Abbildungen der Seite
[blocks in formation]

Thorn, evergreen, 1459.3. H. Mefpilus pyracantha, F.

Bramble, 467. Rubus fruticofus, F.

+ GOAT SUCKER, or FERN OWL, 27. Caprimulgus Europeus, is heard in

the evening.

6. Vine, 1613. H. Vitis vinifera, b.

Flix weed, 298.3. Sifymbrium fophia, F.
Rafberry bush, 467.4. Rubus idæus, F.

Mallow, dwarf, 251.2.

Elder, 461.1. Sambucus nigra, F.

Malva rotundifolia, F.

Stichworth, leffer, 346.

Stellaria graminea, F.

Lathyrus pratenfis, F.

Tare, everlasting, 320.3.

Gout weed, 208.3. Egopodium podagrar. F.
Bryony, white, 261.1,2. Bryonia alba, F.
ROSE, DOG, 454.1. Rofa canina, F.
Buglofs, vipers, 227.1. Echium vulgare, F.
7. Grafs, vernal, 398.1. Anthoxanthum odorat. F.
Darnel, red, 395. Lolium perenne, F.

Poppy, wild, 308.1. Papaver fomnifer, F.
Buckwheat, 181. H. Polygonum fagopyrum, F.

8. Pondweed, narrow leaved, 145.9. H. Polygonum amphib. F.
Sanicle, 221.1. Sanicula Europea, F.

9. Eyebright, 284.1. Euphrafia officinalis, F.
Heath, fine leaved, 471.3. Erica cinerea, F.
Saxifrage, bugle, byasinth, D.

Broom, 474.1. Spartium fcoparium, podded.
Nettle, hedge, 237. Starchys fylvatica, F.
12. Wheat, 386.1. Triticum hybernum, in ear.
Meadow fweet, 259.1. Spiræa ulmaria. f.
SCABIOUS, FIELD, 191.1 Scabiofa arvenfis, F.
Valerian, great water, 200.1. Valeriana officinal, f.
Cinquefoil, marsh, 256.1. Comarum paluftre, F.
Orchis, leffer butterfly, 380.18. Orchis bifolia, F.

13. Willow herb, great hairy, 311.2. Epilobium hirsutum, F.
Parfnep, cow, 205. Heracleum phondyl. F.

Betony, water, 283.1. Scrophularia aquat. F.
Cockle, 338.3. Agroftemma githago, F.
Sage, 510.7. H. Salvia officinalis, F.

15. Mallow, 251.1. Malva fylveftris, F.
Nipplewort, 173.1. Lapfana communis, F.
Wood bind, 458.1,2. Lonicera periclymen. f.

16. Fir, Weymouth, 8 dend. Pinus tæda, F.
Hemlock, 215.1. Conium maculatum, F.
Nightfhade, woody, 265. Solanum dulcamara, F.
Archangel, white, 240. Lamium album, F.

17. Vervain, 236. Verbena officinalis, F.

Agrimony, 202. Agrimonia eupator, F.

Hemlock, water, 215. Phellandrium aquatic, F.

Pliny, lib. 1. §. 11. fays, the chief time for bees to make honey is about the folftice, when the vine and thyme are in blow. According to his account then these plants are as forward in England as in Italy.

+ This bird is faid by Catesby, as quoted by the author of the treatise De Migrationibus Avium, to be a bird of paffage.

17. Acacia,


17. Acacia, 1719. H. Robinia pseudo-acacia, F.

18. Yarrow, 183. Achillea millefolium, F.

19. Thermom. 44.25. Highest this month.

20. Orache, wild, 154.1. Chenopodium album, F.

Solstice. About this time ROOKS come not to their neft trees at night.
Wheat, 386.1. Triticum hyburnum, F.

RYE, 388.1. Secale hybernum, F.

Self-heal, 238. Prunella vulgaris, f.

Parfley, hedge, 219.4. Tordylium anthriscus, f.

Graffes of many kinds, as feftuca, aira, agroftis, phleum cynofurus, in ear. 22. Horehound, bafe, 239. Stachys Germanica, F.

