Abbildungen der Seite

817, 857; exiled parliament,
579; Revolution, 477; Repub-
lic, 633, 634; expenses of the
English War, 781; hostilities
and treaties with, 75, 201, 325,
327, 331, 727; great peace, 355.
Frances, St. Foundress, March 9.
Francis, St. of Assisium, Oct. 4.
Francis, St. of Paula, April 2.
Francis Xavier, St., Dec. 3.
Francis Solano, St., July 24.
Francis of Sales, St., Aug. 21,
Jan. 29, Dec. 28.
Francis Borgia, St., Oct. 10.
Francis I. Emperor, Aug. 18.
Francis II. (last) Emperor, 537.
Francis I. of France, 35 (121),
339, 370, 379, 404, 563; Sept.
12, March 31.

Francis II. of France, 257, 437;
Dec. 5.

Francis I. of the Sicilies, Aug. 19.
Francis, King of Naples, Nov. 7.
Francis, Dr. Philip, March 5.
Francis, Sir Philip, 46; Dec. 31.
Franckfort fairs, 183, 607.
Francklin, Dr. Thos., March 15.
April 17.

Franklin, Captain, 649.
Franquenet, James Basnage de,

Dec. 22.

Frea, wife of Woden, 207, 681.
Frederick, St., July 18.
Frederick I. Emperor, see Barba-


Frederick II. Emperor, Dec. 13.
Frederick III. Emperor, Jan. 13.
Frederick IV. (the Pacific) Em-
peror, 254; Sept. 7.
Frederic I. (the Pacific) of Den-
mark, died 1533.

Frederick II. of Denmark, 541;
April 4.

Frederick Guelph, Prince of Wales,
263; Jan. 20, March 20.
Frederick Augustus I. of Poland,
Feb. 1.

Frederick I. King of Prussia, Feb.


Frederick (the Great) II. of Prus-
sia, 291, 657, 727, 731, 823;
January 24, August 17.
Frederick William I. of Prussia,
Aug. 15, May 31.

Frederick William II., Nov. 16.
Frederick Wm. III., 377; Aug. 3.
Frederick William IV., Oct. 15.
Frederick the Wise, Elector of
Saxony, May 5.

Frederick Augustus, King of Sax-
ony, Dec. 23.

Frederick V. Duke of Bavaria,
Elector Palatine (chosen King
of Bohemia), 101, 729, 735;
Nov. 29.

"Freeholder," Addison's paper, 93,
113, 267.

Freemasons' Hall, consecrated, 351;
edict against the fraternity, 35.
Freher, Marguard, May 13.
Freind, Dr. John, July 26.
Freinshemius, John, Nov. 16, Aug.

Freron, Elias Catherine, March 10.
Fresnoy, Madame du, May 7.
Freteau de St. Just, Emmanuel

Maria Michael Philip, June 15.
Friar Minors, the seven, Oct. 13.
Friars, the five, Sts. of Morocco,
Jan. 16.

Friars, the seven, of Ceuta, Oct. 13.
Friars, ejection of, in France, 39;
preachers, founded, 530.
Frias, Duke de, 583.
FRIDAY, the sixth day (riches),
681; Oct. 13.
Frideswide, Saint, Oct. 19.

Frederick III. of Denmark, 781; Fridian, St., March 18.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Fridolin, St., March 6.
Friedland, battle of, 395.
Friesland, discovery of, 470.
Frigidian, see St. Fridian.
Frisi, Paul, April 13, Nov. 22.

Frobisher, Sir Martin, 381, 471, | Gall, St., Oct. 16.

[ocr errors]

547; Nov. 7.

Frogs," the comedy, 149.

Frontinus, Sextus Julius, 605.

Frosts, 35, 241, 707, 805, 845.

Frowde, Philip, Dec. 13.

Fructuosus, St., Jan. 21.

Gall, Dr. J. F., March 9, Aug. 22.
Galla, St., 487; Oct. 5.

Gallienus, Emperor, March 20.
Galloway, English province, 439.
Gallus, Cornelius, the friend of
Virgil (died A. D. 26), 532.

Fructuosus, St. of Braga, April 16. | Gally, Dr. Henry, Aug. 7.

Frumentius, St., Oct. 27.

Fry, John, June 28.

Fryth, John, June (or July) 4.
Fulgentius, St., Jan. 1.
Fuller, Dr. Thos., Aug. 16.
Fulman, William, June 28.
Furies, day of the Erinnys, 83.
Furinalia, feast of Furina, 502.
Furness, vale of, 499.

Gally Royal, at Marseilles, 669.
Galmier, St., Feb. 27.

Galtz, General, 435.
Galvani, Lewis, Nov. 5.

