Abbildungen der Seite

Theodosius, the Younger [Author
of the Code'], Emperor (born
A. D. 401), succeeded to the
Western empire, May 1; July
28, see 'Marcian.'
Theodosius, St., Jan. 11.
Theodota, St., Sept. 29.
Theodotus, St., May 18.
Theodulus, Sts., May 3, Feb. 17.
Theognetus, dramatist, 849.
Theognis, dramatist, 851.
Theonas, St, Aug. 23.
Theonilla, St., Aug. 23.
Theophanes, historian, 555.
Theophanes, St., March 13.

Theophanes, Prokopovitch, June 9.
Theophilus, dramatist, 849.
Theophilus of Antioch, 469.
Theophilus, St., Dec. 6.
Theopompus, dramatist, 849.
Theophrastus (banished B.C.305),

THERESA, Saint, Foundress, March
28, October 4, 15.
Thermes, Paul de, May 6.
Thermopyla, battle of, 381; Au-
gust 7.

THESEUS, Son of Egeus (or Nep-
tune) and thra, 113, 293,
399, 559, 645, 671, 675; arrives
at Athens from Træzene [VIII.
Hecatombæan], July 15; em-
barks against the Mino-taur [vI.
Munychion], April 13; returns
from Crete with Ariadne' [her
day at Cyprus 11 Mæmacterion,
Sept. 9] on the festival of Ra-
malia' [VIII. Pyanepsion] Octo-
ber [8] 15; battle with the Ama-
zons on the Boedromia' [XXVI
Boedromion], October 2; con-
quest and league, October 7; see
Union of Attica.'
Thesmophoria, matronal festivals in
honour of Ceres the divinity, of
four days [with three days of pre-
paration], Sept. 14-24 [xiv. Pya-
nepsion], October (19) 21-24.
Thespis, the tragedian, 851.
Thetis, the nymph, 519.

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Thibault VI. of Navarre, July 10.
Thicknesse, George, Master of St.
Paul's School' (founded in
1510), 47.

Thierri, St. Abbot, July 1.
Thierry, King of Austrasia, 780.
Thiers, John Baptist, Doctor of
the Sorbonne, Feb. 28.
Thillo (or Tilman), St., Jan. 7.
Thirlstane, John Maitland, Lord,
Oct. 4.

Thirlby, Dr. Styan, Dec. 19.
Thistle, order of the, 783.
Thodeschini, see Pius III.'
THOMAS, Saint, eminently the faith-
ful,' father of the christians at
Malabar (his remains found in
1522, and removed to Goa), on
the Terminalia, September 21.
Thomas, St. (Becket) of Canter-
bury, 463 [July 11]; Dec. 21,


Thomas of Shaftesbury, 103.
Thomas, St. Bishop, Oct. 2.
Thomas, St. of Aquino, March 7.
Thomas, St. of Villanova, Sept. 18.
Thomas, William, May 18.
Thomas, Bishop, Feb. 2, June 25.
Thomas, Elizabeth, Feb. 3.
Thomas, Dr. William, July 26.
Thomas, Anthony, Sept. 17.
Thompson, Sir Benjamin, Aug. 19.
Thomson, James, 515; Sept. 11
[21], August 27 [Sept. 7].
Thomson, Dr. Wm., March 16.
Thor (Juul) the Jupiter of the

Greeks and Romans, 679.
Thoresby, Ralph, Aug. 16, Oct. 16.
Thornhill, Sir James, May 4.
Thornton, Bonnel, May 9.
Thornton, John, Nov. 7.
Thorpe, John, August 2.

Thoth (Deus), or Uchoreus, the
father of letters, and the first
establisher of laws, 837, see
Thouin, Andrew, Oct. 27.
Thoynard, Nicholas, Jan. 5.
Thrale, Henry, April 3.
Thrasilla, St., Dec. 24.
Thrasybulus, 549.
Thrasymene, battle of, 421.
Throckmorton, Sir Nicholas, 61;
Feb. 12.

Thuanus (De Thou), Jacob Au-
gustus, Oct. 9, May 7.
Thucydides, 293, 391, 529, 549,
579, 615, 683, 801.
Thuillar, Vincent, Jan. 12.
Thunder-stone, fell, 735.
THURSDAY, the fifth day (wisdom),
October 12.

