Abbildungen der Seite


-provide for appropriate study and repatriation
of remains for which a cultural affiliation is not
readily ascertainable (see H.R. 2643), [29JY]

-use a portion of the budget surplus for payment
and management of all federally held tribal trust
fund accounts and individual Indian money accounts
(see H. Con. Res. 237), [18NO]

Natural resources: continue preparation of useful re-
ports and repeal laws terminating reporting require-
ments relative to public lands, Native Americans,
fisheries, wildlife, insular areas, and other related
matters (see H.R. 3002), [4OC]

New Year's Day: designate day of observance in year
2000 (see H.J. Res. 14), [7JA]

NIST: improve computer security (see H.R. 2413),

Office of Inspector General Oversight Council: estab-
lish (see H.R. 305), [7JA]

Oklahoma: compensate the Wyandotte Tribe for the
taking of certain rights by the Federal Government
(see H.R. 1533), [22AP]

Omnibus Parks and Public Lands Management Act:
technical corrections (see H.R. 149), [7JA]
OPM: develop classification standards for physician as-
sistants in Federal agencies (see H.R. 1697), [5MY]
Panama Canal Act: establish conditions on the payment
of certain balances (see H.R. 3452), [18NO]
Pensions: exclude the Civil Service Retirement and
Disability Fund from the Federal budget (see H.R.
82), [7JA]

Postal Service: preserve, protect, and promote viability
(see H.R. 2535), [15JY]

Power resources: provide a transition to market-based
rates for power sold by the TVA and Federal Power
Marketing Administration (see H.R. 1486), [20AP]
President and Vice President: constitutional amendment
on direct popular election (see H.J. Res. 23), [4FE]
Presidents of the U.S.: limit the duration of certain
benefits extended to former Presidents (see H.R. 96),

-permit congressional review of certain Presi-
dential orders (see H.R. 3131), [210C]
Printing: authorize printing of "How Our Laws Are
Made", "Our American Government", and the
pocket version and document-sized annotated version
of the U.S. Constitution (see H. Con. Res. 221),

Privacy: ensure confidentiality of statistical information
and permit limited sharing of records among des-
ignated agencies for statistical purposes (see H.R.
2885), [21SE]

-prohibit Federal, State, and local agencies and
private entities from transferring, selling, or disclos-
ing personal data without consent and make such
information available to the individual (see H.R.
2644), [29JY]

-regulate use of Social Security numbers and
other personal information by interactive computer
services (see H.R. 367), [19JA]

-repeal law creating a national identification card
by establishing Federal standards for birth certificates
and drivers' licenses (see H.R. 2337), [24JN]

-require Federal agencies to assess privacy impli-
cations resulting from certain proposed rules (see
H.R. 3307), [10NO]

Programs: reduce waste, fraud, and error by making
improvements in Federal management and debt col-
lection practices, payment systems, and benefit pro-
grams (see H.R. 436), [2FE]

-reduce waste, fraud, and error by making im-
provements in Federal management and debt collec-
tion practices, payment systems, and benefit pro-
grams (H.R. 436), consideration (see H. Res. 43),
Public buildings: provide nondiscriminatory access to
Federal buildings by telecommunications carriers to
ensure competition (see H.R. 2891), [21SE]
Public debt: constitutional amendment to restrict annual
deficits and require popular vote of the people to
exceed any limits (see H.J. Res. 36), [4MR]

-establish lower statutory limits for fiscal years
2000-2009 (see H.R. 948), [2MR]

Public Health Service: permit family planning projects
to offer adoption services (see H.R. 2485), [12JY]

Public lands: increase Land and Water Conservation
Fund and Urban Parks and Recreation Recovery Pro-
grams funding, resume State grant funding, and de-
velop conservation and recreation facilities in urban
areas (see H.R. 1118), [16MR]

-make certain Federal property is made available
to States before other entities (see H.R. 738), [11FE]
-require congressional approval before entering
into certain agreements or arrangements (see H.R.
1207), [18MR]

Public safety officers: eligibility of certain emergency
management and civil defense personnel for public
safety officer death benefits (see H.R. 2588), [22JY]
Public welfare programs: deny benefits to individuals
who participated in Nazi war crimes during World
War II (see H.R. 1788), [13MY]

Puerto Rico: transfer Federal control over Vieques Is-
land to the Puerto Rican Government for public pur-
poses (see H.R. 2890), [21SE]
Radiation Exposure Compensation Act: compensation
for certain individuals exposed to radiation in ura-
nium mines and mills (see H.R. 1516), [21AP]

compensation for certain individuals exposed to
radiation in uranium mines, mills, or during transport
(see H.R. 1045), [9MR]

-remove requirement that exposure resulting in
stomach cancer occur before a certain age (see H.R.
930), [2MR]

Real property: authorize public-private partnerships to
rehabilitate Federal real property (see H.R. 3285),

-establish procedures for assessing Federal regu-
lations relative to seizure of private property (see
H.R. 294), [7JA]

-preserve Federal sovereignty of certain public
lands and preserve certain State and private property
rights (see H.R. 883), [1MR]

-preserve Federal sovereignty of certain public
lands and preserve certain State and private property
rights (H.R. 883), consideration (see H. Res. 180),

-private property owner rights (see H.R. 1142),

Research: continuation of Federal research and devel-
opment programs funding in a fiscally sustainable
way (see H.R. 3161), [28OC]
Schools: provide matching grants for the construction,
renovation and repair of school facilities in areas
affected by Federal activities (see H.R. 1842),

Shutdown: require comparable treatment of Federal em-
ployees, Members of Congress and the President (see
H.R. 877), [25FE]

Small business: analyze potential impacts of rules pro-
posed by certain agencies (see H.R. 1882), [20MY]

-facilitate compliance with certain Federal paper-
work requirements and establish a task force to
streamline certain requirements (see H.R. 391),

-facilitate compliance with certain Federal paper-
work requirements and establish a task force to
streamline certain requirements (H.R. 391), consider-
ation (see H. Res. 42), [9FE]

-provide regulatory assistance (see H.R. 296),

Social Security: budget treatment of Old-Age, Sur-
vivors, and Disability Insurance Program (see H.R.
74), (see H.R. 167), [7JA]

-budget treatment of trust funds (see H.R. 685),
[10FE] (see H.R. 1259), [24MR] (see H.R. 1803),
[13MY] (see H.R. 2039), [8JN] (see H. Res. 18),

-budget treatment of trust funds (H.R. 1259),
consideration (see H. Res. 186), [24MY]

-choice of benefit payment method relative to
computation rule application to workers attaining age
65 in or after 1982 (see H.R. 568), [3FE]

