Abbildungen der Seite
[blocks in formation]

243. Definitive
Treaty of with France 244.
with Spain 253. with A-
merica 309. proclamation
of at Dublin
Peers British and Irish, list of
new ones created fince the
general election 365. dead
fince that time
Peers, names of thofe who
voted for and against the
India bill



[ocr errors]

Petersburgh, terrible fire at 70
Philadelphia, prefent ftate of
the government there 133.
mutiny at
Pigot Admiral, moves the
navy eftimates 409. men-
tions what thips of war are
moft ferviceable in prevent-
ing fmuggling
Pitt Mr. T. his fpeech on Mr.
W. Pitt's reform bill 154.
on the addrefs on the King's
fpeech 334. on Lord Tem-
ple's refignation 483
Pitt Mr. William, his fpeech
on the American Trade bill
49. on the loan 63. on
Powell and Bembridge 143.
his question to Lord North
previous to his moving his
reform bill 150. his fpeech
and motion for a reform in
Parliament ibid. his reply
to the arguments again his

bill 148. moves his Cuftom
House reform bill 215.
fpeech on his bill for a re-
form in the Treasury, &c.
267. on the book of forty
four millions 292, 203. on
the addrefs on the King's

pulition to Mr. Pitt's re-
form 153. on the meffage
refpecting the Prince of
Wales's eftablishment 274.
on the India bill 435. on its
third reading
Price Dr. his fate of the pub-
lie debts and finances 23.
his plan for future loans
and paying off the national
Prisfly Dr. his lectures on


oratory and criticifm 29
Prince William Henry, his

anfwer to General Galvez's

new tax on

Probates of wills and legacies,
Proclamations, by Lord Nor-
thington for diffolving the
Irith Parliament and cal-
ling a new one 159. for
proroguing it 238. by the
King of the peace 239. for
the meeting of Parliament
Proteft in the Houfe of Peers
against the bill for a reform
in the Treafury, Admiral-
ty, &c. 285. on rejecting the
Infolvent Dehtor's bill 288
Provincial Corps, debates in
the House of Commons ref-
pecting half pay to the of-
ficers of 277, 279. their
memorial to Sir Guy Carle-



[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Register of births, marriages,
and deaths, new tax on 199
Richmond Cattle in Yorkshire,
defcription of
Richmond Duke of, his fpeech
on the Irish Jurifdiction
bill 52, 55. his motion ref-
pecting the Great Seal being
in commithion 216. re-
ply to Lord Loughborough's
fpeech on that motion 220.
his letter to the Belfast
Committee of Irith volun-
teers 259. fpeech on the
India bill 460, 467, 474-
on the Duke of Portland's
mention of a rumour and
reads a newspaper paragraph
469, 470

Rigby Mr. his fpeech on Mr.
Pitt's reform bill 157. on
the Tellership promised to
Lord Thurlow 288, 289,
290. on the third reading
of the India bill
Rolle Mr. demands of Mr.
Burke whether he intends
keeping Meffrs. Powell and
Bembridge in their offices

Rofs General, his fpeech on
the report on the army ef-
timates and for dibanding
the Manchester regiment in
that town
Ruffia, fituation and extent of
170. manifesto of the Em-
prefs of against the Turks
Ryland William Wynne, his
trial at the Old Bailey for
forgery 78. account of him

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Scilly Islands, caution to thofe

who fail to the westward of
them refpecting the lights

Secretary at War moves the
army ellimates 223. and for
extending the bounty on
dilbanded ferjeants 271
Sheetings of Jura and the Paps

Sheffield Lord, his fpeech on
the American trade bill 65.
his obfervations on the com-
merce of America 83
Shelburne Earl of, his fpeech
and motions on the loan
145, 147, 148
Sheridan Mr. his reply to Mr.
Pitt on the affair of Powell
and Bembridge 143. Speech

on the new taxes 201. on

the report of the refolutions
on them 204. on the Tel-
Jerthip promifed to Lord
Thurlow 288. on the book
of forty four millions 292.
on the third reading the

India bill


Ships in Ordinary, Admiralty
regulations refpecting them
97: method of preferving
them and plan for retaining
the thipwrights
Ships of war British, lift of
thofe taken 89. deftroyed.
90. French, lift of thofe
taken ibid, 367. destroyed
91. Spanish, lift of thofe
taken ibid. deftroyed 92.
Dutch, lift of thofe taken
ibid 368. destroyed 92. A-
merican, lift of thofe taken
92 368. destroyed 93, 368.
British, lift of thofe retaken
93 368. loft by accident
93. building January 1783,
Sinclair Mr. his hints on the
fate of our finances
Smith Gen. moves for money
to Committee Clerks 292.
his fpeech on Mr. Fox's
India bill 412. refpecting a
prefent made him by the
father of Afoph ul Dowlah

