Diana's temple is not distant far, Where you may abide till your date expire. Thai. My recompense is thanks, that's all; ACT IV [Exeunt. Enter GOWER. Gow. Imagine Pericles arrived at Tyre, Whom our fast-growing scene must find In music, letters; who hath gain'd Which makes her both the heart and place For certain in our story, she Would ever with Marina be: 4. 's, as. So the old editions. word. But the roughness was Modern edd. mostly omit the thought to be archaic. Be't when she weaved the sleided silk She sung, and made the night-bird mute, This Philoten contends in skill With the dove of Paphos might the crow All praises, which are paid as debts, The pregnant instrument of wrath Only I carry winged time. Post on the lame feet of my rhyme; 21. sleided, raw, untwisted. 23. needle (pron. neeld). 27. records, sings (used especially of the nightingale). 29. Vail, do homage (with odes in Diana's praise). 30 40 50 31. absolute, perfectly accomplished. 45. Prest, ready prepared. 46. your content, the satisfied attention of the spectators (who will see it represented instead of hearing it reported). Dionyza does appear, With Leonine, a murderer. [Exit. SCENE I. Tarsus. An open place near the sea-shore. Enter DIONYZA and LEONINE. Dion. Thy oath remember; thou hast sworn 'Tis but a blow, which never shall be known. Even women have cast off, melt thee, but be Leon. I will do 't; but yet she is a goodly creature. Dion. The fitter, then, the gods should have her. Here she comes weeping for her only mistress' death. Thou art resolved? Leon. I am resolved. Enter MARINA, with a basket of flowers. Mar. No, I will rob Tellus of her weed, 5. inflaming love i thy bosom; Knight's reading for Qq in flaming thy love bosom, Ff inflaming thy love bosom. This gives a possible meaning. Conscience, itself 'cold,' kindles emotion. But it is very probable that inflame, or inflaming, or both, conceal a corruption. IO 6. Inflame too nicely, incite you with over-idle scruples. 7. be a soldier, be resolute. II. for her only mistress' death. This line has also hitherto defied restoration. Perhaps mistress is a corruption of minion's. To strew thy green with flowers: the yellows, blues, The purple violets, and marigolds, Shall as a carpet hang upon thy grave, While summer-days do last. Ay me! poor maid, Dion. How now, Marina! why do you keep alone? Do not How chance my daughter is not with you? Come, Come, give me your flowers, ere the sea mar it. I'll not bereave you of your servant. Dion. Come, come; I love the king your father, and yourself, He will repent the breadth of his great voyage; Care not for me; 20 30 40 the first half of the next, taking it to mean the way,' or reading with Hudson: 'on the sea margent.' Mar. Well, I will go; But yet I have no desire to it. Dion. Come, come, I know 'tis good for you. Walk half an hour, Leonine, at the least: Remember what I have said. Leon. I warrant you, madam. Dion. I'll leave you, my sweet lady, for a while : Pray, walk softly, do not heat your blood: What! I must have a care of you. Mar. When I was born, the wind was north. Was 't so? Mar. My father, as nurse said, did never fear, But cried 'Good seamen !' to the sailors, galling His kingly hands, haling ropes; And, clasping to the mast, endured a sea That almost burst the deck. Leon. When was this? Mar. When I was born: Never was waves nor wind more violent; And from the ladder-tackle washes off A canvas-climber. 'Ha!' says one, 'wilt out?' From stem to stern: the boatswain whistles, and Leon. Come, say your prayers. Mar. What mean you? Leon. If you require a little space for prayer, I grant it: pray; but be not tedious, For the gods are quick of ear, and I am sworn 63. dropping, dripping, drenched. 60 70 |