-computation system for benefits relative to
spouses' or surviving spouses' Government pensions
(see H.R. 1217), [23MR]

ensure solvency of trust funds (see H.R. 37),
[6JA] (see H.R. 3012), [50C]

-improve computation system for certain workers
who attain age 65 (see H.R. 538), [3FE]

-investment of amounts held in the Federal Old-
Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund in private
sector securities markets (see H.R. 871), [25FE] (see
H.R. 990), [4MR]

-preserve all budget surpluses until legislation
is enacted to strengthen and protect Social Security
and Medicare (see H.R. 1927), [25MY]

-prohibit investment of trust funds in private fi-
nancial markets (see H. Con. Res. 155), [14JY]

-protect Social Security surpluses and reserve a
portion of non-Social Security surpluses to strength-
en and protect Medicare (see H.R. 3165), [28OC]
-reform (see H.R. 1), [1MR]

-reform relative to State and local government
employees (see H. Con. Res. 101), [6MY]
Space policy: promote international competitiveness of
commercial space industry, ensure Federal and pri-
vate access to space, and minimize opportunities for
foreign transfer of critical satellite technologies (see
H.R. 1526), [22AP] (see H.R. 2542), [16JY]
States: constitutional amendment to grant power to pro-
pose constitutional amendments (see H.J. Res. 29),

Surplus Government property: make certain equipment
available to State and local governments to assist
in emergency law enforcement and rescue operations
(see H.R. 1442), [15AP] (see H.R. 3187), [1NO]
Taxation: allow cash payment to Federal employees
in lieu of parking benefits (see H.R. 1513), [21AP]
-allow taxpayers to request receipts for income
tax payments which itemize the portion allocated
for Federal spending (see H.R. 1153), [17MR]

constitutional amendment to abolish Federal in-
come tax (see H.J. Res. 45), [14AP]

constitutional amendment to abolish personal in-
come, estate, and gift taxes and to prohibit the Gov-
ernment from engaging in business in competition
with its citizens (see H.J. Res. 81), [16NO]

disclose to Federal employees the Government's
share of taxes paid for old-age, survivors, disability,
and hospital insurance for the employee (see H.R.
1263), [24MR]

encourage production and use of electric vehi-
cles (see H.R. 1108), [15MR]

ensure tax payments from certain religious indi-
viduals are used for nonmilitary purposes (see H.R.
1454), [15AP]

exclusion from gross income for foster care
payments relative to certain nongovernmental place-
ment agencies (see H.R. 1194), [18MR]

extend waiver allowing deductions of non-
refundable personal credits relative to determination
of the alternative minimum tax (see H.R. 2936),

-increase charitable contribution deduction, and
allow such deductions to individuals who do not
itemize other deductions (see H.R. 969), [3MR]

-increases relative to additional Government
spending (see H. Con. Res. 197), [130C] (see H.
Con. Res. 208), [26OC]

-reduce individual income tax rates, provide mar-
riage penalty and estate and gift tax relief, reduce
taxes on savings and investments, and establish in-
centives for education and health care (see H.R.
2488), [13JY]

-reduce individual income tax rates, provide mar-
riage penalty and estate and gift tax relief, reduce
taxes on savings and investments, and establish in-
centives for education and health care (H.R. 2488),
consideration (see H. Res. 256), [20JY]

-relief for families (see H.R. 2646), [29JY] (see
H. Res. 95), [3MR]

-relief for families and businesses to encourage
family stability, economic growth, and tax sim-
plification (see H.R. 2574), [20JY]

-repeal income tax, abolish the IRS, and institute
a national retail sales tax (see H.R. 1467), [15AP]
(see H.R. 2001), [27MY] (see H.R. 2525), [14JY]

-require CBO and the Committee on Taxation
(Joint) to use dynamic scoring for provisions of bills
or joint resolutions that reduce tax rates (see H.R.
29), [6JA]

-require congressional review of Federal agency
rules that establish or raise taxes (see H.R. 2636),


-restructure and replace the income tax system
to meet national priorities (see H.R. 134), [7JA]
-simplify Internal Revenue Code through revenue
neutral proposals (see H.R. 1420), [14AP]

-strengthen provisions relative to individuals who
relinquish U.S. citizenship (see H.R. 3099), [190C]
-terminate Internal Revenue Code (see H.R.
1041), [9MR]

-terminate Internal Revenue Code and abolish
IRS (see H. Con. Res. 148), [1JY]

-treatment of Government pensions relative to
Social Security benefits (see H.R. 372), [19JA]

-treatment of income from land sold to a govern-
ment agency or a nonprofit organization for con-
servation purposes (see H.R. 2880), [15SE]
Taxpayer Refund and Relief Act (H.R. 2488): consider-
ation of conference report (see H. Res. 274), [4AU]
Time: change effective date of daylight savings time
(see H.R. 177), [7JA]

Tobacco products: ban sale of cigarette packages con-
taining small number of cigarettes (see H.R. 1677),

Treaties and agreements: prohibit executive branch
compliance with the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty
and the multilateral Memorandum of Understanding
related to that treaty (see H.R. 2022), [8JN]
Trust funds: investment of several Federal health-relat-
ed and retirement trust funds in broad-based private
equities indices (see H.R. 633), [9FE]
TVA: authorize repurchase of certain bonds (see H.R.
140), [7JA]

ensure that financial instability does not place
the U.S. Treasury at risk (see H.R. 3130), [21OC]
U.S. Marshals Service: appointment of marshals by
the Attorney General (see H.R. 2336), [24JN]
Unemployment: improve the collection of Federal un-
employment taxes and the provision of such reve-
nues for employment security administration (see
H.R. 3174), [28OC]

-reform benefit system (see H.R. 3167), [28OC]
Veterans: health care funding (see H. Con. Res. 225),
(see H. Con. Res. 226), [10NO]
Virgin Islands: allow self-determination on number of
members in the legislature and number of such mem-
bers constituting a quorum (see H.R. 2296), [22JN]
-provide greater fiscal autonomy (see H.R.
2841), [13SE]

Voting: guarantee the right of all active duty military
personnel, merchant mariners, and their dependents
to vote in Federal, State, and local elections (see
H.R. 2685), [3AU]

-require States to permit individuals to register
to vote in an election for Federal office on the
date of the election (see H.R. 2864), [14SE]

-secure the Federal voting rights of persons who
have been released from incarceration (see H.R.
906), [2MR]

Water pollution: restore estuary habitats through more

efficient financing of projects and the enhanced co-
ordination of Federal and non-Federal programs (see
H.R. 1775), [12MY]