St. John's wort, 342, Hypericum perforatum, F.
Parfnep, 206.1. Paftinaca fativa, F.

Mullein, white, 287. Verbafcum thapfus, F.
Poppy, wild, 308. Papaver fomnifer, F.
23. Larkspur, 708.3. H. Delphinium Ajacis, F.
Marygold, corn, 182.1. Chryfanthemum feget. F.
24. Rosemary, 515. H. Rofmarinus officinalis, D.
25. Vine, 1613. H. Vitis vinifera, F.

Bindweed, great, 275.2. Convolvulus arvenfis, F.
Feverfew, 187. Matricaria parthenium, F.
Woad, wild, 366.2. Refeda luteola, F.
Rocket, bafe, 366.1. Refeda lutea, F.

Archangel, yellow, 240.5. Galeopfis galeobdolon, F.
Wheat, 386.1. Triticum hybernum, F.
Thermom. 20. The lowest this month.

27. Clover mowed.

Pennyworth, marsh, 222. Hydrocotule vulgaris, F.
Meadow, fweet, 259. Spiræa ulmaria, F.
28. Oats manured, 389. Avena Sativa, F.
Barley, 388. Hordeum vulgare, F.
Midfummer boots of apricot, oak, beech, elm.

SUCCORY, WILD, 172.1. Cichorium intybus, F.
Blue bottles, 198. Centaurea. eyanus, F.
Knapweed, great, 198. Centaurea scabiofa, F.

30. Currants ripe.

According to Dr. Hales, May and June heat is, at a medium, 28.5.

The groves, the fields, the meadows, now no more

With melody refound. 'Tis filence all,

As if the lovely fongfters, overwhelm'd

By bounteous nature's plenty, lay intranc'd
In drowsy lethargy.



2. Beech, 439. Fagus sylvatica, F.

Pearlwort, 345.2.
Carrot, wild, 218.
Grafs, dog, 390.1.

Fagina procumbens, F.

Daucus carrota, F.

Triticum repens, in ear.

Violet, Calathian, 274. Gentiana pneumonan. F.

I heard no birds after the end of this month, except the STONE CURLEW, 108.4. Charadrius Cedicnemus, whistling late at night; the YELLOW HAMMER, 93.2. Emberiza flava; the GOLDFINCH, 89.1. and GOLDEN CRESTED WREN, 79.9. Motacilla regulus, now and then chirping. I omitted to note down when the cuckow left off finging, but, as well as I remember, it was about this time. Ariftotle fays, that this bird difappears about the rifing of the dog-ftar, i. e. towards the latter end of July.

4. Silver

[blocks in formation]

Nightshade, enchanters, 289. Circæa lutetiana. f.

6. Lavender, 512. Lavendula pica, F.
Parfley, hedge, Tordylium anthriscus, F.
Gromill, 228.1. Lithofpermum officinale, F.
Furze, 473. Ulex genista, D.

Cow wheat, eyebright, 284.2. Euphrafia odont. F.
7. Pinks, maiden, 335.1. Dianthus deltoides, F.
8. Tanfey, 188.1. Tanacetum vulgare, f.

Bed-ftraw, lady's yellow, 224. Galium verum, F.
Sage, wood, 245. Teucrium fcorodonia, F.
Spinach, 162. H. Spinacia oleracia, F.
Thermom. 22. Loreft this month.

9. Angelica, wild, 208.2. Angelica fylveftris, F.
Strawberries ripe.

Fennel, 217. Anethum fœniculum, F.

10. Beans, kidney, 884. H. Phafeolus vulgaris, podded.
Parfley, 884. H. Apium petrofelinum, F.

Sun dew, round leaved, 356.3. Drosera rotundifol. F.
Sun dew, long leaved, 356.4. Drofera longifol. E.
Lily, white, 1109. H. Lilium candidum, f.

11. Mullein, hoary, 288. Verbascum phlomoid. F.
Plantain, great, 314.1,2. Plantago major, F.

WILLOW, SPIKED, of Theophr. 1699. H. Spiræa falicifol. F.
Jeflamine, 1599. H. Jafminum officinale, F.

