Lo, as the bark, that hath discharg'd her fraught, With burial among their ancestors: Here Goths have given me leave to fheath my fword. Titus, unkind, and careless of thine own, [They open the tomb. Sweet cell of virtue and nobility, How many fons of mine haft thou in ftore, Luc. Give us the proudeft prifoner of the Goths, • Thou great defender of this Capitol,] Jupiter, to whom the Capitol was facred. JOHNSON. Nor we difturb'd by prodigies on earth.] It was fuppofed by the ancients, that the ghofts of unburied people appeared to their friends and relations, to folicit the rites of funeral. STEEVENS. Tit. I give him you; the nobleft that furvives, The eldest son of this diftreffed queen. Tam, Stay, Roman brethren,-Gracious conqueror, Victorious Titus, rue the tears I shed, A mother's tears in paffion for her fon: Andronicus, ftain not thy tomb with blood: Tit. Patient yourself", madam, and pardon me. These are their brethren, whom you Goths behold Alive, and dead; and for their brethren flain, • Wilt thou draw near the nature of the gods? "Homines enim ad deos nulla re propius accedunt, quam falutem hominibus dando." Cicero pro Ligario. From this paffage Mr. Whalley infers the learning of Shakfpeare, but our author might have found a tranflation of it in England's Parnaffus. STEEVENS. The fame fentiment is in Edward III. 1596: kings approach the nearest unto God, By giving life and fafety unto men." EDITOR. Patient yourself, &c.] This verb is used by other dramatic writers. So, in Arden of Feversham, 1592: "Patient yourfelf, we cannot help it now." Again, in K. Edward I. 1599: "Patient your highness, 'tis but mother's love." Again, in Warner's Albion's England, 1602, b. xii. ch. 75: Her, weeping ripe, he laughing, bids to patient her awhile." STEEVENS. 66 Religiously they ask a facrifice: To this your fon is mark'd; and die he muft, and Lucius, with Alarbus. Tam. O cruel, irreligious piety! Chi. Was ever Scythia half fo barbarous ? To tremble under Titus' threatening look. Upon the Thracian tyrant in his tent, May favour Tamora, the queen of Goths, (When Goths were Goths, and Tamora was queen) To quit the bloody wrongs upon her foes. The felf fame gods, that arm'd the queen of Troy Upon the Thracian tyrant in his tent, &c.] I read, against the authority of all the copies : -in her tent. i. e. in the tent where fhe and the other Trojan captive women were kept for thither Hecuba by a wile had decoyed Polymneftor, in order to perpetrate her revenge. This we may learn from Euripides's Hecuba; the only author, that I can at prefent remember, from whom our writer must have gleaned this circumftance. THEOBALD. Mr. Theobald fhould firft have proved to us that our author understood Greek, or elfe that this play of Euripides had been tranflated. In the mean time, becaufe neither of these particulars are verified, we may as well fuppofe he took it from the old story-book of the Trojan War, or the old tranflation of Ovid. See Mctam. xiii. The writer of the play, whoever he was, might have been misled by the paffage in Ovid: "vadit ad artificem, and therefore took it for granted that the found him in bis tent. STEEVENS. Enter Enter Mutius, Marcus, Quintus, and Lucius. Luc. See, lord and father, how we have perform'd Whose smoke, like incenfe, doth perfume the fky. Make this his latest farewel to their fouls. [Then found trumpets, and lay the coffins in the tomb. In peace and honour reft you here, my fons; Rome's readieft champions, repofe you here, Secure from worldly chances and mishaps! Here lurks no treason, here no envy fwells, Here grow no damned grudges; here no florm, No noise, but filence and eternal fleep: In Enter Lavinia. peace and honour reft you here my fons! Lav. In peace and honour live lord Titus long; My noble lord and father, live in fame! Lo! at this tomb my tributary tears I render, for my brethren's obfequies; And at thy feet I kneel, with tears of joy Shed on the earth, for thy return to Rome: O, bless me here with thy victorious hand, Whose fortune Rome's beft citizens applaud. Tit. Kind Rome, that has thus lovingly referv'd The cordial of mine age, to glad my heart!Lavinia, live; out-live thy father's days, ? And fame's eternal date, for virtue's praise! : Mar. And fame's eternal date, for virtue's praife!] This abfurd wish is made fenfe of, by changing and into in. WARBURTON. To live in fame's date is, if an allowable, yet a harsh expreflion. Το Mar. Long live lord Titus, my beloved brother, Gracious triumpher in the eyes of Rome! Tit. Thanks, gentle tribune, noble brother Marcus. Mar. And welcome, nephews, from fuccessful wars, fwords: You that furvive, and you that fleep in fame. And help to fet a head on headless Rome. To outlive an eternal date, is, though not philofophical, yet poetical fenfe. He wishes that her life may be longer than his, and her praife longer than fame. JOHNSON. 1 -don this robe, &c.] i. e. do on this robe, put See p. 169. STEEVENS. it on But |