Wild and Scenic Rivers Act: ensure congressional in-
volvement in State actions relative to designation
of rivers as wild, scenic, or recreational rivers (see
H.R. 2857), [14SE]

Williams, Wesley S., Jr.: appointment as citizen regent
of Smithsonian Institution Board of Regents (see
H.J. Res. 28), [9FE]

Women: ensure a woman's right to breastfeed her child
on Federal property under certain conditions (see
H.R. 1848), [18MY]

Government procurement access for women-
owned businesses (see H. Res. 15), [7JA]
Conference reports

Emergency Supplemental Appropriations (H.R. 1141),

Setting Forth the Federal Budget for 2000-2009 (H.
Con. Res. 68), [13AP]

Taxpayer Refund and Relief Act (H.R. 2488), [4AU]

Budget of the U.S. Government for Fiscal Year 2000:
President Clinton, [2FE]

Council of Economic Advisers Report: President Clin-
ton, [8FE]

National Drug Control Strategy: President Clinton,

National Money Laundering Strategy: President Clin-
ton, [23SE]

Strengthen Social Security and Medicare Act: President
Clinton, [260C]

Veto of H.R. 2488, Taxpayer Refund and Relief Act:
President Clinton, [23SE]


Appropriations: making continuing (H.J. Res. 82),

-making continuing (H.J. Res. 82), consideration
(H. Res. 385), [18NO]

-making continuing (H.J. Res. 83), consideration
(H. Res. 385), [18NO]

-making emergency supplemental appropriations
(H.R. 1141), [22AP], [11MY], [12MY], [13MY]

-making emergency supplemental appropriations
(H.R. 1141), conference report, [18MY]
Budget: setting forth the Federal budget for 2000-2009
(H. Con. Res. 68), [12AP]

Health: national policy to provide health care and re-
form insurance procedures (H.R. 2990), [6OC],

Social Security: budget treatment of trust funds (H.R.
1259), [26MY]

Taxation: reduce individual income tax rates, provide
marriage penalty and estate and gift tax relief, reduce
taxes on savings and investments, and establish in-
centives for education and health care (H.R. 2488),
[22JY], [2AU]

reduce individual income tax rates, provide mar-
riage penalty and estate and gift tax relief, reduce
taxes on savings and investments, and establish in-
centives for education and health care (H.R. 2488),
conference report, [5AU]

reduce individual income tax rates, provide mar-
riage penalty and estate and gift tax relief, reduce
taxes on savings and investments, and establish in-
centives for education and health care (H.R. 2488),
veto, [23SE], [190C]

Reports filed

Allow for Federal Employees Contribution of Rollover
Distributions to Accounts and Eliminate Waiting-Pe-
riod Requirements for Participation in the Thrift Sav-
ings Plan: Committee on Government Reform
(House) (H.R. 208) (H. Rept. 106–87), [13AP]
American Land Sovereignty Protection Act: Committee
on Resources (House) (H.R. 883) (H. Rept. 106-
142), [13MY]

Citizen's Guide on Using the Freedom of Information
Act and the Privacy Act To Request Government
Records: Committee on Government Reform (House)
(H. Rept. 106-50), [11MR]

Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act: Committee on the
Judiciary (House) (H.R. 1658) (H. Rept. 106–192),

Comprehensive Budget Process Reform Act: Commit-
tee on Appropriations (House) (H.R. 853) (H. Rept.
106-198), [24JN]

-Committee on Rules (House) (H.R. 853) (H.
Rept. 106-198), [5AU]

-Committee on the Budget (House) (H.R. 853)
(H. Rept. 106-198), [5AU]
Consideration of Conference Report on H. Con. Res.
68, Setting Forth the Federal Budget for 2000–2009:
Committee on Rules (House) (H. Res. 137) (H. Rept.
106-92), [13AP]

Consideration of Conference Report on H.R. 1141,
Emergency Supplemental Appropriations: Committee
on Rules (House) (H. Res. 173) (H. Rept. 106–
144), [17MY]

Consideration of Conference Report on H.R. 2488,
Taxpayer Refund and Relief Act: Committee on
Rules (House) (H. Res. 274) (H. Rept. 106–291),

Consideration of H. Con. Res. 68, Setting Forth the
Federal Budget for 2000-2009: Committee on Rules
(House) (H. Res. 131) (H. Rept. 106-77), [24MR]
Consideration of H.J. Res. 68, Continuing Appropria-
tions: Committee on Rules (House) (H. Res. 305)
(H. Rept. 106-342), [27SE]
Consideration of H.J. Res. 71, Continuing Appropria-
tions: Committee on Rules (House) (H. Res. 334)
(H. Rept. 106-396), [180C]

Consideration of H.J. Res. 75, Continuing Appropria-
tions: Committee on Rules (House) (H. Res. 358)
(H. Rept. 106-443), [3NO]

Consideration of H.J. Res. 80, Continuing Appropria-
tions: Committee on Rules (House) (H. Res. 381)
(H. Rept. 106-473), [16NO]
Consideration of H.J. Res. 82, and H.J. Res. 83, Con-
tinuing Appropriations: Committee on Rules (House)
(H. Res. 385) (H. Rept. 106-480), [17NO]
Consideration of H.R. 350, Mandates Information Act:
Committee on Rules (House) (H. Res. 36) (H. Rept.
106-6), [3FE]

Consideration of H.R. 391, Facilitate Small Business
Compliance With Certain Federal Paperwork Re-
quirements and Establish a Task Force To Streamline
Certain Requirements: Committee on Rules (House)
(H. Res. 42) (H. Rept. 106–13), [9FE]
Consideration of H.R. 409, Federal Financial Assist-
ance Management Improvement Act: Committee on
Rules (House) (H. Res. 75) (H. Rept. 106-26),

Consideration of H.R. 436, Government Waste, Fraud,
and Error Reduction Act: Committee on Rules
(House) (H. Res. 43) (H. Rept. 106-14), [9FE]
Consideration of H.R. 472, Local Census Quality
Check Act: Committee on Rules (House) (H. Res.
138) (H. Rept. 106-93), [13AP]
Consideration of H.R. 707, Disaster Mitigation and
Cost Reduction Act: Committee on Rules (House)
(H. Res. 91) (H. Rept. 106–41), [3MR]
Consideration of H.R. 883, American Land Sovereignty
Protection Act: Committee on Rules (House) (H.
Res. 180) (H. Rept. 106–151), [19MY]
Consideration of H.R. 1074, Regulatory Right-To-
Know Act: Committee on Rules (House) (H. Res.
258) (H. Rept. 106-248), [21JY]
Consideration of H.R. 1141, Emergency Supplemental
Appropriations: Committee on Rules (House) (H.
Res. 125) (H. Rept. 106-76), [23MR]
Consideration of H.R. 1259, Social Security and Medi-
care Safe Deposit Box Act: Committee on Rules
(House) (H. Res. 186) (H. Rept. 106–160), [24MY]
Consideration of H.R. 1658, Civil Asset Forfeiture Re-
form Act: Committee on Rules (House) (H. Res.
216) (H. Rept. 106–193), [22JN]
Consideration of H.R. 1664, Kosovo and Southwest
Asia Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act:
Committee on Rules (House) (H. Res. 159) (H. Rept.
106-127), [5MY]

