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Historical Observations respecting Liverpool.

"which the Lyrpul men calt Litherpul." Since that charter, the name has been occasionally written Liverpull, Lyvrepol, Lyvrepole, Leerpool, Leverpool, and Liverpool.

The antiquity of this town is not less uncertain than the etymology of its name. Ambition affects to trace it up to the days of the Romans; but this claim is disowned by reason and common sense. The situation of the town was totally without the range of any Roman roads hitherto discovered, and no monument of Roman greatness has ever been found, to give the least countenance to the supposition.

Nor is it absolutely certain that Liverpool had any distinct existence, even so recently as the Norman conquest. The survey of the kingdom, which was taken as soon as William had secured the throne, was registered in a book called Domesday, which is still extant. But although, in this venerable record, mention is made of all the lands in England, together with the names of their respective owners; and notwithstanding Everton, Formby, and Litherland, appear under their respective appellations, the name of Liverpool is unknown. The tract of land now occupied by Liverpool and its vicinity, seems to have been noticed in Domesday book, as Esmedune or Swedune. It is described as "one carucate of land worth thirty-two pence." Smethorn or Smedone-lane, has probably derived its name from this tract of land.

It appears from Domesday, that all those lands which in Lancashire lie between the Ribble and the Mersey, were granted to Roger of Poictiers, an intimate friend of the Conqueror, and who was created by him Earl of Arundel and Shrewsbury. It is not improbable that Roger of Poictiers, having taken possession of his lands, erected a castle on it, for his own security, to display his grandeur, and to awe into obedience those, turbulent spirits which had only submitted to the force of arms. This, however, is a fact which wants corroborative evidence; but if it could be ascertained, it would furnish a plausible guide by which we might fix the important era when the scattered hamlets first started into notice.

Nothing was more common during these times of commotion, than for the dependant vassals to gather round the tyrant chief, to enjoy his protection,

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and execute his commands. circumstances might suddenly have augmented the number of the cottages and inhabitants, and thus have given commencement to those movements which have raised Liverpool to its present state of commercial prosperity and glory.

That a castle did exist on the elevated ground which rises between Lordstreet and the harbour, is attested by the most decisive proofs; and although its visible vestiges are done away, the name still survives in the names of Castle-street and Castle-diteh. By whom this castle was erected, is a point on which historians have also been divided. Movery asserts, that it was built by King John; but he adduces no authority in support of this assertion. Camden on the contrary, who wrote about the year 1586, expressly ascribes the building of this castle to Roger of Poictiers; and he also adds, that the wardenship of the eastle was bestowed by the Earl on Vivian de Molyneaux, whose descendants still hold estates in the vicinity, and in this family it continued so late as the 30th of Elizabeth. In 1704, the castle was granted to the town at the rent of £6. 13s. 4d. the constable's salary; and about this time the parish received a rent from the corporation for some houses in it. About ten years afterwards, the parish conceded its claims to the corporation; in consequence of which arrangement, the remains of the castle were taken down, and St. George's church was erected on the ground which this memorial of antiquity formerly occupied.

The conquest of Ireland, in 1172, was the first event which gave to Liverpool any commercial importance. The relative situation of its harbour to that country, was noticed by government: and it very soon became the established port, whence troops and military stores were conveyed to or from Ireland; and the common inlet where the commodities of both countries were interchanged.

Henry II. finding it thus advantageous to his interests, granted its first charter in the same year (1172) in which the conquest of Ireland was completed, and erected burgage houses for its merchants. In 1207, a second charter was granted by John; and Henry III. in 1227, after confirming the grants of all former charters, for a


Historical Observations respecting Liverpool.

fine of ten marks, constituted it a free borough for ever, with a merchant guild or society, and various other liberties and privileges. These advantages being secured, Liverpool held out an inviting aspect to traders, and speculative men repaired thither, and by their united efforts laid the foundation of that extensive commerce, for which it has been so long and so justly distinguished.

In the earlier periods of its history, its exports consisted chiefly of iron, charcoal, woollen-cloth, armour, horses, and dogs; and its imports, of linen-cloth, yarn, fish, and hides. Its ships, which were then few in number, and diminutive in dimensions, only carried on a coasting trade, and visited the shores of Ireland, which bounded the extent of their communications and intercourse. Its warehouses,which are perhaps unrivalled both in number and magnitude, now contain the produce of every nation; and its long range of extensive docks, exhibits ships which trade in every quarter of the globe.

