Abbildungen der Seite

ings of the Legislature, resumed-Motion to subject joint resolu-

tions, (except on adjournment,) to the negative of the Executive

-Agreed to.

Article seventh, relative to the powers of the Legislature-Mo-

tion to exclude exports from duty-Postponed -Motion to author-
ize the establishment of post roads-Agreed to-Motion to forbid
the emission of bills of credit-Agreed to.

Motion to add various powers to the Legislature-Referred to the

Committee of Detail.

Motion relative to an assumption of the State debts-Referred

to a Grand Committee.

Article seventh, relative to the powers of the Legislature, re-
sumed-Motion that it may make rules for the Army and Navy-
Agreed to-Motion that the Army shall be limited in time of peace
to a fixed number-Disagreed to-Motion that the subject of regu-
lating the militia be referred to the Grand Committee-Agreed to.

MONDAY, August 20th

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Motion to add various powers to the Legislature-Referred to the

Committee of Detail.

Article seventh, relative to the powers of Congress, resumed—

Motion that it may pass sumptuary laws-Disagreed to-Motions
to amend the language defining and providing for the punishment
of treason-Agreed to-Motion to require the first census in three
years-Agreed to.

Report of Grand Committee on assuming State debts, and regula-

ting the militia.

Article seventh, relative to the powers of Congress, resumed—

Motion that State quotas for the expenses of the war be adjusted
by the same rate as representation and direct taxation-Postponed
-Motion that until a census, direct taxation should be in propor-
tion to representation--Disagreed to-Motion to raise direct taxes
by requisitions on the States-Disagreed to-Motion to permit
taxes on exports by a vote of two thirds-Disagreed to.

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Article seventh, relative to the powers of the Legislature, resum-

ed-Motion requiring them to organize the militia, when in the

service of the United States, reserving the training and appoint-

ment of officers to the States-Agreed to-Motion to prohibit for-

eign presents, offices, or titles, to any officer without consent of the

Legislature Agreed to.

Article eighth, relative to the supreme authority of acts of the

Legislature and treaties-Agreed to.

Article seventh, relative to the powers of the Legislature, resum-
ed-Motion to refer to a Committee, to consider the propriety of a
power to them to negative State laws-Disagreed to.

Article ninth, relative to the powers of the Senate-Motion to
require treaties to be ratified by law-Disagreed to.

Report of the Grand Committee on the importation and migration

of slaves, and a capitation tax, and navigation act.

Article ninth, relative to the powers of the Senate, resumed—

Motion to strike out the power to decide controversies between
the States-Agreed to.

Article tenth, relative to the Executive-Motion that the Exe-
cutive be elected by the people-Disagreed to-By Electors chosen
by the people of the States-Disagreed to--By joint ballot of the
Legislature, and a majority of the members present-Agreed to-
Motion that each State have one vote in electing the Executive-
Disagreed to-Motion to require the President to give information
to the Legislature-Agreed to-Motion to restrain appointing pow.
er by law-Disagreed to-Motion to except from the appointing
power, offices otherwise provided for by the Constitution-Agreed
to-Motion to authorize by law, appointments by State Legisla
tures and Executives-Disagreed to.

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Article seventh, relative to the powers of the Legislature, resumed

-Motion that in discharging the debts of the United States, they

shall be considered as valid under the Constitution as they were

under the Confederation-Agreed to-Motion to postpone the pro-

hibition for importing slaves to 1808-Agreed to-Motion to con-

fine the clause to such States as permit the importation of slaves

-Disagreed to-Motion that the tax on such importation shall not

exceed ten dollars for each person-Agreed to-Motion that a cap-

itation tax shall be in proportion to the census--Agreed to.

Article tenth, relative to the Executive, resumed-Motion to

limit reprieves to the meeting of the Senate, and requiring their
consent to pardons-Disagreed to--Motion to except cases of im-
peachment from the pardoning power-Agreed to-Motion that
his pardons shall not be pleadable in bar-Disagreed to.

MONDAY, August 27th


Article tenth, relative to the Executive, resumed-Motion to limit

his command of the militia to their being in the service of the
United States Agreed to-Motion to require an oath from the
Executive-Agreed to.

Article eleventh, relative to the Judiciary-Motion to confer
equity powers on the courts-Agreed to-Motion that the judges
may be removed by the Executive, on application of the Legisla-
ture-Disagreed to-Motion that the salaries of judges should not
be increased while they are in office-Disagreed to-Motion to ex-
tend jurisdiction to cases in which the United States are a party,
or arising under the Constitution, or treaties, or relating to lands
granted by different States-Agreed to-Motion to extend the ap-
pellate jurisdiction to law and fact-Agreed to.

TUESDAY, August 28th

Article eleventh, relative to the Judiciary-Motion to confine the

appellate jurisdiction in certain cases to the Supreme Court-Agreed

to-Motion that crimes not committed within any State be tried

where the Legislature directs-Agreed to-Motion that the writ

of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless required by inva-

sion or rebellion-Agreed to.

Article twelfth, relative to the prohibitions on the power of the

States-Motions to prohibit them absolutely from emitting bills
of credit, legalizing any tender except gold or silver, or passing
attainders or retrospective laws, or laying duties on imports-
Agreed to-Motion to forbid them to lay embargoes-Disagreed to.
Article thirteenth, relative to the prohibitions on slaves, unless

authorized by the National Legislature--Motion to include in

these duties on exports, and, if permitted, to be for the use of the

United States-Agreed to.

Article fourteenth, relative to the rights of citizens of one State

in another-Agreed to.

Article fifteenth, relative to the delivery of persons fleeing to
other States-Motion to extend it to all cases of crime-Agreed to
-Motion to extend it to fugitive slaves-Withdrawn.

WEDNESDAY, August 29th

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of the State Executive-Agreed to-Motion to limit the Executive
application to a recess of the Legislature-Disagreed to.

Article nineteenth, relative to amendments of the Constitution-

Agreed to.

Article twentieth, relative to the oath to support the Constitu-

tion-Motion to forbid any religious test-Agreed to.

Article twenty-first, relative to the ratification of the Constitu-
tion-Motion to require it to be by all the States.

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Article sixteenth, relative to the effect of public records and docu-

ments of one State in another, resumed-Motion to require the

Legislature to provide the manner of authenticating them..

Agreed to.

Article seventh, relative to the powers of the Legislature, re-

sumed-Motion that they may establish a bankrupt law-Disa-
greed to.

Article sixth, relative to the elections, qualifications, and pro-
ceedings of the Legislature, resumed-Motion to amend the rule
as to incapacity, by prescribing only that members shall not hold an
office of emolument, and shall vacate their seats on appointment—
Disagreed to-Motion to limit such incapacity to offices created, or
whose emoluments were increased, during their term-Agreed to—-
Motion to render office and membership incompatible—Agreed to.

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