Consideration of H.R. 1691, Religious Liberty Protec-
tion Act: Committee on Rules (House) (H. Res. 245)
(H. Rept. 106-229), [13JY]
Consideration of H.R. 2488, Financial Freedom Act:
Committee on Rules (House) (H. Res. 256) (H. Rept.
106-246), [20JY]

Consideration of H.R. 2723, Bipartisan Consensus
Managed Care Improvement Act: Committee on
Rules (House) (H. Res. 323) (H. Rept. 106-366),

Consideration of H.R. 2990, Quality Care for the Unin-
sured Act: Committee on Rules (House) (H. Res.
323) (H. Rept. 106-366), [5OC]
Construction Industry Payment Protection Act: Com-
mittee on Government Reform (House) (H.R. 1219)
(H. Rept. 106-277), [30JY]
Disaster Mitigation and Cost Reduction Act: Commit-
tee on Transportation and Infrastructure (House)
(H.R. 707) (H. Rept. 106-40), [3MR]
Emergency Supplemental Appropriations: Committee of
Conference (H.R. 1141) (H. Rept. 106-143), [14MY]

-Committee on Appropriations (House) (H.R.
1141) (H. Rept. 106-64), [17MR]
Facilitate Small Business Compliance With Certain
Federal Paperwork Requirements and Establish a
Task Force To Streamline Certain Requirements:
Committee on Government Reform (House) (H.R.
391) (H. Rept. 106-8), [8FE]
Federal Retirement Coverage Corrections Act: Commit-
tee on Government Reform (House) (H.R. 416) (H.
Rept. 106-29), [23FE]

-Committee on Ways and Means (House) (H.R.
416) (H. Rept. 106-29), [8MR]

Financial Freedom Act: Committee on Ways and
Means (House) (H.R. 2488) (H. Rept. 106-238),

Government Waste, Fraud, and Error Reduction Act:
Committee on Government Reform (House) (H.R.
1442) (H. Rept. 106–275), [30JY]

-Committee on Government Reform (House)
(H.R. 436) (H. Rept. 106-9), [8FE]
Government Waste Corrections Act: Committee on
Government Reform (House) (H.R. 1827) (H. Rept.
106-474), [17NO]

Kosovo and Southwest Asia Emergency Supplemental
Appropriations Act: Committee on Appropriations
(House) (H.R. 1664) (H. Rept. 106-125), [4MY]
Local Census Quality Check Act: Committee on Gov-
ernment Reform (House) (H.R. 472) (H. Rept. 106–
71), [22MR]

Making the Federal Government Accountable-Enforc-
ing the Mandate for Effective Financial Manage-
ment: Committee on Government Reform (House)
(H. Rept. 106-170), [7JN]
Mandates Information Act:


Committee on
(House) (H.R. 350) (H. Rept. 106–5), [2FE]
Multidistrict, Multiparty, Multiforum Trial Jurisdiction
Act: Committee on the Judiciary (House) (H.R.
2112) (H. Rept. 106-276), [30JY]

Nazi Benefits Termination Act: Committee on Govern-
ment Reform (House) (H.R. 1788) (H. Rept. 106–
321), [60C]

-Committee on the Judiciary (House) (H.R.
1788) (H. Rept. 106-321), [14SE]
Omnibus Parks and Public Lands Management Act
Technical Corrections: Committee on Resources
(House) (H.R. 149) (H. Rept. 106-17), [12FE]
Organ Donor Leave Act: Committee on Government
Reform (House) (H.R. 457) (H. Rept. 106–174),

Organ Procurement and Transplantation Programs Re-
vision and Extension: Committee on Commerce
(House) (H.R. 2418) (H. Rept. 106-429), [1NO]
Paperwork Elimination Act: Committee on Small Busi-
ness (House) (H.R. 439) (H. Rept. 106–11), [8FE]
Presidential and Executive Office Financial Account-

ability Act: Committee on Government Reform
(House) (H.R. 437) (H. Rept. 106-7), [8FE]
Provide Federal Employees Greater Access To Child
Care Services: Committee on Government Reform
(House) (H.R. 206) (H. Rept. 106–169), [7JN]
Provide Greater Fiscal Autonomy to the Virgin Islands:
Committee on Resources (House) (H.R. 2841) (H.
Rept. 106-337), [27SE]

Punish the Depiction of Animal Cruelty: Committee
on the Judiciary (House) (H.R. 1887) (H. Rept. 106–
397), [190C]

Quality Child Care for Federal Employees Act: Com-
mittee on Government Reform (House) (H.R. 28)
(H. Rept. 106-323), [15SE]

Regulatory Right-to-Know Act: Committee on Govern-
ment Reform (House) (H.R. 1074) (H. Rept. 106-
168), [7JN]

Religious Liberty Protection Act: Committee on the
Judiciary (House) (H.R. 1691) (H. Rept. 106-219),

Resources Reports Restoration Act: Committee on Re-
sources (House) (H.R. 3002) (H. Rept. 106–458),

Senate Amendment to H.R. 2990, Quality Care for
the Uninsured Act: Committee on Rules (House)
(H. Res. 348) (H. Rept. 106–430), [1NO]
Setting Forth the Federal Budget for 2000-2009: Com-
mittee of Conference (H. Con. Res. 68) (H. Rept.
106-91), [13AP]

-Committee on the Budget (House) (H. Con.
Res. 68) (H. Rept. 106-73), [23MR]
Statistical Efficiency Act: Committee on Government
Reform (House) (H.R. 2885) (H. Rept. 106–413),

Taxpayer Refund and Relief Act: Committee of Con-
ference (H.R. 2488) (H. Rept. 106–289), [4AU]
U.S. Marshals Service Improvement Act: Committee
on the Judiciary (House) (H.R. 2336) (H. Rept. 106-
459), [8NO]

Wyandotte Tribe Settlement Act: Committee on Re-
sources (House) (H.R. 1533) (H. Rept. 106-421),