Thursday, Holy, May 14.
Thury, Cæsar de, Sept. 4, see


Thurloe, John, June 1, Feb.

Tilman, see St. Thillo.
Tilsit, the treaty of, 427.
Times, the newspaper [Nos. 14,791],
the first paper pressed by steam,
Νου. 29.

Timæus, 615.
Timocharis, 641.

Timocles, dramatist, 849.
Timoleon, of Syracuse, 527; de-
feats the Carthaginians, 257,
817; [May 20] Dec. 15.
Timotheus, of Miletus, 543, 849.
Timothy, the disciple, Jan. 22, 24.
Timothy, St. (with others), Au-
gust 19.

Timothy, St. of Rome, Aug. 22.
Timour, see Tamerlane.

Tindal, Dr. Matthew, 539; Au-
gust 16.

Tindal, Nicholas, June 27.
Tindal, William, Sept. 16.

Cas-Tippo Saheb, Sultan of Mysore,
281, 425, 448.

[blocks in formation]

Thurlow, Edward, Baron (of Ash-Tischbein, John Fred., June 21.

[blocks in formation]

Tissaphernes, the officer, 801.
Tissot, Simon Andrew, July 13.
Tissot, Clement Joseph, June 30.
Tithe-lands, first granted in Eng-

land for the preservation of the
'fold,' 843.

Titon de Tillet, 847; Dec. 26.
Titus, Flavius Vespasianus Augus-
tus, Emperor [the friend of Bri-
tannicus,' born Feb. 12, A. D.
41], 353, 423, 491, 541, 593,
603, 709; Dec. 30 [A.D, 41],
Sept. 13 [A.D. 82].
Titus, St. disciple, Jan. 4.
'Titus Andronicus,' the play, 85.
Tlepolemia, Rhodian games, 499
[Aug. 24].

Toaldo, Joseph, Nov. 11.
TOBACCO, the Indian weed,' first
discovered in St. Domingo, 1496;
introduced into France by Nicot,
1560; by Raleigh's colony into
England and Ireland, 507.
Tochumna, Sts. virgins of Ireland,
June 11.

Toel, see St. Docmael.

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Tooke (John Horne), 49; March Tralles, Balthazar, Nov. 19.


Tooley, see St. Olaus.

Tooley, Nicholas, June 5.

Topics, Cicero's treatise on, 489.
Toplady, Aug., Nov. 4, Aug. 11.
Torcy, see Colbert.'

Torgau, victory there, 727.
Torres Vedras, near Lisbon, Wel-
lington's celebrated position of
defence, Oct. 8.
Torricelli, Evangeliste, Oct. 15.
Torrington, George Byng, Vis-
count, Jan. 17.
Tostig, Earl, Sept. 25.

Totila, the Goth, 821.

Totuan, St., July 8.

TRANSFIGURATION, the christian
festival (instituted in Greece,
A.D. 700, at Rome, A.D. 1456),
August 6.

TRANVECTIO, the equestrian pas-
sage from the Temple of Honour
(without the walls) to the Ro-
man capitol, July 15.
Trapp, Dr. Joseph, Nov. 22.
Travis, George, April 24.
Trees, the period of, with the Jews,
Jan. 15 [30].

Trees, celebrated relics [add the
'plane-tree' of Xerxes, and the
'tamarisk' of Osiris], 603.
Trelawney, Sir William, Dec. 11.

Totness, George Carew, Earl of, Tremouille, General de la (Vis-

March 27.

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Touchet, see Audley.'

Toulon, victory there, 823.

Toulouse, massacre there, 615;
capture of, 229.
Toup, Jonathan, Jan. 19.
Tournay, apostle of, Oct. 1; taken
by Henry VIII., 649.
Tournefort, Joseph de, June 5.
Tours, truce of [Feb. 20, 1444].
Tourville, Admiral de, May 28.
Townley, Charles, Jan. 3.
Tournely, Honoré, August 28,
Dec. 26.

Tower of London, began, 844; its
prisoners liberated, 687.
Towers, Dr. Joseph, March 31,
May 20.

