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in carrying into effect all other powers conferred by the constitution, we should consider ourselves as deliberating and acting for one and the same country, and bear constantly in mind that our regard and our duty are due, not to a particular part only, but to the whole.

I therefore recommend that appropriations be made for completing such works as have been already begun, and for commencing such others as may seem to the wisdom of Congress to be of public and general impor


The difficulties and delays incident to the settlement of private claims by Congress, amount in many cases to a denial of justice. There is reason to apprehend that many unfortunate creditors of the government have thereby been unavoidably ruined. Congress has so much business of a public character, that it is impossible it should give much attention to mere private claims; and their accumulation is now so great, that many claimants must despair of ever being able to obtain a hearing. It may well be doubted whether Congress, from the nature of its organization, is properly constituted to decide upon such cases. It is impossible that each member should examine the merits of every claim on which he is compelled to vote; and it is preposterous to ask a judge to decide a case which he has never heard. Such decisions may, and frequently must, do injustice either to the claimant or the government, and I perceive no better remedy for this growing evil than the establishment of some tribunal to adjudicate upon such claims. I beg leave, therefore, most respectfully, to recommend that provision be made by law for the appointment of a commission to settle all private claims against the United States; and, as an exparte hearing must in all contested cases be very unsatisfactory, I also recommend the appointment of a solicitor, whose duty it shall be to represent the government before such commission, and protect it against all illegal, fraudulent, or unjust claims, which may be presented for their adjudication.

This district, which has neither voice nor vote in your deliberations, looks to you for protection and aid, and I commend all its wants to your favorable consideration, with a full confidence that you will meet them not only with justice, but with liberality. It should be borne in mind that in this city, laid out by Washington and consecrated by his name, is located the Capitol of our nation, the emblem of our Union and the symbol of our greatness. Here, also, are situated all the public buildings necessary for the use of the government, and all these are exempt from taxation. It should be the pride of Americans to render this place attractive to the people of the whole republic, and convenient and safe for the transaction of the public business and the preservation of the public records. The government should, therefore, bear a liberal proportion of the burdens of all necessary and useful improvements. And, as nothing could contribute more to the health, comfort, and safety of the city, and the security of the public buildings and records, than an abundant supply of pure water, I respectfully recommend that you make such provisions for obtaining the same as in your wisdom you may deem proper.

The act passed at your last session, making certain propositions to Texas for settling the disputed boundary between that state and the territory of New Mexico, was, immediately on its passage, transmitted by express to the governor of Texas, to be laid by him before the general assembly for its agreement thereto. Its receipt was duly acknowledged, but no official information has yet been received of the action of the gen

eral assembly thereon; it may, however, be very soon expected, as, by the terms of the propositions submitted, they were to have been acted upon on or before the first day of the present month.

It was hardly to have been expected that the series of measures passed at your last session, with the view of healing the sectional differences which had sprung from the slavery and territorial questions, should at once have realized their beneficent purpose. All mutual concession in the nature of a compromise must necessarily be unwelcome to men of extreme opinions. And though without such concessions our constitution could not have been formed, and can not be permanently sustained, yet we have seen them made the subject of bitter controversy in both sections of the republic. It required many months of discussion and deliberation to secure the concurrence of a majority of Congress in their favor. It would be strange if they had been received with immediate approbation by people and states prejudiced and heated by the exciting controversies of their representatives. I believe those measures to have been required by the circumstances and condition of the country. I believe they were necessary to allay asperities and animosities that were rapidly alienating one section of the country from another, and destroying those fraternal sentiments which are the strongest supports of the constitution. They were adopted in the spirit of conciliation, and for the purpose of conciliation. I believe that a great majority of our fellow-citizens sympathize in that spirit and that purpose, and in the main approve, and are prepared in all respects to sustain, these enactments. I can not doubt that the American people bound together by kindred blood and common traditions, still cherish a paramount regard for the Union of their fathers; and that they are ready to rebuke any attempt to violate its integrity, to disturb the compromises on which it is based, or to resist the laws which have been enacted under its authority.

