foreign ships while they are within any port of the United Kingdom as they apply to British ships: Provided that His Majesty may by Order in Council direct that those provisions shall not apply to any ship of a foreign country in which the provisions in force relating to life-saving appliances appear to His Majesty to be as effective as the provisions of Part V of the Principal Act, on proof that those provisions are complied with in the case of that ship: And whereas by section 5 of the said Act it is provided that the said appointed day shall be the 1st day of January, 1909, or such other day, not being more than twelve months later, as the Board of Trade may appoint; And whereas the Board of Trade have appointed the 1st day of October, 1909, to be the day after which the provisions of the Principal Act relating to life-saving appliances shall apply to all foreign ships while they are within any port in the United Kingdom as they apply to British ships: And whereas it appears to His Majesty that the provisions in force in France relating to life-saving appliances, are as effective as the provisions of Part V of the Principal Act : Now, therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice of His Privy Council, is pleased to direct that the provisions of sections 427 to 431 of the Principal Act shall not apply to any French ship while within any port of the United Kingdom, if it is proved that the aforesaid French provisions relating to life-saving appliances are complied with in the case of that ship. ALMERIC FITZROY. BRITISH ORDER IN COUNCIL erempting Swedish Ships, complying with Swedish provisions, from the Provisions of Sections 427-431 of "The Merchant Shipping Act, 1894," as to Life-saving Appliances. - London, November 22, 1909.* At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 22nd day of November, 1909. PRESENT: THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY IN COUNCIL. WHEREAS by section 4 of "The Merchant Shipping Act. 1906,"† it is provided that sections 427 to 431 of "The Merchant Shipping Act, 1894,"‡ (hereinafter called the Principal Act). relating to life-saving appliances, shall, after the appointed day. apply to all foreign ships while they are within any port of the United Kingdom as they apply to British ships: • "London Gazette," November 26, 1909. † Vol. XCIX, page 14. ‡ Vol. LXXXVI, page 633. Provided that His Majesty may by Order in Council direct that those provisions shall not apply to any ship of a foreign country in which the provisions in force relating to life-saving appliances appear to His Majesty to be as effective as the provisions of Part V of the Principal Act, on proof that those provisions are complied with in the case of that ship; And whereas by section 5 of the said Act it is provided that the said appointed day shall be the 1st day of January, 1909, or such other day, not being more than twelve months later, as the Board of Trade may appoint; And whereas the Board of Trade have appointed the 1st day of October, 1909, to be the day after which the provisions of the Principal Act relating to life-saving appliances shall apply to all foreign ships while they are within any port of the United Kingdom as they apply to British ships; And whereas it appears to His Majesty that the provisions in force in Sweden relating to life-saving appliances are as effective as the provisions of Part V of the Principal Act: Now, therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice of His Privy Council, is pleased to direct that the provisions of sections 427 to 431 of the Principal Act shall not apply to any Swedish ship while within any port of the United Kingdom, if it is proved that the aforesaid Swedish provisions relating to life-saving appliances are complied with in the case of that ship. ALMERIC FITZROY. BRITISH ORDER IN COUNCIL exempting French Ships, complying with French Regulations, from Detention for non-compliance with the Provisions of the Merchant Shipping Acts as to Overloading. - London, November 22, 1909.* At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 22nd day of November, 1909. PRESENT: THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY IN COUNCIL. WHEREAS by section 445 of "The Merchant Shipping Act, 1894,"† it is enacted that where the Board of Trade certify that the laws and regulations for the time being in force in any foreign country and relating to overloading and improper loading are equally effective with the provisions of that Act relating thereto, His Majesty in Council may direct that on proof of a ship of that country having complied with those laws and regulations, she shall not when in a port of the United Kingdom be liable to detention for non-compliance with the said provisions of that Act, nor shall there arise any liability to any fine or penalty which would otherwise arise for non-compliance with those provisions; * "London Gazette," November 26, 1909. † Vol. LXXXVI, page 633. And whereas by section 1 of "The Merchant Shipping Act, 1906," provision, as is more particularly therein mentioned, is made for applying to foreign ships when in ports in the United Kingdom certain sections of "The Merchant Shipping Act, 1894," which relate to loadline, without prejudice to any direction of His Majesty in Council given under the said section 445 of the last-mentioned Act; And whereas the Board of Trade have certified that certain statutory regulations which have been approved by the French Government relating to overloading so far as regards the