GAMA, VASQUES DE, 339, 463
(619), 761; Dec. 24.
Gamala, capture of, 637.
Gamaliel, St., Aug. 3.
Gambier, Admiral, 595.

Furry, Helston feast, 311 [May 8]. Gambold, John, Sept. 13.

Fursey, St., Jan. 16.
Fuscian, St., Dec. 11.
Fuseli, Henry, April 16.

Fuslee, Era of, solar at Madras,
begins, July 12; lunar at
gal, Autumn Equinox.

GAMES, Megalesian, founded by
Junius, April 4; Roman, by
Tarquin, Sept. 4.

"Gamester," Shirley's play, 743. Ben-Ganganelli, see Clement XIV. Ganges, hurricane at the mouth, 675.

Gabrielli, Cardinal, Jan. 10.
Gahagan, Usher, Feb. 20.
Gainas, the Goth, 491, 833; Dec.


Gainsborough, Thomas, Aug. 2.
Gal, Sts. Bishops of Clermont,
July 1.

Galathea, the nymph, 519.
Galba, Sergius Sulpicius, Emperor,

213, 381; Dec. 24, Jan. 15.
Galdin, St., April 18.
Gale, Dr. Thos., April 8.
Gale, John, May 26.
Gale, Roger, June 25.

Galen (Claudius), the physician
[d. A. D. 193], 491.
Galen, Bishop Van, Sept. 19.
Galené, the nymph, 519.
Galerius (Maximianus), Valerius,
Emperor, 141, 270.
Galiani, Ferd., Dec. 2, Oct. 30.
Galileo Galilei, 21, 419; Feb. 19,

Jan. 8.

Garasse, Francis, June 14.
Gardenstone, Francis (Lord), June
24, July 22.

Gardiner, see St. Serenus.
Gardiner, Bishop Stephen, 633,
781; Nov. 12.

Gardiner, Colonel, Sept. 21.
Garnett, Thomas, June 28.
Garrick, David, 112, 143, 217,
289, 603, 647, 693; Feb. 20,
Jan. 20.

Garrick, Eva Maria, Feb. 29, Oct.

Garter, Order of the, 253.
Garth, Sir Samuel, Jan. 18.
Garve, Christian, Jan. 7, Dec. 1.
Gascoigne, Sir William, Dec. 17.
Gascoigne, George, 471; Oct. 7.
Gassendi, Peter, 595; Jan. 22,
Oct. 24.

Gastrell, Bishop, Nov. 24.
Gastrell, Rev. Francis, 603.
Gataker, Thomas, July 29.

Galissonniere, Admiral, Nov. 11, Gatian, St., Dec. 18.

Oct. 17.

Gatinois, Apostle of the, 738.

Gaubius, Jerome, Nov. 26. Gaucher, St., April 9. Gauden, Bishop, Sept. 20. Gaudentius, St., Oct. 25.

GAUDY DAYS, 77, 315, 423.

Gaugericus, see St. Gery.

[merged small][ocr errors]

Geoffrey of Northumberland, 254.

Gauls, Apostle (St. Martin) of the, Geoffrey of St. Albans, 771.


Gaunor, Fychan, Sept. 16.
Gautier, see St. Gaucher.
Gaveston, Piers, June 19.
Gawil Ghar, capture of, 637.
Gay, John, 131, 185, 515; Dec. 4.
Gaza, captures of, 254, 561.
Gazette, see "London Gazette."
Gazon-Dourxigné, Jan. 19.
Gebelen, Anthony, Count de, May

Ged, William, Oct. 19.
Gedaliah, 597.

Geddes, Dr. Alex., Feb. 26.
Geddington, Cross there, 15.
Geladeddin, Sultan, 169, 399.
GELALEAN ERA, 399; March 15.
Gelasinus, St., Aug. 26.

Gelasius, St. Pope, Nov. 21.

Geoffrey of Anjou, 844; Sept. 7. Geoffrey Plantagenet, 537; Aug. 19, see Earl of Brittany. Geological Society, 255. GEORGE, SAINT, Patron of England, first invoked, 531; painting of, 253; April 23, Decem

ber 24.

George, St. chapel of, 301; church, 411; hospital, 693.

George I. Duke of Muscovy, 270. George I. of England, 239, 265, 695; May 28, June 11.

George II. of England, 377, 441, 677; Oct. 30, 25.

GEORGE III. KING of the Isles BRITANNIAS, 145, 247, 559 (635), 705, 751, 825; June 4 [O. S. May 24], Jan. 29.

Gellert, Christian, July 4, Dec. 13. George IV. of the Britannias, 11,

Gellibrand, Henry, Nov. 17.
Gellius, Aulus, 31.

Gelon, King of Syracuse, 539, 651, 833.

Gemappe, battle at, 731.
GEMINI (Twins), double-sign,
335; May 21.

