Abbildungen der Seite

On the Obligations which exift as to the Adoption
of Christianity by the Civil Power; on the Evils
which have been reprefented to flow, and on the
Advantages which are derived, from national
Institutions of Religion; and on the Grounds
and Principles upon which its Establishment is
maintained, in Confiftency with the Design and
Spirit of the Reformation in this Country.

On the Spiritual Rights of the Ministry, which
were derived from our Lord to the Apostles and
their Succeffors; as maintained with Rejection
of fictitious Pretenfions, and the Confirmation
of juft Claims at the Reformation.

On Chrift's Promifes relating to the Prefervation
of the Church; on the erroneous Notions which
have been entertained concerning them; on the
juft Ideas of the Indefectibility of the Church,
and the exclufive Authority of the inspired
Writings, as vindicated at the Reformation.

All Scripture is given by infpiration of God; and is
profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for
inftruction in Righteousness.

Page 219

On the general Confistency and Moderation of the
Church of England, as exhibited from the Pe-


JOHN iii. 19.

And this is the Condemnation, that Light is come into the World, and Men loved Darkness rather than Light, because their Deeds were Evil.

IN defcription of the character and pro

grefs of religion, as connected with the history of mankind, it has been a fubject of complaint, that its influence hath been inadequate to the grandeur of its difpenfation, if not inconfiftent with the benevolence of its defign. The complaint, if ingenuous, muft originate from hafty and confined views. of the real intention and effects of religion; or from inattention to the obftacles invariably excited by the corruption of those beings to whom it hath been addressed.

[blocks in formation]

Revelation, contemplated in its first dawn, opens but to disclose the ruins of a fallen na-, ture, and the triumph of a malignant power. The enmity of that evil, of which the facred writers defcribe the origin, domineered with such ascendency and vigour, that the Spirit of God, like the Angel who wrestled with Jacob, appeared but to struggle with the corruption of the flesh. When that corruption had vitiated" every imagination of the "thoughts of man's heart to only evil con


tinually," no inconfiderable effect of the partial communications which continued the shadow of that glory which dwelt in Paradise, was displayed in the tranfmitted luftre of the patriarchal line; and the vigour of that faith is not lightly to be esteemed, which embraced with full affurance promifes "feen "afar off," and looked to an heavenly recompense; which in fucceffive inftances obtained a testimony of praise from God, and is celebrated by the Apostle, as exhibiting examples worthy to be reverenced of the Chriftian world.

Revelation obtained its firft object, as it marked out the foundations of that oeconomy by which the Almighty vindicated his claim to human worship, and depofed the platform


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