Reft harrow, 332. Ononis fpinofa, F.
Hyffop, 516. H. Hyffopus officinalis, F.
Potatoes, 615.14. H. Solanum tuberosum, F.
Second boots of the maple.

Bell flower, round leaved, 277.5. Campanula, F.
LILY, WHITE, 1109. H. Lilium candidum, F.
Rafberries ripe.

Figs yellow.

13. LIME TREE, 473. Tilia Europæa, F.
Knapweed, 198.2. Centaurea jacea, F.
Stonecrop, 269. Sedum rupestre, F.

Grafs, knot, 146. Polygonum aviculare, F.
Grafs, bearded dog, 390.2. Triticum caninum, F.

15. Thermom. 39. Highest this month.

16. Afparagus, 267.1. Afparagus officinalis, berries. Mugwort, 190.1. Artemifia vulgaris, F.

18. Willow herb, purple spiked, 367.1. Lythrum falicaria, F. YOUNG PARTRIDGES.

Agrimony, water hemp, 187.1. Bidens tripart. F.

20. Flax, purging, 362.6. Linum catharticum, F.
Arfmart, Spotted, 145.4. Polygonum perficaria, F.
Lily, martagon, 1112. H. Lilium martagon.
HENS moult.

22. Orpine, 269. Sedum telephium, f.

Hart's tongue, 116. Afplenium fcolopendra, F.
Pennyroyal, 235, Mentha pulegium, F.
Bramble, 461.1. Rubus fruticofus. Fruit red.
Lauruftinus, 1690. H. Viburnum tinus, f.

24. Elecampane, 176. Inula belenium, F.

Amaranth, 202. H. Amaranthus caudatus, F. 27. Bindweed, great, 275.1. Convolvulus fepium, F. 28. Plantain, great water, 257.1. Alifma plantago, F.

28. Mint,


28. Mint, water, 233.6. Mentha aquatica, F.
Willow herb, 311.6. Epilobium paluftre, F.
Thistle tree fow, 163.7. Sonchus arvensis, F.
Burdock, 197.2. Aretium lappa, f.

Saxifrage, burnet. 213.1,2. Pimpinella, faxifraga, F.
DEVIL'S BIT, 191.3. Scabiofa juccifa, F.

31. Nightfhade, common, 288.4. Solanum nigrum, F,
DOVE, RING, 62.9. Columba palumbus, cooes.



1. Melilot, 331.1. Trifolium officinale, F.

Rue, 874.1. Ruta graveolens, F.

Soapwort, 339.6. Saponaria officinalis, F.

Bedftraw, white lady's, 224.2, Galium paluftre, F.
Parfnep, water, 300. Sifymbrium nafturt. F.
Oats almoft fit to cut.

3. Barley cut.

5. Tanfey, 188.1. Tanacetum vulgare, F. Onion, 1115. H. Allium cepa, F.

7. Horehound, 239. Marrubium vulgare, F. Mint, water, 233.6. Mentha aquat, F. Nettle, 139. Urtica dioica, F.

Orpine, 269.1 Sedum telephium, F. NUTHATCH, 47. Sitta Europea, chatters. 8. Thermom. 20, Lowest to the 27th of this month. 9. Mint, red, 232.5. Mentha gentilis, F.

Wormwood, 188.1. Artemifia abfinthium, F. 12. Horehound, water, 236 1. Lycopus Europæus, F. Thistle, lady's, 195.12. Carduus marianus, F.

Burdock, 196. Arctium lappa, F.

ROOKS come to the nest trees in the evening, but do not rooft there.

14. Clary, wild, 237.1. Salvia verbenaca, F.

STONE CURLEW, ro8. Charadrius ædiczemus, whistles at night.

15. Mallow, vervain, 252. Malva alcea, F.

GOAT SUCKER, 26:1. Caprimulgus Europæus, makes a noife in the evening.

and young owls.