GRAHAM, LINDSEY O. (a Representative from South

Bills and resolutions introduced

Air Force: improve administration of the volunteer ci-
vilian auxiliary known as the Civil Air Patrol (see
H.R. 1829), [17MY]

Crime: protect unborn victims of violence (see H.R.
2436), [1JY]

Education: enable the use of human capital investment
contracts for the purposes of financing postsecondary
education (see H.R. 2755), [5AU]
Employment: minimum wage and overtime exemptions
for licensed funeral directors and embalmers (see
H.R. 793), [23FE]

M/V Sandpiper (vessel): certificate of documentation
(see H.R. 1741), [6MY]

Taxation: adjust tax brackets, provide partial exclusion
from income for dividends and interest, provide
long-term capital gains deduction, and increase IRA
contribution limit (see H.R. 1840), [18MY]
Bills and resolutions relative to

Clinton, President: House of Representatives' appoint-
ment and authorization of managers for impeachment
trial (see H. Res. 10), [6JA]
Bills and resolutions

Wood River: modify flood control project (see H.R.
344), [19JA]

GRANGER, KAY (a Representative from Texas)

Committee on Standards of Official Conduct (House),

Conferee: H.R. 1905, legislative branch of the Govern-
ment appropriations, [1JY]

-H.R. 2084, Dept. of Transportation and related
agencies appropriations, [21SE]

-H.R. 2465, Dept. of Defense appropriations for
military construction, family housing, and base re-
alignment and closure, [21JY]

Bills and resolutions introduced
Education: support teachers (see H. Res. 157), [4MY]
Insurance: require health plans to provide adequate ac-

to services provided by obstetrician-gyne-
cologists (see H.R. 2041), [8JN]
Medicare: regulatory burdens on home health agencies
(see H. Con. Res. 79), [25MR]

-revise inflation update factor used in making
payments to prospective payment system hospitals
(see H.R. 3114), [20OC]

National Commission on Youth Crime and School Vio-
lence: establish (see H.R. 1988), [27MY]
Taxation: extend due date for filing a tax return for
any member of a uniformed service on a tour of
duty outside the U.S. (see H.R. 1411), [14AP]

-incentives for education (see H.R. 464), [2FE]
Bills and resolutions

Smithsonian Institution: appointment as citizen regent
of Board of Regents (see H.J. Res. 27), [9FE]

Bills and resolutions

International relations: commend Greece and Turkey
for mutual humanitarian assistance and rescue relief
relative to earthquakes (see H. Con. Res. 188),

Turkey: claim of sovereignty to the islets in the Aegean
Sea called Imia by Greece and Kardak by Turkey
(see H. Con. Res. 36), [23FE]

GREEN, GENE (a Representative from Texas)
Bills and resolutions introduced

Clean Air Act: moratorium on disclosure of certain
submissions to provide for the reporting of certain
site security information to Congress (see H.R.
2257), [17JN]
Computers: regulate the transmission of unsolicited
commercial electronic mail (see H.R. 1910), [24MY]
Health Professions Education Partnership Act: applica-
bility to the Health Education Assistance Program
(see H.R. 2148), [10JN]
Immigration: extend filing fee exemption to elementary
and secondary schools relative to non-immigrant


workers under the H-1B program (see H.R. 1573),

Medicare: exclude cancer treatment from the prospec-
tive payment system for hospital outpatient services
(see H.R. 1090), [11MR]

National Labor Relations Act: require arbitration of
initial contract negotiation disputes (see H.R. 1412),

Taxation: deduction for health insurance premiums (see
H.R. 145), [7JA]

Tobacco products: strengthen State efforts to limit ac-
cess to minors (see H.R. 144), [7JA]
Women: promote research and disseminate information
on the health effects of silicone breast implants (see
H.R. 1323), [25MR]

GREEN, MARK (a Representative from Wisconsin)
Bills and resolutions introduced

Agriculture: issue commemorative postage stamp to
honor U.S. farm women (see H. Res. 213), [16JN]
Armed Forces: establish a combat artillery medal (see
H.R. 3043), [70C]

Census: apply certain attribution rules to the counting
of certain prisoners (see H.R. 1632), [29AP]
Colombia: condemn kidnapping and murder by Revolu-
tionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) of Ingrid
Washinawatok, Terence Freitas, and Lahe'ena'e Gay
(see H. Res. 181), [19MY]

Courts: appointment of an additional Federal district
judge in Wisconsin (see H.R. 3470), [18NO]
Crime: life imprisonment for repeat offenders who
commit sex offenses against children (see H.R.
1989), [27MY]

Dept. of HUD: pilot program to assist law enforcement
officers purchasing homes in locally-designated high-
crime areas (see H.R. 2931), [23SE]

-pilot program to provide homeownership assist-
ance to disabled families (see H.R. 2860), [14SE]
Dept. of the Interior: conduct a study on and develop
recommendations to increase the safety of visitors
to units of the National Park System (see H.R.
2861), [14SE]

Executive departments: expedite review procedures for
granting waivers to States under a grant program
administered by the agency if another State has al-
ready been granted a similar waiver (see H.R. 2376),

Hunting and trapping: recognize importance of hunting
relative to wildlife resource management (see H.
Res. 378), [16NO]

Laos: condemn human rights abuses and role in the
abduction of Houa Ly and Michael Vang (see H.
Res. 332), [140C]

National parks and recreation areas: prohibit sex of-
fenders from entering (see H.R. 1925), [25MY]
Native Americans: settlement of claims of the Menomi-
nee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin (see H.R. 1780),

Social Security: reform relative to State and local gov-
ernment employees (see H. Con. Res. 101), [6MY]
Taxation: exclusion from gross income for family-to-
family sale of farm businesses (see H.R. 1386),

Bills and resolutions

Courts: appointment of an additional Federal district
judge in Wisconsin (see H.R. 3470), [18NO]


Bills and resolutions

Keith D. Oglesby Station: designate (see H.R. 2952),

GREENWOOD, JAMES C. (a Representative from


Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe,

Conferee: H.R. 800, Education Flexibility Partnership
Act, [23MR]

-H.R. 1501, Juvenile Justice Reform Act, [30JY]
-S. 900, Financial Services Act, [30JY]

Bills and resolutions introduced

Animals: provide for a system of sanctuaries for chim-
panzees that are no longer needed in research con-


ducted by the Public Health Service (see H.R. 3514),

Birds: establish a conservation program for neotropical
migratory birds (see H.R. 381), [19JA]
Contraceptives: require equitable coverage of drugs, de-
vices, and services under health insurance plans (see
H.R. 2120), [10JN]

