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M, the thirteenth letter of the alphabet: Tw. II, 5, 118. 121. 132. 136. 141. 151.

Mab, the queen of the fairies: Rom. 1, 4, 53. 75. 88.*

Macbeth, name in Mcb. passim. Rhyming to heath: I, 1, 7. to death: 1, 2, 65. III, 5, 4. to breath: IV, 1, 98.

Maccabaeus; Judas M., the leader of the Jews against Antiochus of Syria; one of the Nine Worthies: LLL V, 1, 134. V, 2, 540. 602. 634.

Macdonwald (the later Ff Macdonnell) name in Mcb. I, 2, 9.

Macduff (cf. Duff), name in Mcb. II, 4, 20 etc. Mace, a spice, the second covering of the nutmeg: Wint. IV, 3, 49.


Mace, a club of metal used as an ensign of authority: he that sets up his rest to do more exploits with his m. than a morris-pike, Err. IV, 3, 28. the sword, the m., the crown imperial, H5 IV, 1, 278 (= sceptre). with these borne before us instead of -8, H6B IV, 7, 144. O murderous slumber, layest thou thy leaden m. upon my boy? Caes. IV, 3, 268 (to arrest him like a bailiff; cf. Arrest).*

Macedon, the kingdom of Alexander the Great: H5 IV, 7, 21. 22. 23. 26. 28. Per. II, 2, 24.

Machiavel, the famous Italian writer; proverbially for a crafty politician: am I a M.? Wiv. III, 1, 104. Alençon, that notorious M. H6A V, 4, 74. set the murderous M. to school, H6C III, 2, 193.

Machination, intrigue, plotting: -s, hollowness, treachery, Lr. 1, 2, 122. your business of the world hath so an end, and m. ceases, V, 1, 46.

Machine, artificial structure; used of the body: whilst this m. is to him, Hml. II, 2, 124.

Mackerel, the fish Scomber scomber: buy land as cheap as stinking m. H4A II, 4, 395.

Macmorris, name in H5 III, 2, 72. 91. 100. Maculate, stained, impure: m. thoughts, LLL I, 2, 97.

Maculation, stain, impurity: there's no m. in thy heart, Troil. IV, 4, 66.

| m. Sonn. 140, 9. to go m. Troil. IV, 2, 78. Lr. II, 4, 289. Oth. IV, 1, 101. to run m. Lucr. 997. Ado I, 1, 88. 93. Tw. II, 5, 212. Wint. III, 2, 184. H4A III, 1, 145. 212. H8 II, 2, 130. Troil. V, 1, 54. Tit. IV, 1, 21. Rom. II, 4, 5. IV, 3, 48. IV, 5, 76. Oth. III, 3, 317. to wax m. Tit. III, 1, 223.


2) beside one's self, having lost all self-command: at his own shadow let the thief run m. Lucr. 997. sometime her grief is dumb sometime 'tis mad and too much talk affords, 1106. m. that sorrow should his use control, 1781. the fools are m., if left alone, Gent. III, 1, 99. Lucr. 1108. Wiv. I, 4, 69. III, 5, 154. IV, 1, 4. Mids. III, 2, 441. Merch. IV, 1, 48. V, 176. H4A 1, 3, 53. Oth. III, 3, 317. IV, 1, 101 etc.

3) extravagant in any way; gay and frolicksome to wildness and wantonness: a m. host, Wiv. III, 1, 115. do you hear, my m. wenches? LLL II, 257. how now, m. spirit? Mids. III, 2, 4. fetching m. bounds, Merch. V, 73. be m. and merry, Shr. III, 2, 228. like a m. lad, Tw. IV, 2, 139. how now, m. wag? H4A 1, 2, 50. IV, 2, 55. m. Shallow, H4B III, 2, 16. the m. days that I have spent, 37 etc. = furious, passionate: her eyes are m. that they have wept till now, Ven. 1062. subject to the tyranny of m. mischances, 738 (the later Qq sad). the finest m. devil of jealousy, Wiv. V, 1, 19. m. ire, H6A IV, 3, 28. m. and fantastic execution, Troil. V, 5, 38. these hot days is the m. blood stirring, Rom. III, 1, 4. inflamed with desire: he was m. for her, All's V, 3, 260. I am m. in Cressid's love, Troil. I, 1, 51. foolish, absurd: a m. fantastical trick, Meas. III, 2, 98. his m. attire, Shr. III, 2, 126. a m. marriage, 184. 244. her m. and headstrong humour, IV, 1, 212. as m. in folly, All's V, 3, 3. m. world, m. kings, John II, 561. he she loved proved m. and did forsake her, Oth. IV, 3, 27 (cf. All's V, 3, 3).


Mad, vb. 1) tr. to make mad, to madden: Sonn. 119, 8. Err. IV, 4, 129. V, 84. All's V, 3, 213. Tw. 1, 5, 141. R2 V, 5, 61. Tit. III, 1, 104. Lr. IV, 2, 43. Cymb. II, 2, 37. IV, 2, 313.

2) to be mad: when he to-ing Dido would unfold his father's acts, H6B III, 2, 117.

Mad, adj. 1) disordered in the mind, insane: Madam, title of honour given in speaking of or Sonn. 129, 8. 140, 12. Tp. I, 2, 209. III, 3, 58. Meas. to ladies of rank: what must I call her. Madam. Al'ce V, 60. Err. II, 2, 11. 215. IV, 3, 82. IV, 4, 131. Shr. m., or Joan m.? M., and nothing else; so lords call 1, 2, 18. III, 2, 19. Tw. I, 5, 145. 211. II, 3, 93 etc. ladies, Shr. Ind. 2, 111; cf. Sly's blunders v. 145 and etc. Used of dogs infected with the rabies canina: I, 1, 259. ere long they should call me m. H4B II, 1, Wiv. IV, 2, 131. Err. V, 70. Ant. IV, 15, 80. m. as 109. Lucr. 1277. Gent. 1, 2, 3. 34. 77. 130. 138. IV, a buck, Err. III, 1, 72 (proverbial phrase). stark m. 2, 120. LLL II, 1, 1. 40 etc. etc. m. my interpreter, Err. II, 1, 59. V, 281. Shr. I, 1, 69. Wint. III, 2, 184. H5 V, 2, 282. dear m. Gent. I, 2, 17. sweet m. LLL very m. H8 1, 4, 28. to fall m. Tit. II, 3, 104. to grow | V, 2, 339. my dearest m. All's I, 3, 213. good m. Tw. Schmidt, Shakespeare Lexicon. 3. Ed. T. IL.



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