II. If less my love exceeds all other love, Than Lucy's charms all other charms excel, Far from my breast each foothing hope remove, And there let fad Despair for ever dwell. III. But if my foul is fill'd with her alone; No other wish, nor other object knows; IV. No watchful spies I ask, to guard her charms, TO THE SAME. ON HER PLEADING WANT OF TIME. 0 I. N Thames's bank, a gentle youth The lovely maid his flame return'd, 2 II. Oft II. Oft he repair'd with eager feet Beneath th' accustom'd lime: She would have fondly met him there, But that she had not time. "It was not thus, inconstant maid! " When love was in its prime :" IV. How can you act so cold a part? No crime of mine has chang'd your heart, If love be not a crime. We foon must part for months, for years- TO THE SAME. 1 OUR shape, your lips, your eyes, are still the Y fame, Still the bright object of my constant flame; With gentle sweetness, my enchanted foul ? Kind fears, impatient wishes, soft defires, I blame all the fears I gave way to before : I fay to my heart, " Be at rest, and believe "That whom once she has chosen she never will leave. II. But, ah! when I think on each ravishing grace My heart beats again; I again apprehend III. These painful fufpicions you cannot remove, Since you neither can lessen your charms nor my love But doubts caus'd by paffion you never can blame; For they are not ill founded, or you feel the fame. T TO THE SAME; WITH A NEW WATCH. W ITH me while prefent, may thy lovely eyes ANIRREGULAR ODE. Y WRITTEN AT WICKHAM IN 1746. TO THE I. SAME. E fylvan scenes with artless beauty gay, II. Is it glad Summer's balmy breath, that blows Her Her balmy breath, and all her blooming store Of rural blifs, was here before : Oft have I met her on the verdant fide Of Norwood-hill, and in the yellow meads, Where Pan the dancing Graces leads, Array'd in all her flowery pride. No sweeter fragrance now the gardens yield, III. Is it to Love these new delights I owe ? Was given to me in this auspicious bower. IV. Here first my Lucy, sweet in virgin charms, And round our nuptial bed, Hovering with purple wings, th' Idalian boy While Venus scatter'd myrtles o'er her head. Has by his own experience tried T |