Smuggling, a Committee of
the Commons proposed to
confider of the best means
to check it 410. the Com-
mittee moved for 414. lift
of the Members chofen on

Society for the encourage-
ment of Arts, extraЯs from
the tranfactions of 182
Southampton, the Common
POL. MAG. Vol. V,

[blocks in formation]


thofe taken by Great Bri-
tain 9t. destroyed
Speaker of the Houfe of Com-
mons, explains the method
of treating the Lord's a.
mendments to the American
trade bill 185. the altera-
tions in the Pay-office bill
221 propofes to the Houfe
to reject with difdain the al-
terations of the Lords to a
money bill 291. his addrefs
to the King at the close of
the feffions 295, explains a
point of order refpecting
the bringing in bills 415.
refpecting the reading of
papers delivered to the
Houfe in evidence
Speech from the King at the


clofe of the fethions 296.
from the Lord Lieutenant
to the Irish Parlament 314.
from the King on the open-
ing the feffion
Stage coaches and diligences,

new tax on

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

against him and litt of his
Court Mart:al

Sydney Lord, his fpeech on
Lewis's Divorce bill 149.
on the Duke of Richmond's
motion respecting the Great


TAX on wheels propofed by

Lord Shelburne, calcula-
tion of the amount of it Iro
Taxes, great produce of the
old oues 19. produce of the
exitting ones 21. deficiences
of thofe laid during the war
188. new ones for paying the
intereft of the prefent loan
197. refolutions on them.


Tellerthip of the Exchequer,
fate of the question ref-.
pecting that promifed to
Lord Thurlow
Temple Earl of, his fpeech on
the bill for a reform in the
Treafary, &c. 284. on the
mation for an addrefs on
the fpeech 325. on the India
bill 457, 458. prefents a
petition again it 460. ou
the mention of a rumour
refpecting fecret influence

Thomas Lieut. Col. account of
his duel with Col. Gordon
229. coroners verdict on his
death ibid. copy of his will
Thurlow Lord, his fpeech on
Baynton's Divorce bill 47,
58, 59. on the Irith Jurif
diction bill 55. on the Ame-
rican trade bill 142. on the
loan 145, 146, 147. objects
to the evidence on Lewis's

Divorce bill 149. fpeech on
bonds of general refignation
and questions refpecting
them put to the Judges 186.
fpeech on the opinion given
by the Judges 112. ftate of
the question refpe&ting the
Tellerthip promised him
289. fpeech on the India
bill being prefented 457. ia
reply to Lord Loughbo-
rough on the fame 459, 468
Tobacco, produce of it for nine
Townshend Mr. his fpeech on
the navy effimates
Townshend Viscount,
fpeech on the Irith jurifdic
tion bill 53. on the India
Tranquebar in the Eaft Indies,



Danish fettlements there at- Upper Offory Earl of, his Washington Gen. his circular

74 fpeech and motion for an
addrefs on the King's

tacked by the Indians
Treaty, provifional one with
America ratified 160. defi-
nitive one with France,

Spain and America figned
163. copy of the prel mina-
ry one with the Dutch 165.
copy of that with the Mah-


rattas 168. copy of the de-
finitive one with France
244 feparate articles 248.
with Spain 253. with Ame-
Turkey in Europe, its extent
and boundaries
Turks, Rufiian manifefto a-
gainst 234. fubilance of

their answer
Turnpike roads and inclofure
bilis, new tax on 199

Vineyards, progrefs of, in
Volunteers of Ireland, refolu-
tions of the Delegates of
171. address of, to Leinster,
Muntter and Conaught 173.
Duke of Richmond's letter
to the Committee of 259.
thanks of the Irish Houfe
of Peers to them



Wdles Prince of, bis efta-
blishment, meffage ref
p-étiug it to the Lords 273.
to the Houfe of Commons
274. debate in the House of
Commons on it 277. cere-
mony of his introduction
to the Hove of Lords 323.
his drefs on that occafion
ibid. his behaviour to the
King after voting for the
India bill
Wall Lieut. Col. fentence of
the Court Martial on the
feveral charges preferred a-
gaini him
Wallace Sir James, his fuit a-
gainit Lieut. Bourne 36.
letters that paffed between
him and Lieut. Bourne 37.
arguments of the Council
38. fentence of the Court
against Lieut. Pourne
Wallingham Lord, his fpeech
on the East India Company
Indemnity bill 141. on Mr.
Fox's Eat India bill




letter to the American Go-
vernors on the refignation
of the command of the army

Whale fishery, ftate and fuc-
cefs of it this pretent year

Wilks Mr. his speech on Sir
T. Davenport's motion ref-
pesting Mr. Atkinfon 416
Wilmington in Virginia, ac-
count of the robbing the
French Treafury there 167
Woods, reports of the Sur-
veyor General of; of the state
of the enclosures
Wooldridge Mr. obtains a man-
damus from the Court of
Kings Bench for his being
reinftated in his office of

