Abbildungen der Seite

reftraints on the prerogative of the crown. Animadverts on the attempts of

the diffenters to influence members of parliament. Thinks it would be dan-

gerous to trust them with power. And that tefts, the severity of which could

be occafionally mitigated, were neceffary to enable government to ward off

danger in cafes of neceffity. Mr. Burke concurs with Mr. Fox in his prin-

ciples of toleration; but thinks the diffenters, at the present moment, not in-

titled to indulgence. Charges them with factious and dangerous practices,

and reads various papers in fupport of his charge. Suggests the propriety of

a new teft, and of a committee to enquire into their recent conduct. Mr.

Fox's motion rejected by a majority of 294 to 105. Motion by Mr. Flood

for a reform in parliament. States the inadequacy of the prefent mode of

reprefentation. Proposes one hundred additional members to be chofen by re-

fident boufekeepers. His arguments to prove the neceffity of a reform. An-

fwers objections. The motion oppofed by Mr. Wyndham. He afferts, that

the houfe of commons, as at prefent conftituted, is adequate for all beneficial

purposes. Anfwers the objections relative to the American war. Deprecates

innovations founded upon theories. Objects to the time as dangerous. Mr.

Pitt objects to the motion as ill-timed. Sir James Johnstone's objections.

Mr. Fox fupports the motion, and anfwers the objection of its being ill-

timed. Mr. Burke in reply. Other speakers on both fides the question.

The motion agreed to be withdrawn.

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Motion by Mr. Montagu for increasing the salary of the Speaker of the house
of commons. He ftates his prefent emoluments, argues upon their insuffi-
ciency, and propofes that they should be advanced to £5,000 per annum.
Motion oppofed by Mr. Huffey, as tending to increase the influence of the
crown. Supported by Mr. Marsham and other gentlemen. Amendment pro-
pofed in the committee that the falary fhould be £.6000 per annum,
and carried by a large majority. India budget opened by Mr. Dundas.
Comparative statement of the revenues and charges in India. Flourishing
fate of the company's affairs in general. Doubts expreffed by Mr. Huffey.
Speech of Mr. Francis upon the affairs of India. Proofs of the com-
pany's diftrefs. Obfervations on the duty on falt. Remarks on the letter of
Lord Cornwallis. Mr. Devaynes in reply to Mr. Francis. Mr. Dundas
afferts the falfhood of Mr. Francis's statement. Refolutions paffed by the
committee. Sir J. R. Miller's account of the proceedings of the committee on
weights and measures, to be inferted entire in the article of useful projects.
Petitions prefented for the repeal of the tobacco excife act. Motion upon
that fubject by Mr. Sheridan, afferts that the act had endangered the

foreign trade, encouraged fmuggling, and laid the manufacturer under infuper-

able hardships. Mr. Pitt in reply. Sir Grey Cooper, Mr. Wyndham, and

Mr. Fox, for the motion. Rejected by a majority of 191 to 147. Bill

paffed to explain and amend the tobacco act. Claufe to grant trial by juries

rajected. Budget for the year 1790. Flourishing state of the finances and

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Proceedings of the national affembly after the new law had established fome
order and fecurity in Paris. Apply closely to the vast mass of public bufi-
nefs upon their hands. Political annihilation of the two first orders of the
fate. New laws for regulating elections. Appellation of active citizens,
to whom applied. Much trouble ftill with the provinces, to bring them to a

Jurrender of their peculiar rights and privileges. France at length divided

into eighty-three departments, and the term Province expunged from the

language. Creation and organization of municipalities. Letters de cachet

abolished. Gabelle, and others of the most obnoxious taxes, abolished. Affem-

bly enter into the intricate business of finance; augment the pay of the army;

and establish a new bank. Grand Scheme for feizing the eftates of the clergy,

and offering them as a prefent to the nation, to ferve as a fund and fecu-

rity for the difcharge of the public debts, and to answer other important

purposes. Some difficulties and obftructions, which appear in the way of car-

rying this fcheme into execution, are far out-balanced by the vast advantages

which it is capable of producing. Decree paffed, which declares all the

ecclefiaftical eftates to be at the difpofal of the nation. Stipends allotted for

the maintenance of parish priests, &c. Difcontents rife to the highest pitch

amongst the clergy, many of the bishops, and nearly all the chapters in the

kingdom, proteft against the decree. Combination of the canons, and endea-

vours ufed at Rome to draw the maledictions of the church upon the national

affembly. Great prudence and address difplayed by the affembly in its tranf-

actions with the court of Rome. Sovereign pontiff feems to be fatisfied with

their proteftations. France fwarms with publications of every fort, in

profe and in verfe, against the national assembly, its proceedings and defigns.

Several of the parliaments attempt to be troublefome, and protest against the

decrees of the afJembly; but having loft all influence with the people, are

obliged to fubmit reluctantly to their fate. Parliament of Bourdeaux con-

tinues longer in a state of turbulence than any of the others, and endeavours

to excite an infurrection in the fouth. Stories of plots and confpiracies necef-

fary to keep the minds of the people in conftant agitation. Various accuja-

tions against the king's minifters, and a greater number against the aristocrates

in general. Animofities fo violent between the remaining nobles in the af-

Sembly, and the democratical leaders, that frequent duels are the confequence.

