Abbildungen der Seite

En foi de quoi les Plénipotentiaires respectifs ont signé la présente Convention et y ont apposé leurs cachets.

Fait en double exemplaire, à Bucarest, le 27 février, 1908.


DECLARATION concluded between Russia and Sweden granting Reciprocally Most-favoured-nation Treatment in regard to Consular Officers. Signed at St. Petersburg, October 28 (November 10), 1909.*

Sa Majesté le Roi de Suède et Sa Majesté l'Empereur de toutes les Russies, ayant jugé utile de déterminer les droits, privilèges et immunités réciproques des consuls généraux, consuls, vice-consuls, agents consulaires et de leurs chanceliers ou secrétaires, ont autorisé les soussignés à déclarer ce qui suit :

Les consuls généraux, consuls, vice-consuls, agents consulaires et leurs chanceliers ou secrétaires jouiront dans les deux États et leurs possessions respectives de toutes les exemptions, prérogatives, immunités et privilèges qui sont ou seront accordés aux agents de la même classe de la nation la plus favorisée.

La présente déclaration entrera immédiatement en vigueur et ne cessera ses effets qu'à l'expiration de trois mois après sa dénonciation.

En foi de quoi les soussignés ont signé la présente déclaration et y ont apposé le cachet de leurs armes.

Fait en double, à Saint-Pétersbourg, le 10 novembre (28 octobre), 1909.




States and Salvador-Signed at San Salvador, March 14, 1908.†

[Ratifications exchanged at San Salvador, July 20, 1908.]

THE President of the United States of America and the President of the Republic of Salvador, desiring to regulate the citizenship of those persons who emigrate from the United

• "Svensk Författnings-Samling," No. 128 of 1909.
"United States Treaty Series," No 503,


States of America to Salvador, and from Salvador to the United States of America, have resolved to conclude a Convention on this subject and for that purpose have appointed their Plenipotentiaries to conclude a Convention, that is to say:

The President of the United States of America: John Hanaford Gregory, Jr., Chargé d'Affaires ad interim of the United States at Salvador; and

The President of Salvador: Señor Dr. Don Salvador Rodríguez González, Minister for Foreign Affairs;

Who have agreed to and signed the following Articles:

ART. I Citizens of the United States who may or shall have been naturalized in Salvador, upon their own application or by their own consent, will be considered by the United States as citizens of the Republic of Salvador. Reciprocally, Salvadoreans who may or shall have been naturalized in the United States upon their own application or with their own consent, will be considered by the Republic of Salvador as citizens of the United States.


II. If a Salvadorean, naturalized in the United States of America, renews his residence in Salvador, without intent to return to the United States, he may be held to have renounced his naturalization in the United States. Reciprocally, if citizen of the United States, naturalized in Salvador, renews his residence in the United States, without intent to return to Salvador, he may be presumed to have renounced his naturalization in Salvador.

The intent not to return may be held to exist when the person naturalized in the one country resides more than two years in the other country, but this presumption may be destroyed by evidence to the contrary.

III. It is mutually agreed that the definition of the word "citizen," as used in this Convention, shall be held to mean a person to whom nationality of the United States or Salvador attaches.

IV. A recognized citizen of the one party, returning to the territory of the other, remains liable to trial and legal punishment for an action punishable by the laws of his original country and committed before his emigration; but not for the emigration itself, saving always the limitation established by the laws of his original country, and any other remission of liability to punishment.

V. The declaration of intention to become a citizen of the one or the other country has not for either party the effect of naturalization.

VI. The present Convention shall go into effect immediately on the exchange of ratifications, and in the event of either party giving the other notice of its intention to terminate the Convention it shall continue to be in effect for one year or more, to count from the date of such notice.

The present Convention shall be submitted to the approval and ratification of the respective appropriate authorities of each of the Contracting Parties, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at San Salvador or Washington within twenty-four months of the date hereof.

Signed at the city of San Salvador, on the 14th day of March, 1908.


ARBITRATION CONVENTION between Salvador and the United States. Signed at Washington, December 21, 1908.*

[Ratifications exchanged at Washington, July 3, 1909.]