Wray Sir Cecil, objects to the

India Indemnity bill 68
Writs of Right, bill for alter-
ing the law refpecting them

[blocks in formation]








ABbot, Cha 79 Banks, Mr., 407 Brady, Tho. 319


Baird, John 80 Brabazon, Edw.80 Campbell, W. 160, Cooper, Nath. 400
400 Corbet, And.
Abercrom- Bannerman, J. 399 Brehm, D. 319 Campbell, A. 400 Cofta, T. da 80
by, Geo.
319 Barclay, John 80 Braithwaite,G399 Cathcart,Cha. 320 Craig, Henry 320
Acklom, John 80 Barker, Wm. 399 Brereton, Tho.400 Champagne, J.400 Crawford, E.of 320
Adie, S. Payne 319 Barley Henry 79 Brett, Charles 4c6 Chandos, Duke of Crawford, G. 407,
Adlam, J. E. 80 Barnes, John 79 Browne, John 320
406, 408
Ainflie, Geo. 80 Barrett, Edw. 79 Brownwix, J. 400 Chapman, R. 79 Camire, Arch 400
Aldridge,407,408 Barrow, Cha. 407 Buckeridge, J. 80 Charlemont, E. of Cuft, Richard 399
Amherst, Jeff. 320 Barry, Rich. 400 Buckeridge, B.320
Ancram, Wm. 8o Bartlet, Benj. 399 Bull, John So Charleton,T.R.79
Anderfon, Ev. 80 Bathurst, E. 407 Buller, J. 406,408 Chafer, Geo. 400
Anderfon,Geo 319 Beever, Tho. 408 Burflow, Wm. 79 Clarke, All. 399
Anker, Peter 160 Bernard, Geo. 80 Byam, W. A. 319 Clarke, Tho. 399 Dairymple, Sir H.
Aplley, Lord 406 Bentinck, Ld. 319
Arabin, J. D. 399 Belham, T. Fr. 399


[blocks in formation]

Clements, Rob 319
Cockburn, J. 79 Dancey, Wm. 320
ARmarthen, Cochran, J. 319 D'Aubant, A. 319

Arden, R. P. 406 Black, John 419 CM. 406, 4c8 Coffin, J. A. 319 Davenport, T. 160

[blocks in formation]

Aubrey, J406,408 Blomfield, T. 319
Averne, Tho. 80 Blundell, B. 80 Cameron, 399 Collins, John 160 Davis, Tho.
Boifrond, T. 319 Campbell, A. 79 Colquhoun, L. 400 Davys, Sam. 319
79 De Burgh, Hon. J.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Balie,Z.400 Borthwick, W.79 Campbell, John Congreve, Wm. 80 T.
Baillie, J. W. 319 Botet, Antho. 320 80, 319, 320 Conway,Ed.S. 240 DeFerrars, Ld.406
Baillie, T.407,408 Bowes, Fred. 319 Campbell, J. 319 Cooper, David 319 Delaval, Sir J. 319

Dennie, Rob. 400 Garftin, Rob. 79 Johnstor, Wm. 79 M‘Phazden, J. 240 Ratzer,Bernard 80
Derby, E. of 420 Godfrey, John 79 Johniton, John 80 Melburne, Vif.399 Rawdon, Geo. 80
Delbarras, J. F.80 Godwin, Wm. 80 Johnston,Dav.319 Mercier,Alex.319 Remington, S. 79
Dick, Sir John 160 Gooday, Wm. 320 Irwin, Fred. 79 Middleton, Cr. 80 Reynell, R. L. 320
Dickfon, W. 79 Goll, J. D.
Minchin, Paul 319 Ritchardfon, A320