Geminiani, Francesco, Sept. 17.
Geminianus, St., Sept. 16.
Gendre, Louis le, Dec. 13.
Genebrard, St., May 15.
Geneburn, see St. Genebrard.
Genes, see St. Genesius.
Genesius, St. comedian, Aug. 26.
Genesius, St. of Arles, Aug. 26.
Genesius, St. of Clermont, June 3.
Genevieve, St., 773; Jan. 3.
Genii, guardian spirits, 779.
Genlis, Madame de Sillery, Com-
tesse de, Dec. 24.
Genoa, patron of, 252; described,
581, 689.

[ocr errors]

Genovesi, Antonio, Nov. 1, Sept. 22.

37, 65, 253, 479, 489, 559, 675; Aug. 12, June 26. George of Denmark, Prince, 221, 711; Oct. 28.

Georgicks of Virgil, read, 595. Georgium Sidus (Uranus), the Pla

net discovered, March 13. Gerald, St. of Seauve, April 5. Gerald, St. of Ireland, March 1. Gerald, St. of Aurillac, Oct. 13. Geraldine, mistress of Surrey, 532. Gerard, St. of Namur, Oct. 3. Gerard, Saint, Bishop of Toul, April 23.

Gerard, St. Bp. of Chonard, Sept. 24.

Gerard, Balthazar, July 14. Geremar, see St. Germer. Germain, St., fair there, 79. Germain, Count of St., Jan. 15. German Empire, 537, 541; apostle of the, 374; first synod, 842; new style there, 9, 831.

German, Saint, Bishop of Man, July 3.

German, St. Abbot, Feb. 21. Germana, see St. Grimonia. Germanicus, see Drusus.' Germanus, St. Bishop, July 26, 31. Germanus, St. Bishop, Oct. 30. Germanus, St. Bishop, May 28. Germanus, St. Patriarch, May 12. Germer, St., Sept. 24.

Gertrude, St. of Brabant, March 17.

Gertrude, St. of Saxony, Nov. 15.
Gervaise, Nicolas, Nov. 20.
Gervasius, St., June 19.
Gery, St., Aug. 11.
Gesner, Conrad, Dec. 13.
Gesner, John Matthias, Aug. 3.
Gesner, Solomon, April 1, Mar. 2.
Gesner, John, March 18, May 6.
Geta, Septimius, Emperor, 81;
Feb. 27.

Getulius, St., June 10.
Geyer, Ludwig, Jan. 21.
Geyt, Charles William Le, May
12, March 12.

Ghent, patron of 656; reduction, 280.

Ghent, Admiral de, May 28.
Ghibbeline faction, 388.
Ghisleri, Michael, see Pius V.
Gibbet Law, abolished in Wake-
field Manor, 271.
Gibbon, Edward, 281, 435, 685,

842, 845; April 27, Jan. 16.
Gibbs, James, 177, 233; Aug. 5.
Gibbs, Sir Vicary, Feb. 9.
Gibeah, fast for the men of, 53.
Gibert, John Peter, Dec. 2.
Gibert, Balthazar, Oct. 28.
GIBRALTAR, capture of this for-

tress, 495; siege, 463, 617. Gibson, Bishop, Dec. 16, Sept. 6. Gibson, Thomas, April 28. Gifanius, Herbert, Aug. 16. Gifford, Richard, March 1.

Gifford, John, March 6.

Gifford, William, 45; Dec. 31.

Gifford, Lord, Robert, Feb. 24, Sept. 4.

Gigles, see Worcester.
Gilbert, see St. Tilberht.
Gilbert, St. Abbot, Feb. 4.
Gilbert, St. Bishop, April 1.
Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, 389, 535;
Sept. 9.

Gilbert, Archbishop, Aug. 9.
Gilbert, William, Nov. 30.
Gilbert, John, Aug. 3.
Gildard, St., June 8.

Gildas, St. the Scot, Jan. 29.
Gildas, St. the Wise, Jan. 29.
Giles, St. of Nismes, Sept. 1.
Giles of Assisi, April 23.
Gili, Filippo Luigi, March 14.
Gill, Dr. Alexander, 97.
Gill, Dr. John, Nov. 19, Oct. 13.
Gilles de Retz, see Blue Beard.
Gilpin, Bernard, March 4.
Gilpin, Sawrey, March 8.
Gilpin, William, April 5.
Ginkell, General, 473.
Giraffe, see Camelopard.
Girtin, Thomas, Nov. 9.
Gladiators, edict respecting, 657.
Glamis, Thane of, see Macbeth."
Glamis, Lady Janet, July 17.
Glanvil, Joseph, Nov. 4.
Glapthorne, Henry, 532.
Glasgow, incorporation of, 373.
Glass, patent for making, 599.
Glastian, St., Jan. 28.
Glaucé, the nymph, 519.
Glauconomé, the nymph, 519.
Glenbervie, Lord, May 2.
Glencoe, Vale, massacre there, 69.
Glendaloch, patron of, 370.
Glendower, Owen, Prince of Wales,
320, 391, 553, 651; May 28,
Sept. 20.