Next to the ancient castle, of which we have already spoken, the venerable tower which stood at the bottom of Water-street claims our attention. This was an ancient building; but by whom it was erected is rather uncertain. By some it has been contended, that it was probably raised so early as the days of Henry I.; but others have argued that the year 1350 has a fairer claim to the erection of this building, since at that time, the duke of Lancaster, to whom it has been ascribed, received orders from the king to guard the sea-coasts of Lancashire with unremitting vigilance.

The extent and form of this ancient pile, in its original condition, we have now no means of knowing, as it is uncertain what changes it underwent in subsequent years, as it passed into the hands of distinct possessors. So late as the year 1734, it was the occasional residence of the Earl of Derby; for in the above year James Earl of Derby, being mayor of Liverpool, gave entertainments in it, to the inhabitants of the town. And after having been abandoned as a residence of nobility, its great hall was converted into an assembly room, and was used for that purpose until the middle of the last century; when amusement finding better accommodations, it was for a No. 23.-VOL. III.


season consigned over to solitude, and was finally metamorphosed into a prison, which character it sustained until the year 1811, when the prisoners were removed to a more humane mansion built purposely for their reception. From 1811 until 1819 this gloomy mansion, which had progressively witnessed the magnificence of nobility, the profusions of festivity, the songs of mirth, the exhilarations of music, the groans of the prisoner, and the clanking of his chains, was finally abandoned, and left in a state of melancholy desolation. Towards the conclusion of 1819, its mouldering roof and walls were taken down, and this venerable monument of antiquity was completely demolished.

From the fourteenth until the commencement of the sixteenth century, the history of Liverpool is but little known. By Edward III. Richard III. and Henry IV. its charters were confirmed, and its privileges extended, and little doubt can be entertained, that its commerce and the number of its inhabitants increased in proportion with the advantages they enjoyed. Of this town Leland gives the following account.

"Lyrpole, alias Lyverpoole, a pavid towne, hath but a chapel. Walton a iiii miles of nat far from the se is paroche chirch. The king hath a castelet there, and the erle of Darbe hath a stone howse there. Irisch marchauntes cum much thither, as to a good haven. After that Mersey water cumming towards Rumcorne in Cheshire liseth amonge the commune people the name, and is Lyrpole. At Lyrpole is smaule custume payid that causith marchantes to resort. Good marchandis at Lyrpole, and moch Yrisch yarn that Manchester men do by ther."

Flattering as this account may seem, the town records state, that in 1565, the number of houses and cottages amounted to no more than 138. The shipping at this time consisted of ten barks (the largest of 40 tons burden) and two boats, navigated by 75 men; and at Wallasey, a creek on the oppo site shore, were three barks, making together 36 tons, and navigated by 14 men. In 1571, the declining state of Liverpool induced the inhabitants to petition Elizabeth that they might be relieved from a subsidy which had been imposed, and in this petition it is styled Her Majesty's poor decayed town of Liverpool.”



Strictures, &c. on Evans's Sketch.

In 1636, when ship-money was about to be exacted by Charles I. Liverpool was rated at £25, Chester at £26, and Bristol at £1000. These comparative estimates are not calculated to give any very exalted ideas of its wealth or commercial prosperity.


tined long to enjoy them. In 1659 a bill passed for its demolition, and the site, with a dwelling-house in the interior, together with all the old materials, were given to Col. Birch, on condition of his carrying the order into effect.

"The town," says Seacomb, "in Towards the conclusion of the 17th 1644, was in the hands of the common- century, Liverpool was emancipated wealth, under the command of Col. from its parochial dependence on Moore, who defended it for some time Walton. An act for this purpose was against the army of Prince Rupert." passed on the 24th of June 1699, emThis prince, about the 26th of June, powering the corporation to erect a 1644, sat down before it. At that time new church, and a house for the rector, it was well fortified, with a strong and and authorizing them to raise the sum high mud wall, and a ditch twelve yards of £400 by assessment on the inhabiwide, and nearly three yards deep, tants, for defraying the expense. It was enclosing the town from the east end also enjoined, that two rectors should of Dale-street, and so westward to the be appointed, one for the new church river. On every commanding emi-and the other for the parochial chapel. nence batteries were erected, and can- From this time the old chapel was callnon were placed in every assailable ed St. Nicholas, and the new church part. St. Peter's. The patronage, and presentation to the rectory, were vested in the mayor, aldermen, and commoncouncil, subject, in case of disputes, to an appeal to the Bishop of Chester. The whole population of Liverpool was estimated at this time to be about 5000 souls.