Coordinated Oceanographic Program Advisory Panel:
establish (see H.R. 2090), [9JN]

Delaware River: designate certain portions and tribu-
taries as components of the Wild and Scenic Rivers
System (see H.R. 2317), [23JN]

Ecology and environment: encourage State response
programs for contaminated sites, remove barriers to
cleanup of brownfield sites, and return contaminated
sites to economically productive or other beneficial
uses (see H.R. 2580), [21JY]

-improve the management of environmental in-
formation and encourage innovation to enhance envi-
ronmental quality (see H.R. 3448), [18NO]
EPA: waive oxygen content requirement for certain
reformulated gasoline (see H.R. 3449), [18NO]
Health: authorize demonstration projects to increase the
supply of organs donated for human transplant (see
H.R. 3471), [18NO]

ensure confidentiality of medical records and
health care-related information (see H.R. 2470),

-limit medical malpractice claims (see H.R.
2242), [16JN]

Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act: au-
thorizing appropriations (see H.R. 1150), [17MR]
National Commission on the Prevention of School Vio-
lence: establish (see H.R. 1556), [26AP]
NIH: establish pediatric research initiative (see H.R.
2621), [27JY]

expansion, intensification, and coordination of
autism research activities (see H.R. 997), [4MR]

-improve and expand clinical research programs
(see H.R. 1798), [13MY]
Pennsylvania: hold U.S. District Court for the eastern

district at Doylestown, PA, in addition to those other
places currently provided by law (see H.R. 2549),

Petroleum: authorize oilheat industry research and con-
sumer education programs (see H.R. 380), [19JA]
Pride of Many (vessel): certificate of documentation
(see H.R. 949), [2MR]

Refuse disposal: State control of municipal solid waste
transportation and disposal (see H.R. 1190), [18MR]
Taxation: rates (see H.R. 1440), [15AP]
Bills and resolutions

Thomas M. Foglietta Support Site: designate (see H.R.
52), [6JA]


Bills and resolutions

Enact (see H.R. 2089), [9JN]


Bills and resolutions

Courts: convert a Federal judgeship in Hawaii to per-
manent status and extend statutory authority for mag-
istrate positions in Guam and the Northern Mariana
Islands (see H.R. 944), [2MR]

50 States Commemorative Coin Program Act: include
District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, American
Samoa, and the Virgin Islands (see H.R. 1029),

Organic Act of Guam: amend (see H.R. 2462), [1JY]
Refugees: deny aliens the opportunity to apply for asy-
lum in Guam (see H.R. 945), [2MR]

Social Security: extend SSI benefits to Guam and the
Virgin Islands (see H.R. 1308), [25MR]
World War II: restitution for atrocities during Japanese
occupation (see H.R. 755), [11FE]


Bills and resolutions

National Defense Reserve Fleet: conveyance to Amer-
ican Trade Fair Ship, Inc. (see H.R. 3510), [18NO]

Bills and resolutions

Human rights: expedite the declassification of certain
documents relating to human rights abuses in Guate-
mala and Honduras and other regions (see H.R.
1625), [29AP]
Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief
Act: eliminate requirement that family members of
eligible aliens be Nicaraguan or Cuban nationals and
provide status adjustment to other nationals (see H.R.
36), [6JA]

-provide certain nationals an opportunity to apply
for adjustment of status (see H.R. 2722), [5AU]
Peace accords: anniversary (see H. Res. 26), [19JA]

Central American and Haitian Parity Act: President
Clinton, [5AU]

Bills and resolutions

Enact (H.R. 902): consideration (see H. Res. 193),


GUTIERREZ, LUIS V. (a Representative from Illinois)

Committee To Escort the Speaker-Elect to the Chair,

Conferee: S. 900, Financial Services Act, [30JY]
Bills and resolutions introduced

Advisory Committee on Minority Veterans: repeal the
provision of law requiring termination (see H.R.
2016), [8JN]

Consumers: treat arbitration clauses which are unilater-
ally imposed on consumers as an unfair and decep-
tive trade practice and prohibit use in consumer
transactions (see H.R. 2258), [17JN]

Dept. of Veterans Affairs: improve programs providing
counseling and treatment for sexual trauma experi-
enced by veterans (see H.R. 1799), [13MY]
Electronic Fund Transfer Act: require additional disclo-
sures relative to exchange rates in transfers involving
international transactions (see H.R. 382), [19JA]
Firearms: prohibit possession or transfer of certain
handguns (see H.R. 35), [6JA]

Health: protect beneficiaries of group and individual
health plans, and Medicare+Choice plans in the use
of prescription drug formularies (see H.R. 3274),

Housing: establish a program to assist homeowners
experiencing temporary difficulty making payments
on mortgages insured under the National Housing
Act (see H.R. 595), [4FE]

Immigration and Nationality Act: remove certain limi-
tations on eligibility for adjustment of status (see
H.R. 1841), [18MY]
Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief
Act: eliminate requirement that family members of
eligible aliens be Nicaraguan or Cuban nationals and
provide status adjustment to other nationals (see H.R.
36), [6JA]

GUTKNECHT, GIL (a Representative from Minnesota)
Bills and resolutions introduced

Agriculture: price supports for milk (see H.R. 1758),

FDA: clarify certain responsibilities relative to importa-
tion of drugs into the U.S. (see H.R. 3240), [5NO]
Bills and resolutions

Pamela B. Gwin Hall, Charlottesville, VA: designate
(see H.R. 1729), [6MY]


Bills and resolutions

Tribute (see H. Res. 284), [8SE]
Bills and resolutions

Democracy: condemn the irregular interruption of the
democratic political institutional process (see H. Con.
Res. 43), [8MR]
Elections: encourage political leaders to seek agreement
on transparent, free, and widely participatory elec-
tions (see H. Con. Res. 140), [22JN] (see H. Res.
97), [4MR]

Hurricanes: disaster assistance to Caribbean and Central
American countries (see H.R. 984), [4MR]

Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief
Act: eliminate requirement that family members of
eligible aliens be Nicaraguan or Cuban nationals and
provide status adjustment to other nationals (see H.R.
36), [6JA]

-provide certain nationals an opportunity to apply
for adjustment of status (see H.R. 2722), [5AU]

Central American and Haitian Parity Act: President
Clinton, [5AU]

HALL, RALPH M. (a Representative from Texas)

Conferee: H.R. 1000, Aviation Investment and Reform
Act for the 21st Century, [140C]

