Abbildungen der Seite

And herewith (once more) I say Adieu;
and well motest thou fare, my Chris-
tian brother, and syncerely be-
loued cuntryman.

Anno Stella (Cælo Demissæ,

rectàque reversæ) Quinto ;
Julij verò Die 4.

Anno Mundi


At the end of the volume is a copy of verses, if they may be so called, addressed

"To the Right Worshipful M. Christopher Hatton, Esquyer, Capitayn of her Majesties Garde, an Jentleman of her Privy Chamber."

Dee's manuscript at the end of the Museum copy, is dedicated "To my very honorable frende Syr Edward Dyer, Knight."

The title of it is


This is dated "Manchester, September 8, 1597," and concludes,

"Your worshipe in fidelitie,

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A short Postscript is added, in which he informs Sir Edward Dyer, that perhaps he may not happen to have by him a copy of the "BRYTISH MONARCHIE," so often referred to in the tract, and promises to send him one.

The Museum copy of this book was a presentation copy to Whichcotte, as appears in the leaf at the beginning. It is altogether a singular curiosity.

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THE works of this early English Poet now sell for a most enormous price. Collectors in general are not aware, that there exists in the British Museum an unpublished Poem by Gascoigne.

Great as the research is, and extravagant as the price which is given, for the printed publications of Gascoigne, I question whether it would not be a very hazardous experiment to print this Poem. I shall, however, venture to describe it.


Certeyne Elegies, wherein the doubtfull Delightes of Manes Lyfe are displaied.

Written to the Queenès moste excellent Matie.

Tam Marti quam Mercurio.


To the highe and mightie Pryncesse Elizabeth, by y Grace of God, Queene of England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faithe, &c. George Gascoigne, Esquier, one of her Maties most humble and faithfull servants, wisheth longe lyfe, wth trew felicitie nowe and ever.


The life of mann (my most gracious and Soveraigne Lady) is besett withe sundrie enemyes, and subjected to manye perilles; neither have wee in this worlde, any joye that maye be accounted sure and stable, nor yet any suche stabilitie as maie yielde us sufficient cause of perfecte joye and contentation. But amongst all other occurrents I have noted, that even in greatest prosperities, man is oftentymes burdened with great cares, and bearethe continually on his shoulders an untollerable weight of woes; soe that oure age seemeth (unto mee) a flyeng chase, continuallie hunted withe calamities. And even as the harte, hare, or foxe do oftentymes lyght in the nett or snare (unseene) whyles theye flie to eschewe the open mouthed hounde, in like manner do we most comonly fall into the botomless pitt of abuse, whiles we seeke things that seeme most necessarie for sustentation of oure bodies (yea as hunters doe soonest kyll their chase) whiche lurke in the faire pretence of oure fading pleasures, and lye closely wrapped upp inn the mantle of oure posting fellicities. To conclude, as the stoutest chieftaines have often founde much travaile to keep the victorie whiche they had (withe payne and danger) ones obteined, even so the wisest and most polletyke braynes shall hardly hold their heapes from deminishing, and with much adoo shall they so bridle their affections, as that extreeme delights

U 4

delights do not sometymes carrie them into depth of secret dollors and greves. For well wrott hee whiche said: Omnia commoditas; sua fert incomoda secum.

Upon these considerations (peereless Queene) I have presumed to employ my pen in this small worke, (which I call the Griefe of Joye,) and with greater presumption have I adventured to present the same unto youre royall and most perfect judgement. Not that I think my Poemes any way worthie to be ones redd or beheld of your heavenly eyes, but that I might make your Majesty witnesse, how the interims and vacant houres (of those dayes which I spent this sōmer in your service) have byn bestowed.

Surely, Madame, the leaves of this Pamphlett have passed with mee in all my perilles, neither could any daies travaile so tyre mee, but that the night had some conference withe my restles (and yet worthless) muse. Suche care I had to prepare some present for your imperiall person, and suche was myne arrogance, that I assured myselfe youre infinite vertues, would easely be accompanied withe a gracious benignitie, in receiving and accepting so symple a gifte.

For thoughe the height of youre honour might justlye disdaine so worthless a trifle, yet I hoope that the depthe of youre discretion will consider, The sum of his good will is not small, which senteth hym selfe and all that he hathe.




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