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Paul recognized the vision. He says he became obedient to it. My dear friends, that is the truth I want to take to myself, and have you take to yourselves: The truth that the government of this world is all by obedience; that it depends upon what a man obeys what a man is. Personal obedience is the Christian life; personal salvation by One who has done for us that which has not merely won the right to demand of us that we should obey Him, but has also shown us what He has done→→ how worthy He is of exacting our obedience. The vision, then, of the Christian life, it seems to me that thing upon which the Christian fastens his eye and which he follows, and which leads him on through all the rich and beautiful ranges of Christian growth, the vision that first moves him—is Christ his Master, and his own life completely obedient to Christ. We ask ourselves again the question: "What is it to be a Christian?" We ask ourselves again the question: "How shall I become a Christian?" It is simply the new life that comes to a man when he has put himself in personal obedience to the Master; and in obedience to that Master there opens before him all the richness of the new life, and in this obedience man watches the character of Him whom he is obeying.-PHILLIPS BROOKS.

The Christian's Title.

My title is clear to all spiritual blessings, because God being my God in Jesus, all things are mine. Having His free grant of them in the word of promise, and trusting to His faithfulness, I have set out to walk with my divine Friend and Father, hoping to enjoy His loving presence

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all the way to Heaven.

I would not aim at getting any

new title to His love, but to have new enjoyment. Every day I am seeking for more knowledge, and for more experience of His abundant love to me in His beloved Son, and for this end I would walk close with Him in His way; not to buy His love-it is inestimable; not to merit it— free grace and merit can nɔt stand together; not that He may give it me for walking with Him, but that in walking with Him I may enjoy what He has already given me. His love is a free gift; I would by faith enjoy it in time, as I hope by sense to enjoy it in eternity. Whatever blessing, strength, victory or comfort I stand in need of, I look to the fullness which He has laid up in Jesus, and thence I receive it. I read my title in it, and I take possession of it, for nothing done in me or by me, now or at any other time, but only in or for the free grace of His Father and my Father.-ROMAINE ["Walk of Faith"].

Christianity in Heathen Lands.

If Christianity did nothing among all the myriads of that empire but relieve the physical suffering of women, the spirit of humanitarianism would obligate us to continue our missionary enterprises there. The first step in the education of a Chinese girl in a Christian school is not to teach her the Lord's Prayer, the Ten Commandments or the Catechism; it is to unbind her feet. I doubt if those who have never seen the process of feetbinding can understand the monstrous cruelty of the operation. It begins in infancy and continues for years, daily subjecting its victims to pain that can only be ex

pressed in tears. Christianity in China protests against that ancient barbarism, and Jesus Christ is saying to many a woman there just what He said to one He healed long, "Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirm

long ago:


Those who scoff may well be thankful that they live in the land where the Gospel has tamed the beastliness and ferocity of men who but for Christianity might long ago have eaten their carcasses, like the South Sea Islanders, or cut off their heads and tanned their hides, like the monsters of the French Revolution.-JAMES Russell LOWELL.

Is it not perfectly erroneous to speak of the failure of missions, when they started with a hundred and twenty despised Galileans, and when there are now at least 120,000,000 Protestants, and they have in their power almost all the wealth and almost all the resources of the world? -FARRAR.

The Bible is found in the languages of three-fourths of the people of the globe. As of old, it is running very swiftly. There is scarcely a ship that goes to the heathen world which does not carry reinforcements and supplies to the missionaries. In all hearts there is the instinct of

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All the shallow pretexts for our neglect and meager offerings and few laborers are shamed into silence when our opened eyes behold in the history of missions itself a "burning bush" whose every leaf and twig is aflame with the presence of Jehovah.-PIERSON.

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