The series of measures to which I have alluded are regarded by me as a settlement, in principle and substance-a final settlement-of the dangerous and exciting subjects which they embrace. Most of these subjects, indeed, are beyond your reach, as the legislation which disposed of them was, in its character, final and irrevocable. It may be presumed, from the opposition which they all encountered, that none of those measures was free from imperfections, but in their mutual dependence and connexion they formed a system of compromise, the most conciliatory, and best for the entire country, that could be obtained from conflicting sectional interests and opinions.

For this reason I recommend your adherence to the adjustment established by those measures, until time and experience shall demonstrate the necessity of further legislation to guard against evasion or abuse.

By that adjustment we have been rescued from the wide and boundless agitation that surrounded us, and have a firm, distinct, and legal ground to rest upon. And the occasion, I trust, will justify me in exhorting my countrymen to rally upon and maintain that ground, as the best, if not the only means of restoring peace and quiet to the country, and maintaining inviolate the integrity of the Union.

And now, fellow-citizens, I can not bring this communication to a close without invoking you to join me in humble and devout thanks to the Great Ruler of nations for the multiplied blessings which he has graciously bestowed upon us. His hand so often visible in our preservation, has

stayed the pestilence, saved us from foreign wars and domestic disturbances, and scattered plenty throughout the land.

Our liberties, religious and civil, have been maintained, the fountains of knowledge have all been kept open, and means of happiness widely spread and generally enjoyed, greater than have fallen to the lot of any other nation. And while deeply penetrated with gratitude for the past, let us hope that His all wise providence will so guide our counsels as that they shall result in giving satisfaction to our constituents, securing the peace of the country, and adding new strength to the united government under which we live.


DECEMBER 13, 1850.

To the Senate and House of Representatives :

I HAVE the pleasure of announcing to Congress the agreement on the part of Texas to the propositions offered to that state by the act of Congress approved on the ninth day of September last, entitled " An act proposing to the state of Texas the establishment of her northern and western boundaries, the relinquishment by the said state of all territory claimed by her exterior to said boundaries, and of all her claims upon the United States, and to establish a territorial government for New Mexico."

By the terms of that act, it was required that the agreement of Texas to the propositions contained in it should be given on or before the first day of December, eighteen hundred and fifty. An authenticated transcript of a law, passed by the legislature of Texas on the twenty-fifth day of November, agreeing to and accepting the propositions contained in the act of Congress, has been received. This law, after reciting the provisions of the act of Congress, proceeds to enact and declare as follows, viz.:

"Therefore, first: Be it enacted by the legislature of the state of Texas, That the state of Texas hereby agrees to and accepts said propositions, and it is hereby declared that the said state shall be bound by the terms thereof, according to their true import and meaning.

"Second: That the governor of this state be, and is hereby, requested to cause a copy of this act, authenticated under the seal of the state, to be furnished to the president of the United States, by mail, as early as practicable; and also a copy thereof, certified in like manner, to be transmitted to each of the senators and representatives of Texas in Congress ; and that this act take effect from and after its passage.


"Speaker of the House of Representatives. JOHN A. GREER,

"Approved, November 25, 1850.


"President of the Senate.

"P. H. BELL."

From the common sources of public information, it would appear that a very remarkable degree of unanimity prevailed, not only in the legisla

ture, but among the people of Texas, in respect to the agreement of the state to that which had been proposed by Congress.

I can not refrain from congratulating Congress and the country on the success of this great and leading measure of conciliation and peace. The difficulties felt, and the dangers apprehended, from the vast acquisitions of territory under the late treaty with Mexico, seem now happily overcome by the wisdom of Congress. Within that territory there already exists one state, respectable for the amount of her population, distinguished for singular activity and enterprise, and remarkable, in many respects, from her condition and history. This new state has come into the Union with manifestations not to be mistaken of her attachment to that constitution and that government which now embrace her and her interests within their protecting and beneficent control.

