PRIVATE LEARNERS. BY SAMUEL KIRKHAM, Author of "English Grammar in Familiar Lectures." The manner of speaking is as important as the matter.-CHESTERFIELD. THIRD EDITION, ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. STEREOTYPED BY F. F. RIPLEY. NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BY ROBINSON, PRATT, & CO., 63 WALL STREET; AND SOLD BY THE PRINCIPAL BOOKSELLERS THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATES. 1839. 1870, Jan. 12. Gift of EduF418.35.3 Arancis 16. Iwan, 9280.833.30 of Boston, 2(16.6.1859.) ENTERED, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1835, by SAMUEL KIRKHAM, in the RECOMMENDATIONS. THE first of the following notices, is from the pen of N. R. SMITH, A. M., one of the greatest masters of Elocution now living: the second is from Mr. KENT, an able professor in the University of Upper Canada. Mr. Samuel Kirkham of Baltimore, known to many of our citizens as the author of a popular English Grammar, has published "An Essay on Elocution, designed for the use of schools and private learners." After a careful perusal of this work, I am decidedly of opinion, that it is the only successful attempt of the kind. The rules are copious, and the author's explanations and illustrations are happily adapted to the comprehension of learners. No school should be without this book, and it ought to find a place in the library of every gentleman who values the attainment of a just and forcible elocution. Pittsburg Mercury, April 18, 1834. The Essay now before us, needs not depend on any former work of its author for a borrowed reputation: it has intrinsick merits of its own. It lays down principles clearly and concisely. It presents the reader with many new and judicious selections both in prose and poetry; and altogether evinces great industry, combined with taste and ingenuity. Courier of Upper Canada, York, Oct. 12, 1833. Of the talent and judgment of Mr. Kirkham, we have already had occasion to speak in terms of honest praise. His work on Elocution raises him still higher in our esti mation, for we find it (and we have perused it attentively, and with the utmost pleasure) one highly calculated to mend the manners, and correct the taste, of a certain barbar. ous class of readers and declaimers that, at present, infest almost every rank in society. Besides this, the book would be of great utility in schools-such a one as has long been wanted; and we are glad to see it forthcoming. In his selections, the author has displayed his usual tact and ability. It abounds in beautiful extracts, and judicious illustrations and remarks. Baltimore Visiter, July, 1833. We think Mr. Kirkham's Elocution worthy of publick patronage, and, have no doubt that, were it introduced into our academies, it would be found a most valuable book, both to the teacher and pupil. The familiar and forcible style of Mr. Kirkham, so justly admired in his work on Grammar, is fully preserved in his work before us. Eastern Shore Whig, March 18, 1834. Mr. Kirkham has performed a very acceptable service to teachers, by presenting them with this "Essay." The selections are remarkably judicious; the arrangement, good; the rules, simple and perspicuous. National Intelligencer, July 7, 1834. No part of education, equally important, is so generally neglected as Elocution; and this neglect arises principally from the want of some suitable book on the subject. In my opinion, Mr. Kirkham's Essay is a work every way calculated to supply this want, and is far better adapted to the use of schools and private learners, than any other system with which I am acquainted. S. CAVERNO, Lewistown Academy, N. Y. Oct. 7, 1833. Mr. B. F. Winchester: -Sir, I have examined the "Essay on Elocution" by Samuel Kirkham. It clearly explains and illustrates the principles of the science, and, with diligence on the part of the student, cannot fail to answer the end designed. I could wish that the last chapter of part first, might be read by every clergyman in the world. Respectfully, yours, (Rev.) S. G. WINCHESTER. Philadelphia, July 22, 1834. Mr. Kirkham: Dear Sir, In the course of thirty years' experience in teaching English Grammar and Reading in this city, no event of the kind has so highly gratified me, as the opportunity you have afforded me of examining your English Grammar and treatise on Elocution. I most heartily acknowledge, that, upon a careful and thorough perusal of them, I find that every facility which I have so often needed, but never before found, is exactly furnished; -principles are clearly and concisely laid down, and very happily adapted to the comprehension of the learner. Thoroughly con vinced of their utility, I shall lose no time in introducing them both into my school. NATHANIEL WERB Hartford, Conn. Aug. 20, 1834. |