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T of which we treat, notwith

standing the peaceable aspect of the times, has not been unproductive of events which claim a confiderable degree of attention. Of thefe, the expulfion of the Jefuits from Spain and Naples, is not the least extraordinary, nor likely to be the least confiderable in its confequences. The affairs of Poland have attracted much of the general attention of Europe; and, it is to be hoped, are now fettled upon an happy and permanent bafis. The origin of the late difputes, the past and present state of the Diffidents, and many particularities relative to the hiftory and government of that country, which were requifite to be known, to form a proper judgment of thofe tranfactions, were but little confidered or understood in this part of the world. We have therefore given our readers all the fatisfaction on thofe heads, which the materials that we could procure would afford, and the plan of our work allow. The fubject is indeed peculiarly


interesting: While our humanity is deeply engaged in the caufe of the Diffidents, we cannot but lament the fatality by which a great nation is furrounded in its capital by a foreign army; and the fenators of a republic, that was once free and independent, carried off by a military force for a discusfion of their own affairs. This is a fubject, that, notwithstanding the rectitude and integrity of the motives which guided those transactions, affords a full opportunity for the most deep and serious reflection.

Our home affairs have not been deficient in matters fufficiently interefting. Of thefe we give fuch an account as we hope will be agreeable to our readers; and have endeavoured to preserve that impartiality, which it will be always fo much our wish to fupport. And it fhall ever be our greatest happinefs, to have any opportunity of fhewing the grateful fenfe we entertain of the repeated indulgence which we have fo conftantly experienced from the Public.




For the YEAR 1767.






General afpect of affairs. Prefent appearances pacific. Some ancient caufes of contention removed. France. Holland. General State of the North. Germany. Italy. Expulfion of the Jefuits from Naples and Parma. The intereft of the court of Rome declining in Italy. Portugal. Scarcity of corn. Friendly intercourfe fubfifting between the learned.

E obferve with pleasure,

W that the event has hap

pily juftified our prognoftication of last year; and that the general tranquillity of Europe is not in any immediate danger of being disturbed. A fpirit of improvement in the 'arts of peace, in manufactures, commerce, and the elegant embellishments of life, feems to have taken place, for a VOL. X.

while at least, of that rage of conqueft, which had for fo many centuries plunged the different parts of the great European commonwealth into all the calamities of devastation and war. That martial difpofition, which fo entirely poffeffed the people of thofe ages, was the natural confequence of the hardy bodies, the active and intrepid minds, of the western and northern na[4]


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