« college there, each member to be a professor of some subject, 83. Cocker's Arithmetic, Johnson presents to a girl in the Highlands, 108. Col, the young chieftain. 217; his plan for Johnson's excursion, 217; leader of the party, 219; his dogs. 243; brings Johnson a number of books to pass the time, 253 ; Johnson's gratitude 283; Johnson parts from him. with regret. 287; his excellent qualities, and untimely death, 286, 287 n. Col, life in, described, 259 ; wind in, louder than any other place, "its noise all its own," 354; the castle of, the account of it given by Johnson in his Journey quoted, 255. Cclquhoun. Sir James, his hospitality, 316. Lady Helen, disputes with Johnson on the use of a liturgy, 318. Columba, St., tradition of his having landed at Portawherry in lona, 293. Combermere, Johnson stays at, 379, 380. Comedy, Mr. Cumberland's, 143; Boswell finds in Rasay, 143. Companions, Foote and Garrick as, compared, 340. Composition, Johnson's advice on, 48, 49. Congratulations to Johnson on his return from the tour, 344. Connor, a Catholic priest, a prisoner for some years in Harris, 193. Contractions, Johnson's, of his friends' names, 266. Conversation between a great personage and Johnson, 97 n. Johnson's, on duelling, 12, 195; on the practice of the law, 13; emigration, 14; literary contests, treating your adversary with respect, is striking soft in battle, 16; on Burke, "step aside to take shelter with him for five minutes, and you will say this is an extraordinary man," 20,179; on mind and the direction of mental power. 21; on "sticking to a party," the "faggot of principles may have some rotten sticks in it, and they cannot well be separated," 22; " I fancy mankind may, in time, grow weary of preparation, and connection, and illust ration, and all those arts by which a big book is made," 24; "a man may write al any time, if he will set himself doggedly to it," 25; on literary patronage, 42; on composition, 49; on literary property, 53; on Homer, and the value of biography, 59; on polileness, 61; on public schools. 64; on the satisfaction of Christ, 67 ; on the training of children, 75; on friends and relations, 81; on moral evil, and free-will. 90; "custom is to be followed," said of seasons of prayer, 95; on true fame, said of Goldsmith, 107; on Death, this world a mere show, and when it is over spectators should leave it cheerfully and give place Mothers, 146 ; of a certain book, '• so many words to so little matter, that there was no getting through the book," 173; good humour acquired, increases with age, 177; cunning shows no great ability, 183; pains and attention in consulting records, a modern habit, 185; on the Rock of Dunvegan, 188; on the accounts of savage nations given by themselves, 190; on the different kinds of fools men choose for wives, 191; on land and trade, 197; on dying men and their duties, 204; a man is seldom disposed to work himself, 207; on the Scottish clergy, 215 ; on anecdotes, 2IS, 231 j an old man should not resign himself'to the management of anybody, 232; manners well learned in small courts, 236; dedications not to be judged exactly as history, 245; '-all places (speaking of antiquities) that are filled up were of great depths," 251 ; Et hoc secundum sententiamphilosophorum est esse beatus, 251 j it is not every man that can carry double, 253; on diffusion in writing, 254; on landlords and tenants, 262; against low life, 265 ; on French literature, 268; on the description of Hell, applied to a printing-house, 269; longs to get to a country of saddles and bridles, 275; on Dr. Campbell's writings, I 280 ; he has learned much by the vox vim, 280; on trade and the wealth made by trade, 284; young Col, a noble animal, 286; on the credulity of Frenchmen, 287; "Roving among the Hebrides," 289 ; on politics, Mr. Pitt a meteor; Sir Robert Walpole a fixed star, 294; Mr. Pulteney, a Whig who pretended to be honest, 294; on the improbability of all history when related shortly, 295; stony Scotland like a man in rags, 295; more sense in aline of Cowley, than in a page of P. ipe, 300; on fanciful and sentimental wriiing, parodied by a meditation on a pudding, 305; on Mr. Archibald Campbell, the nonjuring Bishop, 310, 311; though a VVhtg, he had humanity, 311; on luxury. 