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[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][graphic][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed]


To the President of Congress 13 September. 1783.
Relations with Morcon - Furtaya - Lapis Mousses
From David Hartley to B. Franklin 24 September.

Concerning a Treaty of Commerce win Engiand.
To the President of Congress. 27 September.

Enclosing a Copy of the Defive Treaty.

To Sir Edward Newenham. 2 October.

Dungannon Resolutions

[blocks in formation]

Trade between Ireland and

To Thomas Brand Hos. 5 October.
Eulogium of Thomas Hous


From the Count de Brull to B. Fra

From Samuel Cooper to B. Franklin. 16 October..

Impost of Five per Cent agreed to by the Legislature of

To David Hartley. 16 October.

10 October..



To David Hartley. 22 October.

To the President of Congress. 1 November.

[blocks in formation]

Financial Difficulties of France.-Sweden, Denmark, Por-

From Giacomo F. Crocco to B. Franklin. 25 November.


From Sir Joseph Banks to B. Franklin. 28 November..



Ascent of a Balloon.

To William Carmichael. 15 December.

Proposed Treaty with Morocco.

To Giacomo Francesco Crocco. 15 December.

To the President of Congress. 25 December.

American Commissioners.- Signing of the Definitive Trea-
ties. British Court.-American Constitutions published
in the French Language.-Treaties with European Pow-
ers.-Paul Jones.

To Robert Morris. 25 December.

Difficulty of meeting Drafts on the public Account. - Sala-
ries of the American Ministers in Europe. - Contingent
Expenses. Taxation. Nature of Property in Civil So-
ciety. The Marquis de Lafayette.

From John Jay to B. Franklin. 26 December.

To Thomas Mifflin. 26 December.

Dr. Franklin requests of Congress to be recalled from

[blocks in formation]
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