George E. Brown, Jr., funeral attendees, [27JY]
Bills and resolutions introduced

Bowman County (U.S.S.): authorize Presidential con-
sent to the third party transfer to the USS LST
Ship Memorial, Inc. (see H.R. 146), [7JA]
Government: prevent governmental entities from using
tax-exempt financing to engage in unfair competition
against private enterprise (see H.R. 2756), [5AU]
Social Security: choice of benefit payment method rel-
ative to computation rule application to workers at-
taining age 65 in or after 1982 (see H.R. 148),

-invest trust funds in marketable interest-bearing
securities and insured certificates of deposit, and pro-
tect trust funds from public debt limit (see H.R.
147), [7JA]

HALL, TONY P. (a Representative from Ohio)
Bills and resolutions introduced

Dept. of Transportation: conduct a study on improving
the safety of persons present at roadside emergencies
(see H.R. 1990), [27MY]

Food: purchase of additional commodities for distribu-
tion to needy persons (see H.R. 1324), [25MR]
Foreign trade: require disclosure of source of gem-
quality diamonds and gem-quality diamond products
imported into the U.S. (see H.R. 3188), [1NO]
Taxation: treatment of charitable donation of food by
businesses and farmers (see H.R. 1325), [25MR]

Bills and resolutions

John K. Rafferty Hamilton Post Office Building: des-
ignate (see H.R. 1374), [12AP]

Bills and resolutions

Booker T. Washington Leadership Institute: provide
support (see H.R. 3440), [17NO]

Bills and resolutions

Booker T. Washington Leadership Institute: provide
support (see H.R. 3440), [17NO]

HANSEN, JAMES V. (a Representative from Utah)

Committee on U.S. National Security and Military/
Commercial Concerns With the People's Republic
of China (House, Select), [19JA]

Conferee: S. 1059, Dept. of Defense appropriations
for military activities, prescribing personnel
strengths, and military construction, [1JY]

Bills and resolutions introduced

Bureau of Reclamation: cost sharing for Upper Colo-
rado and San Juan River Basins endangered fish
recovery implementation programs (see H.R. 2348),

Dept. of the Interior: provide a process for the public
to appeal certain decisions made by the National
Park Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
(see H.R. 1866), [19MY]

-release reversionary interests held by the U.S.
in certain parcels of land in Washington County,
UT (see H.R. 2862), [14SE]

-standardize the process for conducting public
hearings for Federal agencies (see H.R. 1864),

House Rules: reform gift rules (see H. Res. 9), [6JA]
Medicaid: waive Federal claim to State tobacco settle-

ments if State uses funds for smoking reduction pro-
grams and economic assistance for tobacco farming
communities (see H.R. 1232), [23MR]

Monuments and memorials: require public participation

in designation of any national monument (see H.R.
1487), [20AP]

National Park Service: use of Dept. of Defense support
services (see H. Res. 182), [19MY]

Omnibus Parks and Public Lands Management Act:
technical corrections (see H.R. 149), [7JA]
Public lands: establish time limits for completion of
wilderness studies on Federal lands (see H.R. 1258),
[24MR] (see H.R. 1500), [21AP]
Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport: addition
of slots and lifting of perimeter rule on flight dis-
tances (see H.R. 1507), [21AP]

Utah: clarify the legal effect on the U.S. of the acquisi-
tion of a parcel of land in the Red Cliffs Desert
Reserve (see H.R. 2863), [14SE]

designate certain lands as wilderness (see H.R.
3035), [7OC]

-settlement of water rights claims of the Shivwits
Band of the Paiute Indian Tribe (see H.R. 3291),

West National Heritage Area: authorizing appropria-
tions for the Golden Spike/Crossroads (see H.R.
2932), [23SE]

Reports filed

Activities During the 105th Congress: Committee on
Standards of Official Conduct (House) (H. Rept.
106-848), [7JA]



Conferees: S. 507, Water Resources Development Act,

Bills and resolutions

Appropriations: repeal harbor maintenance tax and au-
thorize appropriations for activities formerly funded
with Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund revenues (see
H.R. 1260), [24MR]

Corps of Engineers: reauthorizing water resources de-
velopment programs (see H.R. 1480), [20AP]

-reauthorizing water resources development pro-
grams (H.R. 1480), consideration (see H. Res. 154),

Newport, RI: deauthorize portion of Newport Harbor
navigation project (see H.R. 3316), [10NO]

Ships and vessels: allow a formal entry exception for
vessels required to anchor at Belle Isle Anchorage,
Port of Detroit, MI, while awaiting cargo or pilot
services, prior to proceeding to the Port of Toledo,
OH (see H.R. 2213), [15JN]

Water Resources Development Act: technical correc-
tions (see H.R. 2724), [5AU]

Waterways: provide for development, operation, and
maintenance (see H.R. 1947), [26MY]

Conference reports

Water Resources Development Act (S. 507), [5AU]

Corps of Engineers: reauthorizing water resources de-
velopment programs (S. 507), [22JY]

Reports filed

Consideration of H.R. 1480, Water Resources Develop-
ment Act: Committee on Rules (House) (H. Res.
154) (H. Rept. 106-120), [28AP]

Water Resources Development Act: Committee of Con-
ference (S. 507) (H. Rept. 106-298), [5AU]

-Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
(House) (H.R. 1480) (H. Rept. 106–106), [26AP]
HARMAN, JANE (a former Representative from Cali-


National Commission on Terrorism, [23JN]

Bills and resolutions

Judge J. Smith Henley Federal Building: designate (see
H.R. 1605), [28AP]



Board of Trustees, [30JY]

HASTERT, J. DENNIS (a Representative from Illinois)

George E. Brown, Jr., funeral attendees, [27JY]
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Board
of Trustees, [2FE]

Bills and resolutions introduced

Social Security: reform (see H.R. 1), [1MR]
Bills and resolutions relative to

House of Representatives: notify President of election
of the Speaker and Clerk (see H. Res. 4), [6JA]
Senate: notify that a quorum of the House of Rep-
resentatives is present and of the election of the
Speaker and Clerk (see H. Res. 2), [6JA]
HASTINGS, ALCEE L. (a Representative from Flor-


Committee on Intelligence (House, Select), [12FE]
Conferee: H.R. 1555, intelligence services appropria-
tions, [22SE]

Bills and resolutions introduced

Armed Forces: support for troops carrying out NATO
military operations against Serbia (see H. Con. Res.
72), [24MR]

Courts: independent counsel law repeal (see H.R. 794),

Haiti: encourage political leaders to seek agreement
on transparent, free, and widely participatory elec-
tions (see H. Con. Res. 140), [22JN]
Indonesia: implementation of results of referendum in
East Timor and end violence by paramilitary groups
(see H. Con. Res. 183), [9SE]