Glendower, Griffith, 157.
Glenlivet, battle of, 661.
GLOBE THEATRE, facing Friday
Street, destroyed (Tuesday, N.S.
July 10), 439, 451, 418, 805.
Gloucester, Bishopric created,
597; siege of, 601; convoca-
tion, 767.

Gloucester, Gilbert, Earl of, Dec. 7.

Gloucester, Gilbert, 8th Earl of,
June 24.
Gloucester, Thos., Duke of, Sept. 8.
Gloucester, Humphry, Duke of,
163, 502, 697, 715; Feb. 28.
Gloucester, Henry, Duke of, 623;
July 8.

Gloucester, Wm. Henry, Duke of,
Nov. 23, Aug. 25.
Glover, Thomas, April 10.
Glover, Richard, Nov. 25.
Gluck, Christopher, 245; Nov. 15.
Gmelin, Dr. Samuel, 35; July 27.
Gmelin, Dr. John Geo., Aug. 12.
Goadby, Robert, Aug. 12.
Goar, St. of Aquitaine, July 6.
Gobain, St. of Ireland, June 20.
Gobel, John Baptist, April 14.
Gobet, Bishop, 735.
Gobrian, see St. Gybrian.

God save the King, the English anthem, 461.

Godard, see St. Gildard.

Godard, St. Bishop, May 4.

[ocr errors]

Gonzaga, March 9, see St. Aloy


Gonzague, Anne, July 6.
Good, John Mason, May 25, Jan. 2.
GOOD FRIDAY, The day, April 3.
Good Hope, Cape of, doubled, Nov.
20; 25, 441, 567, 587, 857.
Goodwin, Thomas, Oct. 5, Feb. 23.
Gorcum, martyrs of, Sts., July 9.
Gordian, Antoninus, July 3.
Gordian, Antonius, 609; July 4.
Gordian, Antoninus Pius, 479.
Gordian, St., May 10.
Gordius, St., Jan. 3.
Gordon, Lord George, 369; Dec.
19, Nov. 1.

Gordon, James, Sept. 16.
Gore, Thomas, March 31.
Goree, capture of, 853.
Gorges, Sir Arthur, Sept. 28.
Gorgonius, St., Sept. 9.
Gortz, Baron, Feb, 18.

Gossec, Francis, Jan. 17, Feb. 16.
Goths, irruption of the, 857.

Goddard, Dr. Jonathan, March 24. | GoTTINGEN, University of (opened),

Godeau, Anthony, April 21.
Godeschalc, St. Prince, June 7.
Godfrey, St. Bishop, Nov. 8.
Jerusalem, 155,371,383 (479),
497, 549, 727; July 18.
Godfrey, Sir Edmundbury, Oct. 17.
Godiva, Countess of Chester, 375.
Godolphin, Earl of, Sept. 15.
Godrick, St. of Norfolk, May 21.
Godwin, Earl of Kent (Easter
Thursday), 641; April 15.
Godwin, Mary, Sept. 10.
Goff, Thomas, July 27.
Golden Age, 841.

Golden Fleece, Order of the, 254.
Golden [H] Number, May 13.
Goldsmith, Dr. Oliver, Nov. 29,
April 4.

Goletta, capture of the, 502.
Golius, James, Sept. 28.
Goltzius, Hubert, Oct. 30.
Gomer, see St. Gummar.
Gondamar, Envoy of Spain, 195.
Gontran, St. King, March 28.

Sept. 19; Alba Julia, in Transylvania, founded, 1629; Altorf, in Franconia, 1581; Cracow, in Poland, 700, enlarged, 1402; Cologne, on the Rhine, refounded, 1389; Dillengen, in Suabia, 1564; Dresden, in Saxony, 1694; Erfurt, in Thuringia, 1390; Erlang, in Franconia, 1743; Franeker, in Friesland, 1585; Franckfort, in Brandenburg, 1506; Friburg, in Brisgaw, 1460; Fulda, in Hesse, 1734; Gottingen, in Hanover, 1734; Gripswald, in Pomerania, 1547; Halle, in Magdeburg, 1694; Heidelburg, in the Lower Palatinate, 1346; Helmstadt (Jula), in Brunswick, 1570; Jena (Sala), in Thuringia, 1548; Ingoldstadt, in Bavaria, 1573; Inspruck, in the Tyrol, 1677; Kiel, in Holstein, 1665; Konigsberg, in Prussia, 1544; Leipsic, in Saxony, 1409; Marpurg (with Gressen,

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