THE Government of the United States of America, signatory of the two Conventions for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes, concluded at The Hague, respectively, on the 29th July, 1899,† and the 18th October, 1907, and the Government of the Republic of Salvador, adherent to the said Convention of the 29th July, 1899, and signatory of the said Convention of the 18th October, 1907;

Taking into consideration that by Article XIX of the Convention of the 29th July, 1899, and by Article XL of the Convention of the 18th October, 1907, the High Contracting Parties have reserved to themselves the right of concluding agreements, with a view to referring to arbitration all questions which they shall consider possible to submit to such treatment; Have authorized the Undersigned to conclude the following Convention :

ART. I. Differences which may arise of a legal nature, or relating to the interpretation of Treaties existing between the two Contracting Parties, and which it may not have been possible to settle by diplomacy, shall be referred to the Permanent Court of Arbitration established at The Hague by the Convention of the 29th July, 1899, for the pacific settlement of international disputes, and maintained by The Hague Convention of the 18th October, 1907; provided, nevertheless, that they do not affect the vital interests, the independence, or the honour of the two Contracting States, and do not concern the interests of third parties.

II. In each individual case the High Contracting Parties, before appealing to the Permanent Court of Arbitration, shall conclude a special agreement, defining clearly the matter in dispute, the scope of the powers of the arbitrators and the periods to be fixed for the formation of the Arbitral Tribunal and the several stages of the procedure. It is understood that on the part of the United States such special agreements will be made by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and on the part of Salvador shall be subject to the procedure required by the constitution and laws thereof.


"United States Treaty Series," No. 529. Signed also in the Spanish + Vol. XCI, page 970. ‡ Vol. C, page 298.

III. The present Convention is concluded for a period of five years, and shall remain in force thereafter until one year's notice of termination shall be given by either party.

IV. The present Convention shall be ratified by the President of the United States of America, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof; and by the President of Salvador in accordance with the Constitution and laws thereof. The ratifications shall be exchanged at Washington as soon as possible, and the Convention shall take effect on the date of the exchange of its ratifications.

Done in duplicate in the English and Spanish languages, at Washington, this 21st day of December, 1908.


ACCESSION of Servia to the Additional Act of December 14, 1900, amending the Industrial Property Convention of 1883. October 10, 1909.*

(No. 1.) The Swiss Chargé d'Affaires to Sir Edward Grey.


Légation de Suisse, Londres,

le 10 septembre, 1909.

SUR l'ordre de mon Gouvernement, j'ai l'honneur d'informer votre Excellence que, par note du 10 (23) août dernier, le Ministère des Affaires Etrangères de Serbie a notifié au Conseil fédéral suisse l'adhésion de ce pays à l'Acte additionnel de Bruxelles du 14 décembre, 1900,† modifiant la Convention internationale du 20 mars, 1883,‡ pour la protection de la propriété industrielle.

J'ajoute qu'à la teneur de l'article XVI de la Convention, cette adhésion produira ses effets un mois après l'envoi de la présente note.

* "Treaty Series No. 24 (1909)."

† Vol. XCII, page 807.

‡ Vol. LXXIV, page 44.

En demandant à votre Excellence de bien vouloir consentir à m'accuser réception de cette notification, je vous prie, &c.



(No. 2.)-Sir Edward Grey to the Swiss Chargé d'Affaires.

Foreign Office, September 20, 1909.

I HAVE the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 10th instant, in which you inform me that, by a note of the 10th (23rd) August last, the Servian Ministry for Foreign Affairs notified to the Swiss Federal Council the accession of Servia to the Additional Act signed at Brussels on the 14th December, 1900, modifying the International Convention of the 20th March, 1883, for the Protection of Industrial Property.

I note that. in accordance with Article XVI of the Convention, this accession will take effect one month after the date of your note.

In thanking you for this communication, I have, &c.


PROCÈS-VERBAL between Great Britain and Siam for the Establishment of International Courts at certain places in Siam. Signed at Bangkok, July 6, 1909.

PURSUANT to section 1 of the Protocol concerning the jurisdiction appplicable in the Kingdom of Siam to British subjects and annexed to the Treaty of the 10th March, 1909,* the Undersigned, His Royal Highness Prince Devawongse Varoprakar, His Siamese Majesty's Minister for Foreign Affairs, and W. R. D. Beckett, Esq., His Britannic Majesty's Chargé d'Affaires in Siam, have arrived at an understanding that the International Courts shall be established at the following places :

At Bangkok.-Two Courts, the location of which shall be selected by the Minister of Justice, and in which a division of all matters arising shall be made by the Minister of Justice in a manner that he may deem most convenient, with territorial jurisdiction throughout the Monthons or Provinces of Bangkok, Ayuthia, Nakon - Chaisi, Rajburi, Chumpon, Nakon Sawan, Pitsanuloke, Petchaboon, Korat, Udon, Isarn, Prachin, and Chantaboon.

2. At Chiengmai.-One Court, the location of which shall be selected by the Minister of Justice, with territorial jurisdiction over the Monthon of Payap.

* See page 129.

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