311; nothing good but what is consistent with truth or probability, 314; on dress, 317; on "solid talk," 318; on the distribution of charity, 325; political differences increased by opposition, I 536; on Ossian's poems, 337; he could write a poem on Robin Hood, which half England should declare they had heard from their earliest years, 338; compares Garrick and Foote, and calls Foote a most incompressible fellow, 340; on Methodism, 341; on the method of collecting materials for history, 342 ; on Lord Mansfield's knowledge of English law, 344; on Richardson's character, 344. See Sayings. Conversations, the power of reporting them faithfully, 361. Conway, visited, 388. Cooke, J., the translator of Hesiod and Plautus, 23. Coote, Sir Eyre, entertains Johnson at Fort George, 97. Copyright and literary property, 53. Corneille, one of the three FYench poets who, Johnson says, "go round the world," 268. Corrichatachin, hospitable reception at, 220; Roswell sits up over the punch at, 221 ; feels as if imprisoned at, 225. Cortegiano, II, the best book that ever was written on good breeding, 236. Cottage, '- Philosophers when they, placed happiness in a cottage, supposed cleanliness and no smoke," 251. Cotton, Sir Lynch Sulusbury, 379. Cuulson, Mr., an eccentric Fellow of University College, 397. Country life, advantages of, discussed, 306. Cow, "Stick to the cow, mon," Boswell's story against himself, 345 n. Cowley, quoted, on Memory, 2S9; "more sense in a line of, than in a page of Pope," 300. Credtdite, la, des Incridules, Lord Hailes said a good essay might 1)0 written on, 288. Credulity, French, greater than English, 287 ; an example of, 338. Crichton, Robert, Lord Sanquhar, account of his murder of the fencing master, 79. Cromwell, his soldiers taught the Aberdeen people to make shoes and stockings, and plant cabbages, 63. Crosbie, Mr., an " intrepid talker," "stands up" to Johnson,8,29,30. Crosses, the eight, at Rasay, 138. Cullen, Dr., his entertaining conversation, 30. Cnllodcn, Boswell's emotion at hearing a description of the battle, 110. Cumberland, Mr., draws a Highland character very well, in his comedy 'The Fashionable Lover,' 143. Cumming, Thomas, the Quaker, 196, n. Cunning displays no extraordinary talent, 183. Cuper's gardens, Johnson's joking proposal to take them, with Beauclerk and Langton, 254. Cyder, Philips's poem on, 58. Cypress Grove,Drummond of Hawthornden's quoted, on the world being a mere show, which the spectators should leave cheerfully for others, 146. Dalnmple, Sir David. See Lord Hniles. Sir John, Johnson is engaged to dine with, at Cranston, 349; but Johnson dues not arrive till sirprer time, 350; his memoirs of Great Britain, parodied and quoted, 350 n. Lady Margaret, Countess of Loudon, 323. Dance, the, called America, 237. Darippe, Capt., brenkfasts with Johnson at Fort Augustus, 105. Darwin, Erasmus, grandfather of Charles Darwin, 375. Daughter. "I wonder any man alive should rear a daughter,'' 247. Deaf and dumb, academy for the, 347 n. Death, Johnson's thoughts on, 146. Southwell's stanzas on, 386. Delany, Dr., his remarks on Swift, 203. Dempster, Mr. Georgp, his letter of thanks for the Journey to the Hebrides, 353-6. Denbigh Castle, remains of, 382. "Depeditation," the, of Fonte, 