Over the residue of the acquired territories regular territorial governments are now established, in the manner which has been most usual in the history of this government. Various other acts of Congress may undoubtedly be requisite for the benefit, as well as for the proper government, of these so distant parts of the country. But the same legislative wisdom which has triumphed over the principal difficulties, and accomplished the main end, may safely be relied on for whatever measures may yet be found necessary to perfect its work; so that the acquisition of these vast regions to the United States may rather strengthen than weaken the constitution, which is over us all, and the Union, which affords such ample daily proofs of its inestimable value.


DECEMBER 13, 1850.

WHEREAS, by an act of the Congress of the United States of the ninth of September, one thousand eight hundred and fifty, entitled “An act proposing to the state of Texas the establishment of her northern and western boundaries, the relinquishment by the said state of all territory claimed by her exterior to said boundaries, and of all her claims upon the United States, and to establish a territorial government for New Mexico," it was provided, that the following propositions should be, and the same were thereby, offered to the state of Texas, which, when agreed to by the said state, in an act passed by the general assembly, should be binding and obligatory upon the United States and upon the said state of Texas : Provided, The said agreement by the said general assembly should be given on or before the first day of December, eighteen hundred and fifty; namely: :

"First. The state of Texas will agree that her boundary on the north shall commence at the point at which the meridian of one hundred degrees west from Greenwich is intersected by the parallel of thirty-six degrees and thirty minutes north lattitude, and shall run from said point due west to the meridian of one hundred and three degrees west from Greenwich; thence her boundary shall run due south to the thirty-second degree of north latitude; thence on the said parallel of thirty-two degrees

of north latitude to the Rio Bravo del Norte, and thence with the channel of said river to the gulf of Mexico."

"Second. The state of Texas cedes to the United States all her claim to territory exterior to the limits and boundaries which she agrees to establish by the first article of this agreement."

"Third. The state of Texas relinquishes all claim upon the United States for liability of the debts of Texas, and for compensation or indemnity for the surrender to the United States of her ships, forts, arsenals, customhouses, customhouse revenues, arms and munitions of war, and public buildings with their sites, which became the property of the United States at the time of the annexation."

"Fourth. The United States, in consideration of said establishment of boundaries, cession of claim to territory, and relinquishment of claims, will pay to the state of Texas the sum of ten millions of dollars in a stock bearing five per cent. interest, and redeemable at the end of fourteen years, the interest payable half-yearly at the treasury of the United States."

"Fifth. Immediately after the president of the United States shall have been furnished with an authentic copy of the act of the general assembly of Texas accepting these propositions, he shall cause the stock to be issued in favor of the state of Texas, as provided for in the fourth article of this agreement: Provided also, That no more than five millions of said stock shall be issued until the creditors of the state holding bonds and other certificates of stock of Texas for which duties on imports were specially pledged, shall at first file at the treasury of the United States releases of all claims against the United States for or on account of said bonds or certificates in such form as shall be prescribed by the secretary of the treasury and approved by the president of the United States. Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to impair or qualify anything contained in the third article of the second section of the 'joint resolution for annexing Texas to the United States,' approved March first, eighteen hundred and forty-five, either as regards the number of states, that may hereafter be formed out of the state of Texas, or otherwise."

And whereas it was further provided, by the eighteenth section of the same act of Congress, "That the provisions of this act be, and they are hereby suspended until the boundary between the United States and the state of Texas shall be adjusted, and when such adjustment shall have been effected, the president of the United States shall issue his proclamation declaring this act to be in full force and operation :"

And whereas the legislature of the state of Texas, by an act approved the twenty-fifth of November last, entitled "An act accepting the propositions made by the United States to the state of Texas, in act of the Congress of the United States approved the ninth day of September, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and fifty, entitled 'An act proposing to the state of Texas the establishment of her northern and western boundaries, the relinquishment by the said state of all territory claimed by her exterior to said boundaries, and of all her claims upon the United States, and to establish a territorial government for New Mexico,"—of which act a copy authenticated under the seal of the state has been furnished to the president-enacts" that the state of Texas hereby agrees to and accepts said propositions and it is hereby declared that the said state shall be bound to the terms thereof, according to their true import and meaning:"

Now, therefore, I, Millard Fillmore, president of the United States of America, do hereby declare and proclaim that the said act of the Congress

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