assignment of loadlines to French ships on and after the 21st September, 1908, are equally effective with the corresponding regulations in force in this country respecting the assignment of loadlines to British merchant ships : Now, therefore, Ilis Majesty in Council doth direct that on proof that French ships have complied with the aforesaid French regulations such ships shall not, when in ports of the United Kingdom, be liable to detention for non-compliance with the provisions of the Merchant Shipping Acts relating to overloading, nor shall there arise any liability to any fine or penalty which would otherwise arise for non-compliance with those provisions. ALMERIC FITZROY. BRITISH ORDER IN COUNCIL directing that the Extradition Acts shall apply in the case of France in accordance with a Treaty of August 14, 1876, as supplemented by Additional Conventions of February 13, 1896, and October 17, 1908; and in the case of Tunis, in accordance with Agreements of December 31, 1889, and July 29, 1909 -Sandringham, December 2, 1909.† At the Court at Sandringham, the 2nd day of December, 1909. PRESENT: THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTI. Lord President. WHEREAS by the Extradition Acts, 1870 to 1906, it wa enacted that, where an amongst other things + "London Gazette," angement lands der 3, 1000 been made with any foreign State with respect to the surrender to such State of any fugitive criminals, His Majesty may, by Order in Council, direct that the said Acts shall apply in the case of such foreign State; and that His Majesty may, by the same or any subsequent Order, limit the operation of the Order, and restrict the same to fugitive criminals who are in or suspected of being in the part of His Majesty's dominions specified in the Order, and render the operation thereof subject to such conditions, exceptions, and qualifications as may be deemed expedient; And whereas a Treaty was concluded on the 14th day of August, 1876,* between Her late Majesty Queen Victoria and the President of the French Republic, for the mutual extradition of fugitive criminals, and supplemented by a Convention concluded on the 13th day of February, 1896,† in the case of which Treaty and Convention the Extradition Acts, 1870-1895, were applied by Order in Council of the 22nd February, 1896 ; ‡ And whereas a further Convention was concluded on the 17th October, 1908,§ between us and the President of the French Republic, the ratifications of which were exchanged at Paris on the 29th July, 1909, which Convention is in the terms following: [See Vol. CI, page 186.] And whereas an Agreement was concluded on the 31st day of December, 1889,|| between the Government of Her late Britannic Majesty and the Government of the French Republic, acting in the name of the Government of His Highness the Bey of Tunis, for extending the provisions of the aforesaid Treaty of the 14th August, 1876, to Tunis, in the case of which Agreement. the Extradition Acts, 1870 and 1873, were applied by Order in Council of the 1st May, 1890; And whereas a further Agreement was concluded on the 29th July, 1909,** between our Government and the Government of the French Republic, acting in its own name and in that of the Government of His Highness the Bey of Tunis, which Agreement is in the terms following :-- [See page 87.] Now, therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice of his Privy Council, and in virtue of the authority committed to him by the Extradition Acts, 1870-1906, doth order, and it is hereby ordered, that from and after the 13th day of December, 1909, the said Acts shall apply in the case of France under and in accordance with the said Treaty of the 14th August, 1876, as supplemented by the Additional Conventions of the 13th * Vol. LXVII, page 5. † Vol. LXXXVIII, page 6. ‡ Vol. LXXXVIII, page 179. § Vol CI, page 186. || Vol. LXXXI, page 55. Vol. LXXXII, page 1034. ** See page 87. February, 1896, and 17th October, 1908; and in the case of Tunis under and in accordance with the said Agreements of the 31st December, 1889, and 29th July, 1909 : Provided always that the operation of the said Acts shall be and remain suspended within the Dominion of Canada so long as an Act of the Parliament of Canada, being Part I of chapter 155 of "The Revised Statutes of Canada, 1906," and entitled "An Act respecting the Extradition of Fugitive Criminals," shall continue in force there, and no longer. ALMERIC FITZROY. BRITISH NOTIFICATION respecting the Denunciation by Honduras of the Commercial Treaty of January 21, 1887, with the United Kingdom. London, October 25, 1909.* Foreign Office, October 25, 1909. His Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs has received a telegram from His Majesty's Minister at Guatemala, stating that the Government of Honduras has denounced the Commercial Treaty between the United Kingdom and Honduras, of January 21st, 1887.† The Treaty will accordingly terminate on October 6th, 1910. ACCESSIONS and Withdrawal of British Colonies to and from the International Sanitary Convention.-Signed at Paris, December 3, 1903.‡ The following have acceded : Commonwealth of Australia (1909). Falkland Islands (1908). India (1908).§ Jamaica acceded in 1908 and withdrew in 1910. Foreign Office, March 31, 1910.|| • "London Gazette," October 26, 1909. The operimithile Treaty has been extended and is now in force until April Exchange of Notes of April 3-8, 1912. (Editor's note, June 1912.) † Vol. LXXXIX, page 1121. With reservations. ‡ Vol. XCVIL || "Treaty Series |