Towgood, Matthew, Dec. 6.
Townshend, see 'Sydney.'

count de Thouars), Sept. 20,
Feb. 24.

Tremouille, Charlotte de la [besieged

in Latham House, 24 March,
1644], see Derby.'
Trenchard, John, Dec. 16.
Trenck, Francis, Baron, Oct. 4.
Trenck, Fred. Baron, July 25.
Trent, council there, 59, 813.
Tresain, St. of Ireland, Feb. 7.
Tresham, Henry, June 17.
Trew, William, Dec. 15, Sept. 8.
TRIBES, the XII Patriarchs (fathers
of the 600,000 Israelites), in the
order of their births;' 1. Reu-
ben [sardius]:-2. Simeon [to-
paz]:-3. Levi [carbuncle]:-
4. Judah [emerald]:-5. Dan
[sapphire]-vi. Naphtali [dia-
mond]:-7. Gad [ligure]:-8.

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Asher [agate]:9. Issachar Troy Island, victory there, 679.
[amethyst]:-10. Zebulun [be-Troyes, the treaty of, 337; mas-
ryl]:-11. Manasseh (first-born)
and Ephraim, sons of Joseph
[onyx]-12. Benjamin, son
of days' [jasper]; numbered ac-
cording to the blessing, Gen.
XLIX; according to their mo-
thers,' and as leaders of tribes,
Numbers I. V.; the order of the
sealed, Rev. VII.

Tribonian, 221, 817.
Tribute-day in the cities of Judæa

[1 Adar], Feb. 18.

Tribunes, institution of, Dec. 10.
Triennial-act, repealed for the Sep-
tennial, 281.

Triers, the martyrs of, Oct. 4.
Trimalchio, 505.


Trimnell, Bishop, Dec. 27.
Trimmer, Sarah, Dec. 15.
Trincomalee, capture of, 29.
Trinidad, discovered, July 31.
Trinitarians, the order of, 88.
Trinity Terms, 425.
Tripoli, the peace of, 711.
Triptolemus," the tragedy, 113.
Tristram, Sir Amory, 215.
Triumphs, of Pompey, 651; Cæsar,
505; Augustus, 239, 747; Mes-
sala, 641; Diocletian, 761, 747.
Triumvirate, the second, 775.
Trivalore, tables of, 109.
Trivulci, John James, Dec. 5.
Troia, defeat there, 791.
Troil, Dr. Uno Von, July 27.
"Troilus and Cressida," the play,

Tromp, Cornelius, 367; May 21.
Tromp, Martin Van, July 31.
Tron, St. of Brabant, Nov. 23.
Tronchin, Theodore, Nov. 30.
TROY, the fall of [XXIV Thargelion],
April 24 [the Resurrection of
Christ, A. D. 29, upon some au-
thorities]; according to Whiston,
B. C. 1270, May 23 [June 11].
Troy, the History of, first printed
in English,' 629.

sacre there, 615.
Truchet, John, Feb. 5.
Trumbull, Sir Wm., 45; Dec. 14.
Trumpeters, festival of, Jan. 13;
see Tubilustrium.'
Truxillo, founded, 429.
Trypho, St., Nov. 10.
Tubal (or Vulcan), the father of
arms, 571.

Tubilustría, Roman purifying feasts
of trumpets [when the Cruci-
fixion' was commemorated],
March 23.

Tucker, Abraham, Nov. 20.
Tudor, see Suffolk.'

Tudor (Theodore), Sir Owen, Feb.2.
TUESDAY, the third day (truth),

675; October 10.
Tuffoone, the wind, 761.
Tufton, see


Tuisco, see Mercury.'
Tuke, Sir Samuel, Jan. 26.
Tull, Jethro, June 3.

Tullus, Hostilius (reigned 32 years
from B. C. 672), 3rd King of
Rome, 821,

Tunis, plague there, 375.
Tunstall, Bishop, Nov. 18.
Tunstall, Dr. James, March 28.
Turenne, Henry, Viscount de, 853;
Sept. 11, July 27.

