Abbildungen der Seite

"CHRIST IN THE TEMPLE."-From the Painting by Hoffman.

The love of Christ is like the blue sky, into which you may see clearly, but the real vastness of which you can not measure. It is like the sea, into whose bosom you can look a little way, but its depths are unfathomable. — MCCHEYNE.

O teach us, Lord, to know and own

This wondrous mystery,

That Thou with us art truly one,

And we are one with Thee.


God in our nature-that is, Christ-the root of the new sap or eternal life in man, without which no man could have been righteous, and by the presence of which in our nature every man may be righteous.-THOMAS ERSKINE.

Alexander, Cæsar, Charlemagne and myself founded empires on force, and they perished; Jesus of Nazareth alone, a crucified Jew, founded His kingdom on love, and at this hour millions of men would die for Him.-NAPOLEON.

Too late I loved thee, O beauty of ancient days! Yet ever new! And, lo! Thou wert within me and I abroad searching for Thee! Thou wert with me, but I was net with Thee.-ST. AUGUSTINE.

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"My will, not Thine, be done," turned Paradise int、 a desert. "Thy will, not mine, be done" turned the desert into a Paradise and made Gethsemane the gate of Heaven.-PRESSENSE.

There is more of power to sanctify, elevate, strengthen and cheer in the word Jesus (Jehovah-Savior) than in all the utterances of man since the world began.-CHARLES HODGE.

Beyond the sacred page

I seek Thee, Lord!

My spirit pants for Thee,

O living Word!


There is no good to be got from Christ except by being Inade like Him. God himself can not bless you unless He gives you His own character.-F. W. ROBertson.

It cost more to redeem than to create us. In the creation there was but "speaking a word;" in redeeming us there was shedding of blood."-THOMAS WATSON.

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Take your stand on the Rock of Ages. let the judgment come. The victory is Christ's and yours through Him.--MOODY.

All believers receive of Christ's fullness; the greates saints can not live without Him; the weakest saint may live by Him.-HENRY.

The human body of Christ is the veil which hides the glory of God, on which we could not look with unveiled face.-G. RODGERS.

God has only one method of salvation, the Cross of Christ. God can have only one; for the Cross of Christ means death to evil, and life to good.-F. W. Robert


Paint your, ideal friend, and you will find that you have been but copying the portrait of Jesus Christ.—F. C. WOODHOUSE.

He was Himself forsaken, that none of His children might ever need to utter His cry of loneliness.-J. H. VINCENT.

But warm, sweet, tender even yet

A present life is He,

And faith has yet its Olivet

And love its Galilee.


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