The Plays of William Shakspeare ...C. Bathurst, 1785 |
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Seite 25
... petit town gates favouring the principal old portes . " may read It favours , or - Is favour'd - i . e . is in appear- ance or countenance like , & c . STEEVENS . Enter Enter Cinna . Cafca . Stand close awhile , for JULIUS CESAR . 25.
... petit town gates favouring the principal old portes . " may read It favours , or - Is favour'd - i . e . is in appear- ance or countenance like , & c . STEEVENS . Enter Enter Cinna . Cafca . Stand close awhile , for JULIUS CESAR . 25.
Seite 26
William Shakespeare Isaac Reed. Enter Cinna . Cafca . Stand close awhile , for here comes one in hafte . Caf . ' Tis Cinna , I do know him by his gait ; He is a friend . - Cinna , where hafte you fo ? Cin . To find ... Enter Cinna. ...
William Shakespeare Isaac Reed. Enter Cinna . Cafca . Stand close awhile , for here comes one in hafte . Caf . ' Tis Cinna , I do know him by his gait ; He is a friend . - Cinna , where hafte you fo ? Cin . To find ... Enter Cinna. ...
Seite 27
... Enter Brutus , in his Orchard 3 . Bru . What , Lucius ! ho ! - I cannot , by the progrefs of the stars , Give guess how near to day . - Lucius , I fay ! - I would it were my fault to fleep fo foundly.- When , Lucius , when ? Awake , I ...
... Enter Brutus , in his Orchard 3 . Bru . What , Lucius ! ho ! - I cannot , by the progrefs of the stars , Give guess how near to day . - Lucius , I fay ! - I would it were my fault to fleep fo foundly.- When , Lucius , when ? Awake , I ...
Seite 30
... enter Lucius . Luc . Sir , March is wafted fourteen days . Bru . ' Tis good . knocks . [ Knocks within . Go to the Go to the gate ; fomebody Exit Lucius . Since Caffius firft did whet me against Cæfar , I have not flept . 7 Between the ...
... enter Lucius . Luc . Sir , March is wafted fourteen days . Bru . ' Tis good . knocks . [ Knocks within . Go to the Go to the gate ; fomebody Exit Lucius . Since Caffius firft did whet me against Cæfar , I have not flept . 7 Between the ...
Seite 33
... enter . They are the faction . O confpiracy ! [ Exit Lucius . Sham'ft thou to fhew thy dangerous brow by night , When evils are most free ? O , then , by day , Where wilt thou find a cavern dark enough , To mask thy monftrous vifage ...
... enter . They are the faction . O confpiracy ! [ Exit Lucius . Sham'ft thou to fhew thy dangerous brow by night , When evils are most free ? O , then , by day , Where wilt thou find a cavern dark enough , To mask thy monftrous vifage ...
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Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
Ægypt againſt Alcibiades Andronicus anfwer Antony Apem Apemantus becauſe beft Brutus Cæfar Cafca Caffius caufe Char Charmian Cleo Cleopatra death doft doth Enobarbus Enter Eros Exeunt Exit eyes fafe faid fame fatire feems fenfe fhall fhew fhould fignifies firft flain Flav fleep foldier fome fons fortune fpeak fpeech fpirit friends ftand ftill fuch Fulvia fuppofe fure fword gods Goths Hanmer hath heart himſelf honour JOHNSON laft Lavinia lord Lucius mafter MALONE Marcus Mark Antony means moft moſt muft muſt myſelf noble obferve Octavia old copy old reading paffage pleaſe pleaſure Pleb Plutarch poet Pompey prefent queen Rape of Lucrece reafon Roman Rome Shakspeare ſhall ſhe ſpeak STEEVENS Tamora thee thefe THEOBALD theſe thofe thoſe thou art Timon Titinius Titus Titus Andronicus tranflation uſed WARBURTON whofe word