Prince Rupert at this time fixed his main camp round the beacon, the present St. Domingo, about a mile out of town, and his batteries were raised upon the ridge of ground running from the top of Shaw's-brow to the Copperas works, having his trenches in the lower ground just below. From these he frequently attacked the town, but was as often repulsed. At length, after many ineffectual efforts, he entered the town in the morning about three o'clock, and marching to the spot on which the town-hall now stands, he put every person to the sword who opposed his progress. But having reached this place, and finding himself master of the town, he committed the surviving inhabitants prisoners to the Tower and St. Nicholas's church, and took possession of the castle. Liverpool was soon afterwards retaken by the parliamentary forces; and on the 5th of November following, "thanks to God for the recovering and retaking of Liverpool," were ordered by both houses of parliament. Shortly afterwards an ordinance was passed confirming former grants and charters, and the sum of £10,000 was voted, to indemnify the inhabitants for the losses they had sustained in their property during the siege, at the same time to prevent the recurrence of a similar disaster, it was ordered to be fortified with a garrison of 600 men.

The old castle, however, if permitted to share in these honours, was not des

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(To be continued.)

Strictures, &c. on some of the Reflections subjoined to Mr. Evans's "Sketch of All Denominations."

1. The author seems anxious to promote Christian charity; but his labour will resemble that of the man who built his house upon the sand. In order to offer the right hand of Christian fellowship to another, it is not sufficient that there is proof of his sincerity merely; there must be a conviction that he is a child of God.

The next point to be settled is, What constitutes a child of God? Faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and Saviour of men. But as words are merely signs of ideas, it may be proper to inquire, what is meant by the terms Son of God, and Saviour of men? The Trinitarian says, Son of God is equivalent to Immanuel-the Word made flesh-or, God incarnate. The Unitarian says, it is equivalent to 66 a man highly inspired, or one of the angelic order." Now, our author considers the difference between the definitions of the Trinitarian and Unitarian

* John i. 12. Gal. iii. 26. 1 John v. 11.


Strictures, &c. on Evans's Sketch.


as a matter of trifling importance; see | have been a sufficient example without Refl. 3. Is there, indeed, no differ- reference to the example of Christ. ence between faith in a being pos- That he would have been sufficient, sessed of the attributes of Deity, and and that others were sufficient, appears faith in a mere creature? If the Tri- from the epistle to the Hebrews, in nitarian maintains that the faith of which the apostle exhorts them to be every child of God, acknowledges followers of the ancient worthies.** Christ to be God-man; how can he, so long as he continues a Trinitarian, recognize a person who has not this faith, as a child of God?

Again, if a Trinitarian worships Jesus Christ, by honouring him with the same honour with which he honours the Father; how can a Unitarian acknowledge him as a child of God, while he is, according to the Unitarian's principles, an idolater, or Demonolater; and the Scripture expressly condemns idolaters and idolatry.* Hence it would seem, that Unitarianism is founded upon a basis different from that of Christianity.

Upon the Unitarian scheme, the conduct of the apostle Paul, in the prospect of death, is much more consolatory to the believer than that of the prophet Jesus Christ; for the former triumphed,†† while the latter was "exceeding sorrowful even unto death." It is to be observed, that the object of Paul's love and confidence was Jesus Christ, a mere creature; while that of Christ's love and obedience was the eternal God! In this case, the servant is above his Lord!

2. An attentive and impartial reader can scarcely refrain from viewing our author's fourth Reflection as a piece of sophistry. His words are as follows; "Let us reflect with pleasure in how many important articles of belief ALL Christians are agreed."

In the next place, it will appear, that there exists as great a difference between the views of a Trinitarian and those of a Unitarian, with regard to the official character of Christ as the Saviour of men. The former considers Respecting the origin of evil, the Jesus Christ as our Saviour, because nature of the human soul, the existhis death was a sacrifice for sin; † the ence of an intermediate state, and the latter, because he taught the will of duration of punishment, together with God, and exhibited an example for our points of a similar kind, opinions have imitation. But surely there is a great been, and in this imperfect state will difference between the knowledge of ever continue to be, different. But on our duty, and the acceptance of our articles of faith, far more interesting in persons. According to the Unitarian themselves, and far more conducive to scheme, the Gentiles are more indebted our welfare, are not all Christians to Paul than to Jesus Christ for their united? We all believe in the perfecsalvation; for the latter was the mi- tions and government of one Ġod, in nister only of the circumcision, while the degradation of human nature thro' the former was peculiarly the minister transgression; in the unspeakable effiof the uncircumcision. The mystery cacy of the life, death, and sufferings that the Gentiles should, under the of Jesus Christ; in the assurance of Gospel dispensation, be made fellow-divine aid; in the necessity of exerheirs with the believing Jews, was made known to Paul by the special revelation of the Spirit, after Jesus Christ, as a teacher, had finished his course.||

The example of Paul is highly worthy of imitation. We are not left merely to infer such a truth, for the apostle himself enjoins the imitating of his conduct.¶

It may be objected, that he had Christ for a pattern. True; but it does not follow, that he would not

1 Cor. vi. 9. Rev. xxi. 8. and xxii. 15. + Heb. ix. 14, 26, 28.

Rom. xv. 8.———§ v. 16.