101. Derrick, Samuel. Johnson has a kindness for, 90. Dick, Sir Alexander, his warm heart and gay temper at eightyone, 31. Dictionary, verses on the, composed of uncommon words taken from it, 234. "Difficulties, a choice of," Wolfe's saying applied by Johnson, 116. Dinely, Sir John, a poor knight of Windsor, 23. Diploma, or burgess ticket, of the freedom of Aberdeen, presented to Johnson, 68. Distinguished men, Boswell justifies his eagerness to share the society of, 181. Doddridge, Dr., his fine epigram, "Live while you live," 232. Doggedly. "A man may write at any time if he will set himself doggedly to it," 25. Dogs fighting, Beauclerk's story of Johnson and the, 285. Dorset, Lord, Lord Rochester calls him " the best-natured man with the worst-natured muse! " 36. Douglas Cause, the,Boswell thinks shook thesacred security of birthright, 15. the Duchess of, her broad Scotch, 28. Home's tragedy of, admired hy Sheridan and derided by Johnson, 314. Dovedale visited, 377. Drummond, George, founder of Mr., bookseller, Edinburgh, 335, 343. Alexander ,histravelsthrongh Europe and part of Asia, 280. Dryden, his celebrated lines on Dudley and Ward, John, Viscount, Duelling, Johnson inclines to ad- Dun. Dr., minister at Auchinleck, Dunbui, rock covered with sea- Duncan's monument near Fores, Dundee, John, Viscount of, Dry- Dungeon, Johnson called a dun- Dunvegan reached, 173; descrip- The loch of, Macleod pro - mises to give Johnson an island Duppa, Mr. R.. editor of the "Tour Dyott. Mr. and Mr?., visit Johnson Early rising, commended, but not Edinburgh, Johnson arrives at, 9; Education, should it be public or Eglintoune, the aged Countess of, The Earl of, 119; his fine character and early death, 326. Elgin, ruined Cathedral of, 87, Elibank, Lord, his letters to Bos- John sin. 147; Johnson's an- Eloquence, the peculiar excellence Emigration, discussed, 14, 58, 171 $ Englishmen compared with Scotch- Enquiry, historical and critical, Entails, Johnson approves, 77. Epictetus, quoted, on the voyage Epigram, the celebrated, quoted Errol, Lord, described, 78 n. ; hi» Erskine, Mr. Henry, gives Bos- Erskine, the Ladies Elizabeth and Euphan Macullan, described by Evil, the origin o^-, discussed, 90. Fairlie, Mr., Boswpll's "respec- Falconer, Mr., husband to the Falstatf, the Boar's Head, where Fame, "a shuttlecock, must be Fashionable Lover, The, Mr. Cum- Fasting, Johnsous power of, 243. Faulkener, George, curious con- Ferguson. Dr. Adam, his Essay Ferneley, Johnson dines at the Fladda, the little island of, HO. Flattery, Johnson accuses Mrs. Florio, the, autograph of Shake- Fools, chosen by cunning but mis- Foote, Samuel, account of his Forbes, Sir William, his fine Fort George, arrived at, 95. Foulis, Sir James, described br Messieurs, the Elzevirs of Glasgow, 322. Fraser, Mr., of Strichen, his hos- Friends and relations, 81. Gale, on the coast of Sky, 239, Garden, Francis, Lord Garden- Gardening, Oriental. Sir W. Cham- Garrick, David, his embarrass- Peter, elder brother of David, 370. Gastrell, Dr. J., bis Christian In- Gataker, Rev. Thomas, on the Gell, Mr., of Hopton Hall, 378. General's Hut, the, at Fort Au- Generosity. "I do not call a tree George, Fort, arrived at, 95. Gerard, Dr., of Aberdeen, 68-70, Gervas, John, or John the Giant, Gestures, Johnson's involuntary Giants on the coast of Patagonia, Gitfard. Rev. Richard, author of Gilbert, Chief Baron, his treatise Gilpin, Mr.,anaccomplisb.ed vouth. Glasgow, visited, 321. 322. Glaymore, the, or broadsword of Glenelg, the wretched inn at. 115. Glen Morison and the M'Queens. Glen Sheal, Scott's account of the Goats, on the Welsh mountains Goldsmith, his annoyance at being Good humour, Burke's praise of Goodcre, Capt., Foote's notorious Gordon, Sir Alexander, at Aber- |