam, your majesty is too much sad: Queen. To please the king, I did; to please myself, Bushy. Each substance of a grief hath twenty shadows, Which show like grief itself, but are not so: For sorrow's eye, glazed with blinding tears, it. When the wing-feathers of a hawk were dropped, or forced out by any accident, it was usual to supply as many as were deficient. This operation was called, to imp a hawk. 5 - gilt,] i. e. gilding; superficial display of gold. Divides one thing entire to many objects; seen: Or if it be, 'tis with false sorrow's eye, Bushy. 'Tis nothing but conceit, my gracious lady. Enter GREEN. Green. God save your majesty!-and well met, gentlemen : I hope, the king is not yet shipp'd for Ireland. 6 Like pérspectives, &c.] The perspectives, here mentioned, were not pictures, but round crystal glasses, the convex surface of which was cut into faces, like those of the rose-diamond; the concave left uniformly smooth. These crystals-which were sometimes mounted on tortoise-shell box-lids, and sometimes rixed into ivory cases-if placed as here represented, would exhibit the different appearances described by the poet. The word sha Queen. Why hop'st thou so? 'tis better hope, he is; And driven into despair an enemy's hope, At Ravenspurg. Queen. Now God in heaven forbid ! Green. O, madam, 'tis too true; and that is worse, The lord Northumberland, his young son Henry Percy, The lords of Ross, Beaumond, and Willoughby, With all their powerful friends, are fled to him. Bushy. Why have you not proclaim'd Northumber land, And all the rest of the revolting faction, Green. We have: whereon the earl of Worcester Hath broke his staff, resign'd his stewardship, Queen. So, Green, thou art the midwife to my woe, Bushy. Despair not, madam. I will despair, and be at enmity Who shall hinder me? dows is here used, in opposition to substance, for reflected images, and not as the dark forms of bodies, occasioned by their interception of the light that falls upon them. HENLEY. 7 - might have retir'd his power,] Might have drawn it back. A French sense. + "And all the rest of the revolted faction, traitors?" MALONE. |