Eph. iii. 1-8. Col. i. 25-27. iv. 3.

cising repentance, and of cultivating holiness; in a resurrection from the dead; and in a future state of rewards and punishments."

Our author classes with Christians the Swedenborgians, and the Shakers of America; yet these two denominations, according to his own account, deny the resurrection of the body.

As it regards the articles upon which the rest agree, the agreement lies more in words than in ideas. Take for an example the following; “the unspeak

¶ 1 Cor. iv. 16. xi. 1. Phil. iii. 17.
* Phil. cho vi. 12.

tt Acts xxi. 13. 2 Tim. iv. 6-8.
#Matt. xxvi. 38, 39.


Essays on Creation and Geology.

able effacacy of the life, death, and sufferings, of Jesus Christ." Upon the Unitarian scheme, the life, death, and sufferings of Jesus Christ, can be of no more effacacy than the life, death, and sufferings of the apostle Paul: while, according to Trinitarian views, Jesus Christ is not only a medium of knowledge concerning the divine character and will, but a meritorious medium, through which the divine mercy is extended to sinners consistently with divine justice, as through which, in the language of Scripture, "God might be just, and" yet "the justifier of him that believeth in Jesus."

In the list of subjects given by our author, concerning which there has been a difference of opinion, nothing is said of the Divinity of Christ, and the Atonement by his death. If our author had these doctrines in his view, he must have confined them to "points of a similar kind" with those mentioned. If so, no persons needs find fault with him for concealing his own peculiar views. And if he did not include these doctrines with points of a similar kind, his own views of Christian charity will warrant us to ask the question, Where was his honesty?



founded on liberal principles, and yet depart from these rules when their own peculiarities come to be examined.

Strange as it may appear, bigotry is sometimes found in the minds of persons noted for their free-thinking. They are conscious of their exoneration from the yoke of authority, while they want the penetration to discover that they are bound by prejudices of their own manufacture; and hence they imagine, that none are equally sincere with themselves in the pursuit of truth. Z.

Aberdeen, 18th August, 1820.


ESSAY IX.-The Creation of Living Creatures, and an inquiry into their nature, and the preservation of their species; being the work of the fiftk and anterior part of the sixth days of Creation.

HAVING in the preceding Essays traced the various and gradually ascending steps of Creative Power, and having at last seen the visible heavens illuminated with sun, moon, and stars, 3. Much is said, throughout the Re- and the earth, (furnished with vegeflections, in favour of the right of pri- tables) which, through the influence of vate judgment, and of the advantages the heavens, is now prepared to pour resulting from free inquiry; while lit- forth in abundance her luxurant protle or nothing is said concerning the ductions; the question comes to be, danger which frequently attends the For what purpose were matters so arhabit of thinking for ourselves, or con-ranged? Shall we search for an ancerning the requisite qualifications for free inquiry. Infidels of every description think for themselves; and it is to be suspected, that few of such characters will be found free from pride of intellect, and insubordination to the Supreme Being. It was justly observed by a great man, well qualified to judge, "that the greatest enemy to the truth of the Bible is a bad heart."

Thousands of Christians who think for themselves, would prefer the implicit faith of the members of the Romish Communion, to the lawless liberty of the Free-thinking Christians. It is, however, to be lamented, that so few think for themselves on religious subjects. Of such as do think for themselves at all, comparatively few do so uniformly. It is as easy to set up one's own dogmas as a standard of truth, as it is to become an implicit follower of others. There are some that acknowledge rules of investigation

swer to this question in the theory of Mr. Macnab? Then we observe him having recourse to the geologists, and seemingly giving credit to all that they say respecting the amazing antiquity of the globe.

By the help of his aions, he says, "Generations after generations of vegetables seem to have rolled away, during these immeasurable ages, depositing immense masses of carbonaceous matter, which are found far beneath the present surface of the earth." Thus does he in effect charge folly upon the God of wisdom: for is it at all becoming the majesty, power, and wisdom of the Divine Being, to say, that all this labour and grandeur of operation, occupying such a space of time too, should be for the paltry purpose suggested in this quotation? But without regarding the vain speculations of men, when we have recourse to God's own account of the matter,

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