Turgot, Anne Robert James, May
10, March 18.
Turiaf, St., July 13.
Turibius, St., April 16.
Turibius, St. Alphonso, Nov. 16.
Turkey, treaty with Russia, 25;
peace with Austria, 697.
Turk's Island, seized, 365.
Turnebus, Adrian, June 12.
Turner, Captain Samuel, 631.
Turnin, St. of Ireland, July 17.
Turnus, King in Latium, 775.
Turretini, Benedict, March 4.
Turretini, Francis, Oct. 17, Sept.


Turretini, John Alphonso, May 1.
Tuscan year, 153.

Tutbury Castle, 483.
Tutchin, John, Sept. 23.
Tweddell, John, July 25.
Tweed, chain-bridge, 505.
Twelfth-Day, January 6.
Twining, Thomas, Aug. 6.
Twiss, Richard, April 26, March 5.
Twyne, John, Nov. 24.
Tychsen, Olaus, Dec. 30.
Tygrius, St., Jun. 12.
Tylney, Edmund, August 20.
Typho (Sirius) the Egyptian god,
161; August 26.
Tyrannio, St., Feb. 20.

Tyre, Era of, October 19; the city
taken, (561) August 20.
Tygrius, St., Jan. 12.
Tyrwhitt, Thomas, Aug. 15.
Tytler, Dr. Henry, Aug. 24.

Ubaldus, St., May 16.
Udal, John, June 15.
Udall, Nicholas, 535.
Uffa, King in England, 665.
Ufford, Archbishop de, June 7.
Ughelli, Ferdinando, May 19.
Ulfrid, St., Jan. 18.
Ulm, capture of, 695.
Ulmar, St., July 20.
Ulpian, St. of Tyre, April 3.
Ulric, St. of Augsburg, July 4.
Ulrick, St. of England, Feb. 20.
Ulster, patron of, Sept. 10.
Ulster, Earl of, April 4.
Ultan, St., Sept. 4.
Ultius, see St. Vulsin.
Underhill, the actor, 731.
Uniformity Act, August 24.
UNION, by Theseus (399) of the
divided Athenian families into
one commonwealth [XVI Heca-
tombæan], ancient year, July
23:-metonic, July 12:- by
Petavius, July 14:-Roman, 16

Union of the Greek and Latin
churches (described, A. D. 1444,
by Syropulus), July 6; the Pon-
tiff and Emperor separated, 26
August, 1439.

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Union of the seven Belgic Pro-
vinces; 1. Holland: -2. Zea-
land:-3. Utrecht:-4. Guelder-
land:-5. Overyssel:-6. Gro-
ningen:-7. Friesland, January
23; treaty of alliance with Eng-
land, Jan. VII; truce with Spain,
April 9; war with England, 515.
Union of Scotland with England,
495, 703; May 1.

Union of Ireland with Great Bri-
tain, the bill is passed, July 2;
the royal style is settled, Nov. 5;
date of the nominal (civil)
union, Jan. 1:-the population,

Union between Sweden and Nor-
way, is voted, October 20.
Universities of Europe, 729, see

Unleavened-bread, feast of, see

Upton, James, junior, Dec. 2.
URANIA, the muse, 'heavenly-born,'
649; September 9.
Urban, St. Pope, May 25.
Urban VIII. Maffeo Barberini,
Pope, 209; July 29.

Urquhart, Sir Thomas, 447 [8].
Ursins, Anne Mary des, Dec. 5.
Ursinus, Zachary, July 18, Mar. 6.
Ursinus, John Henry, May 14.
Ursinus, Geo. Henry, Sept. 10.
Ursmar, St., April 19.

Ursula, St. patroness of the Sor-
bonne, Oct. 21.

Ushant, victories off, 365, 507.
Usher, Archbishop (James), 823;

Jan. 4, March 21.

Utica, Cæsar left, June 13; mar-
tyrs of, Aug. 24.

Utrecht, peace of, 199, 475; cap-
tured, 625.

Vaccination, first applied, May 14.
Vachet, John Ant. le, Feb. 6.
Vadé, John Joseph, July 4.
Vahl, Martin, Oct. 10, Dec. 24.
Vaillant, John Foi, May 24, Oct.

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