Dillon, John 320 Gordon, C. 79, 319


Dixon, Fr. M. 79 Gordon, P. 319 K Ave, R. 399 Mollefon, W. 160 Ritchie, John 40

Keating,339 Montgomery,S.80 Richmond, Duke
Dorfet, D. of 407, Gow, James 399 Keith, F. M. 79 Moore, Thos. 319
406, 408
408 Gower, Earl 406 Kennicot, Dr. 240 Morthed, John407 Robertfon, A. 320
Douglas, B. 80 Gower, Hon.L406 Kenyon, 407, 4-8 Moyle, Copp. 326 Rochford, Geo. 86
Douglas, R.80,328 Graham,M.of 406 Keppel, Wm. 79 Murray, John 80 Rodney, Geo. 80
Downes,Rich. 320 Grant, J. 80 Kerr, Henry 399 Murray, James240 Rofe, Mr. 407
Downing, John 79 Grant, fas. M. 400 Kingfill, W.319 Murray, Hen. 319 Rois, Robert 319
Downing, H. 319 Grant, Alex. 400 Knox, John 79 Myers, Chrift. 79 Rotheram, W. 80
Dowaman, Fr. 80 Grantley, Lord407 Kotcher, G. F. 79
Rowe, Pierce 400
Drummond, D. 79 Grattan, Hen. 165
Doffe, Alex. 80 Grattan, John 320




Dunbar, John 400 Gray, Wm.80,320 Ambert, 320 Ath, John Rutland, Duke of,


Laurie, J.399 Naylor, W.P. 400 Rycroft, Rich. 407
399 Needham, F. 79,80
319 North,Hon.F.319

G. 80

Dunlap, H. 80 Green, Charles 309 Lee, john
Dunlap, Geo. 4co Grenville,Hon. W Leche, J.
Dundas, F.319,320
406 Legge, Cha.
Dundas, Hen. 407 Grenville, Hon. J. Legge, Tho.
Durant, Tho. 407
408 Leigh, Cha.
Durnford, El. 319 Grey, Edward 399 Lemoine, John
Duval, Tho. 80 Grove, George 79 Leith, Alex.
Duveract, H. 79 Groves, Tho. 80 Lewis, Geo.
Dyer, Sir John 399 Guife, John 407 Lewis, Wm.
Lewis, John



Edgeworth, E. Hailes, D


[blocks in formation]


'Conner, Fitz SA Alisbury, E.of,

456, 408
80 Ogilvy, David 319 Sandys, Miles 80
80 Ogle, William 79 Sayer, John 319
79 Ogle, George 160 Scott, Walter So
80 Ohius,Hamlet 400 Scott, David 80
319 Oldie, Thos. 320 Scott, Edward 399

407, 408 Lincoln, Edm.240 Ormiby, A. 319 Seffington, H. 320

[blocks in formation]

Edmonton, W320 Halliday, J. D. 80 Lindsay,Colin320
Edwards, Tho. 80 Hamilton, John 80 Little, Wm. 319
Edwards, Edw.319 Hamilton, G. 240 Lodge, James 319
Edwards, Benj.399 Hamilton, R. 319 Loftus,Cha.T.160 Parr, Peter

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Eliott, E.J406,408 Hamilton, S. 399 Lombe, John 407 Parry, Simon 79 Shewbridge, J. 399
Elphinstone, J. 80 Hamilton, R. 399 Lumm, 80 Paterfon, Thos. 80 Shuttleworth, A79
Elwes, Henry 80 Hammond, Sir A. Lucas, Wm. 319 Pattifon, Mark 79 Skelly, Francis 80
Erskine, Hen. 160 S.
Payne, Geo. 399 Skene, Robert 80
Erskine, Sir Ja. 320 Handcock, Jn. 320
MAchell, C. Pelham, Th, na Slater, evan
Edwick, Sam. 407 Hare, Thomas 79
Etherington, T.80 Harrington, E. of A. ckenzie, Ja.320 Pell, Clans 399 Smith, John
Eyre, Jofeph 79
80 Majendie, J. J. 240 Pennaat,Rich. 319 Smith, J.
Hafte, Philip 80 Mansfield, Ja. 399 Pennington, Jo319 Smyth, Sylv. 407

[blocks in formation]