16. Thermom, 35. The higheft to the 27th of this month.

17. Orach, wild, 154.1. Chenopodium album.

ROOKS rooft on their neft trees.

GOAT SUCKER, no longer heard.

21. Peas and wheat cut.

Devil's bit, yellow, 164.1, Leontodon, autumnal. F. 26. ROBIN RED BREAST, 78.3. Motacilla rubecula, fings.

Goule, 443. Myrica gale, F. R.

Golden rod, marh, 176.2. Senecio paludofus, F.

29. Smallage, 214. Apium graveolens, F.

Teafel, 192.2. Dipfacus fullenum, F.

Vipers come out of their holes ftill.

From the 27th of this month to the 10th of September I was from home, and therefore cannot

be fure that I faw the first blow of the plants during that interval.



[blocks in formation]

2. WILLOW HER B, yellow, 282.1. Lyfimachia vulgaris, F. Traveller's joy, 258. Clematis vitalba, F.

5. Grafs of Parnaffus, 355. Parnaffia paluftris.

10 Catkins of the hazel formed.

Thermom. 17. The lowest from the 10th to the end of this month.

11. Catkins of the birch formed.

Leaves of the Scotch fir fall.

Bramble ftill in blow, though fome of the fruit has been ripe fome time; fo that there are green, red, and black berries on the fame individual plant at the fame time.

Ivy, 459. Hedera helix, f.

14. Leaves of the fycomore, birch, lime, mountain afh, elm, begin to change. 16. Furze, 475. Ulex Europeus, F.

Catkins of the alder formed.

Thermom. 36.75. The higheft from the 10th to the end of this month.
CHAFFINCH, 88. Fringilla calebs, chirps.

17. Herrings.

20. FERN, FEMALE, 124.1. Pteris aquilina, turned brown.

Ash, mountain, 452.2. Sorbus aucuparia, F. R.

Laurel 1549. H. Prunus laurocerafus, f. r.

HOPS, humulus lupului, 137.1. f. r.

21. SWALLOWS gone. Full moon.

23. Autumnal aquinox.

25. WOOD LARK, 69.2. FIELD FARE, 64.3.

Alauda arborea, fings.

Turdus pilaris, appears.

Leaves of the plane tree, tawny-of the bafel, yellow-of the oak, yellowish greenof the fycomore, dirty brown-of the maple, pale yellow-of the afb, fine lemonof the elm, orange-of the hawthorn, tawny yellow-of the cherry, red-of the hornbeam, bright yellow of the willow, still hoary.

27. BLACK BIRD fings.

29. THRUSH, 64.2. Turdus muficus, fings. 30.* Bramble, 467.1. Rubus fruticofus, F.


1. Bryony, black, 262.


Tamus communis, F. R.

Elder, marfh, 460.1. Viburnum opulus, F. R.
Elder, 461.1. Sambucus nigra, F. R.

Briar, 454.1. Rofa canina, F. R.

Alder, black, 465. Rhamnus frangula, F. R.

Holly, 466. Ilex aquifolium. F. R.

Barberry, 465. Berberis vulgaris, F. R.

Nightshade, woody, 265. Solanum dulcamara, F. R.

2. Thorn, black, 462.1. Prunus fpinofa, F. R.

+ CROW, ROYSTON, 39.4. Corvus cornix, returns.

5. Catkins of fallows formed.

6. Leaves of afp almost all off-of chefnut, yellow-of birch, gold-coloured.
Thermom. 26.50. Higheft this month.

7. BLACK BIRD, 65.1. Turdus merula, fings.

Wind high; rooks sport and dash about as in play, and repair their nests.

9. Spindle tree, 468.1. Euvonymus Europeus, F. R.

Some afb trees quite stripped of their leaves.

Leaves of marsh elder of a beautiful red, or rather pink colour.

Autumnal heat, according to Dr. Hales, at a medium, is 18.25.

Linnæus obferves in the Syftema Natura, and the Panua Sueciea, that this bird is ufeful to the hufbaudman, though ill treated by him.

3 Y 2

10. WOOD

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