Nation, in general, faid to be unanimous in fupporting the affembly, and offers to raise three millions of foldiers in defence of the new conftitution. Situation of the captive king and of the royal family in the palace, now ftate prifon, of the Thuilleries. Ill effect produced at home and abroad, and worfe confequences likely to enfue, from the king's captivity, when his free fanction is neceffary to give validity to their laws, caufes great uneafness in the national aflembly. Scheme formed to obviate thefe difficulties, by inducing the king to appear to come voluntarily to the national affembly, to declare himfelf fully fatisfied with all their proceedings, and that he confiders himself as being at the head of the revolution. Liberal conduct of the affembly with refpect to the civil lift. King notwithstanding firmly rejects all the perfuafions used to induce him to pay the defired vifit. Great diftreffes of the country. 20,000 people fed by charity at Lyons. 6,000 eftates advertized to be fold. Decretot's noble manufacturies at Louviers nearly ruined. Riots at Verfailles. Some obfervations on the extraordinary conduct of that people through the courfe of the king's troubles. Parifians become again tumultuous, and, without regard to the general famine, want to have the price of bread fixed at a lower rate than it could have been afforded in the most plentiful feafons. Their rage increased to the highest pitch upon the acquittal of Bezenval by the chatelet. Form a plot for forcing the prifon, and murdering him, on their own principles of fummary juftice. All their Jchemes overthrown, and Paris reduced to order, through the activity and vigour of La Fayette, well fupported by the Bourgeoife militia. Surrounds a body of 1,100 of the mutineers at night, and makes 200 of them prisoners. Chatelet proceed to the trials of Lambefc, Broglio, and others of the principal refugees, for the real or fuppofed plot of the preceding month of July. Are all acquitted, through the failure of any evidence to fupport the charge. Various confpiracies apprehended or jpoken of for the rescue of the king's perfon. The subject of the king's inftant death, as the affigned penalty for any attempt to his rescue, a matter of public converfation in all companies and among all ranks, without the smallest expreffion of horror, at the idea of fo deplorable a catastrophe. King's firmness at length gives way, and he Submits to pay the propofed vifit to the national affembly, and to make a Speech nearly fimilar to that prescribed. Affairs of the clergy finally fettled, their property feized, and affignats created? [107


Ineffectual attempts made by the French privileged orders, for procuring redrefs or fuccour from the neighbouring continental powers. State of political affairs in Europe, which, avith other caufes, tended to produce that indifference with respect to France which now appeared. Courts of Madrid and Turin. Rafh and impetuous proceedings, along with the contemptuous language used by the national affembly, ferves continually to create new enemies abroad as well as at home. Wrong offered to the German princes with respect to their possessions and rights in Alface, embitters the whole empire


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against the new government, and implants deeply the feeds of future conten-
tion and war. Weft India colonies thrown into a state of the utmost dif-
order and confufion, and at length precipitated into the moft dreadful fcenes
of defolation, conflagration, and massacre, which terminate in final destruc-
tion, by a feries of ill-judged and precipitate measures, of impolitic, impracti-
cable, or contradictory decrees. Great diforders in the army. Soldiers throw
off all fubordination and difcipline. The people being now in possession of
liberty, a defire of uncontrolled rule and fovereignty becomes the leading and
general paffion, a circumftance which ferves greatly to unite them, and to
ftrengthen the new fyftem. The weak attempts of the royalifts, and the con-
tinual reports of plots, confpiracies, and invafions, caufe fuch a general
alarm, that the provinces affociate and arm; so that France feems covered
with camps and armies. State of the ariftocrates and parties adverse to
government. Corfica annexed to France as part of the kingdom. Applica-
tion from the court of Spain relative to the difpute with England, brings on
a debate on the question, in whofe hands the right of peace and war fhould
be lodged. Second application from Spain brings on a change of the mi-
niftry. Mutiny of the fleet at Breft. Anacharfis Clootz introduces to
the affembly his ambafadors from all mankind. Decree for abolishing all
titles, and obliterating all memorials of nobility and family diftinction, for
ever in France. Grand national confederation at Paris. Bloody conteft
at Nancy. Mr. Neckar quits the kingdom, after various difgraces, and
narrowly escaping the fury of the Parifians. Schifm of the French
clergy; the greater part of whom fubmit to the loss of their penfions, and
to expulfion from their paftoral duties, rather than to take the newly-
prefcribed oaths.


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Dr. Johnson's monument


Report of a committee af the house of commons, respecting the houses and other

buildings joining to Westminster Hall, the two houses of parliament, and the

offices thereto belonging, &c.


Particulars refpecting the last illness and death of the emperor


Account of the miraculous efcape of Captain Bligh, of the Bounty floop


Account of the difafter which befel his Majesty's fhip Guardian, Lieut. Riou



Account of the lofs of the Vanfittart Indiaman

Trial of Renwick Williams, commonly called the monster

[262 [264

A general bill of all the christenings and burials in the cities of London and Westminster, &c. for the year 1790


An account of all corn and grain exported from, and imported into, England and Scotland, with the bounties and drawbacks paid, and the duties received thereon, for one year, ending the 5th of January 1791


Prices of flocks for the year 1790


State of the barometer and thermometer for the year 1790


Public acts paffed in the feventh feffion of the feventeenth parliament of Great

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]

Abstract of an act for limiting the number of persons to be carried on the outfide of ftage coaches and other carriages, 28 Geo. III. c. 57, 1788 [274 Supplies granted by parliament, for the year 1790 [276 Account of the net produce of the duties of cuftoms, excife, ftamps, and incidents, between the 5th day of April 1788, to the 5th day of April 1789; and between the 5th day of April 1789, to the 5th day of April 1790

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Addrefs of the houfe of commons, and his Majesty's answer thereto
His Majesty's Speech to both houses of parliament, at the close of the feffion,
June 10, 1790

His Majefty's moft gracious fpeech to both houses of parliament, on opening the feventh feffion of the fixteenth parliament, Jan. 21, 1790 Address of the house of lords, Jan. 22, 1790; and his Majesty's anfwer thereto

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Speech of the speaker of the house of commons, on prefenting certain money bills

to bis Majefty

[284 Meffage

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