Fane, Hon. T. Hatfield, John 80 Marr, John 319 Percival,C. G. 406 Spens, John
319 Henderfon, G. 80 Marth, Chas. 319 Philips, C. F..400 Stanhope, H.F.320
Farquhar, W. 319 Herbert, Geo. 80 Martin, Wm. 79 Phipps, Hon. H. St. Clair, D. 319
Farrington, An. 79 Hobart, Rob. 320 Martin, Phillip 79
320 St. Clair, Jas. 400
Fead, George 80 Howard, Sir G.406 Marthall, John4co Pigot, John
80 St. Clair, Jn. 400
Fitzgerald, Ld. 80 Howe, Stephen 400 Matthew,Fra. 319 Pigott, Henry 320 Steele, Mr.
Fitzgerald, Jn.400 Howe, Vife. 406 Matthew, Ed. 320 Pilot, Henry 80 Stehelin, Benj. 79
Fitzgerald, W.408 Hood, Lord 406 Matthew, Hen.160 Pitt, Hon. Wm. Stephens, Edw. 79
Fitzherbert, A 160 Hooks, G. Ph. 80 Maxwell,W M.86
406,408 Stephens, Edw. 79
Fitzroy, Geo. 407 Hofmer, Tho. 80 Maxwell, Hor.320 Pitcairne, Thos. 80 Sterling, M. P. 79
Fletcher, Henry80 Huddleston,W.80 M'Bean, Forbes 79 Pomroy, Arth. 319 Stewart, A. 80
Fliot, James 320 Hutchinson, J. 80 M'Donald, A. 80 Potts, Wm. 80 Stewart, Jas. 320
Ford, B. B. 400 Hutchinfon,C.319 M'Donald, Donald Poulet, Hon. V.320 Storer, A. 319,407
Fox, Hon. H. E. 80
400 Pratt,Hon. J.J.406 Srovin, Geo. 399


J H. Pretton, Geo. 80 Strangeways,S. D.


Frances, John 319
Frazer, J. Geo. 79 Jamiefon, A.80 M'Evan, Stew. 80 Price, Wm. 319
Frazer, And. 319 Jardine, A. 319 M'Intoth, Don400 Price, John 400 Stratheven, Ld. 79
Frazer, Simon 320 Ibbot, Henry 79 M'Kenzie, Geo.79 Putnam, James319 Straubenzie, T. 79
Frott, James 79 Jeffries, Hump 400 M'Kenzie, K. F. Pugh, Wm. 400 Stretch, John 319
Jevers, G. A, 80
Stuart, John 79





Gardiner, Johnson, Henry 19 Mach, ch 1.38 RAmfay, Geo, Stuart, Hon. J.W,

79 M'Lean, Chas. 80

[blocks in formation]

79,80 Johnfon, Jam. 319 M'Leod, Norm.79 Randolph, Jn. 240 Sturrock, Jas. 80


Suckling, R. G. 9 Thurlow, Ld.456, Uniacke, Rob. 319 Wemyss, P. 80 Wifeman, J.
Suffolk, E. of 320
Swiney, B. T. 79 Tonfon, Wm. 319

Sydney, Lord 4c6, Townshend, 6.319 W


408 Towry,Geo.P.319



[ocr errors]

Wemyfs, Jas. 323 Wood, Jas. White, John 399 Wood, Chas. 80 Aldron, F White, Rob. 400 Wood, Wm. 470 80 Whittam, Abra 79 Wood, Fr. 458

Trail, Peter 79 Walker, Ellis 79 Whitworth, Fr. 9 Wrench, Om. 393 Aylor,P.319 Tryon, W121,320 Wallace, Sir J. So Whitworth, C. 80


TTemple, Earl Twentyman,-79 Wallace, Jas. 399 Wilford, R-R. 320 Onge, Sir G.


Thompton, W.339

Thornhill, R. 399





Wall's, Tho. 399 Williams,Grif. 76
Erner,T.4co Walpole, Hor. 319 Williams, Edw.86 Yorke, John
Vowell, Ric. Walpole, Tho. 399 Williamfon, J. 79 Young, Brooke
319 Walton, Jof. 79 Wilton, Geo. 79 Young, Matt. 399





From DECEMBER 10, 1782, to DECEMBER 16, 1783.

In the 97 Parishes within the Walls

In the 17 Parithes without the Walls

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

Chriftened Females 8352 S
f Males 87391 Buried f Males 9730

Females 9299 S

Total Males and Females Chriftened 17091.—Total Males

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Increased in the Borisla

this Year IT!!

and Females Furled 13029.
A Hundred and se
A Hundred and Two
A Hundred and Three
A Hundred and Four
A Hundred and Five
A Hundred and Six




[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

49 Rheumatism

47 Rickets

and Rifing of the Lights

43 Scald Head

4 Scurvy

1 Small Pox

Headmouldfhot, Hor- Sore Throat
fhochead, and Water Sores and Ulcers
in the Head

Cholick, Gripes, twift Jaundies

ing of the Guts 37 Impofthume



3 Inflammation 4575 Itch

Convulfions 4770 Leprofy

Cough, and Hooping Lethargy



268 Livergrown
864 Meafles

Exceffive Drinking 4

Execut d

Found Dead

5 Frighted


1550 Killed by Falls and fe

19 St. Anthony's Fire



veral other Acci

[blocks in formation]

75 Stoppage in the Sto-Murdered

[blocks in formation]



Total 269

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
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