Jordan: tribute to efforts by King Abdullah Bin Hussein
on the Middle East peace process and to condemn
efforts within Jordan to further hostility towards
Israel (see H. Res. 340), [210C]

Kosovo: tribute to U.S. and NATO troops for carrying
out military operations against Serbia (see H. Con.
Res. 130), [10JN] (see H. Con. Res. 145), [29JN]
Morality and ethics: establish a commission to study
the culture and glorification of violence in the U.S.
(see H.R. 1670), [4MY]

Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe:
St. Petersburg Declaration by the Parliamentary As-
sembly (see H. Con. Res. 161), [20JY]

Serbia: express regret and apologize for accidental
bombing of Chinese Embassy by NATO forces (see
H. Con. Res. 106), [12MY]

Sierra Leone: commend signing of cease-fire agreement
and urge swift solution to crisis (see H. Res. 199),

HASTINGS, DOC (a Representative from Washington)

Committee on Standards of Official Conduct (House),

Bills and resolutions introduced

Aviation: allow families of international airline disaster
victims a fair jury trial to receive just compensation
for their loss (H.R. 603), consideration (see H. Res.
85), [2MR]

-prohibit operation of supersonic transport cat-
egory aircraft in the U.S. relative to European Union
regulation of aircraft noise (H.R. 661), consideration
(see H. Res. 86), [2MR]

Bonneville Power Administration: allow sales of elec-
tricity to joint operating entities (see H.R. 3447),

Columbia and Snake Rivers: preservation of dams (see
H. Con. Res. 63), [18MR]

Columbia River: preserve and protect Hanford Reach
area (see H.R. 1759), [11MY]

-preserve and protect White Bluffs area (see
H.R. 1031), [9MR]

Corps of Engineers: reauthorizing water resources de-
velopment programs (H.R. 1480), consideration (see
H. Res. 154), [28AP]

Dept. of Energy: authorizing appropriations for civilian
research, development, demonstration, and commer-
cial application activities (H.R. 1655), consideration
(see H. Res. 289), [14SE]

Dept. of the Interior: study on establishing a national
historic trail to commemorate the War of 1812 (H.R.
791), consideration (see H. Res. 232), [29JN]
Dept. of the Interior and related agencies: making ap-
propriations (H.R. 2466), consideration (see H. Res.
243), [12JY]

-making appropriations (H.R. 2466), consider-
ation of conference report (see H. Res. 337), [200C]
FAA: authorize research, engineering, and development
programs (H.R. 1551), consideration (see H. Res.
290), [14SE]


Gateway National Recreation Area: redesignate Great
Kills Park as World War II Veterans Park at Great
Kills (H.R. 592), consideration (see H. Res. 231),

Immigration: provide housing assistance to eligible mi-
grant and seasonal farmworkers (see H.R. 2757),
Monuments and memorials: require public participation
in designation of any national monument (H.R.
1487), consideration (see H. Res. 296), [21SE]
Native Americans: provide for appropriate study and
repatriation of remains for which a cultural affiliation
is not readily ascertainable (see H.R. 2643), [29JY]
Pennsylvania: protect and conduct a study of Paoli
and Brandywine Battlefields and authorize the Valley
Forge Museum of the American Revolution (H.R.
659), consideration (see H. Res. 210), [15JN]
Real property: preserve Federal sovereignty of certain
public lands and preserve certain State and private
property rights (H.R. 883), consideration (see H. Res.
180), [19MY]

Roads and highways: preserve cultural resources of
U.S. Route 66 corridor (H.R. 66), consideration (see
H. Res. 230), [29JN]

Taxation: constitutional amendment to require a two-
thirds majority on the passage of legislation increas-
ing taxes (H.J. Res. 37), consideration (see H. Res.
139), [13AP]

Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act
(H.R. 1180): consideration of conference report (see
H. Res. 387), [17NO]

Reports filed

Consideration of Conference Report on H.R. 1180,
Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement
Act: Committee on Rules (House) (H. Res. 387)
(H. Rept. 106-482), [17NO]

Consideration of Conference Report on H.R. 2466,
Dept. of the Interior and Related Agencies Appro-
priations: Committee on Rules (House) (H. Res. 337)
(H. Rept. 106-407), [200C]
Consideration of H.J. Res. 37, Constitutional Amend-
ment To Require a Two-Thirds Majority on the Pas-
sage of Legislation Increasing Taxes: Committee on
Rules (House) (H. Res. 139) (H. Rept. 106-94),

Consideration of H.R. 66, Preserve Cultural Resources
of U.S. Route 66 Corridor: Committee on Rules
(House) (H. Res. 230) (H. Rept. 106-208), [29JN]
Consideration of H.R. 592, Great Kills Park in the
Gateway National Recreation Area Redesignation as
World War II Veterans Park at Great Kills: Commit-
tee on Rules (House) (H. Res. 231) (H. Rept. 106–
209), [29JN]

Consideration of H.R. 603, Allow Families of Inter-
national Airline Disaster Victims a Fair Jury Trial
To Receive Just Compensation for Their Loss: Com-
mittee on Rules (House) (H. Res. 85) (H. Rept.
106-37), [2MR]

Consideration of H.R. 659, Protect America's Treasures
of the Revolution for Independence for Our Tomor-
row (PATRIOT) Act: Committee on Rules (House)
(H. Res. 210) (H. Rept. 106-187), [15JN]
Consideration of H.R. 661, Prohibit Operation of Su-
personic Transport Category Aircraft in the U.S. Rel-
ative to European Union Regulation of Aircraft
Noise: Committee on Rules (House) (H. Res. 86)
(H. Rept. 106-38), [2MR]
Consideration of H.R. 791, Star-Spangled Banner Na-
tional Historic Trail Study Act: Committee on Rules
(House) (H. Res. 232) (H. Rept. 106-210), [29JN]
Consideration of H.R. 883, American Land Sovereignty
Protection Act: Committee on Rules (House) (H.
Res. 180) (H. Rept. 106–151), [19MY]
Consideration of H.R. 1480, Water Resources Develop-
ment Act: Committee on Rules (House) (H. Res.
154) (H. Rept. 106–120), [28AP]
Consideration of H.R. 1487, National Monument NEPA
Compliance Act: Committee on Rules (House) (H.
Res. 296) (H. Rept. 106-327), [21SE]
Consideration of H.R. 1551, FAA Research, Engineer-
ing, and Development Programs Authorization: Com-
mittee on Rules (House) (H. Res. 290) (H. Rept.
106-318), [14SE]

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